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Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:24:18 AM EDT
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Collectively, we asked for these changes via the poll and discussion in the Gunwrtr ban thread.  We asked for clearer definitions, but also for more leeway by letting warnings expire.
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No kidding, we've been asking for these rules changes for years.

People have been complaining about uneven moderation and no way to appeal since I first joined.

And every time_somone jumps in a thread and makes it all about them the common refrain is "why don't the mods do something about these trolls?"

Well, now they're doing something about it.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:25:20 AM EDT
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GD never ceases to amaze me.  Everyone bitches about the trolls running unchecked, demand changes.....They try to make changes to enforce the trolls and everyone is now bitching that it's now the end of GD because of the changes.  https://www.ar15.com/images/smilies/anim_lol.gif
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When a place makes up new rules to cover up shitty enforcement of the old rules its never a good sign.

We'll see if ARF breaks the chain.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:26:35 AM EDT
New rules or not, GD isn’t getting any better.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:27:08 AM EDT
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Historically how has that worked out on other sites?
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Most "other sites" in the firearms communities are garbage piles anyway.  Most are too tight a focus on a subject, so you end up with an insular crowd that is happy to engage in a continuous circle jerk/echo chamber.  I'd say AKFiles and TheAKForum are probably the best of the other firearms sites that I peruse anymore.  They have general discussion areas, but the membership doesn't get out of control.  I don't participate on TOS.

One of the best approaches I've seen is how Something Awful does it.  Or at least, used to do it, I'm not active over there anymore.  They were a General Bullshit forum where it was pretty tightly moderated and you could get banned for breaking the rules.  They added FYAD (Fuck You And Die) later on to have the edgier/anarchic discussion area.  Fairly hands off, post-at-your-own-risk, anything goes.  I guess folks wanted more happy anarchy, so they added BYOB after that, which was lighter in tone but still without all the rules.  Folks gravitated to where they were happiest posting.  Stuff would leak (GB2GBS!), but then you got banned for it so it was pretty self-regulating at some point.

Their banning system worked differently than ours, where you could get a timeout for X hours/days for breaking the rules, or it could upgrade to a ban for a more serious infraction or repeated minor ones.  For $20, the cost of creatign an account, you could unban yourself.  Go ahead, be an asshole, but it'll cost you.  Any site upgrades that you purchased would get reset with a ban as well, so you'd have to re-buy those as well.  Eventually if you couldn't cope with the rules or just existed to disrupt the site, you were hit with a permaban where you're gone, done, finito.  There were also special bans for special problems like hellbans.  You didn't want that.    I felt like the system worked pretty well.  In the ten years I was active, I never caught a ban.  Could it work here?  I think so, it puts personal accountability into the users' hands.  Be a dick, it'll cost you $20 everytime.  But then everyone will get all "muh posting entitlement!" and accuse the mods for being unfair and trying to drum up money for the site.

But this isn't SA.  This is ARF.  GD needs cleaned up.  Maybe add an ARFChan forum where anything goes.  Team remains the martinis and monocles area, and GD is the rough-around-the-edges wild west.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:28:11 AM EDT
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For every post I edit I get $1.00 on a Brownells gift card.
For every warning I give I get $3.00 on a Brownells gift card.
For every person I help ban I get $5.00 on a Brownells gift card.

I have already made $24.00 today.

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I, for one, welcome our new CoC overlords...
Of course you do
For every post I edit I get $1.00 on a Brownells gift card.
For every warning I give I get $3.00 on a Brownells gift card.
For every person I help ban I get $5.00 on a Brownells gift card.

I have already made $24.00 today.

You know that report button has been hit on this post an there's serious buthurt.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:29:49 AM EDT
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Let me know when you start your own so I can come over and partake in freedom.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:30:42 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:30:46 AM EDT
Sounds like the No Fun Police are suiting up and ready for deployment.

Changes coming to the COC.
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I hope topics get moved to the right forum.

Got a build question? Move that thread to the armory.

Jesus is awesome! Cool story, thread moved to the religion forum.

I've been around since 01' and this site has gone way downhill.

Before anyone asks, I've been sent overseas a few times and over almost 20 years I never remember my logins after going away for months at a time and I just start a new account.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:30:59 AM EDT
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Somewhere, in a dank basement, someone is SCREECHING


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For every post I edit I get $1.00 on a Brownells gift card.
For every warning I give I get $3.00 on a Brownells gift card.
For every person I help ban I get $5.00 on a Brownells gift card.

I have already made $24.00 today.

Somewhere, in a dank basement, someone is SCREECHING


Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:31:35 AM EDT
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New rules or not, GD isn't getting any better.
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Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:32:17 AM EDT
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Let me know when you start your own so I can come over and partake in freedom.
Lol. Apropos.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:33:35 AM EDT

Why can’t you just make another sub in team area?
You already have a tits and ass forum, you could just make a nsfw Wild West one.
It could be a medium between GD and the pit.

I enjoy arfcom for the shenanigans and would like to see them continue.
You can keep the GD public area snowflake friendly, and the busiest attraction of the site gets to live on.

It could also increase revenue for team members.
I don’t pay every year to go to the tech forums.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:33:37 AM EDT
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friendly for all....sounds like SJW communism to me...
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:33:58 AM EDT
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Before anyone asks, I've been sent overseas a few times and over almost 20 years I never remember my logins after going away for months at a time and I just start a new account.
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Hmm sounds like the same thing McUzi or AntiUSSA would say.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:34:11 AM EDT
Personally I don’t believe brownels has zero to do with new CoC implementations. Even if they are silent so far it’s understood brownels needs a family friendly environment before they can implement themselves into their investment.

Attacks and CoC violations are not exclusive to gd. Good luck painting a website like this vanilla and retaining the reason it was even attractive for investment in the first place. But that’s usually known going in, and hopes are the balls rolling good enough to make it up the hill ahead.

This happens all the time with websites.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:34:48 AM EDT
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One down!
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:35:22 AM EDT
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Hmm sounds like the same thing McUzi or AntiUSSA would say.
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Before anyone asks, I've been sent overseas a few times and over almost 20 years I never remember my logins after going away for months at a time and I just start a new account.
Hmm sounds like the same thing McUzi or AntiUSSA would say.
Or Amanita or Sgtar15 or Hielo. Been a lot of retreads.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:37:05 AM EDT
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Hmm sounds like the same thing McUzi or AntiUSSA would say.
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I don't think banned members would ever come back.... never.

Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:37:30 AM EDT
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I agree.
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good. We need it. This place has turned into a mess lately.
I agree.
I use to reccomend this place to new shooters and friends,  but quit doing that a long time ago.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:40:01 AM EDT
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I use to reccomend this place to new shooters and friends,  but quit doing that a long time ago.
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It's a great place for new shooters to learn...just stay in the tech forums.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:41:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:42:20 AM EDT

People who act like toddlers be mad when they get treated like toddlers.

If people could act like adults, there would be no need for a COC or moderators.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:42:52 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:43:37 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:44:15 AM EDT
Anyone who has been here long enough knows this website has been going downhill for a while now.  I'm sure this new Brownells COC will just be another step in the wrong direction.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:45:14 AM EDT
Posting on an internet discussion forum is only a mild form of entertainment and should never be taken seriously.

The thing about ARFCOM is that it has such a large membership that you get all kinds of people posting.  Idiots, smart people, clowns, serious, etc.

Some people want to troll, others want a serious discussion and others just want to clown around.

I mean we have had multiple 20 page threads on if chili should have beans in it or not.  Really?

Moderating this site is probably like herding cats.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:45:58 AM EDT
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Bingo. Just like everywhere else hurt feels are more important than free thought
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So gun guys and people with real world experience will continue to be banned for being rough around the edges while leftists and general internet weirdos that can follow the letter of the law while inciting responses will continue to be coddled?
Bingo. Just like everywhere else hurt feels are more important than free thought
Change in CoC may result in my requiring a pro-rated refund on my site membership. Depends on how they handle things.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:46:51 AM EDT
Not really a change to the rules - just better application and an appeal process, with more Mods sharing the burden.

Don't see any real issues.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:47:04 AM EDT
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What if I said these discussions have been carried on for years and various attempts were made but volunteers lose interest and without strong leadership the ability to maintain the momentum just isn't there.

The current, I hate to use "attempt" because this one is already much different, but the current attempt started back in late 2018 and you are just now seeing the public part of it.

You can blame it on Brownells and I'm sure no one will care, but this is a result of the management listening to the members and attempting to make changes that hopefully would be better and not worst.
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Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:47:24 AM EDT
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Those are probably the most conniving and backstabbing people you’ll ever meet.

GD would do well to engage in the politic that happens at gram grams knitting circle.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:48:10 AM EDT
GD is turning into a safe space.  No surprise there.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:49:14 AM EDT
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Anyone who has been here long enough knows this website has been going downhill for a while now.  I'm sure this new Brownells COC will just be another step in the wrong direction.
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So the site attempting to improve moderation, setting up a better appeals process for those who get in trouble, and attempt to better control the commies and trolls is a bad thing?
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:49:30 AM EDT
The only issue I see with it is that the only person that should be able to report an insult is the one that the insult is directed at.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:49:59 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:51:27 AM EDT
Why so serious? GD is a step above 4chan. I honestly read most threads for hilarious replies. Insults can be funny.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:52:13 AM EDT
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So the site attempting to improve moderation, setting up a better appeals process for those who get in trouble, and attempt to better control the commies and trolls is a bad thing?
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You can stop at any time now, the powers to be know you want to be a mod. The butt smooching is a bit obvious.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:52:16 AM EDT
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GD is turning into a safe space.  No surprise there.
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Does Midwayusa have a forum?
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:52:31 AM EDT
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Personally I don’t believe brownels has zero to do with new CoC implementations. Even if they are silent so far it’s understood brownels needs a family friendly environment before they can implement themselves into their investment.

Attacks and CoC violations are not exclusive to gd. Good luck painting a website like this vanilla and retaining the reason it was even attractive for investment in the first place. But that’s usually known going in, and hopes are the balls rolling good enough to make it up the hill ahead.

This happens all the time with websites.
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The timing of all this sure is interesting. A coincidence? Perhaps. But man, doesn’t look good.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:52:49 AM EDT
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This thread is hilarious. People are going off the rails with virtually no information and are so completely wrong. One of two things is happening:
1) We are bowing to our Brownell overlords contrary to everything that we've been saying and are prepared to completety change Arfcom into some mindless corporate entity and every staff member has been lying to you; or
2) It's just like TBS has stated in that thread and we're on one of our periodic quests to try to clean up/improve GD.

Everyone put on your big boy pants and play the "what is more likely" game using your critical reasoning skills.
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Taking the GD out of GD is gonna make it better?

Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:52:53 AM EDT
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Let me know when you start your own so I can come over and partake in freedom.
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So much for a forum that supports freedom.
Let me know when you start your own so I can come over and partake in freedom.
AR14+1.com should be live next week.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:52:58 AM EDT
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This thread is hilarious. People are going off the rails with virtually no information and are so completely wrong. One of two things is happening:
1) We are bowing to our Brownell overlords contrary to everything that we've been saying and are prepared to completety change Arfcom into some mindless corporate entity and every staff member has been lying to you; or
2) It's just like TBS has stated in that thread and we're on one of our periodic quests to try to clean up/improve GD.

Everyone put on your big boy pants and play the "what is more likely" game using your critical reasoning skills.
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That appeal is a losing proposition.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:53:39 AM EDT
So sorry for hurting anyone's feelz.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:53:47 AM EDT
Can we have a monthly, Survivor-style "vote them off the island" rule?
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:54:21 AM EDT
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What if I said these discussions have been carried on for years and various attempts were made but volunteers lose interest and without strong leadership the ability to maintain the momentum just isn't there.

The current, I hate to use "attempt" because this one is already much different, but the current attempt started back in late 2018 and you are just now seeing the public part of it.

You can blame it on Brownells and I'm sure no one will care, but this is a result of the management listening to the members and attempting to make changes that hopefully would be better and not worst.
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Nope. I refuse to believe you. No way this didn't happen overnight on Brownell's orders.

Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:54:22 AM EDT
Political Correctness Police already being brought in. Nobody saw that coming
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:55:09 AM EDT
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This thread is hilarious. People are going off the rails with virtually no information and are so completely wrong. One of two things is happening:
1) We are bowing to our Brownell overlords contrary to everything that we've been saying and are prepared to completety change Arfcom into some mindless corporate entity and every staff member has been lying to you; or
2) It's just like TBS has stated in that thread and we're on one of our periodic quests to try to clean up/improve GD.

Everyone put on your big boy pants and play the "what is more likely" game using your critical reasoning skills.
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Well that's it, Brownells is going to run the place into the ground. Per Zhukov. Thanks, man for letting us know the real reason.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:55:48 AM EDT
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Everyone put on your big boy pants and play the "what is more likely" game using your critical reasoning skills.
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GD =/= Logic
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:56:02 AM EDT
I wonder if this means I can't post Rogueboss meme's anymore?

Ive got a great new one I haven't had a good opportunity to use yet.  

Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:56:07 AM EDT
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You can stop at any time now, the powers to be know you want to be a mod. The butt smooching is a bit obvious.
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I shit post too much to be a mod. Not happening.
Link Posted: 7/30/2019 11:56:14 AM EDT
I'm sure it's intended to be a change for the better and I hope it turns out that way.

But if not, there are other forums. Also, forum software is free and hosting is cheap. It might even be lucrative if Big Brother scares or pisses off enough of the other advertisers.
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