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Link Posted: 8/4/2022 1:25:54 PM EDT
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She's SoS. she is responsible for the election machine in AZ. I'm pretty sure she'll fall back on her being held to an impossible standard because she is a female.

Things have turned to shit all over AZ. Did they have the problems before Hobbs was in charge?
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Hobbs failed to get enough Republican ballots to voting sites on election day. A whole lot of not doing her job correctly.

Is that her job?
Pretty sure, it's the responsibility of the County Recorder.


She's SoS. she is responsible for the election machine in AZ. I'm pretty sure she'll fall back on her being held to an impossible standard because she is a female.

Things have turned to shit all over AZ. Did they have the problems before Hobbs was in charge?

So, all the other Counties got it right, knew their voter precinct patterns, had plenty of Republican ballots, but just not Pinal: and that's Hobbs' fault: Got it.
I don't like Hobbs at all, but all of the problems in Pinal County fall all on the Pinal County Recorder, and her Office.

Link Posted: 8/4/2022 2:11:12 PM EDT
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There should be no early voting, or mail in voting.

If you can't get to a voting place on voting day, whether you are military, on business etc, it does not matter.

Voter ID, vote on voting day, at the poll.

Nothing else is acceptable.

I know it is not a popular opinion, but this is the only answer.
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If your winning strategy depends on people not voting you might need to rethink your platform.  

I'm not against early voting and mail in voting. We can make it more secure but it isn't the fraud machine people think here.  The GOP needs to focus more time on getting mail in voters and the people who don't normally vote and actually having a popular platform because more convenient voting isn't going anywhere.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 2:15:46 PM EDT
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How fucking corrupt and/or stupid do you have to be to not have a bare minimum of one ballot for every registered voter.

The amount of shit out government wastes untold sums of money on, and yet they can't manage to have enough ballots.

What a joke.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 2:16:39 PM EDT
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When do you think mail-in and early votes actually get counted?
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A) Early voting is 100% bullshit and should not be legal.

B) Voting early lets the cheaters know how many votes they need to find ahead of time.

When do you think mail-in and early votes actually get counted?

Because clearly, the mail ins don't have addresses on them and the people employed in the voting process have NO idea at ALL what republican and democrat voter's addresses are.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 2:21:50 PM EDT
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There should be no early voting, or mail in voting.

If you can't get to a voting place on voting day, whether you are military, on business etc, it does not matter.

Voter ID, vote on voting day, at the poll.

Nothing else is acceptable.

I know it is not a popular opinion, but this is the only answer.
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Not popular?

Well, I agree, aside from let the military vote.

Make election day election DAY. Make it a state/federal holiday. Make it illegal to add any votes after that election day. If you get on line at closing time at the voting place, that's it, nobody after you.  Make it harder to cheat. When people start showing up in huge hordes at the end of night to get on line, or votes get intentionally thrown out, investigate, and when bad actions are proven, strip the voting rights of the bad actors and permanently ban them for life from any participation in the voting process.

Lets not even argue about the voting software / machines. Get rid of them and ban them. They are too easy to cheat on by the mere fact that they are computers with software. Full stop. Closest we should get are optical scanners with firmware, and the ability to flash the firmware should be removed in the factory. Make it where you have to destroy them to access the firmware flash ability.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 2:25:27 PM EDT
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How fucking corrupt and/or stupid do you have to be to not have a bare minimum of one ballot for every registered voter.

The amount of shit out government wastes untold sums of money on, and yet they can't manage to have enough ballots.

What a joke.
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Yet somehow they had 10 million "I voted" stickers ready to go. Priorities.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 2:27:13 PM EDT
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Telling people to vote in person on election day is still as stupid as it was when Trump was pushing it.  That doesn't mean I support early voting but that is the reality we live in and it needs to be utilized instead of rejected.  Early voting makes it easier for people to get their ballot in.  Making a task easier to complete increases participation.  By telling people to only vote in person on election day she reduced the number of votes she got.  Maybe only by a negligible amount or maybe by enough to clearly cost her the election.  There are times where elections are won by what is usually considered a negligible margin.  

Ballot shortages, broken machines, sharpies that bleed through, traffic, limited time, bad weather...etc are all things that prevent people from voting in person on election day.
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Supposedly [Lake] encouraged her supporters to vote in person on election day. Wife and I voted this morning, and at least one of our ballots was not counted.

Telling people to vote in person on election day is still as stupid as it was when Trump was pushing it.  That doesn't mean I support early voting but that is the reality we live in and it needs to be utilized instead of rejected.  Early voting makes it easier for people to get their ballot in.  Making a task easier to complete increases participation.  By telling people to only vote in person on election day she reduced the number of votes she got.  Maybe only by a negligible amount or maybe by enough to clearly cost her the election.  There are times where elections are won by what is usually considered a negligible margin.  

Ballot shortages, broken machines, sharpies that bleed through, traffic, limited time, bad weather...etc are all things that prevent people from voting in person on election day.

I don't want increased participation. That is a NEGATIVE.

In the choice between the corruption we have seen over and over and over and over again, and people not being able to mail in / early vote / get provisional ballots because they aren't voting where they should / registering every warm body with a pulse to expand the rolls to make fraud harder to find / and the general laughable "security" of mailed ballots ... yeah, NO.

Not worth it. These things have been thoroughly weaponized by bureaucrats, activists, and criminal elements.

If you can't get down to vote in person on election DAY, than no, it's not worth *leaving our election system open to subversion and destruction* to let you vote.  For the overwhelming majority of people it is not hard to get down to the precinct and vote.  

The juice is NOT worth the "but I want to be accommodating" squeeze.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 2:27:49 PM EDT
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Some people need to go work at Burger King.
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Wait, you want people to get food poisoning?!?!?!

What's wrong with you man!
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 2:28:33 PM EDT
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Because clearly, the mail ins don't have addresses on them and the people employed in the voting process have NO idea at ALL what republican and democrat voter's addresses are.
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Link Posted: 8/4/2022 2:42:58 PM EDT
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There should be no early voting, or mail in voting.

If you can't get to a voting place on voting day, whether you are military, on business etc, it does not matter.

Voter ID, vote on voting day, at the poll.

Nothing else is acceptable.

I know it is not a popular opinion, but this is the only answer.
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I don’t understand the hate for early in person voting.  The shenanigans seem to be with mail in and I believe voting should be in person.  But having several days to go vote instead of one only increases participation.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 2:45:22 PM EDT
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I don’t understand the hate for early in person voting.  The shenanigans seem to be with mail in and I believe voting should be in person.  But having several days to go vote instead of one only increases participation.
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increasing participation is not a good thing. Most people are stupid.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 2:45:37 PM EDT
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I don’t understand the hate for early in person voting.  The shenanigans seem to be with mail in and I believe voting should be in person.  But having several days to go vote instead of one only increases participation.
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Please provide links to research that shows early voting increases participation.

There is plenty of data showing the opposite is true.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 2:46:48 PM EDT
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Because clearly, the mail ins don't have addresses on them and the people employed in the voting process have NO idea at ALL what republican and democrat voter's addresses are.



you see where it says sign and date the back of the envelope? how do you think they know who's signature to check?
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 2:48:52 PM EDT
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I don’t understand the hate for early in person voting.  The shenanigans seem to be with mail in and I believe voting should be in person.  But having several days to go vote instead of one only increases participation.
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There should be no early voting, or mail in voting.

If you can't get to a voting place on voting day, whether you are military, on business etc, it does not matter.

Voter ID, vote on voting day, at the poll.

Nothing else is acceptable.

I know it is not a popular opinion, but this is the only answer.

I don’t understand the hate for early in person voting.  The shenanigans seem to be with mail in and I believe voting should be in person.  But having several days to go vote instead of one only increases participation.

they know who's voted early and they know the party affiliation. therefore it's a fairly safe bet to know how many R votes an d votes there are before election day
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 2:49:11 PM EDT
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Because clearly, the mail ins don't have addresses on them and the people employed in the voting process have NO idea at ALL what republican and democrat voter's addresses are.



You think there's no reasonable way to know where that came from.

That's funny.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 3:01:42 PM EDT
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You think there's no reasonable way to know where that came from.

That's funny.
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If the elections staff can just magically make ballots and vote counts whatever they want, then the addresses signatures and everything else doesn't matter.

Regardless, the ballots don't get opened until they're counted.  But I'm sure there are plenty of elections staff sitting there at their desks steaming open mail in ballots to stuff them with secret votes for the non-MAGA candidates.

Link Posted: 8/4/2022 3:10:57 PM EDT
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If the elections staff can just magically make ballots and vote counts whatever they want, then the addresses signatures and everything else doesn't matter.

Regardless, the ballots don't get opened until they're counted.  But I'm sure there are plenty of elections staff sitting there at their desks steaming open mail in ballots to stuff them with secret votes for the non-MAGA candidates.

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You think there's no reasonable way to know where that came from.

That's funny.

If the elections staff can just magically make ballots and vote counts whatever they want, then the addresses signatures and everything else doesn't matter.

Regardless, the ballots don't get opened until they're counted.  But I'm sure there are plenty of elections staff sitting there at their desks steaming open mail in ballots to stuff them with secret votes for the non-MAGA candidates.

The hundreds and thousands of poll workers nationwide must be getting paid really well for risking prison time and ALL of them being able to keep this a secret. Lol

My position on fraud is the claims are generally ridiculous.  There's be proof all over the place of it because people are stupid. Thousands of people are even more stupid.
If elections are rigged it's at such a high level of authority in our government that there is no chance we'd ever prove it and EVERY election has been rigged including the one trump won which would make voting pointless.

I believe this fraud bullshit hurts the GOP because enough idiots will believe it and not bother voting.  Facts are the more poor and hardworking people are able to vote due to early mail in voting and the GOP doesn't spend enough time catering to those voters so they will lose more elections if more people vote if they don't adapt their platform

Link Posted: 8/4/2022 3:18:17 PM EDT
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Wait, you want people to get food poisoning?!?!?!

What's wrong with you man!
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Food poisoning < Republic poisoning
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 3:19:14 PM EDT
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The hundreds and thousands of poll workers nationwide must be getting paid really well for risking prison time and ALL of them being able to keep this a secret. Lol

My position on fraud is the claims are generally ridiculous.  There's be proof all over the place of it because people are stupid. Thousands of people are even more stupid.
If elections are rigged it's at such a high level of authority in our government that there is no chance we'd ever prove it and EVERY election has been rigged including the one trump won which would make voting pointless.

I believe this fraud bullshit hurts the GOP because enough idiots will believe it and not bother voting.  Facts are the more poor and hardworking people are able to vote due to early mail in voting and the GOP doesn't spend enough time catering to those voters so they will lose more elections if more people vote if they don't adapt their platform

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Nobody is risking shit for prison time
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 3:24:02 PM EDT
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Nobody is risking shit for prison time
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The hundreds and thousands of poll workers nationwide must be getting paid really well for risking prison time and ALL of them being able to keep this a secret. Lol

My position on fraud is the claims are generally ridiculous.  There's be proof all over the place of it because people are stupid. Thousands of people are even more stupid.
If elections are rigged it's at such a high level of authority in our government that there is no chance we'd ever prove it and EVERY election has been rigged including the one trump won which would make voting pointless.

I believe this fraud bullshit hurts the GOP because enough idiots will believe it and not bother voting.  Facts are the more poor and hardworking people are able to vote due to early mail in voting and the GOP doesn't spend enough time catering to those voters so they will lose more elections if more people vote if they don't adapt their platform

Nobody is risking shit for prison time

There was video evidence of fuckers loading mystery ballots out of some Democrats truck AFTER the Republican observers were told to go home. Counting was done until the next day.

There were literally thousands of example of shit just like that but social media made it vanish.

Link Posted: 8/4/2022 3:27:05 PM EDT
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Please provide links to research that shows early voting increases participation.

There is plenty of data showing the opposite is true.
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I’ve not seen any research, I’m going off of my experience and my family/friends experience.  It’s counter intuitive that more folks would stand in blocks long lines on Election Day rather than stopping in on a leisurely Saturday on the way to Walmart.  But you STILL have to take your physical ass there, show ID, under the scrutiny of other real, live human beings.

I don’t think voting should be as easy as sending in a coupon for a magazine subscription like the left wants.  Making it easier to PHYSICALLY be there is the way.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 3:28:16 PM EDT
Yep, just like the "We gotta close early, observers get out" then going on to count and count and count in Georgia.  I am now told my lying eyes didn't see it.

"Risk going to jail"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wake the fuck up and look around you dense SOBs.  Democrats haven't been going to jail for blatantly illegal shit for going on a fucking decade now.  Take that god damned bullshit and peddle to someone else.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 3:32:39 PM EDT
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If the elections staff can just magically make ballots and vote counts whatever they want, then the addresses signatures and everything else doesn't matter.
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You think there's no reasonable way to know where that came from.

That's funny.

If the elections staff can just magically make ballots and vote counts whatever they want, then the addresses signatures and everything else doesn't matter.

Why, thank you for pointing out one of the reasons why mail in voting is stupid and should not be done.  I want it to to be where the election staff CAN'T toss out ballots from republican areas/addresses.

I want it to be that the vote count process should be transparent and hard to subvert.

Regardless, the ballots don't get opened until they're counted.  But I'm sure there are plenty of elections staff sitting there at their desks steaming open mail in ballots to stuff them with secret votes for the non-MAGA candidates.

Ignoring the fact that it's not smart to presume there is no way to know what address the ballots came from (clearly, our mailing system isn't built to track mail ), you don't have to steam the envelopes open. You'd make a lousy democrat operative, if that's all you could think of.

Someone has to choose where to place the ballot drops. Someone has to go pick them up. They can, and reasonably will know which drops they came from. Just these factors alone leave the mail in voting system wide open to gaming and subversion.

The mere fact that the system is more easily subverted when we have a system that can reasonably be made harder to subvert rules out the legitimacy of mail in ballots.  

With early voting you have the votes being stored for who knows how long, giving bad actors time to think of and enact a way to subvert them.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 3:35:10 PM EDT
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Yep, just like the "We gotta close early, observers get out" then going on to count and count and count in Georgia.  I am now told my lying eyes didn't see it.

"Risk going to jail"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wake the fuck up and look around you dense SOBs.  Democrats haven't been going to jail for blatantly illegal shit for going on a fucking decade now.  Take that god damned bullshit and peddle to someone else.
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In a big way.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 3:40:13 PM EDT
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The hundreds and thousands of poll workers nationwide must be getting paid really well for risking prison time and ALL of them being able to keep this a secret. Lol
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You think there's no reasonable way to know where that came from.

That's funny.

If the elections staff can just magically make ballots and vote counts whatever they want, then the addresses signatures and everything else doesn't matter.

Regardless, the ballots don't get opened until they're counted.  But I'm sure there are plenty of elections staff sitting there at their desks steaming open mail in ballots to stuff them with secret votes for the non-MAGA candidates.

The hundreds and thousands of poll workers nationwide must be getting paid really well for risking prison time and ALL of them being able to keep this a secret. Lol

Yes, they are.

No more mean tweets. They had four years of absolute grating misery of having their precious stupid religion not being implemented the way they wanted and they had to put up with a boor that told them they were bad people and t heir religion was false and evil and he went out of his way to rub their faces it in.

They were so traumatized by the evil orange getting elected that they broke friend and close family and business ties over it, and did an insane amount of work building mental and emotional self protection structures for themselves.

My position on fraud is the claims are generally ridiculous.  There's be proof all over the place of it because people are stupid. Thousands of people are even more stupid.
If elections are rigged it's at such a high level of authority in our government that there is no chance we'd ever prove it and EVERY election has been rigged including the one trump won which would make voting pointless.

Are you saying your position is claims of election fraud - any or all of them - are always ridiculous?

You don't have to have any central mr. big evil or group to have this stuff happen.

All you have to have are a bunch of people who think alike AND hate the guts of the person on the ballot AND who, bonus, would be traumatized if he got elected again, involved in the system.

There IS evidence of that. In fact, we have testimony from people involved in the election training in some of the hotly contested areas that talked about how the trainers and trainees openly exhibited exactly that kind of hatred towards others for being republicans. They bloody well CHEERED in one of the vote counting places in (detroit?, I forget exactly which one) every time the sleaze running the place managed to get a not-democrat observer tossed out.
I believe this fraud bullshit hurts the GOP because enough idiots will believe it and not bother voting.  Facts are the more poor and hardworking people are able to vote due to early mail in voting and the GOP doesn't spend enough time catering to those voters so they will lose more elections if more people vote if they don't adapt their platform

Oh look. You say you believe the repubs are subverted because they don't belive in another democrat party playbook thing.

After a certain point, it doesn't matter how you're registered, act like a duck, quack like a duck, fly, swim, and eat like a duck, it won't matter if you've spray-painted yourself up as a swan.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 3:43:40 PM EDT
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There was video evidence of fuckers loading mystery ballots out of some Democrats truck AFTER the Republican observers were told to go home. Counting was done until the next day.

There were literally thousands of example of shit just like that but social media made it vanish.

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Oh I understand that.  Nobody is going to prison and nobody is risking prison.  The people who have the authority to investigate are criminally complicit and nothing will happen.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 3:45:39 PM EDT
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The hundreds and thousands of poll workers nationwide must be getting paid really well for risking prison time and ALL of them being able to keep this a secret. Lol

My position on fraud is the claims are generally ridiculous.  There's be proof all over the place of it because people are stupid. Thousands of people are even more stupid.
If elections are rigged it's at such a high level of authority in our government that there is no chance we'd ever prove it and EVERY election has been rigged including the one trump won which would make voting pointless.

I believe this fraud bullshit hurts the GOP because enough idiots will believe it and not bother voting.  Facts are the more poor and hardworking people are able to vote due to early mail in voting and the GOP doesn't spend enough time catering to those voters so they will lose more elections if more people vote if they don't adapt their platform

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All you need to know is that there are many instances where poll watchers were not permitted to do their job.  That is illegal.  In criminal law that is called intent.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 3:49:30 PM EDT
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All you need to know is that there are many instances where poll watchers were not permitted to do their job.  That is illegal.  In criminal law that is called intent.
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Yes but the courts wouldn't give them standing or said no harm had been done, so they couldn't get to discovery.

In those cases where discovery was supposed to happen,  we watched the fraudsters slow walk things, act exactly like they were destroying evidence, produce erased computer hardware, and just flat out refuse to comply.

Because, you know, nothing at all could have happened, and the republicans are stupid and running away their voters by trying to investigate these things.

Tomorrow we'll be stupid and running away our voters by not being accepting of a big statue of molech built in the center of town to sacrifice the abortions in.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 3:52:13 PM EDT
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I’ve not seen any research, I’m going off of my experience and my family/friends experience.  It’s counter intuitive that more folks would stand in blocks long lines on Election Day rather than stopping in on a leisurely Saturday on the way to Walmart.  But you STILL have to take your physical ass there, show ID, under the scrutiny of other real, live human beings.

I don’t think voting should be as easy as sending in a coupon for a magazine subscription like the left wants.  Making it easier to PHYSICALLY be there is the way.
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Do a little search.  You will find that most often total turnout is reduced as early voting is increased.

The only benefit to early voting is easier election administration.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 3:53:15 PM EDT
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There was video evidence of fuckers loading mystery ballots out of some Democrats truck AFTER the Republican observers were told to go home. Counting was done until the next day.

There were literally thousands of example of shit just like that but social media made it vanish.

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(X) Doubt
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 3:58:08 PM EDT
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Yes, they are.

No more mean tweets. They had four years of absolute grating misery of having their precious stupid religion not being implemented the way they wanted and they had to put up with a boor that told them they were bad people and t heir religion was false and evil and he went out of his way to rub their faces it in.

They were so traumatized by the evil orange getting elected that they broke friend and close family and business ties over it, and did an insane amount of work building mental and emotional self protection structures for themselves.

Are you saying your position is claims of election fraud - any or all of them - are always ridiculous?

You don't have to have any central mr. big evil or group to have this stuff happen.

All you have to have are a bunch of people who think alike AND hate the guts of the person on the ballot AND who, bonus, would be traumatized if he got elected again, involved in the system.

There IS evidence of that. In fact, we have testimony from people involved in the election training in some of the hotly contested areas that talked about how the trainers and trainees openly exhibited exactly that kind of hatred towards others for being republicans. They bloody well CHEERED in one of the vote counting places in (detroit?, I forget exactly which one) every time the sleaze running the place managed to get a not-democrat observer tossed out.

Oh look. You say you believe the repubs are subverted because they don't belive in another democrat party playbook thing.

After a certain point, it doesn't matter how you're registered, act like a duck, quack like a duck, fly, swim, and eat like a duck, it won't matter if you've spray-painted yourself up as a swan.
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You think there's no reasonable way to know where that came from.

That's funny.

If the elections staff can just magically make ballots and vote counts whatever they want, then the addresses signatures and everything else doesn't matter.

Regardless, the ballots don't get opened until they're counted.  But I'm sure there are plenty of elections staff sitting there at their desks steaming open mail in ballots to stuff them with secret votes for the non-MAGA candidates.

The hundreds and thousands of poll workers nationwide must be getting paid really well for risking prison time and ALL of them being able to keep this a secret. Lol

Yes, they are.

No more mean tweets. They had four years of absolute grating misery of having their precious stupid religion not being implemented the way they wanted and they had to put up with a boor that told them they were bad people and t heir religion was false and evil and he went out of his way to rub their faces it in.

They were so traumatized by the evil orange getting elected that they broke friend and close family and business ties over it, and did an insane amount of work building mental and emotional self protection structures for themselves.

My position on fraud is the claims are generally ridiculous.  There's be proof all over the place of it because people are stupid. Thousands of people are even more stupid.
If elections are rigged it's at such a high level of authority in our government that there is no chance we'd ever prove it and EVERY election has been rigged including the one trump won which would make voting pointless.

Are you saying your position is claims of election fraud - any or all of them - are always ridiculous?

You don't have to have any central mr. big evil or group to have this stuff happen.

All you have to have are a bunch of people who think alike AND hate the guts of the person on the ballot AND who, bonus, would be traumatized if he got elected again, involved in the system.

There IS evidence of that. In fact, we have testimony from people involved in the election training in some of the hotly contested areas that talked about how the trainers and trainees openly exhibited exactly that kind of hatred towards others for being republicans. They bloody well CHEERED in one of the vote counting places in (detroit?, I forget exactly which one) every time the sleaze running the place managed to get a not-democrat observer tossed out.
I believe this fraud bullshit hurts the GOP because enough idiots will believe it and not bother voting.  Facts are the more poor and hardworking people are able to vote due to early mail in voting and the GOP doesn't spend enough time catering to those voters so they will lose more elections if more people vote if they don't adapt their platform

Oh look. You say you believe the repubs are subverted because they don't belive in another democrat party playbook thing.

After a certain point, it doesn't matter how you're registered, act like a duck, quack like a duck, fly, swim, and eat like a duck, it won't matter if you've spray-painted yourself up as a swan.
Trump did fairly well focusing more of his campaign on working class people . Hell his position on trade is pretty much the pre Clinton union democrat trade platform.  

The GOP isn't offering realistic solutions for high prices of housing and healthcare..  they aren't offering realistic solutions to crime and poverty.  As more people start to vote the GOP needs to focus more on how their ideas benefit those people because if they don't the free shit from democrats sounds real good.

Link Posted: 8/4/2022 4:06:39 PM EDT
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Trump did fairly well focusing more of his campaign on working class people . Hell his position on trade is pretty much the pre Clinton union democrat trade platform.  

The GOP isn't offering realistic solutions for high prices of housing and healthcare..  they aren't offering realistic solutions to crime and poverty.  As more people start to vote the GOP needs to focus more on how their ideas benefit those people because if they don't the free      from democrats sounds real good.
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You think there's no reasonable way to know where that came from.

That's funny.

If the elections staff can just magically make ballots and vote counts whatever they want, then the addresses signatures and everything else doesn't matter.

Regardless, the ballots don't get opened until they're counted.  But I'm sure there are plenty of elections staff sitting there at their desks steaming open mail in ballots to stuff them with secret votes for the non-MAGA candidates.

The hundreds and thousands of poll workers nationwide must be getting paid really well for risking prison time and ALL of them being able to keep this a secret. Lol

Yes, they are.

No more mean tweets. They had four years of absolute grating misery of having their precious stupid religion not being implemented the way they wanted and they had to put up with a boor that told them they were bad people and t heir religion was false and evil and he went out of his way to rub their faces it in.

They were so traumatized by the evil orange getting elected that they broke friend and close family and business ties over it, and did an insane amount of work building mental and emotional self protection structures for themselves.

My position on fraud is the claims are generally ridiculous.  There's be proof all over the place of it because people are stupid. Thousands of people are even more stupid.
If elections are rigged it's at such a high level of authority in our government that there is no chance we'd ever prove it and EVERY election has been rigged including the one trump won which would make voting pointless.

Are you saying your position is claims of election fraud - any or all of them - are always ridiculous?

You don't have to have any central mr. big evil or group to have this stuff happen.

All you have to have are a bunch of people who think alike AND hate the guts of the person on the ballot AND who, bonus, would be traumatized if he got elected again, involved in the system.

There IS evidence of that. In fact, we have testimony from people involved in the election training in some of the hotly contested areas that talked about how the trainers and trainees openly exhibited exactly that kind of hatred towards others for being republicans. They bloody well CHEERED in one of the vote counting places in (detroit?, I forget exactly which one) every time the sleaze running the place managed to get a not-democrat observer tossed out.
I believe this fraud bullshit hurts the GOP because enough idiots will believe it and not bother voting.  Facts are the more poor and hardworking people are able to vote due to early mail in voting and the GOP doesn't spend enough time catering to those voters so they will lose more elections if more people vote if they don't adapt their platform

Oh look. You say you believe the repubs are subverted because they don't belive in another democrat party playbook thing.

After a certain point, it doesn't matter how you're registered, act like a duck, quack like a duck, fly, swim, and eat like a duck, it won't matter if you've spray-painted yourself up as a swan.
Trump did fairly well focusing more of his campaign on working class people . Hell his position on trade is pretty much the pre Clinton union democrat trade platform.  

The GOP isn't offering realistic solutions for high prices of housing and healthcare..  they aren't offering realistic solutions to crime and poverty.  As more people start to vote the GOP needs to focus more on how their ideas benefit those people because if they don't the free      from democrats sounds real good.

If you believe that, why do you have anything at all to do with conservative and republican politics here, or anywhere else?

So far the only things I have seen you offer in your "the gop is wrong" posts is "be democrats, don't have principals beyond win, at all costs."

The buy votes with other people's money army has been going since FDR's day, and got amplified by LBJ.  If what you were saying were true, I'd ask you "why does any party exist that isn't the one that says they will and DOES give away the most to their voters?"
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 4:13:04 PM EDT
Pinal County Elections Director is gone.
They're not saying if he was fired or resigned, but my guess is he was an at will employee, and suggest to resign in lieu of termination.

Link Posted: 8/4/2022 4:43:25 PM EDT
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Pinal County Elections Director is gone.
They're not saying if he was fired or resigned, but my guess is he was an at will employee, and suggest to resign in lieu of termination.

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I'm sure he'll walk into some sweet gig at a non-profit or leftist think tank
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 4:46:33 PM EDT
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Pinal County Elections Director is gone.
They're not saying if he was fired or resigned, but my guess is he was an at will employee, and suggest to resign in lieu of termination.

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Link Posted: 8/4/2022 4:51:52 PM EDT
This may get interesting.

Link Posted: 8/4/2022 5:43:07 PM EDT
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This may get interesting.

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Now to see if they dig  into the wound and get out all the necrotic dead flesh, IE the broken system.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 5:47:44 PM EDT
Won’t happen, Ross is part of the problem, and always has been.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 5:54:13 PM EDT
so did lake win yet?
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 5:57:22 PM EDT
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so did lake win yet?
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Count hasn’t moved since about 0200 on the third.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 6:19:25 PM EDT
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So, all the other Counties got it right, knew their voter precinct patterns, had plenty of Republican ballots, but just not Pinal: and that's Hobbs' fault: Got it.
I don't like Hobbs at all, but all of the problems in Pinal County fall all on the Pinal County Recorder, and her Office.

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Hobbs failed to get enough Republican ballots to voting sites on election day. A whole lot of not doing her job correctly.

Is that her job?
Pretty sure, it's the responsibility of the County Recorder.


She's SoS. she is responsible for the election machine in AZ. I'm pretty sure she'll fall back on her being held to an impossible standard because she is a female.

Things have turned to shit all over AZ. Did they have the problems before Hobbs was in charge?

So, all the other Counties got it right, knew their voter precinct patterns, had plenty of Republican ballots, but just not Pinal: and that's Hobbs' fault: Got it.
I don't like Hobbs at all, but all of the problems in Pinal County fall all on the Pinal County Recorder, and her Office.


Didn't the article say it happened in 20 counties?

Also, all those people bailed from the election office jobs because of shenanigans. It was a poorly run operation before and after all of the shit broke loose. Whether that was intentional...well...people love to hide behind their 'incompetence'...

Hobbs was tied up in all kinds of shady shit for 2020.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 6:22:05 PM EDT
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This may get interesting.

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Failing upwards.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 6:26:57 PM EDT
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This may get interesting.

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Might be why counting stopped
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 6:50:54 PM EDT
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Didn't the article say it happened in 20 counties?

Also, all those people bailed from the election office jobs because of shenanigans. It was a poorly run operation before and after all of the shit broke loose. Whether that was intentional...well...people love to hide behind their 'incompetence'...

Hobbs was tied up in all kinds of shady shit for 2020.
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If you're talking about Arizona, there aren't 20 counties in AZ, there's 15 total.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 6:51:44 PM EDT
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All you need to know is that there are many instances where poll watchers were not permitted to do their job.  That is illegal.  In criminal law that is called intent.
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Poll watching is meh, poll working is where it's at. I get paid, and more importantly I can't be thrown out if I see something being done that's not kosher, and if I complain about something being done wrong people actually take me seriously.

In fact I just got off the phone with a journalist regarding the Maricopa marker smearing issue, I was able to walk her through the problems and articulate the issues (and be taken seriously) precisely because I've done this in different jurisdictions.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 6:58:37 PM EDT
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If you believe that, why do you have anything at all to do with conservative and republican politics here, or anywhere else?

So far the only things I have seen you offer in your "the gop is wrong" posts is "be democrats, don't have principals beyond win, at all costs."

The buy votes with other people's money army has been going since FDR's day, and got amplified by LBJ.  If what you were saying were true, I'd ask you "why does any party exist that isn't the one that says they will and DOES give away the most to their voters?"
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GOP ideas that are right.  

Less government regulation. Lower tax rates. Less government spending.

Protection of constitutional rights (at least more of them than democrats are willing to protect)

That's pretty much it. The reason I vote for Republicans is those things are more important than the pile of social issues and policy they are wrong about

If they want majority votes when more of the country starts voting they need to add to that.  Perhaps campaigning on reducing waste and reinvesting in the things people actually want government doing such as I frastructure, energy production and public schools.

You know it's possible to be for less government but also focus more of what we do have where it's needed and campaign on how that will create more jobs and opportunity and less inflation. If trump wasn't such a douche bag cry baby a lot of his pro American worker platform was really good and he'd still be president right now.

Instead many Republicans want to focus on gays and abortions and things that bring out the bigots and religious nutjobs for social comment and make average people cringe

I want a more libertarian GOP. That is more focused on effective minimal government If I thought a more libertarian democrat party was an easier goal for the future I would have left the GOP a long time ago but I believe religion and social conservatism is dying and my generation will be able to bring about a more reasonable and freedom focused republican party that can win more elections and bring about more prosperity for Americans .

Sorry but you don't get to gatekeep the future. The younger Republicans are going to change things.  Get with the program. Fuck the poor, abortion ban, prohibition, anti gay, world police party has no future.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 9:30:00 PM EDT
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If your winning strategy depends on people not voting you might need to rethink your platform.  

I'm not against early voting and mail in voting. We can make it more secure but it isn't the fraud machine people think here.  The GOP needs to focus more time on getting mail in voters and the people who don't normally vote and actually having a popular platform because more convenient voting isn't going anywhere.
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There should be no early voting, or mail in voting.

If you can't get to a voting place on voting day, whether you are military, on business etc, it does not matter.

Voter ID, vote on voting day, at the poll.

Nothing else is acceptable.

I know it is not a popular opinion, but this is the only answer.
If your winning strategy depends on people not voting you might need to rethink your platform.  

I'm not against early voting and mail in voting. We can make it more secure but it isn't the fraud machine people think here.  The GOP needs to focus more time on getting mail in voters and the people who don't normally vote and actually having a popular platform because more convenient voting isn't going anywhere.

No, it's not the fraud machine people here think, it's actually considerably worse. It is the easiest fraud to perpetrate. This is particularly true since there is (a) no ID required, no/little signature verification, and once the outer envelope is separated from the ballot, there's no way to audit the result. More convenient voting will disappear once competent non-RINOs take control of the state legislatures.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 9:32:43 PM EDT
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I don’t understand the hate for early in person voting.  The shenanigans seem to be with mail in and I believe voting should be in person.  But having several days to go vote instead of one only increases participation.
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There should be no early voting, or mail in voting.

If you can't get to a voting place on voting day, whether you are military, on business etc, it does not matter.

Voter ID, vote on voting day, at the poll.

Nothing else is acceptable.

I know it is not a popular opinion, but this is the only answer.

I don’t understand the hate for early in person voting.  The shenanigans seem to be with mail in and I believe voting should be in person.  But having several days to go vote instead of one only increases participation.

Because multi-day in-person voting makes it easier for busloads of people to be taken from place to place to place each time same-day registering and voting. Election DAY is election DAY. Not days, not weeks.
Link Posted: 8/4/2022 9:33:21 PM EDT
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GOP ideas that are right.  

Less government regulation. Lower tax rates. Less government spending.

Protection of constitutional rights (at least more of them than democrats are willing to protect)

That's pretty much it. The reason I vote for Republicans is those things are more important than the pile of social issues and policy they are wrong about
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If you believe that, why do you have anything at all to do with conservative and republican politics here, or anywhere else?

So far the only things I have seen you offer in your "the gop is wrong" posts is "be democrats, don't have principals beyond win, at all costs."

The buy votes with other people's money army has been going since FDR's day, and got amplified by LBJ.  If what you were saying were true, I'd ask you "why does any party exist that isn't the one that says they will and DOES give away the most to their voters?"

GOP ideas that are right.  

Less government regulation. Lower tax rates. Less government spending.

Protection of constitutional rights (at least more of them than democrats are willing to protect)

That's pretty much it. The reason I vote for Republicans is those things are more important than the pile of social issues and policy they are wrong about
If you believe this, than why did you get so cranked up about roe getting struck down?

That was the federal government saying they didn't have the right to enforce that law on every state in the union. Did you WANT the federal government forcing people to live in states where murder was legal, when people DIDN'T want that? You say you're libertarian, so - do you believe in the principal of non-initiation of violence?

Which do you value more, if you believe what you say here and your reasons for saying it: That the feds should do things that will make it harder for dems could win, even if that involves abortion, or that the government should be as small as possible?
If they want majority votes when more of the country starts voting they need to add to that.
"When more of the country starts voting" - ????

What are you referring to?
 Perhaps campaigning on reducing waste and reinvesting in the things people actually want government doing such as I frastructure, energy production and public schools.

You know it's possible to be for less government but also focus more of what we do have where it's needed and campaign on how that will create more jobs and opportunity and less inflation. If trump wasn't such a douche bag cry baby a lot of his pro American worker platform was really good and he'd still be president right now.
I don't even want the government doing roads infrastructure or schools, man. Yes, you obsessively hate trump, we know, we've known, even the people who don't love trump and only grudgingly voted for him seem to have noticed.
Instead many Republicans want to focus on gays and abortions and things that bring out the bigots and religious nutjobs for social comment and make average people cringe

I want a more libertarian GOP. That is more focused on effective minimal government If I thought a more libertarian democrat party was an easier goal for the future I would have left the GOP a long time ago but I believe religion and social conservatism is dying and my generation will be able to bring about a more reasonable and freedom focused republican party that can win more elections and bring about more prosperity for Americans .

Sorry but you don't get to gatekeep the future. The younger Republicans are going to change things.  Get with the program.     the poor, abortion ban, prohibition, anti gay, world police party has no future.
Yeah ... uh, well, no republicans with meaningful positions of power at the state or federal level want to get within a hundred miles of realistically handling the problems of the homosexual powers that be, the only reason they're even touching on abortion is because, well, murdering the unborn because you want to get your junk wet or you want to use that to manpulate males is disgusting (and scotus just threw them a lot of political cover), etc.

If you genuinely think that social conservatives at large want to screw over the poor, you've decided to believe a lie and you are out of contact with reality. As for "more reasonable" - those words have a meaning. Your posts have not shown how what you say is based on good and necessary consequence, nor true premises. In other words, your argument making your conclusion unavoidable if your premises are true, and your premises being not-self refuting and not irrational (un-logical). What I have seen from your posts is a ton of hate and rage and "you're trash because you aren't like me" and a heaping dose of  "the end justifies the mean" and a utter silence on justifying (again, by good and necessary consequence) your positions.

You haven't exhibited you have anything more than rage and insult.

You think religion is dying ... well, that's just as ignorant as a box of rocks. All humans have religion, it is impossible for any human to not have religion. If you genuinely believe it is possible to not have religion, you are made a complete abject slave to that idea - you have already decided there can be nothing to contradict you. So when the leftist secularists want to enforce and practice their religion - for instance, their apocalyptic end-times theology of climate change, or their original sin idea based in racial essentialism, or their religous anthropology based on utterly racist and sexist bigoted categories ... you remove yourself from being able to see that it's a religion.   For example:   https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/weekly-standard/the-spiritual-shape-of-political-ideas

You can't see that lindsay is arguing you can't have CRT and intersectionalsm and queer theory inculcated in schools because it's a religion, but yet what he'd replace it with - would be another religion. You want you think is the *right* religion to be enforced, however it would be.

Libertarianism without any direction just undoes everything it touches by saying it's all bad because everything that exists requires boundaries and that they be enforced.  Until you grok that, your libertarianism will make you rage at everything.
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