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Link Posted: 10/1/2012 1:04:30 PM EDT
Many police officers have died because of people who think like you.

This.  Events of the last few decades have shown that police have to be ready to respond to virtually anything.  Beslan, Mumbai, Columbine, VT, the list goes on.

Given the outcomes at the locations mentioned, the record reflects that the police are not ready. They seem to be trying to replace practice and training with products and tac gear and it is not working.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 1:05:11 PM EDT





It's not their gear...it's the attitude behind it.

the gear follows the attitude.

Ever see a D.O.T. Enforcement wearing full 5.11 gear?

I have, and when I ask them why they need tacticool gear for dealing with fat sloppy truckers, they usually hand me some sort of violation award

I have little to no respect for non SWAT Cops that dress like that. Hell I dont care for 85% of LEO for that matter




The fucking Humanity!!!!!


My working uniform is a 5.11 polo or button down embroidered and 5.11 or tru-spec pants!

Why? because they are more comfortable and cost less than class A's with all the shiney shit and unless I'm actually working patrol I don't need a class A presence.


HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!! YOU GOT LEG POCKETS ON YOUR PANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes and I wear Danner Go Devil Boots with em.........ya skeered yet?

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 1:08:05 PM EDT



It's not their gear...it's the attitude behind it.

the gear follows the attitude.

Ever see a D.O.T. Enforcement wearing full 5.11 gear?
I have, and when I ask them why they need tacticool gear for dealing with fat sloppy truckers, they usually hand me some sort of violation award

I have little to no respect for non SWAT Cops that dress like that. Hell I dont care for 85% of LEO for that matter




The fucking Humanity!!!!!


My working uniform is a 5.11 polo or button down embroidered and 5.11 or tru-spec pants!

Why? because they are more comfortable and cost less than class A's with all the shiney shit and unless I'm actually working patrol I don't need a class A presence.


HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!! YOU GOT LEG POCKETS ON YOUR PANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes and I wear Danner Go Devil Boots with em.........ya skeered yet?  

I peed a bit and my rights are hiding under the couch

oh I forgot.........

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 1:09:54 PM EDT

This.  Events of the last few decades have shown that police have to be ready to respond to virtually anything.  Beslan, Mumbai, Columbine, VT, the list goes on.

Given the outcomes at the locations mentioned, the record reflects that the police are not ready. They seem to be trying to replace practice and training with products and tac gear and it is not working.

You can't really compare Beslan and Mumbai to VT and Columbine.

We have been truly truly truly fortunate thatw e have not had a Beslan or a Mumbai here. Very fortunate.

When they do happen, they'll most likely happen in a rural low population place with a  long LE resposne time, worked by LEOs whose chief insisted that "it'll never happen here" as a reason to not train his guys.

Some places in the US try harder to be prepared than others.

Population is no guarantee that the LEOs are any more prepared. Look at Extorris' old dept as an example of that
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 1:13:28 PM EDT



HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!! YOU GOT LEG POCKETS ON YOUR PANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes and I wear Danner Go Devil Boots with em.........ya skeered yet?  

I peed a bit and my rights are hiding under the couch

oh I forgot.........

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 1:15:55 PM EDT
11 pages............I'm sure covered in drool.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 1:18:30 PM EDT


My two cents nobody wants...

Taking some sort of offense as to what cops are dressing like is similar to getting all butt hurt over things like barrel shrouds, flash hiders and the color black on firearms.

I don't care at all what my rifle looks like, as long as it does its job.  

I don't care at all what my cops look like, as long as they do their job.

It's already been opined in this thread that Da PoPo shouldn't have EBR's or at least put wood grain furniture on them because of "perception."  

Fuck perception right in the ear.

(I know you don't agree with that sentiment. Just felt I needed to express that).
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 1:19:02 PM EDT
This.  Events of the last few decades have shown that police have to be ready to respond to virtually anything.  Beslan, Mumbai, Columbine, VT, the list goes on.

Given the outcomes at the locations mentioned, the record reflects that the police are not ready. They seem to be trying to replace practice and training with products and tac gear and it is not working.

You can't really compare Beslan and Mumbai to VT and Columbine.
We have been truly truly truly fortunate thatw e have not had a Beslan or a Mumbai here. Very fortunate.
When they do happen, they'll most likely happen in a rural low population place with a  long LE resposne time, worked by LEOs whose chief insisted that "it'll never happen here" as a reason to not train his guys.
Some places in the US try harder to be prepared than others.
Population is no guarantee that the LEOs are any more prepared. Look at Extorris' old dept as an example of that

I was talking with a buddy in ESU right after Mumbai and he said it would be a blood bath if an attack like that happened in NYC.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 1:20:02 PM EDT



I'm far more concerned about the Dept. of Agriculture, FDA, Postal Service, etc. having SWAT teams.  

When I was a kid, Officer Friendly stopped and harassed kids driving in town for trumped up bullshit reasons just like today.

Uniform has changed.  Probably not much else.  Too many no knocks, though.


Yep, if I was a police officer I would want every advantage afforded to me. I have no problem with it because I know the amount of dirtbags our there. However, the FDA, EPA, and etc. should not be carrying guns or even rape whistles.

Why not? Are they not citizens like everyone else? Generally, the only armed positions at those agencies are OIG positions. OIG investigates crimes committed by employees. I've always found it comforting to have a gun when interviewing someone that is alleged to have committed a crime.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 1:21:06 PM EDT
You own a plate carrier, pants with cargo pockets and an AR OP?

Do these guys? And I bet they could handle their shit.

Cept for when they have to respond to an active shooter armed with an AR or AK, multiple pistols, or a shotgun.

There is a reason for every single piece of gear that they are wearing.  Just because you don't even remotely understand what that gears uses are, doesn't make it unneccessary, just makes you ill informed.

Also, remember back at the beginning of Vietnam when our infantry guys didn't wear any body armor?  Remember how many men we lost in Vietnam?  If I use your logic, our military shouldn't use any of the new high tech gear either, it obviously doesn't have any purpose.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 1:21:42 PM EDT


HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!! YOU GOT LEG POCKETS ON YOUR PANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes and I wear Danner Go Devil Boots with em.........ya skeered yet?  

I peed a bit and my rights are hiding under the couch

oh I forgot.........



................my keyboard is sooooo fucked right now
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 1:23:09 PM EDT
This.  Events of the last few decades have shown that police have to be ready to respond to virtually anything.  Beslan, Mumbai, Columbine, VT, the list goes on.

Given the outcomes at the locations mentioned, the record reflects that the police are not ready. They seem to be trying to replace practice and training with products and tac gear and it is not working.

You can't really compare Beslan and Mumbai to VT and Columbine.
We have been truly truly truly fortunate thatw e have not had a Beslan or a Mumbai here. Very fortunate.
When they do happen, they'll most likely happen in a rural low population place with a  long LE resposne time, worked by LEOs whose chief insisted that "it'll never happen here" as a reason to not train his guys.
Some places in the US try harder to be prepared than others.
Population is no guarantee that the LEOs are any more prepared. Look at Extorris' old dept as an example of that

I was talking with a buddy in ESU right after Mumbai and he said it would be a blood bath if an attack like that happened in NYC.

I'm slightly amused and mostly sickened by the "it can't happen here" crowd.

They never seem to be able to explain why their locale is some magical place immune to terrorism (domestic or otherwise), active shooter situations, or societal unrest.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 1:23:55 PM EDT
No LEO should be allowed to own, carry, or otherwise possess anything that is illegal for Joe citizen to. No exemptions period.

In places like NYC, Shitcago, and CA, cops would be nothing more than meter maids with rape whistles. In Texas cops could only CCW. In VA they if they want to walk around OCing their pistol and AR15, have at it.

If you're worried about this rule having an adverse affected on LEO saftey, repeal your shit gun control laws.

I for one do not agree with most of gun control laws, however, you obviously don't understand how lawmaking works.  Cops don't create or repeal laws.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 1:24:41 PM EDT
You own a plate carrier, pants with cargo pockets and an AR OP?

Do these guys? And I bet they could handle their shit.

TDCJ Field Force....We call them..."The Cowboys".  They are rednecks, for real.

They do fine.  

They have everyone's respect.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 1:24:45 PM EDT



Not sure what it has to do with anything however.

Your argument that "an officer should look like an officer" makes no sense. Especially given the picture posted earlier in this thread of cops on bikes with mounted machine guns.

It's that sort of backward thinking that results in "officers with rifles are scary" and "uniforms shouldn't have pockets" and other such horseshit.

An officer should look like a PEACE officer not like a member of a Military division.

The real issue is some play dress and forget they are Public Servants.

I have to agree here.

I'm kinda partial to this look myself:

http://imageshack.us/a/img809/5275/texasrangers2.jpg http://www.aphf.org/oficyear.gif

Unpretentious, yet no nonsense.


I am not from TX, but those guys look sharp IMO.

Very professional.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 1:24:47 PM EDT
If my dad wanted a full Kevlar kit from his department, he could get it. If my dad wanted night vision from his department, he could get it. If he wanted an AR, all he has to do is sign on the dotted line.

But he's only given 50 rounds of ammunition a year to qualify with and carry.

Somehow I think priorities are getting screwed up.

Yep. It's a shame that training isn't as high of priority as gear.

In a perfect, non-GD retardfest world, they would have both.

Given the OP's initial post, I think a pertinent question would be why are departments spending all of their money on paramilitary gear and not on training when training has a greater impact on any given situation than gear?

The obvious answer is that departments have a love affair with "tacticoolness". So while the officer may have better gear, the public impression of police is that that they are well equipped morons, because they lack even a basic level of training.

Before you flame me for being a hater, let me say that my dad and other guys in his department feel the same way - but they'd never say it publically.

Choosing gear over training will be a losing game for law enforcement. Going this route will make every department look like my county sheriffs department, where every deputy is issued a FA M 16 as a trunk gun, but the department won't spend the money for drug testing those deputies. Obvious results are obvious.

I've spent thousands of my own dollars for both training and equipment... I also work out daily and have been training in Krav Maga for a year (all on my own dime) not because  I want to go around beating the shit outa people, but because when the time comes and that 3rd striker doesn't wanna go back in i'll prevail...

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 1:26:45 PM EDT



Not sure what it has to do with anything however.

Your argument that "an officer should look like an officer" makes no sense. Especially given the picture posted earlier in this thread of cops on bikes with mounted machine guns.

It's that sort of backward thinking that results in "officers with rifles are scary" and "uniforms shouldn't have pockets" and other such horseshit.

An officer should look like a PEACE officer not like a member of a Military division.

The real issue is some play dress and forget they are Public Servants.

I have to agree here.

I'm kinda partial to this look myself:

http://imageshack.us/a/img809/5275/texasrangers2.jpg http://www.aphf.org/oficyear.gif

Unpretentious, yet no nonsense.


I am not from TX, but those guys look sharp IMO.

Very professional.


They are ass kickers. (Gruf... Those are Rangers....Not field Force.)
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 1:31:32 PM EDT

It's not their gear...it's the attitude behind it.

the gear follows the attitude.  

Ever see a D.O.T. Enforcement wearing full 5.11 gear?
I have, and when I ask them why they need tacticool gear for dealing with fat sloppy truckers, they usually hand me some sort of violation award

I have little to no respect for non SWAT Cops that dress like that. Hell I dont care for 85% of LEO for that matter

Those  who  look  and  behave  like  loosers  usually  are.

Those who can't spell losers correcty, usually are.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 1:32:08 PM EDT


First: Because it would Vastly improve the public's view and remove much of the US and Them mentality.

Second: Did I ever say They should not have effective equipment?

The Officers I have seen around here wear a vest under their shirt so what

does it batter if it is a Mil type shirt or a Peace office looking shirt?.

As far as weapons which one has more "stopping power" 12 Ga Slug or .223

As far as rifles swap out the Black plastic and put on Wood or wood grain Plastic.

(remember Public Perception, after all a police officer is a PUBLIC Servant)

I would guess you have no clue about the term "officer presence". Should I wear a fucking Hello Kitty costume so I don't hurt your feelings?  I think the pussification of America is far worse than the militarization of the police.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 1:33:47 PM EDT
I think the pussification of America is far worse than the militarization of the police.  

Please make this a banner that pops up anytime a "militarization of the police" thread is started.

Morale patches and bumper stickers would be nice too.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 1:33:48 PM EDT

I was talking with a buddy in ESU right after Mumbai and he said it would be a blood bath if an attack like that happened in NYC.

The only benefit to  a NYC locale is that you guys could throw overwhelming numbers of under-equipped guys at them.
To a group that wants to go down fighting they're probably hoping for that, but it might be the saving grace for NYPD.

Contrast that to a rural place like mine. Even if we stripped every on-duty guy from every agency to respond to an in-progress Mumbai, you're only looking at a few dozen people at best. And you wont see every on-duty  guy being sent. OTOH, I'd hate to be the terrorists picking one of our rural schools whose kids have parents with guns in most  of their houses. That didn't go over well in Beslan, but they might be a help til more uniformed guys got on scene.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 1:36:49 PM EDT
I was talking with a buddy in ESU right after Mumbai and he said it would be a blood bath if an attack like that happened in NYC.

The only benefit to  a NYC locale is that you guys could throw overwhelming numbers of under-equipped guys at them.

Yeah because I'm sure we'd all be running right in.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 1:37:44 PM EDT
Upon further consideration,  I will in fact be wearing pants to work tomorrow.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 1:39:13 PM EDT


Upon further consideration,  I will in fact be wearing pants to work tomorrow.

Sounds like it's just me and VooDoo3dfx rocking it in the buff tomorrow.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 1:40:25 PM EDT

Upon further consideration,  I will in fact be wearing pants to work tomorrow.

Sounds like it's just me and VooDoo3dfx rocking it in the buff tomorrow.  

Rock out with yer cock out!!!
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 1:43:10 PM EDT




By wearing plainclothes like polos and kakhis....

But wait, then people will complain about them not looking like "cops".

Yup, folks get appalled that they "look like thugs".


You have some very well dressed thugs in your AO.

There are folks here (ar15.com) that claim that King County deputies, in full uniform, including bright yellow on their jackets, aren't readily identifiable as police.  And the claim that "they looked like thugs" comes up every time someone posts a story about a plain clothes officer in an incident.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 1:43:26 PM EDT

Yeah because I'm sure we'd all be running right in.

Anyone who is sent to the scene who is caught malingering should be fired.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 1:44:02 PM EDT
Many police officers have died because of people who think like you.

This.  Events of the last few decades have shown that police have to be ready to respond to virtually anything.  Beslan, Mumbai, Columbine, VT, the list goes on.

BEslan, not in the US, so there is no comparison.
Mumbai, not in the US, again, specious and not comparable.
Columbine, they stood around outside.


Exactly, you wanna know why the stood around outside?  Because, nobody had ever thought someone would lock themselves in a school and shoot people until they ran out of targets at which point they'd kill themselves.  That is the problem with your thinking.  Just because it hasn't happened here, doesn't mean it won't.  Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 1:56:02 PM EDT



Link Posted: 10/1/2012 1:58:49 PM EDT

This.  Events of the last few decades have shown that police have to be ready to respond to virtually anything.  Beslan, Mumbai, Columbine, VT, the list goes on.

Given the outcomes at the locations mentioned, the record reflects that the police are not ready. They seem to be trying to replace practice and training with products and tac gear and it is not working.

You can't really compare Beslan and Mumbai to VT and Columbine.

We have been truly truly truly fortunate thatw e have not had a Beslan or a Mumbai here. Very fortunate.

When they do happen, they'll most likely happen in a rural low population place with a  long LE resposne time, worked by LEOs whose chief insisted that "it'll never happen here" as a reason to not train his guys.

Some places in the US try harder to be prepared than others.

Population is no guarantee that the LEOs are any more prepared. Look at Extorris' old dept as an example of that

You are right about the Belsan and Mumbai being fundamentally different than VT and Colombine. You are also correct that venues with a higher likelyhood of soft and /or slow responses may well be targeted. If every peace officer had to be as proficient with a rifle as our average Marine or 11B, the gear would make a lot more sense. I train folks to comport themselves in a way that encourages compliance and it takes the kind of confidence that only comes from competence to comport oneself in such a manner.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 2:02:48 PM EDT
If every peace officer had to be as proficient with a rifle as our average Marine or 11B, the gear would make a lot more sense.

We don't have the time or the budget. No different than handgun proficiency
LEOs are gonna have some sort of a long gun; I'd rather they had the AR than the shotgun for that task, even with limited proficiency
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 2:09:09 PM EDT

Upon further consideration,  I will in fact be wearing pants to work tomorrow.

Sounds like it's just me and VooDoo3dfx rocking it in the buff tomorrow.  

Rock out with yer cock out!!!

Fuck it, peer pressure always gets me.  Free my thangs, free em!
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 2:12:24 PM EDT
It's for the kids man! Plus they have to be tactical to scare away any terrorist activity. In for the LOLS
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 2:12:43 PM EDT
I know I'll get slapped for this but......

I started this gig 30 years ago, and yes,-we did dress like those guys from Texas, and this was in central Nevada.
No, we did not wear body armor, because it was to expensive, and no, we did not carry handheld radios, because they were to expensive.
I had a JeepWagoner with lights, siren and was a piece of crap. The radio sometimes worked, depending on where you were in the county.

My rifle at the time was an M-1 Garand. And it was issued. I had a choice, an 03-A3 or the Garand.
We did carry wheelguns, and I still have mine, but the Glock 40 I now carry is lighter, holds more, (gasp) dreaded hollow-point ammunition. (Which we were not allowed to carry when I started)
The uniforms were wrangler levis types, and tan shirts, and were expensive as hell at the time when you only made $398.00 a paycheck with a family to feed and other expenses.
The only issue item was the rifle, shotgun, and the car.

These days with the cargo pants, (god, what is the world coming too!), and now the cargo shirts with hidden pockets, what next?

As for the armor and the weapons. It's the changing of the times. Just as the military adapted to changes in their environment, we have adapted in ours.
In the late 80's, I switched to a Steyr-Aug. That was the Cats-ass weapon at the time. The Garand went away back to the armory.
I actually bought my own armor, at $1200.00, because by my 5th year into it, (1989) I had 4 friends who were shot down in the line of duty.

Now––yes, I have a plate carrier, and yes I have an up to date ACH helmet, and yes, I carry a very modern assault rifle with a military light with IR capability and yes, I have modern night vision as well. And I even have a commo setup that's wired to my radios and I wear under my helmet. And the dreaded black uniform, nope, I have green BDU's because I hate black clothes.
Do I wear this stuff all the time, hell no. Do I train with it, ––-all the time. Do I like to "frighten the public". Not a chance.

You know why I have this stuff?
The current body count of friends lost is 17, with others shot up.
Because in the end, if I have to go to an active shooter, or a bank robbery, or a domestic where some clown has a Remington 700 hunting rifle, or AK-47, SKS, etc, etc, I want to be able to protect myself or someone else that the whack-job is trying to kill.

The end result guys/gals, is this. I am going home at the end of the day, unless it is just "my day".
But, I am gonna protect myself and those around me, and those that want to call me a "jack-booted thug, you go ahead, I know different.

My job is still Serve and Protect and always will be––-

Great post. Thank you, and sorry for the loss of your friends.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 2:41:20 PM EDT



I know I'll get slapped for this but......

I started this gig 30 years ago, and yes,-we did dress like those guys from Texas, and this was in central Nevada.

No, we did not wear body armor, because it was to expensive, and no, we did not carry handheld radios, because they were to expensive.

I had a JeepWagoner with lights, siren and was a piece of crap. The radio sometimes worked, depending on where you were in the county.

My rifle at the time was an M-1 Garand. And it was issued. I had a choice, an 03-A3 or the Garand.

We did carry wheelguns, and I still have mine, but the Glock 40 I now carry is lighter, holds more, (gasp) dreaded hollow-point ammunition. (Which we were not allowed to carry when I started)

The uniforms were wrangler levis types, and tan shirts, and were expensive as hell at the time when you only made $398.00 a paycheck with a family to feed and other expenses.

The only issue item was the rifle, shotgun, and the car.

These days with the cargo pants, (god, what is the world coming too!), and now the cargo shirts with hidden pockets, what next?

As for the armor and the weapons. It's the changing of the times. Just as the military adapted to changes in their environment, we have adapted in ours.

In the late 80's, I switched to a Steyr-Aug. That was the Cats-ass weapon at the time. The Garand went away back to the armory.

I actually bought my own armor, at $1200.00, because by my 5th year into it, (1989) I had 4 friends who were shot down in the line of duty.

Now––yes, I have a plate carrier, and yes I have an up to date ACH helmet, and yes, I carry a very modern assault rifle with a military light with IR capability and yes, I have modern night vision as well. And I even have a commo setup that's wired to my radios and I wear under my helmet. And the dreaded black uniform, nope, I have green BDU's because I hate black clothes.

Do I wear this stuff all the time, hell no. Do I train with it, ––-all the time. Do I like to "frighten the public". Not a chance.

You know why I have this stuff?

The current body count of friends lost is 17, with others shot up.

Because in the end, if I have to go to an active shooter, or a bank robbery, or a domestic where some clown has a Remington 700 hunting rifle, or AK-47, SKS, etc, etc, I want to be able to protect myself or someone else that the whack-job is trying to kill.

The end result guys/gals, is this. I am going home at the end of the day, unless it is just "my day".

But, I am gonna protect myself and those around me, and those that want to call me a "jack-booted thug, you go ahead, I know different.

My job is still Serve and Protect and always will be––-

Great post. Thank you, and sorry for the loss of your friends.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 2:44:50 PM EDT
No different than handgun proficiency

How can this be....you have qualifications!
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 2:48:51 PM EDT
I'm not reading 11 pages of mouth breathing, has it gone full retard yet?  If it did, maybe someone could point me to the correct page.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 2:51:12 PM EDT



Not sure what it has to do with anything however.

Your argument that "an officer should look like an officer" makes no sense. Especially given the picture posted earlier in this thread of cops on bikes with mounted machine guns.

It's that sort of backward thinking that results in "officers with rifles are scary" and "uniforms shouldn't have pockets" and other such horseshit.

An officer should look like a PEACE officer not like a member of a Military division.

The real issue is some play dress and forget they are Public Servants.

I have to agree here.

I'm kinda partial to this look myself:

http://imageshack.us/a/img809/5275/texasrangers2.jpg http://www.aphf.org/oficyear.gif

Unpretentious, yet no nonsense.


I am not from TX, but those guys look sharp IMO.

Very professional.


I have to agree

In the public Eye an office should Always look his best

( Now don't even get me started on The Mil Guys wearing a Working Uniform in public )
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 2:53:58 PM EDT
I have to agree

So you are a form over function guy then.

Let me guess....you don't like facial hair on cops or pro baseball players either.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 2:54:08 PM EDT
If every peace officer had to be as proficient with a rifle as our average Marine or 11B, the gear would make a lot more sense.

And in the same Physical condition

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 3:01:20 PM EDT
I have to agree

So you are a form over function guy then.

Let me guess....you don't like facial hair on cops or pro baseball players either.

Let me ask You this

Do you do your best in Manners and Appearance to to make make your
department (and the Civilian Police Departments) cast in a positive light?

And please explain how wearing a mil style uniform makes you any safer

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 3:04:03 PM EDT

You own a plate carrier, pants with cargo pockets and an AR OP?

Do these guys? And I bet they could handle their shit.



What PD are those guys with?
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 3:12:05 PM EDT

Let me ask You this

Do you do your best in Manners and Appearance to to make make your
department (and the Civilian Police Departments) cast in a positive light?

And please explain how wearing a mil style uniform makes you any safer

I'm not a police officer so no, I don't do anything to make a department cast in a positive light.

Please explain how having pockets on your pants turns you into a destroyer of civil rights.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 3:13:21 PM EDT

Let me ask You this

Do you do your best in Manners and Appearance to to make make your
department (and the Civilian Police Departments) cast in a positive light?

And please explain how wearing a mil style uniform makes you any safer

I'm not a police officer so no, I don't do anything to make a department cast in a positive light.

Please explain how having pockets on your pants turns you into a destroyer of civil rights.

So you are just talking out your ass

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 3:13:50 PM EDT




I have to agree

So you are a form over function guy then.

Let me guess....you don't like facial hair on cops or pro baseball players either.

Let me ask You this

Do you do your best in Manners and Appearance to to make make your

department (and the Civilian Police Departments) cast in a positive light?
And please explain how wearing a mil style uniform makes you any safer

In the name of all that is holy, you can't fuckin understand that a non-traditional uniform for some details and units in a large department are more appropriate and it's more cost effective to use a class b type uniform in medium and small departments? Or are you just looking for something to bitch about?

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 3:16:24 PM EDT

Hows OWS going for you? Getting geared up for another swing at it ?
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 3:17:36 PM EDT


No LEO should be allowed to own, carry, or otherwise possess anything that is illegal for Joe citizen to. No exemptions period.

In places like NYC, Shitcago, and CA, cops would be nothing more than meter maids with rape whistles. In Texas cops could only CCW. In VA they if they want to walk around OCing their pistol and AR15, have at it.

If you're worried about this rule having an adverse affected on LEO saftey, repeal your shit gun control laws.

End of thread.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 3:18:18 PM EDT

Let me ask You this

Do you do your best in Manners and Appearance to to make make your
department (and the Civilian Police Departments) cast in a positive light?

And please explain how wearing a mil style uniform makes you any safer

I'm not a police officer so no, I don't do anything to make a department cast in a positive light.

Please explain how having pockets on your pants turns you into a destroyer of civil rights.

So you are just talking out your ass

No, I have common sense.

I don't want police officers tearing up expensive dress style uniforms when less expensive options exist. I think it's retarded to deny an officer the flexibility of some extra pockets because some fuckhead can't grasp why they'd be handy. I think it's near criminal to send a guy in gear and bullet proof vest/armor out 95+ temps in a double-knit polyester uniform (especially if it's black). I don't think anybody is confused by police versus infantry units. I have the ability to comprehend that you can still look professional and "official" without donning the traditional fancy uniform.

One does not have to don a badge to utilize common sense.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 3:18:38 PM EDT

Upon further consideration,  I will in fact be wearing pants to work tomorrow.

Sounds like it's just me and VooDoo3dfx rocking it in the buff tomorrow.  

I am going to shave tonight as well.

Then.. I'll shave my face.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 3:20:36 PM EDT
I have to agree

So you are a form over function guy then.

Let me guess....you don't like facial hair on cops or pro baseball players either.

Let me ask You this

Do you do your best in Manners and Appearance to to make make your
department (and the Civilian Police Departments) cast in a positive light?

And please explain how wearing a mil style uniform makes you any safer

I will say that it might not make me any safer.. but they're a lot more comfortable and practical.

Plus, the polyester tends to melt around fire / high heat, bad for fire calls / burning MVAs.
I will come out and safe that they don't make me any safer...


They do make it more comfortable.
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