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Link Posted: 2/12/2021 3:01:30 PM EDT
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My girlfriend is a nurse and they forced all of them to get it.
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Their workers compensation then has to cover all side effects even if they come up 10+ years down the road.
Link Posted: 2/12/2021 3:04:19 PM EDT
My employer came out with a "deal" earlier this week.  Get the 2 shots and get $75 added to your check.
Link Posted: 2/12/2021 3:05:45 PM EDT
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My employer came out with a "deal" earlier this week.  Get the 2 shots and get $75 added to your check.
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They'd have to add a zero to that if they want me to enthusiastically take it.  Lucky I'm my own boss so I can tell myself 'no' if I try to require the vaccine.
Link Posted: 2/12/2021 3:09:48 PM EDT
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My employer came out with a "deal" earlier this week.  Get the 2 shots and get $75 added to your check.
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A day of sick pay for any side effects needs to be considered, as well as the assurances that any side effects will be covered.  Perhaps requiring the day off after the second shot is the best idea as well.
Link Posted: 2/12/2021 3:10:21 PM EDT
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Saying " do this or you are fired" isnt FORCE it is ismply a condition of employment, nobody would bat an eye if their boss said "make widgets or you are fired"
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The word you are looking for is "coercion"
Link Posted: 2/12/2021 3:26:57 PM EDT
I am personally aware of a health care system that mandates flu vaccines, and as of a month ago, their lawyers have told them not to mandate the COVID vaccine due to the EUA approval. I know that they've overridden religious arguments in the past for flu shots, and its held up, so if they could, they would mandate it.  The religious arguments about fetus cells will get you nowhere if the employer cares to push it.

If the FDA does a regular approval for it, its game on.  

I've had a job that required yellow fever vaccination, and it has a way higher chance of killing you outright than the COVID one.   I am sure I would have been fired if I had refused.

There is going to be a ton of state level litigation over this, so the real answer is going to turn on state laws for most people.
Link Posted: 2/12/2021 6:23:19 PM EDT
Comply or GTFO,  simple,  they require to have the proof, if you don't, then you can not  work with other people who are vaccinated, that's is the answer OP.
Link Posted: 2/12/2021 8:30:18 PM EDT
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I had heard the fact it is under emergency authorization means it cannot be a requirement to hold a job but a lot of states allow you to be fired for any reason or no reason.
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Any reason is not allowable me thinks. No reason is just as good and is ok but there are plenty of reasons to fire someone that will get you in a pile of shit fast.
Link Posted: 2/12/2021 8:43:26 PM EDT
If by force you mean make it a condition of employment, then Yes, at least in Virginia. However my legal advisor said that is not smart because the employer could be liable for any adverse effects in the future.
Link Posted: 2/12/2021 11:56:38 PM EDT
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How  is that different from saying " you MUST wear steel toe work boots and hard hat to work here" as a condition of clockign in.  LOTS of jobs have that. Or "Must be XYZ machinery certified to clock in for XYZ machinery useage shift. ".

FORCING somone to get medical treatment is reserved for military and prisons ...
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That'll depend on state laws.  I'm not a lawyer, but in Wyoming, I'm 99% certain they could get away with saying emloyees can't have any more shifts until they've got proof of vaccination on file.

How  is that different from saying " you MUST wear steel toe work boots and hard hat to work here" as a condition of clockign in.  LOTS of jobs have that. Or "Must be XYZ machinery certified to clock in for XYZ machinery useage shift. ".

FORCING somone to get medical treatment is reserved for military and prisons ...
You don't understand, no one is being forced to get the vaccine.  You can not get it as long as you want, but if you'd like to be put on the schedule, please drop that letter from your doctor off with HR.

Link Posted: 2/13/2021 12:01:52 AM EDT
I'm not really hot on getting a vaccine. I've never gotten flu shot, and I can barely remember the last time I got sick with a flu. All the sick bouts I can remember were things like e.coli/food poisoning or the like. I'm pretty healthy and I'm not concerned about getting COVID at all. I doubt I'd know it if I did, and I wouldn't be surprised if I've already had it.
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 12:03:58 AM EDT
Yes, look at the ADA documentation for emergency exceptions. COVID-19 falls under this exemption.
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 12:07:06 AM EDT
FORCING somone to get medical treatment is reserved for military and prisons ..
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Not sure about .mil, but inmates absolutely can refuse medical treatment.
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 12:11:46 AM EDT
They can’t hold you down and give it to you; but they can make it a condition of employment. If I had a religious conviction against wearing safety equipment and refused to do so on the job it would be an issue because the employer has a duty of care to provide a safe work environment up to and including removing me from the work environment.

The Democrats screwed the pouch when they refused Trumps request to give employers immunity from COVID claims based on safety concerns.

Link Posted: 2/13/2021 12:15:24 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 12:23:48 AM EDT
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Well, there's the rub, isn't it?   The point is to be able to refuse the shot without consequences.  Jobs ain't that easy to find when half the economy is shut down.
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Look on the bright side. When half of us are unemployed we will have plenty of time to peacefully protest all day and every day and generally make shit libs miserable.
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 12:32:01 AM EDT
The vaccine was likely developed with and/or contains aborted fetal cells. Object on religious grounds.
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 12:38:41 AM EDT
Their rules your body.  

Take an antigen test, probably already had it.
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 12:41:03 AM EDT
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If it's at will employment, then absolutely they can make it mandatory to work there.
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I'm a Christian Scientist. Fire me over my "faith" please.

Your company will become my company when the dust settles.
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 2:44:22 AM EDT
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The following cut and paste from web site I frequent.  Not something I have tested.

How To Legally Decline A Vaccine

STEP 1.)

DO NOT refuse'a vaccine. Otherwise you will be considered belligerent. Instead you can politely decline the service by doing the following:

STEP 2.)

Ask the doctor, "Does the vaccine have MRC-5 in it?" (THEY ALL DO) These are aborted fetal cells and other DNA. If the vaccine contains MRC-5 you have the RIGHT to decline.

STEP 3.)

Also ask, "Is there a possibility of a "LATROGENIC REACTION?

(an adverse reaction caused by multiple compounds or drugs

interacting with each other) from the vaccine (THEY ALL DO). - When the doctor says, "yes it does, that is your "Get Out Of

Vaccine Free Card. Thank the doctor for their offer and walk away.

Remember doctors have sworn the Hippocratic Oath (Which is to do no harm) They must honour it

This is how we can legally (and respectfully) decline their offered mandated services and there is absolutely nothing they can do about it. Now you know!

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Link Posted: 2/13/2021 2:57:06 AM EDT
Can a pedophile criminal cheat and take the Oval Office?
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 3:07:54 AM EDT
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Force? No.

Make it a requirement for employment? Yes.
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This guys gets it.
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 3:35:57 AM EDT
Tell them to FOAD.  No employer will make me take any vaccine.
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 4:41:45 AM EDT
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Point taken, but that's a separate issue.  Yes, "no shot, no service" is going to be a thing.

I predict a cottage industry of fake vaccine cards will be born.  I plan to purchase one.
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You can download the vaccine card form from the CDC website, and buy printable 3x5 card sheets from Amazon...just sayin'...
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 4:54:41 AM EDT
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Only if someone checks.  We live in a culture where most people believe things on face value unless there are significant red flags.
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If you work for the government they can mandate it. At least in public safety positions.

CDC is now giving out an immunization card that you are given to show when you were vaccinated, and by who. The lot number of the vaccine is listed on the card along with the provider information. Kind of hard to fake that.

Only if someone checks.  We live in a culture where most people believe things on face value unless there are significant red flags.

This plus 1. I doubt that there is *currently* any form of national registry of who got what lot number. So, if all you have to do is show a Vaccine Card to get into a store or business, you could probably get away with making some official-looking shit up.
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 4:58:43 AM EDT
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Tell your friend to identify himself as Christian Scientist and that vaccines are an affront to his religious beliefs.

His boss cannot legally make him prove that he is not a CS.
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They can't make you claim "Christian Scientist" as a waiver for vaccine exemption either.

Them: "What religion do you belong to, that makes you exempt?"

Me: "I belong to the church of "Mind your own fucking business", asshole, talk to the second amendment, or was it the first?"
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 4:59:47 AM EDT
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I had heard the fact it is under emergency authorization means it cannot be a requirement to hold a job but a lot of states allow you to be fired for any reason or no reason.
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I'm fired, but, oh well, I'm still alive.

:Laughs in unemployment check:.
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 5:14:08 AM EDT
This is where email records come in.

have your 'friend' email them something along the lines of

"Manager Bob mentioned something in passing about documenting my covid vaccine.  I've had my vaccine (might be a line).  Please let me know what kind of documents you are looking for, and also, as this is medical info, I'll need a bit of extra info from you

1. Being that you are going to have my private medical info on file, what additional steps are you taking to ensure the privacy of this info.
2. Are you getting extra insurance in case of breech of files being that they now contain medical records
3. What additional training are you giving any staff that will be dealing with my private medical records?

Or something to that effect -something that politely puts them on alert that viewing and recording your medical information is something that's highly regulated and expensive.
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 5:19:21 AM EDT
No they can not force you to get one but in most states they can lay you off without any explanation but you would love kelt be eligible for unemployment compensation

Link Posted: 2/13/2021 5:21:13 AM EDT
For the greater good comrade.
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 5:23:45 AM EDT
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My wife is a nurse. Her employer said it's not mandatory.....but if you get sick from COVID and haven't taken the vaccine they offered, they won't pay you during sick leave
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Now that definitely doesn't seem ok...
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 5:37:17 AM EDT
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Comply or GTFO,  simple,  they require to have the proof, if you don't, then you can not  work with other people who are vaccinated, that's is the answer OP.
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Why? So you can all keep doing the same BS but vaccinated together?
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 9:18:34 AM EDT
Your boss is probably getting a kickback - insurance/contractors/gov money/etc - for the number of people he has that get vaccinated. ALWAYS follow the money trail.

Either that or he is convinced the experimental vaccine is effective even though you still need to wear a mask, social distance, can get the covids, and it might not work against the mutations, etc.
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 9:23:17 AM EDT

Yes, they pretty much can. For what it's worth, we consult a lot in the employment and benefits spaces and we are advocating employers not mandate the vaccine as a best practice at this time.

We think there will be a backlash and resistance if employers mandate rather than encourage.
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 10:56:27 AM EDT
Why not getting vaccinated? please explain the reason, and I don't  mean  based on religion!!
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 11:05:53 AM EDT
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Why not getting vaccinated? please explain the reason, and I don't  mean  based on religion!!
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  A) Nobody knows what the long term side effects are.
  B) mRNA has never been used on people.
   C) If "A"turns out bad, you can't sue Moderna or Phizer.
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 11:12:38 AM EDT
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Where is HIPAa in all this.

I didn't think anyone had a right to know my medical history without my consent.

And that my consent can not be compelled.

Have you had the shot? Answer HIPAA !
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I don't see how they vould force you to take the vaccine, but It has absolutely nothing to do with HIPAA.  
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 11:36:08 AM EDT
In order to remain employed, you must get vaccinated.

Good thing I got vaccinated.

Can we see the shot record?

They didn't give me one.

Can you go get one?

I'll try.

* * *

They said no.
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 11:44:34 AM EDT
I was kind of surprised when ours said vaccinations wouldn't be required to return to the office. However, I also don't think many people plan on returning. We've been too successful with WFH. Our customer satisfaction surveys are outstanding. Even better than when people were in the office.

There are some weird decisions being made, though. For example, I was talking to a co-worker yesterday. She's not affected because she doesn't have any direct reports, but apparently managers in her area are being forced back to the office. Just the managers. Employees will continue WFH. I fail to grasp why you need a bunch of managers at the office when none of the employees are.
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 11:44:38 AM EDT
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Why not getting vaccinated? please explain the reason, and I don't  mean  based on religion!!
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There's about 5% chance that you' catch COVID, and a 10% chance that it will have any kind of serious impact.


A 100% chance of exposure to the vaccine, if you choose to take it, and the risk of serious impacts is unknown.  It's an mRNA vaccine that has never been used in wide application, it was rushed to market without the usual extensive testing normally required by regulators, and liability has been waived so the manufacturers cannot be held accountable if they fuck up.

I am up to date on all of the usual vaccines.  I think vaccines are good.

I am not taking this vaccine.
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 11:53:39 AM EDT
Our school head sent an email suggesting we do not skip our 1b shot because they intend to make vaccination a condition of annual contracts for next year unless we have written confirmation of religious or medical reasons for not doing so.

Link Posted: 2/13/2021 11:54:06 AM EDT
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For the record, I am assuming that my employer will make it mandatory for faculty and staff within the next couple of months.
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If your work email ends with one of these, plan on it being mandatory

and fortunately, there is a list out there of at least 100, maybe as many as 500, companies that will force it too.

Link Posted: 2/13/2021 12:29:46 PM EDT
I'm just glad I got vaccinated the 'natural' way. I'd be livid if someone said to me, " You either put this experimental chemical in your body or you lose your job." Mengele is laughing from Hell at our fucked up society.
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 12:51:30 PM EDT
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I'm just glad I got vaccinated the 'natural' way. I'd be livid if someone said to me, " You either put this experimental chemical in your body or you lose your job." Mengele is laughing from Hell at our fucked up society.
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It's stomach churning, what bunch of empty-headed sheep most people are.
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 1:00:29 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 1:02:59 PM EDT
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Link Posted: 2/13/2021 1:05:10 PM EDT
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I don't think that companies can legally force you to do anything....
If your friend works for the government or the state (E.g. teacher, school bus driver, ....) other rules might apply.
E.g. Some schools force kids and staff to get the flu vaccine

A buddy of mine talks about homeschooling if his kids would be forced to take the vaccine...

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They make it a condition of employment unless specifically barred by employment law to do so.
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 1:06:11 PM EDT
I have thought about if my boss tries to require it at my job, granted were only an electrical contractor. I'm thinking about getting the required license's that I would need to start my own shop so I have them in hand and can tell my boss to foad if the issue comes up.
Link Posted: 2/13/2021 1:07:19 PM EDT
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If it's at will employment, then absolutely they can make it mandatory to work there.
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Their job....their rules.
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