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Link Posted: 2/22/2015 1:52:07 AM EDT
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It's still big in EOD.  Ive seen a $1200 round bought over being the only one in a bar without a coin.
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It's still big in EOD.  Ive seen a $1200 round bought over being the only one in a bar without a coin.

While it's not big, it still exists.  It's all for fun anyways.  I try to never go to any unit or drinking function without a unit coin.  Even if someone pulls out his, hey I carried the CJCS's umbrella and he gave me a coin, I would be like fuck you, I have the coin of the unit I am in now.
Link Posted: 2/22/2015 1:55:53 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/22/2015 2:34:23 AM EDT

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PI? What did you guys do there if I may ask?

Link Posted: 2/22/2015 2:36:44 AM EDT
My old Army ones are buried somewhere in the shop.

I have dead firefighter ones now.
Link Posted: 2/22/2015 2:39:17 AM EDT
Only person I know with a coin got his from meeting SMA Chandler (this is excluding our battalion coins)

Never cared about them, dont want them, not buying someone a drink for carrying around one.
Link Posted: 2/22/2015 2:50:34 AM EDT
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PI? What did you guys do there if I may ask?  
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1901. Killed insurgents.
Link Posted: 2/22/2015 2:55:18 AM EDT

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1901. Killed insurgents.
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1901. Killed insurgents.
Pure awesome.

Link Posted: 2/22/2015 3:07:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/22/2015 3:10:28 AM EDT

Link Posted: 2/22/2015 3:19:30 AM EDT
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Nice is it yours?  
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I was with that FD for five years, but had to resign due to a combo of not enough time/medical issues. I carry it for good luck though.
Link Posted: 2/22/2015 6:27:38 AM EDT
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yes...and they can mean quite a bit to the person carrying... Challenge Coins
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OK, I am still not getting it. So you can get one for some good achievement (apparently anything that someone seems to like, like the guy who gave me one because I said something funny) or you can get one just because you happen to be visiting that day. In the olden days if we went on a trip we would have just bought some postcards to show people later.

Also, I am not getting the "challenge" thing, either. You say you are a member of Delta Six from Planet 9 and I challenge you so, to prove your membership in Delta Six, you pull out a Power Ranger coin that can be bought in any pawnshop. So why would I care what unit you are from enough to challenge you in the first place? And why would I  believe that this coin actually signifies membership in the unit when some other guy just gave me one because he liked my joke? Why don't you just get over your ego and drink your beer like a normal person?

Is this like baseball cards, or what? When I pull mine out, should I tell people I got it for telling a good joke?
Link Posted: 2/22/2015 6:31:32 AM EDT
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It goes deeper than that. If everyone has a coin then it goes to the lowest ranking coin. Like, some douche PX bought coin vs a coin someone got at a high speed school for honor grad or something like that.
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I know it as  guys are at a bar the one that can't provide his coin by placing it on the bar pays the beers.    most places I know if a man places his coin on a bar someone going to pay his beer for the thanks of they're service  
Can someone explain what challenge coins are?

The military equivalent of a pat on the head... or kick in the teeth.  Depends on the circumstances.

It goes deeper than that. If everyone has a coin then it goes to the lowest ranking coin. Like, some douche PX bought coin vs a coin someone got at a high speed school for honor grad or something like that.

How does one tell the difference between those cheap worthless coins sold on Ebay and the one I got in the secret ceremony for being the real guy who killed Osama Bin Laden?
Link Posted: 2/22/2015 6:37:00 AM EDT
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if you are out with mil buds, you slap them on bar..last one on bar buys
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I had a truck driver uncle who taught me at an early age that this was a good way to get way drunker than was comfortable and waste your money on a bunch of other drunks who wouldn't remember it the next day. Because, every time you buy a round, then someone else has to buy a round to show what a great guy they are, and so on, and so on.

Better to take the money you would have spent on the round of drinks and buy some time with a hooker. I guess I was just never that interested in impressing people in bars.
Link Posted: 2/22/2015 6:43:36 AM EDT
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How does one tell the difference between those cheap worthless coins sold on Ebay and the one I got in the secret ceremony for being the real guy who killed Osama Bin Laden?
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I know it as  guys are at a bar the one that can't provide his coin by placing it on the bar pays the beers.    most places I know if a man places his coin on a bar someone going to pay his beer for the thanks of they're service  
Can someone explain what challenge coins are?

The military equivalent of a pat on the head... or kick in the teeth.  Depends on the circumstances.

It goes deeper than that. If everyone has a coin then it goes to the lowest ranking coin. Like, some douche PX bought coin vs a coin someone got at a high speed school for honor grad or something like that.

How does one tell the difference between those cheap worthless coins sold on Ebay and the one I got in the secret ceremony for being the real guy who killed Osama Bin Laden?

The real one has osamas dna
Link Posted: 2/22/2015 9:02:58 AM EDT
My favorites from my collection:

Link Posted: 2/22/2015 9:31:46 AM EDT
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It's still big in EOD.  Ive seen a $1200 round bought over being the only one in a bar without a coin.
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It's still big in EOD.  Ive seen a $1200 round bought over being the only one in a bar without a coin.

Damn, I never had the pleasure of service but have a coin given to me from a commander. I used to carry it around when I had a wallet.
Link Posted: 2/22/2015 9:52:01 AM EDT
There's a few in this bubinga display case I made

But this is the only one that means anything to me

Link Posted: 2/22/2015 10:02:03 AM EDT
Given to me by a member here      

Link Posted: 2/22/2015 10:20:41 AM EDT
Two given to me by my brother while he was at GITMO and Camp Lejeune as a Civilian DOD employee

A few given to me by Paul C. Rogers

Link Posted: 2/22/2015 10:23:37 AM EDT
This one..

I used to work at a coin store and the owner had got this in a collection at some point.
Don't have it anymoar..  With the help of Arfcom we tracked down the true owner and returned to to him at no cost.
Least I could do..

Link Posted: 2/22/2015 10:30:34 AM EDT
From my days on the line.  LtC Kevin Davis gave me the Angels coin a few months before he was killed performing.  

Link Posted: 2/22/2015 11:36:41 AM EDT

Link Posted: 2/22/2015 12:26:44 PM EDT
One of my favorites

Same General gave me a coin like 2 years apart.  I tried to give away the double but nobody wanted it.

I know this one will get some of you guys tight in the britches..

Link Posted: 2/22/2015 12:58:11 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/22/2015 1:06:08 PM EDT
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And people actually carry these around? to show off in bars?  Not trying to sound antagonistic, just don't know anything about them.
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Can someone explain what challenge coins are?

The military equivalent of a pat on the head... or kick in the teeth.  Depends on the circumstances.

And people actually carry these around? to show off in bars?  Not trying to sound antagonistic, just don't know anything about them.

Nobody with any measurable social skills carry them in bars... or use them.
Link Posted: 2/22/2015 1:06:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/22/2015 1:13:25 PM EDT
At one of the ranges in Iraq they had these like embedded into the pavement. I thought it was pretty cool

Link Posted: 2/22/2015 1:36:34 PM EDT

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OK, I am still not getting it. So you can get one for some good achievement (apparently anything that someone seems to like, like the guy who gave me one because I said something funny) or you can get one just because you happen to be visiting that day. In the olden days if we went on a trip we would have just bought some postcards to show people later.

Also, I am not getting the "challenge" thing, either. You say you are a member of Delta Six from Planet 9 and I challenge you so, to prove your membership in Delta Six, you pull out a Power Ranger coin that can be bought in any pawnshop. So why would I care what unit you are from enough to challenge you in the first place? And why would I  believe that this coin actually signifies membership in the unit when some other guy just gave me one because he liked my joke? Why don't you just get over your ego and drink your beer like a normal person?

Is this like baseball cards, or what? When I pull mine out, should I tell people I got it for telling a good joke?
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yes...and they can mean quite a bit to the person carrying... Challenge Coins

OK, I am still not getting it. So you can get one for some good achievement (apparently anything that someone seems to like, like the guy who gave me one because I said something funny) or you can get one just because you happen to be visiting that day. In the olden days if we went on a trip we would have just bought some postcards to show people later.

Also, I am not getting the "challenge" thing, either. You say you are a member of Delta Six from Planet 9 and I challenge you so, to prove your membership in Delta Six, you pull out a Power Ranger coin that can be bought in any pawnshop. So why would I care what unit you are from enough to challenge you in the first place? And why would I  believe that this coin actually signifies membership in the unit when some other guy just gave me one because he liked my joke? Why don't you just get over your ego and drink your beer like a normal person?

Is this like baseball cards, or what? When I pull mine out, should I tell people I got it for telling a good joke?


Sounds like you never served; you'll never 'get it'.
Link Posted: 2/22/2015 1:37:06 PM EDT

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I had a truck driver uncle who taught me at an early age that this was a good way to get way drunker than was comfortable and waste your money on a bunch of other drunks who wouldn't remember it the next day. Because, every time you buy a round, then someone else has to buy a round to show what a great guy they are, and so on, and so on.

Better to take the money you would have spent on the round of drinks and buy some time with a hooker. I guess I was just never that interested in impressing people in bars.
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if you are out with mil buds, you slap them on bar..last one on bar buys

I had a truck driver uncle who taught me at an early age that this was a good way to get way drunker than was comfortable and waste your money on a bunch of other drunks who wouldn't remember it the next day. Because, every time you buy a round, then someone else has to buy a round to show what a great guy they are, and so on, and so on.

Better to take the money you would have spent on the round of drinks and buy some time with a hooker. I guess I was just never that interested in impressing people in bars.


Link Posted: 2/22/2015 1:42:22 PM EDT

Link Posted: 2/22/2015 1:42:32 PM EDT

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Nobody with any measurable social skills carry them in bars... or use them.
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Can someone explain what challenge coins are?

The military equivalent of a pat on the head... or kick in the teeth.  Depends on the circumstances.

And people actually carry these around? to show off in bars?  Not trying to sound antagonistic, just don't know anything about them.

Nobody with any measurable social skills carry them in bars... or use them.


I'll be sure the entire U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer community gets your memo.

I wouldn't expect you to understand.
Link Posted: 2/22/2015 1:47:08 PM EDT
Tag for when i take a few pics

But I bet that I am the only one here that has coined pres bush , then he dropped them
Link Posted: 2/22/2015 1:52:18 PM EDT

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Which one?


I was almost sure I was getting one from VP Joe Biden, but, I did get a USSS coin.

Link Posted: 2/22/2015 1:56:05 PM EDT
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Vice President Cheney
Link Posted: 2/22/2015 2:12:56 PM EDT

The red part of the shield says "REMEMBER 9-11"
Link Posted: 2/22/2015 2:19:05 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/22/2015 2:21:23 PM EDT

General Myers (2001) and General Schoomaker (2003)


Link Posted: 2/22/2015 3:47:22 PM EDT
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That's kickass.
Link Posted: 2/22/2015 7:21:23 PM EDT
These are a few of my favorites. In addition, I have  who's who of Federal Agencies

Link Posted: 2/22/2015 7:24:36 PM EDT
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I'll be sure the entire U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer community gets your memo.

I wouldn't expect you to understand.
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Can someone explain what challenge coins are?

The military equivalent of a pat on the head... or kick in the teeth.  Depends on the circumstances.

And people actually carry these around? to show off in bars?  Not trying to sound antagonistic, just don't know anything about them.

Nobody with any measurable social skills carry them in bars... or use them.


I'll be sure the entire U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer community gets your memo.

I wouldn't expect you to understand.

Honestly, I kind of quit carrying one most of the time.  Whenever someone pulls out a coin I pull my old brass initiation card that's been in my wallet since 2004 and drop it on the table.
Link Posted: 2/22/2015 7:49:17 PM EDT
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These are a few of my favorites. In addition, I have  who's who of Federal Agencies

<a href="http://s293.photobucket.com/user/hardgear/media/Mobile%20Uploads/4caf3ee9-13fb-4be4-8314-eca1a016287d.jpg.html" target="_blank">http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm77/hardgear/Mobile%20Uploads/4caf3ee9-13fb-4be4-8314-eca1a016287d.jpg</a>
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bottom right coin is upside down.  I didn't post mine, because it's attached to the frame of a certificate and I didn't want to edit it down...

Link Posted: 2/22/2015 8:02:21 PM EDT
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Sounds like you never served; you'll never 'get it'.
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yes...and they can mean quite a bit to the person carrying... Challenge Coins

OK, I am still not getting it. So you can get one for some good achievement (apparently anything that someone seems to like, like the guy who gave me one because I said something funny) or you can get one just because you happen to be visiting that day. In the olden days if we went on a trip we would have just bought some postcards to show people later.

Also, I am not getting the "challenge" thing, either. You say you are a member of Delta Six from Planet 9 and I challenge you so, to prove your membership in Delta Six, you pull out a Power Ranger coin that can be bought in any pawnshop. So why would I care what unit you are from enough to challenge you in the first place? And why would I  believe that this coin actually signifies membership in the unit when some other guy just gave me one because he liked my joke? Why don't you just get over your ego and drink your beer like a normal person?

Is this like baseball cards, or what? When I pull mine out, should I tell people I got it for telling a good joke?

Sounds like you never served; you'll never 'get it'.

Link Posted: 2/22/2015 8:04:22 PM EDT
I have 2 of these.
Link Posted: 2/22/2015 8:14:18 PM EDT
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bottom right coin is upside down.  I didn't post mine, because it's attached to the frame of a certificate and I didn't want to edit it down...

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These are a few of my favorites. In addition, I have  who's who of Federal Agencies

<a href="http://s293.photobucket.com/user/hardgear/media/Mobile%20Uploads/4caf3ee9-13fb-4be4-8314-eca1a016287d.jpg.html" target="_blank">http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm77/hardgear/Mobile%20Uploads/4caf3ee9-13fb-4be4-8314-eca1a016287d.jpg</a>

bottom right coin is upside down.  I didn't post mine, because it's attached to the frame of a certificate and I didn't want to edit it down...

You're right, it represents the greek letter delta which is a triangle. I know better and fucked that up.
Link Posted: 2/22/2015 8:26:04 PM EDT

Only one I have. Got it from JPL when I went to the launch for having worked on the Curiosity rover.

Link Posted: 2/22/2015 8:26:54 PM EDT

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Honestly, I kind of quit carrying one most of the time.  Whenever someone pulls out a coin I pull my old brass initiation card that's been in my wallet since 2004 and drop it on the table.
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Nobody with any measurable social skills carry them in bars... or use them.


I'll be sure the entire U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer community gets your memo.

I wouldn't expect you to understand.

Honestly, I kind of quit carrying one most of the time.  Whenever someone pulls out a coin I pull my old brass initiation card that's been in my wallet since 2004 and drop it on the table.

I don't carry one either. I did carry around an air det bottle opener coin in my wallet for a while but it left too much of an indentation in my leather wallet. I will bother to try and carry one if I'm overseas or there is a potential of congregating with a bunch of CPOs/officers and drinking alcohol.
Link Posted: 2/22/2015 8:40:33 PM EDT
Have one from my FF1 & FF2 class. I used to play with it at my desk (when I worked at one). Now it's packed away but on the back it said "Fire above, fire below, hostile smoke."
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