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Link Posted: 4/24/2020 9:33:55 PM EDT
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Sounds like your neighbor just didn't have the business acuity/agility to repurpose her food service sales into the consumer grocery market while this shut down plays out. Hell, the grocery stores were running out of stuff because people were buying multiple units...like food service sized packs.

Worst case scenario she could have donated it all to food pantries and taken a write off.

With the PPP money available, she should have been able to keep those people on her payroll.

With the government dough being made available...there's damn little reason anybody with enough sense to operate a business is being forced to permanently close down.

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No cruise ships, no hotel stays, no tourism, no beaches.

These D.C. government robots with paychecks coming off the money press are so out of touch with how many Americans have nothing coming in right now. My neighbor owns a commercial food distribution biz that services restaurants and she can't afford to reopen it. All the employees(50-60) are hosed.

We have to get back to work..

Sounds like your neighbor just didn't have the business acuity/agility to repurpose her food service sales into the consumer grocery market while this shut down plays out. Hell, the grocery stores were running out of stuff because people were buying multiple units...like food service sized packs.

Worst case scenario she could have donated it all to food pantries and taken a write off.

With the PPP money available, she should have been able to keep those people on her payroll.

With the government dough being made available...there's damn little reason anybody with enough sense to operate a business is being forced to permanently close down.

Sounds like you know fuck all about the PPP and/or maintaining a small business payroll.
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 9:35:53 PM EDT
It's almost like we need an economy based off real useful manufacturing jobs rather than the service/hospitality industry.
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 9:37:22 PM EDT
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gasoline at historic lows, demand at historic lows yet hotel, cruise & airline prices have actually gone up

basic economics now is the time to be calling radio stations up north & giving them free 3 day vacations for contest free publicity, & winners will bring money

jump start your own economy don't wait for the gov.
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Good idea, but....I am currently in South Beach, and ALL the hotels have been ordered shut.
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 9:38:27 PM EDT
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Government ruins everything.
No exceptions.
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Link Posted: 4/24/2020 9:39:20 PM EDT
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Ya man, just go out there and jump into Kroger/Walmart/Cosco's supply chains overnight. SUPER easy im sure..
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No cruise ships, no hotel stays, no tourism, no beaches.

These D.C. government robots with paychecks coming off the money press are so out of touch with how many Americans have nothing coming in right now. My neighbor owns a commercial food distribution biz that services restaurants and she can't afford to reopen it. All the employees(50-60) are hosed.

We have to get back to work..

Sounds like your neighbor just didn't have the business acuity/agility to repurpose her food service sales into the consumer grocery market while this shut down plays out. Hell, the grocery stores were running out of stuff because people were buying multiple units...like food service sized packs.

With the PPP money available, she should have been able to keep those people on her payroll.

With the government dough being made available...there's damn little reason anybody with enough sense to operate a business is being forced to permanently close down.

Ya man, just go out there and jump into Kroger/Walmart/Cosco's supply chains overnight. SUPER easy im sure..
One of the boutique meat distributors in my neck of the woods started doing direct sales to the community instead of stores and restaurants where they normally sold their wares.  I got a good deal on wagyu beef and they still move product.  Win win.  It's been interesting to see how everyone has attempted to adapt.  It's what we do.
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 9:42:13 PM EDT
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So your plan is for old people to eat shitty food, hope she doesnt get a virus off her mail, and not go to medical appointments.

All so you can .... what? Get a haircut? Go to the park?
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Lol, month? She gonna eat canned everything?!?

Corona lives for days on some surfaces. You gonna disinfect her mail too? You gonna get other people to not touch her mail? Her food?

thats what the freezers for. And she can open her mail with gloves before she throws it all in the shredder...

This virus is not going away.

So your plan is for old people to eat shitty food, hope she doesnt get a virus off her mail, and not go to medical appointments.

All so you can .... what? Get a haircut? Go to the park?

Gun-grabber logic on display^^^^^^
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 9:43:59 PM EDT
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Maybe, or maybe you are projecting your feelings and ignoring reality.

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I disagree.  I think many more people are sick of the lies about the contagiousness and death rate. They will go out to shop and eat out.  Well, the ones still employed will.

Maybe, or maybe you are projecting your feelings and ignoring reality.

Or maybe we are both correct that some people will stay hone and some people will go out, and we merely disagree over the ratio of who does which.
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 9:45:29 PM EDT
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Didn't most of the big counties already have orders in place by the time the state wide order hit?
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These D.C. government robots with paychecks coming off the money press are so out of touch with how many Americans have nothing coming in right now.

DC didn’t shut down Florida.  Florida Governor shut down Florida.

We just had a local daycare announce they are broke, closing for good, and selling off their furnishings and equipment.  If DeSantis doesn’t end this bullshit shutdown then May will bring 1000s more

Didn't most of the big counties already have orders in place by the time the state wide order hit?

Some did on their own.  But DeSantis shut down South FL on his own, then made it statewide.
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 9:47:11 PM EDT
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Sounds like you know fuck all about the PPP and/or maintaining a small business payroll.
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No cruise ships, no hotel stays, no tourism, no beaches.

These D.C. government robots with paychecks coming off the money press are so out of touch with how many Americans have nothing coming in right now. My neighbor owns a commercial food distribution biz that services restaurants and she can't afford to reopen it. All the employees(50-60) are hosed.

We have to get back to work..

Sounds like your neighbor just didn't have the business acuity/agility to repurpose her food service sales into the consumer grocery market while this shut down plays out. Hell, the grocery stores were running out of stuff because people were buying multiple units...like food service sized packs.

Worst case scenario she could have donated it all to food pantries and taken a write off.

With the PPP money available, she should have been able to keep those people on her payroll.

With the government dough being made available...there's damn little reason anybody with enough sense to operate a business is being forced to permanently close down.

Sounds like you know fuck all about the PPP and/or maintaining a small business payroll.

Some banks sat on PPP applications or steered the $$ towards existing customers with a loan history with that bank. We have several threads in which that is mentioned.

PPP wasn’t automatically granted to every business that applied for it, nor was the money infinite.
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 9:50:50 PM EDT
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Nobody lives forever.  The cost of saving your mother another 10 years is everybody else in depression economy for decades, and converting America to communism.  My mom died at 74, but maybe if everybody in the country contributed 10 million for her care, she would have lived another 5 years.
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But that's the thing though, it doesn't have to be either or. Grandma isn't going to die just because all of sudden stores other than Home Depot are open.

Right now I can't (or shouldn't) visit my parents. You know what would change should Best Buy be allowed to open tomorrow? I still won't be visiting my parents until things have settled down but at least I'll be able to buy a TV. They aren't all of sudden going to croak over with Covid now that other people can get haircuts or go golfing. They'll be taking precautions no matter what, and honestly that's how it should be.

Maybe we start practicing more caution around elderly. Maybe we learn better hygiene. Maybe we look at how we deal with being sick differently and actively avoid going to work or school or near other people. Maybe those places would make it less punishing to just stay home and not infect everyone. There are plenty of steps we could have, and perhaps should have done a long time ago that would have helped not only our situation with Covid but all the other infections we deal with on a daily basis. And you know what? Maybe my grandparents could have had a few extra years added on instead of dying from pneumonia a few days apart from each other. But since they didn't die of Covid who really gives a shit about them and all the others who have died? Anything to keep us supposedly safe from the current boogeyman I suppose.
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 9:55:42 PM EDT
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I've been in food service for a lot of my adult life and most stuff is in 40# packs. I've never seen a 300lb package of butter. 40# blocks? Yeah, but most foodservice operations prefer 40# cases of 1# individually wrapped blocks of butter.
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To fucking who? It's commercial food for commercial kitchens. Hotels, Restaurants.

It's not packaged all nice and neat like the stuff you see in the grocery store, and your local Susan isn't buying 300lbs of butter at time.
I've been in food service for a lot of my adult life and most stuff is in 40# packs. I've never seen a 300lb package of butter. 40# blocks? Yeah, but most foodservice operations prefer 40# cases of 1# individually wrapped blocks of butter.
And I have been buying those 1 pound blocks from the 1431 Cafe along with flats of eggs, bread and bacon that they are wrapping up in pound lots. Good stuff, fair prices and available.
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 9:55:48 PM EDT
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Why do these people put themselves in positions that require them to live check to check?
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They didnt.
Their north east catering overlords did.
I'm friends with tons of folks that work in various trades, in various carrers.

I know chicks in their 20s that are drop dead gorgeous. They make more in a Friday night slinging drinks wearing a low cut top than a fucking paralegal makes in a week in NY.
They couldn't pull that kind of money in NY as a bartender...

Not where a beer in a dive bar is 8 bucks and a shot of cheap shit is 10.

Florida has a seasonal economy. Colorado right? You must know of some ski resorts. Their season to make money starts as soon as the snowmakers fire up and it sticks to the mountain. They might have shit to do in the spring and summer like hang gliding or zip lines/adventure trails etc... but that's peanuts compared to what they make in the fall-winter temperature supporting...

Where I grew up it wasn't out of the normal for a few weeks in december-January to be 30 40 50 below 0.
But when we had 2 mild winters back to back? The coldest it ever got was in the low 40s?

That crippled the local ski resort.
They laid tons of folks off.

Well. Florida is a much bigger version of where I used to live, just no snow and Hot as fuck. But the economy is identical.
There were a few production plants, mills, farms out the ass, dairy and beef, a factory, things that provided sustainable full time employment.
For the most part, seasonal type gigs.
There were 2 campgrounds, 3 marinas that had boat mechanics bar/retaraunt, the ski resort, various small businesses that made their money during a certain season say spring-fall, or fall through spring.
But the locals were retards and thought by appeasing cityiots from yangkahz-lawng island would result in more money...

That didn't happen.

Those smarmy insatiable fucks ruined it. Much like how Florida is being diluted with North east shit heels that want to dictate life to Floridians, because "back home"...
I could go into a thoroughly detailed TL/DR citing how they did it, and how to stop it from happening...

Two things those fuckers hate more than anything is not being waited on, people with sustainable full time employment, any I mean ANY form of production/manufacturing. Unless it's for their weekend/summer (in floridas case, winter) home.
They love high taxes. They love socialized services. They love talking about how great things are in the boroughs and how terrible and awful rural upstate NY is. They love banning anything fun too. If they can't get it banned by way of zoning everything residential (damn near felony level misdemeanor for discharging a firearm within so many feet of a residential area, feet become yards, yards become acres) they'll do it through ordinances (noise first, that way you damn kids with dirt bikes and four wheelers can't go out having fun on trails on your property ending boating/jetskis) followed by fuckery the likes of which makes an HOA seem like paradise...
And after they fucked it up? Sell, pack up and move to the next place to fuck up. They're worse than beer aids. They shut shit down permanently.
Including town police departments.

But more than 3-5 sentences? It'll be ignored.
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 9:56:10 PM EDT
The majority of politicians are trying to figure out how to keep their jobs.
They are trying to figure out how to not be blamed for causing unnecessary death. Especially by their political opposition.  Prime directive #1.

They must be be wrought with stress afraid to open back up without clear direction.  
Plus the boner they get being tryants.

Link Posted: 4/24/2020 9:57:32 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 9:58:37 PM EDT
No cruise ships, no hotel stays, no tourism, no beaches.

These D.C. government robots with paychecks coming off the money press are so out of touch with how many Americans have nothing coming in right now. My neighbor owns a commercial food distribution biz that services restaurants and she can't afford to reopen it. All the employees(50-60) are hosed.

We have to get back to work..
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Eh. They should have sunk the cruise ships. Stupidest vacations usually full of the blue hairs we hope die anyways
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:00:29 PM EDT
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How hard is it to advertise your 'will call' and do curbside delivery to her parking lot?

The foodservice purveyors are doing exactly that around here. 40# case of chickens? They'll put it right into your trunk.

Just gotta think outside the box. Hell, I'll bet her company even has a couple scales and some 1000' rolls of plastic wrap and butcher paper.
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Lot of your posts are simply wrong.  The FDA has certain regulations on how packages have to be labeled in order to sell to grocery stores.  Restaurants suppliers do not have produce/products that’s labeled correct for retail.  So by federal law they can not sell in a retail market.

But the FDA a few days ago have made a few changes so those restaurants suppliers can now sell something to grocery stores or act like grocery stores themselves.   But this comes after many weeks we’re these business couldn’t sell there products.
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:01:08 PM EDT

That’s all we need. Then we’ll get back to normal. Don’t be an ecodoomer.
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:01:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:04:52 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:05:06 PM EDT
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How hard is it to advertise your 'will call' and do curbside delivery to her parking lot?

The foodservice purveyors are doing exactly that around here. 40# case of chickens? They'll put it right into your trunk.

Just gotta think outside the box. Hell, I'll bet her company even has a couple scales and some 1000' rolls of plastic wrap and butcher paper.
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Ya man, just go out there and jump into Kroger/Walmart/Cosco's supply chains overnight. SUPER easy im sure..
How hard is it to advertise your 'will call' and do curbside delivery to her parking lot?

The foodservice purveyors are doing exactly that around here. 40# case of chickens? They'll put it right into your trunk.

Just gotta think outside the box. Hell, I'll bet her company even has a couple scales and some 1000' rolls of plastic wrap and butcher paper.


While they’re whining and making excuses about this being impossible, there’s a former restaurant and fishing fleet owner doing exactly this, and doing it well.

But muh free markets!!! Free market at work!!!

This is the free market system GD is always screeching they want, why all the crying?

@pcsutton @SuperSixOne
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:06:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:06:19 PM EDT
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So your plan is for old people to eat shitty food, hope she doesnt get a virus off her mail, and not go to medical appointments.

All so you can .... what? Get a haircut? Go to the park?
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Lol, month? She gonna eat canned everything?!?

Corona lives for days on some surfaces. You gonna disinfect her mail too? You gonna get other people to not touch her mail? Her food?

thats what the freezers for. And she can open her mail with gloves before she throws it all in the shredder...

This virus is not going away.

So your plan is for old people to eat shitty food, hope she doesnt get a virus off her mail, and not go to medical appointments.

All so you can .... what? Get a haircut? Go to the park?

Yes. The outrage is about going to the park and going to get a haircut. Not about losing businesses or rights or life savings or watching the government grow exponentially. It’s about haircuts and swing sets and making sure your near death grandma eats well.
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:06:26 PM EDT
The cruse ship industry has been screwing the us for years.zero fucks given on how they survive.

As for your neighbor I’m guessing some ingenuity would go a long way In moving her inventory. Sitting on their ass waiting for the government to send them cash sounds like she is a second or third generation owner
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:07:37 PM EDT
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Gun-grabber logic on display^^^^^^
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Switch guns with virus. Yep.

Lemming society.

See what happens when the intent was to make life easier for the children?
The children never grow the fuck up and need pampers and training wheels along with an adult in the room to cunt and cry to, to solve every woe in life for them...

Risk becomes ultra taboo...
When you seek to remove all forms of adversity... Wait for adverse times, like these, to strike... then sit back and laugh, shit post, at their hyperbolic reactions and justification of
Attachment Attached File

Levels of derp "logic".

Because they can't shut the talking picture box off, can't go 5 minutes without finger fucking a phone.

Once. Just once. I'd love to see the Internet and TV go out for a week.
Make fuckers do out door things again!
When it comes back... the amount of LOL filled threads of what GD has witnessed! Peak lols!

And with no news shilling fear and pandemonium?

Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:08:05 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:09:16 PM EDT
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The cruse ship industry has been screwing the us for years.zero fucks given on how they survive.

As for your neighbor I’m guessing some ingenuity would go a long way In moving her inventory. Sitting on their ass waiting for the government to send them cash sounds like she is a second or third generation owner
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How dare you! She’s a hardworking business owner! A business owner!!!

Daddy .gov caused this issue and Daddy .gov needs to fix it now!!!


Sorry to be so salty, it just pisses me off to see all the anarcho-capitalists that have bitched and moaned about any sort of government intervention for years while screaming “muh free markets!!!” suddenly crying for government intervention and social safety nets.
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:09:46 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:11:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:12:27 PM EDT
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Some did on their own.  But DeSantis shut down South FL on his own, then made it statewide.
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These D.C. government robots with paychecks coming off the money press are so out of touch with how many Americans have nothing coming in right now.

DC didn’t shut down Florida.  Florida Governor shut down Florida.

We just had a local daycare announce they are broke, closing for good, and selling off their furnishings and equipment.  If DeSantis doesn’t end this bullshit shutdown then May will bring 1000s more

Didn't most of the big counties already have orders in place by the time the state wide order hit?

Some did on their own.  But DeSantis shut down South FL on his own, then made it statewide.

Perhaps I'm looking at the wrong thing? Safer at home orders:

Broward 26th of March.
Miami Dade 26th of March
Palm Beach 26th of March

FL statewide order was issued on the 30th. Effective in April 1.

Beaches were shut down on the 20th in South Florida by the state. But the full orders went in via counties before the statewide order was issued.

Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:12:37 PM EDT
Stay down there please, KTHX.
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:13:33 PM EDT
And I think DeSantis has been doing OK.
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:13:56 PM EDT
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We’ve got 20% unemployment right now. Today.

We will hit 30% before it turns I think.
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We’re losing about 4 million jobs per week, on avg.

We ain’t seen nuffin yet.
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:15:50 PM EDT
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No one is blaming the .gov for the virus, we're blaming them for the retarded response.
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Blaming our government for this virus is kinda like blaming the NYC city council for 9/11
This virus exists to the extent it does because China lied and concealed the truth.
They are responsible for this. Every other government is simply trying to choose the least worst path through this mess...because there is no good path.

I'd be fine with Trump sending a letter to China stating that we have elected to default on 100% of our debt to them, that we consider their neglect an act of war, and that in response we are writing our debt to them off our books...end of game. Fuck them...their industry...their economy...and the nations who foster them. I'm not sure who would be more pissed....China, or all the nations they owe (our) money to.

No one is blaming the .gov for the virus, we're blaming them for the retarded response.

Here's the thing - right or wrong (and i believe a majority of the response WAS wrong... blanket policy was not right for this), the course was already decided for us in January. The world saw the lockdowns in China, then Iran, then Italy.. the measures the Koreans and Australians were taking. The US did NOT do something no one else was - everyone panicked, and we all attacked the problem the same way (well, aside from the Swedes). Other countries are handling the financial and social impacts differently (i actually expected the Fed to implement some sort of national mortgage suspension like other countries did); but everyone is in the shitter right now.  This is a worldwide problem, and we would have felt the effects even if we closed our boarders before it ever got here.
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:17:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:18:21 PM EDT
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Correct, DeSantis has been hands off. Seeing it in person here in Tallahassee at the Capitol.
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The way it SHOULD be.
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:20:11 PM EDT
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While they’re whining and making excuses about this being impossible, there’s a former restaurant and fishing fleet owner doing exactly this, and doing it well.

But muh free markets!!! Free market at work!!!

This is the free market system GD is always screeching they want, why all the crying?

@pcsutton @SuperSixOne
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No it isnt...
We have NOTHING that resembles a free market.
Want proof?

This state primarily consists of "non essential" workers. There's one.
When daddy .gov has say in what industry and who working in it is essential? It's no such thing as a free market.

If we had a free market?
PSA would be cranking out complete full auto lowers for 129.99 on daily deals and no 4473 to fill out, shipped to your door step.
There's 2.
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:22:38 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:24:47 PM EDT
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I never knew there was a Florida in Deutschland.
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Florida Mann
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:25:05 PM EDT
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It causes confusion in the state and businesses are affected because Company A in County Y is closed and they supply Company B in County X which is open. Since Compamy B can't get their supplies from Company A. They go under too.

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Yeah but if it was controlled at the state level people would be saying the same shit about other states.  Really only South Florida, Orlando, and Tallahassee would be affected because the rest of the state has pretty low numbers.
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:28:51 PM EDT
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Some did on their own.  But DeSantis shut down South FL on his own, then made it statewide.
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These D.C. government robots with paychecks coming off the money press are so out of touch with how many Americans have nothing coming in right now.

DC didn’t shut down Florida.  Florida Governor shut down Florida.

We just had a local daycare announce they are broke, closing for good, and selling off their furnishings and equipment.  If DeSantis doesn’t end this bullshit shutdown then May will bring 1000s more

Didn't most of the big counties already have orders in place by the time the state wide order hit?

Some did on their own.  But DeSantis shut down South FL on his own, then made it statewide.

Reckon he will have it open by July?
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:30:05 PM EDT
How long until incredible deals on NODS?
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:47:50 PM EDT
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Your 80 year old mother can stay indoors then, while the rest of us go back to normal.

The fatality rate for people under 50 is like 1 in 10,000. And that’s assuming you get infected in the first place.

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You have a plan for grouping lots of people together with a contagious virus on the loose that has no vaccine?

I sure as heck do not.  But, I suppose my 80 year old mother has had a decent run.

I'm in retail construction and I can easily see that the next few years are going to suck.

Your 80 year old mother can stay indoors then, while the rest of us go back to normal.

The fatality rate for people under 50 is like 1 in 10,000. And that’s assuming you get infected in the first place.


Rest assured she will.

The economy in Florida and throughout the Nation is fucked and will be for some time.

That's my point.

You may want things to miraculously return to normal, but the general public, as demonstrated, is more hesitant.

That hesitation is the make or break for small businesses, the entire tourist industry, large sports venues, food service, etc., etc.

The people with money, real money, are going to sit back for awhile and let things settle before they commit.
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:48:27 PM EDT
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Perhaps I'm looking at the wrong thing? Safer at home orders:

Broward 26th of March.
Miami Dade 26th of March
Palm Beach 26th of March

FL statewide order was issued on the 30th. Effective in April 1.

Beaches were shut down on the 20th in South Florida by the state. But the full orders went in via counties before the statewide order was issued.

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These D.C. government robots with paychecks coming off the money press are so out of touch with how many Americans have nothing coming in right now.

DC didn’t shut down Florida.  Florida Governor shut down Florida.

We just had a local daycare announce they are broke, closing for good, and selling off their furnishings and equipment.  If DeSantis doesn’t end this bullshit shutdown then May will bring 1000s more

Didn't most of the big counties already have orders in place by the time the state wide order hit?

Some did on their own.  But DeSantis shut down South FL on his own, then made it statewide.

Perhaps I'm looking at the wrong thing? Safer at home orders:

Broward 26th of March.
Miami Dade 26th of March
Palm Beach 26th of March

FL statewide order was issued on the 30th. Effective in April 1.

Beaches were shut down on the 20th in South Florida by the state. But the full orders went in via counties before the statewide order was issued.

I was slightly off in the scope, but DeSantis moved first.

DeSantis closed a number of businesses in Broward and Palm Beach counties on March 20 by EO.https://www.flgov.com/wp-content/uploads/orders/2020/EO_20-70.pdf

Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:50:57 PM EDT
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I never knew there was a Florida in Deutschland.
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Tallahassee Uber Alles
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:52:41 PM EDT
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Maybe some of us will be buying foreclosed houses on the cheap.
We'll see , Johnny Reb.

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Maybe all the yankees will go back from whence they came.

Maybe some of us will be buying foreclosed houses on the cheap.
We'll see , Johnny Reb.

Well, you all didn't in 08/09, so there's that
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:57:19 PM EDT
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Florida Mann
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I never knew there was a Florida in Deutschland.

Florida Mann

Link Posted: 4/24/2020 10:58:36 PM EDT
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So your plan is for old people to eat shitty food, hope she doesnt get a virus off her mail, and not go to medical appointments.

All so you can .... what? Get a haircut? Go to the park?
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So they can pay the rent, pay the mortgage, their utility bills.
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 11:00:47 PM EDT
Wife and I are ready to inject some $$ in the SWFL economy when things open up, we will head down, spend at restaurants and bait shops soon as they open.  Hoping for mid May, guess we will see.
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 11:01:10 PM EDT
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Rest assured she will.

The economy in Florida and throughout the Nation is fucked and will be for some time.

That's my point.

You may want things to miraculously return to normal, but the general public, as demonstrated, is more hesitant.

That hesitation is the make or break for small businesses, the entire tourist industry, large sports venues, food service, etc., etc.

The people with money, real money, are going to sit back for awhile and let things settle before they commit.
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You have a plan for grouping lots of people together with a contagious virus on the loose that has no vaccine?

I sure as heck do not.  But, I suppose my 80 year old mother has had a decent run.

I'm in retail construction and I can easily see that the next few years are going to suck.

Your 80 year old mother can stay indoors then, while the rest of us go back to normal.

The fatality rate for people under 50 is like 1 in 10,000. And that’s assuming you get infected in the first place.


Rest assured she will.

The economy in Florida and throughout the Nation is fucked and will be for some time.

That's my point.

You may want things to miraculously return to normal, but the general public, as demonstrated, is more hesitant.

That hesitation is the make or break for small businesses, the entire tourist industry, large sports venues, food service, etc., etc.

The people with money, real money, are going to sit back for awhile and let things settle before they commit.

I'll be ready to contribute to their economy come July...……….ready to go to the beach
Link Posted: 4/24/2020 11:01:23 PM EDT
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Rest assured she will.

The economy in Florida and throughout the Nation is fucked and will be for some time.

That's my point.

You may want things to miraculously return to normal, but the general public, as demonstrated, is more hesitant.

That hesitation is the make or break for small businesses, the entire tourist industry, large sports venues, food service, etc., etc.

The people with money, real money, are going to sit back for awhile and let things settle before they commit.
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and alot of businesses that go quick were hanging on to begin with. This will eliminate alot of middle men. not sure thats a bad thing overall.
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