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Link Posted: 5/25/2017 1:05:24 PM EDT
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Surprisingly (I always expect a chef to get a little too creative with a burger), I didn't disagree with any of that. 

Like a lot of chefs though, he assumes a bit too much when "teaching" others. He didn't give any details on his chuck and brisket grind, other than commenting on how good it was and how the fat was just right. A lot of people would probably appreciate some details on the mayo thing he made, though I have my own creation that I'm quite fond of. 

If I have the time, I like caramelizing the onion instead. Grilling them like he did is great, too. 

He seasons a bit more than I do, but I'm not there to taste it. I'm sure it's good. I like that he went with what looks to be a butterhead lettuce of some sort. Nice. 

EDIT: He also assembled the burger in the proper order, which few people seem to get right. 
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I sure would have loved to know the portions of what meats as well.  I've screwed around with ground sirloin, chuck, round, etc and never really say to myself ' i've done it!  This is the best burger!'.  They always end up shrinky, breaky, or otherwise ...meh.   My wife sure loves them - which is why I make them - but I could honestly take or leave a burger.  How about a Subnet recipe?

Link Posted: 5/25/2017 1:05:34 PM EDT
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Notice the claim is that these are "best" burgers.
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And I guarantee the burger Gordon Ramsay cooks on propane will taste better than the burger you "muh smoke flavor!" people will cook on charcoal.

Now, could his charcoal burger taste better than his propane burger? Maybe. But there was nothing stopping him from using charcoal or any other fuel, and he still used propane to make what he considers the "best" burger.
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 1:07:03 PM EDT
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What was the oil he recommended?
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Link Posted: 5/25/2017 1:07:43 PM EDT
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I do, and I've never understood this argument. Gas isn't any faster, unless you're pulling pre-made patties out of the freezer. 

See all that shit he's got prepped and laying out by the grill? The coals are ready to rock by the time you've finished that. Start the coals in the chimney immediately before even looking at the kitchen, and they'll be ready by the time you've got your patties made, your sauce/spread created, your onions, tomatoes and lettuce cut and prepped, etc. 

Charcoal: Light the coals right now, then get your mise en place taken care of. 
Gas: Get your mise en place taken care of, then turn the burners on. 

Same difference. Fucking up the order isn't the fault of the charcoal. 
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It is when you run of out coal

I won't run out of gas, at least I hope i don't make it though a several hundred gallon propane tank.
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 1:10:11 PM EDT
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Binding agents are not required in hamburgers especially if they have been properly rested in the refrigerator and your grill is properly cleaned and seasoned.  Eggs belong on top of the burger if at all.  
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I agree. I don't add egg to my burgers. But if I put an egg in them, they wouldn't be meatloaf, is all I'm sayin
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 1:19:29 PM EDT
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charcoal is for hipsters and people who dont know what they're doing...which is a hipster
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In ...
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 1:20:36 PM EDT
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I do, and I've never understood this argument. Gas isn't any faster, unless you're pulling pre-made patties out of the freezer. 

See all that shit he's got prepped and laying out by the grill? The coals are ready to rock by the time you've finished that. Start the coals in the chimney immediately before even looking at the kitchen, and they'll be ready by the time you've got your patties made, your sauce/spread created, your onions, tomatoes and lettuce cut and prepped, etc. 

Charcoal: Light the coals right now, then get your mise en place taken care of. 
Gas: Get your mise en place taken care of, then turn the burners on. 

Same difference. Fucking up the order isn't the fault of the charcoal. 
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lol, ok
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 1:22:00 PM EDT
The Best burger I have ever had in my entire burger eating life was at Repeal Bourbons and Burgers in Virginia Beach, VA.

I like Ramsey though. He likes to make food and I like to eat it
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 1:23:11 PM EDT
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The chef at work used to work at one of his fine dining restaurants. She said that when he came in he was quite nice to everyone.

We were actually talking about his burger place out here and she didn't feel it was very good. Not bad, but not amazing.
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I saw a video but can't find it now of him back in the 90's in a BBC documentary before he was famous where he is pretty ruthless to a couple of guys in the kitchen.

If he walks into a restaurant he owns chances are he will be nice to the staff then ream the hell out of the GM and head chef behind closed doors for things he sees and doesn't like. If you are an owner not involved in day to day operations you don't yell at the rank and file when you see them screw up.
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 1:31:08 PM EDT
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Surprisingly (I always expect a chef to get a little too creative with a burger), I didn't disagree with any of that. 

Like a lot of chefs though, he assumes a bit too much when "teaching" others. He didn't give any details on his chuck and brisket grind, other than commenting on how good it was and how the fat was just right. A lot of people would probably appreciate some details on the mayo thing he made, though I have my own creation that I'm quite fond of. 

If I have the time, I like caramelizing the onion instead. Grilling them like he did is great, too. 

He seasons a bit more than I do, but I'm not there to taste it. I'm sure it's good. I like that he went with what looks to be a butterhead lettuce of some sort. Nice. 

EDIT: He also assembled the burger in the proper order, which few people seem to get right. 
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Pretty much.  I wish he would have shown/explained the meat prep more thoroughly.  Looks delicious though.
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 1:33:03 PM EDT
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Stayed at the Paris in Vegas last year, went to Gordon Ramsay Steak. It was the best steak I've ever had in my life. I still daydream about going back there.
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That's my go to nice restaurant to take my wife.  We've never had a bad meal there.
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 1:34:13 PM EDT
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He built it upside down, but ide eat it. Would also like to know the burger blend.
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 That, and he forgot the ketchup.
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 1:35:08 PM EDT
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Gordon Ramsey is really good at all the little details that make a big difference.

I watched his video on scrambled eggs, I've made scrambled eggs 1000 times, and I learned I was doing it wrong. so much better using his method.

Oh, and I would eat the shit out of the GR burger. :)
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 You eat shit??

Link Posted: 5/25/2017 1:37:40 PM EDT
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Link Posted: 5/25/2017 1:43:33 PM EDT
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It is amazing to see how much of a softy he is on the show with the kids. I was expecting so much more tears.
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That's all fake.  Those kids are trained actors.  Most of them have never cooked anything before being selected for the show.  They are trained for a whole week by professional chefs on the dishes they will be asked to prepare on the episode.  They are not blindsided at all.  The parents sign nondisclosure agreements to keep it secret.  They have/are being investigated for violating child labor laws since the kids usually work more than 40 hours per week learning how to prepare the dishes.
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 1:47:03 PM EDT
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lol, ok
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I do, and I've never understood this argument. Gas isn't any faster, unless you're pulling pre-made patties out of the freezer. 

See all that shit he's got prepped and laying out by the grill? The coals are ready to rock by the time you've finished that. Start the coals in the chimney immediately before even looking at the kitchen, and they'll be ready by the time you've got your patties made, your sauce/spread created, your onions, tomatoes and lettuce cut and prepped, etc. 

Charcoal: Light the coals right now, then get your mise en place taken care of. 
Gas: Get your mise en place taken care of, then turn the burners on. 

Same difference. Fucking up the order isn't the fault of the charcoal. 
lol, ok
It's the same amount of time, either way. What part do you disagree with?

If I stop typing right now, start a timer, and head to the kitchen...I'll grab a cutting board, retrieve pantry ingredients, retrieve goodies from the fridge, make my sauce, wash and prep my lettuce, slice my onion and tomato, grab the chuck out of the fridge, run it through the grinder real quick, form the patties, grab the buns, etc, etc, etc. By the time all of that makes its way onto a serving tray, and I've got my oil, salt, pepper, butter, sauce ready to rock next to the grill...about 20 minutes has passed. 

Coincidentally, it takes coals about 20 minutes to come up to temp in a chimney. So um...light those before you even think of reaching in the cupboard. Or don't, and turn the gas on as the last step. Same amount of time. 

Now, if you do all of that and forget to light the coals as the very first step...yeah. You're going to be staring at your grill for the next 20 minutes. So um...don't do that. 
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 1:49:01 PM EDT
Mmmmmmmmm mmmmm.

Those are the best looking burgers ever!
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 1:50:36 PM EDT
Does anyone else here think that the finished product is a bit too tall to fit in their mouths? I'd need unhinged anaconda jaws to even imagine getting that thing in my trap.
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 1:51:17 PM EDT
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That's all fake.  Those kids are trained actors.  Most of them have never cooked anything before being selected for the show.  They are trained for a whole week by professional chefs on the dishes they will be asked to prepare on the episode.  They are not blindsided at all.  The parents sign nondisclosure agreements to keep it secret.  They have/are being investigated for violating child labor laws since the kids usually work more than 40 hours per week learning how to prepare the dishes.
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Guess what. All "reality" TV shows are fake. All of them.
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 1:54:01 PM EDT
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So cooking on a charcoal or wood grill is now a hipster thing?
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charcoal is for hipsters and people who dont know what they're doing...which is a hipster
So cooking on a charcoal or wood grill is now a hipster thing?
Does HK make a charcoal grill?
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 1:54:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 1:55:56 PM EDT
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What was the oil he recommended?
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Grape Seed Oil, higher burn temp than other oils.
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 1:58:52 PM EDT
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He built it upside down, but ide eat it. Would also like to know the burger blend.
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That shit was driving me crazy the whole time.  Nobody would make a burger with a tomato on the bottom.

That and he used way too much mayo. I like mayo, but not three layers.

He said 1/2 chuck 1/2 brisket.
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 1:59:06 PM EDT
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Definitely going to annoy the wife with that the next time I cook
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 1:59:55 PM EDT
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, and even a George Foreman grill. 
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gtfo now
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 2:02:27 PM EDT
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Definitely going to annoy the wife with that the next time I cook
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Definitely going to annoy the wife with that the next time I cook
Make sure you have a yellow pencil in your ear when you do it.
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 2:04:51 PM EDT
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That's going to be LA for sure, Beverly hills or Hollywood hills, around those parts.
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Calabasas. Maybe Hidden Hills which is more affluent. It's next door.

Sleepy little affluent area nestled between Malibu and west San Fernando Valley. LOTS of gated communities. Home to many people in the "industry", pro ball players and such. Used to be part of my turf before I retired.
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 2:11:16 PM EDT
This is relevant to my interest! Thanks OP
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 2:15:02 PM EDT
... off to find a delicious cheeseburger!
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 2:15:17 PM EDT
Obviously well executed but I just don't like that much burger, I prefer to eat multiple thin pattie burgers rather than one of these difficult to eat burger towers. Tbh its why I never order a burger from most restaurants, they have a 99% chance of being a giant unevenly cooked wad of meat in the middle of two buns.
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 2:22:05 PM EDT
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Obviously well executed but I just don't like that much burger, I prefer to eat multiple thin pattie burgers rather than one of these difficult to eat burger towers. Tbh its why I never order a burger from most restaurants, they have a 99% chance of being a giant unevenly cooked wad of meat in the middle of two buns.
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Big Mac is what you seek!
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 2:22:22 PM EDT
Shit you'd taste nothing but salt with those.
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 2:22:51 PM EDT
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charcoal is for hipsters and people who dont know what they're doing...which is a hipster
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Lol no.
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 2:23:02 PM EDT
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Does anyone else here think that the finished product is a bit too tall to fit in their mouths? I'd need unhinged anaconda jaws to even imagine getting that thing in my trap.
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Nah. You just mush it down real good, as you take a bite. 

I actually do my patties a little less than half that thickness...but I stack them (both with melted cheese on top). I like the melted cheese in-between the two patties. Also: If I'm cooking for a lot of people, it makes it easier to adjust the size for the diner. Dainty snowflakes and children might get a single patty, for example. Hungry hippos might get three. 
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 2:24:09 PM EDT
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Obviously well executed but I just don't like that much burger, I prefer to eat multiple thin pattie burgers rather than one of these difficult to eat burger towers. Tbh its why I never order a burger from most restaurants, they have a 99% chance of being a giant unevenly cooked wad of meat in the middle of two buns.
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This. I like thin patties. Not inch thick monstrosities.
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 2:25:46 PM EDT
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Make sure you have a yellow pencil in your ear when you do it.
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Definitely going to annoy the wife with that the next time I cook
Make sure you have a yellow pencil in your ear when you do it.
Don't forget to use "beautiful" as an adjective for each ingredient as you're explaining what goes in it. 
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 2:26:44 PM EDT
Looked under cooked. Needs to be a nice medium well. Quite a bit of mayo on there but not the end of the world.

Patty too thick and would resemble taking a bite out of a filet.

I love onions but I disagree with his statement. The acid from raw onions help cut the savory, fattiness, mayo ect of the burger.

Link Posted: 5/25/2017 2:40:50 PM EDT
Salt, pepper, olive oil.. repeat.

Not what I expected. I do a ranch burger that is really good. Everyone loves it. They contract though which is my #1 issue with burgers.
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 2:44:43 PM EDT
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Grape Seed Oil, higher burn temp than other oils.
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Hmm, interesting.
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 2:47:01 PM EDT
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Looked under cooked. Needs to be a nice medium well. Quite a bit of mayo on there but not the end of the world.

Patty too thick and would resemble taking a bite out of a filet.

I love onions but I disagree with his statement. The acid from raw onions help cut the savory, fattiness, mayo ect of the burger.

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Medium well?

Your credibility just went where your burger can go.  In the f'in toilet.
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 2:48:29 PM EDT
FYI, I found his recipe for the meat blend he uses for burgers at Bread Street Kitchen, which may or may not be the same as this one.

7oz short rib
14oz chuck
7oz brisket
3oz fat

All "minced" which I assume is Limey for ground.
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 2:49:16 PM EDT
I mostly agree with Ramsay's approach in this vid, except for some minor nitpicks and personal preferences.

1. No egg binder needed (I do occasionally make "meatloaf burgers", with a mixture of pork, beef, and veal, and they're pretty damned good, but that's a separate topic). Otherwise, fried egg on top is the way to go.

2. I like my onions a little more carmelized than that (cooked longer and lower), but that requires different staging and I understand where he's going with it

3.  A little too much mayo. I make my own, and it's great on burgers, but I think 3x mayo is a little much

4. Unlike steaks, where IMO thicker is better, I actually like my burgers a little thinner than that. He's absolutely right that the fat content means everything.

5. The "doneness" was perfect.

(Also, I run my grill a little hotter than that...)
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 2:50:00 PM EDT
Needs to be cooked a lot more than that

This a properly cooked burger

Link Posted: 5/25/2017 2:50:44 PM EDT
His grill definitely isn't at 600+ which is where I usually consider "piping hot".  I also gather he had his burgers on there for quite some time....even at 3/4" thick, if I leave a burger on for 7+ minutes at my definition of "piping hot" there's little to no pink left.

He said 3.5-4 min per side, and obviously both sides got put down to the grates twice.

My guess is he is cooking the burgers between 400 and 425, and the lower and slower cook time would explain why the burger isn't shrinking the same way us "piping hot heathens" normally see.

I'll give it a shot this weekend.
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 2:52:40 PM EDT
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Needs to be cooked a lot more than that

This a properly cooked burger

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You medium well fuckers can start your own thread

Because that's not a burger, its a fucking hockey puck.
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 2:56:42 PM EDT
I get pretty even heat with charcoal.  I lay them out in a perfect rectangle, then add a second layer, stacked neatly in pyramid fashion.

I usually cook extra burgers so I can enjoy them for the next few days.
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 3:00:57 PM EDT
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Needs to be cooked a lot more than that

This a properly cooked burger

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Dry and ruined.

As soon as the fat melts and you see that first drop of liquid fat poke out the top, the burger is at peak flavor.  Flip it, cheese it, as soon as the cheese melts you're done.  Every bit you cook it after that, and every bit of liquid that it loses, the flavor only goes down.
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 3:04:37 PM EDT
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Needs to be cooked a lot more than that

This a properly cooked burger

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I'm not taking the time to grind three different cuts of beef and some additional fat, just to cook all the flavor out of it. If you want it overcooked like that, buy a tube of 80/20 at Wal-Mart. 
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 3:05:20 PM EDT
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Needs to be cooked a lot more than that

This a properly cooked burger

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No, no. And more no! That is too well done.
Link Posted: 5/25/2017 3:12:43 PM EDT
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Needs to be cooked a lot more than that

This a properly cooked burger

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