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Link Posted: 8/27/2023 6:01:51 PM EDT
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Maybe because every fitness thread is unbelievable.  I have a short list in my head of regular fitness posters who I would take their word for it if they said they did something, yourself included.  I'm skeptical of most.  One guy says he's sub 4% body fat every day and functioning as normal for example.
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I think I’m  pretty good at 47 and 175lb

Ran 5mi last week @7:09 avg/mi

In the weight room:

I’m doing 5sets x 6 @260 on bench

5sets x 6 @ 310 on squat

I don't believe you, sorry.

Why not? None of that is unbelievable.

Maybe because every fitness thread is unbelievable.  I have a short list in my head of regular fitness posters who I would take their word for it if they said they did something, yourself included.  I'm skeptical of most.  One guy says he's sub 4% body fat every day and functioning as normal for example.

Which I totally understand. I agree with you. It's just those numbers posted seem pretty reasonable to me.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 6:06:06 PM EDT
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How are you measuring your bf?
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I asked my dermatologist if she had a fat caliper thingy and that's what she told me.
Eta: I just found an army body fat calculator online and it said 6%.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 6:06:53 PM EDT
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So this random 47 year old on ARFCOM is bench pressing 75% of the masters raw powerlifting record, 60% of the masters raw powerlifting squat, and also running the better part of a 10k at his age groups average winning pace?

Like I said. I don't believe it.


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Why not? None of that is unbelievable.

So this random 47 year old on ARFCOM is bench pressing 75% of the masters raw powerlifting record, 60% of the masters raw powerlifting squat, and also running the better part of a 10k at his age groups average winning pace?

Like I said. I don't believe it.



You're saying 70% or 60% is impressive. It's certainly respectable and not unimpressive but it's certainly within the reach of any lifter who puts in the time. Naturally too.

Same with the run.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 6:10:32 PM EDT
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Which I totally understand. I agree with you. It's just those numbers posted seem pretty reasonable to me.
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I think I’m  pretty good at 47 and 175lb

Ran 5mi last week @7:09 avg/mi

In the weight room:

I’m doing 5sets x 6 @260 on bench

5sets x 6 @ 310 on squat

I don't believe you, sorry.

Why not? None of that is unbelievable.

Maybe because every fitness thread is unbelievable.  I have a short list in my head of regular fitness posters who I would take their word for it if they said they did something, yourself included.  I'm skeptical of most.  One guy says he's sub 4% body fat every day and functioning as normal for example.

Which I totally understand. I agree with you. It's just those numbers posted seem pretty reasonable to me.

Agreed. While those numbers are better than 99% of the population, and great for a 175 lb 47 year old, they’re not out of the realm for those of us who put in the work at the gym.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 6:12:05 PM EDT
My Garmin app tells me that it's calculated VO2 max/kg  for me gives me a fitness age 21 years younger than I actually am.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 6:42:51 PM EDT
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Agreed. While those numbers are better than 99% of the population, and great for a 175 lb 47 year old, they’re not out of the realm for those of us who put in the work at the gym.
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I think I’m  pretty good at 47 and 175lb

Ran 5mi last week @7:09 avg/mi

In the weight room:

I’m doing 5sets x 6 @260 on bench

5sets x 6 @ 310 on squat

I don't believe you, sorry.

Why not? None of that is unbelievable.

Maybe because every fitness thread is unbelievable.  I have a short list in my head of regular fitness posters who I would take their word for it if they said they did something, yourself included.  I'm skeptical of most.  One guy says he's sub 4% body fat every day and functioning as normal for example.

Which I totally understand. I agree with you. It's just those numbers posted seem pretty reasonable to me.

Agreed. While those numbers are better than 99% of the population, and great for a 175 lb 47 year old, they’re not out of the realm for those of us who put in the work at the gym.


*** I think he's similar in size. IIRC, benching 315lbs?
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 6:54:43 PM EDT
5'3" 287lbs

It's okay to be jealous, not everyone can be a stunning adonis like me.

Link Posted: 8/27/2023 7:07:43 PM EDT
Can the body absorb more than 25-30gr of protein at one time? Be careful with your kidneys.

Does dietary fat translate to stored body fat?

You say AM workout, second workout, hike - are you doing doubles all the time? Are you getting recovery time?

I agree with most here about 1,000 calories. It sounds miserable and may be working against you.

I’m a functional fitness guy. Lift heavy things off the ground, throw them down. Weighted rucks, sandbag rucks, sprints. I don’t care (that much) about how I look as long as I’m strong, have endurance, and somewhat flexible. I just bought a Rogue sledgehammer that I’m looking forward to crushing things with.

I do understand the drive for abs though. I see mine, they are just napping under a mid-weight quilt.

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I cook from scratch. I weigh all my food raw and log it in grams or ounces.

My diet is pretty plain. In the morning I have my Men's health vitamins, 140 g blueberries, and between 17 and 18 oz of boneless/skinless chicken breast (I trim off any visible fat before I weigh it), cooked plain with no oil, just a dash of garlic salt, onion powder, and Montreal chicken seasoning. Then I do my AM workout.

A couple hours after my first workout, I take in about 62 g of protein powder. I workout again and hike. Then take in another 32 g of protein powder in the evening. Every Sunday I'll have some micronutrient dense foods: Beef liver, chicken eggs, and salmon eggs.

I'm hitting my daily protein minimums of atleast 175g protein per day, and keeping it at right around 1k cals. Severe cut, but it's working and I'm not losing muscle or strength.
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Link Posted: 8/27/2023 7:10:41 PM EDT
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5'9" and 147 lbs is emaciated.

I'm the same height and 165 right now, probably 12% BF......and I'm too small.

Eat and lift.
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Almost exactly the same for me. I’m planning the winter bulk already.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 7:11:58 PM EDT
At 145lbs you need to double + those calories and start doing some heavy core exercises. Build up those abdominal muscles and they’ll be easier to see.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 7:14:21 PM EDT
Not very....
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 7:24:38 PM EDT
I recently hiked a 15k mountain with no prep, beat par time by hours, and had no recovery period. I'm fit enough.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 7:30:34 PM EDT
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I recently hiked a 15k mountain with no prep, beat par time by hours, and had no recovery period. I'm fit enough.
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I thought you wouldn’t know.

Link Posted: 8/27/2023 7:36:57 PM EDT
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I thought you wouldn’t know.

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I recently hiked a 15k mountain with no prep, beat par time by hours, and had no recovery period. I'm fit enough.

I thought you wouldn’t know.

That's just for hijinks if I ever got called into court.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 7:38:38 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 8:06:53 PM EDT
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I recently hiked a 15k mountain with no prep, beat par time by hours, and had no recovery period. I'm fit enough.
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Link Posted: 8/27/2023 8:08:39 PM EDT
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I'd say top 1% of the 50+ age category.
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Link Posted: 8/27/2023 8:09:22 PM EDT
not fit at all
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 8:14:26 PM EDT
I can mow my own yard.  Barely.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 8:30:16 PM EDT
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147, 5'9", 1000 cal/day, sounds like a girl I dated a while back.

Here's me at 6'0", 230ish. 50 year old man. I've got legs though. I can't even fathom cutting at 147.

I guess I'm not fit. I'm definitely not meant to be a runner, not built to be a runner, and I don't consider running fast or far to be an advantage in my life.
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147, 5'9", 1000 cal/day, sounds like a girl I dated a while back.

Here's me at 6'0", 230ish. 50 year old man. I've got legs though. I can't even fathom cutting at 147.

The actual real definition of fitness is cardio capacity. If you are 10% bodyfat, weigh 230lbs and can bench 480 but can't run a 5k in under 27 minutes you aren't fit.

I guess I'm not fit. I'm definitely not meant to be a runner, not built to be a runner, and I don't consider running fast or far to be an advantage in my life.

Where do you get your juice from, i cant find it anywhere nowadays.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 8:35:56 PM EDT
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I recently hiked a 15k mountain with no prep, beat par time by hours, and had no recovery period. I'm fit enough.
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I recently looked at a 15k mountain, and said, fuck that, we aren't going there.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 8:54:29 PM EDT
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This is my current state. I'm 42, 5'10 and 180#. I lift five days a week, and I ride over 100 miles a week. I haven't been running as much but I will occasionally replace a ride with a 7 mile run or so. Usually around a 9:30 pace, nothing fast. I can still do a mile in around 6:15 though.

I track calories and usually get to 3000 or so on normal workout days, usually with 200 grams of protein. I drink every day, usually bourbon. Sometimes wine or beer. I'm generally low carb and am not big on sweets, but I don't deny myself.

No clue on body composition. Somewhere between 10 and 15% based on pictures.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 9:07:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 9:14:26 PM EDT
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5'9" and 147 lbs is emaciated.

I'm the same height and 165 right now, probably 12% BF......and I'm too small.

Eat and lift.
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I'm 5'8" and 135lbs. Basically have no fat. Lost a lot of core strength though.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 9:26:13 PM EDT
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147, 5'9", 1000 cal/day, sounds like a girl I dated a while back.

Here's me at 6'0", 230ish. 50 year old man. I've got legs though. I can't even fathom cutting at 147.

I guess I'm not fit. I'm definitely not meant to be a runner, not built to be a runner, and I don't consider running fast or far to be an advantage in my life.
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147, 5'9", 1000 cal/day, sounds like a girl I dated a while back.

Here's me at 6'0", 230ish. 50 year old man. I've got legs though. I can't even fathom cutting at 147.

The actual real definition of fitness is cardio capacity. If you are 10% bodyfat, weigh 230lbs and can bench 480 but can't run a 5k in under 27 minutes you aren't fit.

I guess I'm not fit. I'm definitely not meant to be a runner, not built to be a runner, and I don't consider running fast or far to be an advantage in my life.

Dude, that Goonies shirt is awesome.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 9:28:34 PM EDT
5'9" 252lbs ~26% BF, 40 years old
Ruck 45lbs 2miles a day, ~17min pace, little to no distance running
Lift 2-3 times/week - 415 squat, 285 bench, 485 deadlift

Goals in order:
1) Cut calories to lose weight by tracking calories, less alcohol, supplement protein w/ powder
2) Increase cardio to improve VO2 by increasing ruck distance to 3 min/day, decreasing time to ~15 min/mi, also adding in a couple unweight mile runs/biking
3) Try maintain strength with compound lifts

Goal weight for this year is 220lbs, should end up ~20% BF. Will reassess from there about getting down to 15-18%, hopefully closer to 200lbs.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 9:31:48 PM EDT
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Dude, that Goonies shirt is awesome.
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147, 5'9", 1000 cal/day, sounds like a girl I dated a while back.

Here's me at 6'0", 230ish. 50 year old man. I've got legs though. I can't even fathom cutting at 147.

The actual real definition of fitness is cardio capacity. If you are 10% bodyfat, weigh 230lbs and can bench 480 but can't run a 5k in under 27 minutes you aren't fit.

I guess I'm not fit. I'm definitely not meant to be a runner, not built to be a runner, and I don't consider running fast or far to be an advantage in my life.

Dude, that Goonies shirt is awesome.

I've got the same one and it's the only shirt I've ever gotten comments on.

I thought I had a pic but a video will do
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 9:32:19 PM EDT
Some of you dudes are cut!

I am built for cycling and trail running.

Lightweight and limber. With a fucked back.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 9:33:04 PM EDT
I’m in my mid-50s and I just had my best annual physical in over 10 years. My blood chemistry is perfect and Doc says I have the heart of a 30yo.

and that ain’t bad
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 9:36:29 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 9:44:56 PM EDT
My last dexa scan 2 weeks ago says 13% body fat.  I ran 5mi yesterday when it was 107f in Dallas, and my last chest day was 18,000lbs lifted.  Resting heart rate is at 61bps, vo2max is teetering on 38.  I’ll wake up and go run 10k tomorrow morning at 6am.  

What do I win?
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 9:46:54 PM EDT
What's the source of the calories?
How many meals?

Do more steps.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 9:52:51 PM EDT
I’m 5’9 and 170. I’ve dropped lower and into single digit body fat but I felt weaker and didn’t like how I looked. You need to eat, lift and get strong. Cut the fat later.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 9:53:46 PM EDT
I hike every weekend and lift during the week.  Recently been getting 4x6 on pullups with 25 lbs added on the belt. Not my best but not bad at 305.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 10:04:50 PM EDT
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Walmart, it’s just to the right of the milk.
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Where do you get your juice from, i cant find it anywhere nowadays.

Walmart, it’s just to the right of the milk.

Link Posted: 8/27/2023 10:12:17 PM EDT
My pcp repeatedly tells me I’m in the top 10 percent for my age. Early 60’s
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 10:16:40 PM EDT
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The actual real definition of fitness is cardio capacity. If you are 10% bodyfat, weigh 230lbs and can bench 480 but can't run a 5k in under 27 minutes you aren't fit.
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Link Posted: 8/27/2023 10:19:54 PM EDT
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This is why I only do cardio. Granted I can’t bench my own body weight or dead lift over a hundred pounds.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 10:21:56 PM EDT
I’m doing OK but check out my son’s abs. Granted, he was ready/flexing while I’m bullshitting. Either way his abs are better than mine. He doesn’t drink beer.

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Link Posted: 8/27/2023 10:23:52 PM EDT
I’m same weight as OP.

I’m naturally skinny. 5 months post op from an ACL replacement so my left leg lost a lot of definition and I’m working hard to get it back.

I don’t really hit the gym much but I do bike, hike, golf, and get outside with the dog everyday. I’ve just started lifting as I want to get more strength and I’m starting from a lean “blank canvas”

Link Posted: 8/27/2023 10:46:40 PM EDT
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Get some skinfold calipers.

These are cheap, and can be used solo.


Practice with them until you develop the consistency in your technique to get 3 identical measurements in a row each time. Do this BEFORE getting the DEXA scan. This will give you an idea of your offset( the difference in your skinfold measurement BF%, vs the DEXA measured BF%). This way, you can measure your own BF% once a week, and track your progress.
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5'9" and 147 lbs is emaciated.

I'm the same height and 165 right now, probably 12% BF......and I'm too small.

Eat and lift.


Body type is a thing.

Though op, i question your body fat percentage numbers. I dont see how they could be that high with your height weight intake and regimen

It actually could be alot lower than that. I can see my top two abs and a bit of my 3rd and 4th abs below that. But I also tend to bloat alot around my midsection, so it's often hard to tell (I look leanest first thing in the AM). I plan on getting a Dexa scan soon so I can know for sure.

Get some skinfold calipers.

These are cheap, and can be used solo.


Practice with them until you develop the consistency in your technique to get 3 identical measurements in a row each time. Do this BEFORE getting the DEXA scan. This will give you an idea of your offset( the difference in your skinfold measurement BF%, vs the DEXA measured BF%). This way, you can measure your own BF% once a week, and track your progress.

Ordered! Thank you very much for that tip.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 10:54:47 PM EDT
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My pcp repeatedly tells me I’m in the top 10 percent for my age. Early 60’s
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You can't be in very good shape if you're taking PCP...
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 10:59:01 PM EDT
I'm 64.
183 lbs.

Pretty active, no beer or pop.
Cut back on eating is the key.
Banana for breakfast, hand full of peanuts for lunch, eat a full dinner.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 11:23:52 PM EDT
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I am 6’3” and 215 lbs.
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Link Posted: 8/28/2023 12:02:16 AM EDT
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If you just put on muscle and kept the same amount of fat then your BF percentage would drop while you gained weight and got stronger.
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OP is on a non-sustainable, starvation diet with only 1,000 calories/day and working out.

You are actually hurting yourself.

Only until I drop 5% body fat, if that. Then I hit maintenance for a while.

Your body has crashed your metabolism (or will) at 1000 calories.

Up the calories. Find your maintenance. Drop 300 calories below maintenance.

Lift weights.

I can do 26 pull-ups bc I do weighted pull-ups and actually progress. Progressive overload is a thing. So is not doing death march cuts.

You're not going to be able to sustain 5% for very long. Get to 10% (if you can even measure) and see how that feels. You're probably best off 12 to 15%

What I meant to say is that I'm at roughly 15% and trying to drop to 10%. Once I get there I'll eat at maintenance and start doing heavy weight lifting again.

If you just put on muscle and kept the same amount of fat then your BF percentage would drop while you gained weight and got stronger.

Okay, I've been told this. But will increasing muscle while not gaining fat make my abs show? That is my current goal. I don't see how gaining extra muscle would make the current layer of fat disappear from my midsection, than cutting would.

My plan is to drop another 5-10 lbs of fat while maintaining muscle, then perform a slow bulk by lifting heavy and maintaining abdominal definition.
Link Posted: 8/28/2023 12:06:51 AM EDT
I'm 52, 6', 255ish, havent worked out in memory, walk the dog occasionally and this morning unloaded a trailer of about 130 alfalfa squares and carried them into a building and stacked them, my fingers are a little sore.  Wife dropped them to the deck of the trailer so i could grab them.  Farm strong, fit?  Not really.
Link Posted: 8/28/2023 12:32:47 AM EDT
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Okay, I've been told this. But will increasing muscle while not gaining fat make my abs show? That is my current goal. I don't see how gaining extra muscle would make the current layer of fat disappear from my midsection, than cutting would.

My plan is to drop another 5-10 lbs of fat while maintaining muscle, then perform a slow bulk by lifting heavy and maintaining abdominal definition.
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OP is on a non-sustainable, starvation diet with only 1,000 calories/day and working out.

You are actually hurting yourself.

Only until I drop 5% body fat, if that. Then I hit maintenance for a while.

Your body has crashed your metabolism (or will) at 1000 calories.

Up the calories. Find your maintenance. Drop 300 calories below maintenance.

Lift weights.

I can do 26 pull-ups bc I do weighted pull-ups and actually progress. Progressive overload is a thing. So is not doing death march cuts.

You're not going to be able to sustain 5% for very long. Get to 10% (if you can even measure) and see how that feels. You're probably best off 12 to 15%

What I meant to say is that I'm at roughly 15% and trying to drop to 10%. Once I get there I'll eat at maintenance and start doing heavy weight lifting again.

If you just put on muscle and kept the same amount of fat then your BF percentage would drop while you gained weight and got stronger.

Okay, I've been told this. But will increasing muscle while not gaining fat make my abs show? That is my current goal. I don't see how gaining extra muscle would make the current layer of fat disappear from my midsection, than cutting would.

My plan is to drop another 5-10 lbs of fat while maintaining muscle, then perform a slow bulk by lifting heavy and maintaining abdominal definition.

1. Abs are a muscle. Build the muscle to make it bigger.
2. Typically increasing muscle mass will increase your metabolism and help burn fat.
Link Posted: 8/28/2023 12:49:35 AM EDT
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1. Abs are a muscle. Build the muscle to make it bigger.
2. Typically increasing muscle mass will increase your metabolism and help burn fat.
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OP is on a non-sustainable, starvation diet with only 1,000 calories/day and working out.

You are actually hurting yourself.

Only until I drop 5% body fat, if that. Then I hit maintenance for a while.

Your body has crashed your metabolism (or will) at 1000 calories.

Up the calories. Find your maintenance. Drop 300 calories below maintenance.

Lift weights.

I can do 26 pull-ups bc I do weighted pull-ups and actually progress. Progressive overload is a thing. So is not doing death march cuts.

You're not going to be able to sustain 5% for very long. Get to 10% (if you can even measure) and see how that feels. You're probably best off 12 to 15%

What I meant to say is that I'm at roughly 15% and trying to drop to 10%. Once I get there I'll eat at maintenance and start doing heavy weight lifting again.

If you just put on muscle and kept the same amount of fat then your BF percentage would drop while you gained weight and got stronger.

Okay, I've been told this. But will increasing muscle while not gaining fat make my abs show? That is my current goal. I don't see how gaining extra muscle would make the current layer of fat disappear from my midsection, than cutting would.

My plan is to drop another 5-10 lbs of fat while maintaining muscle, then perform a slow bulk by lifting heavy and maintaining abdominal definition.

1. Abs are a muscle. Build the muscle to make it bigger.
2. Typically increasing muscle mass will increase your metabolism and help burn fat.

That actually makes sense. Should I continue to cut at this rate for another month, and then start my slow bulk? I have a heavily muscled upper body, but skinny legs. That explains my low weight. I still look good with my shirt off. I just want as much abdominal definition as possible before I begin a gradual bulk.
Link Posted: 8/28/2023 1:10:52 AM EDT
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I'm in pretty good shape for 72 YO. I jog a mile, do 20 pull ups, 30 push ups each week, and eat a well balanced diet with only healthy food.
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Link Posted: 8/28/2023 1:13:49 AM EDT
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That actually makes sense. Should I continue to cut at this rate for another month, and then start my slow bulk? I have a heavily muscled upper body, but skinny legs. That explains my low weight. I still look good with my shirt off. I just want as much abdominal definition as possible before I begin a gradual bulk.
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OP is on a non-sustainable, starvation diet with only 1,000 calories/day and working out.

You are actually hurting yourself.

Only until I drop 5% body fat, if that. Then I hit maintenance for a while.

Your body has crashed your metabolism (or will) at 1000 calories.

Up the calories. Find your maintenance. Drop 300 calories below maintenance.

Lift weights.

I can do 26 pull-ups bc I do weighted pull-ups and actually progress. Progressive overload is a thing. So is not doing death march cuts.

You're not going to be able to sustain 5% for very long. Get to 10% (if you can even measure) and see how that feels. You're probably best off 12 to 15%

What I meant to say is that I'm at roughly 15% and trying to drop to 10%. Once I get there I'll eat at maintenance and start doing heavy weight lifting again.

If you just put on muscle and kept the same amount of fat then your BF percentage would drop while you gained weight and got stronger.

Okay, I've been told this. But will increasing muscle while not gaining fat make my abs show? That is my current goal. I don't see how gaining extra muscle would make the current layer of fat disappear from my midsection, than cutting would.

My plan is to drop another 5-10 lbs of fat while maintaining muscle, then perform a slow bulk by lifting heavy and maintaining abdominal definition.

1. Abs are a muscle. Build the muscle to make it bigger.
2. Typically increasing muscle mass will increase your metabolism and help burn fat.

That actually makes sense. Should I continue to cut at this rate for another month, and then start my slow bulk? I have a heavily muscled upper body, but skinny legs. That explains my low weight. I still look good with my shirt off. I just want as much abdominal definition as possible before I begin a gradual bulk.

Don't even think about bulking. It's a stupid term. You do need to eat more. You also need to squat and deadlift.
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