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Link Posted: 8/28/2023 4:03:01 AM EDT
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My last dexa scan 2 weeks ago says 13% body fat.  I ran 5mi yesterday when it was 107f in Dallas, and my last chest day was 18,000lbs lifted.  Resting heart rate is at 61bps, vo2max is teetering on 38.  I’ll wake up and go run 10k tomorrow morning at 6am.  

What do I win?
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The hummingbird award?
Link Posted: 8/28/2023 4:07:27 AM EDT
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Okay, I've been told this. But will increasing muscle while not gaining fat make my abs show? That is my current goal. I don't see how gaining extra muscle would make the current layer of fat disappear from my midsection, than cutting would.

My plan is to drop another 5-10 lbs of fat while maintaining muscle, then perform a slow bulk by lifting heavy and maintaining abdominal definition.
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OP is on a non-sustainable, starvation diet with only 1,000 calories/day and working out.

You are actually hurting yourself.

Only until I drop 5% body fat, if that. Then I hit maintenance for a while.

Your body has crashed your metabolism (or will) at 1000 calories.

Up the calories. Find your maintenance. Drop 300 calories below maintenance.

Lift weights.

I can do 26 pull-ups bc I do weighted pull-ups and actually progress. Progressive overload is a thing. So is not doing death march cuts.

You're not going to be able to sustain 5% for very long. Get to 10% (if you can even measure) and see how that feels. You're probably best off 12 to 15%

What I meant to say is that I'm at roughly 15% and trying to drop to 10%. Once I get there I'll eat at maintenance and start doing heavy weight lifting again.

If you just put on muscle and kept the same amount of fat then your BF percentage would drop while you gained weight and got stronger.

Okay, I've been told this. But will increasing muscle while not gaining fat make my abs show? That is my current goal. I don't see how gaining extra muscle would make the current layer of fat disappear from my midsection, than cutting would.

My plan is to drop another 5-10 lbs of fat while maintaining muscle, then perform a slow bulk by lifting heavy and maintaining abdominal definition.

You're on the right track. The quickest, most efficient way to increase definition/get ripped, is by cutting bodyfat.
Link Posted: 8/28/2023 5:22:55 AM EDT
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Okay, I've been told this. But will increasing muscle while not gaining fat make my abs show? That is my current goal. I don't see how gaining extra muscle would make the current layer of fat disappear from my midsection, than cutting would.

My plan is to drop another 5-10 lbs of fat while maintaining muscle, then perform a slow bulk by lifting heavy and maintaining abdominal definition.
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OP is on a non-sustainable, starvation diet with only 1,000 calories/day and working out.

You are actually hurting yourself.

Only until I drop 5% body fat, if that. Then I hit maintenance for a while.

Your body has crashed your metabolism (or will) at 1000 calories.

Up the calories. Find your maintenance. Drop 300 calories below maintenance.

Lift weights.

I can do 26 pull-ups bc I do weighted pull-ups and actually progress. Progressive overload is a thing. So is not doing death march cuts.

You're not going to be able to sustain 5% for very long. Get to 10% (if you can even measure) and see how that feels. You're probably best off 12 to 15%

What I meant to say is that I'm at roughly 15% and trying to drop to 10%. Once I get there I'll eat at maintenance and start doing heavy weight lifting again.

If you just put on muscle and kept the same amount of fat then your BF percentage would drop while you gained weight and got stronger.

Okay, I've been told this. But will increasing muscle while not gaining fat make my abs show? That is my current goal. I don't see how gaining extra muscle would make the current layer of fat disappear from my midsection, than cutting would.

My plan is to drop another 5-10 lbs of fat while maintaining muscle, then perform a slow bulk by lifting heavy and maintaining abdominal definition.

Yes, growing some abs will make your abs show.
Link Posted: 8/28/2023 5:57:35 AM EDT
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I recently looked at a 15k mountain, and said, fuck that, we aren't going there.
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I recently hiked a 15k mountain with no prep, beat par time by hours, and had no recovery period. I'm fit enough.

I recently looked at a 15k mountain, and said, fuck that, we aren't going there.

That's my plan for next time lol
Link Posted: 8/28/2023 5:59:33 AM EDT
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5'9" and 147 lbs is emaciated.

I'm the same height and 165 right now, probably 12% BF......and I'm too small.

Eat and lift.
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When I started hitting pushups regularly at the beginning of 2021, I was 5'10 and 165.

I'm hovering around 185 now while eating a breakfast that is 1200 calories consisting of:
1 cup of oatmeal 300c
1 banana 100c
2 fig pkgs 400c
2 xlg eggs 180c
apple butter 120c
ham 100c

I'm dealing with an annoying cold right now so my liquid intake is up a bunch, but I still begin my morning with coffee.
Link Posted: 8/28/2023 9:41:32 AM EDT
Yeah, the toughest thing about this diet is how mentally challenging it is. I miss highly satiating foods like pasta alfredo, ribeye steak, sushi, and my personal favorite: anchovy pizza.

But since my diet is so cut and dry, it's easy to stick to since there isn't much prep work involved. And I'm saving tons of money on groceries.

I only have a month or two tops, longer on this diet before I increase my cals back up to maintenance, although I am going to have to figure out my new TDEE after I hit my goal BF%. I'll probably eventually have to increase my cals by 200 every week until my weight loss halts. I ordered the calipers so I can test my BF percentage at home, although I'm not sure how accurate they are, and daily fluctuations in bloating might likely alter my results. I'll probably check first thing in the AM before I eat anything for greatest consistency.

I really think I'm under 15% BF, but I don't know for sure. My appearance in the mirror changes whether I'm looking when I wake up, or after dinner. A dexa scan should give me a definite answer.
Link Posted: 8/28/2023 1:01:55 PM EDT
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Yeah, the toughest thing about this diet is how mentally challenging it is. I miss highly satiating foods like pasta alfredo, ribeye steak, sushi, and my personal favorite: anchovy pizza.

But since my diet is so cut and dry, it's easy to stick to since there isn't much prep work involved. And I'm saving tons of money on groceries.

I only have a month or two tops, longer on this diet before I increase my cals back up to maintenance, although I am going to have to figure out my new TDEE after I hit my goal BF%. I'll probably eventually have to increase my cals by 200 every week until my weight loss halts. I ordered the calipers so I can test my BF percentage at home, although I'm not sure how accurate they are, and daily fluctuations in bloating might likely alter my results. I'll probably check first thing in the AM before I eat anything for greatest consistency.

I really think I'm under 15% BF, but I don't know for sure. My appearance in the mirror changes whether I'm looking when I wake up, or after dinner. A dexa scan should give me a definite answer.
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At 147lbs, 5% is 7.35lbs. Eating only 1000cal and working out, you are easily in a  deficit of 1500cal/day, meaning you are losing 3lbs per week. You should be done in a couple weeks, not a month or two.
Link Posted: 8/28/2023 1:05:24 PM EDT
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At 147lbs, 5% is 7.35lbs. Eating only 1000cal and working out, you are easily in a  deficit of 1500cal/day, meaning you are losing 3lbs per week. You should be done in a couple weeks, not a month or two.
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Yeah, the toughest thing about this diet is how mentally challenging it is. I miss highly satiating foods like pasta alfredo, ribeye steak, sushi, and my personal favorite: anchovy pizza.

But since my diet is so cut and dry, it's easy to stick to since there isn't much prep work involved. And I'm saving tons of money on groceries.

I only have a month or two tops, longer on this diet before I increase my cals back up to maintenance, although I am going to have to figure out my new TDEE after I hit my goal BF%. I'll probably eventually have to increase my cals by 200 every week until my weight loss halts. I ordered the calipers so I can test my BF percentage at home, although I'm not sure how accurate they are, and daily fluctuations in bloating might likely alter my results. I'll probably check first thing in the AM before I eat anything for greatest consistency.

I really think I'm under 15% BF, but I don't know for sure. My appearance in the mirror changes whether I'm looking when I wake up, or after dinner. A dexa scan should give me a definite answer.
At 147lbs, 5% is 7.35lbs. Eating only 1000cal and working out, you are easily in a  deficit of 1500cal/day, meaning you are losing 3lbs per week. You should be done in a couple weeks, not a month or two.

Good. I can't wait to finish up this cut and start eating at maintenance again.
Link Posted: 8/28/2023 1:09:40 PM EDT
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Don't even think about bulking. It's a stupid term. You do need to eat more. You also need to squat and deadlift.
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OP is on a non-sustainable, starvation diet with only 1,000 calories/day and working out.

You are actually hurting yourself.

Only until I drop 5% body fat, if that. Then I hit maintenance for a while.

Your body has crashed your metabolism (or will) at 1000 calories.

Up the calories. Find your maintenance. Drop 300 calories below maintenance.

Lift weights.

I can do 26 pull-ups bc I do weighted pull-ups and actually progress. Progressive overload is a thing. So is not doing death march cuts.

You're not going to be able to sustain 5% for very long. Get to 10% (if you can even measure) and see how that feels. You're probably best off 12 to 15%

What I meant to say is that I'm at roughly 15% and trying to drop to 10%. Once I get there I'll eat at maintenance and start doing heavy weight lifting again.

If you just put on muscle and kept the same amount of fat then your BF percentage would drop while you gained weight and got stronger.

Okay, I've been told this. But will increasing muscle while not gaining fat make my abs show? That is my current goal. I don't see how gaining extra muscle would make the current layer of fat disappear from my midsection, than cutting would.

My plan is to drop another 5-10 lbs of fat while maintaining muscle, then perform a slow bulk by lifting heavy and maintaining abdominal definition.

1. Abs are a muscle. Build the muscle to make it bigger.
2. Typically increasing muscle mass will increase your metabolism and help burn fat.

That actually makes sense. Should I continue to cut at this rate for another month, and then start my slow bulk? I have a heavily muscled upper body, but skinny legs. That explains my low weight. I still look good with my shirt off. I just want as much abdominal definition as possible before I begin a gradual bulk.

Don't even think about bulking. It's a stupid term. You do need to eat more. You also need to squat and deadlift.

Yeah it’s semantics but the word does have implications. Anything over a low few pounds of gain per month is wholly unnecessary. As a beginner he doesn’t even need to add weight. He will increase strength initially almost entirely neurologically. Only after those beginner gains is muscle accrued in any meaningful way, and thus is the above weight gain necessitated.

Instead of “bulking” I refer to it simply as “the off-season”. A mild calorie surplus is optimal. Above that you’re just being a fat. The world doesn’t need more fats.
Link Posted: 8/28/2023 1:15:54 PM EDT
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Good. I can't wait to finish up this cut and start eating at maintenance again.
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Yeah, the toughest thing about this diet is how mentally challenging it is. I miss highly satiating foods like pasta alfredo, ribeye steak, sushi, and my personal favorite: anchovy pizza.

But since my diet is so cut and dry, it's easy to stick to since there isn't much prep work involved. And I'm saving tons of money on groceries.

I only have a month or two tops, longer on this diet before I increase my cals back up to maintenance, although I am going to have to figure out my new TDEE after I hit my goal BF%. I'll probably eventually have to increase my cals by 200 every week until my weight loss halts. I ordered the calipers so I can test my BF percentage at home, although I'm not sure how accurate they are, and daily fluctuations in bloating might likely alter my results. I'll probably check first thing in the AM before I eat anything for greatest consistency.

I really think I'm under 15% BF, but I don't know for sure. My appearance in the mirror changes whether I'm looking when I wake up, or after dinner. A dexa scan should give me a definite answer.
At 147lbs, 5% is 7.35lbs. Eating only 1000cal and working out, you are easily in a  deficit of 1500cal/day, meaning you are losing 3lbs per week. You should be done in a couple weeks, not a month or two.

Good. I can't wait to finish up this cut and start eating at maintenance again.

When you’re done you may consider a structured refeed. Look up what that means. It ends up being a lot of boring carbs (like, sweet potatoes and whatnot, not skittles) on day one (a lot, like well over maintenance calories), less on day two (above maintenance calories), and maintenance calories on day three. Fats kept very low, protein won’t matter because it’s only a few days. The more ketogenic you’ve been dieting the more carb heavy you need to go (I’m not a member of the cult of keto, but the term is useful in this instance).

The goal is to reset your leptin and ghrelin such that you don’t fuck up your diet with a bunch of dumb shit as soon as you’re done like ODing on pizza and ice cream.
Link Posted: 8/28/2023 1:23:12 PM EDT
6ft. 175.
I do a routine of pushups, sit-ups, plank, squats, pull ups, and dips. reps of 25, two sets in the morning and in the evening just to keep my cut.
My job keeps me on my feet and running and climbing ladders daily. I also run once or twice a week in the winter usually. Summer is too busy.
I eat healthy for the most part but every once in a while I like to smash some ice cream or sweets. Gives me something to live for, life is short.

I think your goals are going to make you look like a concentration camp survivor though. Its called bulimia.
Link Posted: 8/28/2023 7:52:26 PM EDT
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That's my plan for next time lol
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I recently hiked a 15k mountain with no prep, beat par time by hours, and had no recovery period. I'm fit enough.

I recently looked at a 15k mountain, and said, fuck that, we aren't going there.

That's my plan for next time lol

We've got our sights set on a pair of 13'ers instead.  Maybe a pair of 8000 footers if we really decide to get at it.
Link Posted: 8/28/2023 8:27:20 PM EDT
I'm just trying to do 50 burpees a day for 30 days without hurting myself. Doing 50lb kb clean and press ladders with pullups, kb swings, assault bike, some light weights, and I hike/walk at work with a pack.

Honestly I just don't want to die at this point or hurt myself so I can't work out anymore. Having neurological issues right now and it's putting what's left of my life in perspective.
Link Posted: 8/29/2023 1:16:20 PM EDT
I'm not going to become emaciated. I have muscular shoulders, chest, arms and upper back. I'm only going to cut as much as I can without losing muscle mass. Only fat. I will incrementally increase my calories if I notice any decrease in muscle or strength. I'm taking almost 180 g protein and doing resistance to preserve muscle.
Link Posted: 8/29/2023 8:27:19 PM EDT
I thought of this thread on the way home today.

We worked from 6-4 pouring concrete. I had to leave to go coach soccer, everyone else stayed to finish up.

I ate probably 2000 calories over two lunches today, then ate another 800 in chocolate milk and kind bars on the way to soccer.

Got home and warmed up a big bowl of meatballs and poured a big glass of whole milk.

Still came up about 1000 short probably.......still too small.

I would waste away to nothing on 1000/day.
Link Posted: 8/29/2023 8:36:17 PM EDT
Too broken to fuck but I can still wipe my ass so I don't have to settle for a tundra wookie.
Link Posted: 8/29/2023 8:40:41 PM EDT
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I thought of this thread on the way home today.

We worked from 6-4 pouring concrete. I had to leave to go coach soccer, everyone else stayed to finish up.

I ate probably 2000 calories over two lunches today, then ate another 800 in chocolate milk and kind bars on the way to soccer.

Got home and warmed up a big bowl of meatballs and poured a big glass of whole milk.

Still came up about 1000 short probably.......still too small.

I would waste away to nothing on 1000/day.
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Same, I couldn't imagine getting by on 1000.  I'm 5'8" and 175lbs and would consider myself on the thinner side.  Anything less then 3-4k calories a day and I start getting sick.
Link Posted: 8/29/2023 8:45:46 PM EDT
I'm 58, 158 lbs, 5'10" and I'm trying to lose 4lbs for a 10K in 4+ weeks. Two years ago I ran it in 57:39 and it would be great to beat my time this year.
Link Posted: 8/29/2023 9:01:02 PM EDT
I am 48, 6' and 165#.  This is as lean as I have been since my Army days.   I was 220# 2 years ago but suffered a pretty bad accident, got the crap.stompped out of me by a 1600# clydesdale horse.   It broke all my ribs, both collar bones, my neck and my left leg.in 3 places.  Plus, it tore a hole in my diaphragm which required 2  surgeries to repair.   It took my 20 years to get up to 220# of pretty fit muscle and less than 4 months for it to completely evaporate.   I was not allowed to lift anything over 8# for an entire year so my body reverted back to my natural weight whicb runs 160-165#.  I have bee  hard at the weights for a year now and have gotten physically stronger than I was before but the mass aint coming back.  My stomach is so wrecked now.I just cannot eat enough calories to gain it.   I was eating almost.4,000 calories a day to maintain the 220 bit now I am lucky if I take in 2,000.  However, I eat really healthy now and am carrying about 10% bodyfat.   Have a full six pack.which my wife loves.  Definitely not as intimidating as I was  ut I am faster and not so easily tired.   I ran a 10K last weekend and averaged 7.15 minute miles.
Link Posted: 8/29/2023 9:10:10 PM EDT
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I'm not going to become emaciated. I have muscular shoulders, chest, arms and upper back. I'm only going to cut as much as I can without losing muscle mass. Only fat. I will incrementally increase my calories if I notice any decrease in muscle or strength. I'm taking almost 180 g protein and doing resistance to preserve muscle.
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Some of that protein might be used for fuel if you take in so few calories...
Link Posted: 8/29/2023 9:21:33 PM EDT
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5'9" and 147 lbs is emaciated.

I'm the same height and 165 right now, probably 12% BF......and I'm too small.

Eat and lift.
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Link Posted: 8/29/2023 9:24:53 PM EDT
Read this article from start to finish. You're fucking up your metabolism and wayyyyyyy too skinny. You're losing muscle for sure.

Link Posted: 8/29/2023 10:04:40 PM EDT
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Read this article from start to finish. You're fucking up your metabolism and wayyyyyyy too skinny. You're losing muscle for sure.

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Lot of seemingly (I'm no expert) good info in one spot, thanks for posting that.
Link Posted: 8/29/2023 10:36:25 PM EDT
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I thought of this thread on the way home today.

We worked from 6-4 pouring concrete. I had to leave to go coach soccer, everyone else stayed to finish up.

I ate probably 2000 calories over two lunches today, then ate another 800 in chocolate milk and kind bars on the way to soccer.

Got home and warmed up a big bowl of meatballs and poured a big glass of whole milk.

Still came up about 1000 short probably.......still too small.

I would waste away to nothing on 1000/day.
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Why r u so week n shit bro?  Go to the gym, geez.
Link Posted: 8/29/2023 10:39:59 PM EDT
Sounds like what you're doing is working good. Otherwise,  increase fat decrease protein
Link Posted: 8/29/2023 10:43:16 PM EDT
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I thought of this thread on the way home today.

We worked from 6-4 pouring concrete. I had to leave to go coach soccer, everyone else stayed to finish up.

I ate probably 2000 calories over two lunches today, then ate another 800 in chocolate milk and kind bars on the way to soccer.

Got home and warmed up a big bowl of meatballs and poured a big glass of whole milk.

Still came up about 1000 short probably.......still too small.

I would waste away to nothing on 1000/day.
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Realistically, manual labor burns between 200 and 400 calories an hour. A full day of work for something like a landscaper or mason might end up working out to more calories than an experienced runner burns during an entire marathon.
Link Posted: 8/29/2023 11:04:47 PM EDT
Be careful of a long term calorie deficit.  You will lower your bmr and start gaining fat again.   a break from deficit every now and then will help stop you from damaging your bmr.    I like intermittent fasting myself
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 1:39:07 AM EDT
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I'm not going to become emaciated. I have muscular shoulders, chest, arms and upper back. I'm only going to cut as much as I can without losing muscle mass. Only fat. I will incrementally increase my calories if I notice any decrease in muscle or strength. I'm taking almost 180 g protein and doing resistance to preserve muscle.
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Try dropping the protein to 130 g. Bring crabs up to replace the lost calories (50x4=200 cal of protein so you’ll need to add about 22 g more cabs to fill the gap) as many have said, add real resistance training.  The body will keep the muscle despite lower protein intake, and in fact will build more.

Anyway, to answer your question, I’m not that fit, but I’m working on it. I still have a fat skirt.

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My best times so far.
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Calculated by my watch, so it’s whatever.
Attachment Attached File

Today was light squat day. I did 5x5 with 225. My legs were pretty smoked after yesterdays run and squats this morning, so I quit walking lunges 3/4 of the way through.

It was also light bench day. I did 5x5 with 185.

Link Posted: 8/30/2023 1:58:33 AM EDT
I follow what he says more or less.

Cuts 8-12 weeks, 500 cal deficit
1g protein per lb bodyweight
Fats .3 grams per lb of bodyweight
Max carbs
Eat 4 meals a day

Preventing Muscle Loss On A Cut - Nutrition Strategies

Link Posted: 8/30/2023 3:17:41 AM EDT
I'm 46, 6'2" 203.
Was down to 193 a few weeks ago, from 227 two months ago.

I've always been able to fluctuate weight by cutting a meal out a day or adding one normally in the colder months.

Link Posted: 8/30/2023 4:26:35 AM EDT
I'm 5'7" 165, 65 yrs of age.

I think I'm pretty fit.

Link Posted: 8/30/2023 12:24:09 PM EDT
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Read this article from start to finish. You're fucking up your metabolism and wayyyyyyy too skinny. You're losing muscle for sure.

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Okay, so I should maybe maintain my 1k calorie cut for another 7 days just to accelerate fat loss, then up it to 1617 cals with weight lifting, and maintain a slower cut?

Or should I start at 1617 cals tomorrow with 200g protein and start lifting weights? According to the article, I take my weight and multiply it by 11 to calculate my calories for cutting.

That being said, since I've been on my 1k cals diet, with doing pushups, pullups, chinups, dips and planks every day, I've noticed my upper torso getting more muscular, and my waist getting trimmer. So it's hard for me to justify changing things.
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 12:24:53 PM EDT
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I'm 5'7" 165, 65 yrs of age.
I think I'm pretty fit.

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You're ripped dude. What do you do?
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 8:12:03 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 8:17:15 PM EDT
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OP you keep mentioning how muscular your upper body is, but your stats are making that difficult to visualize. Post up some pics.
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The reason the stats are so low is because my lower body is like a stick figure. All my muscle is located in my upper body.
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 8:29:58 PM EDT
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The reason the stats are so low is because my lower body is like a stick figure. All my muscle is located in my upper body.
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First 1k cal now this bull shit. This is officially a troll thread.
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 8:35:04 PM EDT
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First 1k cal now this bull shit. This is officially a troll thread.
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The reason the stats are so low is because my lower body is like a stick figure. All my muscle is located in my upper body.

First 1k cal now this bull shit. This is officially a troll thread.

We're all built differently. That's just how I'm built. I also do lots of upper body exercises and kind of neglect my legs. I'm going to start doing squats and RDLs once I get to the point that I increase my calories.
Link Posted: 8/31/2023 10:46:30 AM EDT
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We're all built differently. That's just how I'm built. I also do lots of upper body exercises and kind of neglect my legs. I'm going to start doing squats and RDLs once I get to the point that I increase my calories.
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It seems like you are set on sticking with your plan and not taking offered advice. Which is fine, but why ask for advice.

As some have suggested, working major muscle groups will have a dramatic effect on your BMR and help burn the fat around your abs. Instead you are going for a large calorie deficit and are probably limiting any performance gains.

Many have also suggested building muscle and then cutting will be an easier route to your goal.

Everything points to heavy squats and deadlifts with a healthy building diet.

Healthy dietary fats are important.

Personally I think solely focusing on aesthetic appearance over functional strength is a waste, but freedom is awesome.


Eta: I’m definitely no expert and have battled with my own fat/performance fluctuations over the years. Mostly due to workload and laziness. It’s nice to be back into a routine.
Link Posted: 8/31/2023 10:54:06 AM EDT
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I'm 5'7" 165, 65 yrs of age.
I think I'm pretty fit.

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Damn, dude.

No homo.
Link Posted: 8/31/2023 11:09:58 AM EDT
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It seems like you are set on sticking with your plan and not taking offered advice. Which is fine, but why ask for advice.

As some have suggested, working major muscle groups will have a dramatic effect on your BMR and help burn the fat around your abs. Instead you are going for a large calorie deficit and are probably limiting any performance gains.

Many have also suggested building muscle and then cutting will be an easier route to your goal.

Everything points to heavy squats and deadlifts with a healthy building diet.

Healthy dietary fats are important.

Personally I think solely focusing on aesthetic appearance over functional strength is a waste, but freedom is awesome.


Eta: I’m definitely no expert and have battled with my own fat/performance fluctuations over the years. Mostly due to workload and laziness. It’s nice to be back into a routine.
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We're all built differently. That's just how I'm built. I also do lots of upper body exercises and kind of neglect my legs. I'm going to start doing squats and RDLs once I get to the point that I increase my calories.

It seems like you are set on sticking with your plan and not taking offered advice. Which is fine, but why ask for advice.

As some have suggested, working major muscle groups will have a dramatic effect on your BMR and help burn the fat around your abs. Instead you are going for a large calorie deficit and are probably limiting any performance gains.

Many have also suggested building muscle and then cutting will be an easier route to your goal.

Everything points to heavy squats and deadlifts with a healthy building diet.

Healthy dietary fats are important.

Personally I think solely focusing on aesthetic appearance over functional strength is a waste, but freedom is awesome.


Eta: I’m definitely no expert and have battled with my own fat/performance fluctuations over the years. Mostly due to workload and laziness. It’s nice to be back into a routine.

I've been debating it in my head over the course of the night. I think I'm gonna move up to 1617 cals today with 200g protein, the rest carbs and some trace fats, and then hit the free weights. Dumbell bench, barbell back squat, shoulder presses, and lat pulldowns.

1k cals has been fucking with my head way too much. Been craving food. I'll do that for a week and see where it goes. 1617 cals hits the minimum recommended cals for my weight for a cut. I'm just worried about gaining fat if I increase my cals, since my metabolism has probably lowered.
Link Posted: 8/31/2023 11:17:30 AM EDT
6'2" 190
actually a few pounds lighter than I was 30 years ago, but I'd trade my today body for the old one
Link Posted: 8/31/2023 12:57:30 PM EDT
You mentioned lat pull-downs. Those are good. How many pull-ups can you do? Might add weighted pull-ups also.
Link Posted: 8/31/2023 1:03:43 PM EDT
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You mentioned lat pull-downs. Those are good. How many pull-ups can you do? Might add weighted pull-ups also.
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I can do about 8 pull-ups, 10 chin-ups, when rested. When doing several sets, I can do about 6 pull-ups per set and 8 chin-ups per set. I also throw in about 15-18 diamond pushups for about 4 sets each.
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 4:49:17 PM EDT
Hit the gym today. Did barbell back squats, dumbell bench press, shoulder presses, lat-pull downs, calf raises, and decline crunches. All were 3-4 sets, except for the crunches which were just one long set.

My squats were super weak. I took a scoop of Total War an hour before I started lifting.
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 5:18:13 PM EDT
Can you chug?
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 5:41:30 PM EDT
2 1/2 hour of ditch digging and I'm covered with sweat. It's certainly an allergic reaction to menial labor.
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 5:49:19 PM EDT
You need to main gain to about 175lbs. Far too light to still be at 15% BF.

I’ve been lifting 24 years now, after my recomp this year I’m sitting at 13.7%BF at 197lbs. 5’10” tall.

You need to lift. What you’re doing currently is not enough remotely for muscle size/strength gain or maintain. My personal routine is a combo of CrossFit, bodybuilding and strongman training. That said, I haven’t “maxed out” in 10 years. No need. 4-6 sets per exercise, 8-15 reps each with a moderately heavy weight.

At 13.7% I can see 4 abs and a V cut. No need to get to 10% for that, you need to train abs with WEIGHT and do compound lifts to make them thick enough to show.

ETA: 1000 calories is WAY TO LOW. Minimum 1,800 calories a day should be your goal
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 6:33:23 PM EDT
Bw- 182
BP - 113/63
OHP 185
DL 440
High pull 200
34” pants
6 whole eggs almost everyday for the last 35 years
Cholesterol = excellent
No visible abs- IDGAF- it means nothing
BF % = who cares-IDGAF it is overrated.
56 years old.
I’d rather be where I’m at, than being 147 with abs and a weak body.
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 6:42:52 PM EDT
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You need to main gain to about 175lbs. Far too light to still be at 15% BF.

I’ve been lifting 24 years now, after my recomp this year I’m sitting at 13.7%BF at 197lbs. 5’10” tall.

You need to lift. What you’re doing currently is not enough remotely for muscle size/strength gain or maintain. My personal routine is a combo of CrossFit, bodybuilding and strongman training. That said, I haven’t “maxed out” in 10 years. No need. 4-6 sets per exercise, 8-15 reps each with a moderately heavy weight.

At 13.7% I can see 4 abs and a V cut. No need to get to 10% for that, you need to train abs with WEIGHT and do compound lifts to make them thick enough to show.


ETA: 1000 calories is WAY TO LOW. Minimum 1,800 calories a day should be your goal
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I started doing my lifts again today and I've increased my cals to 1617.

But I want to develop a svelte and muscular physique with a narrow waist. I don't want to get big and bulky like a body builder. I'm glad you are hitting your goals, but I don't want to get really big. I do want to get bigger than I currently am. But that's why cutting is a short term phase. I'm going for more like a swimmer's build or a gymnast, and less like Arnold. Actually there's a fitness youtuber who's channel is called THENX, and his type of physique is kind of what my end goal is.

How many lifts would you recommend I do each week, how many times per week?

Currently, I'm getting back into the Fierce 5 program. It consists of barbell back squats, benchpress, shoulder presses, lat pulldowns, face pulls, pendlay rows, calf raises, RDLs, decline crunches, bicep curls, cable tricep pressdowns, and barbell front squats. Should that cover everything?
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 6:44:41 PM EDT
Ran a slow 5 miles today so my 5 yo could keep up. I had an extra 12lbs of armor, 8lbs camelback,and on the 2.5 mile mark I found a good sized log to run home with.
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