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Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:23:38 PM EDT
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I, my wife, my 3 kids, my parents in their 80's, my ex-wife, a lot of friends, neighbors, co-workers and acquaintances and others I have come into contact with have had the vaxx and so far none have died, had serious issues, no heart attacks or other problems that GD trumpets on an hourly basis.  I didn't even have any noticeable side effects from either Pfizer vaxx except a little muscle soreness on the first one.  

The mental gymnastics, along with the health risks and possible loss of employment, over the vaxx is rather surprising and astounding to me.  Especially when many of those screaming the loudest about how unsafe it is have zero problem using any narcotic substance and smoking weed that is grown, harvested, transported and handled by some of the worst and filthiest people in the world and in exceedingly unhygienic conditions.
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Jesus, we get it.  Are you even able to walk around in public?

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Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:26:25 PM EDT
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God told me not to take the vaccine that's all that it takes
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Religious exemption? It’s never too late to find Jesus brother.

Boom. This right here.

I'd be an official Jehovahs Witness yesterday. And have a good attorney lined up, they may need a strongly worded letter for punctuation.

Jehovahs Witnesses are allowed to have a vaccine.  You need to be one of the faith healing religions like Faith Tabernacle or prayer healing religions like Christian Scientist.

God told me not to take the vaccine that's all that it takes

Unfortunately not sometimes.  Some employers may ask for documentation.  If you're going the religious exemption route, you might as well be prepared.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:28:07 PM EDT
Need that meme with hard hat kid hammer and dam.  Needs to say mandatory vaccine employers.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:33:48 PM EDT
I just read over the PDF form for employers.  In the section for the employer to fill out it boldly states EUA Covid 19:vaccine, which it currently is.  My concern is that the FDA will just rubber stamp this still questionable novel vaccine before September 15th.  If that happens & this vaccine is then technically “approved” is this form still valid/viable/binding?

Thank you all for replying!  I am grateful for the ARFcom family here…except for the lefty trolls.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:34:27 PM EDT
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My wife is in this position, has until 9/15 or 9/21 (IIRC) to get it. She will not. I will not.

We will not bend. Look at France right now. An unarmed citizenry, and Macron has stated that on 8/1/21, they will not be able to buy or sell unless they have the mark, err...uhhh...sorry, I meant "vaccine."

Keep in mind fellas, those of us who are not in this situation, yet, most certainly will be. Every single one of us.

And also wanted to say, this goes far beyond what the shots actually are, that is one point of contention, but this is a principle issue.

If the communists can "force" us to put anything they fucking want inside our bodies, the slipperiest of slopes has been engaged.

Next comes the sensors, the trackers, the whole top-down surveillance bullshit. Yeah, yeah, yeah conspiracy theory bullshit, whatever.  If you don't think this is the end goal, you're still sleeping, because they've told us on several occasions that this is what they want.
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Do you carry a phone?   Drive a car?    Go anywhere outside your compound?    Use the internet, or TV?      
Tell the truth.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:44:05 PM EDT
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Read a couple posts and September keeps popping up. Which is weird, since my company is doing an "audit" and wants proof of dependents. Birth and marriage licenses and also social security cards. If i dont submit them, they get dropped in..... September. Which is weird because we are 1/2 of way through the insurance yearly cycle. I could just let them drop them, then reinstall them next year. Maybe im correlating things not needed, but i dont trust any of them.
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When do some fiscal years end?  I'm only guessing here.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:44:12 PM EDT
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Unfortunately not sometimes.  Some employers may ask for documentation.  If you're going the religious exemption route, you might as well be prepared.
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Religious exemption? It’s never too late to find Jesus brother.

Boom. This right here.

I'd be an official Jehovahs Witness yesterday. And have a good attorney lined up, they may need a strongly worded letter for punctuation.

Jehovahs Witnesses are allowed to have a vaccine.  You need to be one of the faith healing religions like Faith Tabernacle or prayer healing religions like Christian Scientist.

God told me not to take the vaccine that's all that it takes

Unfortunately not sometimes.  Some employers may ask for documentation.  If you're going the religious exemption route, you might as well be prepared.

Pretty sure that's all the religion it would take
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:45:53 PM EDT
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And additional supplies are in our trucks.
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Move over please, I brought my own lawn chair.

And additional supplies are in our trucks.

Please tell me someone remembered to bring a grill!
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:50:22 PM EDT
No but local community centers are saying they won't let you in.  I was sent a group email and replied asking what the standard of proof will be and whether that standard will be applied equally to all demographics.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 2:00:15 PM EDT
Are these employers mandating all family members in your household get the vaccine also?  I'm guessing not, so doesn't that kinda defeat any reason they have for making it mandatory at work?  Vaccine isn't guaranteed immunity.  Still gonna be around unvaccinated people at home.

Link Posted: 7/18/2021 2:06:04 PM EDT
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The govt got to experiment on me once on the desert floor with the Anthrax vaccine.  I'm not taking the govt juice this time.
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It was Japanese Encephalitis vaccine for a trip to Thailand.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 3:29:32 PM EDT
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My friend got vaxxed (2 shots, months ago), and just got laid OUT from Covid. A friend of mine (doctor): his mom had the shot and died of a stroke a week later. His best friend (another Dr.): his family got the shot and his 12 yr. old son was on life support for heart failure within 1-2 weeks of the shot. Anecdotal evidence varies I know.
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More anecdotal evidence, but a pro runner I follow got blood clots in his lungs days after getting vaccinated. They misdiagnosed him with pneumonia, so he didn't find this out for a month.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 3:31:58 PM EDT
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Do not get the jab. Everyday someone new posted about severe adverse effects. The liberals are crying all over Reddit about the shots fucking them up.

Don't do it.
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Link to Reddit? Curious.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 4:29:59 PM EDT
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I, my wife, my 3 kids, my parents in their 80's, my ex-wife, a lot of friends, neighbors, co-workers and acquaintances and others I have come into contact with have had the vaxx and so far none have died, had serious issues, no heart attacks or other problems that GD trumpets on an hourly basis.  I didn't even have any noticeable side effects from either Pfizer vaxx except a little muscle soreness on the first one.  

The mental gymnastics, along with the health risks and possible loss of employment, over the vaxx is rather surprising and astounding to me.  Especially when many of those screaming the loudest about how unsafe it is have zero problem using any narcotic substance and smoking weed that is grown, harvested, transported and handled by some of the worst and filthiest people in the world and in exceedingly unhygienic conditions.
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Good for you

My work pushed it but it is not mandatory which is good because I will not take the vaxx.
If you want the shot, get the shot. That's how freedom is supposed to work
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 4:34:50 PM EDT
I work back office in the sports TV production industry. Everyone on set must have the vax.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 4:38:34 PM EDT
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Everyone who works in the entertainment industry, live events, concerts, theatre, touring, film, TV; has to get a vaccine, and still wear a mask while at work.
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The only people I know who have had ultimatums and coercion thrown at them are health care workers and so far none of them have caved or been fired.

Everyone who works in the entertainment industry, live events, concerts, theatre, touring, film, TV; has to get a vaccine, and still wear a mask while at work.

I am getting a new job next month because of this.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 4:40:38 PM EDT
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Good for you OP.     I know personally know several people who have not done well.  One stroked and one possibly has pre dementia all of a sudden.   Both in their 60's and excellent health prior to the "jab".
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My wifes sister was in her 30s in perfect health. Got job and boom …high blood pressure. No history of it before and she isnt fat.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 5:00:46 PM EDT
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I looked closely at the religious exemption.  My employer would require extensive proof that I just wont be able to produce.  I know one D.O. & another nurse who also wont be accepting this vaccine either.  The organization will be losing at least three of us.  My only concern is whether or not my soon to be former employer will have to pay our unemployment or not.
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I don’t know if you would get unemployment or not. You should file for unemployment if you are fired. It would be prudent to assume you will not get it. You might do some research to see how the state is treating people fired for refusing vaccinations. My guess is that CA will not give you unemployment since they are pushing vaccinations.

Full disclosure, I am vaccinated and think you should be unless there is a medical or religious reason that prevents you. That does not change the fact that the state of CA wants you vaccinated and most likely will do everything to encourage it.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 5:05:02 PM EDT
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Just order some of the cards and fill them out.
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I thought it was a CoC violation to advocate illegal actions. Forgery is a crime.

If you do forge a vaccination card, there is no question that you would be fired for cause.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 5:07:13 PM EDT
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The only people I know who have had ultimatums and coercion thrown at them are health care workers and so far none of them have caved or been fired.
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What about the 100+ in Houston?
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 5:14:36 PM EDT
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Jehovahs Witnesses are allowed to have a vaccine.  You need to be one of the faith healing religions like Faith Tabernacle or prayer healing religions like Christian Scientist.
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You don’t need to be any particular religion. You just need to believe that benefiting from the murder of innocent children in any way, shape, or form a.k.a. benefiting from an evil act and doing do voluntarily is something that you strongly disagree with
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 5:14:54 PM EDT
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Great idea! Give your employer the form that shows you are a trouble maker or have very poor judgment. Employers love having people like that working for them. Wait…..employers do there best to avoid trouble makers and people who lack common sense.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 5:16:39 PM EDT
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Unfortunately not sometimes.  Some employers may ask for documentation.  If you're going the religious exemption route, you might as well be prepared.
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Religion is 100% faith and belief.

Every individual will have slightly different beliefs.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 5:17:56 PM EDT
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I'm retired,  so I had this conversation with my boss while shaving this morning.

She told me I didn't have to get the vaccine shot if I didn't want to.
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I am glad to see you know who is the boss and have a sense of humor. It would be better if more people could look at life like you do.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 5:24:33 PM EDT
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I thought it was a CoC violation to advocate illegal actions. Forgery is a crime.

If you do forge a vaccination card, there is no question that you would be fired for cause.
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Isnt mandating the vaccine a crime? A crime perpetrated against a criminal is not a crime. In the absence of the first crime, what he is doing would be but it isnt.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 5:25:29 PM EDT
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I thought it was a CoC violation to advocate illegal actions. Forgery is a crime.

If you do forge a vaccination card, there is no question that you would be fired for cause.
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Only if you do a shitty job.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 5:32:01 PM EDT
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Isnt mandating the vaccine a crime? A crime perpetrated against a criminal is not a crime. In the absence of the first crime, what he is doing would be but it isnt.
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I thought it was a CoC violation to advocate illegal actions. Forgery is a crime.

If you do forge a vaccination card, there is no question that you would be fired for cause.

Isnt mandating the vaccine a crime? A crime perpetrated against a criminal is not a crime. In the absence of the first crime, what he is doing would be but it isnt.

It is not a crime for an employer to require employees to be vaccinated. There maybe a civil action possibility but it is not a crime.

I fail to see your logic that you can commit a crime against a criminal and justify it. You can use lethal force to protect yourself from an armed assault. You cannot assault someone because they stole something from you yesterday.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 5:33:20 PM EDT
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Only if you do a shitty job.
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I thought it was a CoC violation to advocate illegal actions. Forgery is a crime.

If you do forge a vaccination card, there is no question that you would be fired for cause.


Only if you do a shitty job.

You must be a politician, it is not immoral or illegal if you don’t get caught.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 5:40:18 PM EDT
Around 2013/2014 I had RMSF. It severely screwed me up and wrecked my life. It’s turned into some autoimmune issue or something that no one understands which leaves me confused, exhausted, weak, heat intolerant etc.  In 2012 I rode my bicycle in the summer, on the hottest days. I’m not lazy, I’m not a slacker, I’m weak and constantly fatigued from some immune system dysfunction. Rumor is the shot is causing similar issues for some people and that makes sense because different viruses affect people in different ways. The risk is too great.

I promise you, you do not want to spend one day of your life feeling the way I do on my bad days, much less 7 years…or longer.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 5:42:52 PM EDT
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I, my wife, my 3 kids, my parents in their 80's, my ex-wife, a lot of friends, neighbors, co-workers and acquaintances and others I have come into contact with have had the vaxx and so far none have died, had serious issues, no heart attacks or other problems that GD trumpets on an hourly basis.  I didn't even have any noticeable side effects from either Pfizer vaxx except a little muscle soreness on the first one.  

The mental gymnastics, along with the health risks and possible loss of employment, over the vaxx is rather surprising and astounding to me.  Especially when many of those screaming the loudest about how unsafe it is have zero problem using any narcotic substance and smoking weed that is grown, harvested, transported and handled by some of the worst and filthiest people in the world and in exceedingly unhygienic conditions.
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Same. Me, wife and 79 year old mother. Pfizer. No side effects. Nothing. The hand wringing is laughable. If you don't want to do it, just say, "I don't want to do it." , but stfu about the damn doom and gloom nonsense. You're as bad as the doom vaxxers that are predicting an end to civilization if everyone doesn't get the shot.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 8:21:36 PM EDT
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This.  Right fuckin here.

I might consider getting this shit stuck in me 5 or 10 years down the road after we see what it actually does to people in the long term but the way they are pushing it now raises the hair on the back of my neck so fuck them in the interim.
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I was on the “I’ll wait 5 years and really evaluate” train.

But the coercion has moved me to “fuck them forever.”  I will never ever get it now out of principal. I will do nothing these jerk offs attempt to coerce or force me into.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 8:23:46 PM EDT
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Since you're using this lame excuse, I'll look forward to seeing your post when you get the FDA APPROVED shot soon. You know Pfizer and Moderna have both submitted applications for full approval, right? And it's the same shot. What are the chances of it not being approved?

Zero. It's more effective than the vast majority of drugs already approved out there.

But once approved, I'm sure most of ARF will move to another excuse to justify why they're scared, uh, I mean why they have good scientific reasons to not get the shot.

Some flat earthers are more rational than some of ARF.
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I don’t need an excuse.

My reason is simple: because fuck every condescending cocksucker who talked to me like I was an idiot or sent veiled threats my direction over it.

I will never take it now. Ever.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 8:24:12 PM EDT
I identify as a christian scientist. Now fuck off with your poison. If you like it so much, you take it.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 8:32:27 PM EDT
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Logical thought has left the building. Work from home and still be forced to get it.
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My son works for St. Luke's Health Care Systems as a financial analyst.  He was told he either took the jab by November or be fired.  

He also works from home.

Logical thought has left the building. Work from home and still be forced to get it.

Management also stated that "teleworking" is permanent; they're not going back to the old system where everyone showed up at their cubicle for 8 hours a day.

They know this.  Something is going on, and it isn't about C-19 being easily spread between employees working from home.

I told him yesterday to bail; find another employer and live without the side effects.  

BTW, very good friend of mine that commutes with me every day to work was FUBAR'd for a month after that stupid shot.  He was an accomplished alcoholic so it's hard to say if his condition was caused by the vaccine of not, but he was a healthy drunk until that shot. He finally said fuck it and quite cold turkey after that bout of sickness.  First time without a drink in over three decades.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 8:39:47 PM EDT
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You must be a politician, it is not immoral or illegal if you don’t get caught.
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I thought it was a CoC violation to advocate illegal actions. Forgery is a crime.

If you do forge a vaccination card, there is no question that you would be fired for cause.


Only if you do a shitty job.

You must be a politician, it is not immoral or illegal if you don’t get caught.

My moral compass says don't abide bullshit, laws be damned.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 8:43:38 PM EDT
I will when they push it. Not going to risk my life for a job at my age
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 8:48:05 PM EDT
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What about the 100+ in Houston?
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The only people I know who have had ultimatums and coercion thrown at them are health care workers and so far none of them have caved or been fired.

What about the 100+ in Houston?

I would presume he doesn’t know any of them, Captain Obtuse.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 8:53:06 PM EDT
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You must be a politician, it is not immoral or illegal if you don’t get caught.
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lol youre not worth getting warned or banned over
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 8:57:56 PM EDT
My daughter started at Amazon in the distribution center.  

They require a vaccine and she said no.  She lost the job.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 8:59:27 PM EDT
I’d love to see a list of things employers can force people to do according to the “it isn’t tyranny if private business does it “ group around here .

Force women to take the pill ?

Mastectomies if breast cancer runs in the family ?

Force breast feeding since it’s mo betta for the baby ?

The snip for single men so they don’t impregnate women by accident ?

Link Posted: 7/18/2021 9:00:38 PM EDT
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lol youre not worth getting warned or banned over
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You must be a politician, it is not immoral or illegal if you don’t get caught.

lol youre not worth getting warned or banned over

Just to clarify. You must be a politician if you think it is not immoral or illegal unless you get caught.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 9:14:14 PM EDT
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Tell me more about this.
I work for myself, but I'm contemplating running a river up in Canada in September if they open the place up. I'm guessing a "vaccine" card might come in handy.
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I saw some guys were selling the cards on ebay.  Its just a blank vaccination card then you can fill it out yourself.  Someone above said that you still won't show up in the database tho.

Link Posted: 7/18/2021 9:27:27 PM EDT
I had an underlying coworker ask me if I was vaccinated.  

I would recommend "it's none of your business."

Link Posted: 7/18/2021 9:31:36 PM EDT
Let them fire you and collect that sweet unemployment. Can likely sue them down the road.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 9:34:53 PM EDT
I work with a bunch of mush brained sheep.

These vaxxers and maskers are like some kind of sick fucking cult.

Gotta get the poke or wear a mask to be included.
"Join ussss Join usssss JOIN US!"

I got tired of them pushing that shit on me so I recently told one of them to STFU.

I got written up for that, fuck it, it felt good.

Link Posted: 7/18/2021 9:38:58 PM EDT
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Proud that you are standing up for your convictions. I plan on doing the same if I am given an ultimatum.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 9:39:00 PM EDT
My mom is currently in the ICU at a hospital that isn't as big as a major metropolitan hospital, but big for a hospital in a college town that is majority conservative. Yesterday, I overheard a bunch of the nurses talking about the C19 vaccine, and what would they do if the hospital decided to make it mandatory. The general consensus was, the hospital couldn't make it mandatory because it was only approved for emergency use, but if they did, most of them would quit. I would think getting fired over refusing an unapproved vaccine would make a lot of people rich.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 9:43:11 PM EDT
Missed quote
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 9:46:06 PM EDT
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Unfortunately not sometimes.  Some employers may ask for documentation.  If you're going the religious exemption route, you might as well be prepared.
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Documentation to prove your religion?
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 9:54:40 PM EDT
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My mom is currently in the ICU at a hospital that isn't as big as a major metropolitan hospital, but big for a hospital in a college town that is majority conservative. Yesterday, I overheard a bunch of the nurses talking about the C19 vaccine, and what would they do if the hospital decided to make it mandatory. The general consensus was, the hospital couldn't make it mandatory because it was only approved for emergency use, but if they did, most of them would quit. I would think getting fired over refusing an unapproved vaccine would make a lot of people rich.
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Nurses are fucking stupid. They're second on the ARFCOM crazy matrix after women that breed horses but ahead of kindergarten teachers.
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