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Link Posted: 9/14/2023 1:34:33 PM EDT
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You may not realize it, but you're advocating the same progressive thought process that got us the overbearing government you now labor under.   Its the idea that we need laws not to protect individuals from infringing upon eachothers rights but to make individuals behave the way we think they should for "culture" or for some other nebulous greater good.   Good being defined as what the wise and scientific leaders decide it should be.

Its not what we created government to do.  
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Politics is downstream of culture.
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 1:34:40 PM EDT
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lol, where did you read that?


The notion that the high school dropout deserves unwavering support from gun owners, but that DeSantis is somehow not on our side, is absolutely delusional.
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Red flag Ronnie?

I’m good.

lol, where did you read that?


The notion that the high school dropout deserves unwavering support from gun owners, but that DeSantis is somehow not on our side, is absolutely delusional.

Delusional is turning a Boebert discussion into a Trump/Desantis debate. Please stay on topic, your schtick is old.
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 1:38:18 PM EDT

I have her wear a Baroness outfit every damn day
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 1:43:24 PM EDT
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Delusional is turning a Boebert discussion into a Trump/Desantis debate. Please stay on topic, your schtick is old.
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Just pointing out your hypocrisy is stating that gun owners should unequivocally support her, while at the same time supporting other anti-2A candidates.
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 1:48:14 PM EDT
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lol, where did you read that?


The notion that the high school dropout deserves unwavering support from gun owners, but that DeSantis is somehow not on our side, is absolutely delusional.
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Red flag Ronnie?

I’m good.

lol, where did you read that?


The notion that the high school dropout deserves unwavering support from gun owners, but that DeSantis is somehow not on our side, is absolutely delusional.

You're replying to a guy who outright said he had more in common with the Taliban than with other Americans (his own words). I'm not sure there's an "our" side with him, at least not with both him and me on it.
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 1:52:46 PM EDT
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You're replying to a guy who outright said he had more in common with the Taliban than with other Americans (his own words). I'm not sure there's an "our" side with him, at least not with both him and me on it.
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lol, I’m quite aware of his posting habits.
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 2:05:05 PM EDT

You're replying to a guy who outright said he had more in common with the Taliban than with other Americans (his own words). I'm not sure there's an "our" side with him, at least not with both him and me on it.
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lol, I’m quite aware of his posting habits.
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Get a room.
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 2:24:01 PM EDT
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She admitted to doing all the things she was kicked out for (singing, vaping, taking photos/recording). Can't believe that either?

I'm not going to judge her for being a grandmother at 36. That would be judging her based on a choice, or mistake when she was 18, as well as someone else's choice (her son).

But when staff gives you a warning about singing (interfering with other people's enjoyment of the performance), as well as doing other things that they've mentioned are expressly prohibited (vaping, and recording), and a person CHOOSES to ignore the warning and go, "I'm special, and I should be able to do whatever I want to/Do you know who I am?", that's the mentality of entitled trash.

Of course, GD being GD, it apparently makes a difference WHO'S doing what. Black folks talking/yelling in a movie theater = "ghetto trash. STFU".


"Oh, she's one of us. It's OK/We don't know the whole story!!!"
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Here’s what I offer (I’d think it would be common sense, but I guess not): don’t act like a fucking moron in public if you’re a representative- it makes you, your party, and your constituency look like morons.  Elect people who aren’t morons.

I don’t live in that district- offering advice is the best I can do.  You like being represented by dipshits? Sigh. Maybe the representation matches the constituency after all (I had hoped not).

Did you see exactly what happened? Based on how the article is slanted against her, I would say we need actual first hand objective facts and not biased opinions. So many people are jumping on the bandwagon to disgrace her by bringing up irrelevant facts and rumors about her and her kids. Should you vape in an enclosed theater? Obviously not. Smoking pot is probably a lessor offense and would be ignored by the left. Her 17yo son and his girlfriend having a kid, reason enough to burn her at the stake.

She admitted to doing all the things she was kicked out for (singing, vaping, taking photos/recording). Can't believe that either?

I'm not going to judge her for being a grandmother at 36. That would be judging her based on a choice, or mistake when she was 18, as well as someone else's choice (her son).

But when staff gives you a warning about singing (interfering with other people's enjoyment of the performance), as well as doing other things that they've mentioned are expressly prohibited (vaping, and recording), and a person CHOOSES to ignore the warning and go, "I'm special, and I should be able to do whatever I want to/Do you know who I am?", that's the mentality of entitled trash.

Of course, GD being GD, it apparently makes a difference WHO'S doing what. Black folks talking/yelling in a movie theater = "ghetto trash. STFU".


"Oh, she's one of us. It's OK/We don't know the whole story!!!"

Dr you read the article? She admitted to laughing and signing too loud. That would suggest others were doing the same. She also admitted to taking one picture it did not know it wasn’t allowed. I saw nothing about admitting to vaping.

Since I was not there I don’t know what she or other people did. I don’t know what was said to her or what she allegedly did after being warned. Based on the tone of the article, I suspect the author was hyping the story and does not like her. I maybe going out on a limb but I think someone in the audience don’t like her and would gladly stretch the truth to see her disgraced.
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 2:30:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 2:33:57 PM EDT
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Anyone who wouldn't is a gay communist.
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Link Posted: 9/14/2023 2:38:07 PM EDT
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Anyone who wouldn't is a gay communist.
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Link Posted: 9/14/2023 2:41:28 PM EDT
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Lol. Someone is going to get taken advantage of by a contractor or residential trade guy one day.

Would you still hire a plumber that is known for belligerent child like behavior simply because said plumber has the tools to get the job done? Would you hire some fly by night plumber that was itching himself like a tweaker? Or would you hire the plumber that has a known good reputation, dressed nicely and conducts himself professionally?

Why such a low expectation for those that are supposed to represent your interests in DC?
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When I hire a plumber I don't care what he does in his personal life, I only concern myself with the cost and the results. That is what affects me.

When I hire a politician I don't care about their personal life. I hired them for their votes.

That is what affects me.

Would I prefer someone who has decorum and class? Sure. Is that often an option on the table given our political system? Hardly.

Given the obvious bias in the article I doubt her actual behavior was as heinous as portrayed so I am extending her the benefit of the doubt.

Lol. Someone is going to get taken advantage of by a contractor or residential trade guy one day.

Would you still hire a plumber that is known for belligerent child like behavior simply because said plumber has the tools to get the job done? Would you hire some fly by night plumber that was itching himself like a tweaker? Or would you hire the plumber that has a known good reputation, dressed nicely and conducts himself professionally?

Why such a low expectation for those that are supposed to represent your interests in DC?

Reading comprehension. A plumbers personal life has no bearing on my choice to hire him.
A fly by night tweaker likely affects his ability to perform the job I hired him for. Being loud in a theater doesnt.

When it comes to politicians I care about results. I will cut a lot of slack to them as long as they give me the results I desire. The same I do for anyone hired to do a job. Im not looking for friends, pastors, or role models for my kids. Do the job.
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 2:41:52 PM EDT
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Anyone who wouldn't is a gay communist.
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i would eat her ass

Anyone who wouldn't is a gay communist.

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Link Posted: 9/14/2023 2:43:24 PM EDT
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That's not why I vote for a congresswoman. I vote for a congresswoman who will advance my interests in Congress. My interests are pro-gun and small and limited government.

Boebert does that. The refined and urbane good people from the northeast, the Bushes and Romney's, don't. But they have great manners at the theater. (And then there's these needledicks from Queens and New Jersey that somehow manage to completely get it wrong on all of the above, and yet people here swung on their jocks.)

I'll worry about the moral example for my children. That's not her job or any other elected official. In my lifetime there's only been one Republican who stayed in his first marriage all the way through, and one democrat who hasn't. That doesn't make democrats acceptable in public office.

ETA: I don't live in her district. But if I did, I'd vote for her and my conscience would be clean. As it is, Monday is payday and I'll send ten bucks to her campaign for each page of this thread.
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Fuck that. If you don't set up boundaries on what is acceptable behavior, you'll get worse and worse.
You're not trying to raise better politicians. That's a fools errand.

Raise your kids, elevate your community, lead by example.   Don't fucking look up to politicians.  They aren't to be admired, they are there to serve us.  

This notion that we have to elect noble people in a field that prevents noble people from even participating is how they win.   Elect a shitbag that votes the right way and then make your immediate world better by living under the laws that got passed.

Expecting a politician to be a better person than any of their constituents is the purity test that keeps us losing.  Romney would fit your criteria, how did that work out?

I don’t need noble or perfect, just someone who will act like an adult.

You think that’s too much to ask for?  Really?

That's not why I vote for a congresswoman. I vote for a congresswoman who will advance my interests in Congress. My interests are pro-gun and small and limited government.

Boebert does that. The refined and urbane good people from the northeast, the Bushes and Romney's, don't. But they have great manners at the theater. (And then there's these needledicks from Queens and New Jersey that somehow manage to completely get it wrong on all of the above, and yet people here swung on their jocks.)

I'll worry about the moral example for my children. That's not her job or any other elected official. In my lifetime there's only been one Republican who stayed in his first marriage all the way through, and one democrat who hasn't. That doesn't make democrats acceptable in public office.

ETA: I don't live in her district. But if I did, I'd vote for her and my conscience would be clean. As it is, Monday is payday and I'll send ten bucks to her campaign for each page of this thread.

Anyone who uses the “do you know who I am” line doesn’t give a fuck for your best interests.
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 2:48:32 PM EDT
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Anyone who uses the "do you know who I am" line doesn't give a fuck for your best interests.
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explain that logic.

I think it's a conceded arrogant thing to say, I think less of people that say it,  but I don't know how you get from that to your conclusion.
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 2:52:48 PM EDT

Get a room.
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If Low_Country and I did that, would your friends throw us off of a roof?


Anyone who uses the “do you know who I am” line doesn’t give a fuck for your best interests.
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Maybe she doesn't care, but she generally votes the way I would if I were in that seat. Which puts her well ahead not only of her dem challengers but also ahead of her CO GOPe primary challengers.
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 2:59:07 PM EDT
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I don't care.  They aren't my friends.  They are there to do the job, I don't care if the guy that flips my burger is divorced and acts like a hooligan.  If he makes a good burger that's where my concern ends.

A majority of politicians are scum, occupational hazard.  Do what I put you there to do.  That's it.   They aren't my priest and I'm not theirs.

They are there to vote not to show me how to live.
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I don't need noble or perfect, just someone who will act like an adult.

You think that's too much to ask for?  Really?
I don't care.  They aren't my friends.  They are there to do the job, I don't care if the guy that flips my burger is divorced and acts like a hooligan.  If he makes a good burger that's where my concern ends.

A majority of politicians are scum, occupational hazard.  Do what I put you there to do.  That's it.   They aren't my priest and I'm not theirs.

They are there to vote not to show me how to live.

You’re hiring that person to represent you. If you’re ok with that representative, bully for you, I guess.
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 3:01:26 PM EDT
If Hunter Biden got booted from a show for vaping and being loud, the leghumpers here would be all over this.

But she’s got big boobs and likes guns, so it’s ok,
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 3:06:47 PM EDT
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If Hunter Biden got booted from a show for vaping and being loud, the leghumpers here would be all over this.

But she's got big boobs and likes guns, so it's ok,
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I know you are not speaking specifically to me but I never said it was ok. If Hunter pays for the crimes he commits that is all I want. I expect the same for her.
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 3:11:32 PM EDT
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Politics is downstream of culture.
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What is the correct culture?   Note that the United States has never had one single culture.
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 3:12:02 PM EDT
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She decided to run after attending a Beto rally.  Confronted him on the 2nd amendment.  Before that, she ran a restaurant that had waitresses open carry.  Too bad your purity test is so high.
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One pro 2nd amendment act doesn’t absolve all future dumb behavior.

If said behavior had been some random black lady doing that this thread would look all little different and there would be some edgy comments resulting in time outs.
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 3:12:25 PM EDT
She can angrily bare her teeth on my wiener anytime.
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 3:15:02 PM EDT
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What is the correct culture?   Note that the United States has never had one single culture.
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Not the shit going on in that club.
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 3:16:16 PM EDT
It's not a stretch to think that i Denver, of all places that there would be someone who dislikes her and reported her for bullshit.

If there WAS vaping, I would guess that it was the boyfriend that was doing it. Lauren doesn't strike me as a vaper. If she is, she just lost a few points with me.
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 3:17:24 PM EDT
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You're hiring that person to represent you. If you're ok with that representative, bully for you, I guess.
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Yes I am, therefor fidelity to my legislative priorities is the most important factor.  

She's not my rep but I'd be happy to have her here.  We need all the help we can get.  

Was Mittens faithful to Utah voters? Was Murkowski faithful to Alaskan voters?   Was every fucking POS establishment republican that legitimized the J6 committee faithful to the people that put them there?  Is Mike Pence a good politician because he has a highly developed sense of morality?

Like it or not the job of politicians is to vote the way the voters that elected them want them to vote within the confines of the constitution.  That's it.  

The left has this figured out.  We do exactly what you are doing and find reasons to be self righteous in defeat.   That's fine when the other side isn't trying to end you at all cost, but they are.
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 4:03:29 PM EDT
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It's not a stretch to think that i Denver, of all places that there would be someone who dislikes her and reported her for bullshit.

If there WAS vaping, I would guess that it was the boyfriend that was doing it. Lauren doesn't strike me as a vaper. If she is, she just lost a few points with me.
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expecting GD to consider explanations beyond what fake news tells them is asking a lot
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 4:05:58 PM EDT
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explain that logic.

I think it's a conceded arrogant thing to say, I think less of people that say it,  but I don't know how you get from that to your conclusion.
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Anyone who uses the "do you know who I am" line doesn't give a fuck for your best interests.
explain that logic.

I think it's a conceded arrogant thing to say, I think less of people that say it,  but I don't know how you get from that to your conclusion.

Anyone who would use that line sees themselves as above common folk.  There is an implied disdain for those same folks.  Ergo, she doesn’t give a fuck about you.
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 4:06:22 PM EDT
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She can angrily bare her teeth on my wiener anytime.
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This guy knows what’s up.
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 4:12:58 PM EDT
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And you make excuses for the trashy behavior of representatives, enabling more trashy behavior. If she had a (D) after her name, you’d agree with me.  Be proud.
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I'm glad she likes guns. Everybody who owns guns isn't a great person and a great politician just because they like guns.  Reality is more complicated than that.  Owning guns isn't a "all else is forgiven" thing.

it is if you want to win.

Nobody is asking you to be friends with politicians. They are universally bad people, have been forever.  

"There is no exclusive criminal class, save for congress" Mark Twain

You can be self righteous and lose your freedoms, or forgiving and keep them.   It's not your place to forgive sins anyway, that's above your pay grade.

He's a whiner. Just here to complain and whine that everyone else is just wrong.

And you make excuses for the trashy behavior of representatives, enabling more trashy behavior. If she had a (D) after her name, you’d agree with me.  Be proud.

Fetterman thread still needs you. Why are you not putting you not putting your emotion and outrage there? Oh wait......
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 4:24:18 PM EDT
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explain that logic.

I think it's a conceded arrogant thing to say, I think less of people that say it,  but I don't know how you get from that to your conclusion.
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Anybody who says “do you know who I am” thinks they are better than you.
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 4:27:31 PM EDT
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Fetterman thread still needs you. Why are you not putting you not putting your emotion and outrage there? Oh wait......
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I'm glad she likes guns. Everybody who owns guns isn't a great person and a great politician just because they like guns.  Reality is more complicated than that.  Owning guns isn't a "all else is forgiven" thing.

it is if you want to win.

Nobody is asking you to be friends with politicians. They are universally bad people, have been forever.  

"There is no exclusive criminal class, save for congress" Mark Twain

You can be self righteous and lose your freedoms, or forgiving and keep them.   It's not your place to forgive sins anyway, that's above your pay grade.

He's a whiner. Just here to complain and whine that everyone else is just wrong.

And you make excuses for the trashy behavior of representatives, enabling more trashy behavior. If she had a (D) after her name, you’d agree with me.  Be proud.

Fetterman thread still needs you. Why are you not putting you not putting your emotion and outrage there? Oh wait......

I’ve given my opinion of Fetterman many times. Maybe if you looked, you found find it.

Another swing and a miss.
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 4:27:55 PM EDT
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I have her wear a Baroness outfit every damn day
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Oooooooooooo good freaking call!
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 4:29:56 PM EDT
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Yes I am, therefor fidelity to my legislative priorities is the most important factor.  

She's not my rep but I'd be happy to have her here.  We need all the help we can get.  

Was Mittens faithful to Utah voters? Was Murkowski faithful to Alaskan voters?   Was every fucking POS establishment republican that legitimized the J6 committee faithful to the people that put them there?  Is Mike Pence a good politician because he has a highly developed sense of morality?

Like it or not the job of politicians is to vote the way the voters that elected them want them to vote within the confines of the constitution.  That's it.  

The left has this figured out.  We do exactly what you are doing and find reasons to be self righteous in defeat.   That's fine when the other side isn't trying to end you at all cost, but they are.
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You're hiring that person to represent you. If you're ok with that representative, bully for you, I guess.
Yes I am, therefor fidelity to my legislative priorities is the most important factor.  

She's not my rep but I'd be happy to have her here.  We need all the help we can get.  

Was Mittens faithful to Utah voters? Was Murkowski faithful to Alaskan voters?   Was every fucking POS establishment republican that legitimized the J6 committee faithful to the people that put them there?  Is Mike Pence a good politician because he has a highly developed sense of morality?

Like it or not the job of politicians is to vote the way the voters that elected them want them to vote within the confines of the constitution.  That's it.  

The left has this figured out.  We do exactly what you are doing and find reasons to be self righteous in defeat.   That's fine when the other side isn't trying to end you at all cost, but they are.

When your representative looks like a fool, it makes those that voted look like fools as well.  Note that nobody shows the same vacuous devotion to the politicians you mention that many in this thread show to Boebert.  Don’t you think showing Boebert’s boorish behavior gives the democrats a weapon to use during the election cycle?  It does, and whoever wins the middle wins the vote.  Elect better people, you have less of a problem with that.

Sure they’re going to try to do it anyway, but why make it easy on them?
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 4:37:40 PM EDT
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When your representative looks like a fool, it makes those that voted look like fools as well.  Note that nobody shows the same vacuous devotion to the politicians you mention that many in this thread show to Boebert.  Don’t you think showing Boebert’s boorish behavior gives the democrats a weapon to use during the election cycle?  It does, and whoever wins the middle wins the vote.  Elect better people, you have less of a problem with that.

Sure they’re going to try to do it anyway, but why make it easy on them?
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You're hiring that person to represent you. If you're ok with that representative, bully for you, I guess.
Yes I am, therefor fidelity to my legislative priorities is the most important factor.  

She's not my rep but I'd be happy to have her here.  We need all the help we can get.  

Was Mittens faithful to Utah voters? Was Murkowski faithful to Alaskan voters?   Was every fucking POS establishment republican that legitimized the J6 committee faithful to the people that put them there?  Is Mike Pence a good politician because he has a highly developed sense of morality?

Like it or not the job of politicians is to vote the way the voters that elected them want them to vote within the confines of the constitution.  That's it.  

The left has this figured out.  We do exactly what you are doing and find reasons to be self righteous in defeat.   That's fine when the other side isn't trying to end you at all cost, but they are.

When your representative looks like a fool, it makes those that voted look like fools as well.  Note that nobody shows the same vacuous devotion to the politicians you mention that many in this thread show to Boebert.  Don’t you think showing Boebert’s boorish behavior gives the democrats a weapon to use during the election cycle?  It does, and whoever wins the middle wins the vote.  Elect better people, you have less of a problem with that.

Sure they’re going to try to do it anyway, but why make it easy on them?

here we have Boebert Derangement Syndrome

common associated risk factors: TDS, ukies

Link Posted: 9/14/2023 4:39:10 PM EDT
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When your representative looks like a fool, it makes those that voted look like fools as well.  Note that nobody shows the same vacuous devotion to the politicians you mention that many in this thread show to Boebert.  Don't you think showing Boebert's boorish behavior gives the democrats a weapon to use during the election cycle?  It does, and whoever wins the middle wins the vote.  Elect better people, you have less of a problem with that.

Sure they're going to try to do it anyway, but why make it easy on them?
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That 2nd sentence didn't English correctly or something...

I didn't see any boorish behavior, did you?  I saw people being ejected and not being happy about it but there was no bad behavior caught on camera.  Unless I missed it.  So I quickly concluded that Denver being a liberal stronghold, someone noticed her and didn't like her so they Karened up some bullshit.  I mean if the bad behavior happened, it was on camera and the media would have shown it.

I've had people yell at me for driving a truck in Ithaca, liberals aren't rational.  

Shitting on someone you don't know, but who is a known political ally, for reasons that aren't in evidence seems like a stretch. We need all the help we can get.

Link Posted: 9/14/2023 4:50:23 PM EDT
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That 2nd sentence didn't English correctly or something...

I didn't see any boorish behavior, did you?  I saw people being ejected and not being happy about it but there was no bad behavior caught on camera.  Unless I missed it.  So I quickly concluded that Denver being a liberal stronghold, someone noticed her and didn't like her so they Karened up some bullshit.  I mean if the bad behavior happened, it was on camera and the media would have shown it.

I've had people yell at me for driving a truck in Ithaca, liberals aren't rational.  

Shitting on someone you don't know, but who is a known political ally, for reasons that aren't in evidence seems like a stretch. We need all the help we can get.
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When your representative looks like a fool, it makes those that voted look like fools as well.  Note that nobody shows the same vacuous devotion to the politicians you mention that many in this thread show to Boebert.  Don't you think showing Boebert's boorish behavior gives the democrats a weapon to use during the election cycle?  It does, and whoever wins the middle wins the vote.  Elect better people, you have less of a problem with that.

Sure they're going to try to do it anyway, but why make it easy on them?
That 2nd sentence didn't English correctly or something...

I didn't see any boorish behavior, did you?  I saw people being ejected and not being happy about it but there was no bad behavior caught on camera.  Unless I missed it.  So I quickly concluded that Denver being a liberal stronghold, someone noticed her and didn't like her so they Karened up some bullshit.  I mean if the bad behavior happened, it was on camera and the media would have shown it.

I've had people yell at me for driving a truck in Ithaca, liberals aren't rational.  

Shitting on someone you don't know, but who is a known political ally, for reasons that aren't in evidence seems like a stretch. We need all the help we can get.

sure is suspicious how surveillance video exists but does not corroborate vaping allegations or her interacting with any of the other people seated nearby.
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 4:51:41 PM EDT
Omgosh, the Arfcom pervs are almost as annoying as the Uke Bros., lol.
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 4:53:34 PM EDT
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Anyone who wouldn't is a gay communist.
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i would eat her ass

Anyone who wouldn't is a gay communist.

Then I regret to inform you that lots of members in this thread are Gay Communists!!
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 4:56:22 PM EDT
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You’re hiring that person to represent you. If you’re ok with that representative, bully for you, I guess.
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I don't need noble or perfect, just someone who will act like an adult.

You think that's too much to ask for?  Really?
I don't care.  They aren't my friends.  They are there to do the job, I don't care if the guy that flips my burger is divorced and acts like a hooligan.  If he makes a good burger that's where my concern ends.

A majority of politicians are scum, occupational hazard.  Do what I put you there to do.  That's it.   They aren't my priest and I'm not theirs.

They are there to vote not to show me how to live.

You’re hiring that person to represent you. If you’re ok with that representative, bully for you, I guess.

This is where this goes in the ditch.  That person is not "representative" of me, or the person I am, or the person I think we should all be, or the morals and values of my part of the country, or anything of that sort.  That person is not a "representative" in that sense, so you are in error.

That person is there as a "representative" to represent my INTERESTS.  What I think the government should, and should not, be doing, on my behalf.  And cast votes on our behalf, accordingly.

BIG DIFFERENCE.  One apparently you don't understand.

Does boorish behavior of a representative make for a bad look for the people who support that representative?  Sure, but only for two kinds of people: those who think it's more important than legislative results, and for people who think it's important to leverage that first class of people who think it's important, in order to stoke division on the political side.
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 4:57:50 PM EDT
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sure is suspicious how surveillance video exists but does not corroborate vaping allegations or her interacting with any of the other people seated nearby.
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I asked someone else to point to the alleged bad behavior but no takers...

Link Posted: 9/14/2023 4:59:17 PM EDT
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This is where this goes in the ditch.  That person is not "representative" of me, or the person I am, or the person I think we should all be, or the morals and values of my part of the country, or anything of that sort.  That person is not a "representative" in that sense, so you are in error.

That person is there as a "representative" to represent my INTERESTS.  What I think the government should, and should not, be doing, on my behalf.

BIG DIFFERENCE.  One apparently you don't understand.
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I don't need noble or perfect, just someone who will act like an adult.

You think that's too much to ask for?  Really?
I don't care.  They aren't my friends.  They are there to do the job, I don't care if the guy that flips my burger is divorced and acts like a hooligan.  If he makes a good burger that's where my concern ends.

A majority of politicians are scum, occupational hazard.  Do what I put you there to do.  That's it.   They aren't my priest and I'm not theirs.

They are there to vote not to show me how to live.

You’re hiring that person to represent you. If you’re ok with that representative, bully for you, I guess.

This is where this goes in the ditch.  That person is not "representative" of me, or the person I am, or the person I think we should all be, or the morals and values of my part of the country, or anything of that sort.  That person is not a "representative" in that sense, so you are in error.

That person is there as a "representative" to represent my INTERESTS.  What I think the government should, and should not, be doing, on my behalf.

BIG DIFFERENCE.  One apparently you don't understand.

Is someone that thinks they’re better than you really going to represent your interests?
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 5:00:13 PM EDT
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That 2nd sentence didn't English correctly or something...

I didn't see any boorish behavior, did you?  I saw people being ejected and not being happy about it but there was no bad behavior caught on camera.  Unless I missed it.  So I quickly concluded that Denver being a liberal stronghold, someone noticed her and didn't like her so they Karened up some bullshit.  I mean if the bad behavior happened, it was on camera and the media would have shown it.

I've had people yell at me for driving a truck in Ithaca, liberals aren't rational.  

Shitting on someone you don't know, but who is a known political ally, for reasons that aren't in evidence seems like a stretch. We need all the help we can get.

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When your representative looks like a fool, it makes those that voted look like fools as well.  Note that nobody shows the same vacuous devotion to the politicians you mention that many in this thread show to Boebert.  Don't you think showing Boebert's boorish behavior gives the democrats a weapon to use during the election cycle?  It does, and whoever wins the middle wins the vote.  Elect better people, you have less of a problem with that.

Sure they're going to try to do it anyway, but why make it easy on them?
That 2nd sentence didn't English correctly or something...

I didn't see any boorish behavior, did you?  I saw people being ejected and not being happy about it but there was no bad behavior caught on camera.  Unless I missed it.  So I quickly concluded that Denver being a liberal stronghold, someone noticed her and didn't like her so they Karened up some bullshit.  I mean if the bad behavior happened, it was on camera and the media would have shown it.

I've had people yell at me for driving a truck in Ithaca, liberals aren't rational.  

Shitting on someone you don't know, but who is a known political ally, for reasons that aren't in evidence seems like a stretch. We need all the help we can get.

Your assumption that this whole thing is fabricated has no basis except in the feels.
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 5:02:06 PM EDT
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Your assumption that this whole thing is fabricated has no basis except in the feels.
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When your representative looks like a fool, it makes those that voted look like fools as well.  Note that nobody shows the same vacuous devotion to the politicians you mention that many in this thread show to Boebert.  Don't you think showing Boebert's boorish behavior gives the democrats a weapon to use during the election cycle?  It does, and whoever wins the middle wins the vote.  Elect better people, you have less of a problem with that.

Sure they're going to try to do it anyway, but why make it easy on them?
That 2nd sentence didn't English correctly or something...

I didn't see any boorish behavior, did you?  I saw people being ejected and not being happy about it but there was no bad behavior caught on camera.  Unless I missed it.  So I quickly concluded that Denver being a liberal stronghold, someone noticed her and didn't like her so they Karened up some bullshit.  I mean if the bad behavior happened, it was on camera and the media would have shown it.

I've had people yell at me for driving a truck in Ithaca, liberals aren't rational.  

Shitting on someone you don't know, but who is a known political ally, for reasons that aren't in evidence seems like a stretch. We need all the help we can get.

Your assumption that this whole thing is fabricated has no basis except in the feels.

I would nail it where the sun don't shine.
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 5:02:11 PM EDT
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Is someone that thinks they’re better than you really going to represent your interests?
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I don't need noble or perfect, just someone who will act like an adult.

You think that's too much to ask for?  Really?
I don't care.  They aren't my friends.  They are there to do the job, I don't care if the guy that flips my burger is divorced and acts like a hooligan.  If he makes a good burger that's where my concern ends.

A majority of politicians are scum, occupational hazard.  Do what I put you there to do.  That's it.   They aren't my priest and I'm not theirs.

They are there to vote not to show me how to live.

You’re hiring that person to represent you. If you’re ok with that representative, bully for you, I guess.

This is where this goes in the ditch.  That person is not "representative" of me, or the person I am, or the person I think we should all be, or the morals and values of my part of the country, or anything of that sort.  That person is not a "representative" in that sense, so you are in error.

That person is there as a "representative" to represent my INTERESTS.  What I think the government should, and should not, be doing, on my behalf.

BIG DIFFERENCE.  One apparently you don't understand.

Is someone that thinks they’re better than you really going to represent your interests?

So far, her votes indicate a solid "yes".  Your representative can be aligned with you, without being respectful of their position as a nominal public servant of you.  If that was not true, we would never elect anyone lol......
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 5:03:51 PM EDT
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So far, her votes indicate a solid "yes".  Your representative can be aligned with you, without being respectful of their position as a nominal public servant of you.  If that was not true, we would never elect anyone lol......
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I don't need noble or perfect, just someone who will act like an adult.

You think that's too much to ask for?  Really?
I don't care.  They aren't my friends.  They are there to do the job, I don't care if the guy that flips my burger is divorced and acts like a hooligan.  If he makes a good burger that's where my concern ends.

A majority of politicians are scum, occupational hazard.  Do what I put you there to do.  That's it.   They aren't my priest and I'm not theirs.

They are there to vote not to show me how to live.

You’re hiring that person to represent you. If you’re ok with that representative, bully for you, I guess.

This is where this goes in the ditch.  That person is not "representative" of me, or the person I am, or the person I think we should all be, or the morals and values of my part of the country, or anything of that sort.  That person is not a "representative" in that sense, so you are in error.

That person is there as a "representative" to represent my INTERESTS.  What I think the government should, and should not, be doing, on my behalf.

BIG DIFFERENCE.  One apparently you don't understand.

Is someone that thinks they’re better than you really going to represent your interests?

So far, her votes indicate a solid "yes".  Your representative can be aligned with you, without being respectful of their position as a nominal public servant of you.  If that was not true, we would never elect anyone lol......

Probably in the trunk as well.

Thinking she at least vaps so I'm thinking there could be a chance for me in there somewhere.

Stupid looking bitch when she's high too.
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 5:11:05 PM EDT
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here we have Boebert Derangement Syndrome

common associated risk factors: TDS, ukies

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You're hiring that person to represent you. If you're ok with that representative, bully for you, I guess.
Yes I am, therefor fidelity to my legislative priorities is the most important factor.  

She's not my rep but I'd be happy to have her here.  We need all the help we can get.  

Was Mittens faithful to Utah voters? Was Murkowski faithful to Alaskan voters?   Was every fucking POS establishment republican that legitimized the J6 committee faithful to the people that put them there?  Is Mike Pence a good politician because he has a highly developed sense of morality?

Like it or not the job of politicians is to vote the way the voters that elected them want them to vote within the confines of the constitution.  That's it.  

The left has this figured out.  We do exactly what you are doing and find reasons to be self righteous in defeat.   That's fine when the other side isn't trying to end you at all cost, but they are.

When your representative looks like a fool, it makes those that voted look like fools as well.  Note that nobody shows the same vacuous devotion to the politicians you mention that many in this thread show to Boebert.  Don’t you think showing Boebert’s boorish behavior gives the democrats a weapon to use during the election cycle?  It does, and whoever wins the middle wins the vote.  Elect better people, you have less of a problem with that.

Sure they’re going to try to do it anyway, but why make it easy on them?

here we have Boebert Derangement Syndrome

common associated risk factors: TDS, ukies

Wow, cultists say culty things? Color me surprised.
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 5:12:56 PM EDT
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Your assumption that this whole thing is fabricated has no basis except in the feels.
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When your representative looks like a fool, it makes those that voted look like fools as well.  Note that nobody shows the same vacuous devotion to the politicians you mention that many in this thread show to Boebert.  Don't you think showing Boebert's boorish behavior gives the democrats a weapon to use during the election cycle?  It does, and whoever wins the middle wins the vote.  Elect better people, you have less of a problem with that.

Sure they're going to try to do it anyway, but why make it easy on them?
That 2nd sentence didn't English correctly or something...

I didn't see any boorish behavior, did you?  I saw people being ejected and not being happy about it but there was no bad behavior caught on camera.  Unless I missed it.  So I quickly concluded that Denver being a liberal stronghold, someone noticed her and didn't like her so they Karened up some bullshit.  I mean if the bad behavior happened, it was on camera and the media would have shown it.

I've had people yell at me for driving a truck in Ithaca, liberals aren't rational.  

Shitting on someone you don't know, but who is a known political ally, for reasons that aren't in evidence seems like a stretch. We need all the help we can get.

Your assumption that this whole thing is fabricated has no basis except in the feels.

What happened to the concept of innocent until proven guilty?
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 5:12:57 PM EDT
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Wow, cultists say culty things? Color me surprised.
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You're hiring that person to represent you. If you're ok with that representative, bully for you, I guess.
Yes I am, therefor fidelity to my legislative priorities is the most important factor.  

She's not my rep but I'd be happy to have her here.  We need all the help we can get.  

Was Mittens faithful to Utah voters? Was Murkowski faithful to Alaskan voters?   Was every fucking POS establishment republican that legitimized the J6 committee faithful to the people that put them there?  Is Mike Pence a good politician because he has a highly developed sense of morality?

Like it or not the job of politicians is to vote the way the voters that elected them want them to vote within the confines of the constitution.  That's it.  

The left has this figured out.  We do exactly what you are doing and find reasons to be self righteous in defeat.   That's fine when the other side isn't trying to end you at all cost, but they are.

When your representative looks like a fool, it makes those that voted look like fools as well.  Note that nobody shows the same vacuous devotion to the politicians you mention that many in this thread show to Boebert.  Don’t you think showing Boebert’s boorish behavior gives the democrats a weapon to use during the election cycle?  It does, and whoever wins the middle wins the vote.  Elect better people, you have less of a problem with that.

Sure they’re going to try to do it anyway, but why make it easy on them?

here we have Boebert Derangement Syndrome

common associated risk factors: TDS, ukies

Wow, cultists say culty things? Color me surprised.

well you don't deny being a hillary cultist; already established that earlier in the thread
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 5:19:56 PM EDT
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Then I regret to inform you that lots of members in this thread are Gay Communists!!
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i would eat her ass

Anyone who wouldn't is a gay communist.

Then I regret to inform you that lots of members in this thread are Gay Communists!!

Naw, this whole thread is gayski dude!
Link Posted: 9/14/2023 5:25:26 PM EDT
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That 2nd sentence didn't English correctly or something...

I didn't see any boorish behavior, did you?  I saw people being ejected and not being happy about it but there was no bad behavior caught on camera.  Unless I missed it.  So I quickly concluded that Denver being a liberal stronghold, someone noticed her and didn't like her so they Karened up some bullshit.  I mean if the bad behavior happened, it was on camera and the media would have shown it.

I've had people yell at me for driving a truck in Ithaca, liberals aren't rational.  

Shitting on someone you don't know, but who is a known political ally, for reasons that aren't in evidence seems like a stretch. We need all the help we can get.

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Oh. I’ve seen a lot of textbook boorish behavior. It’s in this thread though!
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