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Link Posted: 11/17/2017 1:27:50 PM EDT
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Its kind of cute you are carrying his water for him.

You two should get a room.

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I was curious and spent thirty seconds searching.  But since you seem to be stuck in ad hominem attacks good day.
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 1:29:37 PM EDT
I wonder what basis was used for issuing the warrant?

I know the difference between pot and other plants, I know what poppies look like, but I could trip over a coca plant and not have any idea what it was.  There are a number of intoxicating plants that I could not identify.  Most westerners are only familiar with pot, and poppies, but there are plenty of other intoxicating plants out there.
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 1:30:07 PM EDT
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I was curious and spent thirty seconds searching.  But since you seem to be stuck in ad hominem attacks good day.
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Its kind of cute you are carrying his water for him.

You two should get a room.

I was curious and spent thirty seconds searching.  But since you seem to be stuck in ad hominem attacks good day.
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 1:30:10 PM EDT
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I bet the lawyers don't want that.
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Police departments should have a fiduciary duty to aggressively pursue removing QI and making the officers responsible for their actions.
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 1:32:55 PM EDT
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Remember: the only reason to not support the war on drugs is if you're a dirty hippy stoner.
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I'll drink to that...
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 1:42:15 PM EDT
But Mah expertise is vast deep and wide. Like my authoritah!

Now get your wicked cuffed asses in the back of my squad car. So we can go ransack through your house bitches!
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 1:45:20 PM EDT
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If they aren't experts in drug identification they shouldn't call themselves drug identification experts.  But they've built a system where they can earn the expert title with about 120 hours of work so it's on them.
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Should be on the hook for perjury if they are wrong.
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 1:46:07 PM EDT
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can't expect cops to be an expert in every subject.
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"Ignorance is not an excuse."

If ignorance is an excuse for law enforcement officials officially practicing their trade (law enforcement) in their field (law enforcement), it should be an excuse for private citizens who are not experts actively engaged in official activity.
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 1:46:18 PM EDT
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Should be on the hook for perjury if they are wrong.
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If they aren't experts in drug identification they shouldn't call themselves drug identification experts.  But they've built a system where they can earn the expert title with about 120 hours of work so it's on them.
Should be on the hook for perjury if they are wrong.
I'll hold my breath.
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 1:56:28 PM EDT
Stupid should hurt, either physically or in the pocketbook. I hope the couple wins their suit for the full amount. The idiot "expert" will no doubt be reprimanded and then promoted if I know how government works, and I do.
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 2:04:26 PM EDT
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I was curious and spent thirty seconds searching.  But since you seem to be stuck in ad hominem attacks good day.
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<div class="quote-container"><div class="quote-style">Quoted:

Its kind of cute you are carrying his water for him.

You two should get a room.

I was curious and spent thirty seconds searching.  But since you seem to be stuck in ad hominem attacks good day.

Link Posted: 11/17/2017 2:09:57 PM EDT
Let's see, probably 100k from the PD and 100k from the insurance company. Are will it be more?
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 2:14:43 PM EDT
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Cracked up by a "your gay" joke and want to start an IQ battle.  Curious.
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 2:53:42 PM EDT
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If you're going to make these sorts of calls based on your "expertise" you need to be personally liable for the results of your mistakes, just like doctors, lawyers, engineers, pilots, mechanics and the entirety of society other than police.
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This exactly
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 2:56:27 PM EDT
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If you read the article it was their idiot insurance guy who mistook the plants and got the cops all hot and bothered.  Then the cops went full retard.

There were a few local news stories on it yesterday since the lawsuit was filed.  The insurance guy was inspecting damage to the home from some other event and of course this guy called the cops to report this couple's massive weed operation.  The insurance company also threatened to drop coverage of the couple due to their "weed" operation.

Then the cops ransack the place and damage stuff looking for "weed."
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Looks like the insurance company may be paying out twice on this one
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 2:58:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 2:59:41 PM EDT
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can't expect cops to be an expert in every subject.
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They had better be if they're going to come to your house beat your door down and handcuff you.
They should know what the hell they're talking about.
The insurance guy and the "expert" are both f****** idiots!
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 3:16:36 PM EDT
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Weed plants also have a very distinct smell. This isn't hard.
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There pictures in one of the articles that show the couple's plants next to a picture of marijuana.  They look similar but the hibiscus look like a sick weed plant.  An informal glance might yield your brain thinking they were the same.
Weed plants also have a very distinct smell. This isn't hard.
Not to mention that you don't even fucking smoke the leaves.

The flower or "bud" from the female plant is what you smoke and it looks absolutely nothing like a fucking flowering hibiscus.  Literally nothing.  

If you have ever even seen one female pot plant that was flowering, you would instantly know that hibiscus is not a pot plant.....without even an inkling of a doubt.  Hell, if you have ever seen one in a fucking magazine you would instantly know.  I would willingly bet that "expert" has literally never seen a female plant before it was picked and processed.

I hope grams and pops take that fucking department / city / insurance company to the cleaners.
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 3:19:23 PM EDT
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According to the lawsuit, the Buffalo Twp police don't show the search warrant to the victims as required by law.

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So, serious question based on the story: If the police knock on my door and claim they have a search warrant, but refuse to produce one, do I get to tell them to go copulate with their mothers?
According to the lawsuit, the Buffalo Twp police don't show the search warrant to the victims as required by law.

That doesn't say they have to produce it upon entry.  Just when they leave.
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 3:21:09 PM EDT
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I wonder what basis was used for issuing the warrant?

I know the difference between pot and other plants, I know what poppies look like, but I could trip over a coca plant and not have any idea what it was.  There are a number of intoxicating plants that I could not identify.  Most westerners are only familiar with pot, and poppies, but there are plenty of other intoxicating plants out there.
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I wonder what basis was used for issuing the warrant?

I know the difference between pot and other plants, I know what poppies look like, but I could trip over a coca plant and not have any idea what it was.  There are a number of intoxicating plants that I could not identify.  Most westerners are only familiar with pot, and poppies, but there are plenty of other intoxicating plants out there.
from the triblive article posted on page 1:

...They filed a civil lawsuit Thursday in Butler County Court against Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co., Nationwide agent Jonathan Yeamans, Buffalo Township and three of its police officers
and thus:

But the suit claims that Yeamans surreptitiously shot photos of the flowering hibiscus growing in the Cramers' backyard and sent them to police as evidence of a marijuana grow operation.

According to the complaint, Yeamans "intentionally photographed the flowering hibiscus plants in such a manner as not to reveal that they had flowers on them so that they would appear to resemble marijuana plants."

Based on those photos, the suit claims, Buffalo Township police Officer Jeffrey Sneddon obtained a search warrant for the Cramers' property. The suit says that Sneddon claimed to have expertise in identifying marijuana.

The suit alleges that the search warrant contained no probable cause to search the Cramers' home.

The police apparently arrived at the Cramers' home around noon Oct. 7 while Audrey Cramer was on the second floor only partially dressed.

When she answered the door, she alleges that about a dozen officers were pointing assault-style rifles at her.

According to the complaint, Sgt. Scott Hess demanded that Cramer put her hands up and told her that he had a search warrant but would not show it to her.
and after a series of WTF the expert:

According to the complaint, Edward Cramer repeatedly asked to show the police that the plants were hibiscus and noted the flowers clearly in bloom.

“Why couldn't the police see what it was?” Al Lindsay, the Cramers' attorney, said in a phone interview. “Being arrested, for people like this who have no history with crime and no experience with law enforcement, this is an incredibly traumatic experience.”

The suit says police found no marijuana in the home or outdoors and released the Cramers from the police car.

According to the lawsuit, Hess admitted that he didn't think the plants were marijuana, but confiscated them nonetheless and labeled them “tall, green, leafy, suspected marijuana plants.”
of course adding insult to injury:

On Oct. 26, Nationwide sent the Cramers a policy notification letter claiming to have found marijuana growth on the property.

The letter stated that if they failed to remove the marijuana plants, Nationwide would cancel their insurance policy.
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 3:40:27 PM EDT
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And cops can't understand why so many people think they are a complete joke.

Reading the transcripts of those arrests felt like I was in bizarro world.  It's beyond time to fix our justice system.  And by fix, I mean tear the whole fucking corrupt system down and start from scratch.  Just the fact that the department doubled down and not only fully supported this piece of shit trooper, but has been giving him awards and promotions based on his arrest numbers!!

The boys in blue have been out of control for decades now and it's just getting worse.  You want to talk about violating the constitution and someone's rights?  Politicians ain't even half as bad as these lowly rats....if anyone deserves to be swinging from the tree of liberty, maybe it's those who are not only willingly and happily violating dozens of citizens basic civil rights over and over again, but they are getting awarded for it and encouraged to do more.
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 3:46:02 PM EDT
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And cops can't understand why so many people think they are a complete joke.

Reading the transcripts of those arrests felt like I was in bizarro world.  It's beyond time to fix our justice system.  And by fix, I mean tear the whole fucking corrupt system down and start from scratch.  Just the fact that the department doubled down and not only fully supported this piece of shit trooper, but has been giving him awards and promotions based on his arrest numbers!!

The boys in blue have been out of control for decades now and it's just getting worse.  You want to talk about violating the constitution and someone's rights?  Politicians ain't even half as bad as these lowly rats....if anyone deserves to be swinging from the tree of liberty, maybe it's those who are not only willingly and happily violating dozens of citizens basic civil rights over and over again, but they are getting awarded for it and encouraged to do more.
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And cops can't understand why so many people think they are a complete joke.

Reading the transcripts of those arrests felt like I was in bizarro world.  It's beyond time to fix our justice system.  And by fix, I mean tear the whole fucking corrupt system down and start from scratch.  Just the fact that the department doubled down and not only fully supported this piece of shit trooper, but has been giving him awards and promotions based on his arrest numbers!!

The boys in blue have been out of control for decades now and it's just getting worse.  You want to talk about violating the constitution and someone's rights?  Politicians ain't even half as bad as these lowly rats....if anyone deserves to be swinging from the tree of liberty, maybe it's those who are not only willingly and happily violating dozens of citizens basic civil rights over and over again, but they are getting awarded for it and encouraged to do more.
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 3:51:30 PM EDT
Went shopping for the wife the other day at Better Health.
Picked up some organic dried parley and oregano. They have bulk containers you scoop out what you want and then they have small zip-lock baggies to put it in and slap on a label.

I asked the cashier - "I'm I gonna get arrested?"

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 3:59:30 PM EDT
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The Buffalo Twp Police 'drug expert' entered this into evidence as marijuana.

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That’s got to be embarrassing. The cops involved should be fired, held financially liable, put in jail for a month or two, and have to publicly apologize.
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 4:10:33 PM EDT
They marched that old woman outside in handcuffs with no pants on?

Dude, I feel violated and I wasn't even there to see it.

I hope they get paid.
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 4:15:50 PM EDT
Apparently Nationwide is not on your side..

Out of all of those cops there wasn't even one that spoke up and said this is a bunch of BS.   They should all be out of a job.
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 4:26:48 PM EDT
I think in order to be an expert on a drug you should be a producer of the product as well as a user.
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 4:33:43 PM EDT
When I was a kid the local deputy sheriff for our town knocked on our door and accused my mother of growing pot plants.  The purple flowers should have been a clue.

Looked like this.

Link Posted: 11/17/2017 4:40:45 PM EDT
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The Buffalo Twp Police 'drug expert' entered this into evidence as marijuana.

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probably more like these
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 4:41:59 PM EDT
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Meh, the war on terrorism, murder, and rape will never be won either but that doen't mean we should quit trying.
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This shit is why I can only conclude that the War on Drugs has been a complete failure and only serves to undermine our Constitution and empower the state.
Meh, the war on terrorism, murder, and rape will never be won either but that doen't mean we should quit trying.
The war on stupidity and ignorance will also never be won.  Thanks for pointing that out as well.
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 4:46:12 PM EDT
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When I was a kid the local deputy sheriff for our town knocked on our door and accused my mother of growing pot plants.  The purple flowers should have been a clue.

Looked like this.

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das dat dare purple diesel, shit da bomb
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 4:47:32 PM EDT
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I don't know, man. I've ingested some strange things in my time, but I don't think I would smoke those.
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 4:53:15 PM EDT
Woe the evil Hibiscus needles...
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 4:53:16 PM EDT
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There was a fresh news story about this guy in the last 2 days on the local news. More than 30 cases of DUI drugs by the drug whisperer have been proven to be false and dismissed. Yet he is still on the street and still doing this to people.
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 4:54:53 PM EDT
This shit needs to stop. Every time a PD does this the civil reward needs to go up. Maybe the civil rewards reach 500 million the tax payers will have enough and new legislation will go into place making officers personally liable for this shit and it will finally stop.
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 4:58:50 PM EDT
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Link Posted: 11/17/2017 5:07:49 PM EDT
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There was a fresh news story about this guy in the last 2 days on the local news. More than 30 cases of DUI drugs by the drug whisperer have been proven to be false and dismissed. Yet he is still on the street and still doing this to people.
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There was a fresh news story about this guy in the last 2 days on the local news. More than 30 cases of DUI drugs by the drug whisperer have been proven to be false and dismissed. Yet he is still on the street and still doing this to people.
How on earth does what you state, have to do with what I asked for?
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 5:19:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/17/2017 5:24:32 PM EDT
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Link Posted: 11/17/2017 6:17:05 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/18/2017 10:52:21 AM EDT
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That doesn't say they have to produce it upon entry.  Just when they leave.
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The victims state the police never produced the search warrant.
Link Posted: 11/18/2017 11:08:53 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/18/2017 11:17:27 AM EDT
This reminds me of a case I heard about on a warrant.  The warrant said that the police photographed marijuana leaves in a greenhouse using a 35mm camera at an altitude of 1500 feet.  Defense expert had a photo reconnaissance expert from the Army Corps of Engineers take similar photographs of leaves taped to the inside of the greenhouse from 1500, 1000, and 500 feet with the same camera equipment the warrant claimed to use.  The expert also took photos using a far better camera that had a 2.25"x2.25" negative (35mm is about 1.25" square)  from the same three altitudes.  The larger negatives gave far better detail when enlarged.  In all six photographic presentations the defense presented, regardless of the amount of magnification done to the prints from negatives, no one could tell what any of the leaves were.   Everything from the warrant was tossed out as the Judge said the officer clearly lied to get the warrant.  With no evidence, there was no case.

Bottom line...don't lie to get a warrant, and you won't get your knuckles rapped.
Link Posted: 11/18/2017 11:22:24 AM EDT
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Do you think it's a lack of intelligence or just pure belligerence that keeps law enforcement from thinking, "oh it's a family or an old couple" maybe I should stop by collect some samples, take some pictures and talk to them?
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Last year the GBI and DEA raided a house in Cartersville GA based on a tip from a neighbor that the family was growing marijuana, it was okra.
Do you think it's a lack of intelligence or just pure belligerence that keeps law enforcement from thinking, "oh it's a family or an old couple" maybe I should stop by collect some samples, take some pictures and talk to them?
Honestly, I think it's the fanatical conditioning which borders on brainwashing along the lines of "derrrrrrrrr git dem doperrrs!!!!" that makes them lose all ability to be rational.

Good cop friend I know, who used to deal weed (yes, really) in high school is much more level headed about it, simply because he's smoked a lot of it, and knows that the whole reefer madness gateway drug story is bullshit.
Link Posted: 11/18/2017 11:28:22 AM EDT
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Meh, the war on terrorism (malum in se), murder (malum in se), and rape (malum in se) will never be won either but that doen't mean we should quit trying.
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Um, yeah.  One of these things is not like the other.  But great comparison otherwise!  

WarOn(some)Drugs ™ (malum prohibitum).
Link Posted: 11/18/2017 11:29:13 AM EDT
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This reminds me of a case I heard about on a warrant.  The warrant said that the police photographed marijuana leaves in a greenhouse using a 35mm camera at an altitude of 1500 feet.  Defense expert had a photo reconnaissance expert from the Army Corps of Engineers take similar photographs of leaves taped to the inside of the greenhouse from 1500, 1000, and 500 feet with the same camera equipment the warrant claimed to use.  The expert also took photos using a far better camera that had a 2.25"x2.25" negative (35mm is about 1.25" square)  from the same three altitudes.  The larger negatives gave far better detail when enlarged.  In all six photographic presentations the defense presented, regardless of the amount of magnification done to the prints from negatives, no one could tell what any of the leaves were.   Everything from the warrant was tossed out as the Judge said the officer clearly lied to get the warrant.  With no evidence, there was no case.

Bottom line...don't lie to get a warrant, and you won't get your knuckles rapped.
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lol at "knuckles rapped".

Meanwhile,people get arrested,have their shit taken,some get killed,and many generally fucked over.

But at the end of the day,the cops get to high five and go home and tell their families what Hero's they are...

Aint nobody got time to check shit out first-gottagetthemdopers.

How many times do we get to read these types of stories???
Link Posted: 11/18/2017 3:27:45 PM EDT
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Honestly, I think it's the fanatical conditioning which borders on brainwashing along the lines of "derrrrrrrrr git dem doperrrs!!!!" that makes them lose all ability to be rational.  
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The problem is that they get conditioned to believe Drug Use = Sin instead of Drug Use = Infraction.  Once it becomes a Holy War, all reason and thought gives way to fanaticism.

War on Drugs = Conservative Jihad on Civil Liberties.
Link Posted: 11/18/2017 3:40:34 PM EDT
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This reminds me of a case I heard about on a warrant.  The warrant said that the police photographed marijuana leaves in a greenhouse using a 35mm camera at an altitude of 1500 feet.  Defense expert had a photo reconnaissance expert from the Army Corps of Engineers take similar photographs of leaves taped to the inside of the greenhouse from 1500, 1000, and 500 feet with the same camera equipment the warrant claimed to use.  The expert also took photos using a far better camera that had a 2.25"x2.25" negative (35mm is about 1.25" square)  from the same three altitudes.  The larger negatives gave far better detail when enlarged.  In all six photographic presentations the defense presented, regardless of the amount of magnification done to the prints from negatives, no one could tell what any of the leaves were.   Everything from the warrant was tossed out as the Judge said the officer clearly lied to get the warrant.  With no evidence, there was no case.

Bottom line...don't lie to get a warrant, and you won't get your knuckles rapped.
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Oh no.  Not rapped knuckles.  That’s almost as bad as a stern talking to.  That’ll surely keep them from taking liberties with the truth again.  
Link Posted: 11/18/2017 3:45:20 PM EDT
Idiotic war on drugs.
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