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Link Posted: 7/27/2020 3:05:26 PM EDT
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I read a little bit on a darkweb "forum" about those 'cards'. They are similar to those of a business that uses them for amusement parks or casinos. The scam is the counterfeit cards get sold for real cash $$ at a too good to be true price.  The 'cards' are only good during a certain time window.

Word spreads about the 'cards' via social media and you can see the results.

I would suppose a false flag op to destroy a biz could be pulled off by simply giving away the game cards in a ghetto.
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There was some sort of issue where the tokens or cards used to ride rides and play games didn't work.  This is the aftermath of that.

I read a little bit on a darkweb "forum" about those 'cards'. They are similar to those of a business that uses them for amusement parks or casinos. The scam is the counterfeit cards get sold for real cash $$ at a too good to be true price.  The 'cards' are only good during a certain time window.

Word spreads about the 'cards' via social media and you can see the results.

I would suppose a false flag op to destroy a biz could be pulled off by simply giving away the game cards in a ghetto.

Word locally was that the attack was due to a missing $4.  

Yep.  A whole four bucks.  

I even heard that when the cards didn’t work right that the operators let them ride for free multiple times.

Not good enough!
Link Posted: 7/27/2020 3:13:00 PM EDT
Why is it that parents leave everything up to the public when it comes to their child?

If a child doesn't receive a proper education, then the question is... why is the school system letting down my child?

if a child gets arrested... why is the criminal justice system against my child.

if the child can't find work... why is it that the government isn't giving my child work experience?

A child is looking for an activity with peers, instead of board games with other peers in a supervised environment they drop them off in the middle of a mob of teens and then be surprised that something stupid happened???

Why can't parents be parents and know what their child is doing.

everything is left for everyone else to pick up the tab and it's pissing me off.

my rant
Link Posted: 7/27/2020 3:15:53 PM EDT


No masks or social distancing...
Link Posted: 7/27/2020 3:25:16 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/27/2020 3:25:52 PM EDT
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The very real possibility of being beaten to death, wired to an old cotton gin fan, and having your corpse shucked into a swamp, or being framed for stealing more log chain than you could swim with, or the plain ol' lynching, may have had a chilling effect on the expression of such boisterousness.
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You forgot getting dragged behind a truck down a gravel road. Not that any of it was right, but there's a reason you're not supposed to feed the bears. I played football in the field right up the road from that Putt-Putt in high school. Got a lot of good memories of it, so this hits kinda close to home.
Link Posted: 7/27/2020 3:26:23 PM EDT
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No masks or social distancing...
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The mayor of the city is a white democrat and made a mandatory mask rule a while back.

Notice the people behind the counter have them on.

I’d also like to remind people that there was a beating in the parking lot of a Kroger store at the corner of Poplar and Highland a while back.  For NO reason whatsoever.   Just for fun!

Cell Phone Video Shows Assault on Kroger Emplo
Link Posted: 7/27/2020 3:31:35 PM EDT
I have seen it on here before, and I cant remember exactly how it goes, maybe someone here can re-post the long article explaining the great contributions blacks have made to society?  "When they move into white neighborhoods the home values always....."  Its a great piece that explains white flight and causes.
Link Posted: 7/27/2020 3:35:26 PM EDT
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The parents are oblivious, with a 5th grade education what would you expect. The kids organized it, they do these mobs all the time. The fact that they're not old enough to drive and had to have parents drop them off is a problem..
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Mayhem ensues after hundreds of teens dropped off at Mid-South putt-putt facility8989

Scenes from a chaotic night at the Golf and Games Family Park on Summer Avenue are being shared all over social media.

In video posted on Facebook you can see dozens of teenagers throwing objects at employees, spitting on people, and destroying property.

Memphis police were also called to the scene.

Investigators say the business reported parents were dropping off kids in the parking lot until there were more than 300 people at the business.

After someone threw a firework in the crowd and caused a stampede, the business decided to close without issuing refunds.

Sounds like those parents organized a coordinated attack on that business using their own kids, I mean what are the odds a whole lot of 100 or so parents just decided on the spur of the moment to drop off their kids at the same time, 300 of them?

The parents are oblivious, with a 5th grade education what would you expect. The kids organized it, they do these mobs all the time. The fact that they're not old enough to drive and had to have parents drop them off is a problem..

That and the parents did a crappy job of raising then
Link Posted: 7/27/2020 3:35:39 PM EDT
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I call West Memphis The Crotch of the Mid South.
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I call it the armpit of america.  (Detroit is the other armpit).

I call West Memphis The Crotch of the Mid South.

Is Pine Bluff (aka Crime Bluff) the taint or the asshole?
Link Posted: 7/27/2020 3:36:00 PM EDT
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MARTA and the CCT linked up so the hoodrats just take the bus now. There has been a lot of gang activity going on there, drug dealing and prostitution mainly. Supposedly the dealers and pimps wear a certain color bandana or some such, the sky buckets were being used to do drugs and get a BJ. This was relayed to me by a Cobb County police officer doing security there.
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What color for the blowie? Asking for a friend.
Link Posted: 7/27/2020 3:37:23 PM EDT
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No stereo typical thoughts here....
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Oh goodie, the thought police have arrived.
Link Posted: 7/27/2020 3:39:29 PM EDT
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LoL, Memphis. ShitHole of the Mid-south.
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Saw Memphis and kids, all I needed to know.
Link Posted: 7/27/2020 3:40:14 PM EDT
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Crotch fruit missiles deployed
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 7/27/2020 3:40:32 PM EDT
I'm really curious as to what sort of parents would possibly raise a young teenage girl to end up acting like that?

If she's doing that shit at 15  WTF kind of a complete walking disaster is she going to be when she's 25?

My faith in the younger generations being able to preserve the sanctity and freedoms in this once great country have been extinguished based on the past 6 months of deprivations.  It's every man for himself now as far as I am concerned.

That is all.
Link Posted: 7/27/2020 3:40:52 PM EDT
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Is Pine Bluff (aka Crime Bluff) the taint or the asshole?
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Pine Bluff is just as rich and vibrant. I fucking hate that swampy shit hole too.
Link Posted: 7/27/2020 3:45:03 PM EDT
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So who was taking care of the teens children?
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Great granny.
Link Posted: 7/27/2020 3:45:27 PM EDT
don't make the black kids angry
Link Posted: 7/27/2020 3:50:39 PM EDT
Before I saw the video, I was able describe it as if I'd shot it myself.
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Even before I saw the name 'Memphis' in the write-up, I pictured what the scene looked like.  The video confirmed my mental image.  Why is that?
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Because this kind of shit is just depressingly routine at this point.
I can remember Colin Flaherty discussing the genesis of his first book, "White Girl Bleed A Lot." He said that he felt  like the problem of black mob violence was on the rise,
but he wasn't sure if it was a big enough or widespread enough phenomenon to warrant a book being written about it.
So, he started to research the issue on his own, and he also asked people to send him links to news stories on incidents such as these.
In no time, so many stories were pouring in, he knew one book wasn't going to cover it all.
Link Posted: 7/27/2020 3:51:41 PM EDT
And remember, you go down....these sons of bitches give no quarter. Your kicked in the head and beaten until your drinking broth from a straw and shitting in a bag. Thats if your lucky.
Link Posted: 7/27/2020 3:56:49 PM EDT
Teenage mothers generation after generation & no father figures... It could have only led to one place & this is it.
Link Posted: 7/27/2020 3:58:57 PM EDT
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I'm really curious as to what sort of parents would possibly raise a young teenage girl to end up acting like that?
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Single mother, most likely raised on welfare, raised her daughter on welfare 'cause that's what she knew.
She passed along nothing in terms of morals or values, because she was taught none.
Never taught her kids the value of an education because she wasn't taught to value it.
Never taught her kids the value of work because she never had a job. (Probably raised by single mother who never worked.)
In the ghetto, you have 45 year-old great grandmothers, for Christ's sake.

I've said before, in the ghetto today, you don't just have families where no one works - you've got families where no one can remember a time when anyone in the family had a job.
Multiple generations who have no conception of supporting themselves through their own labor. No idea what it's like to spend a dollar that you earned.

Link Posted: 7/27/2020 4:03:53 PM EDT
Should've been copious amounts of pepper spray and rubber bullets applied until the problem disappeared.
Link Posted: 7/27/2020 4:04:46 PM EDT
Vibrant dark skinned Yutes...

I hope they were socially distancing during the "party", aka riot.
Link Posted: 7/27/2020 4:42:58 PM EDT
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So taking down those offensive statues and removing Aunt Jemima from syrup bottles didn’t work?
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So taking down those offensive statues and removing Aunt Jemima from syrup bottles didn’t work?

I will never buy another bottle of that shit, my neighbor sells honey and I can barter for maple syrup or make my own with brown sugar or use preserves.
Hell, if I tried maybe I could fin d sorghum and relearn to like it.
Tastes change, when young I liked sorghum and buckwheat.  Last check not so much.  Some high fat stuff is impossible now since I'm not working on farm with pitchfork daily.

Weaponized children the new BLM tactic

Soon they'll be used like Palestinian children.

I see short shorts, funny bush hats, and rifles painted baby shit green and yellow in America's future.

I still fit my old rugby shorts but I need an FAL to be a man among men.

DSA has some nice chopped ones with braces for a more "urbane" look.  If only they came with an camo anorak.  There used to be nice copies in Shotgun News.


MARTA and the CCT linked up so the hoodrats just take the bus now. There has been a lot of gang activity going on there, drug dealing and prostitution mainly. Supposedly the dealers and pimps wear a certain color bandana or some such, the sky buckets were being used to do drugs and get a BJ. This was relayed to me by a Cobb County police officer doing security there.

What color for the blowie? Asking for a friend.

Can you stay on the bucket as long as you need for single ride?  No one ever puts on American Pie when the rate is per song.  So says my friend.  

Closed for the season.  COVID has sucked the fun out of everything.......
Link Posted: 7/27/2020 4:45:57 PM EDT
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Can't even work up any anger today. Just sadness.

I remember taking our son to places like that when he was little, usually with a friend or two of his. He loved it, and we made some wonderful memories.

Somewhere in that place during the riot were families who wanted to have some fun, spend some nice time together, eat some delicious crap food. Normal stuff that you often remember for the rest of your life.

And then these awful, irredeemable people show up and spoil it for everyone. They stole everyone's evening.
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A couple days ago there was a video posted that I believe was in Texas, maybe Austin?  A bunch of people, a lot of whom were blacks, were enjoying a nice evening of outside dining and live music.  Auntifey came protesting up the street and zeroed in on those people and were making a huge commotion.  Shut the live music down and it looked like a lot of the customers just left.  Black dude was filming and running commentary on how ignorant it was to have their nice evening ruined.  Had several other black people chime in on his video.  While I empathize with his feelings, I couldn't help but think welcome to the shit white folk have been dealing with for decades.  Movie theaters, concerts, outdoor venues, chuck e cheese, malls, and on and on.
Link Posted: 7/27/2020 4:48:34 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/27/2020 5:03:28 PM EDT
Why is it that parents leave everything up to the public when it comes to their child?

If a child doesn't receive a proper education, then the question is... why is the school system letting down my child?

if a child gets arrested... why is the criminal justice system against my child.

if the child can't find work... why is it that the government isn't giving my child work experience?

A child is looking for an activity with peers, instead of board games with other peers in a supervised environment they drop them off in the middle of a mob of teens and then be surprised that something stupid happened???

Why can't parents be parents and know what their child is doing.

everything is left for everyone else to pick up the tab and it's pissing me off.

my rant
Link Posted: 7/27/2020 5:05:57 PM EDT
Looks like a normal day in Memphis.  I had to fly in there whenever I went to Tupelo.  Always jumped into the rental car, and never stopped until after crossing the state line.
Link Posted: 7/27/2020 5:06:38 PM EDT
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I'm really curious as to what sort of parents would possibly raise a young teenage girl to end up acting like that?

If she's doing that shit at 15  WTF kind of a complete walking disaster is she going to be when she's 25?

My faith in the younger generations being able to preserve the sanctity and freedoms in this once great country have been extinguished based on the past 6 months of deprivations.  It's every man for himself now as far as I am concerned.

That is all.
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There's no "raising" involved.

At 25 she will be college educated on your dime and most likely in charge of your healthcare, or hr dept, or local district attorney.
Link Posted: 7/27/2020 5:10:56 PM EDT
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Single mother, most likely raised on welfare, raised her daughter on welfare 'cause that's what she knew.
She passed along nothing in terms of morals or values, because she was taught none.
Never taught her kids the value of an education because she wasn't taught to value it.
Never taught her kids the value of work because she never had a job. (Probably raised by single mother who never worked.)
In the ghetto, you have 45 year-old great grandmothers, for Christ's sake.

I've said before, in the ghetto today, you don't just have families where no one works - you've got families where no one can remember a time when anyone in the family had a job.
Multiple generations who have no conception of supporting themselves through their own labor. No idea what it's like to spend a dollar that you earned.

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I'm really curious as to what sort of parents would possibly raise a young teenage girl to end up acting like that?

Single mother, most likely raised on welfare, raised her daughter on welfare 'cause that's what she knew.
She passed along nothing in terms of morals or values, because she was taught none.
Never taught her kids the value of an education because she wasn't taught to value it.
Never taught her kids the value of work because she never had a job. (Probably raised by single mother who never worked.)
In the ghetto, you have 45 year-old great grandmothers, for Christ's sake.

I've said before, in the ghetto today, you don't just have families where no one works - you've got families where no one can remember a time when anyone in the family had a job.
Multiple generations who have no conception of supporting themselves through their own labor. No idea what it's like to spend a dollar that you earned.

+1, well put.

Wish it wasn't like that, but here we are.

And just to clarify, anyone who lays this 100% at black people's feet, is delusional.  White liberals/democrats have pushed for this and supported it for decades.
Link Posted: 7/27/2020 5:11:21 PM EDT
Sometimes it's better just to say nothing it all.

Sometimes you don't have to.
Link Posted: 7/27/2020 5:13:05 PM EDT
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LoL, Memphis. ShitHole of the Mid-south.
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Link Posted: 7/27/2020 7:58:00 PM EDT
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Just think about how their children will act.
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Probably the same. In general, these people have have been acting the same for generations.

Link Posted: 7/27/2020 8:08:32 PM EDT
Stereotypes exist for a reason.

Link Posted: 7/28/2020 2:41:12 AM EDT
Well the ones setting off fireworks could be considered a justifiable use of deadly force, same goes for the ones wielding lane dividers, I bet if a few died of lead poisoning the rest pack up and leave in hurry
Link Posted: 7/28/2020 3:20:53 AM EDT
Damn You, Tiger Woods!

We never had these sort of problems before YOU came along!!!

Link Posted: 7/28/2020 6:17:38 AM EDT
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Why is it that parents leave everything up to the public when it comes to their child?

If a child doesn't receive a proper education, then the question is... why is the school system letting down my child?

if a child gets arrested... why is the criminal justice system against my child.

if the child can't find work... why is it that the government isn't giving my child work experience?

A child is looking for an activity with peers, instead of board games with other peers in a supervised environment they drop them off in the middle of a mob of teens and then be surprised that something stupid happened???

Why can't parents be parents and know what their child is doing.

everything is left for everyone else to pick up the tab and it's pissing me off.

my rant
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This sounds familiar for some reason.
Link Posted: 7/28/2020 6:45:59 AM EDT
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don't make the black kids angry
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Link Posted: 7/28/2020 7:08:03 AM EDT
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Parents had their own party to attend somewhere.  Cant get they drink on with 5 kids screaming for them.
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Mayhem ensues after hundreds of teens dropped off at Mid-South putt-putt facility8989

Scenes from a chaotic night at the Golf and Games Family Park on Summer Avenue are being shared all over social media.

In video posted on Facebook you can see dozens of teenagers throwing objects at employees, spitting on people, and destroying property.

Memphis police were also called to the scene.

Investigators say the business reported parents were dropping off kids in the parking lot until there were more than 300 people at the business.

After someone threw a firework in the crowd and caused a stampede, the business decided to close without issuing refunds.

Sounds those parents organized a coordinated attack on that business using their own kids, I mean what are the odds a whole lot of 100 or so parents just decided on the spur of the moment to drop off their kids at the same time, 300 of them?

Parents had their own party to attend somewhere.  Cant get they drink on with 5 kids screaming for them.

Could have dad watch them.
Link Posted: 7/28/2020 7:45:41 AM EDT
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You know, when Eric Holder was Obama's AG, he chastised America for being "a nation of cowards" when it comes to discussing issues of race.  I suspect that in his mind that discussion would be exclusively about how awful white people are.

However, a truly honest discussion about race would include a review of FBI crime statistics and incidents like this.

Somehow I imagine that Holder wouldn't be enthused about having that discussion.
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When race-baiters like Holder refer to having a discussion about race, they mean that they'll do all the talking and you just shut up and listen, Whitey. Oh, and send your money to throw at the problems, too. Just don't try to participate other than that.
Link Posted: 7/28/2020 7:53:18 AM EDT
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There was some sort of issue where the tokens or cards used to ride rides and play games didn’t work.  This is the aftermath of that.

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Lol. Mah tokenz
Link Posted: 7/28/2020 7:56:42 AM EDT
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The very real possibility of being beaten to death, wired to an old cotton gin fan, and having your corpse shucked into a swamp, or being framed for stealing more log chain than you could swim with, or the plain ol' lynching, may have had a chilling effect on the expression of such boisterousness.
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Correct me if I'm wrong but, 50-70 years ago, when racism was very much real and a problem, black teens weren't doing this shit, were they?  I could be totally wrong about this.  But it just seems like the culture has dramatically deteriorated in values over that period of time. Hmmm, must be the fault of straight, white, Republican, Christian, males.  Can't possibly be Democrat policy and Liberal ideology...

The very real possibility of being beaten to death, wired to an old cotton gin fan, and having your corpse shucked into a swamp, or being framed for stealing more log chain than you could swim with, or the plain ol' lynching, may have had a chilling effect on the expression of such boisterousness.

The simple fact is that Lyndon Johnson was successful in replacing black father figures with government checks. Effectively, that subsidized breeding and diminished the family unit as we had known it.

Prior to that, black kids got their ass tore up by dads just like white kids. Dads that got home from work and did dad stuff. Dad stuff, like disciplining kids for fucking up. Take that away and now we reap the results.

It's happening more and more with whites now, too. The strong father figure is no longer seen as relevant in far too many cases. Doesn't matter so much the color, it's the culture of entitlement and fatherless homes that we're dealing with now.
Link Posted: 7/28/2020 8:25:52 AM EDT
Ahh Summer Ave. Home of the infamous gun shop “ Guns&Assholes’’.

Shitiest bunch of employees I have ever seen. I mean around McD’s level.
They had some nice stuff though, although they asked around 20% more than any one else.
Haven’t givin them a dime since 2004.
Link Posted: 7/28/2020 8:28:36 AM EDT
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Just wait until they get home and dad punishes them.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 7/28/2020 8:35:21 AM EDT
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Bring some of them in for training!
Link Posted: 7/28/2020 8:44:54 AM EDT
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No masks or social distancing...
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But Corona Virus attacks "People of Color" MORE than 'Whites' ...

... Could only be due to "Systematic Racism"...
Link Posted: 7/28/2020 8:51:28 AM EDT
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The simple fact is that Lyndon Johnson was successful in replacing black father figures with government checks. Effectively, that subsidized breeding and diminished the family unit as we had known it.

Prior to that, black kids got their ass tore up by dads just like white kids. Dads that got home from work and did dad stuff. Dad stuff, like disciplining kids for fucking up. Take that away and now we reap the results.

It's happening more and more with whites now, too. The strong father figure is no longer seen as relevant in far too many cases. Doesn't matter so much the color, it's the culture of entitlement and fatherless homes that we're dealing with now.
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Correct me if I'm wrong but, 50-70 years ago, when racism was very much real and a problem, black teens weren't doing this shit, were they?  I could be totally wrong about this.  But it just seems like the culture has dramatically deteriorated in values over that period of time. Hmmm, must be the fault of straight, white, Republican, Christian, males.  Can't possibly be Democrat policy and Liberal ideology...

The very real possibility of being beaten to death, wired to an old cotton gin fan, and having your corpse shucked into a swamp, or being framed for stealing more log chain than you could swim with, or the plain ol' lynching, may have had a chilling effect on the expression of such boisterousness.

The simple fact is that Lyndon Johnson was successful in replacing black father figures with government checks. Effectively, that subsidized breeding and diminished the family unit as we had known it.

Prior to that, black kids got their ass tore up by dads just like white kids. Dads that got home from work and did dad stuff. Dad stuff, like disciplining kids for fucking up. Take that away and now we reap the results.

It's happening more and more with whites now, too. The strong father figure is no longer seen as relevant in far too many cases. Doesn't matter so much the color, it's the culture of entitlement and fatherless homes that we're dealing with now.
Another excellent point.  Seeing this a lot.

Something else I'm observing is that white people tend to raise their kids "soft".  Moving them as far as possible from any sort of issues and conflicts, and failing to tell them that there is evil out there, and what to do when confronted by it.  Can have disastrous results, particularly with what seems to be coming.  I understand why they do it, my parents did it too, but what we're seeing now is the results of running for the hills any time conflict arises.
Link Posted: 7/28/2020 8:53:48 AM EDT
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In the last 100 years there was a flood of people moving to urban cities for jobs.

I have a feeling the social unrest in urban areas combined with the ability to work remotely will allow middle class folks to move to the suburbs or even back to small town america.

The majority of this manufactured social and racial drama pretty much goes away once you get out of liberal run cities.
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As long as Democrats are unable to export "teens", you're correct.
Link Posted: 7/28/2020 8:55:32 AM EDT
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But Corona Virus attacks People of Color, with MORE Deaths than 'Whites' ...

... Could only be due to "Systematic Racism"...
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No masks or social distancing...

But Corona Virus attacks People of Color, with MORE Deaths than 'Whites' ...

... Could only be due to "Systematic Racism"...

I've yet to see any credible numbers or studies backing this up.  Of course I've yet to see anything credible related to this chinavirus.

Actually a little surprised we haven't been hearing how this is a disease released by whites to thin the black population.
Link Posted: 7/28/2020 8:55:51 AM EDT
-Work hard.
-Make good decisions.
-MOVE to a place where these "people" can't follow.

That is all that is left to us now. They cannot be arrested. They won't face any consequences. Don't let their violent, cretinous, dysfunctional culture destroy your family.
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