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Link Posted: 4/19/2023 10:39:24 AM EDT
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I worked for a company with some British offices. Americans constantly using British slang really started to annoy me.
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Off topic, but if somebody would have referred to their deuce gear as "kit" when I was a grunt we would have laughed at them.
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 10:40:08 AM EDT
Any time an email has "Diversity" in it. It means I am going to be told why me being white is wrong by default.
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 10:42:41 AM EDT
Reaching out is what stirs you up?

What Corporate People Sound Like
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 10:43:02 AM EDT
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Every month the Budget Monkeys would send out an authoritarian email requiring explanations for budget variations greater than 5%. I had a stock answer that I copied and pasted to every variance; “the budget assumptions, as approved in the annual budget process, failed to materialize.”  They never followed up or called me on the carpet about my response. The other managers would fret and spend a lot of energy responding.  I would spend like 5 minutes on my response.

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Reminds me of my beginning year goals and performance review. In addition to the automatic corporate laid out goals put into our performance review, we are suppose to come up with 4 or 5 individual goals that are suppose to change every year. I have been cutting and pasting the same individual business goals for the last 7+ years and nobody has caught on to that. Those goals are also filled with the nauseating corporate double speak but are wishy-washy enough that I cannot be rated below expectations on them.
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 10:43:24 AM EDT
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Do you often HEAR people walking around saying “I will REACH OUT” to someone?

I don’t.

But thanks for TOUCHING BASE.

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Isn't that just, you know, colloquial english?

Do you often HEAR people walking around saying “I will REACH OUT” to someone?

I don’t.

But thanks for TOUCHING BASE.

Link Posted: 4/19/2023 10:45:49 AM EDT
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and, "Cycles" as in "I don't have the cycles to deal with this." "Time"...
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At our work, they like to use the term "delta" in place of saying "difference". Some groups are worst than others trying to sound smarter than they are rather than just use plain common English words.
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 10:46:51 AM EDT
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Reminds me of my beginning year goals and performance review. In addition to the automatic corporate laid out goals put into our performance review, we are suppose to come up with 4 or 5 individual goals that are suppose to change every year. I have been cutting and pasting the same individual business goals for the last 7+ years and nobody has caught on to that. Those goals are also filled with the nauseating corporate double speak but are wishy-washy enough that I cannot be rated below expectations on them.
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Every month the Budget Monkeys would send out an authoritarian email requiring explanations for budget variations greater than 5%. I had a stock answer that I copied and pasted to every variance; “the budget assumptions, as approved in the annual budget process, failed to materialize.”  They never followed up or called me on the carpet about my response. The other managers would fret and spend a lot of energy responding.  I would spend like 5 minutes on my response.


Reminds me of my beginning year goals and performance review. In addition to the automatic corporate laid out goals put into our performance review, we are suppose to come up with 4 or 5 individual goals that are suppose to change every year. I have been cutting and pasting the same individual business goals for the last 7+ years and nobody has caught on to that. Those goals are also filled with the nauseating corporate double speak but are wishy-washy enough that I cannot be rated below expectations on them.

Both of these anecdotes are outrageously hilarious
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 10:46:58 AM EDT
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Isn't that just, you know, colloquial english?
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Link Posted: 4/19/2023 10:48:15 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 10:49:22 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 10:50:06 AM EDT
We have a quarterly meeting in a few minutes. I should have bingo cards made up with all the stupid corporate phrases and buzzwords on them

LASER FOCUSED will be in the center
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 10:51:15 AM EDT
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Do you often HEAR people walking around saying "I will REACH OUT" to someone?

I don't.

But thanks for TOUCHING BASE.

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"Reach out and touch someone" was an AT&T 1980's commercial slogan and became one of the more iconic commercial slogans ever.  Clearly it has been around a while before that.  I hear people say it all the time.  I think I just said it yesterday.
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 10:52:51 AM EDT
I hope this post finds you well...
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 10:54:57 AM EDT
Start making up some gibberish stuff to post in your return emails.
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 10:55:53 AM EDT
Out of pocket.


"I appreciate you." - When did this happen -  I always say 'I appreciate your time, or that"

All from military clientele -
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 10:55:56 AM EDT
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the 30,000 foot view

it's all a symptom of bullshit jobs.   People with bullshit jobs use bullshit words.  Easily half of white collar work doesn't actually need to exists.

The biggest short term impact that AI will have is it's ability to replace millions of white collar bullshit jobs.  

I worked for a large multinational and I swear they would have meetings about planning other meetings.  Meetings were the product.   That and the flavor of the month corporate management trendy program.
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So only those of you "in the weeds" have real jobs?

Most all of the terms mentioned have their meaning and place.  This is just a thread to bitch.
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 10:56:55 AM EDT
I'll check my notes on tarded stuff and circle back to you.

ETA when i read these threads I wonder how many of you I might actually work with
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 11:02:45 AM EDT
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Using the word "proactive" when what you really mean is "react more quickly."   Example: "Guys, we need to be more proactive about unplanned fiber cuts."

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Proactive is acting to diminish the impact of a potential future issue.  When a company is "proactive" about fiber cuts, they figure out how to ways to continue the business operation when their data doesn't work, implement their ideas, and test them.  So it's literally the opposite of what you said.

Link Posted: 4/19/2023 11:07:03 AM EDT
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Reaching out is what stirs you up?

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That is a fantastic ad. I'm now interested in Zoomphone.
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 11:07:29 AM EDT
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Using the word "proactive" when what you really mean is "react more quickly."   Example: "Guys, we need to be more proactive about unplanned fiber cuts."
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Yeah, actually being proactive would mean performing upgrades, having extra staff, or procuring extra resources for backups, etc.

But that means spending money.  Can't do that!
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 11:11:00 AM EDT
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OP needs to circle back on the project as it lacks the synergy created through buy in from the other posters in peer ARF departments
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Having periodic touch points will remedy this.
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 11:13:20 AM EDT
The one I've been hearing lately that makes me roll my eyes is "Operationalize our cadence", which is just look how smart I am corporate speak for "Schedule a meeting".

My eyes almost roll out of my head when I hear it.
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 11:13:49 AM EDT
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Mine is not a Tarted Corporate Email expression but Tarded Corporate processes.

Every month the Budget Monkeys would send out an authoritarian email requiring explanations for budget variations greater than 5%. I had a stock answer that I copied and pasted to every variance; “the budget assumptions, as approved in the annual budget process, failed to materialize.”  They never followed up or called me on the carpet about my response. The other managers would fret and spend a lot of energy responding.  I would spend like 5 minutes on my response.

When it was the TQM fad of having the word “Services” in every department name, I was on the name changing committee. I was successful in slipping the in the name change for Human Resources to Personal Management Services, following the trend for Information Technology Services, Building Services, Accounting System Services, and so on. In typical fashion of corporate culture there is always someone who takes credit for someone else’s work efforts or ideas. This time I let them do it and even encouraged it. It made it all the way up the food chain to the 1st Vice President before she pointed out that having departments with the initials of PMS, ITS, BS, and ASS was not the image she was wanting to portray even though there was some truth to the name changes.

My saving grace was the 1stVP had the same sense of humor that I had.
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You are my hero.

I wish we were organized enough where I work to even have consistent names for organizations.
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 11:16:19 AM EDT
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I'll check my notes on tarded stuff and circle back to you.

ETA when i read these threads I wonder how many of you I might actually work with
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Loop me in on when you're ready to scale up that value-add to all stakeholders via multiple exposure so we have that in-house  going forward.  Brief me on which metrics we will use.    I'll be out of pocket until COB tomorrow and then downrange the day after.

Link Posted: 4/19/2023 11:19:22 AM EDT
I love "you need to find the root cause, with an actual root cause analysis"

You want the root cause...the employee is a moron, the root cause is you hired him.
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 11:20:49 AM EDT
One of my former managers commented that I send out what he termed "Fuck You! Strong memo to follow!!!" emails.

My emails tend to have a certain...style to them.

Link Posted: 4/19/2023 11:22:42 AM EDT
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I love "you need to find the root cause, with an actual root cause analysis"

You want the root cause...the employee is a moron, the root cause is you hired him.
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lol. Back in the 90's I attended a Kepner-Tregoe analytical troubleshooting course for work (telecommunications company). My teams problem we had to solve wound up being someone in the mailroom just fucking forgot they left a piece of mail in their office for a few months. Everyone else had really impressive process improvements they were able to implement across the company lol. On top of that my "partner" mysteriously called in sick the day we had to brief. I think I was only like 20 at the time. That was my first real experience with getting thrown under a bus professionally. I learned early to BOLO for that shit.
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 11:22:46 AM EDT
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I love "you need to find the root cause, with an actual root cause analysis"

You want the root cause...the employee is a moron, the root cause is you hired him.
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Sounds like someone doesn't know how to poka-yoke.

Link Posted: 4/19/2023 11:25:44 AM EDT
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So only those of you "in the weeds" have real jobs?

Most all of the terms mentioned have their meaning and place.  This is just a thread to bitch.
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But thank you for TOUCHING BASE with your comment.
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 11:32:55 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 11:42:15 AM EDT
OP needs to get his ducks in a row.
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 11:43:30 AM EDT
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OP needs to get his ducks in a row.
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How else would you get the low hanging fruit?

Link Posted: 4/19/2023 11:46:39 AM EDT
I hate when people use the term "hone in on" when they mean "home in on".

To home in - like a missile, means to identify the target of interest

To hone in - like sharpening a blade, means to make the target or resultant action more finely tuned to the task.

You can't hone in on anything before you home in on it.

"We really need to hone in on the root cause of this accident."
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 11:48:56 AM EDT
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on board, either as a noun or verb.
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Offboarded - you mean fired?
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 11:49:33 AM EDT
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Isn't that just, you know, colloquial english?
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Does OP also complain that people say "Kleenex" instead of "facial tissue", or get irritated when someone talks about "scotch tape" instead of "cellophane tape"?

There are plenty of stupid corporatism expressions, but this isn't one of them.... normal people outside the office say this all the time.
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 11:55:41 AM EDT

I hate that so much I forbade my staff from using it when I was a base commander.
My PIO didn't know what to do.
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 11:56:20 AM EDT
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Using the word "proactive" when what you really mean is "react more quickly."   Example: "Guys, we need to be more proactive about unplanned fiber cuts."

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That one's huge where I work.

I feel like Inigo Montoya. They keep using that word, but I don't think they know what it means.

There is rarely anything in their proposed solutions that is actually proactive.
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 11:56:35 AM EDT
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reach out, touch base and circle back are already covered here.

I hate managers who say "I have one ask..."- I've heard it stated that's not even correct English, but it has caught on during video presentations to motivate employees.
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And those who use this and other corporate speak are fucking ID10T suck ups.
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 11:57:57 AM EDT
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In the context in which it was used, they specifically were asking the team to avoid the unpredictable.    Best handled by catching the person later in private and explaining things.
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Using the word "proactive" when what you really mean is "react more quickly."   Example: "Guys, we need to be more proactive about unplanned fiber cuts."

Proactive is acting to diminish the impact of a potential future issue.  When a company is "proactive" about fiber cuts, they figure out how to ways to continue the business operation when their data doesn't work, implement their ideas, and test them.  So it's literally the opposite of what you said.

In the context in which it was used, they specifically were asking the team to avoid the unpredictable.    Best handled by catching the person later in private and explaining things.
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 11:58:54 AM EDT
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How else would you get the low hanging fruit?

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OP needs to get his ducks in a row.

How else would you get the low hanging fruit?

Those are husbandry terms which predate business speak.
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 11:59:31 AM EDT
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"I have an ask".

Ask is not a noun,- you have a request, not an "ask".
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I believe it’s pronounced “axe”

Town Hall - nothing to do with the town, and not a forum…just one guy blabbing and lying

Happy to Discuss (when closing an email) - no you’re not

C-Suite - chiefs and chairmen?

Run it up the Flagpole - the people who use it are likely the same people who probably hate the US flag
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 11:59:33 AM EDT
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Proactive is acting to diminish the impact of a potential future issue.  When a company is "proactive" about fiber cuts, they figure out how to ways to continue the business operation when their data doesn't work, implement their ideas, and test them.  So it's literally the opposite of what you said.

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Using the word "proactive" when what you really mean is "react more quickly."   Example: "Guys, we need to be more proactive about unplanned fiber cuts."

Proactive is acting to diminish the impact of a potential future issue.  When a company is "proactive" about fiber cuts, they figure out how to ways to continue the business operation when their data doesn't work, implement their ideas, and test them.  So it's literally the opposite of what you said.

... you assume they are using it correctly. I read that as, all they do is work plans to react more quickly to the outage, as opposed to actually anticipating another outage and having processes in place to mitigate their impact.
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 11:59:44 AM EDT
I'm tired of partnering with others..

especially stupid mother fuckers..
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 12:13:58 PM EDT
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... you assume they are using it correctly. I read that as, all they do is work plans to react more quickly to the outage, as opposed to actually anticipating another outage and having processes in place to mitigate their impact.
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That's true, I did.  I was since corrected.

It's kinda weird, because we actually did have a project to be more proactive about unexpected fiber cuts years ago.
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 12:20:05 PM EDT
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That's true, I did.  I was since corrected.

It's kinda weird, because we actually did have a project to be more proactive about unexpected fiber cuts years ago.
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... you assume they are using it correctly. I read that as, all they do is work plans to react more quickly to the outage, as opposed to actually anticipating another outage and having processes in place to mitigate their impact.
That's true, I did.  I was since corrected.

It's kinda weird, because we actually did have a project to be more proactive about unexpected fiber cuts years ago.

Sorry, didn't read down far enough. I think I was more generous in my interpretation, because I live that hell daily.
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 12:21:52 PM EDT
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Touch base and reach out have been used long before email was a thing. I hear them on the phone regularly.

I'm not even in the corporate world and I regularly get "circle back" in my emails....which seems redundant when we are already talking about it.
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In the immortal words of the late 20th century philosopher Luther Vandross, "reach out, reach out and touch someone.....  reach out, call up and just say hi...."
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 12:27:11 PM EDT
The number one phrase in corporate America that I despise.

Link Posted: 4/19/2023 12:32:34 PM EDT
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The number one phrase in corporate America that I despise.

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... so we'll keep you on hold for 45 more minutes before inexplicably cutting you off.
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 12:33:39 PM EDT
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Guys use that here. Constantly.

I HATE this one.
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The one that goes right through me is "ping", as in I'll ping (reach out to, lol) him.

Guys use that here. Constantly.

I HATE this one.

It actually has a use, tho. If someone in the firm says they’re going to ping me I specifically know they will instant message me; not to be looking for a call or email. So it does have at least some specificity in some companies.
Link Posted: 4/19/2023 12:33:43 PM EDT
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The number one phrase in corporate America that I despise.
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The one that usually proceeds this and really chaps my hide is:
"We are currently experiencing higher than normal call volumes..."

LIES.  You cannot have "higher than normal" call volumes every single day you are open, for months or even years on end.  You simply are understaffing your call center for additional profit.
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