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Link Posted: 12/25/2012 10:35:17 AM EDT



Never, not a single one.  Totally unconstitutional.

In NY the reaction will be "you don't need those anyways, sure wish my department issued rifle plates"  

there was an article in the Ny hometown forum today that someone was arrested for carrying outside the restrictions (hunting only) on his permit. No way is that a penal law violation, he still got arrested. A couple of months ago a guy got arrested for having an illegal suppressor when what he really had was one of those .22lr hk clones with the fake suppressor, still got arrested. Kid in Rochester got arrested for having 'illegal assault weapons' even though they were legal post ban guns, the DA agreed to let the grand jury toss it basically but the kid still got arrested and hired a top flight Rochester criminal defense guy which I would guess was a $ 50k plus payment his parents made.

I foresee almost no NY police officers giving up their pensions and .gov jobs over principle, lose their houses and go live in an apartment and make a living as a security guard or swinging a hammer (if they can find work). There are certainly exceptions, but the overriding attitude here will be "you never needed one of those and better just give them up or else"

I would imagine that, like over here, many cops aren't gun people so don't know enough to make sound decisions, the default being to arrest get the guns checked out properly.


As for confiscation, do they even need to? Far easier and cheaper to limit the amounts you can keep and how you store them, where you can use them etc. Can they make you register all firearms (cost of administration being passed to the gun owner of course), it then being an offence if found in possession of an unregistered firearm?
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 10:42:42 AM EDT
I'm surprised Kelly could keep Bloombergs dick out of his mouth long enough to make statement.

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 10:45:18 AM EDT




If the NYPD gets involved the bystander body counts will be horrific.

I could only imagine how much hell would be unleashed by the populace on the "enforcers".  It would make Iraq look like kids play.  

not to mention if that started happening how much infrastructure would start magically shutting down.....entire power grids, water, sewage, trash control, communications, flights, you name it.  NYC would be a jungle in about ten minutes

it would be ugly very quick

You over estimate our power! I'm going to pull a number out of my ass 99.99% of NYers will comply because law abiding citizens do that
You underestimate what one guy could do with out harming a soul
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 10:49:09 AM EDT




ETA: I'm in the Ohio National Guard, If we get the order I am refusing it.

Enjoy Leavenworth. I understand they allow trustees to work road details in the summer.

Shut up  
Yeah Aim you believe these types?

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 10:50:16 AM EDT



Over a what?

Jeez, where do you guys keep coming from?

Oh. I'm sorry. Is it a religion for you or something? Did JMB take a stroll on the water one day, then make the 1911?
It's a means to protect ourselves from the govt doing exactly this, WTF is wrong with you?

You think this is just some lame hobby?

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 10:51:27 AM EDT





ETA: I'm in the Ohio National Guard, If we get the order I am refusing it.

Enjoy Leavenworth. I understand they allow trustees to work road details in the summer.

Ever hear of unlawful orders?
I booted him


Good , thats 2 today, Va gunnut nailed army officer too LOL

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 10:53:07 AM EDT
It's there a thread about posts on ARFCOM being quoted in a major newspaper?  Just sayin'.

What are you saying? Don't tip toe around.

I'm sayin' that it is one thing to put on a public forum that you disagree strongly with proposed legislation and enforcement action.  It's even okay to say it is fucking retarded, which it is, and against the intent of the Founders of this nation, which it is.

It is another thing to post on that message board, which is monitored by an agenda driven media that is not on our side, comments that can be easily manipulated to sound like threats of violence to frighten the masses.

Then again, maybe if it sounds ominous enough, it will deter the entire concept before they send the first group out to knock on doors.

Scaring soccer-moms is not how you are going to generate popular support on this issue.  Scared soccer moms turn to government to "do something".

NOTICE - All  NON-gun  toting  soccer  moms . .  .  . GTFO !
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 10:59:25 AM EDT
President Barack Obama and other lawmakers have come out in favor of re-implementing the assault weapons ban, as well as limits on the size of clips that can be used.

If THEY implement it.............

THEY should lead the way when it comes time to collect them.  But, getting others to do the dirty work is normal for some of those Chicken$%#! people up on Capital Hill (and at the State and City levels).  Hell, it's suppose to be the norm that IF you're not willing to go first......then, don't tell others to do your dirty deeds for you.

Aloha, Mark
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 11:18:50 AM EDT

No FH....
No telescoping stock.....
no bayo lug....

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 11:19:35 AM EDT
Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

The trolls arent even trying to hide it anymore. Obama won, go back to DU now.

gun ownership is a hobby....O lulz
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 11:23:15 AM EDT
... Ouch! Fuck.
Wouldn't wanna be the cop that got that order!

Yeah, I can see those orders going over like a fart in church. I'd bet more than half would just quit on the spot. The rest, well, I don't think they would like the result.

Hell, alot of NY cops would love it! They are wringing their hands right now thinking of how many ARs they can take HOME.

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 11:30:40 AM EDT

it is if you go by the NYC (not NYS) AWB

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 11:42:24 AM EDT


Post after post of idiotic, deliberately inflammatory bullshit

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 11:52:56 AM EDT


Post after post of idiotic, deliberately inflammatory bullshit


Care to elaborate?
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 11:56:13 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 12:10:14 PM EDT


There are no "registered" ARs in New York City since the time that David Dinkins was mayor.

He contacted every registered owner by mail and waned them to remove them all from within the  city limits and that the police would be visiting to ensure compliance.

The police never did visit.

But as a result, there are no registered ARs or AKs in NYC for the cops to come looking for.

Does this mean I can stand in my living room, shout "all termites must vacate my house" then declare it termite free?

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 12:13:15 PM EDT



I know a few local leo hoping they get to confiscate.  They assume they will get to keep what they take.

Guns they'll probably have to destroy, not like when they seize cars and homes from alleged drug dealers and sell them off to get more overtime and new police cars.  

Evidence gets lost all the time.  I'm sure confiscated guns wouldn't be any exception.

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 12:14:19 PM EDT

Never, not a single one.  Totally unconstitutional.

In NY the reaction will be "you don't need those anyways, sure wish my department issued rifle plates"  

there was an article in the Ny hometown forum today that someone was arrested for carrying outside the restrictions (hunting only) on his permit. No way is that a penal law violation, he still got arrested. A couple of months ago a guy got arrested for having an illegal suppressor when what he really had was one of those .22lr hk clones with the fake suppressor, still got arrested. Kid in Rochester got arrested for having 'illegal assault weapons' even though they were legal post ban guns, the DA agreed to let the grand jury toss it basically but the kid still got arrested and hired a top flight Rochester criminal defense guy which I would guess was a $ 50k plus payment his parents made.

I foresee almost no NY police officers giving up their pensions and .gov jobs over principle, lose their houses and go live in an apartment and make a living as a security guard or swinging a hammer (if they can find work). There are certainly exceptions, but the overriding attitude here will be "you never needed one of those and better just give them up or else"

In your professional opinion, and as a gun owner and someone educated on the 2nd amendment (and law in general), do you seriously think that outright confiscation is even plausible? I can't envision something like that passing into law. The logistics and economics alone make it a ridiculously expensive undertaking. Factor in the idea that it's completely unconstitutional, and you have a bill that should be unpassable. But I'm not a legal scholar...you are.

Is there a real chance a law enabling confiscation could ever become a reality in our country?

YES, ask Dianne Feinstein.  Do you think people could have imagined where we are today 40 or 50 years ago?  Maybe not today, but down the road you fucking bet ya!!!
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 12:23:20 PM EDT
I am not saying I wouldn't give them up or that I am going out shooting, but I am not handing anything over with being paid fair value.

There is a process by which the state can seize private property, but it involves due process and/or compensation.

I am.
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 12:41:59 PM EDT




Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

Over a what?

Jeez, where do you guys keep coming from?

pre-election troll

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 12:44:57 PM EDT


I am not saying I wouldn't give them up or that I am going out shooting, but I am not handing anything over with being paid fair value.

There is a process by which the state can seize private property, but it involves due process and/or compensation.

I know the quote goes ".... And may your chains rest lightly upon you". But fuck that I hope you are fucking crushed by your chains.


Link Posted: 12/25/2012 12:51:17 PM EDT

Eh, I chalk all this hot air up to Internet bravado.  When I worked MCV (Major Crimes Violators), every other suspect was a third striker looking at life and "would never be taken alive".  Yeah right.

What ever makes these guys feel better about themselves I guess.


Well that's a buncha horse shit, I have sat here and watched story after story the last few years, of cops getting shot for pulling people over for traffic violations for fuck's sake, you really think it will be that easy to disarm several million people at once?

We've been trying to disarm Afghanistan for almost 12 years now, and how well is that working out?

I have friends that are real cops, not internet tuff-guy wanna-be pretenders, and they are NOT happy at all with the prospect of something like this, for many reasons, but the primary one they mention is their safety.

We are not talking about chickenshit gang-bangers here, we are talking about honest citizens who deserve better than to be treated like criminals and might have just had enough, millions of them, some ex-cops themselves, some ex-military, security etc. And i'm too sure the wise-guys are all gonna meekly surrender their shit.

I'm a Texan, so I ain't big on none of y'all, but I can tell you this much, New Yorkers are a damn sight tougher than those Kalifornia pussies you are used to, so you got no frame of reference on this matter.

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 12:54:59 PM EDT
Would like to see them try...
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 12:57:07 PM EDT




Post after post of idiotic, deliberately inflammatory bullshit


Care to elaborate?

Moot point. Aimless squashed him.

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 12:59:34 PM EDT
I foresee almost no NY police officers anywhere giving up their pensions and .gov jobs over principle, lose their houses and go live in an apartment and make a living as a security guard or swinging a hammer (if they can find work). There are certainly exceptions, but the overriding attitude here will be "you never needed one of those and better just give them up or else"

There. Now it reflects how I believe police will react nationally if this comes about. The few decent ones will be far and away outnumbered by the "Just doing my job" bunch.
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 1:02:45 PM EDT

Eh, I chalk all this hot air up to Internet bravado.  When I worked MCV (Major Crimes Violators), every other suspect was a third striker looking at life and "would never be taken alive".  Yeah right.

What ever makes these guys feel better about themselves I guess.


Well that's a buncha horse shit, I have sat here and watched story after story the last few years, of cops getting shot for pulling people over for traffic violations for fuck's sake, you really think it will be that easy to disarm several million people at once?

We've been trying to disarm Afghanistan for almost 12 years now, and how well is that working out?

I have friends that are real cops, not internet tuff-guy wanna-be pretenders, and they are NOT happy at all with the prospect of something like this, for many reasons, but the primary one they mention is their safety.

We are not talking about chickenshit gang-bangers here, we are talking about honest citizens who deserve better than to be treated like criminals and might have just had enough, millions of them, some ex-cops themselves, some ex-military, security etc. And i'm too sure the wise-guys are all gonna meekly surrender their shit.

I'm a Texan, so I ain't big on none of y'all, but I can tell you this much, New Yorkers are a damn sight tougher than those Kalifornia pussies you are used to, so you got no frame of reference on this matter.

John Wayne is that you?   Is that me?

And BTW, I've met plenty of Texas cops over the years.  They come to California to learn about police work all the time.  

Dude, switch to beer.

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 1:17:07 PM EDT

Eh, I chalk all this hot air up to Internet bravado.  When I worked MCV (Major Crimes Violators), every other suspect was a third striker looking at life and "would never be taken alive".  Yeah right.

What ever makes these guys feel better about themselves I guess.


Well that's a buncha horse shit, I have sat here and watched story after story the last few years, of cops getting shot for pulling people over for traffic violations for fuck's sake, you really think it will be that easy to disarm several million people at once?

We've been trying to disarm Afghanistan for almost 12 years now, and how well is that working out?

I have friends that are real cops, not internet tuff-guy wanna-be pretenders, and they are NOT happy at all with the prospect of something like this, for many reasons, but the primary one they mention is their safety.

We are not talking about chickenshit gang-bangers here, we are talking about honest citizens who deserve better than to be treated like criminals and might have just had enough, millions of them, some ex-cops themselves, some ex-military, security etc. And i'm too sure the wise-guys are all gonna meekly surrender their shit.

I'm a Texan, so I ain't big on none of y'all, but I can tell you this much, New Yorkers are a damn sight tougher than those Kalifornia pussies you are used to, so you got no frame of reference on this matter.

Thank  You  Dragynn . Spoken  by  someone  who  knows  what  it's  like  to  walk  erect  with  an  actual  pair  of  stones . Unlike  many  that  have  come  around . ( That  really  doesn't  suprise  me   you  bein'  from  Texas   'n  all . )

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 1:19:47 PM EDT

Eh, I chalk all this hot air up to Internet bravado.  When I worked MCV (Major Crimes Violators), every other suspect was a third striker looking at life and "would never be taken alive".  Yeah right.

What ever makes these guys feel better about themselves I guess.


Well that's a buncha horse shit, I have sat here and watched story after story the last few years, of cops getting shot for pulling people over for traffic violations for fuck's sake, you really think it will be that easy to disarm several million people at once?

We've been trying to disarm Afghanistan for almost 12 years now, and how well is that working out?

I have friends that are real cops, not internet tuff-guy wanna-be pretenders, and they are NOT happy at all with the prospect of something like this, for many reasons, but the primary one they mention is their safety.

We are not talking about chickenshit gang-bangers here, we are talking about honest citizens who deserve better than to be treated like criminals and might have just had enough, millions of them, some ex-cops themselves, some ex-military, security etc. And i'm too sure the wise-guys are all gonna meekly surrender their shit.

I'm a Texan, so I ain't big on none of y'all, but I can tell you this much, New Yorkers are a damn sight tougher than those Kalifornia pussies you are used to, so you got no frame of reference on this matter.

Thank  You  Dragynn . Spoken  by  someone  who  knows  what  it's  like  to  walk  erect  with  an  actual  pair  of  stones . Unlike  many  that  have  come  around . ( That  really  doesn't  suprise  me   you  bein'  from  Texas   'n  all . )

You're kidding, right?

Well, if nothing else comes of his rambling, at least you two can continue your bromance.  

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 1:27:33 PM EDT
All this anti-gun talk will last until the next credit downgrade or Obama middle east screwup, the press will then have to go into full protection mode for their anointed one. The mere fact that Biden is tasked with the gun control talk is almost too good to be true. There should be a poll about what happens first, the economy totally tanking or a gun ban. My money is on the economy tanking.
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 1:29:50 PM EDT
All this anti-gun talk will last until the next credit downgrade or Obama middle east screwup, the press will then have to go into full protection mode for their anointed one. The mere fact that Biden is tasked with the gun control talk is almost too good to be true. There should be a poll about what happens first, the economy totally tanking or a gun ban. My money is on the economy tanking.

Yep.   I personally am looking forward to picking up some good deals in June.

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 1:36:21 PM EDT



Eh, I chalk all this hot air up to Internet bravado.  When I worked MCV (Major Crimes Violators), every other suspect was a third striker looking at life and "would never be taken alive".  Yeah right.

What ever makes these guys feel better about themselves I guess.

Well that's a buncha horse shit, I have sat here and watched story after story the last few years, of cops getting shot for pulling people over for traffic violations for fuck's sake, you really think it will be that easy to disarm several million people at once?

We've been trying to disarm Afghanistan for almost 12 years now, and how well is that working out?

I have friends that are real cops, not internet tuff-guy wanna-be pretenders, and they are NOT happy at all with the prospect of something like this, for many reasons, but the primary one they mention is their safety.

We are not talking about chickenshit gang-bangers here, we are talking about honest citizens who deserve better than to be treated like criminals and might have just had enough, millions of them, some ex-cops themselves, some ex-military, security etc. And i'm too sure the wise-guys are all gonna meekly surrender their shit.

I'm a Texan, so I ain't big on none of y'all, but I can tell you this much, New Yorkers are a damn sight tougher than those Kalifornia pussies you are used to, so you got no frame of reference on this matter.


Whatever you say, man...
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 1:43:03 PM EDT

There was a thread yesterday, referencing one of the NY papers that admitted NY could never afford  the cost of of this approach.

BTW,  fuck NY and all the communists that live there.

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 1:44:28 PM EDT

Eh, I chalk all this hot air up to Internet bravado.  When I worked MCV (Major Crimes Violators), every other suspect was a third striker looking at life and "would never be taken alive".  Yeah right.

What ever makes these guys feel better about themselves I guess. millions of them, some ex-cops themselves, some ex-military, security etc. And i'm too sure the wise-guys are all gonna meekly surrender their shit.

I'm a Texan, so I ain't big on none of y'all, but I can tell you this much, New Yorkers are a damn sight tougher than those Kalifornia pussies you are used to, so you got no frame of reference on this matter.

Thank  You  Dragynn . Spoken  by  someone  who  knows  what  it's  like  to  walk  erect  with  an  actual  pair  of  stones . Unlike  many  that  have  come  around . ( That  really  doesn't  suprise  me   you  bein'  from  Texas   'n  all . )

You're kidding, right?

Well, if nothing else comes of his rambling, at least you two can continue your bromance.  [img]http://www.ar15.com/images/smilies/icon_smile_kisses.gif" />


This  may  be  coming  to  a  neighborhood  like  yours  in  the  near  future  if  it  weren't  for  the  fact  that  you  Ca.  gun  enthusiasts   have  been  neutered  for  some  time .
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 1:45:19 PM EDT


I'm a Texan, so I ain't big on none of y'all, but I can tell you this much, New Yorkers are a damn sight tougher than those Kalifornia pussies you are used to, so you got no frame of reference on this matter.


Whatever you say, man...

Eh, we've all had too much to drink at one time or another.  I just try to stay away from the Internet when I do!  

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 1:49:22 PM EDT

Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

Yes it is.......and the usual fucking douchebags are advocating it.

Wow talk about defending anything, even firearms confiscation at gunpoint  

No that aint it, but posters like BWood and his usual BS about killing cops can fly? seriously?

<-----This cop is one of the most 2A defenders you'll ever meet, and aint gonna confiscate shit........but there are some real tough MF'ers here though.

You certainly wouldn't confiscate mine.  You ain't got balls enough.

Oh......I wouldnt do it because I am a man of principals and believe an oath should be upheld........not because I'm a coward tough guy.

Eh, I chalk all this hot air up to Internet bravado.  When I worked MCV (Major Crimes Violators), every other suspect was a third striker looking at life and "would never be taken alive".  Yeah right.

What ever makes these guys feel better about themselves I guess.


Do you really think its the same ? I don't...

Sure a lot of people talk tough and won't back it up. Maybe most.

But there is still a huge amount that will.

Good people that are having their way of life and means of defending their families stripped from them... And now their dignity will be taken from them as well, and they'll be criminals.

You can't compare that to a gang banger in and out his whole life whose already used to jail. He knows the game.

These people..They don't know or want the game, they'd rather be left alone to go to work and raise their families. Some of them will reach their breaking point. Who could really blame them ?
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 1:50:33 PM EDT

This  may  be  coming  to  a  neighborhood  like  yours  in  the  near  future  if  it  weren't  for  the  fact  that  you  Ca.  gun  enthusiasts   have  been  neutered  for  some  time .

Dude, nobody is coming for your guns.  Shit, I'd be surprised if they can get ANYTHING passed with dips hit Biden leading their cause.

As I've stated on page 2 (maybe 3), I would flat out refuse to participate and would attempt to influence anyone I work with to do the same.  Luckily my union would back me.

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 1:57:40 PM EDT
If the NYPD gets involved the bystander body counts will be horrific.

I could only imagine how much hell would be unleashed by the populace on the "enforcers".  It would make Iraq look like kids play.  

not to mention if that started happening how much infrastructure would start magically shutting down.....entire power grids, water, sewage, trash control, communications, flights, you name it.  NYC would be a jungle in about ten minutes

it would be ugly very quick

You over estimate our power! I'm going to pull a number out of my ass 99.99% of NYers will comply because law abiding citizens do that

Swoosh is correct. just like the rest of the nation, 99% will willing turn them in to avoid jail time, death, etc. It isn't just you, they will shoot anyone in your family not to mention your dog if they have to kick down your door. If anyone does resist it will be worse for everyone else. Not one of them will risk his pension over a stupid 200 year old piece of paper.

The time to stop it is now, not later. Join the pro 2A organization of your choice, write your representatives in DC. It sucks here and may be too late for us, but this shit is coming to your state.
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 1:59:52 PM EDT



This  may  be  coming  to  a  neighborhood  like  yours  in  the  near  future  if  it  weren't  for  the  fact  that  you  Ca.  gun  enthusiasts   have  been  neutered  for  some  time .

Dude, nobody is coming for your guns.  Shit, I'd be surprised if they can get ANYTHING passed with dips hit Biden leading their cause.

As I've stated on page 2 (maybe 3), I would flat out refuse to participate and would attempt to influence anyone I work with to do the same.  Luckily my union would back me.


That attitude is shared with the friends I have in LE. We've talked about gun control at length and they fucking abhor law abiding civilian restrictions.


Confiscation is a remote possibility. But for the sake of argument let's just say a law was passed and the order came down-

Even IF everybody were on board it would be a clusterfuck of such epic proportions that the effort would likely be abandoned after a short time.

Since the order would see nowhere near universal LE compliance this discussion is academic at best.
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 2:07:14 PM EDT
Never, not a single one.  Totally unconstitutional.

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 2:07:32 PM EDT

Do you really think its the same ? I don't...

Sure a lot of people talk tough and won't back it up. Maybe most.

But there is still a huge amount that will.

Good people that are having their way of life and means of defending their families stripped from them... And now their dignity will be taken from them as well, and they'll be criminals.

You can't compare that to a gang banger in and out his whole life whose already used to jail. He knows the game.

These people..They don't know or want the game, they'd rather be left alone to go to work and raise their families. Some of them will reach their breaking point. Who could really blame them ?

Dude, you're taking my comment way out of context. It was meant for one member that got booted earlier in the thread.

Having said that, who has more to lose  A gangbanger that has never had a job, already been to prison in the past, hasn't seen his multiple kids in months due to a restraining order, let alone paid child support, or some average Joe Citizen with a wife and family, good paying job, a house and retirement fund?

You tell me?
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 2:08:31 PM EDT

This  may  be  coming  to  a  neighborhood  like  yours  in  the  near  future  if  it  weren't  for  the  fact  that  you  Ca.  gun  enthusiasts   have  been  neutered  for  some  time .

Dude, nobody is coming for your guns.  Shit, I'd be surprised if they can get ANYTHING passed with dips hit Biden leading their cause.

As I've stated on page 2 (maybe 3), I would flat out refuse to participate and would attempt to influence anyone I work with to do the same.  Luckily my union would back me.


And yet out of the other side of your mouth, you make the argument that if they DID do it, they could operate with impunity.  

I think you fall into the trap of many cops, where you assume the world is made up of cops, fucktard criminals, and weak people that are waiting for you to come and save them.  I can assure you that there are other classes of people in America.
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 2:14:08 PM EDT

Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

Yes it is.......and the usual fucking douchebags are advocating it.

Wow talk about defending anything, even firearms confiscation at gunpoint  

No that aint it, but posters like BWood and his usual BS about killing cops can fly? seriously?

<-----This cop is one of the most 2A defenders you'll ever meet, and aint gonna confiscate shit........but there are some real tough MF'ers here though.

You certainly wouldn't confiscate mine.  You ain't got balls enough.

Oh......I wouldnt do it because I am a man of principals and believe an oath should be upheld........not because I'm a coward tough guy.

Eh, I chalk all this hot air up to Internet bravado.  When I worked MCV (Major Crimes Violators), every other suspect was a third striker looking at life and "would never be taken alive".  Yeah right.

What ever makes these guys feel better about themselves I guess.


Do you really think its the same ? I don't...

Sure a lot of people talk tough and won't back it up. Maybe most.

But there is still a huge amount that will.

Good people that are having their way of life and means of defending their families stripped from them... And now their dignity will be taken from them as well, and they'll be criminals.

You can't compare that to a gang banger in and out his whole life whose already used to jail. He knows the game.

These people..They don't know or want the game, they'd rather be left alone to go to work and raise their families. Some of them will reach their breaking point. Who could really blame them ?

Dude, you're taking my comment way out of context. It was meant for one member that got booted earlier in the thread.

Having said that, who has more to lose  A gang anger that has never had a job, already been to prison in the past, hasn't seen his multiple kids in months due to a restraining order, let alone paid child support, or some average Joe Citizen with a wife and family, good paying job, a house and retirement fund?

You tell me?

The citizen has more to lose. But on the same note more is being taken from him, and he's probably a little more upset based upon his lack of experience being pushed into a corner, and knowing he has done nothing wrong.

I would also agree the majority won't act. But even if 1% did...Its pretty big number and would have big repercussions.

Remember too some don't have families, and you're effectively taking everything they care about from them.

Then the have the people who truly feel you're seriously endangering their family by disarming them. What choice do they have ?

If I've taken your comments out of context, I'm sorry.

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 2:15:04 PM EDT

You certainly wouldn't confiscate mine.  You ain't got balls enough.

I think Randy Weaver said something to that effect back in '92... Just sayin'


You seem proud of that. Why?

Yeah, I am wondering the same thing.

I believe cocked said he would never confiscate anybody's weapon,then dude said he didn't have the balls to do it anyway.

Why is when it when a cop here says he wouldn't confiscate weapons,some nutbag calls him a pussy ?


Link Posted: 12/25/2012 2:16:20 PM EDT
If the NYPD gets involved the bystander body counts will be horrific.

I could only imagine how much hell would be unleashed by the populace on the "enforcers".  It would make Iraq look like kids play.  

not to mention if that started happening how much infrastructure would start magically shutting down.....entire power grids, water, sewage, trash control, communications, flights, you name it.  NYC would be a jungle in about ten minutes

it would be ugly very quick

You over estimate our power! I'm going to pull a number out of my ass 99.99% of NYers will comply because law abiding citizens do that

Swoosh is correct. just like the rest of the nation, 99% will willing turn them in to avoid jail time, death, etc. It isn't just you, they will shoot anyone in your family not to mention your dog if they have to kick down your door. If anyone does resist it will be worse for everyone else. Not one of them will risk his pension over a stupid 200 year old piece of paper.

The time to stop it is now, not later. Join the pro 2A organization of your choice, write your representatives in DC. It sucks here and may be too late for us, but this shit is coming to your state.

And if you turn them in, the same will happen later when you're defenseless.

Its not like there isn't huge precedent of this kind of thing based on the last hundred years, combined with  the increasing demonization of our culture and values and violence of the left.

What a shit sandwich
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 2:17:58 PM EDT
I know a few local leo hoping they get to confiscate.  They assume they will get to keep what they take.

"Careful what you wish for" comes to mind.
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 2:18:04 PM EDT

You certainly wouldn't confiscate mine.  You ain't got balls enough.

I think Randy Weaver said something to that effect back in '92... Just sayin'


You seem proud of that. Why?

Yeah, I am wondering the same thing.

I believe cocked said he would never confiscate anybody's weapon,then dude said he didn't have the balls to do it anyway.

Why is when it when a cop here says he wouldn't confiscate weapons,some nutbag calls him a pussy ?


Link Posted: 12/25/2012 2:19:49 PM EDT

You certainly wouldn't confiscate mine.  You ain't got balls enough.

I think Randy Weaver said something to that effect back in '92... Just sayin'


You seem proud of that. Why?

Yeah, I am wondering the same thing.

I believe cocked said he would never confiscate anybody's weapon,then dude said he didn't have the balls to do it anyway.

Why is when it when a cop here says he wouldn't confiscate weapons,some nutbag calls him a pussy ?


I think it would take a braver man to not do it, at least if its based on values and respect of individual rights rather than fear of being shot for participing.

He would possibility be leaving his career field, his pension, possibly making himself a target from his former co workers.

He'd lose most everything except his honor. For that reason it is the right choice, and I'd respect any cop who would quit over this BS.

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 2:21:39 PM EDT
If the NYPD gets involved the bystander body counts will be horrific.

I could only imagine how much hell would be unleashed by the populace on the "enforcers".  It would make Iraq look like kids play.  

not to mention if that started happening how much infrastructure would start magically shutting down.....entire power grids, water, sewage, trash control, communications, flights, you name it.  NYC would be a jungle in about ten minutes

it would be ugly very quick

You over estimate our power! I'm going to pull a number out of my ass 99.99% of NYers will comply because law abiding citizens do that

that's what the Jews did in Germany
Link Posted: 12/25/2012 2:22:18 PM EDT

Dude, you're taking my comment way out of context. It was meant for one member that got booted earlier in the thread.

Having said that, who has more to lose  A gang anger that has never had a job, already been to prison in the past, hasn't seen his multiple kids in months due to a restraining order, let alone paid child support, or some average Joe Citizen with a wife and family, good paying job, a house and retirement fund?

You tell me?

The citizen has more to lose. But on the same note more is being taken from him, and he's probably a little more upset based upon his lack of experience being pushed into a corner, and knowing he has done nothing wrong.

I would also agree the majority won't act. But even if 1% did...Its pretty big number and would have big repercussions.

Remember too some don't have families, and you're effectively taking everything they care about from them.

Then the have the people who truly feel you're seriously endangering their family by disarming them. What choice do they have ?

If I've taken your comments out of context, I'm sorry.

no need to apologize.  Thanks for letting me clarify

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 2:23:36 PM EDT

Good , thats 2 today, Va gunnut nailed army officer too LOL

Link to the thread? Was it his posing that got him banned?
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