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Link Posted: 7/6/2022 7:23:06 PM EDT
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Tell her to park in front of her own house to keep people from doing; then put a freshly painted retired real fire hydrant that you bought off eBay next to her car and call the police about a car parked illegally out front.
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Link Posted: 7/6/2022 7:23:06 PM EDT
Holy hell

DrFridge is gonna stick his pecker in neighbor crazy Karen

Link Posted: 7/6/2022 7:26:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 7:29:29 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 7:41:14 PM EDT
I don't blame her, fufck those people for parking on side streets.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 7:41:34 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 7:42:19 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 7:46:51 PM EDT
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Paint the cone white, with two black eyes, and stencil “KKK PARKING ONLY” on it
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Damn. Thats hilarious!
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 7:51:13 PM EDT
Stick a pole in the cone with a flag that says Park Here - Free Cookies! Inquire within --->
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 8:12:58 PM EDT
Keep replacing the cones with random, totally unusual objects. Like Garden Gnomes or something
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 8:20:23 PM EDT
Call cops on her for harassment.

I bet if she had a house on a public lake with a dock she'd claim she owned the water.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 8:35:22 PM EDT
Gather good video clips of her irate interactions with parkers, dub some original audio and become a tiktok demigod!
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 8:37:11 PM EDT
Just wait till she finds out the airplanes fly over her house too.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 9:03:58 PM EDT
5 pages and still no pics?
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 9:57:35 PM EDT
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My neighbor had her mailbox (shared on a post with mine which I keep clear in winter despite the plows that bury it) blocked once by a contractor with a trailer, came bitching at me because she couldn't get her DVD's she rents for her grandkids (this was 3 years ago. Who still does that?)
My guy had the trailer there for 4 hours. It was 4 hours where we needed it close. Her husband has blocked the road with his trailer for his business or their family camper more times than I could count, but never bitched. I just went around although it created a blind spot.

She bitched me up and down. Made a huge scene over it. So what did I do?

I waited until winter, laughing inside whenever she gave me the old stinkeye.
I had my mail forwarded to my business PO Box and I watched it snow. I live on an outside sweep of the road and it piles up good. Not just high, but out about 7 feet too. This all has to be cleared so the mail truck can get close enough.
Not only did I let it pile up, but would direct my chute from my blower over the boxes and then go out late at night after turning on my water from the basement, and hose it down with one of those retractable slinky hoses you see on the TV ads to freeze as solid as the iceberg that took down the Titanic.

So she comes bitching to me again about me not clearing away the snow. I enjoyed watching her and her husband out there with shovels and ice scrapers hacking away at my now,  "giant glacial fuck you". Truck plows couldn't move it, bags of salt couldn't penetrate more than the first 4 inches of it. A team of old timey 49'ers with a guaranteed claim of sure gold couldn't bust through it with pickaxes.

Every time it snowed, I directed my chute to bury it more. Every cold, cold night, under the cloak of darkness.....I was there with my hose, feeding the monster.
So she finally comes over and asks me why I'm not keeping it clear. I said, "Well...In winter it's kind of a pain in the ass to keep it clear, so I have my mail forwarded so I don't have to deal with it any more."
I did that for 2 years. Just so she wouldn't forget it.
Guess who never bitched at me ever again?
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That's the sort of creative evil I admire.

Link Posted: 7/6/2022 10:08:41 PM EDT
Nearly everybody in the thread has been misspelling "traffic delineator".

Link Posted: 7/6/2022 10:21:34 PM EDT
She is an absolute RIOT. She yells at whoever parks in front of her home to move her car. She has called the local PD many times and they basically told her each and every time "Knock it off! it's a public street"

She moved in during Covid so our local community pool was closed. She has never lived the parking disaster when the pool is open during the summer. She came banging on my door "WHERE DID ALL THESE CARS COME FROM?" I gave the Miagi answer "Detroit"  

Her frustration was evident... I told her "THATS RIGHT! You moved in during the covid mess... yeah parking in the summer is terrible because of the pool down the street" You can see the anger building up. She now stands outside on the weekends when people try to park yelling at the visitors "YOU CANT PARK HERE!!" Most park elsewhere but some will engage in an argument... It's fun. I'll try to get some footage.

So what is my question for you? Today, she has found a traffic cone and put it in front of her home on the street to stop people from parking.

Lets get some suggestions on what to do. move it? Call the PD and let them deal with it? MYOB?

(personally, I dont give a shit. I just find this all entertaining)
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If she was polite to me I'd ignore the crazy.    If she was yelling at me and being a bitch I'd move it and park there while making sure I had cameras to record what she did.  

Link Posted: 7/6/2022 10:24:47 PM EDT
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Came home from the store with my daughter in the car. Cone is out there... She said "Run it over dad!"

So I did. Dads never want to disappoint their daughters.

Neighbor comes running out! "OMG! YOU RAN OVER MY CONE" (which btw says "City of Xxxxxxx" on it. I said "Oh that was yours? I thought the city put it up... my bad" She moved it.

for now.
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The cones are more stable if you fill them w/ concrete.  
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 10:29:43 PM EDT
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Almost as bad as the mean old woman that lived on my street when I was a kid....
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We had a classic one of those when I was a kid.  That was the one house that every kid knew to avoid on Halloween.  (The Marxist professor's house across the street from her place always had THE BEST candy.)

The woman had a sign on her front door explaining what a bad person a particular local attorney was.  He was actually a decent fellow.  I grew up with his kids.  The weirdest connection I had with him was that he had represented my stepfather's ex-wife in their terrible divorce that happened in 1965.  My stepfather got completely shafted.  But after he married my mom in 1967, he learned that she had a church friendship with the lawyer and his wife.  They ended up being frequent guests at our house for Bridge or poker games.  Weird times.

One day the crazy woman came out and yelled at me and a neighborhood friend for riding our bicycles around in the street.  We were 10 or 11 years old.  She told us "Go back to the slum, you slum bums!"  This happened in La Jolla, which is not a slum.

"Mean old women in my neighborhood" should be a candidate for its own forum.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 10:31:27 PM EDT
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Or black-face lawn jockeys!
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 11:07:21 PM EDT
January 2019 my elderly father was out of town for a few weeks and I had to shovel out his driveway every couple of days to keep it manageable. We had just gotten a decent storm and I had to go shovel 6-8" at his place.

I get there and the neighbor across the street had idiot friends over and parked directly in front of his driveway with no other cars on the street. I saw them partying in the apartment with their window open and asked them nicely to please move it. Got told to fuck off.

I called the cops and they came and ticketed it. After they left I cleaned out the whole driveway and sidewalk by hand since he didnt have a snowblower.

Theres a 2010-something Honda Accord under there. They watched me do this from across the street and didnt say or do a thing.

Someone from the area drove by and put a few pics up on the local community fb page. Threw my back out for 2 days from this, but it was worth it.

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Link Posted: 7/6/2022 11:37:55 PM EDT
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Came home from the store with my daughter in the car. Cone is out there... She said "Run it over dad!"

So I did. Dads never want to disappoint their daughters.

Neighbor comes running out! "OMG! YOU RAN OVER MY CONE" (which btw says "City of Xxxxxxx" on it. I said "Oh that was yours? I thought the city put it up... my bad" She moved it.

for now.
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So it is clearly stolen property then. Would that city want it back?
Link Posted: 7/7/2022 10:47:40 AM EDT
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Tag for ensuing hilarity of Cone Wars
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Link Posted: 7/7/2022 10:57:54 AM EDT
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Apparently, her parents never taught her not to sweat the small stuff.
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Don't sweat the petty things.

And don't pet the sweaty things.
Link Posted: 7/7/2022 11:02:32 AM EDT
she gonna blow her stack
Link Posted: 7/7/2022 11:11:25 AM EDT
I think the "KKK cone" is my favorite suggestion so far. At least until someone really takes exception and shoots her house up like the "it smells like fish in here" scene from the movie Dirty Works.

Yeah, on second thought, maybe don't do that.
Link Posted: 7/7/2022 11:12:56 AM EDT
Don't give a shit if people park in front of my house, with the exception of blocking my mailbox. The mailman won't deliver if the mailbox is blocked, and it's kind of a dick move to block it in the first place.

Luckily there is a city ordinance that says that mailboxes must have 8 feet of clearance on both sides during certain hours of certain days. Most people give me a dumbfounded look and move without issue.
Link Posted: 7/7/2022 11:18:10 AM EDT
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The cones are more stable if you fill them w/ concrete.  
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Drill a hole in the ground, put in a rebar and then fill with concrete.  Don't get caught.  Car gets wrecked and you eat it.  I like the suggestion about painting it white with two eyes and KKK parking only moar better.
Link Posted: 7/7/2022 11:32:17 AM EDT
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MYOB. I dealt with the exact same thing at my last house. Crazy lady next door would flip out if anyone parked in "her" spot on the street. She'd get the whole damn neighborhood riled up if someone was parked there.

These people will do unnatural things to try and combat people parking in that spot and they will NEVER give up! They will constantly escalate the issue to ridiculous levels.

They'll straight up damage the vehicles. They don't give a shit. They'll pay thousands of dollars to get additional vehicles to save the spots and more out of spite. They'll start crying to everyone and their mother, and the next thing you know you'll have code enforcement hassling you because the mayor is sick of her shit and wants you to calm her down yourself.

Cops can't be bothered and you'll end up in court trying to fight them yourself.

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Fuck that pacifist shit! Go scorched Earth OP!!
Link Posted: 7/7/2022 12:43:42 PM EDT
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Please keep her there in your state.  We have more than enough here from there already.  
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With the massive influx of transplants, somebody felt they had to put up billboards stating Nashville rules.  One of them is "don't ask Nashville to change for you".  They were over a decade late in getting that one up.

It's occasionally amusing when they get splattered with figurative shit, from a shitstorm of their own creation.  Mayor 'sidewalks and bike lanes everywhere' (a transplant originally from California) got blindsided by the discovery of why nobody had ever pushed for developing some city owned vacant land, after crews clearing the land discovered a large area of graves that had become overgrown long ago, and the investigation determined that they were slaves that had been worked to death by the occupying Union Army that used them to build the massive stone fort at the top of the hill next to where the slaves were buried. (Educational plaques at the fort mention the approximate number of slaves who died during construction, but do not state exactly where they are buried, though it's not too hard to figure out, when you consider that they made the slaves sleep out in the open next to the fort, fed them next to the fort, etc.)

It's like their whole life turns into something that can be summed up as

- "We don't do that."

-- "Why not?  Seems like a reasonable thing to do."

- "Because it's an ignorant thing to do, and you will likely regret it."

-- "Fuck you, you backwards hick, you are just too dumb to see how blatantly obvious it is that this is a great idea.  No wonder there are so many stupid things around here that need to be fixed, when you are happy to wallow in your own ignorance." (turns to walk away, and then faceplants into a steaming pile of shit)
Link Posted: 7/7/2022 1:19:40 PM EDT
"Free parking" (or similar) sign on a stick like has been mentioned, but with a twist.

Before placing the sign into the top of the cone,  tie a rubber snake to the bottom of the stick.  For extra credit, add a ball of tape halfway down the stick so she has to yank it free.
Link Posted: 7/7/2022 2:01:23 PM EDT
"Hey, free traffic cone sitting in the street!"
Link Posted: 7/7/2022 2:06:28 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/7/2022 2:09:46 PM EDT
Cite municipalty ordinance BR-549 stating that all cones, traffic, safety must be a minimum of 28 inches tall, of approved color and weigh a minimum of 87 ounces.

The call the PoPo on HER!
Link Posted: 7/7/2022 2:12:26 PM EDT
Maybe she needs sex.
Link Posted: 7/7/2022 2:15:54 PM EDT
Maybe put the cone on an RC car and move it around while rolling video.
Link Posted: 7/7/2022 2:48:05 PM EDT
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That's littering.
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...Today, she has found a traffic cone and put it in front of her home on the street to stop people from parking....

That's littering.

and probably stole it, call the cops
Link Posted: 7/7/2022 3:31:17 PM EDT
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Its been like that for generations.

The only ones who bitched about it were the outsiders, new comers and college students with a 'who the fuck do they
think they are?' attitude.

Don't want your car fucked with? Respect the locals and their traditions.

Still don't like it? Move the fuck back to upstate NY, CT or back home with your parents in the midwest.
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Back when I lived in Philly, there was usually at least one shooting per year over parking spots cleared out after snow storms. Usually more.

Don't mess with a Philadelphians lawn chair.

1) Liberally cover top of cone with anti- seize

2) Tip cone over into her yard

3) Laugh when she fixes cone and looks like she gave the Tinman a handjob.

Coat it with this stuff...

Shit is nasty and sticks to stuff like fly paper only worse.

I had to deal with this same shit when I lived in Boston. Nobody owns the f'ing street, but people think it is theirs when they shovel out a spot.

I have neighbors where I live in MI that block anyone from parking in front of their house on a grass-covered city-owned right of way next to the street (no curbs installed) with various fiberglass reflector poles.

Its been like that for generations.

The only ones who bitched about it were the outsiders, new comers and college students with a 'who the fuck do they
think they are?' attitude.

Don't want your car fucked with? Respect the locals and their traditions.

Still don't like it? Move the fuck back to upstate NY, CT or back home with your parents in the midwest.

Moving a cone/chair/cinder block from a snow shoveled spot in front of a house in StL City will net the same result as in Pittsburgh, or Boston...
I'm not saying I think it's legal or right, but it's a thing and best not to test. I've seen cinder blocks chucked through car windows and driving without a window in winter probably sucks.
Unless you're a Jeep person, then it's about normal.
Link Posted: 7/7/2022 3:50:02 PM EDT
I used to have that problem, bought an extra car and parked it in front of my house, rotate it with another vehicle 2x a week

Link Posted: 7/7/2022 4:36:23 PM EDT
Put c9ne on her porch.  Be sure to apply a liberal coating of anti-sieze to wherever she might try to grab the cone.  Repeat as necessary.

A note on the cone saying something like "you're not my boss", or you don't control who parks on public streets..feel free to ask the police".
Link Posted: 7/7/2022 4:47:34 PM EDT
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Almost as bad as the mean old woman that lived on my street when I was a kid.  Any kids walking by her house got yelled at and she'd sick her dog on them.
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I had one of those. I'm walking home from first grade and suddenly get my ass whipped all over by an old lady with a broom. GET OFF MY SIDEWALK! Problem was her house sat on a corner and I had to cross a small bridge on a creek right beside/behind her house. So it's a choke point and old bitch was out there every day waiting for us. Naturally that turned into a game for all the neighborhood kids running that woman's ass off. For all I know, or cared, she probably died on her sidewalk chasing some other group of kids.
Link Posted: 7/7/2022 4:48:22 PM EDT
Guy live in CA and is baffled his neighbor is nuts.. No one tell him he is nuts too.......
Link Posted: 7/7/2022 4:54:57 PM EDT
Karen plain and simple.
Link Posted: 7/7/2022 4:56:54 PM EDT
Get her subscriptions to ,multiple adult magazines

wait for mailman to show up

Link Posted: 7/7/2022 4:58:05 PM EDT
Since cone is marked, just take it and drop it off at street dept it belongs to, or at a construction sight and bonus points if there is someone there for you to tell where you found it.

Then if she gets another with same markings, start asking questions of street dept as to where cones are disappearing from.
I’m sure they would be happy to follow up on a repetitive cone thief if needed.
Link Posted: 7/7/2022 5:00:51 PM EDT
Make a sign in front of your yard: "For sale: cheap parking tickets to use spot across the street".
Link Posted: 7/7/2022 5:19:22 PM EDT
1) set up camera

2) move cone a few feet

c) install rubber snake under cone

4) anti-sieze on top of cone

12) post video here.
Link Posted: 7/7/2022 5:22:01 PM EDT
It is my understanding that placing an obstacle in a right of way is a crime.
Link Posted: 7/7/2022 5:30:04 PM EDT
She is an absolute RIOT. She yells at whoever parks in front of her home to move her car. She has called the local PD many times and they basically told her each and every time "Knock it off! it's a public street"

She moved in during Covid so our local community pool was closed. She has never lived the parking disaster when the pool is open during the summer. She came banging on my door "WHERE DID ALL THESE CARS COME FROM?" I gave the Miagi answer "Detroit"  

Her frustration was evident... I told her "THATS RIGHT! You moved in during the covid mess... yeah parking in the summer is terrible because of the pool down the street" You can see the anger building up. She now stands outside on the weekends when people try to park yelling at the visitors "YOU CANT PARK HERE!!" Most park elsewhere but some will engage in an argument... It's fun. I'll try to get some footage.

So what is my question for you? Today, she has found a traffic cone and put it in front of her home on the street to stop people from parking.

Lets get some suggestions on what to do. move it? Call the PD and let them deal with it? MYOB?

(personally, I dont give a shit. I just find this all entertaining)
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Why would she yell at people to move her car?
Link Posted: 7/7/2022 6:26:21 PM EDT
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I had one of those. I'm walking home from first grade and suddenly get my ass whipped all over by an old lady with a broom. GET OFF MY SIDEWALK! Problem was her house sat on a corner and I had to cross a small bridge on a creek right beside/behind her house. So it's a choke point and old bitch was out there every day waiting for us. Naturally that turned into a game for all the neighborhood kids running that woman's ass off. For all I know, or cared, she probably died on her sidewalk chasing some other group of kids.
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Almost as bad as the mean old woman that lived on my street when I was a kid.  Any kids walking by her house got yelled at and she'd sick her dog on them.

I had one of those. I'm walking home from first grade and suddenly get my ass whipped all over by an old lady with a broom. GET OFF MY SIDEWALK! Problem was her house sat on a corner and I had to cross a small bridge on a creek right beside/behind her house. So it's a choke point and old bitch was out there every day waiting for us. Naturally that turned into a game for all the neighborhood kids running that woman's ass off. For all I know, or cared, she probably died on her sidewalk chasing some other group of kids.
Back when I was a kid all the cars had antennas sticking up through the fender.  If some old hag started attacking us w/ a broom for walking on the public sidewalk we probably would have found some improvised weapons and fought back.
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