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Link Posted: 12/30/2021 3:59:21 PM EDT
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I agree.   That said, his helmet is essentially his crown in addition to his armor.    Like Vader’s mask, it strikes fear in his enemies.

However a simpler explanation, his contract says he gets so much face time outside the mask?
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TBH, I’d prefer it if Book of Boba Fett was just a darker version of The Mandalorian minus Baby Yoda.

Just a morally gray Boba Fett (HELMETED) ruthlessly collecting bounties. There was so little of that in The Mandalorian with the plot revolving around Baby Yoda.

There's no need for him to stay helmeted.  Boba Fett was not a Mandalorian, nor was he a religious zealot.

It has absolutely nothing to do with being a Mandalorian or being a religious zealot.

I agree.   That said, his helmet is essentially his crown in addition to his armor.    Like Vader’s mask, it strikes fear in his enemies.

However a simpler explanation, his contract says he gets so much face time outside the mask?

Is he really in a position to be demanding that though?

This is the biggest role he’s ever been offered in his career and Disney damn sure didn't HAVE to have him.  I doubt a great many fans would be seriously outraged if, after it came out Morrison was acting like a diva, Disney replaced a 60+ year old bloated Boba Fett with a similar looking/sounding actor that was a much more realistic late 30s/early 40s and in much better shape.

Link Posted: 12/30/2021 4:11:35 PM EDT
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Is he really in a position to be demanding that though?

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They might have just written it into his contract pre-emptively to avoid another Pedro Pascal.
Link Posted: 12/30/2021 4:16:14 PM EDT
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They might have just written it into his contract pre-emptively to avoid another Pedro Pascal.
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Is he really in a position to be demanding that though?

They might have just written it into his contract pre-emptively to avoid another Pedro Pascal.

Or it could be they just have him take it off from time to time to remind the viewer that he isn’t a true Mandalorian and shouldn’t be expected to abide by their creed.
Link Posted: 12/30/2021 4:39:57 PM EDT
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I don't feel like copypasting the several anti-Fett posts I've made, but here's a link to get started if you feel the need to revisit the criticisms Boba "That Guy" Fett.


In a series/movie that's going to be made by Disney, where they're overshadowing their own modest success with the semi-unique character of the Mandalorian, where their main character who's perceived as badass (despite the fact that he's a flunky incapable of following simple directions without being lectured directly by the boss) - he's a badass all because he doesn't talk, is mysterious in background, and keeps his helmet on so he's just an impassive mask... and the first thing they do is take off his helmet and put in a [critical drinker voice]Strong Diverse Female Character[/critical drinker voice] who basically talks over him in his own trailer.  That may well suck, especially as Kathleen Kennedy is still listed as an executive producer and she's all about intersectional deconstruction/destruction of everything that people like.

However, with John Favreau at the helm (which it looks like he is for now), and already described as "Mandalorian season 2.5", it may well be at least okay.  As with the entire Star Wars universe, they can't seem to get off some dustball, but at least there's another character involved who isn't related by blood to any of the jedi families.  So there's that.

I'm not sure I'd hold my breath expecting anything great, but at least it'll look like stories in the Star Wars universe, and at this point, something that looks like what fans imagine their RPG sessions in high school and college would've look like on film is about the best anyone is going to get.  Hopefully it's not full of character assassination of Fett (I have already gone on about how he sucks, and anything by the mouse just wouldn't be fair to use).   Really hopeful it's not full of destroying the character, especially for fans who have their own high opinions of him based on how he looks cool and is perceived as cool, and all the now-deleted EU writing that made him cool.  Going in assuming the sidekick chick is actually the main character and Boba Fett will be ignored in his own story is probably a tragically safe bet for 2021, and if wrong, it'll probably be enjoyable with the bar set that low.
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We need a repeat thread of why Boba Fatt/Bubba Fett/boba the Hutt is an abject failure at everything.

He's "That Guy."

It's been here before. The Boba Fanbois get the major butthurt.

I don't feel like copypasting the several anti-Fett posts I've made, but here's a link to get started if you feel the need to revisit the criticisms Boba "That Guy" Fett.


In a series/movie that's going to be made by Disney, where they're overshadowing their own modest success with the semi-unique character of the Mandalorian, where their main character who's perceived as badass (despite the fact that he's a flunky incapable of following simple directions without being lectured directly by the boss) - he's a badass all because he doesn't talk, is mysterious in background, and keeps his helmet on so he's just an impassive mask... and the first thing they do is take off his helmet and put in a [critical drinker voice]Strong Diverse Female Character[/critical drinker voice] who basically talks over him in his own trailer.  That may well suck, especially as Kathleen Kennedy is still listed as an executive producer and she's all about intersectional deconstruction/destruction of everything that people like.

However, with John Favreau at the helm (which it looks like he is for now), and already described as "Mandalorian season 2.5", it may well be at least okay.  As with the entire Star Wars universe, they can't seem to get off some dustball, but at least there's another character involved who isn't related by blood to any of the jedi families.  So there's that.

I'm not sure I'd hold my breath expecting anything great, but at least it'll look like stories in the Star Wars universe, and at this point, something that looks like what fans imagine their RPG sessions in high school and college would've look like on film is about the best anyone is going to get.  Hopefully it's not full of character assassination of Fett (I have already gone on about how he sucks, and anything by the mouse just wouldn't be fair to use).   Really hopeful it's not full of destroying the character, especially for fans who have their own high opinions of him based on how he looks cool and is perceived as cool, and all the now-deleted EU writing that made him cool.  Going in assuming the sidekick chick is actually the main character and Boba Fett will be ignored in his own story is probably a tragically safe bet for 2021, and if wrong, it'll probably be enjoyable with the bar set that low.

Don't forget when taking over Jabba's Palace Fett had his lady friend do pretty much everything.  The only thing Fett did was shoot an unarmed and unarmored obese creature and we were, I guess, supposed to view that as him being a badass.

Reminds me on South Park when Cartman sucker punched and beat up a crippled Jimmy and tried to pass it off as something admirable.
Link Posted: 12/30/2021 4:40:05 PM EDT
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Parkour and Boston Dynamics doggies…
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You're the only other person other than me to notice the DARPA dogs.
Link Posted: 12/30/2021 4:52:36 PM EDT
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You're the only other person other than me to notice the DARPA dogs.
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Noticed. Just didn't comment. Although grabbing it's wing thing and it freaking out made me chuckle
Link Posted: 12/30/2021 4:53:48 PM EDT
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You're the only other person other than me to notice the DARPA dogs.
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Parkour and Boston Dynamics doggies…

You're the only other person other than me to notice the DARPA dogs.

*to be interested in.
Link Posted: 12/30/2021 6:11:43 PM EDT
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Gonna go with this.

Boba Fat/Bubba Fett/Boba the Hutt just looks tired, old, and overweight. The only reason he survives anything is the armor he's wearing. I'm expected to believe that after being starved, beaten, and denied water in the Tatooine suns for who knows how long, then getting the shit beaten out of him, then getting dragged through the desert by a kid and a dog for endless miles, then being forced to dig for hours, then getting the shit beaten out of him again by a giant 4-armed lizard man...

...he suddenly gathers up enough gumption to jump on it's back and strangle it to death? Come the fuck on.
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Obviously you’ve never been in those shoes man…. Stop living in your moms basement eating pizza rolls from the microwave.

Link Posted: 12/30/2021 6:32:19 PM EDT
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Or it could be they just have him take it off from time to time to remind the viewer that he isn’t a true Mandalorian and shouldn’t be expected to abide by their creed.
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Except that the true Mandalorians don't follow that creed, and never did.
Link Posted: 12/30/2021 6:32:50 PM EDT
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Obviously you’ve never been in those shoes man…. Stop living in your moms basement eating pizza rolls from the microwave.

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Gonna go with this.

Boba Fat/Bubba Fett/Boba the Hutt just looks tired, old, and overweight. The only reason he survives anything is the armor he's wearing. I'm expected to believe that after being starved, beaten, and denied water in the Tatooine suns for who knows how long, then getting the shit beaten out of him, then getting dragged through the desert by a kid and a dog for endless miles, then being forced to dig for hours, then getting the shit beaten out of him again by a giant 4-armed lizard man...

...he suddenly gathers up enough gumption to jump on it's back and strangle it to death? Come the fuck on.

Obviously you’ve never been in those shoes man…. Stop living in your moms basement eating pizza rolls from the microwave.

I'm just trying to get the same physique as everyone's favorite bounty hunter.
Link Posted: 12/30/2021 9:52:28 PM EDT
Ugh, that was painfully bad
Link Posted: 12/30/2021 11:20:03 PM EDT
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I'm just trying to get the same physique as everyone's favorite bounty hunter.
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Gonna go with this.

Boba Fat/Bubba Fett/Boba the Hutt just looks tired, old, and overweight. The only reason he survives anything is the armor he's wearing. I'm expected to believe that after being starved, beaten, and denied water in the Tatooine suns for who knows how long, then getting the shit beaten out of him, then getting dragged through the desert by a kid and a dog for endless miles, then being forced to dig for hours, then getting the shit beaten out of him again by a giant 4-armed lizard man...

...he suddenly gathers up enough gumption to jump on it's back and strangle it to death? Come the fuck on.

Obviously you’ve never been in those shoes man…. Stop living in your moms basement eating pizza rolls from the microwave.

I'm just trying to get the same physique as everyone's favorite bounty hunter.

My physique moreso resembles the Gamorean Guards post Holidays…
Link Posted: 12/31/2021 12:51:51 AM EDT
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My physique moreso resembles the Gamorean Guards post Holidays…
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Gonna go with this.

Boba Fat/Bubba Fett/Boba the Hutt just looks tired, old, and overweight. The only reason he survives anything is the armor he's wearing. I'm expected to believe that after being starved, beaten, and denied water in the Tatooine suns for who knows how long, then getting the shit beaten out of him, then getting dragged through the desert by a kid and a dog for endless miles, then being forced to dig for hours, then getting the shit beaten out of him again by a giant 4-armed lizard man...

...he suddenly gathers up enough gumption to jump on it's back and strangle it to death? Come the fuck on.

Obviously you’ve never been in those shoes man…. Stop living in your moms basement eating pizza rolls from the microwave.

I'm just trying to get the same physique as everyone's favorite bounty hunter.

My physique moreso resembles the Gamorean Guards post Holidays…

So chubby and angry. They're almost cute.
Link Posted: 12/31/2021 6:16:34 AM EDT
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I will say I'm pretty impressed at how they maintained continuity with the canon so far. He passes out in the Sarlacc, leaving time for the barges to leave. He gets out, and faints. Jawas take his armor, which makes perfect sense as they'd be drawn to wrecked vehicles, and that's where US Marshall Raylan Givens Cobb gets it from. Scarred from the sun and sand without protection. Clearly obtains a Gaffi(?) stick from the Raiders, and that appears in Mando.

Great wpremise. So far poor execution. Also who's that Twilek who came to not pay tribute in the early part? He sounds familiar, but I couldn't place the actor's face.
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This guy?

Attachment Attached File

David Pasquesi, but I still don’t know where I recognize his voice from.
Link Posted: 12/31/2021 8:00:23 AM EDT
I hate Disney. However, I'll wait till the season is over, binge watch it and cancel.  
That's how I watched The Mandalorian, I finished the two seasons in 3 days.
Link Posted: 12/31/2021 11:36:09 AM EDT
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I hate Disney. However, I'll wait till the season is over, binge watch it and cancel.  
That's how I watched The Mandalorian, I finished the two seasons in 3 days.
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How virtuous of you. If you stick around in this thread long enough, maybe we'll all agree the show sucks and you won't even have to watch it at all! You could cancel now and save yourself money.
Link Posted: 12/31/2021 12:35:42 PM EDT
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How virtuous of you. If you stick around in this thread long enough, maybe we'll all agree the show sucks and you won't even have to watch it at all! You could cancel now and save yourself money.
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I hate Disney. However, I'll wait till the season is over, binge watch it and cancel.  
That's how I watched The Mandalorian, I finished the two seasons in 3 days.

How virtuous of you. If you stick around in this thread long enough, maybe we'll all agree the show sucks and you won't even have to watch it at all! You could cancel now and save yourself money.
I'm not a current subscriber, I loathe Disney and Netflix.
Since I cut all cable/tv 4 years ago I don't think watching one show will turn me into a ravenous liberal.  
Link Posted: 12/31/2021 6:48:34 PM EDT
Not terrible. As more SW series come out, my expectations will go down slightly.  Look how hard it’s been to make a decent movie lately. Rogue One is the only thing that comes to mind. Mandalorian was mostly great; as mentioned, a big part of that was due to not having any ideas of what that guy had done or would do. We got to see a badass in a familiar universe with some mystery and surprise.  Now we are expecting the ultimate badass that lives out our childhood fantasies.

I say just enjoy it.

P.S. Disney owns a lot more than Disney Plus. Please make sure that you aren’t supporting them in any way if that’s what you choose. No ESPN, FX, History, etc etc etc.

P.P.S. Have none of y’all seen an actual fat dude?
Link Posted: 12/31/2021 6:50:40 PM EDT
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Not terrible. As more SW series come out, my expectations will go down slightly.  Look how hard it’s been to make a decent movie lately. Rogue One is the only thing that comes to mind. Mandalorian was mostly great; as mentioned, a big part of that was due to not having any ideas of what that guy had done or would do. We got to see a badass in a familiar universe with some mystery and surprise.  Now we are expecting the ultimate badass that lives out our childhood fantasies.

I say just enjoy it.

P.S. Disney owns a lot more than Disney Plus. Please make sure that you aren’t supporting them in any way if that’s what you choose. No ESPN, FX, History, etc etc etc.

P.P.S. Have none of y’all seen an actual fat dude?
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Every day in the mirror.
Link Posted: 12/31/2021 6:51:34 PM EDT
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I hate Disney. However, I'll wait till the season is over, binge watch it and cancel.  
That's how I watched The Mandalorian, I finished the two seasons in 3 days.
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Virtually signaling and frugalness aside: that's actually probably best.

Mindless mediocre dramas (which, unfortunately, looks like what this is shaping up to be) are usually better when you binge watch them and don't allow yourself time to digest what you just saw.  Cobra Kai post-S1 is another example.
Link Posted: 1/1/2022 1:26:15 PM EDT
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Virtually signaling and frugalness aside: that's actually probably best.

Mindless mediocre dramas (which, unfortunately, looks like what this is shaping up to be) are usually better when you binge watch them and don't allow yourself time to digest what you just saw.  Cobra Kai post-S1 is another example.
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"Reason for canceling? -   The Mandalorian is over - this is the way"

Link Posted: 1/2/2022 11:52:09 AM EDT
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I was confused about his escape and why was a stormtrooper, not even a sand trooper, in the Sarlacc.

Also, the fight scene sucked a D.
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I think the regular storm trooper in the Sarlacc was a nod to EpIV and the hunt for C3P0 and R2:  "Look, Sir, droids."  One of the troopers in the hunt fell in or was grabbed by a tentacle.

At least that is my guess.
Link Posted: 1/2/2022 10:21:22 PM EDT
Holy shit.
I had to turn it off. This was bad. Like complete fucking garbage bad. Some of you enjoyed this? Really?

Boston Dynamics robots? Are you fucking serious?
Link Posted: 1/3/2022 10:51:40 AM EDT
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They might have just written it into his contract pre-emptively to avoid another Pedro Pascal.
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Is he really in a position to be demanding that though?

They might have just written it into his contract pre-emptively to avoid another Pedro Pascal.
What happened there?  
Link Posted: 1/3/2022 10:53:48 AM EDT
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What happened there?  
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Is he really in a position to be demanding that though?

They might have just written it into his contract pre-emptively to avoid another Pedro Pascal.
What happened there?  

Pascal threw a bitch fit because he wasn't getting enough face time. So they had to write an extra episode just for him where there's a plot device requiring him to take the helmet off.
Link Posted: 1/3/2022 11:22:03 AM EDT
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Pascal threw a bitch fit because he wasn't getting enough face time. So they had to write an extra episode just for him where there's a plot device requiring him to take the helmet off.
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Is he really in a position to be demanding that though?

They might have just written it into his contract pre-emptively to avoid another Pedro Pascal.
What happened there?  

Pascal threw a bitch fit because he wasn't getting enough face time. So they had to write an extra episode just for him where there's a plot device requiring him to take the helmet off.
So he accepted a part that requires him to always wear his helmet, then complains about not enough face time?  What a little bitch.  
Link Posted: 1/3/2022 11:30:20 AM EDT
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So he accepted a part that requires him to always wear his helmet, then complains about not enough face time?  What a little bitch.  
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Is he really in a position to be demanding that though?

They might have just written it into his contract pre-emptively to avoid another Pedro Pascal.
What happened there?  

Pascal threw a bitch fit because he wasn't getting enough face time. So they had to write an extra episode just for him where there's a plot device requiring him to take the helmet off.
So he accepted a part that requires him to always wear his helmet, then complains about not enough face time?  What a little bitch.  

Link Posted: 1/3/2022 11:47:12 AM EDT
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So he accepted a part that requires him to always wear his helmet, then complains about not enough face time?  What a little bitch.  
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Is he really in a position to be demanding that though?

They might have just written it into his contract pre-emptively to avoid another Pedro Pascal.
What happened there?  

Pascal threw a bitch fit because he wasn't getting enough face time. So they had to write an extra episode just for him where there's a plot device requiring him to take the helmet off.
So he accepted a part that requires him to always wear his helmet, then complains about not enough face time?  What a little bitch.  

Well. He's a known communist too.
Link Posted: 1/3/2022 1:30:56 PM EDT
Can’t believe so many of you are so harsh on it.  Actually thought it was well done for an introduction short episode.  Give it probably a 7.5/10

We got back story on what happened with the sarlacc.  Had plenty of action.  Get some introductions to sand people customs.  .  Sets up his backstory and where he is going.  I would probably give the first episode of the mandalorian the same score.  

I thought it looked like either boba fat lost some weight since his reintroduction, or they cgi’d him slimmer.
Link Posted: 1/3/2022 1:38:05 PM EDT
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Can’t believe so many of you are so harsh on it.  Actually thought it was well done for an introduction short episode.  Give it probably a 7.5/10

We got back story on what happened with the sarlacc.  Had plenty of action.  Get some introductions to sand people customs.  .  Sets up his backstory and where he is going.  I would probably give the first episode of the mandalorian the same score.  

I thought it looked like either boba fat lost some weight since his reintroduction, or they cgi’d him slimmer.
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I agree with your summary.

My question is why is everyone in GD so co concerned with Fetts weight. Bunch of homos in here.
Link Posted: 1/3/2022 1:58:49 PM EDT
The 6 armed sand booger reminded me of Harryhausen stop action argonaut monster or a bad scorpion king reject

So it buries itself, palms down, and does not make a power snatch move for 30 minutes of random digging in it's dune?

It would have been more better if it just shambled in.

or if it was an ant dragon in a pit

You would think the Sandpeople would be more aware of a big stupid predator in the area before letting the kid manage a work release gang hunting for water gourds.

you might also think they might raid the sacked farm and liberate the water
Link Posted: 1/3/2022 5:28:00 PM EDT
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The 6 armed sand booger reminded me of Harryhausen stop action argonaut monster

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Thank you..

That is exactly what it reminded me of.

In a classic Mr Plinket kinda voice "you might not have noticed but your brain did."

Was having member berries as to what a real crap show that was but could not put my finger on it.
Link Posted: 1/3/2022 6:04:35 PM EDT
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The 6 armed sand booger reminded me of Harryhausen stop action argonaut monster or a bad scorpion king reject

So it buries itself, palms down, and does not make a power snatch move for 30 minutes of random digging in it's dune?

It would have been more better if it just shambled in.

or if it was an ant dragon in a pit

You would think the Sandpeople would be more aware of a big stupid predator in the area before letting the kid manage a work release gang hunting for water gourds.

you might also think they might raid the sacked farm and liberate the water
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They weren't actually looking for the water pods. That's what the kid told them that's why they were there. Let me put it this way. Would you go digging around in the dirt if I told you I wanted to find a six armed monster that would kill one or both of you so I could take it's head as a prize in the likely event that one or both of you manage to kill it? No? Ok then, I need you to dig around in the dirt because I'm thirsty and there's water in little pods buried in the ground here.

I didn't hate the episode, I just thought it was very, very weak.
Link Posted: 1/3/2022 6:23:45 PM EDT
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Is he really in a position to be demanding that though?

This is the biggest role he’s ever been offered in his career and Disney damn sure didn't HAVE to have him.  I doubt a great many fans would be seriously outraged if, after it came out Morrison was acting like a diva, Disney replaced a 60+ year old bloated Boba Fett with a similar looking/sounding actor that was a much more realistic late 30s/early 40s and in much better shape.

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TBH, I’d prefer it if Book of Boba Fett was just a darker version of The Mandalorian minus Baby Yoda.

Just a morally gray Boba Fett (HELMETED) ruthlessly collecting bounties. There was so little of that in The Mandalorian with the plot revolving around Baby Yoda.

There's no need for him to stay helmeted.  Boba Fett was not a Mandalorian, nor was he a religious zealot.

It has absolutely nothing to do with being a Mandalorian or being a religious zealot.

I agree.   That said, his helmet is essentially his crown in addition to his armor.    Like Vader’s mask, it strikes fear in his enemies.

However a simpler explanation, his contract says he gets so much face time outside the mask?

Is he really in a position to be demanding that though?

This is the biggest role he’s ever been offered in his career and Disney damn sure didn't HAVE to have him.  I doubt a great many fans would be seriously outraged if, after it came out Morrison was acting like a diva, Disney replaced a 60+ year old bloated Boba Fett with a similar looking/sounding actor that was a much more realistic late 30s/early 40s and in much better shape.


Oh I agree.   I figure he’s under contract for 1 season.   After that, they could have a stunt man play Fett and just have a voice actor do the rest.
Link Posted: 1/3/2022 6:30:33 PM EDT
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The 6 armed sand booger reminded me of Harryhausen stop action argonaut monster or a bad scorpion king reject

So it buries itself, palms down, and does not make a power snatch move for 30 minutes of random digging in it's dune?

It would have been more better if it just shambled in.

or if it was an ant dragon in a pit

You would think the Sandpeople would be more aware of a big stupid predator in the area before letting the kid manage a work release gang hunting for water gourds.

you might also think they might raid the sacked farm and liberate the water
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I got the Harryhuasen homage right away, loved it for that.

Sandpeople tribe was the real highlight of the episode other than Fett escaping the Sarlaac.
Link Posted: 1/3/2022 6:32:50 PM EDT
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They weren't actually looking for the water pods. That's what the kid told them that's why they were there. Let me put it this way. Would you go digging around in the dirt if I told you I wanted to find a six armed monster that would kill one or both of you so I could take it's head as a prize in the likely event that one or both of you manage to kill it? No? Ok then, I need you to dig around in the dirt because I'm thirsty and there's water in little pods buried in the ground here.

I didn't hate the episode, I just thought it was very, very weak.
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The 6 armed sand booger reminded me of Harryhausen stop action argonaut monster or a bad scorpion king reject

So it buries itself, palms down, and does not make a power snatch move for 30 minutes of random digging in it's dune?

It would have been more better if it just shambled in.

or if it was an ant dragon in a pit

You would think the Sandpeople would be more aware of a big stupid predator in the area before letting the kid manage a work release gang hunting for water gourds.

you might also think they might raid the sacked farm and liberate the water

They weren't actually looking for the water pods. That's what the kid told them that's why they were there. Let me put it this way. Would you go digging around in the dirt if I told you I wanted to find a six armed monster that would kill one or both of you so I could take it's head as a prize in the likely event that one or both of you manage to kill it? No? Ok then, I need you to dig around in the dirt because I'm thirsty and there's water in little pods buried in the ground here.

I didn't hate the episode, I just thought it was very, very weak.

Fair theory, but I interpreted that kid had no idea they’d be encountering that monster.
Link Posted: 1/3/2022 6:34:33 PM EDT
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I agree with your summary.

My question is why is everyone in GD so co concerned with Fetts weight. Bunch of homos in here.
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Overweight or THICC is OK.   Pointy elbows is a no-go however.
Link Posted: 1/3/2022 10:00:54 PM EDT
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The 6 armed sand booger reminded me of Harryhausen stop action argonaut monster or a bad scorpion king reject

So it buries itself, palms down, and does not make a power snatch move for 30 minutes of random digging in it's dune?

It would have been more better if it just shambled in.

or if it was an ant dragon in a pit

You would think the Sandpeople would be more aware of a big stupid predator in the area before letting the kid manage a work release gang hunting for water gourds.

you might also think they might raid the sacked farm and liberate the water
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I actually thought that was going to be the point. The kid led them to the farm so they could grab whatever was left.


Dig here. For a long time. No water for you. Fuck, we found a sand monster that has been laying there for hours right where we're digging, but never moved until we touched it. Then you choke it to death with a chain.

The episode was filled with fucking derp.

But, several of the Mandalorian episodes were too. I wanted to punch the writer of the episode where he takes Grogu to the planet so he can sit in the little force circle, and Fett/Shand show up. I lost track of how many fucking times he ran back and forth up and down the hill without picking up his jetpack, even after he, Fett, and Shand came to an understanding. I was dumbfounded by that entire episode. I lost IQ points watching it. It wasn't the only episode like that.

Both series are still better than 5 of the last 8 movies. I'll keep watching. I expect good episodes and derp episodes just like the Mandalorian.
Link Posted: 1/3/2022 11:57:30 PM EDT

First Fett is best Fett
Link Posted: 1/4/2022 12:02:43 AM EDT
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Fair theory, but I interpreted that kid had no idea they’d be encountering that monster.
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The 6 armed sand booger reminded me of Harryhausen stop action argonaut monster or a bad scorpion king reject

So it buries itself, palms down, and does not make a power snatch move for 30 minutes of random digging in it's dune?

It would have been more better if it just shambled in.

or if it was an ant dragon in a pit

You would think the Sandpeople would be more aware of a big stupid predator in the area before letting the kid manage a work release gang hunting for water gourds.

you might also think they might raid the sacked farm and liberate the water

They weren't actually looking for the water pods. That's what the kid told them that's why they were there. Let me put it this way. Would you go digging around in the dirt if I told you I wanted to find a six armed monster that would kill one or both of you so I could take it's head as a prize in the likely event that one or both of you manage to kill it? No? Ok then, I need you to dig around in the dirt because I'm thirsty and there's water in little pods buried in the ground here.

I didn't hate the episode, I just thought it was very, very weak.

Fair theory, but I interpreted that kid had no idea they’d be encountering that monster.

I think it was a *right of passage* trial for the kid to become a man. He knew the monster was there but couldn't kill the creature himself. That's why he took Fett and the Rodian.
Link Posted: 1/4/2022 12:50:08 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/4/2022 10:41:52 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/5/2022 5:48:03 AM EDT
Good 2nd episode, mostly flashback ep but tusken raiders actually look cool now.
Link Posted: 1/5/2022 7:22:44 AM EDT
No Disney.
Link Posted: 1/5/2022 9:43:40 AM EDT
Very cool episode. I loved the lizard drug session, and the gaffi stick ceremonies.
Link Posted: 1/5/2022 12:59:58 PM EDT
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you might also think they might raid the sacked farm and liberate the water
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I'll admit, that bugged me. Both the group that was raiding and the young tuscan with his two prisoners saw the water spurting up and nobody is going to capitalize on it?
Link Posted: 1/5/2022 1:22:26 PM EDT
Episode 2 was bittersweet for me.

Without spoiling anything, this whole Tusken story flashback is kind of unnecessary. Just give us the current Daimyo Fett story.

Then again, I really like the Native American warrior tribe shit. I feel like the Tusken stuff could have been it's own season.
Link Posted: 1/5/2022 4:03:28 PM EDT
Hopefully this episode wrapped up the flashbacks. Can't believe there are only seven episodes for the whole season.
Link Posted: 1/5/2022 4:31:59 PM EDT
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Hopefully this episode wrapped up the flashbacks. Can't believe there are only seven episodes for the whole season.
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Must be a short book
Link Posted: 1/5/2022 6:14:38 PM EDT
The second episode was a whole lot better. Had Boba being a badass and I really liked how they're giving the Tusken Raiders a little bit of lore rather than them just being nomadic savages. Anybody else want a Gaderffii Stick now?
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