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Link Posted: 2/10/2005 5:57:35 AM EDT


The author of this thread, onemangang, was lost and now is found.

I don't think that anyone would belittle onemangang for finding God. That fact that he has come to God is cause for celebration!!!

No one condones adultery, but here is one instance in which that sin actually led someone directly to Jesus/.

No Hun. That is where you are wrong. Sin only leads to alienation from God. God's grace is what brought the adulteress to Jesus And it is God's grace that brought onemangang to Jesus.

His previous sins are irrelevant to his salvation at this point, but they did NOT bring him to God.
He could have just as easily gone the other way. I have seen it happen.
Link Posted: 2/10/2005 6:03:11 AM EDT


Are you faulting my logic or my facts? Are these religious trappings designed to help believers become closer to thier god or not? Do they not change a state of mind? Is that not their very purpose?

Do you take "Soberly" to mean "not drunk" in 2 Timothy 4 instead of meaning "marked by seriousness, gravity, or solemnity of conduct or character"?

If it is to be taken literally then, then why not "Take up serpents?"... But alas we have been over this.....

You don't believe in the divine inspiration of scripture.

Thus you cannot use them in any sort of theological debate. You pull them all out of context and torture their meaning in the first place, and then deny the inspiration of anything that disagrees with the tortured ideas you beat from scripture.

I have already adressed your silly "gotcha" question with Jesus' own words, and it obviously did no good. I will not make the attempt again.

Link Posted: 2/10/2005 6:06:13 AM EDT


I took the liberty of changing the 'j' in the supposed author of that quote, for it most certainly not the Jesus of the Gospels!

I don't think Jesus really would care that you did that.... Its ok....

Nor is it anything that would likely have been said by the Jesus of the Gospels!

Do I detect a sliver of doubt to your very own statments!

Even the strange and stilted phrasing in that so-called verse grates on the ear!

There are many translations.... Most japanese fellers when they speak Engrish tend to grate on the ears too.....

Sir, I know Jesus, and that was certainly not Jesus Who ever said such a thing!

Certainly? or Likley? You seem unsure. What specifically in that verse do you find so blashpemous and why? Should we not seek? Should we not hope to find? And would we not be troubled to find that what some men are teaching is not the correct information? and would this information not astonish us? and once we understand our nature could any man rule us?

What is so off about this verse?

Eric The(Christ,Aren'tTheGospelsSufficient?)Hun

No they are not... They were assembled by man and certain 'books' were omitted that went against the power of the church...

But again we are talking about stoned Christians and not this stuff right?

Link Posted: 2/10/2005 6:10:07 AM EDT
Oh dear heavens!

Don't start bringing Bible history up, because then you are just ASKING for your ignorance to be exposed.
Link Posted: 2/10/2005 6:12:02 AM EDT

Oh dear heavens!

Don't start bringing Bible history up, because then you are just ASKING for your ignorance to be exposed.

Link Posted: 2/10/2005 6:14:07 AM EDT


Oh dear heavens!

Don't start bringing Bible history up, because then you are just ASKING for your ignorance to be exposed.


I take it from that post that you are intimately familiar with Bible history?
Link Posted: 2/10/2005 6:19:22 AM EDT



Oh dear heavens!

Don't start bringing Bible history up, because then you are just ASKING for your ignorance to be exposed.


I take it from that post that you are intimately familiar with Bible history?

the dickhead is probably just laughing because he's stoned
Link Posted: 2/10/2005 6:19:33 AM EDT



Are you faulting my logic or my facts? Are these religious trappings designed to help believers become closer to thier god or not? Do they not change a state of mind? Is that not their very purpose?

Do you take "Soberly" to mean "not drunk" in 2 Timothy 4 instead of meaning "marked by seriousness, gravity, or solemnity of conduct or character"?

If it is to be taken literally then, then why not "Take up serpents?"... But alas we have been over this.....

You don't believe in the divine inspiration of scripture.

Thus you cannot use them in any sort of theological debate. You pull them all out of context and torture their meaning in the first place, and then deny the inspiration of anything that disagrees with the tortured ideas you beat from scripture.

I have already adressed your silly "gotcha" question with Jesus' own words, and it obviously did no good. I will not make the attempt again.

Literally or metaphorically is my point here.... I can only surmise from you 2 tim post that you took Soberly literally but at the same time you take Mark metaphorically when it talks of drinking poision and taking up serpents....

And just to be on topic you ingore the creation story of Genesis as I have posted...

But Thank you your non answer is an answer enough.....

Link Posted: 2/10/2005 6:20:39 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/10/2005 6:24:39 AM EDT
Back on topic!

Jesus on Drugs!

Jesus, in a very worried state, convened all of his apostles and disciples to an emergency meeting because of the high drug consumption problem all over the earth.

After giving it much thought they reached the conclusion that in order to better deal with the problem, that they should try the drugs themselves and then decide on the correct way to proceed. It was therefore decided that a commission made up of some of the members return to earth to get the different types of drugs.

The secret operation is effected and two days later the commissioned disciples begin to return to heaven. Jesus, waiting at the door, lets in the first disciple:

"Who is it?"

"It's Paul" Jesus opens the door.

"What did you bring Paul?"

"Hashish from Morocco" "Very well son, come in."

"Who is it?"

It's Mark" Jesus opens the door.

"What did you bring Mark?"

"Marijuana from Colombia" "Very well son, come in."

"Who is it?"

"It's Matthew" Jesus opens the door.

"What did you bring Matthew ?"

"Cocaine from Bolivia" "Very well son, come in."

"Who is it?"

"It's John" Jesus opens the door.

"What did you bring John ?"

"Crack from New York" "Very well son, come in."

"Who is it?"

It's Luke" Jesus opens the door.

"What did you bring Luke ?"

"Speed from Amsterdam" "Very well son, come in."

"Who is it?"

"It's Judas" Jesus opens the door.

"What did you bring Judas ?"


Link Posted: 2/10/2005 6:25:55 AM EDT



Oh dear heavens!

Don't start bringing Bible history up, because then you are just ASKING for your ignorance to be exposed.


I take it from that post that you are intimately familiar with Bible history?

No JW, it seems to me that you are more help in pushing people away from religion than building your flock.

kind of how you pushed me further from religion than towards it, you seem to be doing the same here..

Link Posted: 2/10/2005 6:30:26 AM EDT

Literally or metaphorically is my point here.... I can only surmise from you 2 tim post that you took Soberly literally but at the same time you take Mark metaphorically when it talks of drinking poision and taking up serpents....

We have been over the CONTEXT arguement before, to no avail.

And just to be on topic you ingore the creation story of Genesis as I have posted...

I do not recall you posting on the creation story in Genesis. I assume it would be along the lines of whether or not the creation story was literal or figurative given the "evidence" we have for evolution or some nonsense like that.

Link Posted: 2/10/2005 6:34:28 AM EDT


We have been over the CONTEXT arguement before, to no avail.

YOUR context or the highway right? Or the Context as  told to you by your preacherman? Both fallable humans whos very nature is to err......

I do not recall you posting on the creation story in Genesis. I assume it would be along the lines of whether or not the creation story was literal or figurative given the "evidence" we have for evolution or some nonsense like that.


And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.
[And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:  
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die

What did you miss?
Link Posted: 2/10/2005 6:40:00 AM EDT


Her sin in committing adultery is the only thing that caused her otherwise chance meeting with the Lord!

She wasn't seeking Jesus on that day! She didn't encounter Him on the road by chance. She wasn't brought to Him by her friends!

She was led forcefully to Him by men who sought her immediate destruction!

And the only reason for that was that she was 'taken in adultery.'

Her chance meeting with Jesus was the direct result of her sinning on that day.

Eric The(HeavenByChanceOrPredestination?)Hun

OK Hun. (Boy, I can tell you are a lawyer! ) If you mean what physically brought her to Jesus, then I concede. (and who's to say there wasn't a little divine intervention going on with that too) But the physical is a loonnnggg way from the spiritual.
The scriptures imply that she repented her sins. That is seeking God. That is accepting God. You don't have to sin to accept Jesus. And sinning certainly doesn't "bring" you there. It is God's grace that get you "there".

And it is God's grace that OVERCAME the drugs in reaching into onemangang's heart!

He has been blessed far more than he realizes. Things could have easily gone quite the opposite.
Link Posted: 2/10/2005 6:42:35 AM EDT


No JW, it seems to me that you are more help in pushing people away from religion than building your flock.

I am not here to "build a flock". Success is not defined as having taught some weak, watered down, sissification of the truth that sounds good to people and demands nothing of them. 10,000 people in a church doesn't mean beans if those 10,000 people are not truly living with Christ as Lord.

Christ commanded us to:

"9Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

Matthew 28

Jesus didn't command us to make friends, or to tell people nice things, but to preach His truth to all men, and to teach them to OBEY His voice. One single person who is in genuine relationship with Christ and who reveres Him as Lord is worth more than a billion people who profess Christ but do not posess Christ. If only one person is taught to revere Christ because I have spoken the whole counsel of God to them, then and only then have I been a true servant of the Most High God.

There is a reason that the Bible calls Jesus the "stone of stumbling" and a "rock of offense." Some people will hear the Gospel message and reject it because they think it is too severe, or for a myriad of other reasons. The bottom line is that Christ is who He is, and said what He said, and no ammount of wishing or thinking on my part or anyone else's will change it.

kind of how you pushed me further from religion than towards it, you seem to be doing the same here..

I never "pushed" you away from anything, but it would be nice if you were pushed away from "religion" and pushed toward a real relationship with Christ.  All I have done is tell you what the Bible has said. I have quoted it over and over and over and over again, to the point that you expressed frustration with "corinthians this and ephesians that."

As a result:

"6Therefore I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all men. 27For I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God."

Acts 20

I have only spoken to you the divinely inspired Word of God, that is eternal and will never pass away. What you do with it after I have shown it to you and encouraged you to pick it up for yourself and seek God in repentence, prayer, and fasting, is between you and God. I have told you the absolute truth before God because I take my obligation to speak the truth before God seriously. My very soul hangs in the balance.

God expects me to do nothing more than speak the truth, and live the truth. What anyone does with it after that is their buisness. But in that great day, I want no man to look at me and ask me why I didn't tell them the truth.
Link Posted: 2/10/2005 6:50:25 AM EDT

YOUR context or the highway right? Or the Context as  told to you by your preacherman? Both fallable humans whos very nature is to err......

No, the context of the Bible that is RIGHT THERE for anyone to read, or in your case, ignore. My "preacherman" didn't write the Bible, and didn't write those other verses that nicely destroy the vain arguements and silly fables you try to craft by perverting the text.

The Holy Spirit wrote them, knowing that people would come along and try to twist scripture, which is why He wrote:

"3If anyone teaches false doctrines and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching, 4he is conceited and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about words that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions 5and constant friction between men of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth"

1st Timothy 6


And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.
[And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:  
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die

What did you miss?

I'm sorry, I don't see a problem there.

I do see you trying to buzz in on the word "every" while ignoring the entire next verse, showing quite nicely how you deal with scripture in general, and why no one should bother to listen to your interpretations of it. Focus right here AND ONLY right here, and ignore everything that went before it and after it, because that damages the point I want this to make!!

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!!

Peter, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, said it best:

"9And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts; 20knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, 21for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit."

2nd Peter 1
Link Posted: 2/10/2005 6:51:23 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/10/2005 6:59:24 AM EDT
I actually knew some buddhist monks in dallas that would partake of a little of the wacky tabacky before "services" (I don't know what it would be called) because they believe it lets one empty the mind easier and be more receptive to meditation.

They were definatly not smoking it "just to get high" and even had a special tool for smoking it,
(it looked like a cone, and they held it with their middle and ring finger and smoked through their hand)

I am by no means saying that you can shoot herion and find Jesus, but like everything else there can be benefits and downfalls.

*this post by no means, that buddhists want you to get high. Just an observation from my experience.

Link Posted: 2/10/2005 7:00:48 AM EDT

I'm sorry, I don't see a problem there.

I do see you trying to buzz in on the word "every" while ignoring the entire next verse, showing quite nicely how you deal with scripture in general, and why no one should bother to listen to your interpretations of it. Focus right here AND ONLY right here, and ignore everything that went before it and after it, because that damages the point I want this to make!!

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!!

What are you now saying that psychadelic mushrooms are from the "tree of knowledge?" What am I not getting about this specific example of "EVERY"?

Can you answer this? Show me in Genesis where I should take EVERY to mean anything other than EVERY?

Peter, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, said it best:

"9And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, The dark place within ourselvesuntil the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts; COming to knowledge that the kingdom of heaven is where?20knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation,Because you can't know God by words alone you must feel this within yourself 21for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit."Because it was always there, These holy men were trying to convey that!

2nd Peter 1

Link Posted: 2/10/2005 7:03:38 AM EDT
There is a long tradition of using mind altering substances as a means of elevating thought in many religions. That is beyond dispute.

But that tradition is not found in Christianity. The closest thing you can find in any sort of mainline Christianity is the use of incence, which just smells good. It has no narcotic effect.
Link Posted: 2/10/2005 7:06:34 AM EDT

What are you now saying that psychadelic mushrooms are from the "tree of knowledge?" What am I not getting about this specific example of "EVERY"?

Are mushrooms trees? Do they produce fruit? Do we live in Eden?

Then how on earth do you take God's direction to eat the fruits of all trees but one in the garden of Eden as license to eat mushrooms that will trip you out?

That's the joy of CONTEXT.

Link Posted: 2/10/2005 7:10:47 AM EDT

There is a long tradition of using mind altering substances as a means of elevating thought in many religions. That is beyond dispute.

But that tradition is not found in Christianity. The closest thing you can find in any sort of mainline Christianity is the use of incence, which just smells good. It has no narcotic effect.

Oh I see what you are saying,

Well while it may not be widely accepted at least it caused this young man (or old man I don't know) to look for a higher power is good in and of itself.

I am glad no one is going out and getting plastered to find god, but like they say,

He works in mysterious ways.
Link Posted: 2/10/2005 7:25:13 AM EDT


Well, our Jesus, the One revealed in the Gospels, wouldn't mind!

Great then we agree.... No Jesus would mind....

Originally posted by Eric The Hun:
That's just how Southerners sometimes speak. Get used to it! The Rust Belt is dying. And Jersey's already buried.

Hell I did not need divine guidance to know that Jersey is long gone... Consider me a front line Soldier for out Constitution...

Thats 2 things we agree on......

I wonder what will be the third and forth horse.....

Originally posted by Eric The Hun:
Isn't it strange then that none of the sayings or sermons of Jesus spoken in Aramaic and translated into English grates on our present day ears?

It was something that amazed the translators of the King James Bible. Every time they translated a phrase or sentence into English from some non-English source, it had a poetry all its own.

They attributed it to God.

As do I.

To you maybe but we are not all the borg....

And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.

These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb

144,000 and no woman? That surely greats on MY ears!

Originally posted by Eric The Hun:
Nonsense. I stand on a Rock.

And that Rock has a Name.  And is unchanging.

I only ask because your language made you seem so unsure....

What specifically in that verse do you find so blashpemous and why?

First and foremost, it was not the work of St. Thomas, the Apostle. He died in the First Century AD.

The so-called 'gospel of Thomas' dates from the mid-Second Century at the very earliest!

Link with Carbon dating proof? _______________

Second, the Early Church, and I don't mean the Romans, did not accept it as canonical.

Third, while some of the contents mimic what was writeen in the Gospels, the remainder is nothing like what we find in the Gospels.

It can't be half right and half wrong. So, it is all wrong!

Hmmm.... Two examples that if we were to follow your logic you would have to throw the whole bible out!

Acts 9:7
"And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man."

"And they that were with me saw indeed the light, and were afraid; but they heard not the voice of him that spake to me."

Did they or did they not "Hear the voice"...


Did Jesus come to bring peace?

He did:
"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."
"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you."
Acts 10:36
"The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ."

He did not:
"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."
"Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law."
"He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."

Of course, and just listen to how our Jesus said it:
Now, the Saviour Who said such Magnificient Words in the Gospel never uttered those in your snippet from the so-called 'gospel of Thomas'!

By the way, those Words of Life were uttered in Aramaic! Do they grate on your ears?

Why would they? But the Gospel of Thomas does not either..... Are you really making a subjective emotional feeling a foundation for a rational argument as to which is truth and which is not?

I would imagine that when translated into Japanese they would not grate on those ears, either!

I bet your wrong... A lot of concepts and structure of thier grammar makes it very hard to translate anything correctly.. But I am going on fact here not feeling so YMMV....

And would we not be troubled to find that what some men are teaching is not the correct information? and would this information not astonish us? and once we understand our nature could any man rule us?

What are you talking about?

Make sense, please!

It makes complete sense..... If you have no answer then thats ok too....

Tsk, tsk, tsk!

His Church has accepted them as such for almost 2,000 years!

If you find them lacking, then you are simply out of luck!

They won't be added to for your amusement and acceptance!

Its funny because I don't need a book to understand the nature of God..... I already hang with him as he is of all of us!.....

They were written and assembled by men directed by the Holy Spirit and acting under Its guidance!

There was no 'Roman' Church to worry about offending. Or to try and maintain its power! It didn't exist in the first three Centuries of our prsent age.

The Church at Rome was simply one of a large number of Christian Churches and its Bishop merely one among many.

Don't confuse human history with Church History.

The entire Church, worldwide, accepted what later came to be included in the New Testament.

So the Roman church then did corrupt the religion is that what you are saying?

When was the bible assembled?

Actually we are talking about formerly-stoned folks who became Christians.

I am one. onemangang admits to being another.

Are you going to try and make something from that?

Be my guest!

Eric The(APoorDefenderOfTheFaith)Hun

Ouch... A little touchy subject here eh? I quoted from the Bible where it was ok for you to take of every tree..... Its not me "making something of that" I was simply trying to steer back on topic, cowboy.....

Link Posted: 2/10/2005 7:25:36 AM EDT
You guys are missing the point.

It's not about whether doing drugs is wrong or right (it's wrong if you must ask).
It's about what or who leads a person to know God.  Drugs don't do it.  The Holy Spirit does it.  Only by the gracious power of His Spirit does He reveal Himself.

Can the Holy Spirit work on a person while they are high?  I suppose so.

Are drugs necessary to find God?  Of course not.

Should we encourage others by telling them the "good news" of drugs?  Of course not.

Should we denounce or sins of old (like drug use) and start afresh in the Spirit of God?  YES!
Link Posted: 2/10/2005 7:34:10 AM EDT

I know you guys don't want another one of "these" threads but I really want to know your opinions.
(Esp. EricTheHun)
About 10 years ago I was really into 'shrooms. I would eat them about once a month so I wouldn't build up a tolerance. But when I did eat them I would go for level 4-5 trips.
Anyway, during these experiences, I would not be seeking anything of ANY religious nature, just basically "exploring my mind". I have to tell you I DID SOME EXPLORING!
One thing  that did inadvertadly come from these sessions was a profound presence of God in my life. I would then trip for spiritual reasons ONLY!
I have since quit experimenting with ethno-pathogens(?) and now am a devout Christian.
Most folks would say "ooooo, you should never do any drug for any reason. This is a case where "drugs" had a HUGE POSITIVE affect on my life.
Anyone else do this type of experimentation with this type of result?
Flame suit on

My roomate in college was an indian (feather, not dot).
He explored his mind with peyote, he didn't necessarily enjoy it
he said it did bring him closer to the earth/nature
(he was also ex-82 abn/ranger)

Link Posted: 2/10/2005 7:36:45 AM EDT


What are you now saying that psychadelic mushrooms are from the "tree of knowledge?" What am I not getting about this specific example of "EVERY"?

Are mushrooms trees? Do they produce fruit? Do we live in Eden?

Then how on earth do you take God's direction to eat the fruits of all trees but one in the garden of Eden as license to eat mushrooms that will trip you out?

That's the joy of CONTEXT.

OOOH so I get it.... We can eat of everything in the Garden....

Ok now show me where it says we can't eat of everything outside the Garden....

By using your logic we really shouldn't be doing that communion stuff because Jesus was talking only to his 12 deciples......

Link Posted: 2/10/2005 7:41:24 AM EDT



No JW, it seems to me that you are more help in pushing people away from religion than building your flock.

I am not here to "build a flock". Success is not defined as having taught some weak, watered down, sissification of the truth that sounds good to people and demands nothing of them. 10,000 people in a church doesn't mean beans if those 10,000 people are not truly living with Christ as Lord.

Christ commanded us to:

"9Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

Matthew 28

Jesus didn't command us to make friends, or to tell people nice things, but to preach His truth to all men, and to teach them to OBEY His voice. One single person who is in genuine relationship with Christ and who reveres Him as Lord is worth more than a billion people who profess Christ but do not posess Christ. If only one person is taught to revere Christ because I have spoken the whole counsel of God to them, then and only then have I been a true servant of the Most High God.

There is a reason that the Bible calls Jesus the "stone of stumbling" and a "rock of offense." Some people will hear the Gospel message and reject it because they think it is too severe, or for a myriad of other reasons. The bottom line is that Christ is who He is, and said what He said, and no ammount of wishing or thinking on my part or anyone else's will change it.

kind of how you pushed me further from religion than towards it, you seem to be doing the same here..

I never "pushed" you away from anything, but it would be nice if you were pushed away from "religion" and pushed toward a real relationship with Christ.  All I have done is tell you what the Bible has said. I have quoted it over and over and over and over again, to the point that you expressed frustration with "corinthians this and ephesians that."

As a result:

"6Therefore I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all men. 27For I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God."

Acts 20

I have only spoken to you the divinely inspired Word of God, that is eternal and will never pass away. What you do with it after I have shown it to you and encouraged you to pick it up for yourself and seek God in repentence, prayer, and fasting, is between you and God. I have told you the absolute truth before God because I take my obligation to speak the truth before God seriously. My very soul hangs in the balance.

God expects me to do nothing more than speak the truth, and live the truth. What anyone does with it after that is their buisness. But in that great day, I want no man to look at me and ask me why I didn't tell them the truth.

not even gonna bother JW. no matter the path, he found his way to god, and from everything I've read, that's all that matters. apparently that isn't good enough for "your interpretation"

Link Posted: 2/10/2005 7:43:37 AM EDT

not even gonna bother JW. no matter the path, he found his way to god, and from everything I've read, that's all that matters. apparently that isn't good enough for "your interpretation"



There are mamy paths up the mountain.....
Link Posted: 2/10/2005 7:45:07 AM EDT


not even gonna bother JW. no matter the path, he found his way to god, and from everything I've read, that's all that matters. apparently that isn't good enough for "your interpretation"



There are mamy paths up the mountain.....


Link Posted: 2/10/2005 7:46:14 AM EDT

My roomate in college was an indian (feather, not dot).
He explored his mind with peyote, he didn't necessarily enjoy it
he said it did bring him closer to the earth/nature
(he was also ex-82 abn/ranger)

I had an offer, to come out to the desert and try the peyote from an indian friend of mine. He told me its not like a fun thing. But he still offered.

I was like... hmmm eat some nasty cactus shrooms, dig a hole, throw up for 1/2 and hour into the hole, and then spend 1-3 days tripping and then at the end teach myself to talk again.

as the germans say

Nein Danke

Link Posted: 2/10/2005 8:18:05 AM EDT
sorry to kill the thread, but sheesh.

Link Posted: 2/10/2005 8:55:27 AM EDT



not even gonna bother JW. no matter the path, he found his way to god, and from everything I've read, that's all that matters. apparently that isn't good enough for "your interpretation"



There are mamy paths up the mountain.....



There is only one Way, one Truth, one Life and no one comes to the Father except through Him.  His name is Jesus and He is the living Messiah, the Lord of lords and King of kings.  If you have arrived at "god" by any other means than through Him, then you are mistaken.
Link Posted: 2/10/2005 9:16:50 AM EDT




not even gonna bother JW. no matter the path, he found his way to god, and from everything I've read, that's all that matters. apparently that isn't good enough for "your interpretation"



There are mamy paths up the mountain.....



There is only one Way, one Truth, one Life and no one comes to the Father except through Him.  His name is Jesus and He is the living Messiah, the Lord of lords and King of kings.  If you have arrived at "god" by any other means than through Him, then you are mistaken.

he found god, and that still isn't good enough. now it's "but you didn't find god the right way"



Link Posted: 2/10/2005 9:17:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/10/2005 9:34:18 AM EDT
as a christian all I have to say about the author is:

I think that about sums it up.
Link Posted: 2/10/2005 9:35:04 AM EDT

It is like saying "Booze and Hookers brought me to God"

You too.

Although with hookers and blow god is easier to find than with just booze.
Link Posted: 2/10/2005 9:44:15 AM EDT
I just read something that is actually relevent to the topic at hand.

"When the outer world fails to invoke your psychological participation, you turn inward. You can turn inward with peyote, mescaline, LSD, and all of that sort of thing; or you can turn inward with meditation of a different sort." --- Joseph Campbell, Pathways to Bliss: Mythology and Personal Transformation

It's not surprising that a person who has no mythology turns to chemical help to find those images which awaken their imagination, awaken their psyche.
Link Posted: 2/10/2005 10:07:15 AM EDT

Originally Posted By EricTheHun:

Originally posted by Eric The Hun:

Revelations (Its called a typo.... Often pointed out to another when your losing an argument)
And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.

These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb

144,000 and no woman? That surely greats on MY ears!

Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men. Matthew 16:23

Translation= BULLSEYE.... You have no answer so I must be of Satan......  My point to this is that there seems to be room for only 144,000 men.... What of the women? and the rest of the non 144,000?

Its GOING......

Originally posted by Eric The Hun:

'Seems, madam? Nay, I know not 'seems.' ~ Hamlet, Hamlet, Act I, scene ii

Southerners sometimes don't like to offend other folks by making categorical statements of fact.

Such as, 'It's likely that New Jersey will never adopt concealed carry licenses for its general population.'

When, we all know for a fact, that Hell would freeze over before New Jersey did such a thing!

No 'likely' about is at all, is there?

We're just being polite.

So is it possible that if a southerner translated your bible from its native tongue the words chosen might be of a more "polite nature"....

I for one would choose the latter of your two transaltions on the state of affairs in occupied NJ....


Originally posted by Eric The Hun:
Sorry, but when discussing documents, analysis of writing styles are the among the best keys to dating.

So Science that contradicts your beliefs is out? The GoT according to MOST scholars was written at the same time, along with carbon dating done which seems to confirm that... But I am always OPEN to new information that would prove this wrong......


First, you must understand that you are reading two verses written by the very same individual, Luke the Physician, under divine guidance. It would be incredible to believe that he would be telling the story to the same audience and make any mistakes, at all, being under divine inspiration.

And yet he or someone else does.... hmmmm

Here's the best explanation I have found for understanding this matter and is found in the 'Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties' by Gleason L. Archer. An excerpt from his discussion is as follows:

   . . . In the original Greek, however, there is no real contradiction between these two statements. Greek makes a distinction between hearing a sound as a noise (in which case the verb "to hear" takes the genitive case) and hearing a voice as a thought-conveying message (in which case it takes the accusative). Therefore, as we put the two statements together, we find that Paul's companions heard the Voice as a sound (somewhat like the crowd who heard the sound of the Father talking to the Son in John 12:28, but perceived it only as thunder); but they did not (like Paul) hear the message that it articulated. Paul alone heard it inteligibly (Acts 9:4 says Paul ekousen phonen--accusative case); though he, of course, perceived it also as a startling sound at first (Acts 22:7: "I fell to the ground and heard a voice [ekousa phones] saying to me," NASB). But in neither account is it stated that his companions ever heard that Voice in the accusative case.
     -- Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties, by Gleason L. Archer, p. 382.

Lord, I love to read from inspired men!

Oh how I love when you prove me right! How then if there is some discrepency in the translations from Greek to English could there not be other discrepencies in the translations over the 2000 year mark?


I tell you what, my friend, start another thread on the 'Contradictions in the New Testament' in General Discussion and you will have my undivided attention, but let's leave this thread to something along what the original author intended.

Please post such a thread!

I look forward to it with relish!

I choose NOT to start religious threads because certain **cough** zealots might start calling me a Christian basher when I am anything but.. I prefer to offer my opinions though in other's threads.... You can start one if you wish.....


Originally posted by Eric The Hun:
Yes, along with everything else, the rejection by the Christian Chuch, the non-historical nature of that gospel, the language used, and the thoughts conveyed, the utter medocrity of the thoughts conveyed is the icing on the cake.

So yes you base your opinion then on emotion instead of knowledge... Thanks for clearing that up.

Originally posted by Eric The Hun:
I seriously doubt that!

So there are some verbal statements in English that cannot be properly remdered in Japanese?

If that's true, then I would have hoped that Adm. Halsey's statement about the Japanese language have actually come true!

If it's so limited.

How arrogant to think it is them who is limited!

I teach a Japanese Martial art, I am not speaking here from ignorance.....

"Satsujin no Ken  and Katsujin no Ken"  means a whole lot more than what the direct transaltion says.... Wouldn' t the translation of the Arameic bible have the same properties with possible loss of meaning without further study?


But I don't think it's so limited as you seem to believe.

Ahh but you do as I have just demonstrated!

If that's some 'quote' from the 'gospel of Thomas', sorry, but I don't recognize it.

If you are the author of that statement, then I apologize for mistaking thee for thy betters!

I would not think that you would label those who lead a moral life as you betters or not.... Seems un Christian......

Still no answer though.... Thats ok... SOmetimes non answers speak louder than any words....


That's rich!

Incredibly stupid, but very rich!

Ahh yes... I believe differently than you so I must be stupid.... Your bigotry is only shadowed by your zealotry....


Originally posted by Eric The Hun:
I didn't say any such thing. I may believe that, but I did not say it.

Are you having a reading problem, as well?

Ahh your falling apart at the seams.... You cleary infered that you believe such things by your comments on the as you put it 'Roman' Catholic Church..... So to answer your snooty question is right there...

Not only am I not having reading problems, it would seem that my comprehension of your thesis is 100%


When was the bible assembled?

The New Testament's collection of writings was compiled during the First Century AD, during the lifetimes of their various authors, and, unlike some others who give later dates, I think completed by at least 70 AD, prior to the Fall of Jerusalem.

Totally. Including Revelations, which is always give as the latest book written (c. 95 AD).

So then by evidence and carbon dating the GoT was written at the same time... I can only assume so because that is the evidence presented me. You have offered no counter evidence...


Originally posted by Eric The Hun:


You think so?

Then why in the world would I even mention it?

You would never have known, and I could have kept my mouth shut.

But I'm not the least bit touchy about my past!

I only asked because you asked if I was going to "make something of it"...... THat seems touchy to me...

You've struck out every time Made a hit everytime you've been to the plate in this game, so far! And now you have hit it out of the park!

Fixed it for you!

Funny my interpretations on the matter differ greatly than yours.... Suprise Suprise... And to believe that this very same thing does not happen throught history seems a bit naive....

You can take from every tree boards to build a house for a poor widow woman, or take from a tree, a club to kill someone with, are you saying they are both permitted?

Steer back on topic and yet wishing to engage in '101 Contradictory Things in the Bible', with me?

Oooh, the crowd groans Cheers as the batter goes down swinging around the bases!

Eric The(All wind, no wood)Hun  

Again fixing it for you....

Talk about going off topic.... I was refering to this as God saying he has no problems with those who choose on ingesting HIS Mushrooms...... Clearly you saw this and are only attempting to throw a red herring here........

OOOH another wild pitch by the Hun.... Looks like the coach is coming out.... I think there may be a pitching change......

Link Posted: 2/10/2005 10:29:53 AM EDT

OOOH so I get it.... We can eat of everything in the Garden....

Ok now show me where it says we can't eat of everything outside the Garden....

By using your logic we really shouldn't be doing that communion stuff because Jesus was talking only to his 12 deciples......

A massive power and network outage onsite killed my full response to this.

In summary, however, basically you did the exact same thing you have always done with scripture, taking it out of context and using it as support for an arguement the Bible does not make.

The Bible clearly says drunkenness is a sin. It was a sin when Noah got drunk, it was a sin for the priests to touch fermented wine when serving in the temple, and the New Testament says repeatedly that drunkenness is a sin.

Eating a mushroom is not the sin, otherwise everyone who ate portabella mushrooms would be in trouble. Eathing psychadelic mushrooms to get high IS a sin.

It is as simple as that.

If you approached the Bible AS A WHOLE rather than trying to cut the text until it bleeds, and instead viewed every verse according to the SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY OF THE BIBLE, then you wouldn't have so many inane questions.

That, of course, would ruin all your fun, and clearly demonstrate your gnostic heresies to be what they are. So until you have humility enough to toss aside those silly ideas and embrace the true Christ and His word, anything I could say to you is wasted.

If you truly believe that we can take from "every tree", then try some hemlock. Then you really WILL see God.
Link Posted: 2/10/2005 10:33:33 AM EDT
HIJACK HIJACK HIJACK jeeze all this guy wants to know is if you think the ends justified the means and i have to say a resounding YES. so enough with all these long assed paragraaphs just say yes or no- did the ends justify the means?
Link Posted: 2/10/2005 10:34:00 AM EDT


A massive power and network outage onsite killed my full response to this.

In summary, however, basically you did the exact same thing you have always done with scripture, taking it out of context and using it as support for an arguement the Bible does not make.

The Bible clearly says drunkenness is a sin. It was a sin when Noah got drunk, it was a sin for the priests to touch fermented wine when serving in the temple, and the New Testament says repeatedly that drunkenness is a sin.

Eating a mushroom is not the sin, otherwise everyone who ate portabella mushrooms would be in trouble. Eathing psychadelic mushrooms to get high IS a sin.

It is as simple as that.

If you approached the Bible AS A WHOLE rather than trying to cut the text until it bleeds, and instead viewed every verse according to the SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY OF THE BIBLE, then you wouldn't have so many inane questions.

That, of course, would ruin all your fun, and clearly demonstrate your gnostic heresies to be what they are. So until you have humility enough to toss aside those silly ideas and embrace the true Christ and His word, anything I could say to you is wasted.

I think that massive power outage was divine intervention!

Of course the bible is systematic thats what the asssemblers wanted... Which is why Matthew and Luke are revised versions of Mark...

"If you realize that Matthew and Luke are revised versions of Mark you will see that an extended set of sayings are in Matthew and Luke that do not occur in Mark. Those sayings, it is generally agreed in scholarship, were taken by both Matthew and Luke from a mid-first century document that consisted of a list of Jesus' sayings. That document, which German scholars called "Quelle," has come to be known as Q. It does not exist any longer, but it can be recovered by analysis of Matthew and Luke (simply put, Q was the written list of sayings that we find both in Matthew and Luke but not in Mark). Q was nothing more than a list of sayings. The Gospel of Thomas is also nothing more than a list of sayings. Many of the sayings are the same, but most of the sayings in Thomas are not in Q. Thomas is the same sort of thing as Q was but Thomas is not Q. Probably Thomas and Q circulated separately in the middle or the later part of the first century. Their points of view are quite different, Thomas stresses the presence of the Kingdom of God now. Q insists that the Kingdom of God will arrive at some future time. "

Oh and don't forget "of Satan"
Link Posted: 2/10/2005 10:35:21 AM EDT


Talk about going off topic.... I was refering to this as God saying he has no problems with those who choose on ingesting HIS Mushrooms...... Clearly you saw this and are only attempting to throw a red herring here........

And you were making an arguement that is utterly and completely unsupportable by scripture, because, again you ignore the context and council of the Bible, reading into it what you WANT to see, and in the process twisting the Word into contortions that you will one day have to answer for.

Do you really think that when you stand before God, having shredded His word, that you can then plead ignorance of that word?

You are making quite a little mess for yourself. You should stop it and get saved.
Link Posted: 2/10/2005 10:43:29 AM EDT

And you were making an arguement that is utterly and completely unsupportable by scripture, because, again you ignore the context and council of the Bible, reading into it what you WANT to see, and in the process twisting the Word into contortions that you will one day have to answer for.

Do you really think that when you stand before God, having shredded His word, that you can then plead ignorance of that word?

You are making quite a little mess for yourself. You should stop it and get saved.

Why yes, because I am already standing before in God right here right now.... Heaven is right where I stand! It is really a wonderful thing! To see and understand the metaphor, to apply it and see it in every movment I make.... A true miracle!

It seems I have found the Ark in Texarkana!

Link Posted: 2/10/2005 10:43:39 AM EDT

I think that massive power outage was divine intervention!

Talk about grasping at straws.

Of course the bible is systematic thats what the asssemblers wanted... Which is why Matthew and Luke are revised versions of Mark...

Who were it's "assemblers"? Hmm?

"If you realize that Matthew and Luke are revised versions of Mark

Ah. IF you concede that the universe is made of limburger, then everything will stink! Horse poop. A flawed premise creates a poisonous chain of logic.

you will see that an extended set of sayings are in Matthew and Luke that do not occur in Mark. Those sayings, it is generally agreed in scholarship, were taken by both Matthew and Luke from a mid-first century document that consisted of a list of Jesus' sayings.

General scholarship does NOT agree on this.

That document, which German scholars called "Quelle," has come to be known as Q. It does not exist any longer, but it can be recovered by analysis of Matthew and Luke (simply put, Q was the written list of sayings that we find both in Matthew and Luke but not in Mark). Q was nothing more than a list of sayings.

Ah. So the two gospels we have are derived from this "mystery" list of sayings that we have ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE OF, and the rest is just stuff that the writers filled in for themselves.

The idea of the Q gospel is not new, you know. I have heard this perversion before.

The Gospel of Thomas is also nothing more than a list of sayings. Many of the sayings are the same, but most of the sayings in Thomas are not in Q.

Really? How would anyone know that, seeing as how NOBODY HAS EVER SEEN THIS BLOODY Q GOSPEL?

Thomas is the same sort of thing as Q was but Thomas is not Q.

Again, how the heck do we know that? Nobody has ever seen or read this "Q" gospel.

Probably Thomas and Q circulated separately in the middle or the later part of the first century. Their points of view are quite different, Thomas stresses the presence of the Kingdom of God now. Q insists that the Kingdom of God will arrive at some future time. "

So Q and Thomas circulated at the same time and yet had WIDELY divergent messages?

Then how in blue hell can it be argued that this "Q" gospel that nobody has ever seen lends ANY legitimacy to the Gospel of Thomas in the first place?

You are appealing to a writing that is only a hypothesis at best as a "proof" of what the GOT says, and yet in the next breath are saying that the message is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT?

And you think MY theology is thin?
Link Posted: 2/10/2005 10:52:30 AM EDT

So Q and Thomas circulated at the same time and yet had WIDELY divergent messages?

Then how in blue hell can it be argued that this "Q" gospel that nobody has ever seen lends ANY legitimacy to the Gospel of Thomas in the first place?

You are appealing to a writing that is only a hypothesis at best as a "proof" of what the GOT says, and yet in the next breath are saying that the message is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT?

And you think MY theology is thin?

I don't see the message as divergent, You do.... Your asking how I can believe all the things I do when there is no proof. Even when I show you evidence. Can I cop out and call it faith here? Like you do? But its not faith I have... Its experience and "Knowledge" of the divine.....

I see a message based on what I discovered inside. A message that rings true with the universe. Thats all I really have. My house IS in order.....
Link Posted: 2/10/2005 10:56:46 AM EDT

I don't see the message as divergent, You do.... Your asking how I can believe all the things I do when there is no proof. Even when I show you evidence. Can I cop out and call it faith here? Like you do? But its not faith I have... Its experience and "Knowledge" of the divine.....

I see a message based on what I discovered inside. A message that rings true with the universe. Thats all I really have. My house IS in order.....

The bloody quote you used SAYS EXPLICITLY that the messages of Q and GOT are completely different.

Maybe if you left the church of the Divine Cut and Paste but Never Read, you might actually figure out what in the heck you are talking about.

You are enough to make Christ Himself want to cuss.

And you have faith but it isn't faith? WHAT KIND OF RETARDED SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY DID YOU GO TO?  

Good gravy! You make Jehova's Witnesses look SANE.
Link Posted: 2/10/2005 10:58:50 AM EDT


The bloody quote you used SAYS EXPLICITLY that the messages of Q and GOT are completely different.

Maybe if you left the church of the Divine Cut and Paste but Never Read, you might actually figure out what in the heck you are talking about.

You are enough to make Christ Himself want to cuss.

Relax man its ok.... I know they say it is different but I don't agree.... I see the big picture meaning as the same... Different paths up a mountain.....

Church of the divine cut and paste..... I like that... Can I be bishop?

Edit to get the rest of your wonderful post!

And you have faith but it isn't faith? WHAT KIND OF RETARDED SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY DID YOU GO TO?

Good gravy! You make Jehova's Witnesses look SANE.

Well I am an ordained minister.... Did I mention that?

All I am saying is that the light of God and his kingdom are here right now within you and you call that "insane?"

Link Posted: 2/10/2005 10:59:51 AM EDT

Maybe if you left the church of the Divine Cut and Paste .

Link Posted: 2/10/2005 11:09:46 AM EDT


It is like saying "Booze and Hookers brought me to God"

You too.

Although with hookers and blow god is easier to find than with just booze.

Thanks for the revelation!
Link Posted: 2/10/2005 11:12:49 AM EDT


OOOH so I get it.... We can eat of everything in the Garden....

Ok now show me where it says we can't eat of everything outside the Garden....

By using your logic we really shouldn't be doing that communion stuff because Jesus was talking only to his 12 deciples......

By gosh, you are right! It doesn't say that ANYWHERE!!

I hear Socrates had a good recipe for an herb called "Hemlock". Why don't you try it and tell me how it is?

If you  like it, we can jazz it up with a little Nightshade.

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