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Link Posted: 2/14/2005 6:46:23 PM EDT
Youve met 10000 and 10000 of thousands of people. Have inquired as to their faith and belief in jesus Christ and have passed judgement on them as being of immoral character if they dont believe the same beliefs as you.
Nope doesnt make me feel warm and comfy.
More scared and paranoid of people with dogmatic beliefs.
Link Posted: 2/14/2005 7:00:56 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/14/2005 7:24:28 PM EDT
Regardless of what you believe or what i believe. It was nice to actually have a discussion/debate/conversation on ths forum. And you didnt call me a troll. Makes me feel better about you already.

Im 42. My parents would be unhappy if the christian gestapo came after they invited me and my wife and kid to dinner
Link Posted: 2/14/2005 7:40:25 PM EDT
i cannot believe there is a thread here about a guy who found jesus in the spaghetti after noshing on some halucengenic mushrooms
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 3:26:39 AM EDT

Will you still stand behind your "So the mere fact that gonja is illegal would make it a sin if we did not consider the fact that it is a carcinogen and that it gets you high....... Any aspect of MJ makes it a sin, and it is to be avoided. "?

There is absolutely no cause for a healthy person to use marijuana, or any other form of narcotic, legal or illegal.

When we start debating based on cancer patients, the calculus changes. There is nothing wrong with providing relief to people who are suffering through the use of medications. That is why we allow the use of morophine in hospital settings (which I can't have because I am allergic to opiates, and even a small ammount will kill me....) and things like methodone in prescriptions. There are legitimate thereputic purposes for these drugs to be given.

As I said before, apparently without effect, the problem with the legalization movement is that it isn't about treating cancer patients, but is instead about allowing people to legally smoke weed, specifically people who aren't very ill.....

The various illicit drugs or the drugs that are commonly considered illicit out there are in fact used in the treatment of various ailments in normal medicine, and limited ammounts of them can be found in many over the counter medicines.  (They use cocaine derivatives to treat some forms of eye trauma, for instance...)

The problem is that there is not widespread medical acceptance that MJ provides real thereputic benefits to very sick people. The medical community has to speak loudly in favor of using the drug, which they have not done as yet.

For people who have no GENUINE medical necessity for MJ, (which the vast majority of people who are constantly whining about it do NOT posess), then it is a sin.

Getting a shot of morophine to alleviate the pain of a kidney stone while under medical treatment is not a sin. Going out and mainlining morophine in a back alley to get high IS a sin.
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 3:47:01 AM EDT



A myth is a lie. Period.

Once again..

What is a metaphor and can you provide an example of one?


Yoo hoo, Mr. JohnWayne77? If you addressed this, I missed it.

If you haven't addressed this question already, please do. Thanks.
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 4:27:58 AM EDT
It's your body, do with it what you like as long as you are not hurting anyone else.  Please, no lengthly bullcrap reply about how a poor lifestyle leads to expensive health care costs in this country either!
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 4:33:56 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 4:59:57 AM EDT

Quoted:Let's see, practicing law full bore, pedal to the metal, for more than 25 years, has brought me into very direct contact with, conservatvely speaking, say 10,000 folks over the years.

Being an FFL dealer for more than 10 years and setting up tables at every gun show in the State of Texas for that length of time, let's say, I've had dealings with an additional 2,500 folks.


And I haven't decided that 'unbelivers' cannot be men or women of good character, it's just that I've never found any who were.

And I talk about this with almost every person I meet. One way or the other.

Eric The(TellingItLikeItIs,Unfortunately)Hun

And yet you sell guns to people you believe to be of poor moral character? What does this make you?  

Link Posted: 2/15/2005 5:01:45 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 5:09:36 AM EDT
I have to admit that humanist philosophy bores the hell out of me. It did when I studied it extensively in college, and it is even worse now. Hearing a rehash of some stale old mythological/common thread arguement sounds about as interesting to me as having a root canal.

Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt so I could burn it.
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 5:10:11 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 5:13:28 AM EDT
I'm going to ask the question for a fouth time. Perhaps the fourth time is a charm.

What is a metaphor and can you provide an example of one?

It's a fairly simple question.
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 5:15:17 AM EDT
And you can ask a twelfth time if it would make you happy to do so.
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 5:19:16 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 5:20:03 AM EDT

And you can ask a twelfth time if it would make you happy to do so.

Why won't you answer? I'm serious. Do you know what a metaphor is? I don't even mean in the context of mythology or religion. Just in general, what is a metaphor?

This is 8th grade english stuff here, friend.
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 5:21:03 AM EDT


And you can ask a twelfth time if it would make you happy to do so.

Why won't you answer? I'm serious. Do you know what a metaphor is? I don't even mean in the context of mythology or religion. Just in general, what is a metaphor?

This is 8th grade english stuff here, friend.

8th grade stuff?

Try 4th grade.

Link Posted: 2/15/2005 5:26:50 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 5:31:00 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 5:32:52 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 5:35:17 AM EDT


A businessman who adheres to the laws of Caesar when conducting a business. No more, no less.

A hypocrite? Or worse?

What foolishness!

Do you really believe that Jesus meant for you to suspend his Christian moral philosophy when conducting business? Does that make you a 'good' person?

How about when you are at Hooters ogling and slavering over the 18 year olds as you have shown pictures of yourself doing here? Does that come under the heading of 'adhering to the laws of Ceasar while conducting business? Is that what makes it OK?

Got anything of substance left to discuss?

I thought not. It shows.

You always get the self serving answer when answering your own questions, don't you

Eric The(Hypocritical)Hun

Yes, it seems you are a hypocrit but you will answer to your god who, I  imagine will not approve of how you split hairs. Or do you just declare yourself saved and are then free to do as yo please?
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 5:39:03 AM EDT
ETH --

Golly. Thanks!

If it hadn't been for hydgirl's insistence, I never would have learned what a metaphor was. It is a darn shame that all that time I spent in school and college never taught me to read, isn't it? So naturally I need helpful people to come along and teach me the basic principles of the English language!

Oh...What's that? If I can't read and don't understand English, how do I manage to type coherent paragraphs and generally use good grammar?

Beats me. Maybe I am a myth or something....

Link Posted: 2/15/2005 5:41:57 AM EDT
Are you two are finished jerking each other off?


JW, What is a metaphor?

I'm not interested in Eric(theHorndogwithaHobby)Hun's answers, as amusing as he may think they are. I want yours.
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 5:45:35 AM EDT

Are you two are finished jerking each other off?


Hmmm. I must have hit a nerve.

JW, What is a metaphor?

Is there a mynah bird in here?

Link Posted: 2/15/2005 5:49:35 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 5:51:51 AM EDT

I have no earthly idea about your respective moral characters!

Yet you judge us as a-moral based on our beliefs... Sad....


Originally posted from Eric The Hun:
I have yet to find anyone who says that they do not believe in Jesus Christ who has a good moral character.

Bullshit. You pre-judge people who have a different belief system than you as "amoral". You choose to not see the good in man. You only see what you percieve to be good in the dogma and doctrine to jude others.

I have no earthly idea about the state of their individual moral characters, at all, but what I can see from their societies and their cultures, there is nothing that compels me believe that they have any.

I only googled 377,000 hits searching for "Buddhist charity".   Ignorance is not a virtue my brother.

Amoral, you mean?

Without God there is no possibility of morality. At least to the level that Jesus Christ taught us.

You can say that generally the Romans treated their women more fairly than the Greeks treated theirs, but they both fell widely short of that which would characterize good morals.  

Sad.... Truly sad.....

All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.


And I believe, as Dostoyevski, that 'If there is no God, then all things are lawful. If there is no God, then I am God', which surely cannot be.

Sad.... Truly sad...

Originally posted by Eric The Hun:


So are you saying moral character=belief in your God?


And He is not simply 'my' God, He is everyone's God, whether they know it, or not.

Ahh so now we get to the nuts and bolts of it.... You think that a child molester or other miscreant is of good moral character if he believes in Jesus de Christo but a fireman who believes in say Odin is of no moral character...... NICE!

How does logic enter into this, at all?

How does logic even touch upon the issue of morality?

Yup, I did not expect you to understand the logic argument...... Moving on...

Originally posted by Eric The Hun:
I'm not judging you in the least. I am making a statement of my belief that if a father does NOT teach his children about God, he is NOT much of a father at all.

So, you are NOT teaching your children about God?

That is certainly your decision.

Hopefully, some missionary some day will teach them about God.

How is that not a judgment? Are you that blinded that you can't see it? I wil tell you this I would not teach my childeren that God is outside somewhere up in the clouds....

What kind of missionary should I be looking out for? Please warn me....

I have no doctrine in such matters.

I merely tell you my beliefs, and then explain my beliefs, when you ask for explanations.

If you think you are 'judged', 'insulted', 'attacked', whatever, that is NOT my intention, but I am NOT going to alter my beliefs to make you 'feel' better about whatever it is you may believe....or disbelieve.

People who do not believe in god have a psychological disorder? Your words no?

If I do not teach my childeren about YOUR God then I am "Some father", Your words no?

People who do not believe in YOUR God do not have morals? Your words no?

I could also go back and quote your attacks on my intelligence, comprehension, etc. But that would be rather boring......

Somone else will judge my behavior, Whose judgment I fear, but Whose judgment will be righteous.

I needn't worry about what you may think about it.

Hmm don't like being "judged"? My comment was no different than yours....

Originally posted by Eric The Hun:
I have no earthly idea how Mithra calls its disciples, but then again, I'm really not interested.

Ask your lodge brothers, Brother....

The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall

Posted by Eric The Hun:
I'm judging no one.

I simply stated my beliefs.

Did that hurt you? I'm sorry, but I won't change a word of it.

Nope did not hurt one bit. Just pointing out your inconsistancies....

The struck dog is the one who barks.

Sorry, if that hurt.

Oh wait, I thought you were the big dog, big dog...

They have meds for that OCD brother.

Not necessary!

But they have an icon for an explanation of Board Code!

Try it sometimes.

Most mentally disturbed people do not like to take thier medication..... And you re-harp on the board code! Get help man!


If anything, it was Judaism that influenced Zorastrianism and not the other way around.

But then you are not a believer, anyway, so who cares what you think.

Apparently you do.

BTW Zorastrianism already had all that same stuff in the new testament.....

Yes, I am not easily influenced by such crap that I put away as childish when I was in Junior High!

"Roman Mithras was perhaps the greatest rival to early Christianity for many reasons. As well as being a popular pagan religion practised by the Roman Army, Mithraism had many similarities to Christianity. Mithras was born of a virgin, remained celibate, his worship involving baptism, the partaking of bread marked with a cross and wine as sacrificial blood, held Sundays sacred and Mithras was born on 25th of December. Mithraist called themselves 'brother' and were led by a priest called 'father' (Pater). The symbol of the father were a staff, a hooked sword, a ring and hat."

Interesting....as a sidelight.

And nothing more.

Thats rich....

Parralells Christianity and Zorastrianism....

What was the significance of 'baptism' in Mithraism'?

We have no idea, but we know precisely what that rite referred to in Christianity!

What was the significance of the 'bread and wine' in Mithraism?

Again, we have no idea, but we know precisely what those items referred to in Christianity.

Sounds like this upstart 'new' religion in the Western part of the Roman Empire (it was unknown, incredibly, in the East) Mithraism was 'borrowing' quite heavily from mature Christianity, indeed!

Ignorance is bliss eh?

Mithraic sculpture depicted the Taurobolium with invariable consistency. Mithras was always depicted in the cave kneeling on the back of the bull, dagger in hand, wearing a flowing cape and Phrygian cap (the rounded, conical hats currently en vogue amongst rap-music fans). He was shown pulling back the bull's head by its nostrils and stabbing it with the dagger, back foot extended over the bull's right leg. A dog and a snake were shown leaping into bull's wound, representing the dualistic conflict of good and evil at the moment of creation. A scorpion was shown at the bull's genitals, depicting evil seeking to destroy life at its source. Ears of corn sprung from the tail of the bull representing victory of good over evil. During the celebration of the vernal equinox, the Phrygian priests of the Great Mother attributed the blood shed in the Taurobolium to the redemptive power of the blood of the Divine Lamb shed on the Christian Easter. It was maintained that the dramatic Taurobolium purification ritual was more effective than baptism. The food that was taken during the mystic feasts was likened to the bread and wine of the communion; the Mother of the Gods (Magna Mater) received greater worship than the Mother of God (Mary), whose son also had risen again. An inscription in the Mithraeum under the Church of Santa Prisca in Rome referred to Mithras saving men by shedding the eternal blood of the bull. On the very spot on which the last Taurobolium took place at the end of the fourth century, in the Phrygianum, today stands the Vatican's St. Peter's Basilica.

And this upstart religion came and went without much impact on anything in the Western World.

Yet you give it equal credibility with Christianity!

Tsk, tsk, tsk. What a shame it disappeared so thoroughly!

Maybe some new age folks will resurrect it some day!

Ooops! 'Resurrect' is one of OUR words!

Myth is a poweful thing....

So YOU believe, along with the writer you quoted above from 'OkarResearch' on angelfire, that Mithraism existed full blown as a religion on its own in at least 500 BC?

Can we find your source for such an astounding statement of fact?

Or maybe you can e-mail the writer of that piece and find out what source he used for that statement?

But it is incredible.

Perhaps you should ask your Mason brothers.. OOPS

But find us all a credible source that says the very same thing.

What you can determine about Mithraism is that 'we don't know much about it, at all.'

'Like shooting silly fish in a barrel!'

Eric The(NotEasilyFooled)Hun

Well you gotta either disprove of the masons or yourself.....

Link Posted: 2/15/2005 5:53:58 AM EDT
Good moral charachter

recent study by the Barna Research Group throws extreme doubt on these estimates. Barna released the results of their poll about divorce on 1999-DEC-21. 1 They had interviewed 3,854 adults from the 48 contiguous states. The sampling error is within 2 percentage points. The survey found:

11% of the adult population is currently divorced.
25% of adults have had at least one divorce during their lifetime.
Divorce rates among conservative Christians were much higher than for other faith groups, and for Atheists and Agnostics.

George Barna, president and founder of Barna Research Group, commented: "While it may be alarming to discover that born again Christians are more likely than others to experience a divorce, that pattern has been in place for quite some time. Even more disturbing, perhaps, is that when those individuals experience a divorce many of them feel their community of faith provides rejection rather than support and healing. But the research also raises questions regarding the effectiveness of how churches minister to families. The ultimate responsibility for a marriage belongs to the husband and wife, but the high incidence of divorce within the Christian community challenges the idea that churches provide truly practical and life-changing support for marriages."

Non-denominational (small groups; independents) 34%
Baptists 29%
Mainline Protestants 25%
Mormons 24%
Catholics 21%
Lutherans 21%

Link Posted: 2/15/2005 5:55:35 AM EDT
it seems that we have gotten rather far afield.

much like fasting and sleep deprivation, psychoactive plantlife causes dissociative hallucinations.  these hallucinations have been sought by jewish and christian mystics for millenia, using all three methods.  there is no, repeat NO, biblical injunction against hallucinations.

anyone who claims that drug use is a sin is merely parroting something that 'someone' told them once.  drug abuse, on the other hand, is a form of gluttony.  the best example is "be ye not drunk with wine."  the use of alcohol, which is a CNS depressant, and a drug, is not prohibited.  overindulgence is.

give me chapter and verse which explicitly states that psychoactive drug use is a sin, without any mention of overuse or other complicating factors, and i'll stand down on this issue from a religious perspective.
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 5:56:52 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 6:06:23 AM EDT


Are you suggesting that I NOT sell weapons to folks who may have poor moral characters?

I know this would be a great idea, for it would disenfranchise most of the folks in Blue States, but surely you cannot be serious?

I am not advocating any government inteference as I am sure you would like to paint me as doing. But a free and responsible individual needs to conduct business moraly. What I am suggesting as a responsible gun dealer if you believe someone is of "poor moral character" that if you sell to an individual you believe (read judged) to be of poor moral character you are no better than those you believe to have no moral character.

A businessman who adheres to the laws of Caesar when conducting a business. No more, no less.

CEASER? Thou shalt have no other Gods before whom?

WWJD? would de Christo sell guns to someone he believed to be of poor moral character?

If you are willing to sell your hardware all willy nilly to people who (you believe) are without any morals your asking the government to get involved.... And Eric, THAT IS BAD......

What foolishness!

I am a hypocrite, as I would venture to beleve that you are, as well, but I will let you declare that you're not.

That should be rich, indeed, to hear.

Got anything of substance left to discuss?

I thought not. It shows. Actually, it has been showing for quite a while, now.

Eric The(Hypocritical)Hun

I know you are but what am I?

Nice tactic counselor.
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 6:11:48 AM EDT
Mushrooms are Illegal.
peyote is illegal

But mescaline bearing cactus is not!

Go to your local nursery. BUy yourself a 2 foot san pedro or peruvian torch  cactus eat it and trip for 12-14 hourz

If you dont find god, at least you will of had a funny time.
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 6:18:17 AM EDT

it seems that we have gotten rather far afield.

much like fasting and sleep deprivation, psychoactive plantlife causes dissociative hallucinations.

I have fasted before, in fact for long periods of time. I never ONCE hallucinated.

 these hallucinations have been sought by jewish and christian mystics for millenia, using all three methods.

That is the problem. People are seeking hallucination rather than God. Seeking the euphoria presented by psychadelic  drugs does not make us experience God or bring us closer to Him. It dulls the mind and destroys the growth of our spirit.

And the mere fact that some people have used drugs in the past in association with religion is HARDLY cause to justify its use.

there is no, repeat NO, biblical injunction against hallucinations.

anyone who claims that drug use is a sin is merely parroting something that 'someone' told them once.  drug abuse, on the other hand, is a form of gluttony.  the best example is "be ye not drunk with wine."  the use of alcohol, which is a CNS depressant, and a drug, is not prohibited.  overindulgence is.

And how does someone know when they have "overindulged"  on alcohol? Because they are drunk. Do people drop acid and do shrooms without getting high? DRUNKENNESS IS A SIN. The altered mental state brought about by drinking too much or being high IS A SIN.

Honestly, it is a total mystery to me how people can say with a straight face that Jesus has no problems with someone tripping out of their mind and claiming that it is His will for them to do it. Talk about turning the grace of Christ into licentiousness.

This is the EXACT same process people use to excuse all sorts of sin. They challenge the meaning of words trying to parse out as many exceptions as possible, and then claim that they are not specifically forbidden from doing what they wanted to do all along, even going so far as to refer to external sources to claim that it is approved of by God.


There is NO PRECEDENCE in scripture that paints being in a state of drunkenness or delirium as positive. WITHOUT EXCEPTION, drunkenness is shown as a sin and weakness in scripture. This is why CONTEXT is so important.

Link Posted: 2/15/2005 6:31:27 AM EDT

have fasted before, in fact for long periods of time. I never ONCE hallucinated.

A really good freind of mine went thru some hard times. He turned to his calvary church. He was told to fast for a week. He did indeed hallucinate. He would speak in tongues at the water heater in his basement. He told me he felt the precense of god near the water heater.

I went to a couple of church services at his invite. I was worried about losing a freind. And indeed I did. His pastor told him satan would tempt him thru his supposed freinds. And it was a test, from god.

Last time I heard from him he wanted to interest me in multi level marketing (amway) and he was going to become a faith healer.
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 6:34:49 AM EDT

... The altered mental state brought about by drinking too much or being high IS A SIN.

i'd ask you again for the biblical reference that states exactly this, but you and i both know that it does not exist.

prove me wrong.

give me chapter and verse that talks about an 'altered mental state'.

i'm off to a meeting now, but will check back this afternoon.

Link Posted: 2/15/2005 6:38:31 AM EDT
Got questions.com

Question:  "What does the Bible say about doing drugs?"

Answer:  The drugs that are in existence today either did not exist or were not common in Bible times.  As a result, the Bible does not address drug use.  The Bible does tell us to avoid anything that is harmful to our bodies (1 Corinthians 6:20) and to not get involved with anything that is addicting (1 Corinthians 6:12; 2 Peter 2:19).  Drugs fail both of these tests.  The Bible also tells us to obey the laws of the country we live in (Romans 13:1-4).  Drugs are illegal and therefore we should stay away from them for that reason alone, even if they were not also addicting and harmful to our health.  

Link Posted: 2/15/2005 6:40:41 AM EDT


... The altered mental state brought about by drinking too much or being high IS A SIN.

i'd ask you again for the biblical reference that states exactly this, but you and i both know that it does not exist.

prove me wrong.

give me chapter and verse that talks about an 'altered mental state'.

i'm off to a meeting now, but will check back this afternoon.


Is that what you dirty hippies call your opium dens these days?
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 6:41:23 AM EDT

A really good freind of mine went thru some hard times. He turned to his calvary church. He was told to fast for a week. He did indeed hallucinate. He would speak in tongues at the water heater in his basement. He told me he felt the precense of god near the water heater.

The point of fasting is not to hallucinate. And most who fast (myself included) never have a hallucenogenic experience from it.

My time is spent in prayer and reading the word when I do my monthly fasts. The heavens do sometimes open, but it is a spiritual thing and there are no natural manifestations of this to my eyes.

When fasting, one of the benefits is that toxins come out of your system as your body has a chance to do some spring cleaning. Depending on what is in your system, sometimes these toxins can cause symptoms like headaches and dizzyness (that and the low blood sugar), but I have never heard of anyone actually hallucinating on a 7 day fast.

Speaking in tongues, BTW, is not a sign of hallucination.

I went to a couple of church services at his invite. I was worried about losing a freind. And indeed I did. His pastor told him satan would tempt him thru his supposed freinds. And it was a test, from god.

Often old relationships aren't the healthiest for us, and we do have to give some people up to come to Christ, especially if those people are drug users and the like. Our old friends were often made around our old sins, and we are not supposed to do those things any more.

Last time I heard from him he wanted to interest me in multi level marketing (amway) and he was going to become a faith healer.

You don't "become" a faith healer. God responds to the prayer of faith to heal the sick, but you don't "become" a healer when you pray. It isn't like "becoming" a police officer or accountant. And Amway sure as heck makes me wonder...

Not everything or everyone that claims to be Christian genuinely is. That's why we NEED THE BIBLE to be able to tell the genuine from the false....
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 6:43:30 AM EDT


... The altered mental state brought about by drinking too much or being high IS A SIN.

i'd ask you again for the biblical reference that states exactly this, but you and i both know that it does not exist.

prove me wrong.

give me chapter and verse that talks about an 'altered mental state'.

i'm off to a meeting now, but will check back this afternoon.

Try reading my previous posts. I quoted a couple of NT verses that deal with drunkenness. And if you get all torqued off about "translational error" or some such crap, I can whip out the Greek lexicon and we can go over it again.

You won't find much help in the greek....
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 6:45:50 AM EDT

Got questions.com

Question:  "What does the Bible say about doing drugs?"

Answer:  The drugs that are in existence today either did not exist or were not common in Bible times.  As a result, the Bible does not address drug use.  The Bible does tell us to avoid anything that is harmful to our bodies (1 Corinthians 6:20) and to not get involved with anything that is addicting (1 Corinthians 6:12; 2 Peter 2:19).  Drugs fail both of these tests.  The Bible also tells us to obey the laws of the country we live in (Romans 13:1-4).  Drugs are illegal and therefore we should stay away from them for that reason alone, even if they were not also addicting and harmful to our health.  

Close, but the Bible DOES address drug use. The rest of the stuff is pretty standard doctrine.
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 6:46:46 AM EDT
I do not want to be controversial.
I do  not want to be a troll
I do not want to attack your beliefs
Im done with this thread. Not becuase i oppose your views. Or you win or anything
Other than really truthfully im not here for conflict. I enjoy good conversation but i feel like this could turn into a repeat of yesterday. Where people call em a troll or accuse me of being cyanide
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 6:51:39 AM EDT
Dun nunu nu nu nu nunna nunna BATMAN, I mean LEADER! I love the leader.<homer Simpson>

Link Posted: 2/15/2005 6:56:48 AM EDT

I can advocate for abortion and murder using my translations from the bible.

Really? I can argue that Christianity is utterly false from the Bible. Watch!

"our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty. 15Yes, and we are found false witnesses of God, because we have testified of God that He raised up Christ, whom He did not raise up"

1st Corinthians 15


Ah, but there is a snag, you see. I took that little chunk OUT OF CONTEXT. When I give the FULL CONTEXT then it changes things:

"2Now if Christ is preached that He has been raised from the dead, how do some among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? 13But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not risen. 14And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty. 15Yes, and we are found false witnesses of God, because we have testified of God that He raised up Christ, whom He did not raise up--if in fact the dead do not rise. 16For if the dead do not rise, then Christ is not risen. 17And if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins! 18Then also those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. 19If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable.

   20But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. 21For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. 22For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive."


Are your justifications really systematic theology of the Bible, or are they just attempts to grab snippets of scripture to justify whatever point or behavior you want to make?

I can use the bible as a source for intolerant views

The Bible is full of intolerant views. It does not tolerate sin at all. Jesus wasn't a very tolerant guy, you know. He tended to demand a lot of people.

I can use the bible to justify owning slaves

Do you mean slaves for life, or indentured servants? Because servants in Jesus' day were more analogous to contract employees today.

I can also carve out a bible and keep a pistol in it

What's your point with that one?
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 6:57:20 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 6:58:14 AM EDT

Dun nunu nu nu nu nunna nunna BATMAN, I mean LEADER! I love the leader.<homer Simpson>


That was a funny episode.


You think we can get 20 pages out of this?
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 7:04:08 AM EDT


Dun nunu nu nu nu nunna nunna BATMAN, I mean LEADER! I love the leader.<homer Simpson>


That was a funny episode.


You think we can get 20 pages out of this?

it was on a few nights ago, yeah, one of the better ones too

20 pages easy at this rate.

Link Posted: 2/15/2005 7:06:15 AM EDT
Monks do it all the time.  I think they use Ketamine
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 7:06:25 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 7:39:35 AM EDT

No. I don't.

My, that was easy enough to say, and yet you cannot disprove it, at all!


ETH Tactic... Here we go:

Yes you do!

Originally posted by Eric The Hun:
Gee, I only got 359,000 'hits'!  But when I googled 'Christian' + 'charity', I got 1,920,000 hits!



Muslim Charities 1,100,000

proportionally that is larger......


And since it's very, very likely that these 'Christian' charities are in the business of helping children and victims in predominately Buddhist communities, then I say those Buddhists need to get their squatting azzes in gear!

Ahh yes because there are no starving Christians... Cause after all the lord will provide right?

Good grief!

Put the crack pipe down, Son!

A 'child molester' is automatically not someone of 'good moral character', is he or she not?

Why would you think that anyone is thinking that he is 'of good moral character'?

Son, your arguments are beginning to get really silly, now.

Shape up!

Metaphorically speaking, of course!

I asked you specifically:

So are you saying moral character=belief in your God?

You said:


So by YOUR definition a child molester who believes in YOUR external god is a person of moral character.

Hey its your "silliness" not mine brother.

No way. If you wish to make it personal, then so be it. I would rather keep it impersonal, just because we are likely to be discussing politics on another thread.

So now after you attack my intelligence, my mental health, my child rearing skills, ad nauseum you tell me you don't want to make it personal?

Puleese..... You missed that target completley.....

But don't worry. I find your zealotry amusing. I don't take what I hear on the Internets personally....

That is, of course, your decision.

There will be sufficient time for your children to be taught of Jesus by others.

Maybe their own grandparents will seek to take this upon themselves!

Better watch our for your parents now!

They may be slipping some Gospel to them young'uns!  

Survey says:

I thought you did not want to make this personal. I personally believe for a man to be of moral character they should be honest. How about you?

Have you told your own parents to keep their mouths shut about Jesus?

Oh yeah, Especcially after Bernie Kerrick (my neighbor) got busted with his Jesus..... neither of our Jesus had their green card. I only let Jesus do my yard work at night now....

Not to take your children to Easter Services?

Give em easter baskets, tell em about the bunny, and let them engage in the pagan ritual of painting eggs and hunting them.

We celebrate the spring Goddess Eostre and her wonderful mythology.

We also talk of the meaning of the myth of the resurection and what it means.

Not to take them to Confirmation? Cathechism classes? Sunday School classes?

You mean indoctrinate them as Soldiers of God? No not in the least. Let those holy men fight thier holy wars.

Wow, it really must be great around Christmas time.

It is. Its wonderful. We even put up a Christmas tree like our pagan brothers did many moons ago


Yes, indeed. I truly think they do.

But not to worry, such illness can be overcome.

I am a good example of someone who has been healed of such.

If your an example of the cure I prefer the disease my friend!

Indeed, and if you do NOT teach your children about Jesus, then others will teach them of someone.

And he will likely NOT be Jesus!

*Gasp* oh no! who then will he be? Perhaps they will find the kingdom right where it is! within!

I could also go back and quote your attacks on my intelligence, comprehension, etc. But that would be rather boring......

Or your attacks on mine, etc., which would be equally boring, eh?

I only counterpunch chief.

Oh good!

Then you can point out the 'Sermon on the Mount' given by Zarathustra, eh?

Let's see it!

Let me contact the local freemason lodge and ask them.... Meanwhile you can chew on this

Again, this is pure speculation and is admitted as such by those who offer it up.

Notice how they contrast the two communions. IF the Mithratic rite preceded Christianity, why contrast it?

This is weak, indeed.

Weak when you look at this as literal instead of myth. But when you put the two myths together along with thier predecessors certain similarities are to obvious to ignore.

Well, since I cannot find a 'Mithric' congregation in the Dallas Phone Directory, this is one myth that seems to have expired with exceeding ease!

Tell you what, let's 'google' Mithric + charities!

Aw, shiite!

Just 12 hits, and none of them reflecting a site that collects funds for the relief of the poor and oppressed by anyone named 'Mithras.'

Sounds pretty dead to me. Just another dead myth. Like so many others.

SOme myths are more powerful than others. You are correct, Eric.

Perhaps you should ask your Mason brothers.. OOPS

Now, why would I ask any of my Masonic Brothers about anything so remote from what we believe, as Mithraism?

Not according to my link. Perhaps you should read it....

Link Posted: 2/15/2005 7:42:24 AM EDT

'Disprove' what?

That some fellow can write about something that he knows nothing about?


Eric The(EternallyChasingTail)Hun

You do it all the time.
Link Posted: 2/15/2005 7:45:37 AM EDT
Kinda of ot
does anyone remember the missionarys in afghanistan being held prisoner for proselytising?
Got what a bunch of ignorant sluts.
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