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Link Posted: 9/18/2015 7:43:35 PM EDT
One of these is a a potentially deadly device that requires a police investigation / arrest / suspension. QUICK, which one?

I like this pic though. REAL suitcase bomb vs Ahmeds:

Link Posted: 9/18/2015 7:54:51 PM EDT
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One of these is a a potentially deadly device that requires a police investigation / arrest / suspension. QUICK, which one?



I like this pic though. REAL suitcase bomb vs Ahmeds:

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Obviously everyone involved with the clock was racist.
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 7:57:45 PM EDT
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The investigating officers will be laughed out of court.  Even with the extremely limited training I've received on arson and explosives I can tell what that thing is.  If he was consistent in representing it to faculty and students as a clock he cobbled together then there's no sin that I see.  

Now this is a bomb.  Get back to me when little Mohamed comes up with something like this....

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That's obviously a diving bell... or some sort of scientific apparatus.
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 8:00:23 PM EDT
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Completely irrelevant. It isn't the point how good or bad his project was. The point is the completely retarded over reaction that lead to an arrest.
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Assembling an AR is still more impressive than what this kid did.

Completely irrelevant. It isn't the point how good or bad his project was. The point is the completely retarded over reaction that lead to an arrest.

In the pictures i saw, the cops were black- so where does the racism come in?
For all we know the teacher/administrator(s) were black as well.
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 8:13:37 PM EDT
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Dude. This is fucking America. Want to live in some shit hole that puts people in prison for thought crime or their views, move to China.

The kid didn't nothing wrong. His treatment was bullshit. He was denied council or talking to his parents. This is another case of a school acting like retards.

Freedom is freedom and rights are right - even to people you don't like. Even people who DO commit crimes are afforded certain rights. THAT is what this country was founded on. We were founded on the principles of innocent until proven guilty. We were founded on the government not being able to unlawfully imprison you.

Some of you need to fucking put your feels and suspicions and your biases deep down inside and start embracing American values or get the fuck out.
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WE all know whats going on here.

Its all about making the US look paranoid about brown people.


Who cares if the device looked like Little Boy or Fat Man.

Its your fault RIGHT WINGERS!

Not all of GD knows that, half still think this kid is an innocent little angle who had no other motive.

Dude. This is fucking America. Want to live in some shit hole that puts people in prison for thought crime or their views, move to China.

The kid didn't nothing wrong. His treatment was bullshit. He was denied council or talking to his parents. This is another case of a school acting like retards.

Freedom is freedom and rights are right - even to people you don't like. Even people who DO commit crimes are afforded certain rights. THAT is what this country was founded on. We were founded on the principles of innocent until proven guilty. We were founded on the government not being able to unlawfully imprison you.

Some of you need to fucking put your feels and suspicions and your biases deep down inside and start embracing American values or get the fuck out.

What about his dad being a bullshitter extraordinaire ( see his aplication to run for president of Sudan), and a Muslim activist?
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 8:19:13 PM EDT
kid's a dick

father is a dick

Berry's a dick

POS clock looks like a bomb.
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 8:53:28 PM EDT
ITT: people who would have called the cops on the Aquateen Hunger Force signs in Boston.
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 9:15:48 PM EDT
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Bullshit argument. Where the fuck is he going to find those two things?
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If the Texas kid removes the buzzer and attaches a blasting cap and some x explosive what do you have.

Bullshit argument. Where the fuck is he going to find those two things?

Didn't the Muslim bombers of the Boston marathon use rocket igniters from walmart and emptied out fireworks?
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 9:24:34 PM EDT
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In the pictures i saw, the cops were black- so where does the racism come in?
For all we know the teacher/administrator(s) were black as well.
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Assembling an AR is still more impressive than what this kid did.

Completely irrelevant. It isn't the point how good or bad his project was. The point is the completely retarded over reaction that lead to an arrest.

In the pictures i saw, the cops were black- so where does the racism come in?
For all we know the teacher/administrator(s) were black as well.

Because the kid is muslim and did the little stunt right after 9/11
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 9:41:05 PM EDT
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So there you have it folks, Ahmed Mohamad did not invent, nor build a clock. He took apart an existing clock, and transplanted the guts into a pencil box, and claimed it was his own creation. It all seems really fishy to me.

If we accept the story about “inventing” an alarm clock is made up, as I think I’ve made a pretty good case for, it’s fair to wonder what other parts of the story might be made up, not reported factually by the media, or at least, exaggerated.

I refer back again to this YouTube video interview with Ahmed. He explains that he closed up the box with a piece of cord because he didn’t want it to look suspicious. I’m curious, why would “looking suspicious” have even crossed his mind before this whole event unfolded, if he was truly showing off a hobby project, something so innocuous as an alarm clock. Why did he choose a pencil box, one that looks like a miniature briefcase no less, as an enclosure for a clock? It’s awful hard to see the clock with the case closed. On the other hand, with the case open, it’s awful dangerous to have an exposed power transformer sitting near the snooze button (unless, perhaps his invention was to stop serial-snooze-button pressers by giving them a dangerous electrical shock!)
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 9:45:21 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 9:46:47 PM EDT
Muslims pull this shit every now and then.  Remember the flying imams incident?
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 9:48:14 PM EDT
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That's only for white male Christian home grown types of terrorists.
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 9:49:43 PM EDT
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One of these is a a potentially deadly device that requires a police investigation / arrest / suspension. QUICK, which one?



I like this pic though. REAL suitcase bomb vs Ahmeds:

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NOT a suitcase bomb. I believe it's controller for industrial demolitions. Never seen an IED with wiring looms.
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 10:42:16 PM EDT

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But to skeptics, something about the story stunk from the start — and the evidence is now mounting that the entire incident may have been a setup or hoax after all. First there is the fact that the place it occurred, Irving, TX, was recently in the news as the first city in America to bar Muslim Sharia Law (among all international law structures) from use, after Muslim "scholars” announced a "Sharia Tribunal” in January — sparking outrage among Americans.
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The Irving, TX anti-Sharia vote infuriated Muslims worldwide, making it perhaps a target for a setup.

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Then Breitbart revealed that Ahmed’s father Mohamed ElHassan Mohamed, is a well-known Muslim activist and rabble-rouser, taking on Koran-burner Terry Jones, and debating radical Islam-critic Robert Spencer — neither of which has been reported by the media.

This would tend to support the contention that the Ahmed clock incident was a "setup” or "lawsuit bait”— one backed up by this Tweet put out by Mohammed:

Then there was the bizarre behavior of Ahmed himself when he brought his "invention” to school. After he showed it to his engineering teacher…the teacher said it resembled a bomb, and asked him not to show it to any other teachers. But Ahmed then brought it into his English class, plugged it in, set an alarm to go off, and did not mention to the teacher who felt "threatened” by it that he already showed it to the engineering teacher, and to ask him about it…which could have easily resolved the security concerns.

Police described Ahmed as being "passive aggressive” in his answers to their questions, and didn’t have a "reasonable answer” as to what he was doing with the case. Was his behavior consistent with wanting to provoke a response by Irving authorities?

Now an engineer’s blog post on  may have exposed the entire incident as a setup or hoax once and for all.

The engineer asserts that the "boy genius” Ahmed didn’t "invent” anything at all. He merely took apart an existing clock from the 1970s, and inexplicably transplanted its guts into the large pencil case he picked up off Amazon.


Link Posted: 9/18/2015 10:46:44 PM EDT
Oh man it's different!
Quick put him in prison!
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:37:35 PM EDT
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In general, the clocks that we built as 19 and 20 year old college students were not terribly advanced. These were introductory labs. We got significantly more advanced as we got older, and for what it's worth we actually did make our own PCBs. That's probably cost-prohibitive for most "teens," but breadboards, EEPROMS, and small ICs are not. You can easily build a simple clock with things you can find at Radio Shack (or whatever alternative exists today).

That said, for a supposed "whiz kid" who's been contacted by MIT and invited to the White House, yes, I would damn well expect that he would be able to make something more impressive than that.
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My background is in computer engineering. At Penn State, that meant a good mix of computer science and electrical engineering.

In both my CE and EE labs, we built a lot of simple devices to help teach us about electronics in reality. CD players and clocks were among them.

I bring this up because the digital clocks that we would build - using various displays and drivers to teach you how to drive a clock with a counter, an FPGA, a microcontroller, whatever - looked NOTHING like what this kid made. You don't have a briefcase with wires sticking out of it.

There is zero chance that this was not done intentionally. This was engineered to look exactly like a bomb and get a reaction. This was done intentionally to make some sort of statement, most likely with the assistance of his radical father.

He even said that he "didn't think he would get this far." I wonder what that means? Almost like it was planned or something.

You mean the clocks you built in your engineering lab at Penn State didn't look like a clock that a 14 year old made?  <gasp>  

You either have very low expectations for your engineering program or very high expectations for a 14yo.  

In general, the clocks that we built as 19 and 20 year old college students were not terribly advanced. These were introductory labs. We got significantly more advanced as we got older, and for what it's worth we actually did make our own PCBs. That's probably cost-prohibitive for most "teens," but breadboards, EEPROMS, and small ICs are not. You can easily build a simple clock with things you can find at Radio Shack (or whatever alternative exists today).

That said, for a supposed "whiz kid" who's been contacted by MIT and invited to the White House, yes, I would damn well expect that he would be able to make something more impressive than that.

Yep. He took apart a clock and put the guts in a briefcase. (poorly, I might add) It even has the 9V backup battery plug dangling from the power distribution board. The only thing secured to the inside of the case is the LCD screen, all the other shit got left dangling to short out against other parts. (including a transformer with live 110V going to it once the clock id plugged in)  It doesn't take a lot of talent to do that.
Link Posted: 9/19/2015 2:32:35 AM EDT
Good writeup:


Officers said Ahmed was being “passive aggressive” in his answers to their questions, and didn’t have a “reasonable answer” as to what he was doing with the case. Investigators said the student told them that it was just a clock that he was messing around with. “We attempted to question the juvenile about what it was and he would simply only say it was a clock. He didn’t offer any explanation as to what it was for, why he created this device, why he brought it to school,” said James McLellan, Irving Police.

Here’s the statute Ahmed Mohammed authorities originally suspected Mohammed of violating (Texas Penal Code Section 46.08):

(a) A person commits an offense if the person knowingly manufactures, sells, purchases, transports, or possesses a hoax bomb with intent to use the hoax bomb to:

(1) make another believe that the hoax bomb is an explosive or incendiary device; or

(2) cause alarm or reaction of any type by an official of a public safety agency or volunteer agency organized to deal with emergencies.

(b) An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.
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Ahmed’s father, as Pamela Geller points out, is an anti-Islamophobia media gadfly. He routinely returns to Sudan to run for president; he has debated anti-Koran Florida pastor Terry Jones, partially in order to bring his children to Disneyworld. In 2011, the Washington Post wrote of him:

Elhassan, a native of the Sudan who is now an American citizen, likes to call himself a sheik. He wears a cleric’s flowing white robes and claims hundreds of followers throughout Egypt, Sudan and in the United States. But he is unknown as a scholar or holy man in the state he has called home for two decades. Religious leaders in Texas say they have never heard of Elhassan, including the imam at the mosque where he worships.
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Link Posted: 9/19/2015 3:09:27 AM EDT
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Racist writeup:


Officers said Ahmed was being “passive aggressive” in his answers to their questions, and didn’t have a “reasonable answer” as to what he was doing with the case. Investigators said the student told them that it was just a clock that he was messing around with. “We attempted to question the juvenile about what it was and he would simply only say it was a clock. He didn’t offer any explanation as to what it was for, why he created this device, why he brought it to school,” said James McLellan, Irving Police.

Here’s the statute Ahmed Mohammed authorities originally suspected Mohammed of violating (Texas Penal Code Section 46.08):

(a) A person commits an offense if the person knowingly manufactures, sells, purchases, transports, or possesses a hoax bomb with intent to use the hoax bomb to:

(1) make another believe that the hoax bomb is an explosive or incendiary device; or

(2) cause alarm or reaction of any type by an official of a public safety agency or volunteer agency organized to deal with emergencies.

(b) An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.

Ahmed’s father, as Pamela Geller points out, is an anti-Islamophobia media gadfly. He routinely returns to Sudan to run for president; he has debated anti-Koran Florida pastor Terry Jones, partially in order to bring his children to Disneyworld. In 2011, the Washington Post wrote of him:

Elhassan, a native of the Sudan who is now an American citizen, likes to call himself a sheik. He wears a cleric’s flowing white robes and claims hundreds of followers throughout Egypt, Sudan and in the United States. But he is unknown as a scholar or holy man in the state he has called home for two decades. Religious leaders in Texas say they have never heard of Elhassan, including the imam at the mosque where he worships.

Link Posted: 9/19/2015 3:32:33 AM EDT
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NOT a suitcase bomb. I believe it's controller for industrial demolitions. Never seen an IED with wiring looms.
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One of these is a a potentially deadly device that requires a police investigation / arrest / suspension. QUICK, which one?



I like this pic though. REAL suitcase bomb vs Ahmeds:


NOT a suitcase bomb. I believe it's controller for industrial demolitions. Never seen an IED with wiring looms.

This.  I'm tired of these stupid comparisons.  A firing switch is not a bomb.  In fact, for a bomb both if the pictures are waaay to busy.  Plus....you know...the whole no HE/detonator thing and all.....
Link Posted: 9/19/2015 4:02:09 AM EDT
So now any Muslim kid can bring a suspicious item to school with no problem....
Link Posted: 9/19/2015 4:45:46 AM EDT
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ITT: people who would have called the cops on the Aquateen Hunger Force signs in Boston.
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Worse. People who would have excused the arrest and charges of those who hung those signs long after they were deemed harmless.
Link Posted: 9/19/2015 5:04:41 AM EDT
"Meh" on the whole thing.
Link Posted: 9/19/2015 5:19:56 AM EDT
This is one of the derpier threads I've read here, embarrassing really.
Link Posted: 9/19/2015 5:21:51 AM EDT
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To me, it doesn't look like he designed or even "built" anything.

Looks like he stripped the guts (the circuit board, power supply and display) out of an alarm clock/radio and just placed them in a cheap storage box.
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That's exactly what he did and did a shitty job at that. They are making this kid look he invited a time machine. I bet his dad was up to this
Link Posted: 9/19/2015 5:26:29 AM EDT
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This is one of the derpier threads I've read here, embarrassing really.
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Link Posted: 9/19/2015 5:57:03 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/19/2015 6:00:31 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/19/2015 6:03:53 AM EDT
So the kid disassembled a regular clock and put it in a case. Will Obama tell him that he didn't build that?
Link Posted: 9/19/2015 6:13:12 AM EDT
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passive aggressive and no reasonable answer means the cops couldn't bully the kid into a false confession that the clock was a bomb.
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Oh no doubt about that..........still doesn't mean the kid isn't a fucking troublemaking asshole.
Link Posted: 9/19/2015 6:29:09 AM EDT
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So the kid disassembled a regular clock and put it in a case. Will Obama tell him that he didn't build that?
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I wonder if Obama will tell the kid "if you were a Christian you wouldn't be in the White House"?
Link Posted: 9/19/2015 6:51:05 AM EDT
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passive aggressive and no reasonable answer means the cops couldn't bully the kid into a false confession that the clock was a bomb.
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It means the kid wanted a reaction from the police and he got it.
Link Posted: 9/19/2015 7:37:34 AM EDT

What? I'm just carrying my lunch to school!!!

Link Posted: 9/19/2015 7:41:36 AM EDT
The 'clock' was not built by the kid, it is a Radioshak clock he took the shell off of and put into a pencil box from Amazon. He has no Wizard skills.

Reverse Engineering Ahmed Mohamed’s Clock

Link Posted: 9/19/2015 7:42:35 AM EDT
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Right. Well I will believe that when there is evidence. Others here are sure jet fuel can't melt steel beams.

Also if this was the case, the school's reaction was exactly what  they shouldn't have done. Had it been me, I would have held it till the end of day for disturbing the class for beeping.

NO ONE thought this was a bomb. They did they are the most irresponsible people on earth for not evacuating the school.

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Link Posted: 9/19/2015 7:48:08 AM EDT
Future terrorist.  Keep an eye on that little fucker.
Link Posted: 9/19/2015 7:51:15 AM EDT
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passive aggressive and no reasonable answer means the cops couldn't bully the kid into a false confession that the clock was a bomb.
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Good writeup:


Officers said Ahmed was being "passive aggressive” in his answers to their questions, and didn’t have a "reasonable answer” as to what he was doing with the case. Investigators said the student told them that it was just a clock that he was messing around with. "We attempted to question the juvenile about what it was and he would simply only say it was a clock. He didn’t offer any explanation as to what it was for, why he created this device, why he brought it to school,” said James McLellan, Irving Police.

Here’s the statute Ahmed Mohammed authorities originally suspected Mohammed of violating (Texas Penal Code Section 46.08):

(a) A person commits an offense if the person knowingly manufactures, sells, purchases, transports, or possesses a hoax bomb with intent to use the hoax bomb to:

(1) make another believe that the hoax bomb is an explosive or incendiary device; or

(2) cause alarm or reaction of any type by an official of a public safety agency or volunteer agency organized to deal with emergencies.

(b) An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.

Ahmed’s father, as Pamela Geller points out, is an anti-Islamophobia media gadfly. He routinely returns to Sudan to run for president; he has debated anti-Koran Florida pastor Terry Jones, partially in order to bring his children to Disneyworld. In 2011, the Washington Post wrote of him:

Elhassan, a native of the Sudan who is now an American citizen, likes to call himself a sheik. He wears a cleric’s flowing white robes and claims hundreds of followers throughout Egypt, Sudan and in the United States. But he is unknown as a scholar or holy man in the state he has called home for two decades. Religious leaders in Texas say they have never heard of Elhassan, including the imam at the mosque where he worships.

passive aggressive and no reasonable answer means the cops couldn't bully the kid into a false confession that the clock was a bomb.

Indeed. I fail to see how this "hoax bomb" legislation applies here.

If the argument is he wanted people to think it was a bomb, it isn't being made very well.
Link Posted: 9/19/2015 7:54:18 AM EDT
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Tinfoil on:
He did it so when they send real bombs are brought into our schools by minihadis, they won't be called in because of the big stink it made this time.
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Interesting speculation.
Link Posted: 9/19/2015 7:57:08 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/19/2015 9:38:37 AM EDT

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Interesting speculation.

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Tinfoil on:

He did it so when they send real bombs are brought into our schools by minihadis, they won't be called in because of the big stink it made this time.

Interesting speculation.

That was the first thing I said in the other thread I hope I'm wrong.

Link Posted: 9/19/2015 10:07:23 AM EDT
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Lol yeah that needy little kid stuck a clock in a pencil box because he wanted a half dozen cops to arrest him.  
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passive aggressive and no reasonable answer means the cops couldn't bully the kid into a false confession that the clock was a bomb.

It means the kid wanted a reaction from the police and he got it.
Lol yeah that needy little kid stuck a clock in a pencil box because he wanted a half dozen cops to arrest him.  

You have to consider the possibility given the family's background and pre-packaged media response. The police chief was interviewed yesterday and he politely stated the boy's story is not accurate about being prevented from calling his parents, searching his back pack, etc. Plus, he did not design a clock, he took a clock apart and brought it to school -- but for what purpose? He did not build it as claimed.

When police questioned the boy, WFAA reports, they said he was “passive aggressive” and didn’t give them a “reasonable answer” as to why he had brought his contraption to the school. “We attempted to question the juvenile about what it was and he would simply only say it was a clock. He didn’t offer any explanation as to what it was for, why he created this device, why he brought it to school,” said James McLellan of the Irving Police Department.

Father is high profile Muslim politician. Check.
Son brings suspicious device to school. Check.
Son and police story are different. Check.
Father has history of public anti-Muslim news. Check.


National media campaign with CAIR on Islamophobia immediately after incident? Check.

This entire thing was a Set Up for national media attention by a Muslim Politician with a history of attention seeking, IMHO.

ElHassan has been looking for publicity and chances to fight against “Islamophobia” for a considerable period. Now he has seized it, going so far as to claim his son was “tortured” by school and law enforcement officials.

Link Posted: 9/19/2015 10:27:54 AM EDT
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You have to consider the possibility given the family's background and pre-packaged media response. The police chief was interviewed yesterday and he politely stated the boy's story is not accurate about being prevented from calling his parents, searching his back pack, etc. Plus, he did not design a clock, he took a clock apart and brought it to school -- but for what purpose? He did not build it as claimed

Father is high profile Muslim politician. Check.
Son brings suspicious device to school. Check.
Son and police story are different. Check.
Father has history of public anti-Muslim news. Check.


National media campaign with CAIR on Islamophobia immediately after incident? Check.

This entire thing was a Set Up for national media attention by a Muslim Politician with a history of attention seeking, IMHO.

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It means the kid wanted a reaction from the police and he got it.
Lol yeah that needy little kid stuck a clock in a pencil box because he wanted a half dozen cops to arrest him.  

You have to consider the possibility given the family's background and pre-packaged media response. The police chief was interviewed yesterday and he politely stated the boy's story is not accurate about being prevented from calling his parents, searching his back pack, etc. Plus, he did not design a clock, he took a clock apart and brought it to school -- but for what purpose? He did not build it as claimed

Father is high profile Muslim politician. Check.
Son brings suspicious device to school. Check.
Son and police story are different. Check.
Father has history of public anti-Muslim news. Check.


National media campaign with CAIR on Islamophobia immediately after incident? Check.

This entire thing was a Set Up for national media attention by a Muslim Politician with a history of attention seeking, IMHO.

ElHassan has been looking for publicity and chances to fight against “Islamophobia” for a considerable period. Now he has seized it, going so far as to claim his son was “tortured” by school and law enforcement officials.

And absolutely none of that matters for jack or shit.
Link Posted: 9/19/2015 10:38:37 AM EDT
More evidence this was a Muslim tear jerker CAIR event.

Step By Step Proof This Is a Fraud

Link Posted: 9/19/2015 11:21:59 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/19/2015 11:23:06 AM EDT

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Didn't the Muslim bombers of the Boston marathon use rocket igniters from walmart and emptied out fireworks?
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If the Texas kid removes the buzzer and attaches a blasting cap and some x explosive what do you have.

Bullshit argument. Where the fuck is he going to find those two things?

Didn't the Muslim bombers of the Boston marathon use rocket igniters from walmart and emptied out fireworks?
Pretty much....


There are enough chemicals in the average American home that anyone can make a bomb.
Link Posted: 9/19/2015 11:39:52 AM EDT
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Most of this have something that looks like it could be an explosive. One in particular does not.
Link Posted: 9/19/2015 11:44:01 AM EDT
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This meme should be all over the news.
Link Posted: 9/19/2015 11:50:24 AM EDT
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Nerdy kid with NASA shirts is really junior Taliban who a squadron of cops could not get a confession out of. Lol
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Never should have banned water boarding.  
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