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Link Posted: 12/21/2020 3:22:34 PM EDT
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the Star Wars movies are the modern equivalent of Homeric tales and Greek myths that the culture uses to transmit civilizational values of good and evil, heroism and villainy, selfishness and sacrifice.

The Myceneans of 3500 years ago would have completely understood Darth Vader's choice at the end of ROTJ:  Obey his master and never find redemption, or save his son, find redemption, but die.
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Has anyone watched the reaction videos on YouTube? Genuine tears from grown men and women, it was honestly beautiful to see. That show really impacted normal fans. The men seemed more impacted by Luke and the women more impacted by the parting of Grogu from Din. However, I saw one generation Z lady cry  when seeing Luke. It’s amazing how much Star Wars resonates with people from multiple generations and walks of life.

Disney executives have no clue how important Luke was to the fan base until now. They’ve got something very powerful. People wanted to see real Luke so badly it was like he was Space Jesus or something. If Disney had treated Luke with that kind of respect they would have made conservatively three times as much money off the sequel trilogy.

the Star Wars movies are the modern equivalent of Homeric tales and Greek myths that the culture uses to transmit civilizational values of good and evil, heroism and villainy, selfishness and sacrifice.

The Myceneans of 3500 years ago would have completely understood Darth Vader's choice at the end of ROTJ:  Obey his master and never find redemption, or save his son, find redemption, but die.

And hence the problem with the sequel trilogy.

The first recorded oral epics and all recorded revolves around a cycle we are hardwired to understand and appreciate.
The setting, characters, era, etc. may change.  The order revealed, twists, variants, etc. all exist,
But without the basic components and arcs the stories fall flat, empty, and unsatisfying.
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 3:25:20 PM EDT
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Take out Baby Yoda and half the people who watch it will start to lose interest.
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Baby Yoda will not be a central character next season, but I bet he makes long distance force calls to check in on Mando (my prediction).
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 3:25:37 PM EDT
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Solo wasn't bad. It just suffered from bad timing on it's release. I watched it twice within the last year and watching it without being totally butthurt and shut down on star wars like I was after EP8 when it first came out; it is a pretty fun movie. I don't think it's as good as R1 is but it's not a total turd either.
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Solo is utter SJW bullshit. R1 was a good fit, and I enjoyed it. But I'd rather have 789 than Solo. Worst Star Wars movie ever.
Solo wasn't bad. It just suffered from bad timing on it's release. I watched it twice within the last year and watching it without being totally butthurt and shut down on star wars like I was after EP8 when it first came out; it is a pretty fun movie. I don't think it's as good as R1 is but it's not a total turd either.

The concept of a Solo movie was good.  People have been dying to see the Han and Chewie origin for forty years.

In the same way the sequel trilogy did not have what we wanted, but the Mandalorian did,
The Solo movie did not have what we wanted.
It just didn’t suck as bad as the equal trilogy.

Link Posted: 12/21/2020 3:32:45 PM EDT
I was glad to see Luke kick ass, as soon as they showed him I knew it was him, then the one glove sealed it.  

As someone who grew up and had a big chunk of his childhood wrapped around Star Wars, then despite their flaws enjoyed the prequels only to have everything they loved about the series annihilated by KK and the tripe that was the last three flicks seeing this made me happy.  Luke my childhood movie hero became a joke, along with Han and I pretty much checked out of Star Wars.  With all the options for SW I wish they  hadn't felt a need to do a reboot without rebooting and tear down most of what happened in the original trilogy in the process just so they could reset the SW universe to the same point.  So many stories but they decide to pretty much remake EP4 with a horrible lead, emo Vader, and a heavy helping of SJW.  And it just got worse from there.

Mando and Baby Yoda got me back.  At least for some SW, I'm not interested in Rey or any of those still.  But maybe I'll watch some of the upcoming and catch up on Clone Wars.
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 3:35:22 PM EDT
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Yes, the Baby Yoda story arc is complete. I don't think they pick that up again for Season 3.

In the coming years we have multiple series set in the same timeframe - Season 3, Boba Fett, Ashoka, and the Rangers of the New Republic (maybe others). I am reasonably certain that unbeknownst to us Disney is quietly developing a feature film that will end up with the protagonists and supporting characters from all of these series engaged in one massive conflict against - probably - Thrawn. I am also reasonably certain this will involve Luke - doesn't it have to? - and they're figuring out some way to get him in there with better deepfaking or recasting. Mandalorian is the start of the MCU-of-Star Wars. Take that to the bank.

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That would be an interesting way to bring in Tim Zhans' original Thrawn books into cannon.  

Rebels seemed to sneak some Heir to empire Easter eggs in like in thrawn'a office appeared to have art work of Ysalamir
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 3:44:01 PM EDT
I hope they get the actress that voiced Sabine to play the live action character.
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 3:44:09 PM EDT
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Yes, the Baby Yoda story arc is complete. I don't think they pick that up again for Season 3.

In the coming years we have multiple series set in the same timeframe - Season 3, Boba Fett, Ashoka, and the Rangers of the New Republic (maybe others). I am reasonably certain that unbeknownst to us Disney is quietly developing a feature film that will end up with the protagonists and supporting characters from all of these series engaged in one massive conflict against - probably - Thrawn. I am also reasonably certain this will involve Luke - doesn't it have to? - and they're figuring out some way to get him in there with better deepfaking or recasting. Mandalorian is the start of the MCU-of-Star Wars. Take that to the bank.

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Sebastian Stan...
Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 3:44:21 PM EDT
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I can't believe no one posted this yet.

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It was after the post-credits scene in (ex) Jaba's lair.
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 3:50:12 PM EDT
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Well... bye
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I finally saw the last episode and think I'm done with the series.

 My overall complaint stands that it's too neat,too tidy and absolutely nothing of consequence actually happens. It was entertaining enough to watch all of it but I don't care about the minor characters,especially when nothing is actually a big deal.



Well... bye
It's pretty much a western serial bouncing from town to town.  Nothing wrong with a popcorn Star Wars series, IMHO
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 3:52:43 PM EDT
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That would be an interesting way to bring in Tim Zhans' original Thrawn books into cannon.  
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Those will never be canon.  Zahn himself has rewritten Thrawn's story.  And objectively the rewrite is better than the original.  That trilogy was good when I was a kid, but they don't hold up well.
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 4:23:33 PM EDT
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I’m on book 3 of the first thrawn series.  Awesome read.  

Any other great reads? Hopefully some knights of the old republic?
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You talking original Thrawn Heir to The Empire or new Thrawn series from new canon?
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 4:54:38 PM EDT
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It was after the post-credits scene in (ex) Jaba's lair.
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In the post credit scene it didn't say it would be a standalone series.
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 4:55:38 PM EDT
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I hope they get the actress that voiced Sabine to play the live action character.
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I'm ok if they don't.

I think Moana messed up people into thinking the animated characters should look like the voice actor.
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 5:20:07 PM EDT
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In the post credit scene it didn't say it would be a standalone series.
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They've since clarified on social media that it'll be a spin-off, and won't take the place of next season of Mandalorian.
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 5:42:10 PM EDT
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I finally saw the last episode and think I’m done with the series.

 My overall complaint stands that it’s too neat,too tidy and absolutely nothing of consequence actually happens. It was entertaining enough to watch all of it but I don’t care about the minor characters,especially when nothing is actually a big deal.


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Screen name fits.
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 5:56:23 PM EDT
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They did more to destroy Han and Lando, and the Falcon in that movie than KK did in 789. That fucking ebonics robot whose sole reason to exist was "slavery bad" mmmk. That - and to turn lando into some sort of dude who would fuck anything. It was embarrassing.
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This EP of Mando was the best Star Wars since the Vader scene in Rogue one. R1 was a great SW movie. This EP is how SW movies should be made.

Anyone else thing we will see a Jedi Academy? Luke, Grogu, Kylo and a few others. Will Grogu escape Kylo's wrath?

They just need to do their own thing a pretend those shit movies do not exist.

I've never understood the hate for Rogue One or even Solo. They are EASILY superior to Episodes 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Solo was just fun entertainment in the SW universe, and Rogue One was a good movie that gave us a semi-legitimate reason for the weakness of the first Death Star (even though that doesn't really hold up to serious scrutiny...are we supposed to believe one engineer was completely responsible for the entire design with zero oversight?).

Anyway, I enjoy more SW that isn't total shit, but I really can't wait for them to be done sucking fanboi cock and give up on the Skywalker/Palpatine era and saga.

Lets go back to the Old Republic, or even the High Republic, and tell some original tales with completely new characters we can all grow to love/hate and argue about.

Solo is utter SJW bullshit. R1 was a good fit, and I enjoyed it. But I'd rather have 789 than Solo. Worst Star Wars movie ever.

The fact you call Solo utter SJW bullshit then say you’d rather have 789 means you clearly have no idea what the fuck you’re saying.


They did more to destroy Han and Lando, and the Falcon in that movie than KK did in 789. That fucking ebonics robot whose sole reason to exist was "slavery bad" mmmk. That - and to turn lando into some sort of dude who would fuck anything. It was embarrassing.

Ebonics robot?

You sound like one of those people who think "Blazing Saddles" is racist, you can't tell the difference between something made the butt of the joke and an agenda being pushed. And, you don't seem to know what ebonics is.

Link Posted: 12/21/2020 6:32:15 PM EDT
The funniest part is that the Ebonics robot was played by a white British actress.
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 6:34:09 PM EDT
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The funniest part is that the Ebonics robot was played by a white British actress.
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I don't think that word means what you think it means.
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 6:38:59 PM EDT
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The funniest part is that the Ebonics robot was played by a white British actress.
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That might explain the British accent.

Link Posted: 12/21/2020 6:47:08 PM EDT
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The concept of a Solo movie was good.  People have been dying to see the Han and Chewie origin for forty years.

In the same way the sequel trilogy did not have what we wanted, but the Mandalorian did,
The Solo movie did not have what we wanted.
It just didn't suck as bad as the equal trilogy.

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In concept it was great.  In execution it was an utter disaster.  Han is a classic anti-hero.  What we need from a Han Solo origin story is an explanation of how he became the disillusioned cynic we see at the beginning of A New Hope.  We didn't get that.  Instead we got basically a bad heist movie with no character development.  We still have no explanation of how Han from Solo becomes Han from A New Hope.

By contrast, For A Few Dollars More, did it well.  Throughout the movie, we get flashbacks of El Indio raping and murdering Colonel Mortimer's (Lee Van Cleef) sister.  So when this scene happens, it has emotional impact because we sympathize with Mortimer because we understand how he became the remorseless bounty hunter that he is in the movie.  

For a Few Dollars More - Final Duel (1965 HD)

Link Posted: 12/21/2020 7:07:31 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 7:31:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 8:13:59 PM EDT
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What's to prevent Luke and Ahsoka from partnering up to go after Thrawn?
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The writers.

Not sure if this is true, but I read there’s a Luke Skywalker series coming out.
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 8:45:19 PM EDT
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In concept it was great.  In execution it was an utter disaster.  Han is a classic anti-hero.  What we need from a Han Solo origin story is an explanation of how he became the disillusioned cynic we see at the beginning of A New Hope.  We didn't get that.  Instead we got basically a bad heist movie with no character development.  We still have no explanation of how Han from Solo becomes Han from A New Hope.

By contrast, For A Few Dollars More, did it well.  Throughout the movie, we get flashbacks of El Indio raping and murdering Colonel Mortimer's (Lee Van Cleef) sister.  So when this scene happens, it has emotional impact because we sympathize with Mortimer because we understand how he became the remorseless bounty hunter that he is in the movie.  

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This is a quality post...bravo.
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 8:47:01 PM EDT
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No. I was working my way through TCW but stopped.
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It's worth watching to the end.  Some episodes, like the one with the silly 'stache-twirling European villain with the virus was one of the worst-of-Saturday-morning-cartoon hokiness I've ever seen from a show that was not supposed to be a Saturday morning cartoon, and other episodes that were also bad, it does get good, and the last several episodes are pretty much right up there with Mandalorian.

Honestly I quite often felt like I was pushing myself from behind trying to finish the show.  I heard it was really good, but some of the episodes made me think that there was no way this would really be good.  But from advice from others I persevered, and I feel that it was worth it.  It was pretty darned decent.
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 8:53:12 PM EDT
So with Robert Rodriguez taking a seemingly more active role in The Book of Boba Fett, any bets on how long it will be before we get an episode directed by Tarantino?

Link Posted: 12/21/2020 9:19:32 PM EDT
I would guess Hera and Leia would make cameos in the ranger series as they are both new republic command.
Hera's son might be in Lukes jedi temple with Groku.

Ezra might be years out IMHO.

Sabine im sure will be Mando season 3 before she leaves with Ahsoka season 1.

Hondo, Chewie, Solo and Lando might all be in Lando show.

Link Posted: 12/21/2020 9:20:23 PM EDT
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Yes, the Baby Yoda story arc is complete. I don't think they pick that up again for Season 3.

In the coming years we have multiple series set in the same timeframe - Season 3, Boba Fett, Ashoka, and the Rangers of the New Republic (maybe others). I am reasonably certain that unbeknownst to us Disney is quietly developing a feature film that will end up with the protagonists and supporting characters from all of these series engaged in one massive conflict against - probably - Thrawn. I am also reasonably certain this will involve Luke - doesn't it have to? - and they're figuring out some way to get him in there with better deepfaking or recasting. Mandalorian is the start of the MCU-of-Star Wars. Take that to the bank.

Also...Baby Yoda. Disney was smart to plant this seed. It's not likely he'll be at the Academy 20 years later (I mean criminy, how long does Luke have to look after the kid anyway?) when Kylo Ren sacks the place. But at some point there will undoubtedly be a series or movie set in the far-flung future (100 or 200 years, even) and he'll be there.

You haven't seen the last of any of these characters.

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The show built two seasons on the foundation of the unlikely pairing of Din and Grogu.  The story arc is essentially completed with Grogu gone with Luke for training.  I don't know where they will go from here, unless something happens for Grogu to need picked back up by the Mandalorian.  We see neither Grogu or Din in the The Force Awakens, or hear anything about them.  I think it's going to take some good writing to make a third season to compare to the "lightning in the bottle" the first two ended up.  Or maybe it might create something to fill the space with between 6 and 7.

Yes, the Baby Yoda story arc is complete. I don't think they pick that up again for Season 3.

In the coming years we have multiple series set in the same timeframe - Season 3, Boba Fett, Ashoka, and the Rangers of the New Republic (maybe others). I am reasonably certain that unbeknownst to us Disney is quietly developing a feature film that will end up with the protagonists and supporting characters from all of these series engaged in one massive conflict against - probably - Thrawn. I am also reasonably certain this will involve Luke - doesn't it have to? - and they're figuring out some way to get him in there with better deepfaking or recasting. Mandalorian is the start of the MCU-of-Star Wars. Take that to the bank.

Also...Baby Yoda. Disney was smart to plant this seed. It's not likely he'll be at the Academy 20 years later (I mean criminy, how long does Luke have to look after the kid anyway?) when Kylo Ren sacks the place. But at some point there will undoubtedly be a series or movie set in the far-flung future (100 or 200 years, even) and he'll be there.

You haven't seen the last of any of these characters.

Yeah, I suspect it's the Iron Beskar Man of the Star Wars franchise. Started out testing the waters to see if audiences would enjoy it, realized it's a cash cow.
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 9:27:39 PM EDT
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So with Robert Rodriguez taking a seemingly more active role in The Book of Boba Fett, any bets on how long it will be before we get an episode directed by Tarantino?

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Good chance i say.
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 10:17:28 PM EDT
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Those will never be canon.  Zahn himself has rewritten Thrawn's story.  And objectively the rewrite is better than the original.  That trilogy was good when I was a kid, but they don't hold up well.
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I didn't realize he re-wrote the story.
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 10:49:22 PM EDT
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The writers.

Not sure if this is true, but I read there’s a Luke Skywalker series coming out.
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What's to prevent Luke and Ahsoka from partnering up to go after Thrawn?

The writers.

Not sure if this is true, but I read there’s a Luke Skywalker series coming out.

Heard the same. Mara Jade’s name was dropped as a character in that series as well. Remains to be seen if the intel is good.
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 10:56:00 PM EDT
Questions about the final episode:

1) How could Mando be ignorant of the Darksaber’s role in Mandalorian lore?

2) How did Bib Fortuna escape Jabba’s yacht destruction?

3) Luke flew in his Jedi outfit? Every other time he’s been in an X-Wing, he’s been in the orange pilot suit. This includes post-Jabba’s Palace battle.

4) Which RotJ outfit was Luke wearing? It looks like the one from Jabba’s Palace. Black Jedi robes. On Death Star 2.0 he has a different black outfit on and it isn’t Jedi robes. I guess he combined the belt from Death Star 2.0 outfit with Jabba’s Palace outfit. I suppose that makes sense because he entered Jabba’s Palace under the guise of being unarmed and had to stick his lightsaber in his cloth belt when he jumped from the skiff to the barge.

5) I know Grogu is small, but is he going to sit in Luke’s lap on the X-Wing ride out of there? Not much room in an X-Wing’s cockpit.

6) Why didn’t Luke’s X-Wing’s ladder get screen time?

7) Moff Gideon proceeds to try to blast Grogu away. Mando’s armor takes the shots. Cara and the other non-Mandalorian woman draw on Gideon and tell him to drop it. He moves to suicide himself under the chin but Cara disarms him. Why didn’t he just keep blasting to get his wish?

8) Would Luke not have gotten his hand repaired post Endor? If 2-1B can install it once, certainly he can patch a little missing fake skin.

9) 5 years post Endor and Luke is still wearing black. In RotJ, supposedly that was because Luke was in conflict and being strongly tempted by the Dark Side. Luke resisted the Emperor and the temptation, he embraced the Light Side. Shouldn’t he have been in white robes like Kenobi in all the movies?
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 11:06:03 PM EDT
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So with Robert Rodriguez taking a seemingly more active role in The Book of Boba Fett, any bets on how long it will be before we get an episode directed by Tarantino?

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Incoming twi'lek foot scene
Link Posted: 12/21/2020 11:18:29 PM EDT
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In concept it was great.  In execution it was an utter disaster.  Han is a classic anti-hero.  What we need from a Han Solo origin story is an explanation of how he became the disillusioned cynic we see at the beginning of A New Hope.  We didn't get that.  Instead we got basically a bad heist movie with no character development.  We still have no explanation of how Han from Solo becomes Han from A New Hope.

By contrast, For A Few Dollars More, did it well.  Throughout the movie, we get flashbacks of El Indio raping and murdering Colonel Mortimer's (Lee Van Cleef) sister.  So when this scene happens, it has emotional impact because we sympathize with Mortimer because we understand how he became the remorseless bounty hunter that he is in the movie.  

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Solo was going to be a shit show as soon as KK hired the guys from The Lego Movie to direct. While The Lego Movie is a hoot and well written it borrows way to much from pop culture and other movies.

It wouldn't be hard to write a Solo story but somehow they failed.

Then Ron had to come in and cobble together something resembling a story and hoped it would take a big Bantha shit in the theater...
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 12:06:13 AM EDT
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Those will never be canon.  Zahn himself has rewritten Thrawn's story.  And objectively the rewrite is better than the original.  That trilogy was good when I was a kid, but they don't hold up well.
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I just recently read the new thrawn books.

They are terrible. Every character is a two dimensional caricature, countless completely pointless subplots, hamfisted and stilted dialogue. Many surrounding characters/badguys acting outright insane or legally retarded to make thrawns "tactical genius" wins over them look clever.

Those thrawn books suck.

I should temper that. Compared to Heinlein, Asimov, Tolkien, etc the thrawn books blow goats. I'm sure some wars fanboys will like them. Just don't go into it expecting a legitimate sci-fi/fantasy book.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 12:41:36 AM EDT
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There's a lot of "throwaway" episodes, but even in those there's usually some form of plot/character development for the overall series. Skipping them just leads to confusion. If you really can't be bothered to sit through a 20-minute episode that you don't really think you like a few times a season, how do you get through ANY SHOW on modern media today? If you like every single episode of a series, it probably means every single episode of a series is exactly the same.
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Well so far I’ve gotten through 18 episodes and it’s been six hours of

I don’t expect to like every episode but at some point I hope I start liking it. If there is general consensus about what’s really key and what’s truly enjoyable, I’d risk missing a little plot development that likely won’t mean much to me anyway. I don’t revel in the minutiae like many. Not a super fan, just looking for some entertainment.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 12:42:58 AM EDT
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Heard the same. Mara Jade’s name was dropped as a character in that series as well. Remains to be seen if the intel is good.
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What's to prevent Luke and Ahsoka from partnering up to go after Thrawn?

The writers.

Not sure if this is true, but I read there’s a Luke Skywalker series coming out.

Heard the same. Mara Jade’s name was dropped as a character in that series as well. Remains to be seen if the intel is good.

I saw something on the newsfeed tonight, that, yes. You have not seen the last of Luke Skywalker. Thats from an interview with Favreau. So, expect more. Cash cow.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 12:43:47 AM EDT
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Questions about the final episode:

1) How could Mando be ignorant of the Darksaber’s role in Mandalorian lore?

2) How did Bib Fortuna escape Jabba’s yacht destruction?

3) Luke flew in his Jedi outfit? Every other time he’s been in an X-Wing, he’s been in the orange pilot suit. This includes post-Jabba’s Palace battle.

4) Which RotJ outfit was Luke wearing? It looks like the one from Jabba’s Palace. Black Jedi robes. On Death Star 2.0 he has a different black outfit on and it isn’t Jedi robes. I guess he combined the belt from Death Star 2.0 outfit with Jabba’s Palace outfit. I suppose that makes sense because he entered Jabba’s Palace under the guise of being unarmed and had to stick his lightsaber in his cloth belt when he jumped from the skiff to the barge.

5) I know Grogu is small, but is he going to sit in Luke’s lap on the X-Wing ride out of there? Not much room in an X-Wing’s cockpit.

6) Why didn’t Luke’s X-Wing’s ladder get screen time?

7) Moff Gideon proceeds to try to blast Grogu away. Mando’s armor takes the shots. Cara and the other non-Mandalorian woman draw on Gideon and tell him to drop it. He moves to suicide himself under the chin but Cara disarms him. Why didn’t he just keep blasting to get his wish?

8) Would Luke not have gotten his hand repaired post Endor? If 2-1B can install it once, certainly he can patch a little missing fake skin.

9) 5 years post Endor and Luke is still wearing black. In RotJ, supposedly that was because Luke was in conflict and being strongly tempted by the Dark Side. Luke resisted the Emperor and the temptation, he embraced the Light Side. Shouldn’t he have been in white robes like Kenobi in all the movies?
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Bringing logic into this discussion and pointing out glaring plot holes and bad writing won't go well in this fanboi thread. Trust me. I tried.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 12:55:05 AM EDT
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Well so far I’ve gotten through 18 episodes and it’s been six hours of

I don’t expect to like every episode but at some point I hope I start liking it. If there is general consensus about what’s really key and what’s truly enjoyable, I’d risk missing a little plot development that likely won’t mean much to me anyway. I don’t revel in the minutiae like many. Not a super fan, just looking for some entertainment.
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There's a lot of "throwaway" episodes, but even in those there's usually some form of plot/character development for the overall series. Skipping them just leads to confusion. If you really can't be bothered to sit through a 20-minute episode that you don't really think you like a few times a season, how do you get through ANY SHOW on modern media today? If you like every single episode of a series, it probably means every single episode of a series is exactly the same.

Well so far I’ve gotten through 18 episodes and it’s been six hours of

I don’t expect to like every episode but at some point I hope I start liking it. If there is general consensus about what’s really key and what’s truly enjoyable, I’d risk missing a little plot development that likely won’t mean much to me anyway. I don’t revel in the minutiae like many. Not a super fan, just looking for some entertainment.

Skip to season 3 for a change of tone if you don't care about the details.  Season 3 focuses more on the Clones, and several of the badguys get more screentime and episodes to themselves.  Season 4 onward gets even better as it goes, but 3 really sets everything up.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 12:58:51 AM EDT
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Skip to season 3 for a change of tone if you don't care about the details.  Season 3 focuses more on the Clones, and several of the badguys get more screentime and episodes to themselves.  Season 4 onward gets even better as it goes, but 3 really sets everything up.
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Thank you. I’ll try to power on, but if it is insufferable I’ll take your advice. I’ve got two weeks off coming up.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 1:07:02 AM EDT
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Thank you. I’ll try to power on, but if it is insufferable I’ll take your advice. I’ve got two weeks off coming up.
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Skip to season 3 for a change of tone if you don't care about the details.  Season 3 focuses more on the Clones, and several of the badguys get more screentime and episodes to themselves.  Season 4 onward gets even better as it goes, but 3 really sets everything up.

Thank you. I’ll try to power on, but if it is insufferable I’ll take your advice. I’ve got two weeks off coming up.

I put it off for years because I thought it was for kids.  I started watching after Ahsoka showed up on Mandalorian and people here recommended it.  

Some of the early episodes are pretty juvenile and I was worried the whole series would be that way.  It gets substantially darker in seasons 3 and 4.  By the time I got to season 5 I was going to bed late every night because I couldn't stop watching it.  Season 7 is some of the best Star Wars ever made, I just finished it Saturday.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 2:34:43 AM EDT
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Questions about the final episode:

1) How could Mando be ignorant of the Darksaber's role in Mandalorian lore?

2) How did Bib Fortuna escape Jabba's yacht destruction?

3) Luke flew in his Jedi outfit? Every other time he's been in an X-Wing, he's been in the orange pilot suit. This includes post-Jabba's Palace battle.

4) Which RotJ outfit was Luke wearing? It looks like the one from Jabba's Palace. Black Jedi robes. On Death Star 2.0 he has a different black outfit on and it isn't Jedi robes. I guess he combined the belt from Death Star 2.0 outfit with Jabba's Palace outfit. I suppose that makes sense because he entered Jabba's Palace under the guise of being unarmed and had to stick his lightsaber in his cloth belt when he jumped from the skiff to the barge.

5) I know Grogu is small, but is he going to sit in Luke's lap on the X-Wing ride out of there? Not much room in an X-Wing's cockpit.

6) Why didn't Luke's X-Wing's ladder get screen time?

7) Moff Gideon proceeds to try to blast Grogu away. Mando's armor takes the shots. Cara and the other non-Mandalorian woman draw on Gideon and tell him to drop it. He moves to suicide himself under the chin but Cara disarms him. Why didn't he just keep blasting to get his wish?

8) Would Luke not have gotten his hand repaired post Endor? If 2-1B can install it once, certainly he can patch a little missing fake skin.

9) 5 years post Endor and Luke is still wearing black. In RotJ, supposedly that was because Luke was in conflict and being strongly tempted by the Dark Side. Luke resisted the Emperor and the temptation, he embraced the Light Side. Shouldn't he have been in white robes like Kenobi in all the movies?
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1. Seems like he was part of a fundamentalist Mando sect.  Darksaber may not be part of the lore they consider important.  The original Mandalore the Great was before the Darksaber period (by centuries IIRC).
2. Well, it's more believable than Boba surviving the Sarlac.  
3. Dramatic presentation.  
4. If they follow Legends, the new Jedi weren't so strict on the uniform.
5. Yes.  Hyperspace must be real fast, because Star Wars ships don't really seem to believe in toilets or comfortable beds.  Din's ship was the first ever toilet in a Star Wars ship.  Thousands of years of backstory and no poopers.
6. Saving it for the spinoff.  You don't use all your best bits in a cameo.
7. If you've spent your life surrounded by Storm Troopers, you don't trust suicide by cop.
8. In order to get Space-surgery you also have to get Space-COVID vaccine.  
9. See point 4.  Also, a big fuck you to Luke's portrayal in the JJ/Rian trilogy.  Deliberate "This is the guy you loved as you wanted to see him."
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 3:42:28 AM EDT
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5. Yes.  Hyperspace must be real fast, because Star Wars ships don't really seem to believe in toilets or comfortable beds.  Din's ship was the first ever toilet in a Star Wars ship.  Thousands of years of backstory and no poopers.
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Untrue. If you dig deep...and I mean really dig into Legends, I've found schematics for ships that included a toilet area.



9. Refresher:

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Link Posted: 12/22/2020 4:26:23 AM EDT
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7. If you've spent your life surrounded by Storm Troopers, you don't trust suicide by cop.
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Link Posted: 12/22/2020 4:27:44 AM EDT
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No, just a man on a mission.

There’s a story on how he took it from Bo-Katan we’ve not been told yet.

I’m guessing it happened during “the purge.”
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So, was Moff Gideon NOT a sith lord?  He just culturally appropriated the Mandalore dark saber?

No, just a man on a mission.

There’s a story on how he took it from Bo-Katan we’ve not been told yet.

I’m guessing it happened during “the purge.”

I'll be damned, thanks!

If it wasn't for you guys, I'd be so lost in the sauce on the characters and timelines.  The back stories on all this shit is frigging amazing!
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 4:51:09 AM EDT
Since we’re going to Disney for a quick birthday trip and I couldn’t sleep, I ordered the first and last masks I will ever order.

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Link Posted: 12/22/2020 5:53:07 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 6:13:18 AM EDT
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I finally saw the last episode and think I’m done with the series.

 My overall complaint stands that it’s too neat,too tidy and absolutely nothing of consequence actually happens. It was entertaining enough to watch all of it but I don’t care about the minor characters,especially when nothing is actually a big deal.

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I’ll admit I do think the episode would have been better if someone in the boarding board was killed.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 6:20:07 AM EDT
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They've since clarified on social media that it'll be a spin-off, and won't take the place of next season of Mandalorian.
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In the post credit scene it didn't say it would be a standalone series.

They've since clarified on social media that it'll be a spin-off, and won't take the place of next season of Mandalorian.

That's good to know.  I was kinda bummed thinking it would be a year until new Mando stories appeared.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 6:33:45 AM EDT
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Then I'm out. His survival makes Anakin's sacrifice meaningless.
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A fair point. He seemed enamored with his former master's plan once he realized how it was to unfold.  Almost giddy about finally understanding how every piece of the puzzle fit together. His own lust for power put him on a collision course with Sidious though as he was causing trouble and drawing attention.  

Still, a story told from his point of view would be amazing, even if it casts him as an antihero. He's not though, cause he's a Sith. Doing good is not in their nature.  It would be far more interesting exploring his rule of Mandalore and control of the various crime families. Basically a space Godfather, I guess.

Covered in spice like Al Pacino in Scarface?

Well...  he was working with the Pikes.

One of my issues with Maul was they did not give him an apprentice after The Clone Wars....he was trying to corrupt Ezra in Rebels...but to me giving him an apprentice to carry on the Sith after the death of Palpatine and Vader was a mistake....and a scene at the end of TRoS with Maul's apprentice and an apprentice to him/her would have been interesting.

That would have been infinitely better than recycling Sidious.  Unlike his former master, Maul sought to consolidate power throughout the underworld to have the hidden power and influence of the crime families for himself. He, and his successor(s), would have been formidable opponents with that kind of backing.  Further, unlike Palpatine, he could openly threaten innocents to use as leverage, effectively holding entire planets as hostages.

Hell, with just his little impromptu coalition he was able to conquer Mandalore remarkably quick.  Imagine if he could have expanded that power throughout the outer rim.

Sidious would still have been recycled...I am just saying a scene at the end after Sidious is killed and the big victory celebration they cut back to Exegol and we see that the Sith are not dead because of Maul's line of Sith Lords.

Then I'm out. His survival makes Anakin's sacrifice meaningless.

Of the 14,000,605 things wrong with the sequel trilogy, I think this is the worst.
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