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Link Posted: 12/22/2020 6:34:59 AM EDT
I started to do a Google search for “how is Luke Skywalker so powerful if he didn’t finish training,” but before I could finish typing it all I noticed what the most searched wording was.

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Link Posted: 12/22/2020 7:09:42 AM EDT
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It's worth watching to the end.  Some episodes, like the one with the silly 'stache-twirling European villain with the virus was one of the worst-of-Saturday-morning-cartoon hokiness I've ever seen from a show that was not supposed to be a Saturday morning cartoon, and other episodes that were also bad, it does get good, and the last several episodes are pretty much right up there with Mandalorian.

Honestly I quite often felt like I was pushing myself from behind trying to finish the show.  I heard it was really good, but some of the episodes made me think that there was no way this would really be good.  But from advice from others I persevered, and I feel that it was worth it.  It was pretty darned decent.
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No. I was working my way through TCW but stopped.

It's worth watching to the end.  Some episodes, like the one with the silly 'stache-twirling European villain with the virus was one of the worst-of-Saturday-morning-cartoon hokiness I've ever seen from a show that was not supposed to be a Saturday morning cartoon, and other episodes that were also bad, it does get good, and the last several episodes are pretty much right up there with Mandalorian.

Honestly I quite often felt like I was pushing myself from behind trying to finish the show.  I heard it was really good, but some of the episodes made me think that there was no way this would really be good.  But from advice from others I persevered, and I feel that it was worth it.  It was pretty darned decent.

Link Posted: 12/22/2020 8:14:53 AM EDT
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I just recently read the new thrawn books.

They are terrible. Every character is a two dimensional caricature, countless completely pointless subplots, hamfisted and stilted dialogue. Many surrounding characters/badguys acting outright insane or legally retarded to make thrawns "tactical genius" wins over them look clever.

Those thrawn books suck.

I should temper that. Compared to Heinlein, Asimov, Tolkien, etc the thrawn books blow goats. I'm sure some wars fanboys will like them. Just don't go into it expecting a legitimate sci-fi/fantasy book.
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Those will never be canon.  Zahn himself has rewritten Thrawn's story.  And objectively the rewrite is better than the original.  That trilogy was good when I was a kid, but they don't hold up well.

I just recently read the new thrawn books.

They are terrible. Every character is a two dimensional caricature, countless completely pointless subplots, hamfisted and stilted dialogue. Many surrounding characters/badguys acting outright insane or legally retarded to make thrawns "tactical genius" wins over them look clever.

Those thrawn books suck.

I should temper that. Compared to Heinlein, Asimov, Tolkien, etc the thrawn books blow goats. I'm sure some wars fanboys will like them. Just don't go into it expecting a legitimate sci-fi/fantasy book.

I read “Outbound Flight” and while the plot was okay, the actual writing was not... I really like Zahn’s early work but yikes. And now the newer ones are bad...? Bummer.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 9:07:51 AM EDT
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So with Robert Rodriguez taking a seemingly more active role in The Book of Boba Fett, any bets on how long it will be before we get an episode directed by Tarantino?

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Oh I hope not.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 9:11:25 AM EDT
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1. Seems like he was part of a fundamentalist Mando sect.  Darksaber may not be part of the lore they consider important.  The original Mandalore the Great was before the Darksaber period (by centuries IIRC).
2. Well, it's more believable than Boba surviving the Sarlac.  
3. Dramatic presentation.  
4. If they follow Legends, the new Jedi weren't so strict on the uniform.
5. Yes.  Hyperspace must be real fast, because Star Wars ships don't really seem to believe in toilets or comfortable beds.  Din's ship was the first ever toilet in a Star Wars ship.  Thousands of years of backstory and no poopers.
6. Saving it for the spinoff.  You don't use all your best bits in a cameo.
7. If you've spent your life surrounded by Storm Troopers, you don't trust suicide by cop.
8. In order to get Space-surgery you also have to get Space-COVID vaccine.  
9. See point 4.  Also, a big fuck you to Luke's portrayal in the JJ/Rian trilogy.  Deliberate "This is the guy you loved as you wanted to see him."
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To add.

His flight suit could easily be under the robes.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 10:15:16 AM EDT
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Questions about the final episode:

1) How could Mando be ignorant of the Darksaber’s role in Mandalorian lore?

2) How did Bib Fortuna escape Jabba’s yacht destruction?

3) Luke flew in his Jedi outfit? Every other time he’s been in an X-Wing, he’s been in the orange pilot suit. This includes post-Jabba’s Palace battle.

4) Which RotJ outfit was Luke wearing? It looks like the one from Jabba’s Palace. Black Jedi robes. On Death Star 2.0 he has a different black outfit on and it isn’t Jedi robes. I guess he combined the belt from Death Star 2.0 outfit with Jabba’s Palace outfit. I suppose that makes sense because he entered Jabba’s Palace under the guise of being unarmed and had to stick his lightsaber in his cloth belt when he jumped from the skiff to the barge.

5) I know Grogu is small, but is he going to sit in Luke’s lap on the X-Wing ride out of there? Not much room in an X-Wing’s cockpit.

6) Why didn’t Luke’s X-Wing’s ladder get screen time?

7) Moff Gideon proceeds to try to blast Grogu away. Mando’s armor takes the shots. Cara and the other non-Mandalorian woman draw on Gideon and tell him to drop it. He moves to suicide himself under the chin but Cara disarms him. Why didn’t he just keep blasting to get his wish?

8) Would Luke not have gotten his hand repaired post Endor? If 2-1B can install it once, certainly he can patch a little missing fake skin.

9) 5 years post Endor and Luke is still wearing black. In RotJ, supposedly that was because Luke was in conflict and being strongly tempted by the Dark Side. Luke resisted the Emperor and the temptation, he embraced the Light Side. Shouldn’t he have been in white robes like Kenobi in all the movies?
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my god....

Comic Book Man actually exists!!
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 10:16:48 AM EDT
5. Yes.  Hyperspace must be real fast, because Star Wars ships don't really seem to believe in toilets or comfortable beds.  Din's ship was the first ever toilet in a Star Wars ship.  Thousands of years of backstory and no poopers.
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I have always wondered why nobody in science fiction ever goes to the bathroom anymore.  They're missing out on one of life's great pleasures.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 10:18:30 AM EDT
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To add.

His flight suit could easily be under the robes.
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1. Seems like he was part of a fundamentalist Mando sect.  Darksaber may not be part of the lore they consider important.  The original Mandalore the Great was before the Darksaber period (by centuries IIRC).
2. Well, it's more believable than Boba surviving the Sarlac.  
3. Dramatic presentation.  
4. If they follow Legends, the new Jedi weren't so strict on the uniform.
5. Yes.  Hyperspace must be real fast, because Star Wars ships don't really seem to believe in toilets or comfortable beds.  Din's ship was the first ever toilet in a Star Wars ship.  Thousands of years of backstory and no poopers.
6. Saving it for the spinoff.  You don't use all your best bits in a cameo.
7. If you've spent your life surrounded by Storm Troopers, you don't trust suicide by cop.
8. In order to get Space-surgery you also have to get Space-COVID vaccine.  
9. See point 4.  Also, a big fuck you to Luke's portrayal in the JJ/Rian trilogy.  Deliberate "This is the guy you loved as you wanted to see him."

To add.

His flight suit could easily be under the robes.

in before references to the Diapernaut who drove nonstop from TX to FL to confront her boyfriend's new girlfriend...
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 10:46:15 AM EDT
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Untrue. If you dig deep...and I mean really dig into Legends, I've found schematics for ships that included a toilet area.



9. Refresher:

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Yeah, but there's one tiny "refresher" for how many different species?  You know that's like the toilet in an RV - emergencies only.  Drop a duce in that thing and some wookie is likely to tear your arms off.  Spaceballs really did get that one right.  Star wars ships are space-winnebagos.  

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Link Posted: 12/22/2020 10:56:56 AM EDT
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in before references to the Diapernaut who drove nonstop from TX to FL to confront her boyfriend's new girlfriend...
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1. Seems like he was part of a fundamentalist Mando sect.  Darksaber may not be part of the lore they consider important.  The original Mandalore the Great was before the Darksaber period (by centuries IIRC).
2. Well, it's more believable than Boba surviving the Sarlac.  
3. Dramatic presentation.  
4. If they follow Legends, the new Jedi weren't so strict on the uniform.
5. Yes.  Hyperspace must be real fast, because Star Wars ships don't really seem to believe in toilets or comfortable beds.  Din's ship was the first ever toilet in a Star Wars ship.  Thousands of years of backstory and no poopers.
6. Saving it for the spinoff.  You don't use all your best bits in a cameo.
7. If you've spent your life surrounded by Storm Troopers, you don't trust suicide by cop.
8. In order to get Space-surgery you also have to get Space-COVID vaccine.  
9. See point 4.  Also, a big fuck you to Luke's portrayal in the JJ/Rian trilogy.  Deliberate "This is the guy you loved as you wanted to see him."

To add.

His flight suit could easily be under the robes.

in before references to the Diapernaut who drove nonstop from TX to FL to confront her boyfriend's new girlfriend...

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 11:10:01 AM EDT
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1. Seems like he was part of a fundamentalist Mando sect.  Darksaber may not be part of the lore they consider important.  The original Mandalore the Great was before the Darksaber period (by centuries IIRC).
2. Well, it's more believable than Boba surviving the Sarlac.  
3. Dramatic presentation.  
4. If they follow Legends, the new Jedi weren't so strict on the uniform.
5. Yes.  Hyperspace must be real fast, because Star Wars ships don't really seem to believe in toilets or comfortable beds.  Din's ship was the first ever toilet in a Star Wars ship.  Thousands of years of backstory and no poopers.
6. Saving it for the spinoff.  You don't use all your best bits in a cameo.
7. If you've spent your life surrounded by Storm Troopers, you don't trust suicide by cop.
8. In order to get Space-surgery you also have to get Space-COVID vaccine.  
9. See point 4.  Also, a big fuck you to Luke's portrayal in the JJ/Rian trilogy.  Deliberate "This is the guy you loved as you wanted to see him."

To add.

His flight suit could easily be under the robes.

in before references to the Diapernaut who drove nonstop from TX to FL to confront her boyfriend's new girlfriend...


The Tale of the Diapernaut
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 11:11:57 AM EDT
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Armageddon - Talk about the wrong stuff
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 11:26:45 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 11:39:11 AM EDT
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God i hope so
Starwars would be better off without Darth Emo and Mary Sue the Jedi
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The world as a whole would be a better place, without them.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 11:40:29 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 11:49:05 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 11:57:35 AM EDT
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God i hope so
Starwars would be better off without Darth Emo and Mary Sue the Jedi
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And don't forget Super Evil Palpatine.

"We need a new villain for this last movie"

"I know... let's bring back the Emperor. He's More Better!!!"
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 12:08:31 PM EDT
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Well so far I’ve gotten through 18 episodes and it’s been six hours of

I don’t expect to like every episode but at some point I hope I start liking it. If there is general consensus about what’s really key and what’s truly enjoyable, I’d risk missing a little plot development that likely won’t mean much to me anyway. I don’t revel in the minutiae like many. Not a super fan, just looking for some entertainment.
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There's a lot of "throwaway" episodes, but even in those there's usually some form of plot/character development for the overall series. Skipping them just leads to confusion. If you really can't be bothered to sit through a 20-minute episode that you don't really think you like a few times a season, how do you get through ANY SHOW on modern media today? If you like every single episode of a series, it probably means every single episode of a series is exactly the same.

Well so far I’ve gotten through 18 episodes and it’s been six hours of

I don’t expect to like every episode but at some point I hope I start liking it. If there is general consensus about what’s really key and what’s truly enjoyable, I’d risk missing a little plot development that likely won’t mean much to me anyway. I don’t revel in the minutiae like many. Not a super fan, just looking for some entertainment.

Gut it out until Season 3.  You'll appreciate the some of the little nuances as the series progresses from that point.  
Yeah, some are a slog, some are a WTF, but then you'll catch little bits here and there throughout the rest of the series that gives a more enriching touch to the whole thing.  
A couple of binge-watch weekends and you'll be into the good stuff!
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 12:27:00 PM EDT
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You talking original Thrawn Heir to The Empire or new Thrawn series from new canon?
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I’m on book 3 of the first thrawn series.  Awesome read.  

Any other great reads? Hopefully some knights of the old republic?

You talking original Thrawn Heir to The Empire or new Thrawn series from new canon?

I’m reading heir to the empire.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 1:29:52 PM EDT
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Luke raises from a force vision
"I must not let that come to pass"
*Smothers a young Darth Emo in his sleep with a pillow*
"Leia, i dont know what happened, he just died in his sleep"

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Luke will probably just have a terrible dream about all of that...good thing it was just a dream.

Luke raises from a force vision
"I must not let that come to pass"
*Smothers a young Darth Emo in his sleep with a pillow*
"Leia, i dont know what happened, he just died in his sleep"

Luke is cleverer than that.

"You know, Han, you should really wrap that rascal tonight.  Raw dog my sister another day."
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 1:49:11 PM EDT
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in before references to the Diapernaut who drove nonstop from TX to FL to confront her boyfriend's new girlfriend...
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Pittle Pacs are a thing in the SW cannon are they not?
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 2:02:54 PM EDT
Finished The Clone Wars last night.  Definitely worth watching.  I need to find a fan edit that combines Revenge of the Sith with the last four episodes of TCW.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 2:04:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 2:17:57 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 2:21:02 PM EDT
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I started to do a Google search for “how is Luke Skywalker so powerful if he didn’t finish training,” but before I could finish typing it all I noticed what the most searched wording was.


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Autocomplete and search suggestions are based off of your own search history...
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 2:22:32 PM EDT
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I started to do a Google search for “how is Luke Skywalker so powerful if he didn’t finish training,” but before I could finish typing it all I noticed what the most searched wording was.


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You need to use incognito windows for your porn so it doesn't contaminate your searches for non porn stuff
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 2:27:23 PM EDT
The Drinker has spoken.

"The more time that passes, the more Star Wars fans start to remind me of battered housewives smiling bravely through the heavy makeup that hides their bruises and desperately clinging to any scraps of kindness that their abusive spouses fling their way. "You don't understand, he's a better man now," they explain trying hard to convince themselves as much as you. "He promised he won't do it again."

The Mandalorian Season 2 - Fun But Formulaic

Link Posted: 12/22/2020 2:29:26 PM EDT
The Mandalorian Luke Skywalker Deepfake
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 2:34:12 PM EDT
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You need to use incognito windows for your porn so it doesn't contaminate your searches for non porn stuff
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I started to do a Google search for “how is Luke Skywalker so powerful if he didn’t finish training,” but before I could finish typing it all I noticed what the most searched wording was.



You need to use incognito windows for your porn so it doesn't contaminate your searches for non porn stuff

Haha, good advice, but I've been doing that for about a decade. My cousin told me one time about how his mom borrowed his phone to look something up and the web address drop downs left her less than amused.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 2:39:56 PM EDT
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It blows my mind how movies/tv shows with 9 figure budgets have significantly worse CGI in their own production than a YouTube channel.  

In some cases there can be excuses made, but I have no idea what excuse could be made for this one considering the budget, how important this scene was, and how recently it came out.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 2:48:37 PM EDT
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It blows my mind how movies/tv shows with 9 figure budgets have significantly worse CGI in their own production than a YouTube channel.  

In some cases there can be excuses made, but I have no idea what excuse could be made for this one considering the budget, how important this scene was, and how recently it came out.
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You have to understand the process.


1. Code for video using off the shelf technology.


1. Hire >9000 H1B techies from India to develop new proprietary wizbang software.
2. Program is totally broken.  Find consultant.
3. Consultant puts you over budget.
4. Save budget by firing more native workers.
5. Not enough people to do the work.  Hire more H1B techies.  Try Pakistan this time.
6. Repeat.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 2:56:11 PM EDT
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That certainly looks more realistic.  The original looks like a video game.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 2:59:28 PM EDT
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You have to understand the process.


1. Code for video using off the shelf technology.


1. Hire >9000 H1B techies from India to develop new proprietary wizbang software.
2. Program is totally broken.  Find consultant.
3. Consultant puts you over budget.
4. Save budget by firing more native workers.
5. Not enough people to do the work.  Hire more H1B techies.  Try Pakistan this time.
6. Repeat.
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It blows my mind how movies/tv shows with 9 figure budgets have significantly worse CGI in their own production than a YouTube channel.  

In some cases there can be excuses made, but I have no idea what excuse could be made for this one considering the budget, how important this scene was, and how recently it came out.
You have to understand the process.


1. Code for video using off the shelf technology.


1. Hire >9000 H1B techies from India to develop new proprietary wizbang software.
2. Program is totally broken.  Find consultant.
3. Consultant puts you over budget.
4. Save budget by firing more native workers.
5. Not enough people to do the work.  Hire more H1B techies.  Try Pakistan this time.
6. Repeat.

It's comical how there are people here angered by others suggesting the CGI for Luke wasn't good.  Perfectly ties in with The Drinkers' "The more time that passes, the more Star Wars fans start to remind me of battered housewives smiling bravely through the heavy makeup that hides their bruises and desperately clinging to any scraps of kindness that their abusive spouses fling their way."
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 2:59:37 PM EDT
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Solo wasn't bad. It just suffered from bad timing on it's release. I watched it twice within the last year and watching it without being totally butthurt and shut down on star wars like I was after EP8 when it first came out; it is a pretty fun movie. I don't think it's as good as R1 is but it's not a total turd either.
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Solo is utter SJW bullshit. R1 was a good fit, and I enjoyed it. But I'd rather have 789 than Solo. Worst Star Wars movie ever.
Solo wasn't bad. It just suffered from bad timing on it's release. I watched it twice within the last year and watching it without being totally butthurt and shut down on star wars like I was after EP8 when it first came out; it is a pretty fun movie. I don't think it's as good as R1 is but it's not a total turd either.

No... Solo is just... meh. Not 'turd' bad, just meh, at best. They tried hard to redo 'The Train Job' from Firefly, and failed. The bait-n-switch ending was forced. If anything, it was if the writers had access to a bunch of Star Wars 'making of' books from the '80's and had a bet to see who could squeeze in more fan service.

Link Posted: 12/22/2020 3:02:31 PM EDT
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I hope they get the actress that voiced Sabine to play the live action character.
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Tiya Sicar. Went to school with her when I was a kid. One of my best friends made out with her when they were in Jr. High.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 3:07:57 PM EDT
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Tiya Sicar. Went to school with her when I was a kid. One of my best friends made out with her when they were in Jr. High.
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I hope they get the actress that voiced Sabine to play the live action character.

Tiya Sicar. Went to school with her when I was a kid. One of my best friends made out with her when they were in Jr. High.

Link Posted: 12/22/2020 3:09:11 PM EDT
This Tiya?

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 3:14:46 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 3:16:38 PM EDT
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come on now, if I was going to lie, it would have been me hooking up with her.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 3:22:43 PM EDT
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and just like that, spartacus2002 found himself a new fetish...
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 3:23:32 PM EDT
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Muuuuuuch better.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 3:29:59 PM EDT
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and just like that, spartacus2002 found himself a new fetish...
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and just like that, spartacus2002 found himself a new fetish...

You leave my future ex-wife outta this.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 3:33:23 PM EDT
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I put it off for years because I thought it was for kids.  I started watching after Ahsoka showed up on Mandalorian and people here recommended it.  

Some of the early episodes are pretty juvenile and I was worried the whole series would be that way.  It gets substantially darker in seasons 3 and 4.  By the time I got to season 5 I was going to bed late every night because I couldn't stop watching it.  Season 7 is some of the best Star Wars ever made, I just finished it Saturday.
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Powered through 1-19 and 1-20 last night, they were better. Almost through Season 1 and hoping I start to see the pickup everybody is hinting at.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 3:37:22 PM EDT
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I can't believe no one posted this yet.

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I think with them tweeting out Mace Windu means he may be making an appearance in Book of Fett.

Link Posted: 12/22/2020 3:38:20 PM EDT
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Isn't she dead? I thought they killed her in the final episode?
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 3:57:29 PM EDT
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The Drinker has spoken.

"The more time that passes, the more Star Wars fans start to remind me of battered housewives smiling bravely through the heavy makeup that hides their bruises and desperately clinging to any scraps of kindness that their abusive spouses fling their way. "You don't understand, he's a better man now," they explain trying hard to convince themselves as much as you. "He promised he won't do it again."

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YT comment responding to criticism that the show is 90% time wasting side quests:

"The Mandalorian is us as kids playing with our action figures. That's why we love it all."
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 4:01:55 PM EDT
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I think with them tweeting out Mace Windu means he may be making an appearance in Book of Fett.

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Let's hope not. I'd rather watch the Jar Jar Binks Holiday Special 144-Episode Special Edition than put up with SLJ "acting" the part of Mace Windu.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 4:03:32 PM EDT
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Pittle Pacs are a thing in the SW cannon are they not?
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in before references to the Diapernaut who drove nonstop from TX to FL to confront her boyfriend's new girlfriend...

Pittle Pacs are a thing in the SW cannon are they not?

Is there canon evidence that people in Star Wars even have such bodily functions?
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 4:11:45 PM EDT
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Let's hope not. I'd rather watch the Jar Jar Binks Holiday Special 144-Episode Special Edition than put up with SLJ "acting" the part of Mace Windu.
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Nearly all the actors sucked in the prequels, including some that have been very good elsewhere.  Walking 15' down a blank hallway draped in blue sheets, stopping to talk in a monotone about taxes and legislative sessions, then resetting the shot from the beginning of the 15' blue hallway and repeating the stop and talk 40 times because the CGI hallway is 600' long does not draw the best performance from most actors.
Link Posted: 12/22/2020 4:32:52 PM EDT
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The Drinker has spoken.

"The more time that passes, the more Star Wars fans start to remind me of battered housewives smiling bravely through the heavy makeup that hides their bruises and desperately clinging to any scraps of kindness that their abusive spouses fling their way. "You don't understand, he's a better man now," they explain trying hard to convince themselves as much as you. "He promised he won't do it again."

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Good Lord, am I the only one who can't stand that Drinker dude?
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