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Link Posted: 12/7/2010 4:01:36 AM EDT
I love Ohio, but I hate the 30-round limit on magazines.

And one of the reasons I moved to Kentucky.

Link Posted: 12/7/2010 4:40:26 AM EDT
If your going to have that many rounds, at least use a drum so its compact. No reason to have that many rounds in a single mag unless its full auto and again, a drum would be more compact for prone use.
Link Posted: 12/7/2010 4:49:37 AM EDT
The 60 rounder looks alright but ill pass on the 100

Link Posted: 12/7/2010 10:51:30 AM EDT
How about a 30-40 round quad-stack that is the same height as a 20 for easier prone use?
Link Posted: 12/7/2010 11:49:09 PM EDT
What the hell is up with all you whiners talking about them being banned? The AWB was over 6 years ago. We've had mags and drums capable of carrying more than 30rds for fucking decades. Please pull your heads out of their rectal helmets.

What's up with you not knowing that many shooters still suffer under state level laws that are as bad or worse than the old AWB?
Link Posted: 12/7/2010 11:51:19 PM EDT
What the hell is up with all you whiners talking about them being banned? The AWB was over 6 years ago. We've had mags and drums capable of carrying more than 30rds for fucking decades. Please pull your heads out of their rectal helmets.

What's up with you not knowing that many shooters still suffer under state level laws that are as bad or worse than the old AWB?

Vote against that legislation with your feet.
Link Posted: 12/7/2010 11:54:14 PM EDT




What the hell is up with all you whiners talking about them being banned? The AWB was over 6 years ago. We've had mags and drums capable of carrying more than 30rds for fucking decades. Please pull your heads out of their rectal helmets.

What's up with you not knowing that many shooters still suffer under state level laws that are as bad or worse than the old AWB?

Vote against that legislation with your feet.

That is easier said than done. I thank God that my dad decided "fuck Cali" back in the 70's at age 17 and moved to AZ.

Link Posted: 12/8/2010 12:34:56 AM EDT
I love Ohio, but I hate the 30-round limit on magazines.

And one of the reasons I moved to Kentucky.

I'd love to hear the other reasons.

Link Posted: 12/8/2010 1:26:55 AM EDT





What the hell is up with all you whiners talking about them being banned? The AWB was over 6 years ago. We've had mags and drums capable of carrying more than 30rds for fucking decades. Please pull your heads out of their rectal helmets.

What's up with you not knowing that many shooters still suffer under state level laws that are as bad or worse than the old AWB?

Vote against that legislation with your feet.

That is easier said than done. I thank God that my dad decided "fuck Cali" back in the 70's at age 17 and moved to AZ.

It is all about priorities.
Link Posted: 12/8/2010 3:01:39 AM EDT
Hubba Hubba.
That is like looking at a huge pair of bare tits with half dollar nipples!

You sir have a profound way with words and I would like to subscribe to your tittay magazine.
Link Posted: 12/8/2010 3:01:49 AM EDT
I really like the look of the 60 round magazine. The 100 round one looks like it might be fun for FA toys at a special FA shoot.

Yeah.... pretty pointless with the straight pull stuff we have...... I like 30 rounders just because my arms get a rest from faffing with the cocking every shot.

Hey over there can you install all the full auto fire control parts so you can just hold the trigger back and pump like an Ithica shotgun?
Link Posted: 12/8/2010 3:18:30 AM EDT
i'd rather spend that all on pmags, I still just have thrashed standard military 30 rounders
Link Posted: 12/8/2010 3:20:34 AM EDT
What the hell is up with all you whiners talking about them being banned? The AWB was over 6 years ago. We've had mags and drums capable of carrying more than 30rds for fucking decades. Please pull your heads out of their rectal helmets.

What's up with you not knowing that many shooters still suffer under state level laws that are as bad or worse than the old AWB?

So? They simply won't be able to buy them. The other 44 or 45 states they're legal in are GTG, yet people keep saying how they should pick them up before they're banned. You know, the same states it's been legal to buy beta mags and AK drums in. It's a shitty attitude to have and hurts the gun rights community as a whole. It's the same mentality that my FIL has about AR's. He always wanted one, and he finally got one after I married his daughter. He "wanted to get one before they banned them" all the while voting for Obama and every other union-supporting retard on the ticket.

People that are willing to roll over and die just as long as they can get an item before they're banned are just as bad as our enemies.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 12/8/2010 9:08:05 PM EDT
Will it feed reliably after you give it to Joe?  Joe can break anything.

Before I would buy it, they would have to demonstrate 100% reliable feeding in real world conditions.  That means give it to a squad of Infantry and tell them to try and break shit.

Link Posted: 12/9/2010 5:35:02 AM EDT
I love Ohio, but I hate the 30-round limit on magazines.

And one of the reasons I moved to Kentucky.

I'd love to hear the other reasons.

Hubby got a programmer job with UPS....I now live 20min from Knob Creek [when I'm in the US anyway].
Link Posted: 12/9/2010 5:35:47 AM EDT
The 60 rounder looks alright but ill pass on the 100

Link Posted: 12/9/2010 5:43:23 AM EDT
I think Surefire stole this idea after seeing Putin with them on an AK 2000.
Link Posted: 12/9/2010 5:50:36 AM EDT
That 100 rounder looks totally ridiculous.
Link Posted: 12/9/2010 5:53:21 AM EDT
That rifle has elephantitis
Link Posted: 12/9/2010 5:56:31 AM EDT
That is too much weight to add to the rifle. 30 rounds is enough; if you can't get the job done with thirty, you need to work on your marksmanship skills.

/thread, IMHO.

What about competition shooters?
Link Posted: 12/9/2010 6:09:23 AM EDT
1 x 60rd magazine for $129 or 2 x 30rd PMAGs for $15/ea?  Easy choice.
Link Posted: 12/9/2010 6:56:52 AM EDT
I didnt read every page....but how would one load these?  I mean...the bullets dont know to go into separate stacks.  Would one stack fill first and then allow the other stack to fill?
Link Posted: 12/9/2010 7:04:01 AM EDT


1 x 60rd magazine for $129 or 2 x 30rd PMAGs for $15/ea?  Easy choice.

This.  Too expensive in my book.

Link Posted: 12/9/2010 7:31:38 AM EDT
1 x 60rd magazine for $129 or 2 x 30rd PMAGs for $15/ea?  Easy choice.

This.  Too expensive in my book.

Nobody cares about your book.

There are some people in the world for whom the ability to skip the first reload in a firefight is well worth $129 ahead of time.
Link Posted: 12/9/2010 7:58:58 AM EDT
If Jim Sullivan is invovled in this Surefire project then it is about as worthless as his moronic Betamag.
Link Posted: 12/9/2010 8:03:38 AM EDT

good luck finding one.
Link Posted: 12/9/2010 8:11:56 AM EDT




The 60 rounder looks alright but ill pass on the 100

That hundred rounder looks like a giant curved erection on the bottom of the AR.

Since you put it that way, I'll take two.

Link Posted: 12/9/2010 8:14:48 AM EDT
Will it feed reliably after you give it to Joe?  Joe can break anything.

Before I would buy it, they would have to demonstrate 100% reliable feeding in real world conditions.  That means give it to a squad of Infantry and tell them to try and break shit.

Had a friend at the FT Benning 3 Gun match that asked the Surefire guy there how they were doing.  My understanding is that the surefire guy ran them the entire match and they didnt have a single stoppage.
Link Posted: 12/9/2010 9:59:20 AM EDT




1 x 60rd magazine for $129 or 2 x 30rd PMAGs for $15/ea?  Easy choice.

This.  Too expensive in my book.

Nobody cares about your book.

There are some people in the world for whom the ability to skip the first reload in a firefight is well worth $129 ahead of time.

I'm referring to civilian sales aka whether _I_ would buy one (or several).  If their master plan is to get a big fat government contract and supply these to the guys carting M27's around, then more power to them.  

Link Posted: 12/9/2010 10:18:55 AM EDT
3-gun shooters are going to be all over that like a fat chick on a cupcake.  

Other than that, do not want.  
Link Posted: 12/10/2010 6:13:40 AM EDT
3-gun shooters are going to be all over that like a fat chick on a cupcake.  

Other than that, do not want.  

I watched 3-Gun Nation last night, first time I had ever seen a 3 Gun Match. While the shooting was impressive, the gear reminded me of everything that was wrong with IPSC. Barreling you gun, seriously WTF?
Link Posted: 1/7/2011 6:40:02 AM EDT
I wonder if they'll fit in a Redi-Mag / Redi-Mod.  Or at the very least if I could put one 60 rounder in the rifle with a standard 30 round mag in the Redi-mod.

Link Posted: 1/7/2011 6:41:24 AM EDT
That is too much weight to add to the rifle. 30 rounds is enough; if you can't get the job done with thirty, you need to work on your marksmanship skills.

so i guess when you go outside the wire, you only have one mag....
Link Posted: 1/7/2011 7:34:12 AM EDT
What the hell is up with all you whiners talking about them being banned? The AWB was over 6 years ago. We've had mags and drums capable of carrying more than 30rds for fucking decades. Please pull your heads out of their rectal helmets.

What's up with you not knowing that many shooters still suffer under state level laws that are as bad or worse than the old AWB?

Vote against that legislation with your feet.

I did - bailed out of California in 2003.
Link Posted: 1/7/2011 8:18:11 AM EDT
That is too much weight to add to the rifle. 30 rounds is enough; if you can't get the job done with thirty, you need to work on your marksmanship skills.

These mags were created for suppressive fire not aimed fire.
Link Posted: 1/7/2011 8:24:26 AM EDT


That is too much weight to add to the rifle. 30 rounds is enough; if you can't get the job done with thirty, you need to work on your marksmanship skills.

I know that you know this already, but round count in an "assault weapon" is not about "number of guys you can kill at a time" or even marksmanship... high round counts is about staying in the fight with as little weapon manipulation required as possible.  A 60 round mag would effectively cut the amount of weapon manipulation required in an extended firefight in half versus standard 30 round mags.  This is a good thing.

My question is: can it hold up to being run over by a chevy half ton?

Link Posted: 1/7/2011 8:30:07 AM EDT

gonna need to buy new mag pouches now. fuck
Link Posted: 1/7/2011 8:34:28 AM EDT
lots of experts in this thread.  

as for the mag, no thanks.  I'll stick with my 8x30 rounders.  My line platoon had four 249 gunners and vehicle mounted CSW for a reason.
Link Posted: 1/7/2011 8:43:58 AM EDT
Price is too high but I would love one of those 60 rounders... Make it $70 and I'll buy it
Link Posted: 1/7/2011 8:47:54 AM EDT
When  I first read the title I thought it said 60 and 100 pound magazines.  lol
Link Posted: 1/7/2011 9:12:36 AM EDT

In America, the mag loads you.
Link Posted: 1/7/2011 9:25:11 AM EDT
That is too much weight to add to the rifle. 30 rounds is enough; if you can't get the job done with thirty, you need to work on your marksmanship skills.

Or take 2.1 seconds to put a fresh mag in...

ETA: that 100 rd mag might be the ugliest thing I have ever seen on a rifle, including the black electrical taped on optics from that one low budget US SEAL's movie...

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 1/7/2011 9:40:44 AM EDT
Some of the comments in this thread are really funny, and some are completely retarded...  I just don't get why some care so much about what and why others want something.  I will definitely get a 60 or two.  Why, because I can.  Comparing the cost to a few P-mags makes no sense at all.  You don't understand the purpose of them then.

Link Posted: 1/7/2011 9:55:25 AM EDT
The 60 would be good for repelling a massed home invasion. I'd rather not have to reload in that situation.
Link Posted: 1/7/2011 10:00:33 AM EDT
I'm waiting for the 800 round ocho-stack.


Same here, waiting for when I can just hook it up to the cardboard case of 1000.

Link Posted: 1/7/2011 10:13:20 AM EDT

I'm waiting for the release of the new 1000 round mag.

Link Posted: 1/7/2011 10:14:52 AM EDT
Shit, you load that up you'll double the value of the mag.  
Link Posted: 1/7/2011 10:18:15 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/11/2011 9:39:45 PM EDT
Typical Surefire, WAY over prices compared to their competition. I can almost guarantee I'll never own anything made by SF until they competitively price their products. I'd much rather wait 20 more years for Magpul to release their version but it will probably take 30 if they say tomorrow
Link Posted: 1/11/2011 9:46:09 PM EDT
I'm waiting for the release of the new 1000 round mag.

that would be Tier .5
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