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Link Posted: 5/1/2015 3:10:02 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/1/2015 3:13:15 PM EDT

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That was not my intention. No one is debating the meat grinder effectiveness of the 5.56 and it is silly to compare a simple low velocity lead ball to a high velocity steel, lead, and copper frangible projectile, but it still cannot be debated that shutting down the windpipe, the heart, the lungs, the diaphragm, and a few bones all simultaneously is more effective than shutting down one single organ with massive trauma, particularly when the target is moving and a shot to a critical area cannot be counted on.
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HA HA I love it when people come on GD and get so butt hurt when people disagree with them. You are the one who showed a photo of a head shot from a 7.62 as proof of the lethality of a 5.56 AR, not me. All I did was call you on it, and no I didn't compare a single pellet of 00 buck with 5.56. I compared one ROUND of a 12 gauge 00 buck...as in one shell... with one ROUND of a 5.56...as in one cartridge. If you want an equivalent photo of a shotgun head wound to compare apples and apples, here you go. This guy committed suicide so we can safely assume only one shotgun shell was fired:


You got caught at a bait and switch. Deal with it.

You stated:

Moreover, to repeat the damage caused by 00 buck with one pull of the trigger you'll need to pull the trigger on an AR FIFTEEN TIMES.

Which appears to directly compare one pellet of buck to one round of 5.56.

That was not my intention. No one is debating the meat grinder effectiveness of the 5.56 and it is silly to compare a simple low velocity lead ball to a high velocity steel, lead, and copper frangible projectile, but it still cannot be debated that shutting down the windpipe, the heart, the lungs, the diaphragm, and a few bones all simultaneously is more effective than shutting down one single organ with massive trauma, particularly when the target is moving and a shot to a critical area cannot be counted on.

I doubt you will get lucky enough to shut that much down with a single load of buck.  Depending on engagement distance  (and we are talking about inside a house) they are likely to all be grouped very close together.  My splits are ~.12 with my SBR.  No one is getting one round.  Like I said earlier, IMO a machinegun is better, then your dealing with .06 splits.
Link Posted: 5/1/2015 3:13:17 PM EDT
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No one is debating the meat grinder effectiveness of the 5.56...
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Okay, is it a meat grinder or is it a blender?

How many fuckin kitchen appliances will 5.56 replace?

It slices, it dices, even julienne carrots!
(But wait, there's more!)

5.56, by Mattel RONCO!
Link Posted: 5/1/2015 3:14:40 PM EDT
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This is an interesting post, but consider that too many words - with more than one syllable- without references to FBO and pics of cats will not hold the micro attention span of GD

If I understand correctly you are suggesting that we not discount the shotgun as an effective tool for self preservation? You make some valid points regarding body armor and over penetration.
Personally I think it depends on what size box you live in. For example, in a studio apartment a handgun with a light is more maneuverable an easier to use. Even up close you can miss with a shotgun, add to that the noise, flash and concussion in a small space while half asleep. I believe this also applies to condos and most homes.

Home invasions are close fast engagements, if is unrealistic to think you can wake up fast enough to grab your 12 gauge and apply it in effectively. The same can be argued for handguns, but if you are going to relay on a firearm for defense then you should be training with it.

Here is a fun game, your SO will love you for this, My Ex was always excited to play it:

Set an alarm clock, one you are not used to for a random time after 0200, in fact have someone else set it for you. Go to sleep, when the alarm goes off, get out of bed and with your (unloaded and cleared) weapon of choice begin clearing your house. Obviously real world safety rules apply, unload show clear, no flagging ppl etc. This is a very sobering drill because, no one wakes up 100% on, and you would be surprised how many things in your house you are unaware of. Consider how well you see when you wake up that fast and how co ordinated you are on your feet.

Other than a home invasion or you own a farm in what is -regrettably- now Zimbabwe ( look up the abuse of white farmers there) I cant see a practical reason to reach for a Shot gun, UNLESS you can get up in the blink of an eye and clear your house with it. It comes down to personal preference. I cant see using an AR either, unless it is an extreme situation like a peaceful protest led by community organizers pushing their way **inside **my building and inflicting violence on my neighbors.  Even then sound judgement needs to be used, how sound is your judgement when you are half awake, scared and moving to fast?

Shot guns are effective close range weapons, but can you move through your house with an 18 inch barrel and full stock as well as with a hand gun?  That is just something to consider. If someone enters your home, forcefully that is a very dangerous scenario. Talking time is over, "scaring" the threat is over, it is all or nothing. .... at the end of the day it depends on your skill level and awareness of your AO.

Hope the cider turned out

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Link Posted: 5/1/2015 3:16:28 PM EDT
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More foolishness that has been refuted a thousand times.


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Shot guns are effective close range weapons, but can you move through your house with an 18 inch barrel and full stock as well as with a hand gun?  

More foolishness that has been refuted a thousand times.


 You know, it would be nice is somebody did extensive testing on the effectiveness of various guns and loads against common barriers and confirm or bust a lot of the myths surrounding them and start a website so anyone with two brain cells to rub together could access that info.  If only someone would do that.
Link Posted: 5/1/2015 3:17:40 PM EDT
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Okay, is it a meat grinder or is it a blender?

How many fuckin kitchen appliances will 5.56 replace?

It slices, it dices, even julienne carrots!
(But wait, there's more!)

5.56, by Mattel RONCO!
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No one is debating the meat grinder effectiveness of the 5.56...

Okay, is it a meat grinder or is it a blender?

How many fuckin kitchen appliances will 5.56 replace?

It slices, it dices, even julienne carrots!
(But wait, there's more!)

5.56, by Mattel RONCO!

Ain't got nothing on the 12ga Rackchop.
Link Posted: 5/1/2015 3:28:20 PM EDT

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No it didn't, we killed the SHIT out of them.

Then when they did manage to kill our guys, they took the M-16's and used them because they were better.

Your supporting evidence for your claim falls flat on it's face like a VC hit by M193.
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And my second choice depending on mood for social work is the AK.

So much fail.

Fail you say? seemed to work pretty well for the VC in a denser environment...


No it didn't, we killed the SHIT out of them.

Then when they did manage to kill our guys, they took the M-16's and used them because they were better.

Your supporting evidence for your claim falls flat on it's face like a VC hit by M193.
What was the ratio of 5.56 shots fired per enemy KIA?

Link Posted: 5/1/2015 3:31:04 PM EDT
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What was the ratio of 5.56 shots fired per enemy KIA?  
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And my second choice depending on mood for social work is the AK.

So much fail.

Fail you say? seemed to work pretty well for the VC in a denser environment...
No it didn't, we killed the SHIT out of them.

Then when they did manage to kill our guys, they took the M-16's and used them because they were better.

Your supporting evidence for your claim falls flat on it's face like a VC hit by M193.

What was the ratio of 5.56 shots fired per enemy KIA?  

What the hell does that have do with it?  Most ammo is expended to suppress enemy fire for manuvering or until the arty/napalm falls on them like the hammer of the gods.
Link Posted: 5/1/2015 3:33:51 PM EDT
So...if I understand correctly, the collective opinion here is that shotguns are pretty much useless compared to an AR and that getting shot by one probably won't kill as superbly as an AR and that I won't be able to reload one in the time it takes to defend a home and 9 pellets or 12 isn't as formidable as being shot with 1-3 5.56 rds. Oakiedokie then
Link Posted: 5/1/2015 3:34:23 PM EDT

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Have you ever actually fired a gun or you one of those Call of Duty players, because what I'm saying now and what I said before is the exact same thing.   Pulling the trigger once on a shotgun fires one shotgun shell.  Pulling the trigger on an AR fires one cartridge.  Firing one three inch 00 buck shotgun shell launched fifteen projectiles.  To launch fifteen projectiles on an AR you need to pull the trigger 15 times...unless you were referring to Class III, and we both know you weren't.  

Please, just stop posting.  You aren't going to make yourself look any better.
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LOlz, you're the official "That guy" of this thread FYI.

Link Posted: 5/1/2015 3:35:19 PM EDT

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What the hell does that have do with it?  Most ammo is expended to suppress enemy fire for manuvering or until the arty/napalm falls on them like the hammer of the gods.
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And my second choice depending on mood for social work is the AK.

So much fail.

Fail you say? seemed to work pretty well for the VC in a denser environment...


No it didn't, we killed the SHIT out of them.

Then when they did manage to kill our guys, they took the M-16's and used them because they were better.

Your supporting evidence for your claim falls flat on it's face like a VC hit by M193.
What was the ratio of 5.56 shots fired per enemy KIA?  

What the hell does that have do with it?  Most ammo is expended to suppress enemy fire for manuvering or until the arty/napalm falls on them like the hammer of the gods.
It's a useless stat that is commonly used to denigrate <caliber of your choice>.  A semi-useful stat would be number of HITS per incapacitated enemy.

Link Posted: 5/1/2015 3:35:30 PM EDT
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So...if I understand correctly, the collective opinion here is that shotguns are pretty much useless compared to an AR
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So your reading comprehension is subpar.

Got it.
Link Posted: 5/1/2015 3:35:42 PM EDT
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More foolishness that has been refuted a thousand times.


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Shot guns are effective close range weapons, but can you move through your house with an 18 inch barrel and full stock as well as with a hand gun?  

More foolishness that has been refuted a thousand times.


image by BillyDoubleU, on Flickr
Link Posted: 5/1/2015 3:37:15 PM EDT
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If someone is dedicated and wants to kill you, you may as well give up and let them kill you.  You can't possibly win.

If someone doesn't really want to kill you, then no problems, right?  Just do something to make them run away.  Maybe slam a screen door?

So you really don't need a gun at all.
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Quoted:If it's a single attacker in the house, I'm reaching for the 12 gauge.  If it's a rioting mob of Obama's sons coming up the driveway  I'm reaching for the AR.  

What if I told you, you won't know how many people are in your house

What if I told you, that if there are multiple people in the house specifically there to kill you then it doesn't matter what you use because baddie number two and three will still kill you while you're preoccupied with shooting baddie number one?

...and what if I told you, that if baddie number two and three instead shit their pants and make a beeline out of the house after seeing baddie number one meeting his maker then it still doesn't matter what you use because baddie number two and three won't be there anymore to be shot with it?


If someone is dedicated and wants to kill you, you may as well give up and let them kill you.  You can't possibly win.

If someone doesn't really want to kill you, then no problems, right?  Just do something to make them run away.  Maybe slam a screen door?

So you really don't need a gun at all.

Link Posted: 5/1/2015 3:38:35 PM EDT
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Have you ever actually fired a gun or you one of those Call of Duty players
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Friendly advice. This forum is chock full of real-deal combat vets with lots of experience firing guns in defense of our country.

You may want to tread lightly on calling someone a N00b when there's a very real chance they've actually used weapons in combat.

I am not a vet, and never served, just pointing this out so you don't continue to step on your dick.
Link Posted: 5/1/2015 3:39:21 PM EDT
I've noticed alot being debated about the suitability of the shotgun vs the rifle for defense . Both sides come out fairly strongly in favor of their choice, so here's a few random thoughts from my mind. I figure there's no better time to do this since the kids in bed, the wife is watching orange is the new black, I'm off tomorrow and just cracked the first of my home made ciders I bottles 3 weeks ago;

One, (these are my opinions mind you) Despite what some say the pump shotgun is NOT obsolete for defensive or even offensive work in the right circumstances. Just don't try to use it outside of its limitations.
For the average Joe,  a good pump twelve in winchester/rem/mossy flavors if set up right will definitely defend hearth and home against unwanted intruders and do it effectively with the right ammunition. _To those that advocate useing birdshot--------------- Can it kill? Sure. I'm not shooting on CAN. If I'm to engage I'm shooting on and with the more than reasonable chance that it WILL stop the threat on the first round, making my next one or two "insurance shots" superfluous. Racking the shotgun to scare a threat-- That MAY have worked, it COULD work, that's not a safe bet nor one I'm willing to practice or take when my life and more importantly my girls lives are at stake. You don't know who they are in the house, what they want or what they are on. The first indication to the intruder that I am there with a shotgun in my home is going to be a muzzle blast.
That being said, different fire-arms are much like different tools in a tool box. If you don't use the right tool for the right application you are going to get either sub standard or disastrous results.
Now, I have ARs, etc etc. I love them, but I don't have it for primary use inside the confines of the house walls. Many mention about ease of use of an Ar vs Shotgun. That can be true, however if you are well versed and trained on your tool, even though the AR is more "user friendly" in some ways, to guys that train and are used to the shotgun it becomes a moot point inside your own home. ( I have used the MP-5, M4, M16 and Moss/Rem shotguns in CQB situations {Navy} and I can say that I prefer the shotgun and always carried it when given the choice) Now I doubt I will ever have multiple determined, trained attackers assault my property/home. If they do then the shotgun is only the gun I use to get to the rifle, after the threats indoors are silenced. Yes for that siege scenario the shotgun is less than ideal, but you are more than under-armed if that's all you have at hand as well.
In my home, if there is a breach, everyone in the home is behind me and I am between them and the threat. Over penetration be damned, I use 00 or 000 buck. Max sight line in my house is 20 feet. A charge or two of 00 in your sternum at that range is going to do the job.

Lets get to  defeating body armor, I doubt anyone in my area breaking in will have a decent set or one at all on so I am not all overly concerned about that aspect of the issue.
Survival; If I only had one gun to make ends meet out to the cabin, I can shoot slugs out to 100 yards+ accurately, use buckshot or bird shot, all carried on my person to deal with any game or threat I come across, all from one weapon system.

Again, yes it takes more training to utilize it's full potential compared to an AR, but I have the experience and I am confident in its use.
I'm not saying I don't like the AR. I'm not saying it's less effective then the shotgun.I am not saying the shotgun is better than the AR either. I am simply stating that if a person or persons were to break into my home, they would not laugh and say "He only had a shotgun"
Nothing says dead like multiple .33-.36 caliber holes through your vitals.

On to legal issues (I hate this idiocy but it is a reality for some of us)
The shotgun is more "acceptable". It shouldn't make a difference legally and yes I would rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6 as well but for advocacy of the devil lets get into this.
If you mag dump into a person from an "assault" rifle you look different to the idiots running things and making decisions that affect your life after the incident than if you used the old trusty pump.
On the same sort of note the wife always said I'd get in trouble if I had to defend us because I would look too "professional". She thinks I'd likely double tap and anchor shoot. That'd look bad too..........

So, in closing I do not think my shotgun is obsolete. Neither do the military that use them either, and they aren't just used for breaching doors. However, you are not using it in a military application, you are defending your family, inside your home. That shotgun will work just fine, if you know how to use it. You can screw up with an AR too.
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Troy, Is that you?
Link Posted: 5/1/2015 3:41:00 PM EDT

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What was the ratio of 5.56 shots fired per enemy KIA?  
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And my second choice depending on mood for social work is the AK.

So much fail.

Fail you say? seemed to work pretty well for the VC in a denser environment...


No it didn't, we killed the SHIT out of them.

Then when they did manage to kill our guys, they took the M-16's and used them because they were better.

Your supporting evidence for your claim falls flat on it's face like a VC hit by M193.
What was the ratio of 5.56 shots fired per enemy KIA?  
Great question, you should google it up, form an argument and post it. Then you can compare it to the number of shotgun rounds per KIA in Vn.
After that you can show how it's relevant to my response to him.

And, GO!

Link Posted: 5/1/2015 3:45:56 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/1/2015 3:47:35 PM EDT
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Great question, you should google it up, form an argument and post it. Then you can compare it to the number of shotgun rounds per KIA in Vn.

After that you can show how it's relevant to my response to him.

And, GO!
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And my second choice depending on mood for social work is the AK.

So much fail.

Fail you say? seemed to work pretty well for the VC in a denser environment...
No it didn't, we killed the SHIT out of them.

Then when they did manage to kill our guys, they took the M-16's and used them because they were better.

Your supporting evidence for your claim falls flat on it's face like a VC hit by M193.

What was the ratio of 5.56 shots fired per enemy KIA?  
Great question, you should google it up, form an argument and post it. Then you can compare it to the number of shotgun rounds per KIA in Vn.

After that you can show how it's relevant to my response to him.

And, GO!

Careful.  Don't step on his feels.
Link Posted: 5/1/2015 3:53:05 PM EDT

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I doubt you will get lucky enough to shut that much down with a single load of buck.  Depending on engagement distance  (and we are talking about inside a house) they are likely to all be grouped very close together.  My splits are ~.12 with my SBR.  No one is getting one round.  Like I said earlier, IMO a machinegun is better, then your dealing with .06 splits.
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I doubt you will get lucky enough to shut that much down with a single load of buck.  Depending on engagement distance  (and we are talking about inside a house) they are likely to all be grouped very close together.  My splits are ~.12 with my SBR.  No one is getting one round.  Like I said earlier, IMO a machinegun is better, then your dealing with .06 splits.
Careful with those split time assertions.

Under the red afghan sun things work differently.

Link Posted: 5/1/2015 4:00:39 PM EDT

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I am not a vet, and never served...
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Your chances of a promotion to Captain are diminishing by the minute.  
Link Posted: 5/1/2015 4:00:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/1/2015 4:03:37 PM EDT

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  Your chances of a promotion to Captain are diminishing by the minute.  

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I am not a vet, and never served...

  Your chances of a promotion to Captain are diminishing by the minute.  

Same with his chances of saving puppies and kitties.

Link Posted: 5/1/2015 4:06:28 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/1/2015 4:10:47 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/1/2015 4:11:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/1/2015 4:15:24 PM EDT
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  Your chances of a promotion to Captain are diminishing by the minute.  
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I am not a vet, and never served...

  Your chances of a promotion to Captain are diminishing by the minute.  

This is my only hope to make Captain.

Link Posted: 5/1/2015 4:16:40 PM EDT

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Doing it on the range enough to develop muscle memory would fuck that gun up.
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The agent who killed Platt in the FBI shoot out was wounded in his hand / forearm and still used a Remington 870 pump gun one handed to take out the bad guy...


Pumping a "worn in" 870 one handed isn't hard. doing it fast in a high stress situation would require enough practice to develop muscle memory.

Doing it on the range enough to develop muscle memory would fuck that gun up.
Not to mention that the agent DIDN'T take out Platt with a fucked up arm, he missed and shot him in the foot.  Because heavy awkward shotgun.

" and Orrantia, Platt opened the
 driver’s side door of Grogan/Dove’s Buick. Just as he was stepping to enter the
 car, Mireles fired the first of five rounds of 00 buckshot from the Remington 870 shotgun
 he was carrying when he was hit in the forearm at the beginning of the gunfight by one of
 Platt’s bullets. Dr. Anderson feels this first shot by Mireles caused Platt right
 foot wounds E and F, and left foot wounds G and H. These wounds did not knock Platt off
 his feet.

"Mireles then drew his .357 Magnum revolver, got to his
 feet, moved laterally about 15 feet parallel with the street, clear of McNeill’s car,
 and then began walking directly towards Platt and Matix, who were sitting in
 Grogan/Dove’s car. Mireles fired six rounds of .38 Special +P from his revolver."

Big Hammer's opinion is predicated on fiction.

Link Posted: 5/1/2015 4:27:50 PM EDT

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Friendly advice. This forum is chock full of real-deal combat vets with lots of experience firing guns in defense of our country.

You may want to tread lightly on calling someone a N00b when there's a very real chance they've actually used weapons in combat.

I am not a vet, and never served, just pointing this out so you don't continue to step on your dick.
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Have you ever actually fired a gun or you one of those Call of Duty players

Friendly advice. This forum is chock full of real-deal combat vets with lots of experience firing guns in defense of our country.

You may want to tread lightly on calling someone a N00b when there's a very real chance they've actually used weapons in combat.

I am not a vet, and never served, just pointing this out so you don't continue to step on your dick.
I hasten to mention that I am not one of these.  Just a retired F-15 avionics maintainer.  But I listen carefully to the combat vets, as well as those who have truly studied terminal ballistics and become experts.

I also DO shoot (Okay, I also enjoy playing CoD, it's fun), and indeed some on this forum have seen me do so, and do pretty well at it.  Next week I may find the time to join another ARF member out at a local shooting area to do some more shooting, adding another to the list of members here who can attest that I do, in fact, shoot.

Link Posted: 5/1/2015 4:28:28 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/1/2015 4:31:27 PM EDT

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  Your chances of a promotion to Captain are diminishing by the minute.  

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I am not a vet, and never served...

  Your chances of a promotion to Captain are diminishing by the minute.  

He's not "Lt. Labner", he's Ltl (little) Abner.

Link Posted: 5/1/2015 4:31:41 PM EDT
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This is my only hope to make Captain.

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I am not a vet, and never served...

  Your chances of a promotion to Captain are diminishing by the minute.  

This is my only hope to make Captain.


Stealing that.
Link Posted: 5/1/2015 4:33:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/1/2015 4:34:14 PM EDT
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Doing it on the range enough to develop muscle memory would fuck that gun up.
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Did the "getting shot in the hands" thing ever happen in the FoF stuff you've done? (I'm assuming you've done a fair amount of force on force training.)
Link Posted: 5/1/2015 4:34:47 PM EDT
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Not to mention that the agent DIDN'T take out Platt with a fucked up arm, he missed and shot him in the foot.  Because heavy awkward shotgun.

" and Orrantia, Platt opened the  driver’s side door of Grogan/Dove’s Buick. Just as he was stepping to enter the  car, Mireles fired the first of five rounds of 00 buckshot from the Remington 870 shotgun  he was carrying when he was hit in the forearm at the beginning of the gunfight by one of  Platt’s bullets. Dr. Anderson feels this first shot by Mireles caused Platt right  foot wounds E and F, and left foot wounds G and H. These wounds did not knock Platt off  his feet.

"Mireles then drew his .357 Magnum revolver, got to his  feet, moved laterally about 15 feet parallel with the street, clear of McNeill’s car,  and then began walking directly towards Platt and Matix, who were sitting in  Grogan/Dove’s car. Mireles fired six rounds of .38 Special +P from his revolver."

Big Hammer's opinion is predicated on fiction.
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The agent who killed Platt in the FBI shoot out was wounded in his hand / forearm and still used a Remington 870 pump gun one handed to take out the bad guy...


Pumping a "worn in" 870 one handed isn't hard. doing it fast in a high stress situation would require enough practice to develop muscle memory.

Doing it on the range enough to develop muscle memory would fuck that gun up.
Not to mention that the agent DIDN'T take out Platt with a fucked up arm, he missed and shot him in the foot.  Because heavy awkward shotgun.

" and Orrantia, Platt opened the  driver’s side door of Grogan/Dove’s Buick. Just as he was stepping to enter the  car, Mireles fired the first of five rounds of 00 buckshot from the Remington 870 shotgun  he was carrying when he was hit in the forearm at the beginning of the gunfight by one of  Platt’s bullets. Dr. Anderson feels this first shot by Mireles caused Platt right  foot wounds E and F, and left foot wounds G and H. These wounds did not knock Platt off  his feet.

"Mireles then drew his .357 Magnum revolver, got to his  feet, moved laterally about 15 feet parallel with the street, clear of McNeill’s car,  and then began walking directly towards Platt and Matix, who were sitting in  Grogan/Dove’s car. Mireles fired six rounds of .38 Special +P from his revolver."

Big Hammer's opinion is predicated on fiction.

I honestly had no idea what he was talking about.
Link Posted: 5/1/2015 4:36:28 PM EDT
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He's not "Lt. Labner", he's Ltl (little) Abner.
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I am not a vet, and never served...

  Your chances of a promotion to Captain are diminishing by the minute.  
He's not "Lt. Labner", he's Ltl (little) Abner.

Maybe I should'a been an Lt. I mean, I screwed up the LiL abbreviation and all. That's kinda like getting lost with a map and compass right ?
Link Posted: 5/1/2015 4:39:48 PM EDT

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I honestly had no idea what he was talking about.
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Big Hammer's opinion is predicated on fiction.


I honestly had no idea what he was talking about.
It's cool, neither did he.

Link Posted: 5/1/2015 4:42:43 PM EDT
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and I'm sure that every AR owner here has actually shot his AR at ultra close range and knows exactly how much P.O.I. deviation he has a 10 feet Vs. his 300 meter zeros.


Obligatory Shoot The Hostage Pic...

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Well, I'm off to bed. I'd like to make clear I don't believe or advocate the shotgun retardery that's commonly said in social circles. I happen to have the 590 out, and if something goes bump in the night that's what I grab. If you have (and I have had) an AR for a night stand gun than power to you. I have my reasons and I prefer the 590. I don't think I am disadvantaged for any reasonable scenario in the house by using it, and I don't think that anyone breaking in would think me a laughing stock facing that same 590. Night boys.

Bad guy holding your wife in front of him as a hostage.  Gun to head/knife to throat/whatever...

and I'm sure that every AR owner here has actually shot his AR at ultra close range and knows exactly how much P.O.I. deviation he has a 10 feet Vs. his 300 meter zeros.


Obligatory Shoot The Hostage Pic...


2.2" low at 10 feet
dead on at 50m
dead on at 200m

within 2.5" POA/POI from 0-225m

It isn't rocket surgery.

Link Posted: 5/1/2015 4:42:58 PM EDT
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HD with a SG is like wearing a Polo shirt to a wedding. But hey, you tried.
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Link Posted: 5/1/2015 4:48:36 PM EDT

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2.2" low at 10 feet

dead on at 50m

dead on at 200m

within 2.5" POA/POI from 0-225m

It isn't rocket surgery.

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Well, I'm off to bed. I'd like to make clear I don't believe or advocate the shotgun retardery that's commonly said in social circles. I happen to have the 590 out, and if something goes bump in the night that's what I grab. If you have (and I have had) an AR for a night stand gun than power to you. I have my reasons and I prefer the 590. I don't think I am disadvantaged for any reasonable scenario in the house by using it, and I don't think that anyone breaking in would think me a laughing stock facing that same 590. Night boys.

Bad guy holding your wife in front of him as a hostage.  Gun to head/knife to throat/whatever...

and I'm sure that every AR owner here has actually shot his AR at ultra close range and knows exactly how much P.O.I. deviation he has a 10 feet Vs. his 300 meter zeros.


Obligatory Shoot The Hostage Pic...


2.2" low at 10 feet

dead on at 50m

dead on at 200m

within 2.5" POA/POI from 0-225m

It isn't rocket surgery.

As many times as I've shot an El Prez with an AR and still can't figure out why my shots are all lower than my aiming point...Oh, wait, they aren't, because I do know about offsets at close range.  Guess he wasn't talking to me after all.

Link Posted: 5/1/2015 4:53:02 PM EDT
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I, at least, skimmed it.

No one, hyperbole for humorous effect aside, ever said that the shotgun is useless for HD.  But it's so completely outclassed by the AR that it's just silly to go with that when an AR is available.
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Ah, fanboi... you have never seen an autopsy from a close-range shooting with buckshot, have you? Believe me, inside 50 yards, buckshot works. inside of 25 yards, it is a screaming fucking nighmare. 5.56 is effective (kill), but 12ga OO is VERY effective (OVERkill). Within it's performance envelope, a shotgun is a phenomenal defensive weapon.
Link Posted: 5/1/2015 4:55:01 PM EDT

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Ah, fanboi... you have never seen an autopsy from a close-range shooting with buckshot, have you? Believe me, inside 50 yards, buckshot works. inside of 25 yards, it is a screaming fucking nighmare. 5.56 is effective (kill), but 12ga OO is VERY effective (OVERkill). Within it's performance envelope, a shotgun is a phenomenal defensive weapon.
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I, at least, skimmed it.

No one, hyperbole for humorous effect aside, ever said that the shotgun is useless for HD.  But it's so completely outclassed by the AR that it's just silly to go with that when an AR is available.

Ah, fanboi... you have never seen an autopsy from a close-range shooting with buckshot, have you? Believe me, inside 50 yards, buckshot works. inside of 25 yards, it is a screaming fucking nighmare. 5.56 is effective (kill), but 12ga OO is VERY effective (OVERkill). Within it's performance envelope, a shotgun is a phenomenal defensive weapon.
Haven't I seen you say a lot of other dumb things on the forum, besides this?  I feel sure that's why I recognize your username.

Link Posted: 5/1/2015 4:59:54 PM EDT
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Let's kick this motherfucker into high gear, and add trashcans to the mix.

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Let's kick this motherfucker into high gear, and add trashcans to the mix.


Let's kick this motherfucker into high gear, and add trashcans to the mix.


Link Posted: 5/1/2015 5:04:52 PM EDT
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Shotguns are a way of separating suckuhs from their $250.

No, all the camo paint in the world will not make it tactical.
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Nope, but optics and a short-pull PG stock on a semi-auto will. Like a 930SPX with Mesa Tactical stock.
Link Posted: 5/1/2015 5:06:11 PM EDT
If AKs belong in can of garbage, then where belong Moss'chesters and Rem'bergs?
Link Posted: 5/1/2015 5:10:42 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/1/2015 5:17:23 PM EDT
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And here we go, the irrational hyperbole. There's a vast difference between 4-5 (ie, what will fit in an average, 4 door car.) wearing body armor and a military assault force.

Just say "I like shotguns because I'm stuck in 80s action movies" and stop trying to justify why a manually operated, low capacity design from the 1880s is better than a modernized, semi-automatic rifle designed to kill people in combat.
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I'll I read was "I have carefully planned out what will happen in a home invasion scenario, and I won't begin to believe that other things may happen."

You're right, I never ruled out an entire division attacking my property and ingressing into my home before I can react.  So assuming I am up against 1-4 intruders is unrealistic?
Knowing my layout and where everyone is at night, and knowing where I will be during that is silly? I never said I couldn't adapt. But assuming that I am incapable of realizing probabilities and inferring that I am narrow minded about it and inflexible based on what I said is a little much. What if you get engaged by a LAV? Didn't see that coming did you? There's such a thing as reasonable probabilities and knowing ones own turf.

Or, apparently you misinterperated what you read. If not by that logic you stated, I'll just hole up at the top of the stairs with a sandbagged revetment and a M2HB.

And here we go, the irrational hyperbole. There's a vast difference between 4-5 (ie, what will fit in an average, 4 door car.) wearing body armor and a military assault force.

Just say "I like shotguns because I'm stuck in 80s action movies" and stop trying to justify why a manually operated, low capacity design from the 1880s is better than a modernized, semi-automatic rifle designed to kill people in combat.

You watch WAAAAY too much A-Team, bro.
Link Posted: 5/1/2015 5:19:04 PM EDT

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Let's kick this motherfucker into high gear, and add trashcans to the mix.



Let's kick this motherfucker into high gear, and add trashcans to the mix.


It's an entertaining range toy, it's way behind most of my centerfire rifles in the lineup for HD/SD, and even behind the Benelli M2.

Link Posted: 5/1/2015 5:21:55 PM EDT

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Ah, fanboi... you have never seen an autopsy from a close-range shooting with buckshot, have you? Believe me, inside 50 yards, buckshot works. inside of 25 yards, it is a screaming fucking nighmare. 5.56 is effective (kill), but 12ga OO is VERY effective (OVERkill). Within it's performance envelope, a shotgun is a phenomenal defensive weapon.
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I, at least, skimmed it.

No one, hyperbole for humorous effect aside, ever said that the shotgun is useless for HD.  But it's so completely outclassed by the AR that it's just silly to go with that when an AR is available.

Ah, fanboi... you have never seen an autopsy from a close-range shooting with buckshot, have you? Believe me, inside 50 yards, buckshot works. inside of 25 yards, it is a screaming fucking nighmare. 5.56 is effective (kill), but 12ga OO is VERY effective (OVERkill). Within it's performance envelope, a shotgun is a phenomenal defensive weapon.
Where did I put that bingo card...

Link Posted: 5/1/2015 5:24:26 PM EDT

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If AKs belong in can of garbage, then where belong Moss'chesters and Rem'bergs?


The land of alternating buck and 762x39.

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