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Link Posted: 11/17/2020 9:38:18 PM EDT
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Surprised you don’t have carpal tunnel at this point. How many words have you typed in the last month to say “things not looking good for Trump”
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But you need to be concerned that in one of the 8,000 pictures that were snapped of trump at the rally he wasn't completely smiling.

This is literally the most retarded thing ever...
Link Posted: 11/17/2020 9:44:40 PM EDT
Well, the fact they just got rawdogged in federal court doesn't look good.
Link Posted: 11/17/2020 9:45:11 PM EDT
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Then why the sad face in other pictures?  If you are destroying the entire democrat machine and getting re-elected a person shouldn't have the someone just ran over my puppy look on their face.   I've watched tons of Trump rallies.  No matter how tired and worn out he is, I've never seen that face on him.
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Am I nuts for wondering if Rudy is a purposeful distraction? He's certainly not a serious player.
Given what we have seen the last month, I would say yes that is nuts to think he is just a distraction. Who else is there besides Rudy and Sidney?  Those two have taken point on everything.  Lin Wood is an attorney but he thinks Trump won 50 states and Brian Kemp is a puppet of China.  I sure hope there is some big well documented surprise somewhere but it should have dropped by now so it could work its way through the court system.  

Does this look like the face of someone who knows he is going to win a second term because he is 10 steps ahead and has destroyed the Democrats?


Yes it does.


Then why the sad face in other pictures?  If you are destroying the entire democrat machine and getting re-elected a person shouldn't have the someone just ran over my puppy look on their face.   I've watched tons of Trump rallies.  No matter how tired and worn out he is, I've never seen that face on him.

Are you really serious? It's a moment captured in a fraction of a second.
Link Posted: 11/17/2020 9:48:35 PM EDT
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Then why the sad face in other pictures?  If you are destroying the entire democrat machine and getting re-elected a person shouldn't have the someone just ran over my puppy look on their face.   I've watched tons of Trump rallies.  No matter how tired and worn out he is, I've never seen that face on him.
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lol give up
Link Posted: 11/17/2020 9:49:06 PM EDT
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Well, the fact they just got rawdogged in federal court doesn't look good.
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Link Posted: 11/17/2020 9:49:36 PM EDT
Still awaiting the Kraken...
Link Posted: 11/17/2020 9:52:55 PM EDT
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Still awaiting the Kraken...
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Kraken to the curtesy phone?
Link Posted: 11/17/2020 9:56:28 PM EDT
Have Kraken call me.
Link Posted: 11/17/2020 9:58:12 PM EDT
Nothing yet? Times a running short.
Link Posted: 11/17/2020 10:10:59 PM EDT
I have not watched the embedded but there are supposedly new developments, pirated from another new thread;

Major developments in key states | Sidney Powell
Link Posted: 11/17/2020 10:12:42 PM EDT
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Have Kraken call me.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 11/17/2020 10:19:18 PM EDT
This thread waiting on Rudy's All Stars....

Link Posted: 11/17/2020 10:23:16 PM EDT
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This thread waiting on Rudy's All Stars....

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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 11/17/2020 10:23:54 PM EDT
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I have not watched the embedded but there are supposedly new developments, pirated from another new thread;

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This is awesome
Link Posted: 11/17/2020 11:00:46 PM EDT
Joe manchin is a pos. Why big Jim can’t take him out I’m not sure.
Link Posted: 11/17/2020 11:05:53 PM EDT
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I have not watched the embedded but there are supposedly new developments, pirated from another new thread;

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They just certified, but with conditions, to start an audit of the county.
Link Posted: 11/17/2020 11:07:22 PM EDT
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They just certified, but with conditions, to start an audit of the county.
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You're saying the State just certified?
Link Posted: 11/17/2020 11:13:01 PM EDT
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Have Kraken call me.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 11/17/2020 11:21:08 PM EDT
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Then why the sad face in other pictures?  If you are destroying the entire democrat machine and getting re-elected a person shouldn't have the someone just ran over my puppy look on their face.   I've watched tons of Trump rallies.  No matter how tired and worn out he is, I've never seen that face on him.
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Do you walk around all day smiling non stop?
Link Posted: 11/17/2020 11:40:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/17/2020 11:58:26 PM EDT
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Do you walk around all day smiling non stop?
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Then why the sad face in other pictures?  If you are destroying the entire democrat machine and getting re-elected a person shouldn't have the someone just ran over my puppy look on their face.   I've watched tons of Trump rallies.  No matter how tired and worn out he is, I've never seen that face on him.

Do you walk around all day smiling non stop?

If I was getting ready to break the Democrats in half, yes I would be.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 12:04:20 AM EDT
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So much for Cocaine Mitch....


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He did give Trump a week to make his case and that has not happened.  He never really supported Trump's fight anyway.  He only spoke up in support of Trump once he realized the Senate was in jeopardy.  People on this site gave me so much shit for pointing out that it took Mitch 6 days to back Trump investigating the election.  Trump's lawsuits were the fastest way to cancel the run-offs in GA so Mitch went along with that.  I guess Mitch doesn't believe they will produce much of anything.  
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 12:05:03 AM EDT
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Still awaiting the Kraken...
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Link Posted: 11/18/2020 12:05:11 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 12:05:50 AM EDT
Never attempt to steal a LANDSLIDE election!
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 12:06:09 AM EDT
I want to believe...
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 12:06:17 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 12:07:00 AM EDT
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He did give Trump a week to make his case and that has not happened.  He never really supported Trump's fight anyway.  He only spoke up in support of Trump once he realized the Senate was in jeopardy.  People on this site gave me so much shit for pointing out that it took Mitch 6 days to back Trump investigating the election.  Trump's lawsuits were the fastest way to cancel the run-offs in GA so Mitch went along with that.  I guess Mitch doesn't believe they will produce much of anything.  
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Thats what I get.

McConnell and Graham play the ground game. They change allegiances based on whatever way the wind blows.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 12:17:15 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 12:33:27 AM EDT
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I want to believe...
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Well Sidney just destroyed any remaining hope.  In her latest interview she said "If we get to the bottom of this Trump will have 80 million votes".  This thread was started days ago because she said she was ready to flip states.  Now she is still trying to get to the bottom of things?  

Jump to 7:45 mark.

Major developments in key states | Sidney Powell

Link Posted: 11/18/2020 12:37:55 AM EDT
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Jump to 7:45 mark.
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Yeah, thats pretty sad right there.

Link Posted: 11/18/2020 12:50:56 AM EDT
I understand wanting to see the proof.

A case like this would equate to puting together a 10000 piece jug saw puzzle with the vast majority of the pieces missing.

They don't tell everything. They just give you the pieced together parts where you can see some of the picture.

However it isn't always linear and clear cut. It is often a totality of issues that have to be complied and organized. Thousands of bits that have to be sorted out. Even with overwhelming clear cut cases. There are gaps.

They have to get as much in the right order to the right judges. In order to get access to places they suspect holds more of the pieces.

This shit isn't going to be over by inauguration day. If anything The right judges will defer this to go to the 18th amendment.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 12:51:22 AM EDT
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Yeah, thats pretty sad right there.

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You can tell she tries to correct herself.. I'm sick of this emotional rollercoaster.

If they get away with this I'm moving to the sticks.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 12:53:16 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 12:59:38 AM EDT
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You can tell she tries to correct herself.. I'm sick of this emotional rollercoaster.

If they get away with this I'm moving to the sticks.
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Thats probably a good idea either way.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 1:01:09 AM EDT
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What's sad is the Trump Meme thread and people posting that video thinking it is a positive.
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Yeah, thats pretty sad right there.

What's sad is the Trump Meme thread and people posting that video thinking it is a positive.

Wait there is a thread even dumber than the election night thread?  Glad I missed that one.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 1:02:35 AM EDT
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You can tell she tries to correct herself.. I'm sick of this emotional rollercoaster.

If they get away with this I'm moving to the sticks.
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Yeah, thats pretty sad right there.

You can tell she tries to correct herself.. I'm sick of this emotional rollercoaster.

If they get away with this I'm moving to the sticks.

Her correction was "and I intend to" which still contradicts "we are ready to flip states".  So much for theory she was holding on to some big reveal.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 1:30:39 AM EDT
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Well Sidney just destroyed any remaining hope.  In her latest interview she said "If we get to the bottom of this Trump will have 80 million votes".  This thread was started days ago because she said she was ready to flip states.  Now she is still trying to get to the bottom of things?  

Jump to 7:45 mark.

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I want to believe...

Well Sidney just destroyed any remaining hope.  In her latest interview she said "If we get to the bottom of this Trump will have 80 million votes".  This thread was started days ago because she said she was ready to flip states.  Now she is still trying to get to the bottom of things?  

Jump to 7:45 mark.


Certainly accounting for all fraudulent activity would require more time and effort than accounting for only the most egregious fraudulent activity committed in high-impact states/jurisdictions. Eighty million is a very big number in this context; I'm surprised she threw that out there, and wouldn't expect her to do so unless the data from what they've uncovered thus far would lead to that being a viable possibility for a final, nationwide tally. Nonetheless, it should be noted that accounting for all fraudulent activity would not be a requirement to gain favorable ruling on the illegitimacy of this election. It seems apparent there were multiple layers and efforts involved with the full scale of all fraud that occurred, and accounting for all of that will be a long and expensive endeavor, likely spanning multiple years and perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars.

As is always important, here is Powell's statement in context:

"It seems like every country has used something like this to do what it wants to do. Supposedly ours was invented to influence foreign elections, but that, too, could have been turned on this election. It's all part of the same part and parcel of government interference in elections to make choices against the will of the people, and the will of the people in this country was a Donald Trump win in a landslide. If we can get to the bottom of it, and I am determined to do that, I think we'll find that he had at least 80 million votes. The only reason the glitches happened in the system was because he had so far many more votes than they had calculated in advance, their algorithms wouldn't perform the functions they were originally set to perform. They couldn't make up the vote count; he had gotten so many hundreds of thousands more than they had planned. So that's when they had to stop the counting, and come up with a way to backfill the votes, or destroy votes for Trump while they fabricated votes for Biden."

This full statement is consistent with what was observed, and what has been theorized by many. Trump's turnout was very likely in excess of the projected 3% vote swing manipulation that the algorithm was pre-set to. Right as Trump's momentum began to hit full steam, vote counting simultaneously stopped in multiple states on election night (unprecedented), and then subsequently picked up again the next morning in what was one of the most improbable momentum/vote count swings this country has ever witnessed. Powell's statements here are extremely consistent with what has been alleged all along, and have no bearing on the legitimacy of her claim that she is ready to begin flipping states which have likely thus far received the most investigative attention.

Link Posted: 11/18/2020 1:33:04 AM EDT
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Certainly accounting for all fraudulent activity would require more time and effort than accounting for only the most egregious fraudulent activity committed in high-impact states/jurisdictions. Eighty million is a very big number in this context; I'm surprised she threw that out there, and wouldn't expect her to do so unless the data from what they've uncovered thus far would lead to that being a viable possibility for a final, nationwide tally. Nonetheless, it should be noted that accounting for all fraudulent activity would not be a requirement to gain favorable ruling on the illegitimacy of this election. It seems apparent there were multiple layers and efforts involved with the full scale of all fraud that occurred, and accounting for all of that will be a long and expensive endeavor, likely spanning multiple years and perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars.

As is always important, here is Powell's statement in context:

"It seems like every country has used something like this to do what it wants to do. Supposedly ours was invented to influence foreign elections, but that, too, could have been turned on this election. It's all part of the same part and parcel of government interference in elections to make choices against the will of the people, and the will of the people in this country was a Donald Trump win in a landslide. If we can get to the bottom of it, and I am determined to do that, I think we'll find that he had at least 80 million votes. The only reason the glitches happened in the system was because he had so far many more votes than they had calculated in advance, their algorithms wouldn't perform the functions they were originally set to perform. They couldn't make up the vote count; he had gotten so many hundreds of thousands more than they had planned. So that's when they had to stop the counting, and come up with a way to backfill the votes, or destroy votes for Trump while they fabricated votes for Biden."

This full statement is consistent with what was observed, and what has been theorized by many. Trump's turnout was very likely in excess of the projected 3% vote swing manipulation that the algorithm was pre-set to. Right as Trump's momentum began to hit full steam, vote counting simultaneously stopped in multiple states on election night (unprecedented), and then subsequently picked up again the next morning in what was one of the most improbable momentum/vote count swings this country has ever witnessed. Powell's statements here are extremely consistent with what has been alleged all along, and have no bearing on the legitimacy of her claim that she is ready to begin flipping states which have likely thus far received the most investigative attention.

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I want to believe...

Well Sidney just destroyed any remaining hope.  In her latest interview she said "If we get to the bottom of this Trump will have 80 million votes".  This thread was started days ago because she said she was ready to flip states.  Now she is still trying to get to the bottom of things?  

Jump to 7:45 mark.


Certainly accounting for all fraudulent activity would require more time and effort than accounting for only the most egregious fraudulent activity committed in high-impact states/jurisdictions. Eighty million is a very big number in this context; I'm surprised she threw that out there, and wouldn't expect her to do so unless the data from what they've uncovered thus far would lead to that being a viable possibility for a final, nationwide tally. Nonetheless, it should be noted that accounting for all fraudulent activity would not be a requirement to gain favorable ruling on the illegitimacy of this election. It seems apparent there were multiple layers and efforts involved with the full scale of all fraud that occurred, and accounting for all of that will be a long and expensive endeavor, likely spanning multiple years and perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars.

As is always important, here is Powell's statement in context:

"It seems like every country has used something like this to do what it wants to do. Supposedly ours was invented to influence foreign elections, but that, too, could have been turned on this election. It's all part of the same part and parcel of government interference in elections to make choices against the will of the people, and the will of the people in this country was a Donald Trump win in a landslide. If we can get to the bottom of it, and I am determined to do that, I think we'll find that he had at least 80 million votes. The only reason the glitches happened in the system was because he had so far many more votes than they had calculated in advance, their algorithms wouldn't perform the functions they were originally set to perform. They couldn't make up the vote count; he had gotten so many hundreds of thousands more than they had planned. So that's when they had to stop the counting, and come up with a way to backfill the votes, or destroy votes for Trump while they fabricated votes for Biden."

This full statement is consistent with what was observed, and what has been theorized by many. Trump's turnout was very likely in excess of the projected 3% vote swing manipulation that the algorithm was pre-set to. Right as Trump's momentum began to hit full steam, vote counting simultaneously stopped in multiple states on election night (unprecedented), and then subsequently picked up again the next morning in what was one of the most improbable momentum/vote count swings this country has ever witnessed. Powell's statements here are extremely consistent with what has been alleged all along, and have no bearing on the legitimacy of her claim that she is ready to begin flipping states which have likely thus far received the most investigative attention.

He isn't interested in knowing all that. His purpose here is quite clear.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 1:47:40 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 1:52:26 AM EDT
Does this mean Ann Margret is not coming?
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 1:55:51 AM EDT
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There are many people FAR too invested in this emotionally.  On Both "Sides"/All groups.   If it is keeping you up at night, stop Watching the news or reading about it and Just wait for what happens.  arguing on the internet Damn sure isn't go to change things.   Be useful in your won local community, re-Direct the Frustrated energy until you can manage to dissipate it with the comfort that it we are helpless spectators in this.  

Some here are More wound up than if their favorite football team is losing (which is Just as honest and fair as this election).

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You guys stress too much.

Regardless of what happens right now or in January with GA, 2 years from now it could just as easily be an R House and Senate.....and 2 years after that, who knows how they will flip.

Look how close the House is right now, and even if D's take the Senate, it would be 50/50 with Manchin already saying he does not support dumping the Philly-buster.  Nothing "major" is going to get through (unless it is an EO)   You can expect standard D overreach...it happens like clockwork.    Same old same old....

There are many people FAR too invested in this emotionally.  On Both "Sides"/All groups.   If it is keeping you up at night, stop Watching the news or reading about it and Just wait for what happens.  arguing on the internet Damn sure isn't go to change things.   Be useful in your won local community, re-Direct the Frustrated energy until you can manage to dissipate it with the comfort that it we are helpless spectators in this.  

Some here are More wound up than if their favorite football team is losing (which is Just as honest and fair as this election).

Yeah man, it's just an illegal putsch being carried out before our eyes, that will eliminate any chance we have at mounting a meaningful opposition for decades if not forever, all the while unable to oppose a frighteningly accelerating leftist agenda that's killed a hundred million people in the past century.

No sweat.  Act locally, be ruled globally!
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 1:58:21 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 2:48:31 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 3:27:42 AM EDT
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Well Sidney just destroyed any remaining hope.  In her latest interview she said "If we get to the bottom of this Trump will have 80 million votes".  This thread was started days ago because she said she was ready to flip states.  Now she is still trying to get to the bottom of things?  

Jump to 7:45 mark.

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Is anyone truly surprised that this self promoting huckster didn’t deliver the magical state-flipping as hoped?

I mean - truly surprised?

After Four Seasons Total Lanscaping, you really have to be deep into denial to think anything meaningful will come of this noise.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 3:37:38 AM EDT
Let them eat Kraken.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 3:42:26 AM EDT
It's literally only been two weeks since the greatest election fraud in history and half of the phaggots on this site expect everything to be sorted already and the gallows full of bodies. Jesus fucking christ what a bunch of whiney babies.

NOTHING moves that fast through the system.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 3:44:29 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 4:15:18 AM EDT
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There are many people FAR too invested in this emotionally.  On Both "Sides"/All groups.   If it is keeping you up at night, stop Watching the news or reading about it and Just wait for what happens.  arguing on the internet Damn sure isn't going to change things.   Be useful in your own local community, re-Direct the Frustrated energy until you can manage to dissipate it with the comfort that it we are helpless spectators in this.  

Some here are More wound up than if their favorite football team is losing (which is Just as honest and fair as this election).

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Honey? Is that you???

I swear that I listened to the same speech earlier tonight. Almost verbatim.

I understand what you are saying, and in any previous election I would agree 100%

I feel we as a country, as a free society, that we are at a historic crossroads. I find the whole situation compelling.

I stay up late trying to discern and extract a clear picture. God knows It cannot be done with straightforward reporting of facts...either side. MSM won't even acknowledge the reality of a contested election. Their "call" might wind up to be correct, but regardless the veil has been lifted. Don't much care for what I see.

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