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Link Posted: 11/18/2020 4:30:59 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 4:34:18 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 7:07:24 AM EDT
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It's literally only been two weeks since the greatest election fraud in history and half of the phaggots on this site expect everything to be sorted already and the gallows full of bodies. Jesus fucking christ what a bunch of whiney babies.

NOTHING moves that fast through the system.
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Nothing is more important right now so it should move faster.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 8:38:10 AM EDT
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It's literally only been two weeks since the greatest election fraud in history and half of the phaggots on this site expect everything to be sorted already and the gallows full of bodies. Jesus fucking christ what a bunch of whiney babies.

NOTHING moves that fast through the system.
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It's definitely not going to move fast with the legal team Trump's cobbled together.

Showmanship: 10
Promises: 10
Tweet Dramatics: 10
Delivery of substance with fraud evidence: 3
Ability to give convincing arguments in court: 2.3
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 8:59:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 9:12:28 AM EDT
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No 60 votes, no care.

The big thing would be the little things we don't see.  Like who is nominated to what position.   (Must consider judges as well).  

R's had the WH, House and Senate in 2016.  No major shift on anything.

Obamacare only happened because of 60 votes.
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If the Ds win both GA Senate races the Senate will be 50/50 with Harris as the tie breaker. The Dems will be in 100% control of the Executive, Senate, and House. That's scary as fuck

No 60 votes, no care.

The big thing would be the little things we don't see.  Like who is nominated to what position.   (Must consider judges as well).  

R's had the WH, House and Senate in 2016.  No major shift on anything.

Obamacare only happened because of 60 votes.

Not quite. The swamp had the House in 2016 and the Senate wasn't much better. Their do-nothing agenda is what handed the House to the communists. At least the Senate has had the stones to get judges pushed thru. We HAVE to keep hold of the Senate when Trump wins.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 9:17:45 AM EDT
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That fist bump meant "It's going good, things are on schedule"
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Yep and the little pat on the back meant, “congrats.”
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 9:19:48 AM EDT
It's over. GA certifies tonite at midnight.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 9:21:45 AM EDT
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Then why the sad face in other pictures?  If you are destroying the entire democrat machine and getting re-elected a person shouldn't have the someone just ran over my puppy look on their face.   I've watched tons of Trump rallies.  No matter how tired and worn out he is, I've never seen that face on him.
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Am I nuts for wondering if Rudy is a purposeful distraction? He's certainly not a serious player.
Given what we have seen the last month, I would say yes that is nuts to think he is just a distraction. Who else is there besides Rudy and Sidney?  Those two have taken point on everything.  Lin Wood is an attorney but he thinks Trump won 50 states and Brian Kemp is a puppet of China.  I sure hope there is some big well documented surprise somewhere but it should have dropped by now so it could work its way through the court system.  

Does this look like the face of someone who knows he is going to win a second term because he is 10 steps ahead and has destroyed the Democrats?


Yes it does.


Then why the sad face in other pictures?  If you are destroying the entire democrat machine and getting re-elected a person shouldn't have the someone just ran over my puppy look on their face.   I've watched tons of Trump rallies.  No matter how tired and worn out he is, I've never seen that face on him.
It is a 1/500th slice of a single second, out of 60 in a minute; if it was an overcast day, 1/250th.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 9:22:48 AM EDT
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The showmanship and promises are all to fleece people of money so they donate and Trump can pocket the cash and pay off debt.
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Well if he'd not had to deal with corruption and double dealing at every turn...
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 9:32:05 AM EDT
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It's over. GA certifies tonite at midnight.
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It has been pointed out many times by people smarter than me that if there is real evidence then certification won’t mean dick.

If there is real evidence of corruption on the scale that is being talked about and we don’t stop it then we deserve what we get.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 9:34:55 AM EDT
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The showmanship and promises are all to fleece people of money so they donate and Trump can pocket the cash and pay off debt.
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I'm beginning to believe this. I think we are fucked and are going the way of Nazi Germany's Jews.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 9:38:31 AM EDT
Why is it taking so long to get the big push started?

Do they really not have good solid evidence that will sway the courts?

Or are they sitting back at the chum hole waiting on the biggest possible crowd of fish before throwing the net?

Gettin' real tired of hearing about all the evidence with nothing much going on.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 9:39:59 AM EDT
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I'm beginning to believe this. I think we are fucked and are going the way of Nazi Germany's Jews.
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It’s important to not listen to the MSM and to also realize there is a small yet extremely active contingent on this board that wants the Dems to win for whatever reasons they may have. Their entire goal is to disenfranchise patriots.

I don’t know what evidence exists but I know this election was a sham and the president has my support 100%. If Biden takes office our country will not survive.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 9:40:20 AM EDT
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It's literally only been two weeks since the greatest election fraud in history and half of the phaggots on this site expect everything to be sorted already and the gallows full of bodies. Jesus fucking christ what a bunch of whiney babies.

NOTHING moves that fast through the system.
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They could have done small batch recounts in specific counties and proven the fraud they claim exists.  You know pick the easy to reach low hanging fruit.  That hasn't happened.  Instead we now getting affidavits from Generals in the Venezuela Army to prove the CIA is working with China who has compromised Brian Kemp.  

Court cases have been going on constantly since the election, most are getting rejected due to lack of evidence.  People here claim they won't release any evidence publicly because it will hurt their court cases but no one can explain why they aren't providing the evidence to the courts.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 9:41:14 AM EDT
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Why is it taking so long to get the big push started?

Do they really not have good solid evidence that will sway the courts?

Or are they sitting back at the chum hole waiting on the biggest possible crowd of fish before throwing the net?

Gettin' real tired of hearing about all the evidence with nothing much going on.
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As soon as they get finished typing up all the indictments, they'll start working on the motions that will overturn the election.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 9:41:52 AM EDT
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They could have done small batch recounts in specific counties and proven the fraud they claim exists.  You know pick the easy to reach low hanging fruit.  That hasn't happened.  Instead we now getting affidavits from Generals in the Venezuela Army to prove the CIA is working with China who has compromised Brian Kemp.  

Court cases have been going on constantly since the election, most are getting rejected due to lack of evidence.  People here claim they won't release any evidence publicly because it will hurt their court cases but no one can explain why they aren't providing the evidence to the courts.
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Because it hasn't been formally compiled yet according to Lindsey Powell.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 9:46:18 AM EDT
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It has been pointed out many times by people smarter than me that if there is real evidence then certification won't mean dick.

If there is real evidence of corruption on the scale that is being talked about and we don't stop it then we deserve what we get.
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It's over. GA certifies tonite at midnight.

It has been pointed out many times by people smarter than me that if there is real evidence then certification won't mean dick.

If there is real evidence of corruption on the scale that is being talked about and we don't stop it then we deserve what we get.

They need to get 100,000 more followers on Twitter before they show us the evidence.

Yes, I'm getting more and more fucking cynical as these days of nothing-burgers drag on.......
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 9:50:38 AM EDT
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It's over. GA certifies tonite at midnight.
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Certifying fraudulent results doesn’t mean it’s over. They can still be challenged in court.

Until the electoral college votes, it’s not over.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 9:50:51 AM EDT
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It's over. GA certifies tonite at midnight.
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Certifying fraudulent results doesn’t mean it’s over. They can still be challenged in court.

Until the electoral college votes, it’s not over.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 9:54:34 AM EDT
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The showmanship and promises are all to fleece people of money so they donate and Trump can pocket the cash and pay off debt.
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Link Posted: 11/18/2020 9:56:27 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 9:58:20 AM EDT
Do it or stfu
How long can we wait?
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 10:01:46 AM EDT
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Given what we have seen the last month, I would say yes that is nuts to think he is just a distraction. Who else is there besides Rudy and Sidney?  Those two have taken point on everything.  Lin Wood is an attorney but he thinks Trump won 50 states and Brian Kemp is a puppet of China.  I sure hope there is some big well documented surprise somewhere but it should have dropped by now so it could work its way through the court system.  

Does this look like the face of someone who knows he is going to win a second term because he is 10 steps ahead and has destroyed the Democrats?


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Good god you are insufferable.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 10:02:23 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 10:06:09 AM EDT
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It's literally only been two weeks since the greatest election fraud in history and half of the phaggots on this site expect everything to be sorted already and the gallows full of bodies. Jesus fucking christ what a bunch of whiney babies.

NOTHING moves that fast through the system.
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Seriously though, this has been happening since 1960. Why do people think it can be unraveled in a time scale using hours? As far as his picks for lawyers, maybe there is more to it. Also consider, who would take this suicide mission? You are taking dollars away from The Machine for another four years, with laws and judges, maybe a LOT longer.

This election was never about personalities. It never was. It was about two hyenas discussing YOUR WALLET for dinner. Trump has done the best he can to stand outside with a shotgun while you go out and pee, but... should he get sent packing via whatever underhanded means, we are all wearing milkbone underwear. We went WAY past laughing at blue states 15 years ago. There is nowhere to move, there is no more wait and see, this is it.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 10:08:39 AM EDT
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They need to get 100,000 more followers on Twitter before they show us the evidence.

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I am actually surprised they haven't tried that marketing gimmick at this point.  

Link Posted: 11/18/2020 10:09:28 AM EDT
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Good god you are insufferable.
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Given what we have seen the last month, I would say yes that is nuts to think he is just a distraction. Who else is there besides Rudy and Sidney?  Those two have taken point on everything.  Lin Wood is an attorney but he thinks Trump won 50 states and Brian Kemp is a puppet of China.  I sure hope there is some big well documented surprise somewhere but it should have dropped by now so it could work its way through the court system.  

Does this look like the face of someone who knows he is going to win a second term because he is 10 steps ahead and has destroyed the Democrats?


Good god you are insufferable.

But am I wrong?  Time will tell.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 10:16:46 AM EDT
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It's literally only been two weeks since the greatest election fraud in history and half of the phaggots on this site expect everything to be sorted already and the gallows full of bodies. Jesus fucking christ what a bunch of whiney babies.

NOTHING moves that fast through the system.
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When most of Trump's team seems to be grandstanding with the Kraken memes and constant tweeting, I think it comes naturally that people expect instant gratification rather than careful, measured preparation and expectations. I mean, I get the notion that you have to keep folks engaged and fired up - but there reaches a point of diminishing returns where you can only say "I'm releasing the Kraken TOMORROW!" and then tomorrow only is another evidentiary hearing just like yesterday, and people become disillusioned because YOU promised them BIG!

On another note...

Link Posted: 11/18/2020 10:19:17 AM EDT
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When most of Trump's team seems to be grandstanding with the Kraken memes and constant tweeting, I think it comes naturally that people expect instant gratification rather than careful, measured preparation and expectations. I mean, I get the notion that you have to keep folks engaged and fired up - but there reaches a point of diminishing returns where you can only say "I'm releasing the Kraken TOMORROW!" and then tomorrow only is another evidentiary hearing just like yesterday, and people become disillusioned because YOU promised them BIG!

On another note...

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It's literally only been two weeks since the greatest election fraud in history and half of the phaggots on this site expect everything to be sorted already and the gallows full of bodies. Jesus fucking christ what a bunch of whiney babies.

NOTHING moves that fast through the system.

When most of Trump's team seems to be grandstanding with the Kraken memes and constant tweeting, I think it comes naturally that people expect instant gratification rather than careful, measured preparation and expectations. I mean, I get the notion that you have to keep folks engaged and fired up - but there reaches a point of diminishing returns where you can only say "I'm releasing the Kraken TOMORROW!" and then tomorrow only is another evidentiary hearing just like yesterday, and people become disillusioned because YOU promised them BIG!

On another note...

We really just need to start tallying 'errors' for each candidate.  Sounds like we're up to around 15,000 in Biden's favor, so far. (I'm not counting the 100,000k tentative reporting 'error')
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 10:23:10 AM EDT
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We really just need to start tallying 'errors' for each candidate.  Sounds like we're up to around 15,000 in Biden's favor, so far. (I'm not counting the 100,000k tentative reporting 'error')
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TBF, after reading the tweet and some of the replies, it's unclear if the monitors caught the "error" on election day and it was corrected then or this is being corrected now.

In the grand scheme it proves the same point - that VERY close oversight is needed and calls other counts into question where monitors weren't there or couldn't do their jobs - but this may not be a bump for Trump today.

Link Posted: 11/18/2020 10:28:27 AM EDT
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When most of Trump's team seems to be grandstanding with the Kraken memes and constant tweeting, I think it comes naturally that people expect instant gratification rather than careful, measured preparation and expectations. I mean, I get the notion that you have to keep folks engaged and fired up - but there reaches a point of diminishing returns where you can only say "I'm releasing the Kraken TOMORROW!" and then tomorrow only is another evidentiary hearing just like yesterday, and people become disillusioned because YOU promised them BIG!

On another note...

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I wouldn't be surprised if some of these counties ended up turning in more votes for Biden.  This entire process is ridiculous.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 10:30:40 AM EDT
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It has been pointed out many times by people smarter than me that if there is real evidence then certification won’t mean dick.

If there is real evidence of corruption on the scale that is being talked about and we don’t stop it then we deserve what we get.
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It's over. GA certifies tonite at midnight.

It has been pointed out many times by people smarter than me that if there is real evidence then certification won’t mean dick.

If there is real evidence of corruption on the scale that is being talked about and we don’t stop it then we deserve what we get.

there are no rules now. People keep holding on to the idea that things function in a rational and defined manner. none of that is true. Anymore. It's all about the mob. Rules and social mores/ norms are not in play anymore.  About the feelz.  

We have communists burning cities. With help from the local government officials.

People who defend themselves are racists because they have no right to defend themselves from certain demographics.

Politicians and officials actually threatening other officials when they don't get their way.

We have an FBI that staged a coup attempt against a duly elected president and acts as a political enforcement entity for one of the political parties.

Things do not work as they should. And they won't anymore. The best we can hope for is they turn on themselves and collapse their movement into factionalism. Regional unorganized anarchy is preferable to this enslaving and oppressive shit we are going towards.

Link Posted: 11/18/2020 10:36:25 AM EDT
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They could have done small batch recounts in specific counties and proven the fraud they claim exists.  You know pick the easy to reach low hanging fruit.  That hasn't happened.  Instead we now getting affidavits from Generals in the Venezuela Army to prove the CIA is working with China who has compromised Brian Kemp.  

Court cases have been going on constantly since the election, most are getting rejected due to lack of evidence.  People here claim they won't release any evidence publicly because it will hurt their court cases but no one can explain why they aren't providing the evidence to the courts.
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It's literally only been two weeks since the greatest election fraud in history and half of the phaggots on this site expect everything to be sorted already and the gallows full of bodies. Jesus fucking christ what a bunch of whiney babies.

NOTHING moves that fast through the system.

They could have done small batch recounts in specific counties and proven the fraud they claim exists.  You know pick the easy to reach low hanging fruit.  That hasn't happened.  Instead we now getting affidavits from Generals in the Venezuela Army to prove the CIA is working with China who has compromised Brian Kemp.  

Court cases have been going on constantly since the election, most are getting rejected due to lack of evidence.  People here claim they won't release any evidence publicly because it will hurt their court cases but no one can explain why they aren't providing the evidence to the courts.

They've provided plenty of evidence in their court filings. What they haven't been doing is taking a step-by-step approach. Show via statistical analyses (multiple) that there are irregularities in certain areas. Use that to get the court to order audited recounts in those areas. Once that's done, that may be enough to put Trump over the top. If not, then use the targeted recounts as validation of the statistical analyses to show that if it's wrong in those areas, it's like to be wrong everywhere in the state. The court can then either order a full, statewide recount or simply rule that the legislature has to pick the electors. Either way, Trump wins.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 10:41:36 AM EDT
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It has been pointed out many times by people smarter than me that if there is real evidence then certification won’t mean dick.

If there is real evidence of corruption on the scale that is being talked about and we don’t stop it then we deserve what we get.
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pretty sure thats not correct.  if they certify by safe harbor date (in december) its set and stone and nothing can change it, even if after safe harbor that 100% absolute evidence that it was a completely rigged democrat scam came out; that even if the democrats grinned, shrugged and said "ya got me", it still wouldnt matter, at least constitutionally.  I know it doesnt make much sense, but Im not sure in that case that congress could legally refuse a certified cohort of electors as long as they were certified by safe harbor date.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 11:00:35 AM EDT
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The showmanship and promises are all to fleece people of money so they donate and Trump can pocket the cash and pay off debt.
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It’s the center ring of the circus. Trump just had to send in the clowns, starting with Rudy and then the Fox talking head “lawyers” to go around and incite some donations.

Rudy in a court of law as a practicing lawyer? Hilarious. What a maroon.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 11:23:14 AM EDT
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There are many people FAR too invested in this emotionally.  On Both "Sides"/All groups.   If it is keeping you up at night, stop Watching the news or reading about it and Just wait for what happens.  arguing on the internet Damn sure isn't going to change things.   Be useful in your own local community, re-Direct the Frustrated energy until you can manage to dissipate it with the comfort that it we are helpless spectators in this.  

Some here are More wound up than if their favorite football team is losing (which is Just as honest and fair as this election).

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Notwithstanding your excellent point about importance of keeping one's sanity, regarding the highlighted statement above, the future of our republic is a little bit more important than sportsball.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 11:25:59 AM EDT
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They could have done small batch recounts in specific counties and proven the fraud they claim exists.  You know pick the easy to reach low hanging fruit.  That hasn't happened.  Instead we now getting affidavits from Generals in the Venezuela Army to prove the CIA is working with China who has compromised Brian Kemp.  

Court cases have been going on constantly since the election, most are getting rejected due to lack of evidence.  People here claim they won't release any evidence publicly because it will hurt their court cases but no one can explain why they aren't providing the evidence to the courts.
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It's literally only been two weeks since the greatest election fraud in history and half of the phaggots on this site expect everything to be sorted already and the gallows full of bodies. Jesus fucking christ what a bunch of whiney babies.

NOTHING moves that fast through the system.

They could have done small batch recounts in specific counties and proven the fraud they claim exists.  You know pick the easy to reach low hanging fruit.  That hasn't happened.  Instead we now getting affidavits from Generals in the Venezuela Army to prove the CIA is working with China who has compromised Brian Kemp.  

Court cases have been going on constantly since the election, most are getting rejected due to lack of evidence.  People here claim they won't release any evidence publicly because it will hurt their court cases but no one can explain why they aren't providing the evidence to the courts.

To be fair, I don't think they have the co-operation of the necessary officials in the very precincts where they would need to do these small-batch recounts, thus this is moot.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 11:31:54 AM EDT
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pretty sure thats not correct.  if they certify by safe harbor date (in december) its set and stone and nothing can change it, even if after safe harbor that 100% absolute evidence that it was a completely rigged democrat scam came out; that even if the democrats grinned, shrugged and said "ya got me", it still wouldnt matter, at least constitutionally.  I know it doesnt make much sense, but Im not sure in that case that congress could legally refuse a certified cohort of electors as long as they were certified by safe harbor date.
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It has been pointed out many times by people smarter than me that if there is real evidence then certification won’t mean dick.

If there is real evidence of corruption on the scale that is being talked about and we don’t stop it then we deserve what we get.

pretty sure thats not correct.  if they certify by safe harbor date (in december) its set and stone and nothing can change it, even if after safe harbor that 100% absolute evidence that it was a completely rigged democrat scam came out; that even if the democrats grinned, shrugged and said "ya got me", it still wouldnt matter, at least constitutionally.  I know it doesnt make much sense, but Im not sure in that case that congress could legally refuse a certified cohort of electors as long as they were certified by safe harbor date.

SCOTUS could toss all, part, or some of the vote tallies and subsequent elector selections. They could also throw selecting electors back on the state legislatures in those states where the vote tallies were not valid. They could also decide that because the election results nationwide are so hopelessly tainted, that equal protection applies and a contingent election should occur. They have lots of options, some of which are good for us, some not so much.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 11:50:52 AM EDT
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SCOTUS could toss all, part, or some of the vote tallies and subsequent elector selections. They could also throw selecting electors back on the state legislatures in those states where the vote tallies were not valid. They could also decide that because the election results nationwide are so hopelessly tainted, that equal protection applies and a contingent election should occur. They have lots of options, some of which are good for us, some not so much.
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well ok, but how could the USSC get engaged to actually do that though?  they cant just stand up all on their own in this midst of this hullabaloo and claim "Shenanigans!" and force a Contingent Election in the House, can they?  I'd think some suit would have to be brought to them, no?

But then the constitution and later federal law is pretty clear on how they expect "safe harbor" to operate, and as best I can tell if a state's Gov&SoS certify by the safe harbor date then thats  just the end of it for that state.  And right, I know that just doesn't make any sense in the context of some quickly following massive fraud reveal, but I cant find any legal remedy there.  Im probably reading it wrong though, since IANACL.  IAN even just a regular L.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 11:51:39 AM EDT
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To be fair, I don't think they have the co-operation of the necessary officials in the very precincts where they would need to do these small-batch recounts, thus this is moot.
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It's literally only been two weeks since the greatest election fraud in history and half of the phaggots on this site expect everything to be sorted already and the gallows full of bodies. Jesus fucking christ what a bunch of whiney babies.

NOTHING moves that fast through the system.

They could have done small batch recounts in specific counties and proven the fraud they claim exists.  You know pick the easy to reach low hanging fruit.  That hasn't happened.  Instead we now getting affidavits from Generals in the Venezuela Army to prove the CIA is working with China who has compromised Brian Kemp.  

Court cases have been going on constantly since the election, most are getting rejected due to lack of evidence.  People here claim they won't release any evidence publicly because it will hurt their court cases but no one can explain why they aren't providing the evidence to the courts.

To be fair, I don't think they have the co-operation of the necessary officials in the very precincts where they would need to do these small-batch recounts, thus this is moot.

Any candidate on a ballot can demand a recount.  They might have to pay for it if the race isn't close but they can demand any level of votes be recounted.

There is rumor from Bannon, whatever that is worth, that Trump is going to be paying for a recount and audit of WI.

Link Posted: 11/18/2020 11:53:15 AM EDT
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Trump has until 5 p.m. Wednesday to file for a recount and pay for it. If he wants a statewide recount, he will have to pay $7.9 million up front. He can also request recounts only in certain counties, which would reduce the cost. A recount would have to start no later than Saturday and be done by Dec. 1st.

Link Posted: 11/18/2020 11:56:39 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 12:03:25 PM EDT
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It's over. GA certifies tonite at midnight.
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The left is trying to buy time. Remember when Hillary said it will drag on through the courts and do not for any reason concede. This is all part of the plan. It will drag on through the courts but we will win in the end. We still got 2.5 weeks, a lot can happen between then.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 12:05:00 PM EDT
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Trump has until 5 p.m. Wednesday to file for a recount and pay for it. If he wants a statewide recount, he will have to pay $7.9 million up front. He can also request recounts only in certain counties, which would reduce the cost. A recount would have to start no later than Saturday and be done by Dec. 1st.

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Trump has until 5 p.m. Wednesday to file for a recount and pay for it. If he wants a statewide recount, he will have to pay $7.9 million up front. He can also request recounts only in certain counties, which would reduce the cost. A recount would have to start no later than Saturday and be done by Dec. 1st.

If he's just in it for the money, that's a cheap investment.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 12:05:33 PM EDT
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I'm beginning to believe this. I think we are fucked and are going the way of Nazi Germany's Jews.
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The showmanship and promises are all to fleece people of money so they donate and Trump can pocket the cash and pay off debt.

I'm beginning to believe this. I think we are fucked and are going the way of Nazi Germany's Jews.

NOt far off. this is how you change a society and force conformity (Nazi Germany method) and how it draws a comparison:

* You are more in the political opposition category. The front end. You will be intimidated into changing your worldview. Very Antifa/ hate speech/ you are a racist etc.(after killing or running off the leadership of KPD and SPD they intimidated and marginalized former members of those parties into conformity and constantly kept them under surveillance, debased and marginalized. They eliminated all other political parties at this point too)
* Following resistance to that, you then become an 'asocial' for not conforming. And then become subject to political and economic terror. Cancel culture. Doxxing.( they sought to define a 'Good German' and force people into that stereotype through intimidation and surveillance with no input from other sources of defining social mores and norms. they controlled their ability to earn a living. Then, not finding sufficient conformity to their world view, used the State-within-the-State apparatus to disappear you into the concentration camps for rehabilitation- or termination)
* And lastly comes extermination for having a 'religion' they oppose (this is a bit of flexing for comparison because it was more about race- but you could suffer for simply being a member of the religion with no traditional ethnic connection to the ethnic Jewish demographic)

This follows the Nazi line for owning the society and suppressing internal political opposition.

After the Reichstag fire, the Nazi Party got rid of all of their political and social opposition. Targeted the Communists and the Social Democrats for concentration camps, extermination or exile (elimination of political opposition) Ended all other political parties to become a one-party state. Next was the Churchs (and certain demographics e.g. gays, gypsies, Jehovah's Witnesses and Freemasons, etc.) that could provide an alternative narrative (suppressing internal dissent that might be available to the populace, intimidating them into conformity- a Nazi weltanschauung) or plainly didn't ft the definition of a 'Good German'; and then, finally, they targeted the Jews (after Kristallnacht) to initially get them to emigrate (this was working to force Jewish immigration out of Germany until the Anschluss which refilled the population of Jews in Germany in place of those who got out early, very closely in numbers, with the Jews in Austria leading to 'the solution to the Jewish question') and there was more concentration on those who were 'unproductive' or 'non-conformist'; asocial political enemies; resisters to their coercion for conformity;

So, with all of the police and security concentrated into a single federal agency under Himmler, and the civilian populace surveilled and observed for non-conformity, anyone who wasn't going along with the Nazi Volksgemeineschaft got to meet the heavy hand of government, it brought down the fury. "protective custody"-  coercive measures by the Gestapo against individuals "who by their conduct, endanger the existence and safety of the Volk and the state". So if they couldn't coerce them through the normative means of a judicial, executive, and legal rule, they shipped them off to the State-within-the-State, the above-the-state Gestapo mechanism- the concentration camps. Conformity.

As for the Jews, they didn't kill them with immediate termination by gassing in Germany proper, they shipped them out for that into the occupied territories or by shooting in the forward push into Russia. But extermination through work was still pretty popular in Germany proper. Because they didn't meet the definition of a proper German/ National Socialist. So the work thing is potential because of white supremacy/ Slavery/ wrongthink.

So three  periods of conformity to National Socialism and the concentration camp usage:
* kill off political opposition
* kill off internal dissent
* kill off scapegoats
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 12:05:35 PM EDT
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Yeah, that excavator will slide in any second
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 12:07:09 PM EDT
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But am I wrong?  Time will tell.
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Given what we have seen the last month, I would say yes that is nuts to think he is just a distraction. Who else is there besides Rudy and Sidney?  Those two have taken point on everything.  Lin Wood is an attorney but he thinks Trump won 50 states and Brian Kemp is a puppet of China.  I sure hope there is some big well documented surprise somewhere but it should have dropped by now so it could work its way through the court system.  

Does this look like the face of someone who knows he is going to win a second term because he is 10 steps ahead and has destroyed the Democrats?


Good god you are insufferable.

But am I wrong?  Time will tell.

I hope so.

But that's besides the point. You're now going on tangents to show how insufferable you are.
Link Posted: 11/18/2020 12:07:43 PM EDT
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Certifying fraudulent results doesn’t mean it’s over. They can still be challenged in court.

Until the electoral college votes, it’s not over.
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It's over. GA certifies tonite at midnight.

Certifying fraudulent results doesn’t mean it’s over. They can still be challenged in court.

Until the electoral college votes, it’s not over.

It's about the mob. The perception. Loud vocal position of the major players within and without of MSM. Their message has not failed yet. And we are barren any wins since the election of DJT.
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