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Link Posted: 12/17/2022 11:41:27 PM EDT
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"my feudal lord fucks me over harder than your feudal lord"

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The amount of people here who gobble corporate cock even at their own expense is truly amazing. The owner of my company is one of the richest people on earth, I take every advantage I can.

No, it’s a sign of pride to work for shitty people who don’t take care of their employees.

It’s the oppression Olympics.

Rockefeller really did a number on the older crowd.

"my feudal lord fucks me over harder than your feudal lord"


The longer time goes on the more I realize how much of it is true.

Link Posted: 12/17/2022 11:51:04 PM EDT
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The longer time goes on the more I realize how much of it is true.

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The amount of people here who gobble corporate cock even at their own expense is truly amazing. The owner of my company is one of the richest people on earth, I take every advantage I can.

No, it’s a sign of pride to work for shitty people who don’t take care of their employees.

It’s the oppression Olympics.

Rockefeller really did a number on the older crowd.

"my feudal lord fucks me over harder than your feudal lord"


The longer time goes on the more I realize how much of it is true.


Loki is right - theocratic authoritarianism has been the norm for basically all of recorded history throughout the world.

Based and DRpilled.
Link Posted: 12/17/2022 11:52:21 PM EDT
This thread reminded me that I needed another stripped upper so I just ordered one.
Link Posted: 12/17/2022 11:52:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/17/2022 11:53:08 PM EDT
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After their review below that went viral including a lengthy response from Aero on it.  The review was less than flattering.  

Trex Arms Aero M5 AR10 Review
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jesus, 2 fucking hours?
Link Posted: 12/17/2022 11:59:21 PM EDT
My company does a $50 gift card for every year of employment. I do miss my 4/5k bonus before but t
The job change brought a lot more to my pockets then the bonus lol.

More annoyed that upper management doesn't understand how it works. Told me they can't give me a significant raise because it's not in the contract. Then says there a massive shortage of my position across the US and to stay competitive you need to pay 50k over what I make.

So I ask what happens when someone else pays me something competitive because you know all I do.

He gets real quiet
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 12:00:13 AM EDT
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jesus, 2 fucking hours?
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After their review below that went viral including a lengthy response from Aero on it.  The review was less than flattering.  

Trex Arms Aero M5 AR10 Review
jesus, 2 fucking hours?

do addy like an adult
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 12:05:35 AM EDT
$500 this year. Better than nothing.
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 12:12:30 AM EDT
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times are tough life is hard.
be real happy if you even get a card
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Open, honest communication is warranted
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 12:18:35 AM EDT
Jelly of the Month Club
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 12:47:15 AM EDT
lmao..I work for the largest aerospace  manufacturer in the country...last thing I got was a Christmas tree ornament...made in China.   quitcha bitchin
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 12:48:05 AM EDT
Aero Precision is seriously mismanaged, with irrational management decisions
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 1:07:15 AM EDT
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You don’t have to have sympathies for those who work under you.

But not having them just makes you a shitty leader.
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The level of entitlement that some people feel gets absolutely insane. But I still think it’s an important thing for employees, as holidays are super expensive, and it can help with travel, gifts, etc.

No sympathy here
It's a known annual expense
That's what a Christmas Club savings account is for

You don’t have to have sympathies for those who work under you.

But not having them just makes you a shitty leader.

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 1:08:50 AM EDT
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And on top of that we also got a catered dinner to go along with a chance to win some pretty good prizes which wasn’t mentioned on the Reddit post. The discount we get as employees is one of the best benefits, you’d be shocked if you knew how great the discount is. If I can find an extra ornament I’ll be sure to message you and send you one.
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On top of the gift card they also got an aero branded Christmas ornament, that's pretty cool.

If you’re expecting a Christmas bonus to pay your rent you need to reevaluate your expectations.

It looks like a nice gesture to me, and I’d be willing to be Aero has some pretty cool year around benefits from what I’ve seen.

**I’ll happily take Aero ornaments from any whiney and entitled employees that don't want them.

And on top of that we also got a catered dinner to go along with a chance to win some pretty good prizes which wasn’t mentioned on the Reddit post. The discount we get as employees is one of the best benefits, you’d be shocked if you knew how great the discount is. If I can find an extra ornament I’ll be sure to message you and send you one.

I’ll give you $20 for one.
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 1:12:54 AM EDT
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How did this thread become a soap box for you sad guys to be "bonus, I just git extra work. I hate my company"? Then get better jobs! Fuck. Yall sound like a bunch of broken union workers who have been told this is the best you can do. Grow a sack, get out there, and find something better.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 1:20:30 AM EDT
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This thread reminded me that I needed another stripped upper so I just ordered one.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 1:22:57 AM EDT
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lmao..I work for the largest aerospace  manufacturer in the country...last thing I got was a Christmas tree ornament...made in China.   quitcha bitchin
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Losing more than half of shareholders value while handing out massive executive bonuses reveal the real problem there.

Link Posted: 12/18/2022 1:40:52 AM EDT
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My company gives out $30 gift cards for Christmas and they take in billions a year.  Never once thought to cry about it on Reddit.  I thought $30 was pretty nice actually.
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Yeah I get nothing for Christmas but I'd be mad at $30.

Also you should have mire self respect. Arf gd loves to worship companies as if they are the bastions of the free market. They just pretend that companies don't bend and twist every law and regulation under the sun to squeeze out fair competition, and that's not even bringing up the fact they hire lobbyists and pay politicians to set the rules they want.
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 2:46:10 AM EDT
Many years ago my employer gave out turkeys for Christmas.
Since then there have been no Christmas bonuses and the last decade or so not even a Christmas party.
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 2:49:42 AM EDT
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If smart they will be moving to a free state shortly, that will be a lot of money to do.
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Are they planning on moving again? I like that they are a WA based company. I'm not going to stop buying from them just because some little commie is whining.
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 3:10:07 AM EDT
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Yeah I get nothing for Christmas but I'd be mad at $30.

Also you should have mire self respect. Arf gd loves to worship companies as if they are the bastions of the free market. They just pretend that companies don't bend and twist every law and regulation under the sun to squeeze out fair competition, and that's not even bringing up the fact they hire lobbyists and pay politicians to set the rules they want.
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My company gives out $30 gift cards for Christmas and they take in billions a year.  Never once thought to cry about it on Reddit.  I thought $30 was pretty nice actually.

Yeah I get nothing for Christmas but I'd be mad at $30.

Also you should have mire self respect. Arf gd loves to worship companies as if they are the bastions of the free market. They just pretend that companies don't bend and twist every law and regulation under the sun to squeeze out fair competition, and that's not even bringing up the fact they hire lobbyists and pay politicians to set the rules they want.

And then complain about said corporations being woke.

Fren/enemy distinction is necessary.
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 4:31:13 AM EDT
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My bonus is gonna be pretty fucking awesome this year, even prorated at 10 months. Why are some of you bragging about low or no bonuses?
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-I'm with this gent, my company sets aside 10% of pre-tax earnings for the enterprise into a secure account. This money is paid to every [eligible] TM, a small % as cash less tax and balance deposited to the TM retirement plan.

This year that # is projected near 1B against 30K TMs.  
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 4:42:34 AM EDT
You idiots ate it hook line and sinker from the shitbag commies in /anti work.

Link Posted: 12/18/2022 4:44:43 AM EDT
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The discount they give employees is better than a bonus.
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Joined just today to post this?  Hello Aero!
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 4:55:22 AM EDT
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You idiots ate it hook line and sinker from the shitbag commies in /anti work.

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Good to hear.  I plan to add some more of their stuff soon regardless.  Just thought that it was interesting that everyone seemed to have missed someone from WA joining up just to post the comment I quoted above.  Guessing they have some inside info...
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 4:58:18 AM EDT
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I've cut many checks on the spot to fix payrolls fuckups.  Easy moral booster.  No one works for free
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At one employer they handed out gift cards in values from $30 to $100 depending on some factors like prefect attendance, etc.

The following year the value of those gift cards was reported on our W2 as required by the IRS. People were losing their minds.

Unfortunately that’s the IRS for you. Muh cash equivalent.

Fucking feds.

Talk about losing their minds, we gave out a few 100$ gift cards to a few people last month that really went beyond what they were asked to do, lol HR messed up, not only did they take the taxes out of their next paycheck (everyone knew this rule already) but they mistakenly took the whole 100$ plus taxes, one poor guy also had his boot allowance come out of his check as well lol, they all got it back on their next pay period, but still it sucked for them.

Payroll mistakes are always the worst.

In my experience employees always assume the worst and think it was intentional, and not a case of an errant keystroke or simple mistake of accounting.

Of everything I’ve ever done in a business, payroll was always the most stressful.

I've cut many checks on the spot to fix payrolls fuckups.  Easy moral booster.  No one works for free

Half of GD would work for free if it meant meeting s production quota so their boss would get a bonus and claim their grateful they have a job
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 5:03:15 AM EDT
I sent $25 Starbucks gifts cards to a number of my customers....  if true, that's pretty fucked
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 5:04:41 AM EDT
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My wife gets $27() for a ham, turkey, fruits and vegetables good at any supermarket.
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That's what I got every year for 14 years at my former employer. We'd get our 4th quarter bonus at the end of January. It was profit based.
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 5:49:55 AM EDT
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And on top of that we also got a catered dinner to go along with a chance to win some pretty good prizes which wasn’t mentioned on the Reddit post. The discount we get as employees is one of the best benefits, you’d be shocked if you knew how great the discount is. If I can find an extra ornament I’ll be sure to message you and send you one.
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On top of the gift card they also got an aero branded Christmas ornament, that's pretty cool.

If you’re expecting a Christmas bonus to pay your rent you need to reevaluate your expectations.

It looks like a nice gesture to me, and I’d be willing to be Aero has some pretty cool year around benefits from what I’ve seen.

**I’ll happily take Aero ornaments from any whiney and entitled employees that don't want them.

And on top of that we also got a catered dinner to go along with a chance to win some pretty good prizes which wasn’t mentioned on the Reddit post. The discount we get as employees is one of the best benefits, you’d be shocked if you knew how great the discount is. If I can find an extra ornament I’ll be sure to message you and send you one.

Ah, "the Paul Harvey". That's what I love about this place! No matter what the subject, there's usually someone that has BTDT. How about a pic of the Christmas tree ornament?
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 5:51:03 AM EDT
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A bonus shouldn't be expected, but why even bother to give out $5 cards ? Just do nothing.
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Unless bonuses were dangled in front of employees on the basis of certain criteria/goals being met. OTOH, I would prefer nothing over a $5 token gesture.
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 5:55:24 AM EDT
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I’ll give you $20 for one.
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On top of the gift card they also got an aero branded Christmas ornament, that's pretty cool.

If you’re expecting a Christmas bonus to pay your rent you need to reevaluate your expectations.

It looks like a nice gesture to me, and I’d be willing to be Aero has some pretty cool year around benefits from what I’ve seen.

**I’ll happily take Aero ornaments from any whiney and entitled employees that don't want them.

And on top of that we also got a catered dinner to go along with a chance to win some pretty good prizes which wasn’t mentioned on the Reddit post. The discount we get as employees is one of the best benefits, you’d be shocked if you knew how great the discount is. If I can find an extra ornament I’ll be sure to message you and send you one.

I’ll give you $20 for one.

A notch better than trading cards.....
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 6:19:24 AM EDT
I think the majority of you guys who are all "I dIdNt gEt ShIt" fail to understand the difference between what your job likely is, and what these guys job definitely is.

If you think that Aero is paying some 45 an hour for packers and unskilled labor, and they do so well with benefits and production bonuses, and there is no need for a Christmas bonus you're likely wrong.

Pretty much half or possibly more of the workforce in a manufacturing job is living nearly paycheck to paycheck. While a couple hundred bucks may not seem like a lot to you, for some of these guys its likely the only chance they can pay their bills, and buy something for Christmas for souses or family/kids.

I won't speak on the profitability or debt bs that some of you are arguing about, but I'm guessing that there was enough in the budget to kick a couple hundred to everyone without it sending them into bankruptcy.

I looked up what they were paying for open positions. Basic warehouse workers are starting at 17.00 an hour. It does look like they have a decent benefits package however.

But 17 is low even where I live, which has a cost of living average in the 28k a year range. I can only imagine how hard it is to survive on 17 an hour in Tacoma Washington.

If your doing well, making six figures and getting decent COL increases to help ease the burden of inflation, I can imagine that a couple hundred bucks means little to you. If you work for the Government, then you knew that was part of the deal going in. But these guys would probably have benefited immensely with a small Christmas bonus, even if it was only a hundred bucks. And Aero wouldn't be getting more negative press

Link Posted: 12/18/2022 6:25:17 AM EDT
Unless you work for them. Who freaking cares.

Link Posted: 12/18/2022 6:34:09 AM EDT
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Half of GD would work for free if it meant meeting s production quota so their boss would get a bonus and claim their grateful they have a job
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At one employer they handed out gift cards in values from $30 to $100 depending on some factors like prefect attendance, etc.

The following year the value of those gift cards was reported on our W2 as required by the IRS. People were losing their minds.

Unfortunately that’s the IRS for you. Muh cash equivalent.

Fucking feds.

Talk about losing their minds, we gave out a few 100$ gift cards to a few people last month that really went beyond what they were asked to do, lol HR messed up, not only did they take the taxes out of their next paycheck (everyone knew this rule already) but they mistakenly took the whole 100$ plus taxes, one poor guy also had his boot allowance come out of his check as well lol, they all got it back on their next pay period, but still it sucked for them.

Payroll mistakes are always the worst.

In my experience employees always assume the worst and think it was intentional, and not a case of an errant keystroke or simple mistake of accounting.

Of everything I’ve ever done in a business, payroll was always the most stressful.

I've cut many checks on the spot to fix payrolls fuckups.  Easy moral booster.  No one works for free

Half of GD would work for free if it meant meeting s production quota so their boss would get a bonus and claim their grateful they have a job

Maybe we need an "Antiwork" forum for the other half of GD that have outed themselves ITT as entitled commies? Reminds me of the thread where a poster stated, "I quit my job because I felt it was morally wrong for me to make money for my boss."

My success in business hinges on the people that I deal with also being successful. If they are not making money, neither am I. And it's not up to me or .gov to judge how much they make.
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 6:42:03 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 6:47:15 AM EDT
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I think the majority of you guys who are all "I dIdNt gEt ShIt" fail to understand the difference between what your job likely is, and what these guys job definitely is.

If you think that Aero is paying some 45 an hour for packers and unskilled labor, and they do so well with benefits and production bonuses, and there is no need for a Christmas bonus you're likely wrong.

Pretty much half or possibly more of the workforce in a manufacturing job is living nearly paycheck to paycheck. While a couple hundred bucks may not seem like a lot to you, for some of these guys its likely the only chance they can pay their bills, and buy something for Christmas for souses or family/kids.

I won't speak on the profitability or debt bs that some of you are arguing about, but I'm guessing that there was enough in the budget to kick a couple hundred to everyone without it sending them into bankruptcy.

I looked up what they were paying for open positions. Basic warehouse workers are starting at 17.00 an hour. It does look like they have a decent benefits package however.

But 17 is low even where I live, which has a cost of living average in the 28k a year range. I can only imagine how hard it is to survive on 17 an hour in Tacoma Washington.

If your doing well, making six figures and getting decent COL increases to help ease the burden of inflation, I can imagine that a couple hundred bucks means little to you. If you work for the Government, then you knew that was part of the deal going in. But these guys would probably have benefited immensely with a small Christmas bonus, even if it was only a hundred bucks. And Aero wouldn't be getting more negative press

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You're right about a couple hundred $$ being a significant amount for a low-wage employee. BTDT and I remember the struggle quite well. But I did something about it. I worked a second job, took advantage of any OT that was offered, applied for promotions. That $17/hour warehouse worker isn't "stuck" there unless he wants to be. Maybe Aero has a training program for machine operators?
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 7:05:52 AM EDT
Lol some of the replies here….  I guess because I’m a small company I see the actual results of me opening my checkbook at the end of the year and giving back to the guys that are the reason I’m able to fuck off A LOT!!  I am just a one man show without the guys who show up every day and I think that gets lost on the larger companies.    It cost me 18k Friday to give 6 of my guys 12k in bonuses.  I’m not out here working guys cheaply either as my lowest apprentice will hit over 50k this year.    I’ve worked in the Electrical industry since getting out of the Army and even when I was a Union apprentice a bonus was had. Maybe not much but even $100 helps morale.   Bonuses usually get lost in all that dead weight sitting around in offices watching the peons thinking that those peons wouldn’t have a job if it wasn’t for them.  The actual fact without the fuckers showing up to do the work you have nothing and that’s been lost in management..  I also don’t have a bean counter on my ass.
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 7:17:48 AM EDT
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You're right about a couple hundred $$ being a significant amount for a low-wage employee. BTDT and I remember the struggle quite well. But I did something about it. I worked a second job, took advantage of any OT that was offered, applied for promotions. That $17/hour warehouse worker isn't "stuck" there unless he wants to be. Maybe Aero has a training program for machine operators?
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And I completely agree with that point. No one is holding a gun to someones head making them work there and I'm not suggesting Aero has a gaggle of slave labor.

But for example, my job does do Christmas bonuses, except for 2020. Its something they had done for decades and everyone felt a rugpull when they didn't do it in 2020 after they had worked without a shutdown during Covid, and increased production to all time highs. Should they have felt entitled to something that is a gift? No but that doesn't mean it didn't create some negative feelings and cost them employees while also ruining some kids Christmas.

Now if Aero is anything like every production company I have heard of these past few years, they have probably had a fair share of mandatory OT, probably weekend work etc, all to make production goals.

Just throwing around some numbers, say they have 300 employees. To give them all 200 bucks would cost 60k. Factor more or whatever for taxes, and for 60k you don't get negative PR, your guys feel appreciated and maybe they stick around when competition comes knocking because they feel better about your company, because you helped out for the holidays when you didn't have to.

Link Posted: 12/18/2022 7:55:00 AM EDT
we use to get a Turkey at Thanksgiving.

last Christmas we got a $7 gift card to Subway.- so the company would avoid paying taxes on it.
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 8:19:23 AM EDT
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While I would agree a Starbucks gift card is a crappy bonus, it's still better than nothing and they're free to find employment elsewhere.
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that kind of whipped dog mentality bothers me.

My ceo would not feel that way if they swapped his Q4 bonus with a $5 GC to Starbucks.

$5 anything is god damn insulting.

Link Posted: 12/18/2022 10:22:00 AM EDT
Post updated with Aero’s response:

“Just to comment and create some clarity here. We had a company catered lunch where the ornaments and gift cards were handed out. They weren’t meant to replace anything. They were just what you received if you attended the lunch. Bonuses are not a promised or contractually written agreement here at Aero Precision. They weren’t “canceled”. We try to do this every year, but they are not guaranteed and that has always been the case.

This year has been a challenging year to say the least. Costs are up over 20% (in some areas, over 70%) and demand is down 30%+. We recently moved our entire company to a new facility which was very expensive as well. There are efforts across the company to reduce costs and keep things sustainable, as there is little to no indication that the demand and economy in general are going to change any time soon.

Our priority is to keep our current employees employed with a regular paycheck they can count on. That’s what we are and will continue to be focused on. Keep in mind, this is also being written by someone who is an employee at Aero going through these same things. The company is doing its best to keep everyone happy and employed.”
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 10:26:30 AM EDT
The company I used work for would give you 11 pounds of bacon as a Christmas bonus. This year they bragged about giving away 6 tons to employees. I’m sure most of them would of preferred a check.
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 10:28:41 AM EDT
Imagine believing a post on Reddit, let alone in r/anti work is the whole story

Also lol at people in this thread who brag about how they allow their company to screw them
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 10:32:45 AM EDT
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Imagine believing a post on Reddit, let alone in r/anti work is the whole story

Also lol at people in this thread who brag about how they allow their company to screw them
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Well after reading the posts ITT, the reddit post does sound more believable now.
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 10:38:55 AM EDT
My first civilian job was working at a delta faucet supplier, where we did die casting / made faucet parts. This was 1994-2004, and I started out at $5.50 a hour, topped out at $10.00 a hour 2 years in, yearly cost of living raise was about 30 cents a hour.

At Xmas they did give us Christmas bonuses, which averaged about $800.00, most employees took that bonus and paid for our families Christmas with it.

In 2004 Dana corp was hiring and I agonized about taking a job there, big pay increase, but I had 10 years seniority at delta and 3 weeks vacation, hard to give up a job your comfortable in, and totally knowledgeable about, to give that and benefits to jump into a new mystery job.

I jumped, and it was a good decision, because the old job moved to China 1 year . later

Next job, at Dana axle corp paid $16.00 a hour, union, but no Christmas bonus at that job.
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 10:40:22 AM EDT
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The company I used work for would give you 11 pounds of bacon as a Christmas bonus. This year they bragged about giving away 6 tons to employees. I’m sure most of them would of preferred a check.
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I don't know, bacon is expensive, and I really like bacon
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 10:41:07 AM EDT
I support Aero Precision and just received a beautiful Aero M5 complete upper from PA and the entire rifle is Aero piece by piece as they finally became available.  It's a business and business is tough as hell right now and with delivery options getting more political it's going to be a rough road ahead for any gun related businesses and the ability to sell the parts online.  Business is business and your employer is not your friend.  If this is all true they could have just let them all know a little more in advance IF it was a regular thing that longtime employees were depending on.

Buckle up.  The gun industry is attack on all sides.

Link Posted: 12/18/2022 10:43:36 AM EDT
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I don't know, bacon is expensive, and I really like bacon
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The company I used work for would give you 11 pounds of bacon as a Christmas bonus. This year they bragged about giving away 6 tons to employees. I’m sure most of them would of preferred a check.

I don't know, bacon is expensive, and I really like bacon

I would of rather have the cash! It was mostly fatty bacon that cooked like trash.

Just was a slap in the face when we got bacon, yet the owner was continually buying land on both sides of the highway north of the town for his ranch.
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 10:44:21 AM EDT
$5 more than I get
Link Posted: 12/18/2022 10:44:40 AM EDT
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