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Link Posted: 12/29/2019 1:49:15 AM EDT
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Please excuse my dumb question but now I'm a bit confused.  If 91% of Virginia counties all telling the capitol to stick it, HTF did Va get a Dem controlled gov't?
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Because county lines aren't voting district lines
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 1:52:16 AM EDT
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Honestly, he should be rewarded.  All these guys are whores, but he did what he was supposed to, and listened to his constituents.  That's about as much as you can expect; he's a representative, not a leader.

Let his heel-face turn be the warning to others.
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That cock polisher needs primaried as a lesson and warning to others.
Honestly, he should be rewarded.  All these guys are whores, but he did what he was supposed to, and listened to his constituents.  That's about as much as you can expect; he's a representative, not a leader.

Let his heel-face turn be the warning to others.
I don't think it's clear yet whether rewarding stuff like that is useful long term, or if forgiveness will just come off as weakness.  I guess we'll find out either way.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 1:53:37 AM EDT
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I was just commenting that having a celebrity along lends an air of "winning" to the proceedings, and attracts attention--not that either Nugent or Trump are epitome's of 2A protection.  I only meant Nugent's celebrity status might lend a little credibility to the thing like Trump probably got several hundred thousand votes because he was on TV. That's all.

We don't have to get Ted Nugent.  How about Gerald McRaney or someone like that?  Sinbad?

I know I'm in daydream land--it's not like any of our members plays golf with those gentlemen or anything.  Still, what about a local celebrity?

What about a YouTuber with a large following? Fill in the blank ______________.
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@DocGlockster So skip it?
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 2:02:04 AM EDT
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Guys, do be careful when considering stuff like this; orchestrating a bank or ATM-run is likely considered terrorism, or at the very least probably violates some FTC felony somewhere.  To think that the FBI/etc won't follow up with the participants afterward when the evidence is there, is a poor plan.  I will avoid taking my car or cellphone to Virginny for that reason; I have no plans to make trouble or participate in trouble, but I also don't want feds sniffing around my back door simply because I left them a trail of bread crumbs to follow.

Orchestrating a mass-outage of Mountain Dew or peanut M&Ms would be a lot less risky, and a lot more tasty
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I’ve worked for banks (branch loans, now mortgages) my entire professional career. Most bank ATMs are serviced by third party providers. They come on schedules (at least once per week). If you depleted the money in one, there would be no long term effect - the service would come on their scheduled day, refill the machine, and that’s that. If the ATMs happen to be serviced by a bank branch, they’ll simply refill the machine and be refilled themselves when their weekly shipment of money comes in. Not sure why this would be monitored by the FBI, or anyone else. If you are legally allowed to cash checks or withdraw money, they won’t be coming after you.

ETA: Most banks have a vault limit of at least $125,000 so you’re really not going to ‘drain the Richmond area of money’ either. Special unscheduled refills, withdrawal requirements, and CTRs are going to keep everything running smoothly.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 2:09:51 AM EDT
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I’ve worked for bank (branch loans, now mortgages) my entire professional career. Most bank ATMs are serviced by third party providers. They come on schedules (at least once per week). If you depleted the money in one, there would be no long term effect - the service would come on their scheduled day, refill the machine, and that’s that. If the ATMs happen to be serviced by a bank branch, they’ll simply refill the machine and be refilled themselves when their weekly shipment of money comes in. Not sure why this would be monitored by the FBI, or anyone else. If you are legally allowed to cash checks or withdraw money, they won’t be coming after you.
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Guys, do be careful when considering stuff like this; orchestrating a bank or ATM-run is likely considered terrorism, or at the very least probably violates some FTC felony somewhere.  To think that the FBI/etc won't follow up with the participants afterward when the evidence is there, is a poor plan.  I will avoid taking my car or cellphone to Virginny for that reason; I have no plans to make trouble or participate in trouble, but I also don't want feds sniffing around my back door simply because I left them a trail of bread crumbs to follow.

Orchestrating a mass-outage of Mountain Dew or peanut M&Ms would be a lot less risky, and a lot more tasty
I’ve worked for bank (branch loans, now mortgages) my entire professional career. Most bank ATMs are serviced by third party providers. They come on schedules (at least once per week). If you depleted the money in one, there would be no long term effect - the service would come on their scheduled day, refill the machine, and that’s that. If the ATMs happen to be serviced by a bank branch, they’ll simply refill the machine and be refilled themselves when their weekly shipment of money comes in. Not sure why this would be monitored by the FBI, or anyone else. If you are legally allowed to cash checks or withdraw money, they won’t be coming after you.
True, but coupled with the truckers union following through on their veiled threats, it would definitely make things uncomfortable.  Uncomfortable enough that the local populace might make things sporty....

Although, this is all conjecture. With any luck, cooler heads will prevail and Richmond will see the folly of their ways and we will all be left alone.  Back to BBQ, range time and bullshitting on the ‘net over beans/ no beans, 9mm/.45, theft of herby curb, best round for grandpa, etc... One can hope.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 2:13:11 AM EDT
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I don't think it's clear yet whether rewarding stuff like that is useful long term, or if forgiveness will just come off as weakness.  I guess we'll find out either way.
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That cock polisher needs primaried as a lesson and warning to others.
Honestly, he should be rewarded.  All these guys are whores, but he did what he was supposed to, and listened to his constituents.  That's about as much as you can expect; he's a representative, not a leader.

Let his heel-face turn be the warning to others.
I don't think it's clear yet whether rewarding stuff like that is useful long term, or if forgiveness will just come off as weakness.  I guess we'll find out either way.
He has proven that he responds well to fear.

I'm a bit old school, but when you find what works why change it out? Rewards might work or might not. Fear works. Why roll the dice testing a new theory?
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 2:16:55 AM EDT
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True, but coupled with the truckers union following through on their veiled threats, it would definitely make things uncomfortable.  Uncomfortable enough that the local populace might make things sporty....

Although, this is all conjecture. With any luck, cooler heads will prevail and Richmond will see the folly of their ways and we will all be left alone.  Back to BBQ, range time and bullshitting on the ‘net over beans/ no beans, 9mm/.45, theft of herby curb, best round for grandpa, etc... One can hope.
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My opinion of the whole “Trucker Union Blockade” is that it’s a red herring. Trucking companies, drivers, unions, stores they deliver to, are in business to make money. Stopping service is not going to make money. Delivering goods to people that need it will make money. If you believe in capitalism you understand goods will be delivered one way or another.
I honestly think folks in this thread have spent too much time offering conjecture about something that was purely rhetorical.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 2:24:49 AM EDT
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My opinion of the whole “Trucker Union Blockade” is that it’s a red herring. Trucking companies, drivers, unions, stores they deliver to, are in business to make money. Stopping service is not going to make money. Delivering goods to people that need it will make money. If you believe in capitalism you understand goods will be delivered one way or another.
I honestly think folks in this thread have spent too much time offering conjecture about something that was purely rhetorical.
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True, but coupled with the truckers union following through on their veiled threats, it would definitely make things uncomfortable.  Uncomfortable enough that the local populace might make things sporty....

Although, this is all conjecture. With any luck, cooler heads will prevail and Richmond will see the folly of their ways and we will all be left alone.  Back to BBQ, range time and bullshitting on the ‘net over beans/ no beans, 9mm/.45, theft of herby curb, best round for grandpa, etc... One can hope.
My opinion of the whole “Trucker Union Blockade” is that it’s a red herring. Trucking companies, drivers, unions, stores they deliver to, are in business to make money. Stopping service is not going to make money. Delivering goods to people that need it will make money. If you believe in capitalism you understand goods will be delivered one way or another.
I honestly think folks in this thread have spent too much time offering conjecture about something that was purely rhetorical.
It is quite interesting to see this thread move in the subtle direction it has. Almost like it has by design. Distractions seem to be abound.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 2:36:10 AM EDT
We shouldn't lose sight of the objective of the 20th, namely, to send an unmistakeable message to the Legislature (and Guvnah Racist Ralphie, etal) that we simply will not allow these laws to stand. Not only do we not want any gun control bills to pass, we want pro-gun bills to pass. And, our "NO!" message needs to be as effective as possible. Whatever happens after that we will deal with at that time in an equally effective manner. For now, focus on encouraging as many people as possible to join us. Having 30k armed people would send a good message. Having 2000 of those looking like they know what they are about sends a stronger one. Remember those sheriffs that want to form their own militia? The boneheads in the legislature absolutely need to see what that will look like because most of them don't have any inkling of what that is. They need to be shown in dramatic fashion that we have the numbers, the equipment, and the resolve to make our "NO!" decision binding ON THEM rather than the other way around.

However, don't wait until January 20th to contact your legislators. Assuming they have an office, go by there and talk one on one. Let them know that we not only won't comply, but if they support these heinous acts, we will make their life so miserable, they will resign in disgrace and leave the state. Again, remind them that there are gun owners EVERYWHERE they go. Their hairdresser, their car mechanic, their HVAC tech, their favorite cafe, their church (that's a big one), their social clubs (check their personal pages for what social clubs they belong to and mention them when you go to their office), truly everywhere they go, there are gun owners that will blame them personally if they get turned into felons because of their vote. If they hear that from 10-12 people now, then we show up en masse on the 20th, they WILL get the message loud and clear. And, it will terrify them.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny. When the government fears its people, there is liberty.

We must be that picture on the wall. The picture that strikes fear into all who see it. The picture is inanimate and never moves, the picture is silent and never speaks, yet the picture reaches out and touches the very fabric of the subconscious mind and creates terror felt to the core. That is who we must be. We will be that picture and we will prevail.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 3:11:39 AM EDT
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It is quite interesting to see this thread move in the subtle direction it has. Almost like it has by design. Distractions seem to be abound.
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True, but coupled with the truckers union following through on their veiled threats, it would definitely make things uncomfortable.  Uncomfortable enough that the local populace might make things sporty....

Although, this is all conjecture. With any luck, cooler heads will prevail and Richmond will see the folly of their ways and we will all be left alone.  Back to BBQ, range time and bullshitting on the 'net over beans/ no beans, 9mm/.45, theft of herby curb, best round for grandpa, etc... One can hope.
My opinion of the whole "Trucker Union Blockade" is that it's a red herring. Trucking companies, drivers, unions, stores they deliver to, are in business to make money. Stopping service is not going to make money. Delivering goods to people that need it will make money. If you believe in capitalism you understand goods will be delivered one way or another.
I honestly think folks in this thread have spent too much time offering conjecture about something that was purely rhetorical.
It is quite interesting to see this thread move in the subtle direction it has. Almost like it has by design. Distractions seem to be abound.
It appears that there is a significant percentage of people that don't know why they are going.... and just circle the drain coming up with harebrained ideas which show a lack of ability to focus.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 3:20:56 AM EDT
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Multiple founders mentioned our government is for moral men.
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Constitutional audit needs to take place. All unconstitutional laws need to be stricken, and those who put them in place, dealt with harshly.
No such thing exists.

Our courts operate on a case by case basis.
A party with 'standing' (can show damages) must bring the case forward.
I've been coming around to view that aspect of our constitution as a design flaw that benefits the system & the de facto status quo.  The financial barrier that must be overcome to be able to pursue recourse is nearly insurmountable for the individual (save a select few), being practical only through class action strategies, if even.  Meanwhile, those in govt have virtually unlimited resources with which to push their agenda(s) & suppress challenges to them.  There is no personal consequence or downside for them for blatantly violating the law.  The framers were rather naive, I think, to assume that govt - specifically, its actors - would maintain themselves beholden to, & restrained by the law.  There should have been mechanisms in place to mitigate the chances of unconstitutional laws from becoming fixed in the legal framework & maintained by stare decisis.  Judicial oversight is subject to political theater.  The corrective mechanisms aren't working as intended.  The notion of a republic is being voided by mob rule & money, & the constitutional checks & balances are being rendered irrelevant.

Power always corrupts, & absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Over & over again.
Multiple founders mentioned our government is for moral men.
Which, obviously, is unsustainable.  Because power.  There should be built-in remedy to kick out constitutional line-crossers & send them packing.


The solution is a constitutional amendment that automatically expires EVERY law, regulation, and order of FedGov 16 years after its enactment. If a law is worth keeping, it will pass again. If it's questionable, than maybe it just goes away. This would also distract Congress from creating new problems.
I's prefer it be 10-12 yrs, max.

I'd also impose term limits & scuttle retirement benefits of any kind for political office, because greedy, undisciplined, bacon-taking voters are part & parcel of the problem.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 5:17:00 AM EDT
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I’ve worked for banks (branch loans, now mortgages) my entire professional career. Most bank ATMs are serviced by third party providers. They come on schedules (at least once per week). If you depleted the money in one, there would be no long term effect - the service would come on their scheduled day, refill the machine, and that’s that. If the ATMs happen to be serviced by a bank branch, they’ll simply refill the machine and be refilled themselves when their weekly shipment of money comes in. Not sure why this would be monitored by the FBI, or anyone else. If you are legally allowed to cash checks or withdraw money, they won’t be coming after you.

ETA: Most banks have a vault limit of at least $125,000 so you’re really not going to ‘drain the Richmond area of money’ either. Special unscheduled refills, withdrawal requirements, and CTRs are going to keep everything running smoothly.
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Guys, do be careful when considering stuff like this; orchestrating a bank or ATM-run is likely considered terrorism, or at the very least probably violates some FTC felony somewhere.  To think that the FBI/etc won't follow up with the participants afterward when the evidence is there, is a poor plan.  I will avoid taking my car or cellphone to Virginny for that reason; I have no plans to make trouble or participate in trouble, but I also don't want feds sniffing around my back door simply because I left them a trail of bread crumbs to follow.

Orchestrating a mass-outage of Mountain Dew or peanut M&Ms would be a lot less risky, and a lot more tasty
I’ve worked for banks (branch loans, now mortgages) my entire professional career. Most bank ATMs are serviced by third party providers. They come on schedules (at least once per week). If you depleted the money in one, there would be no long term effect - the service would come on their scheduled day, refill the machine, and that’s that. If the ATMs happen to be serviced by a bank branch, they’ll simply refill the machine and be refilled themselves when their weekly shipment of money comes in. Not sure why this would be monitored by the FBI, or anyone else. If you are legally allowed to cash checks or withdraw money, they won’t be coming after you.

ETA: Most banks have a vault limit of at least $125,000 so you’re really not going to ‘drain the Richmond area of money’ either. Special unscheduled refills, withdrawal requirements, and CTRs are going to keep everything running smoothly.
As the guy who used to deliver the money - yep, useless. The ATM service techs will come on the regular days and swap out cassettes. Banks would simply order more from the vaults. Only thing you would increase is armored truck work.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 7:22:50 AM EDT
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Because county lines aren't voting district lines
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Please excuse my dumb question but now I'm a bit confused.  If 91% of Virginia counties all telling the capitol to stick it, HTF did Va get a Dem controlled gov't?
Because county lines aren't voting district lines
It's a prefect example of how gerrymandered the state is.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 8:22:03 AM EDT
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It appears that there is a significant percentage of people that don't know why they are going.... and just circle the drain coming up with harebrained ideas which show a lack of ability to focus.
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True, but coupled with the truckers union following through on their veiled threats, it would definitely make things uncomfortable.  Uncomfortable enough that the local populace might make things sporty....

Although, this is all conjecture. With any luck, cooler heads will prevail and Richmond will see the folly of their ways and we will all be left alone.  Back to BBQ, range time and bullshitting on the 'net over beans/ no beans, 9mm/.45, theft of herby curb, best round for grandpa, etc... One can hope.
My opinion of the whole "Trucker Union Blockade" is that it's a red herring. Trucking companies, drivers, unions, stores they deliver to, are in business to make money. Stopping service is not going to make money. Delivering goods to people that need it will make money. If you believe in capitalism you understand goods will be delivered one way or another.
I honestly think folks in this thread have spent too much time offering conjecture about something that was purely rhetorical.
It is quite interesting to see this thread move in the subtle direction it has. Almost like it has by design. Distractions seem to be abound.
It appears that there is a significant percentage of people that don't know why they are going.... and just circle the drain coming up with harebrained ideas which show a lack of ability to focus.
Most of the more harebrained ideas are coming from those who will not be attending, but are very quick to tell us what we should do.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 8:33:02 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 9:31:02 AM EDT
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It is quite interesting to see this thread move in the subtle direction it has. Almost like it has by design. Distractions seem to be abound.
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The problem is that we can't really discuss anything practical in this public place, but we must keep communicating here in order for people not to lose attention.  We can't talk about strategies, continencies or anything else of consequence, which leaves everyone chattering about meaningless things.  I don't really see a way to change that until we get much closer to Lobby Day and we get a bit more focused.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 9:37:29 AM EDT
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The problem is that we can't really discuss anything practical in this public place, but we must keep communicating here in order for people not to lose attention.  We can't talk about strategies, continencies or anything else of consequence, which leaves everyone chattering about meaningless things.  I don't really see a way to change that until we get much closer to Lobby Day and we get a bit more focused.
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You guys working behind the scenes are undoubtedly doing fine. 90% of what's posted here is noise. It pretty much has to be that way.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 10:35:56 AM EDT
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That's can be the same category, seen from two different perspectives.

Before I got too well known and could still sneak into lefty training events, I got to see them teaching versatile de-arrest tactics to activists that could also be easily pressed into seizing people they wanted to have control of.

Go to 7:27 in the video and watch the black guy with dreads on the left side of the screen snatch the guy, pull him into a pile of cops, then roll out the back. I also saw dreads in another clip behind a police van getting his eyes rinsed by a cop who definitely wasn't responding to him like an antifa goon.

I watched this happen in person from about 20 feet away on the right, and still almost missed it.

Dreads was the most obnoxious antifa goon there that day, and going back and reviewing footage of him was very illuminating.

There's going to be people like that planted on all sides.

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When you say snatch teams Erin, are you talking teams targeting leadership for removal or targeting agitators?
That's can be the same category, seen from two different perspectives.

Before I got too well known and could still sneak into lefty training events, I got to see them teaching versatile de-arrest tactics to activists that could also be easily pressed into seizing people they wanted to have control of.

Go to 7:27 in the video and watch the black guy with dreads on the left side of the screen snatch the guy, pull him into a pile of cops, then roll out the back. I also saw dreads in another clip behind a police van getting his eyes rinsed by a cop who definitely wasn't responding to him like an antifa goon.

I watched this happen in person from about 20 feet away on the right, and still almost missed it.

Dreads was the most obnoxious antifa goon there that day, and going back and reviewing footage of him was very illuminating.

There's going to be people like that planted on all sides.

That is a pretty enlightening clip... We definitely need to be prepared for dealing with that. A lot of us have zero experience in that arena.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 10:39:57 AM EDT
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He needs primaried for even thinking it was ok to join the gangbang, esp considering that was likely a fallback “compromise” bill.
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That cock polisher needs primaried as a lesson and warning to others.
He did the right thing.  If legislators decide there's no forgiveness, they may as well vote their principles, and we're not going to like that.  It's probably not also wise to can a generally reliable incumbent, not least after all of the supposedly safe GOP seats that the Democrats scooped up.
As a minimum, he needs to fire whatever staff person advised him to advance that bill.
He needs primaried for even thinking it was ok to join the gangbang, esp considering that was likely a fallback “compromise” bill.

And him pulling it shows how little he values he has. He's clearly not a gun grabber OR a 2A guy. He's just a faggot in a suit who doesn't even know what he believes.

Shit like this really makes me think of running for office. Everyone might not like me, but they'll at least say "Hey, at least he has a values system."
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 10:41:20 AM EDT
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And him pulling it shows how little he values he has. He's clearly not a gun grabber OR a 2A guy. He's just a faggot in a suit who doesn't even know what he believes.

Shit like this really makes me think of running for office. Everyone might not like me, but they'll at least say "Hey, at least he has a values system."
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That cock polisher needs primaried as a lesson and warning to others.
He did the right thing.  If legislators decide there's no forgiveness, they may as well vote their principles, and we're not going to like that.  It's probably not also wise to can a generally reliable incumbent, not least after all of the supposedly safe GOP seats that the Democrats scooped up.
As a minimum, he needs to fire whatever staff person advised him to advance that bill.
He needs primaried for even thinking it was ok to join the gangbang, esp considering that was likely a fallback “compromise” bill.

And him pulling it shows how little he values he has. He's clearly not a gun grabber OR a 2A guy. He's just a faggot in a suit who doesn't even know what he believes.

Shit like this really makes me think of running for office. Everyone might not like me, but they'll at least say "Hey, at least he has a values system."
I'd volunteer for your campaign bro.

I'm in one of the safest districts in the state with some of the best reps myself.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 10:41:53 AM EDT
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Just a thought for the people planning this:

It would be neat to have a social media blitz planned. Imagine if 5,000 people started, on 1-19, posting pro-gun memes, quotes (the Gulag Archipelago quote the other day was GOLD!), and so on to the FB pages and twitter feeds of all the reps in VA. All of us, over the course of 2-3 days, absolutely flooding their social media, tagging them in posts, posting on their walls, tagging their spouses in posts... Imagine if 30,000 gun owners checked in to the rally via facebook (whether they were there or not). A complete 3-day disruption of all of their media.

Wouldn't be hard for 3-4 of the right people to organize. Maybe even drop a thread in GD and ask people to subscribe but not post, then every half hour or so, drop a new meme in it. Ask everyone to take it to social media and plaster it all over the aforementioned locations. Maybe set people up in shifts to handle different days.
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The mainstream media has been supressing what we are doing in Virginia. Your plan could very much help get the word out so we can't be ignored on the 20th.

Link Posted: 12/29/2019 10:41:58 AM EDT
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And him pulling it shows how little he values he has. He's clearly not a gun grabber OR a 2A guy. He's just a faggot in a suit who doesn't even know what he believes.
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That cock polisher needs primaried as a lesson and warning to others.
He did the right thing.  If legislators decide there's no forgiveness, they may as well vote their principles, and we're not going to like that.  It's probably not also wise to can a generally reliable incumbent, not least after all of the supposedly safe GOP seats that the Democrats scooped up.
As a minimum, he needs to fire whatever staff person advised him to advance that bill.
He needs primaried for even thinking it was ok to join the gangbang, esp considering that was likely a fallback “compromise” bill.

And him pulling it shows how little he values he has. He's clearly not a gun grabber OR a 2A guy. He's just a faggot in a suit who doesn't even know what he believes.
correct.  He offered no justification for it in teh face of pushback.  He's just another Good-Idea Fairy who thinks he has the right to tinker with society as he sees fit.  There's little difference between a Progressive with an R by their name and a Progressive with a D.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 10:46:14 AM EDT
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correct.  He offered no justification for it in teh face of pushback.  He's just another Good-Idea Fairy who thinks he has the right to tinker with society as he sees fit.  There's little difference between a Progressive with an R by their name and a Progressive with a D.
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That cock polisher needs primaried as a lesson and warning to others.
He did the right thing.  If legislators decide there's no forgiveness, they may as well vote their principles, and we're not going to like that.  It's probably not also wise to can a generally reliable incumbent, not least after all of the supposedly safe GOP seats that the Democrats scooped up.
As a minimum, he needs to fire whatever staff person advised him to advance that bill.
He needs primaried for even thinking it was ok to join the gangbang, esp considering that was likely a fallback “compromise” bill.

And him pulling it shows how little he values he has. He's clearly not a gun grabber OR a 2A guy. He's just a faggot in a suit who doesn't even know what he believes.
correct.  He offered no justification for it in teh face of pushback.  He's just another Good-Idea Fairy who thinks he has the right to tinker with society as he sees fit.  There's little difference between a Progressive with an R by their name and a Progressive with a D.
One positive thing about the assault on the 2A here (and the resulting pushback) is that a lot of turds are floating to the top of the bowl and showing their true colors. We Virginians are paying attention both at the state and local level, and are actually starting to give a shit. We won't let the masses forget. Memes and infographics are already being prepared for the next election cycle.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 10:49:32 AM EDT
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Yeah I watched it happen in person and still didn't fully process what happened until I got a chance to watch it later; I initially thought he'd just managed to slip out of the scrum while his buddy kept the cops occupied. There's a lot sensory input happening in a situation like that, and you miss a lot of detail if it's not immediately pressing.

Basically the de-arrest part happens after a few hours of teaching a mass of people to move in unison and under direction, and it essentially involves mobbing people in front of the target as blockers while folks around/behind grab the limbs and trunk and almost crowdsurf the target deeper into the pack; after a bit of training it becomes rather smooth, and as well as obvious to the more discerning that it's a technique with many different applications.

They presented it as a way to protect activists from violent skinheads, but the instructors were very clearly modeling LE snatch teams.
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That's can be the same category, seen from two different perspectives.

Before I got too well known and could still sneak into lefty training events, I got to see them teaching versatile de-arrest tactics to activists that could also be easily pressed into seizing people they wanted to have control of.

Do explain about 'de-arrest' techniques.

Your insight in this area is valuable. I watched this when you posted it earlier and pointed it out. That was smooth. In the chaotic context, almost nobody would have picked up on that move but a couple people that were right there.
Yeah I watched it happen in person and still didn't fully process what happened until I got a chance to watch it later; I initially thought he'd just managed to slip out of the scrum while his buddy kept the cops occupied. There's a lot sensory input happening in a situation like that, and you miss a lot of detail if it's not immediately pressing.

Basically the de-arrest part happens after a few hours of teaching a mass of people to move in unison and under direction, and it essentially involves mobbing people in front of the target as blockers while folks around/behind grab the limbs and trunk and almost crowdsurf the target deeper into the pack; after a bit of training it becomes rather smooth, and as well as obvious to the more discerning that it's a technique with many different applications.

They presented it as a way to protect activists from violent skinheads, but the instructors were very clearly modeling LE snatch teams.
I have wondered where they were getting their training. The bigger question for me, and betraying a bit of tin-foilism, is did it come from people who really identified with the ANTIFA message and brought it with them, or is it a more sinister government sponsored/backed method of organization.

Thanks for the insight here Erin. As others have already said, pretty valuable stuff.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 10:51:02 AM EDT
You Tennessee guys are safe for now... but it’s happening to you too.

Take a look at your map and see how similar it is to ours. All red with three big blue spots .

This is a national problem and honestly I am not sure how it can be dealt with. Realistically we will never have a state electoral college. What can we do on a legislative level to fix this?
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 10:57:04 AM EDT
I sure hope that, militia-members or not, those planning on attending are getting together and working on coordination/discipline and working as a team.

I don't only mean that for "snatches"/confrontations and such (as described above), but regarding their overall demeanor and manner of handling themselves during an event of this nature.

This whole situation is deadly serious and I pray citizens (especially those attending/carrying), take it as such.

That is all.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 11:05:50 AM EDT
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You Tennessee guys are safe for now... but it’s happening to you too.

Take a look at your map and see how similar it is to ours. All red with three big blue spots .

This is a national problem and honestly I am not sure how it can be dealt with. Realistically we will never have a state electoral college. What can we do on a legislative level to fix this?
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It's a communist/socialist plan. Mess with the high population areas through 1) immigration of people who have never lived under a constitution, to cities 2) stop teaching the constitution in school in cities 3) eliminate voter id for the illegals 4) convince all of these people they have to vote democrat for free healthcare and college. 5)redraw the voting districts after the next population census so the cities/socialists control the government. Then bloomberg will get on with his plan.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 11:06:31 AM EDT
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Just a thought for the people planning this:

It would be neat to have a social media blitz planned. Imagine if 5,000 people started, on 1-19, posting pro-gun memes, quotes (the Gulag Archipelago quote the other day was GOLD!), and so on to the FB pages and twitter feeds of all the reps in VA. All of us, over the course of 2-3 days, absolutely flooding their social media, tagging them in posts, posting on their walls, tagging their spouses in posts... Imagine if 30,000 gun owners checked in to the rally via facebook (whether they were there or not). A complete 3-day disruption of all of their media.

Wouldn't be hard for 3-4 of the right people to organize. Maybe even drop a thread in GD and ask people to subscribe but not post, then every half hour or so, drop a new meme in it. Ask everyone to take it to social media and plaster it all over the aforementioned locations. Maybe set people up in shifts to handle different days.
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There is a large facebook group geared up for that. We should all join.

Link Posted: 12/29/2019 11:13:52 AM EDT
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People could also stick them in their rifle barrels, in lieu of flowers (since the dirty hippies already claimed that idea) - it will make it clear to everyone that we are Patriots, and (on the psychological/social engineering side) it will also encourage people to keep their rifles slung, and carry them chamber empty or at least make extra sure they don't have an ND.
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Guys I don't remember which thread it came up, but someone mentioned buying pocket constitutions and I volunteered to purchase them. Well 200 arrived today.
I can start distributing bundles to folks here in NOVA, then they can distribute to more people at Richmond.

I'm open to suggestions. Maybe we send one to each of the commie delegates and highlight sections they don't get.

What do y'all want to do?

That is fantastic!

Would there be interest in small American and Virginia flags as well? Something like 4"x6" versions of these to hand out?
People could also stick them in their rifle barrels, in lieu of flowers (since the dirty hippies already claimed that idea) - it will make it clear to everyone that we are Patriots, and (on the psychological/social engineering side) it will also encourage people to keep their rifles slung, and carry them chamber empty or at least make extra sure they don't have an ND.
I love that idea!
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 11:17:49 AM EDT
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Sadly enough, it is most likely going to take more than this to make this bullshit go away for any length of time.

The truth is that what it will take in the long run is complete and total fear on the part of our elected official to the point where they fear for their very lives and the lives of their loved ones if they even bring the subject up.

Actually this really is an interesting idea.

50 or so armed people outside their home while their spouse in in Richmond will at least let them understand that this isn't business. It's personal.
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This. Very much this.

Too many people make empty threats.

It is not until they did out that they and their loved ones REALLY ARE in grace danger that they smarten up.

The real question is not how many people show up but how far Virginians are REALLY willing to go.
Maybe if multiple rallies were to occur on the 20th. One big one at the Capitol, lots of smaller but equally serious ones at certain delegates' and senators' houses. That would lead to some interesting texts/phone calls from wives etc in the middle of everything going on downtown.
Sadly enough, it is most likely going to take more than this to make this bullshit go away for any length of time.

The truth is that what it will take in the long run is complete and total fear on the part of our elected official to the point where they fear for their very lives and the lives of their loved ones if they even bring the subject up.

Actually this really is an interesting idea.

50 or so armed people outside their home while their spouse in in Richmond will at least let them understand that this isn't business. It's personal.
Can you even get a list of home addresses to pull off such a thing?

That would be incredibly effective.  Far more than just 30k in Richmond.

It would send messages across the country.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 11:23:12 AM EDT
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There is a large facebook group geared up for that. We should all join.

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I looked it up. Was going to join until I read their membership questions.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 11:28:38 AM EDT
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Can you even get a list of home addresses to pull off such a thing?

That would be incredibly effective.  Far more than just 30k in Richmond.

It would send messages across the country.
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This. Very much this.

Too many people make empty threats.

It is not until they did out that they and their loved ones REALLY ARE in grace danger that they smarten up.

The real question is not how many people show up but how far Virginians are REALLY willing to go.
Maybe if multiple rallies were to occur on the 20th. One big one at the Capitol, lots of smaller but equally serious ones at certain delegates' and senators' houses. That would lead to some interesting texts/phone calls from wives etc in the middle of everything going on downtown.
Sadly enough, it is most likely going to take more than this to make this bullshit go away for any length of time.

The truth is that what it will take in the long run is complete and total fear on the part of our elected official to the point where they fear for their very lives and the lives of their loved ones if they even bring the subject up.

Actually this really is an interesting idea.

50 or so armed people outside their home while their spouse in in Richmond will at least let them understand that this isn't business. It's personal.
Can you even get a list of home addresses to pull off such a thing?

That would be incredibly effective.  Far more than just 30k in Richmond.

It would send messages across the country.
imo this will not go how you think. they will cry wolf and say the evil gun owners are "terrorizing their families" it will be all over the news and give them more ammunition for their cause. do the same idea without firearms present might work
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 11:31:24 AM EDT
More subversive cuck shit.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 11:32:12 AM EDT
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imo this will not go how you think. they will cry wolf and say the evil gun owners are "terrorizing their families" it will be all over the news and give them more ammunition for their cause. do the same idea without firearms present might work
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If millions of us said in lockstep, in reply to such accusations, "You won't like me as a criminal; don't make me a criminal".....it might go how we think after all.

The whole point of this rally is that we will not cede our rights peacefully.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 11:44:13 AM EDT
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If millions of us said in lockstep, in reply to such accusations, "You won't like me as a criminal; don't make me a criminal".....it might go how we think after all.

The whole point of this rally is that we will not cede our rights peacefully.
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imo this will not go how you think. they will cry wolf and say the evil gun owners are "terrorizing their families" it will be all over the news and give them more ammunition for their cause. do the same idea without firearms present might work
If millions of us said in lockstep, in reply to such accusations, "You won't like me as a criminal; don't make me a criminal".....it might go how we think after all.

The whole point of this rally is that we will not cede our rights peacefully.
I would suggest having whatever talk/protest you plan to do with the local legislator BEFORE the 20th. We need all hands on deck in Richmond to make the loudest possible silent statement.

If having a constituent talk to them and help them understand the gravity of the situation causes them to be fearful, they are an idiot but you have accomplished your goal. That, and if they fear their constituents, they're doing it wrong and need to resign.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 11:44:13 AM EDT
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imo this will not go how you think. they will cry wolf and say the evil gun owners are "terrorizing their families" it will be all over the news and give them more ammunition for their cause. do the same idea without firearms present might work
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Like they don't cry wolf already?  Their families should feel the heat.  Trying to take the means of protection from law abiding citizens so they can protect their families from the animals the left instills is despotism.  F them and their families.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 11:45:18 AM EDT
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That's a given. They are not going to fire unless there is an actual overt act, though.
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Sadly enough, it is most likely going to take more than this to make this bullshit go away for any length of time.

The truth is that what it will take in the long run is complete and total fear on the part of our elected official to the point where they fear for their very lives and the lives of their loved ones if they even bring the subject up.

Actually this really is an interesting idea.

50 or so armed people outside their home while their spouse in in Richmond will at least let them understand that this isn't business. It's personal.
As much as I like that idea it sounds like a very good way to have a SWAT team called in on you.
That's a given. They are not going to fire unless there is an actual overt act, though.
It would also serve as a good litmus test for what we think LE will do vs what they actually do. Silent, peaceful demonstration outside the residence sends multiple messages on multiple levels and gives us back some very useful intel.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 11:51:57 AM EDT
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I would suggest having whatever talk/protest you plan to do with the local legislator BEFORE the 20th. We need all hands on deck in Richmond to make the loudest possible silent statement.

If having a constituent talk to them and help them understand the gravity of the situation causes them to be fearful, they are an idiot but you have accomplished your goal. That, and if they fear their constituents, they're doing it wrong and need to resign.
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Get both?

I don't live in VA. I feel fortunate to know that after 1-20 I will *probably* be allowed to return home in peace and watch the rest unfold from a distance. I say 'probably' because it's entirely possible that TPTB will set off a false flag as a pretext to arrest everyone there and gulag us so they can steam ahead with their agenda.

On that note, has anyone considered giving us the option to join a prepaid legal plan to cover the 3 days we'll be there?

I'd HAPPILY pay $100 or so for 'legal insurance' to cover an event such as this, as long as it was with a legal firm truly dedicated to the 2A, so that we could be assured that the profit from such a venture would go to further 2A causes.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 11:53:05 AM EDT
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It is quite interesting to see this thread move in the subtle direction it has. Almost like it has by design. Distractions seem to be abound.
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True, but coupled with the truckers union following through on their veiled threats, it would definitely make things uncomfortable.  Uncomfortable enough that the local populace might make things sporty....

Although, this is all conjecture. With any luck, cooler heads will prevail and Richmond will see the folly of their ways and we will all be left alone.  Back to BBQ, range time and bullshitting on the 'net over beans/ no beans, 9mm/.45, theft of herby curb, best round for grandpa, etc... One can hope.
My opinion of the whole "Trucker Union Blockade" is that it's a red herring. Trucking companies, drivers, unions, stores they deliver to, are in business to make money. Stopping service is not going to make money. Delivering goods to people that need it will make money. If you believe in capitalism you understand goods will be delivered one way or another.
I honestly think folks in this thread have spent too much time offering conjecture about something that was purely rhetorical.
It is quite interesting to see this thread move in the subtle direction it has. Almost like it has by design. Distractions seem to be abound.
You are quite correct. If one were to collate conservative based threads and then catalog the "concern" posts I imagine you might see an interesting pattern of posts and users emerge.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 11:55:25 AM EDT
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Most of the more harebrained ideas are coming from those who will not be attending, but are very quick to tell us what we should do.
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True, but coupled with the truckers union following through on their veiled threats, it would definitely make things uncomfortable.  Uncomfortable enough that the local populace might make things sporty....

Although, this is all conjecture. With any luck, cooler heads will prevail and Richmond will see the folly of their ways and we will all be left alone.  Back to BBQ, range time and bullshitting on the 'net over beans/ no beans, 9mm/.45, theft of herby curb, best round for grandpa, etc... One can hope.
My opinion of the whole "Trucker Union Blockade" is that it's a red herring. Trucking companies, drivers, unions, stores they deliver to, are in business to make money. Stopping service is not going to make money. Delivering goods to people that need it will make money. If you believe in capitalism you understand goods will be delivered one way or another.
I honestly think folks in this thread have spent too much time offering conjecture about something that was purely rhetorical.
It is quite interesting to see this thread move in the subtle direction it has. Almost like it has by design. Distractions seem to be abound.
It appears that there is a significant percentage of people that don't know why they are going.... and just circle the drain coming up with harebrained ideas which show a lack of ability to focus.
Most of the more harebrained ideas are coming from those who will not be attending, but are very quick to tell us what we should do.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 11:59:44 AM EDT
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The problem is that we can't really discuss anything practical in this public place, but we must keep communicating here in order for people not to lose attention.  We can't talk about strategies, continencies or anything else of consequence, which leaves everyone chattering about meaningless things.  I don't really see a way to change that until we get much closer to Lobby Day and we get a bit more focused.
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It is quite interesting to see this thread move in the subtle direction it has. Almost like it has by design. Distractions seem to be abound.
The problem is that we can't really discuss anything practical in this public place, but we must keep communicating here in order for people not to lose attention.  We can't talk about strategies, continencies or anything else of consequence, which leaves everyone chattering about meaningless things.  I don't really see a way to change that until we get much closer to Lobby Day and we get a bit more focused.

To add, for me in particular at least, this is a place to kind of vent some of the frustrations amongst others in the same boat.  The virtual tavern of sorts.  This is all new to me, as I’m sure it is for others, so if what I say seems to be distracting or subversive, my apologies.

The banter is important, as is hashing out ideas whether harebrained or logical - it keeps up interest, engagement and momentum.  It also allows people to have a sounding board,  no matter how nutty the idea may be, or, just to let off a little steam.  For me anyways, this whole thing has been very polarizing, and I can’t really get my head around just why it has got me doing the things I now find myself engaged in.

As BlackFox said - there’s few specificities of a strategic or tactical nature that can, or should, be discussed openly.  Those with the background, experience and knowledge to come up with the plans, I’m sure are doing so.  That’s far above my pay grade. As we get closer, I just hope somebody lets me know how I can help.

Until then, I’ll keep talking to folks, raise awareness, trying to get people pointed in the right direction to help any way they can to help.  And, of course, running my yap here.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 12:04:30 PM EDT
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imo this will not go how you think. they will cry wolf and say the evil gun owners are "terrorizing their families" it will be all over the news and give them more ammunition for their cause. do the same idea without firearms present might work
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In the decade long lead up to the AmRev, sons of liberty affiliated mobs usually left their firearms at home when visiting royal agents.


It's the same game the left plays with "unarmed" assailants or protestors.  Gun people understand the law and ethics of self defense and thus rightfully see that an attacking mob armed with improvised clubs, bike locks, fire (for arson) etc poses a deadly threat no different than if they were wielding firearms.  Through our history most people have proven incapable of understanding that, so "unarmed" mobs and perps get a lot more leeway in society.  The left understands the optics and propaganda value.

Ad an example of tactics related to this, why do you think the left sets off firecrackers at their events at Berkley?  It's to simulate the noise of gunfire while remaining technically unarmed.  They're basically trying to either (a) bait the security forces into overreacting to create a Boston Massacre propaganda victory or (b) desensitize security forces to the sound of gunfire so "unarmed" mobs can push the envelope and start becoming selectively armed if they wanted to do so.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 12:08:03 PM EDT
VCDL has a new member from Minnesota.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 12:13:14 PM EDT
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True, but coupled with the truckers union following through on their veiled threats, it would definitely make things uncomfortable.  Uncomfortable enough that the local populace might make things sporty....

Although, this is all conjecture. With any luck, cooler heads will prevail and Richmond will see the folly of their ways and we will all be left alone.  Back to BBQ, range time and bullshitting on the 'net over beans/ no beans, 9mm/.45, theft of herby curb, best round for grandpa, etc... One can hope.
My opinion of the whole "Trucker Union Blockade" is that it's a red herring. Trucking companies, drivers, unions, stores they deliver to, are in business to make money. Stopping service is not going to make money. Delivering goods to people that need it will make money. If you believe in capitalism you understand goods will be delivered one way or another.
I honestly think folks in this thread have spent too much time offering conjecture about something that was purely rhetorical.
It is quite interesting to see this thread move in the subtle direction it has. Almost like it has by design. Distractions seem to be abound.
It appears that there is a significant percentage of people that don't know why they are going.... and just circle the drain coming up with harebrained ideas which show a lack of ability to focus.
Most of the more harebrained ideas are coming from those who will not be attending, but are very quick to tell us what we should do.
Things may (and probably will change), but right now it is pretty simple. Ben spells it out very clearly in his thread. There are many that want to show up and demonstrate their discontent, resolve, and capabilites peacefully with full kit. Awesome. If that resonates with you, link up with him, Miles_Urbanus, and the NBB and await further coordinating instructions.

Many want to go without kit and lobby. Awesome. That is the desired goal of the VCDL.  If that resonates with you, join the VCDL and sign up for their alerts.

As I said, things may change, but these are the two most viable options at the time. But these two aforementioned groups are just a small part of lobby day. There will be thousands of normal Virginians that are there to do neither. My small town is filling up their third bus, and the surrounding towns counties are bringing similar numbers (or more). These folks aren't going in to lobby. They also aren't kitting up outside. They are simply going to stand strong in support of the 2A and against tyranny. They just want to be seen and continue to be a part of the movement that brought them and thousands of their neighbors out to their BoS meetings. Momentum hasn't slowed, and this is their next chance to be heard.

There are going to also be thousands from out of state. Some fall into the first two groups, but many in the third. A fourth group is the Militia March on the Capital movement. These folks are organized and this isnt their first rodeo. Some were at Charlottesville. By their own estimation they believe that they will field over 10,000 militia members. As of right now, they are urging peace and restraint. The VCDL extended an olive branch to them and welcomes their presence.

At the end of the day there are going to be thousands of people there with different goals, agendas, and methodologies. All are welcome, and all have a lot to contribute. There is absolutely no way to have command and control over them all. The important thing is to show unity towards the primary goal: Protecting the 2A in VA. What we don't need are those with no skin in the game either trying to diminish or dampen our resolve, or try to accelerate the more easily influenced in our ranks towards action(s) that will ultimately be detrimental to our primary goal.

In short, we need to stay motivated, rational, calm, flexible, prepared, and welcoming of all who are on our side.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 12:14:02 PM EDT
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VCDL has a new member from Minnesota.
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Thanks for your support, brother!
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 12:27:06 PM EDT
And one from Florida, plus extra to VCDL PAC
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 12:32:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 12:32:21 PM EDT
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Thanks for your support, brother!
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Only an idiot would think that Minnesota will stand if Virginia falls.

Other than buying dog food for a friend that helps dozens of rescue animals (and he's who my son got a cat from), it was the biggest smile I've had while adding an extra donation to something.

Link Posted: 12/29/2019 12:36:01 PM EDT
It’s so damn heart warming to see so many people from so many states joining this movement, and I’m proud to be a part of it.
Link Posted: 12/29/2019 12:41:32 PM EDT
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Things may (and probably will change), but right now it is pretty simple. Ben spells it out very clearly in his thread. There are many that want to show up and demonstrate their discontent, resolve, and capabilites peacefully with full kit. Awesome. If that resonates with you, link up with him, Miles_Urbanus, and the NBB and await further coordinating instructions.

Many want to go without kit and lobby. Awesome. That is the desired goal of the VCDL.  If that resonates with you, join the VCDL and sign up for their alerts.

As I said, things may change, but these are the two most viable options at the time. But these two aforementioned groups are just a small part of lobby day. There will be thousands of normal Virginians that are there to do neither. My small town is filling up their third bus, and the surrounding towns counties are bringing similar numbers (or more). These folks aren't going in to lobby. They also aren't kitting up outside. They are simply going to stand strong in support of the 2A and against tyranny. They just want to be seen and continue to be a part of the movement that brought them and thousands of their neighbors out to their BoS meetings. Momentum hasn't slowed, and this is their next chance to be heard.

There are going to also be thousands from out of state. Some fall into the first two groups, but many in the third. A fourth group is the Militia March on the Capital movement. These folks are organized and this isnt their first rodeo. Some were at Charlottesville. By their own estimation they believe that they will field over 10,000 militia members. As of right now, they are urging peace and restraint. The VCDL extended an olive branch to them and welcomes their presence.

At the end of the day there are going to be thousands of people there with different goals, agendas, and methodologies. All are welcome, and all have a lot to contribute. There is absolutely no way to have command and control over them all. The important thing is to show unity towards the primary goal: Protecting the 2A in VA. What we don't need are those with no skin in the game either trying to diminish or dampen our resolve, or try to accelerate the more easily influenced in our ranks towards action(s) that will ultimately be detrimental to our primary goal.

In short, we need to stay motivated, rational, calm, flexible, prepared, and welcoming of all who are on our side.
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True, but coupled with the truckers union following through on their veiled threats, it would definitely make things uncomfortable.  Uncomfortable enough that the local populace might make things sporty....

Although, this is all conjecture. With any luck, cooler heads will prevail and Richmond will see the folly of their ways and we will all be left alone.  Back to BBQ, range time and bullshitting on the 'net over beans/ no beans, 9mm/.45, theft of herby curb, best round for grandpa, etc... One can hope.
My opinion of the whole "Trucker Union Blockade" is that it's a red herring. Trucking companies, drivers, unions, stores they deliver to, are in business to make money. Stopping service is not going to make money. Delivering goods to people that need it will make money. If you believe in capitalism you understand goods will be delivered one way or another.
I honestly think folks in this thread have spent too much time offering conjecture about something that was purely rhetorical.
It is quite interesting to see this thread move in the subtle direction it has. Almost like it has by design. Distractions seem to be abound.
It appears that there is a significant percentage of people that don't know why they are going.... and just circle the drain coming up with harebrained ideas which show a lack of ability to focus.
Most of the more harebrained ideas are coming from those who will not be attending, but are very quick to tell us what we should do.
Things may (and probably will change), but right now it is pretty simple. Ben spells it out very clearly in his thread. There are many that want to show up and demonstrate their discontent, resolve, and capabilites peacefully with full kit. Awesome. If that resonates with you, link up with him, Miles_Urbanus, and the NBB and await further coordinating instructions.

Many want to go without kit and lobby. Awesome. That is the desired goal of the VCDL.  If that resonates with you, join the VCDL and sign up for their alerts.

As I said, things may change, but these are the two most viable options at the time. But these two aforementioned groups are just a small part of lobby day. There will be thousands of normal Virginians that are there to do neither. My small town is filling up their third bus, and the surrounding towns counties are bringing similar numbers (or more). These folks aren't going in to lobby. They also aren't kitting up outside. They are simply going to stand strong in support of the 2A and against tyranny. They just want to be seen and continue to be a part of the movement that brought them and thousands of their neighbors out to their BoS meetings. Momentum hasn't slowed, and this is their next chance to be heard.

There are going to also be thousands from out of state. Some fall into the first two groups, but many in the third. A fourth group is the Militia March on the Capital movement. These folks are organized and this isnt their first rodeo. Some were at Charlottesville. By their own estimation they believe that they will field over 10,000 militia members. As of right now, they are urging peace and restraint. The VCDL extended an olive branch to them and welcomes their presence.

At the end of the day there are going to be thousands of people there with different goals, agendas, and methodologies. All are welcome, and all have a lot to contribute. There is absolutely no way to have command and control over them all. The important thing is to show unity towards the primary goal: Protecting the 2A in VA. What we don't need are those with no skin in the game either trying to diminish or dampen our resolve, or try to accelerate the more easily influenced in our ranks towards action(s) that will ultimately be detrimental to our primary goal.

In short, we need to stay motivated, rational, calm, flexible, prepared, and welcoming of all who are on our side.
Bravo! Well said.
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