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Link Posted: 12/31/2019 12:40:26 AM EDT
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They're not exactly going to be handing out permits for the Burlington Coat Factory Employee Christmas Party(or whatever the fuck meme pages are calling the big igloo on this rhetorical iteration) so it would probably be even better if they *did* cancel the permit; anyone that doesn't show on account of the authorities not deigning to grant permission to assemble and ask them not to infringe on their rights is on a level of cuckery worth of a staff contributorship at National Review.

Besides, watching riot cops break and run was one of the formative experiences of my life; it's something everyone deserves to witness in person at least once.
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How do we make sure this doesn't get the permit revoked and the rally shitcanned by VSP/Cap Police?
Fuck them, how are they going to tell 50,000 people to go home. We would outnumber the entirety of the VSP, RPD, and the Combat Arms and MP divisions of the VANG.

The guy with the permit is in the crowd, go find him.
They're not exactly going to be handing out permits for the Burlington Coat Factory Employee Christmas Party(or whatever the fuck meme pages are calling the big igloo on this rhetorical iteration) so it would probably be even better if they *did* cancel the permit; anyone that doesn't show on account of the authorities not deigning to grant permission to assemble and ask them not to infringe on their rights is on a level of cuckery worth of a staff contributorship at National Review.

Besides, watching riot cops break and run was one of the formative experiences of my life; it's something everyone deserves to witness in person at least once.
At the risk of repeating myself:
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 12:41:09 AM EDT
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this reminds me of the Baron Harkonnen in Dune, saying in regard to kanly, "The forms were observed..."
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To set the stage:


Part I

Ok, so I figured I'd provide as much information on my brief meeting with the VA House Speaker Designee today.  To avoid TL/DR, I'll break it up into a couple parts.

Upon entering the coffee shop, there were approximately a dozen or so people sitting around at tables and on couches, assumedly waiting for their turn to speak with the Delegate, who was seated at a table adorned with her name and title.  There was a sign in sheet, to get on the list to speak with her.  
After signing in, I waited about 45 minutes or so for my turn to meet with Del. Filler Corn.  During that time, I was listening to what others were discussing with her as well as amongst themselves.  The majority of the folks there were supportive of her efforts.  Some were concerned about plastic bag use and the impact on the ecology, others wanted more solar power.  Either way, smiles and hugs abounded.  It was a happy little liberal get together.

Her cheerful and eager young aide struck up conversation with me.  He wanted to know what I would like to discuss, and that he would be able to offer more information, clarity and outlook ahead of time, since the time to sit and speak with Del. Filler Corn would be limited.  He kept saying that he would be able to help explain policy, initiatives and issues that the Del. would be taking up, that he was very in tune with her agenda as well as the direction that this legislative body would be proceeding.

I said ok, well  I'm really specifically concerned with the incredibly damaging legislation set for the upcoming session relating to antigun bills and 2nd Amendment usurpation measures that are being brought forward.  I'm concerned that while I'm otherwise a law abiding citizen, that I'll become a felon overnight.  I really don't like the idea of that, and neither do countless others.  I'd really like the opportunity to speak with the Del., explain my concerns and see how she plans to address these very serious issues that I, and countless other Virginians are facing.

His facial expression suuuuuure changed.  Then, he went into a seemingly oft rehearsed rendition of "Common Sense Gun Law Talking Points for Democrats, Feat: B Obama".  Seriously, it was terribly stereotypical and almost satirical.  He'd find every opportunity to excuse himself and tend to other constituents, but I'd find a way to re-engage him.  I was very soft spoken, professional and made sure that my tone showed concern, not outrage.  He was young, maybe early 20's.  I'm not necessarily sure he's had to deal with an opposing opinion without reinforcements outside of a safe space without the ability to escape.

Also, they REALLY wanted to know who I was, where I lived, how to contact me  Holy shit.

Any ways, the previously cheerful and upbeat aide, despite best efforts to avoid me, failed at doing so and was now slightly less cheerful and upbeat.  He kept mentioning that I'd have to wait a while before being able to speak with the delegate, and that he was sorry, and if I had to go back to work, they understood and that I could reach out to her office and reschedule a time 1:1.  LOL.  Yeah, right.  I ain't leaving kid.

I probably spent about 45 minutes waiting to speak with her (2 cups of pretty good coffee), and used about 20-25 minutes of that time speaking with the aide (whether he wanted to or not)  He actually was a nice young guy, nave for sure, but making the most of the opportunity in front of him I guess.  I can't fault him.  He never became hostile, condescending or anything like that  just seemingly disappointed that I had opposing views and he probably had some forethought as to how well his boss would be receiving my message, and potentially any blow back on him due to his screening processes. Never the less, he was nice, polite, didn't seem partisan in his dealings with me and I truly wish him luck in his public service pursuits.  Hopefully, we will not be corrupted and will choose a different path than the one taught by his employer.

Anyways  on to Part II  the actual conversation.

Edited to correct mistype of time spent waiting...
Part II

For those unaware, Delegate and Speaker-Designee Eileen Filler-Corns position and office in the Virginia State government is roughly the equivalent to Nancy Pelosi.  Speaker of the House (designee  will take that office in January), former House Minority Leader, now House Majority Leader.  She has sway and she has quite a bit of power and influence within the state legislature.

There's more than a bit to write as to the conversation, so I'll keep it as brief as possible.  As I mentioned before, my attempt to record the convo failed miserably.  The following is compiled from memory, my notes and the parts of my recording that I could decipher.  Rather than make it a transcript, I'll lay it out as to the statements made:

After making introductions, we shook hands and sat at a table, with her aid standing nearby.  She had an ipad set up in front of her, tilted towards her like a monitor, and she'd occasionally type stuff on it.  Probably texting with her aide, who already knew where I stood on things where he was feeding her info, and also probably adding me to more lists.

Ma'am, I'm here to discuss my extreme concerns with the myriad of anti-gun legislation introduced into the upcoming legislative session.  I'm sure you're aide has briefed you on my position with this, since he and I spoke for some time already.  No change in her expression or attempt confirm/ deny as to my statement.

I am here to ask you to please withdraw support for these draconian bills.  I implore you to use your speaker-ship to urge your fellow delegates and senators to withdraw support as well.

I am your typical, law-abiding resident of Virginia and citizen of the United States.  I, along with millions just like me, walk the straight and narrow.  I may exceed the speed limit occasionally, but I, and many others like me, put great effort into abiding not only to the rule of law, but to a polite social contract that is guided by morality.

If these bills are passed, and are made into law  I, and millions of Virginians just like me, will become felons overnight.  Not by any wrong doing of my own, but by writ and the stroke of legislative pen, all in the name of an overzealous pursuit of misguided ideology.  If respect for the law and reverence for the consequences for having violated that law is what keeps us law abiding, what then, is the inevitable outcome, when we are now labeled felons?  What is left to maintain peace and order, once the threat of criminality is removed?

***At this point, the aide interrupts and lets me know my time is up and that others are waiting their turn***

My response to that was:  I waited 45 minutes as well, I'm almost done and it's very important that we are able to fully conclude our mutual concerns here.  Del. Filler Corn looked at me, up at the aide (sayinig get him outta here with her eyes), back at me and I continued speaking, ignoring the aide as if there hadn't been an interruption.

What we have seen since the introduction of the myriad of anti-gun bills is an incredibly outpouring by regular, every day Virginians.  We have seen 87 of 95 counties along with numerous cities and towns, adopt some form of 2nd Amendment Sanctuary resolution.  That is 91% of the Commonwealth.  That is sending a very clear and decisive message to Richmond.  Both Gov Northam and AG Herring have engaged in some very inflammatory rhetoric, and followed up by doubling down on it.  This further fans the flames of discord.  The people of Virginia are up in arms over this, and I mean that literally  people are taking up arms over the actions of the legislature.

On the same hand, people are having open, unveiled conversations regarding everything I just said.  The people are making plans for the inevitability of draconian, unconstitutional laws being enacted.  As Richmond's intention is no longer veiled, neither is the peoples response.

From the introduction of these sweeping bills to today, we have seen people come together like never before.  There is no leader to this reaction  it is everyday Virginians trying to have their voices heard, and their communities supporting and defending them.  It's incredibly clear which side of this legislation that the people of Virginia, as a whole, are on.  History can teach us things.  The old clich of those who do not learn from it, are doomed to repeat it, is very much relevant to this conversation.  These are the Intolerable Acts of our time.

Again, please, I ask for your help in withdrawing support for these bills, letting them die in committee and allowing cooler heads to prevail.  Given what we are facing, is that something you will support?

Her responses:

Blah blah blah. Pre-written talking points. Literally!  Best of all, her actual response to my closing statement asking for her support was:

"There is a lot of unnecessary rhetoric being thrown about right now.  These are common sense measures that are supported by over 90% of the people of Virginia.  Nobody is going to outlaw your guns.  Nobody is going to go door to door and collect them.  There is no need to dig a hole and bury your guns in the back yard (yes, she really said that).  This is all being exacerbated by the Gun Lobby and the NRA.  There really is nothing to worry about  you'll be able to keep your guns."  (Where have we heard language like this before?)

My response and closing to that was:

Madame Speaker Designee, with all due respect, what you just said is patently false and highlights how you have completely misread the pulse of the Commonwealth.

Instead of listening to the lobbyists, New York funded special interest groups, various polls and aides within the echo chamber that are the halls of the state legislature, you should listen to the message that the people of Virginia are sending  it is loud and it is clear.

The voices you are hearing and the sanctuary resolutions you are seeing passed are from individuals throughout the commonwealth.  91% of the state does not, in fact, want any of this.  There is no lobby, no funding from wealthy individuals feeding any fear mongering  there is no leader or leading entity and the NRA has been unbelievably and disappointingly absent from the conversation.  This is a wholly organic, grassroots effort.  We are standing on a dangerous precipice.  If this legislation continues down its current path and is enacted, there will be a comeuppance.  That is a guarantee, and the result not being known yet, it's safe to say that it may not be solely political in nature.  We are looking at a defining moment in our history.  To say otherwise is a fool's errand.

Her response

Thank you for sharing your views.  It was nice to meet you.  Have a nice day.

That's pretty much it.  Everything is falling on deaf ears.

Part III/ Final Thoughts & Observations to come.
this reminds me of the Baron Harkonnen in Dune, saying in regard to kanly, "The forms were observed..."
Indeed. Plans within plans within plans. And: "A beginning is the time for taking the most delicate care that the balances are correct."

Which means our conscience is now clear going forward.
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 12:45:26 AM EDT
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It’s looking more and more like it all the time. We’ve said from the beginning it feels different this time.....
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VSP now estimates 120k.

You did not hear that from me.....
Holy Fuck. If 1/4 of that many people show up its going to be huge!!!!!!!!!
It's the Woodstock for defenders of the 2A.

Have we got a Jimi Hendrix to play the Star Spangled Banner on an electric guitar at dawn?
This event has the potential to be a turning point in our nation. Regardless the outcome, I'm all in.
It’s looking more and more like it all the time. We’ve said from the beginning it feels different this time.....
Yes.  There has come a tipping point...
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 1:06:51 AM EDT
I really need to find a way get there.  Long effing drive from Texas.

Would love to see the TSA guys reaction at plates, mags, helmet, NV, ammo, comms, etc in checked baggage....
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 1:14:24 AM EDT
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I really need to find a way get there.  Long effing drive from Texas.

Would love to see the TSA guys reaction at plates, mags, helmet, NV, ammo, comms, etc in checked baggage....
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The MOST important thing they will load on that plane is YOU!
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 1:18:37 AM EDT
Anyone here flown with plates in carry on? I know its fine by TSA to bring that way, but seems to be the one problem I am having with space revolves around those. I know I have seen CW guys mention wearing them, but how much of a hassle is that going through security? I am trying to keep my only checked bag to be my pelican with rifle/ammo/(things that can only go checked) but with the amount of space a carrier/armor/etc takes up I might find myself just checking 2 bags.
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 1:27:19 AM EDT
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Anyone here flown with plates in carry on? I know its fine by TSA to bring that way, but seems to be the one problem I am having with space revolves around those. I know I have seen CW guys mention wearing them, but how much of a hassle is that going through security? I am trying to keep my only checked bag to be my pelican with rifle/ammo/(things that can only go checked) but with the amount of space a carrier/armor/etc takes up I might find myself just checking 2 bags.
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IIRC, there was a cola warrior who flew Southwest while wearing his plate carrier to a CW event.

I can't recall his screenname, but he's one of the major sponsors.

My checked baggage is all PC, Comms gear and ammo.
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 1:34:03 AM EDT
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So the 4th of July would be when some might choose to send a message. Sweet.
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So, correct me if I'm wrong,  but nothing they vote in takes affect until July, unless they can get a 2/3s vote to "rush" enactment?
Correct, except it takes a 4/5ths majority in both chambers of the VA legislature to pass emergency legislation. Not happening. July 1 is when it gets real.
So the 4th of July would be when some might choose to send a message. Sweet.
In my opinion, if these laws took effect July 1st, by July 4th, they'd be repealed because we'd force them to do it. You could call it America's 2nd Independence Day.
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 1:41:03 AM EDT
So now they are saying you guys need a permit?
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 1:42:55 AM EDT
Honest question guys

Should one bring there go to rifle or a cheap one?

The reason I ask this is if there is confiscation of rifles/pistols/gear, what should you bring?

Also for the VA folks, would there be any chance of a confiscation?
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 1:44:10 AM EDT
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Is there a chance--any chance--that what she was admitted to you in your conversation (albeit form a position of great, royal condescension) was that the bills which have been "pre-filed" are all horseshit, just smoke and mirrors, sound and fury signifying nothing designed to rally the Democrat base, and that the legislature actually has NO intention of moving forward with the proposals put forward--and may dial it back to some face-saving "background check for all transfers" public safety PR stunt?

She said:  Nobody is going to outlaw your guns. Nobody is going to go door to door and collect them. There is no need to dig a hole and bury your guns in the back yard (yes, she really said that). This is all being exacerbated by the Gun Lobby and the NRA. There really is nothing to worry about  you'll be able to keep your guns."

How in the world could she possibly believe that--unless she knew the "pre-filed bills" were all political theatre for the base?

Curious as to your response.
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They don't call them 'useful idiots' for no reason. Unless, and until, they become aware/convinced that they will be held to account for violating the Constitution and their oaths to 'uphold and defend' it...they will continue to regurgitate the 'company line' in their quest for power.
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 1:45:37 AM EDT
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IIRC, there was a cola warrior who flew Southwest while wearing his plate carrier to a CW event.

I can't recall his screenname, but he's one of the major sponsors.

My checked baggage is all PC, Comms gear and ammo.
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That would be NVGeologist
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 2:36:48 AM EDT
Probably not feasible given the natural disorganization of a crowd like this, but would it make sense to have small teams, whether incognito or not, with comms to the main body as pickets throughout the city?  Could report any movement from “outside” towards the crowd?
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 2:38:46 AM EDT
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Honest question guys

Should one bring there go to rifle or a cheap one?

The reason I ask this is if there is confiscation of rifles/pistols/gear, what should you bring?

Also for the VA folks, would there be any chance of a confiscation?
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I was debating that one myself. If I can make it (timing still up in the air), I will be bringing a dependable duty grade rifle. I'll leave my SHTF rifle(s) at home.

I would love to bring my fav but losing a mid level rifle won't make me cry.

As far as gear go with what ever you feel is prudent. At least carry an IFAK and a couple of reloads.

I don't have any tactical gear besides a battle belt and a battle bag. I like moving fast and light. On the upside standing for hours in full battle rattle would suck for me. I'm too old and broke for that, my knee's can't do it.

The most important thing is to show up. I'm trying to get there.

Edit: Since you have medical training you may want to lean heavy on that. You have a special skill that is very valuable that most people don't.
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 2:53:17 AM EDT
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Honest question guys

Should one bring there go to rifle or a cheap one?

The reason I ask this is if there is confiscation of rifles/pistols/gear, what should you bring?

Also for the VA folks, would there be any chance of a confiscation?
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Primary Alternate Contingent Emergency (PACE) FWIW I will be bringing my Alternate set, same capability as Primary, less refined.

Given your profession, consider packing a medic bag. TQs, kerlix, bandages etc... if you can, everyone likes doc. I think  @Rick_Lind is trying to ID medic types.
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 2:58:41 AM EDT
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Primary Alternate Contingent Emergency (PACE) FWIW I will be bringing my Alternate set, same capability as Primary, less refined.

Given your profession, consider packing a medic bag. TQs, kerlix, bandages etc... if you can, everyone likes doc. I think  @Rick_Lind is trying to ID medic types.
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I think I will bring my second set in case things go bad

As for the medic bag, I gotcha covered
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 4:13:06 AM EDT
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I really need to find a way get there.  Long effing drive from Texas.

Would love to see the TSA guys reaction at plates, mags, helmet, NV, ammo, comms, etc in checked baggage....
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Checked? Hell, just wear em on the plane like  @nvgeologist did not too far back.
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 5:31:47 AM EDT
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A few siege engines would add a touch of (history) class
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A few years ago, Soros was buying Secretaries of State in swing states.  The Bloomberg bought Democrat legislators in Virginia are set on repealing the Voter ID law here.

They're no longer even pretending.

I wonder what the maximum effect range of a good compound crossbow is?
I have mine zeroed for ~40-50 yds.

And can stack the bolts on top of each other when I shoot.

I try not to as it f%cks them up, royally.
Hmmm.  What about outside of 50 yards?  How about a nice trebuchet?

I don't believe they're covered under any current or proposed gun laws, their mere presence tends not to scare Karen's or small children, and - they are a true multi- cal, in so far as they can launch not only any form of munition, whether purpose built or improvised, but they can also launch politicians towards, or away from, the GA.
A few siege engines would add a touch of (history) class
Actually, no law against them....
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 5:45:30 AM EDT
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The point of all of this.  Be it Lobby Day, NRA Day, or people protesting in front of congress member's homes is simply to tell them that they now have skin in the game.

Hell.. You want to start fucking with them early... everyone start mailing scopes to the statehouse, with a little note that says "we see what you are doing".
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Like I've been saying I can see them calling a special session as soon as GA open on the 8th and ramming all of these through. They don't give a fuck about the sanctuaries or our words. The left thinks the military exists to do their bidding for the things they're too spineless to actually do themselves. If they haven't passed and signed these laws by the 20th I'll be genuinely shocked.

I think Lobby Day is going to take on a much different identity before the day gets here.
The point of all of this.  Be it Lobby Day, NRA Day, or people protesting in front of congress member's homes is simply to tell them that they now have skin in the game.

Hell.. You want to start fucking with them early... everyone start mailing scopes to the statehouse, with a little note that says "we see what you are doing".
BEST thing to do is put up a sign in front of their houses saying "my rights are non-negotiable" or some other political (and non-violent) statement. Legal, and gets the attention of both the politician and their neighbors. NO-ONE likes to piss off their neighbors, or be embarassed by them.
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 5:59:15 AM EDT
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The point of all of this.  Be it Lobby Day, NRA Day, or people protesting in front of congress member's homes is simply to tell them that they now have skin in the game.

Hell.. You want to start fucking with them early... everyone start mailing scopes to the statehouse, with a little note that says "we see what you are doing".
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Picketing or protesting in front of a person's home is a criminal misdemeanor in Virginia and will get your ass locked up.

In addition, you can be sued in civil court and end up with a substantial judgment against you.

Don't do it.
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 6:01:04 AM EDT
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Picketing or protesting in front of a person's home is a criminal misdemeanor in Virginia and will get your ass locked up.

Don't do it.
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Truth, but nothing in the law against us protesting in front of Saslaw's gas station.
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 6:05:24 AM EDT
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I sincerely hope this is true.  I don't think you'll see that.

Oh, Lord, I hope I'm wrong...but in my area of the woods, talk is just that--talk.

I hope VA is different.  No, I pray that VA is different.
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VSP now estimates 120k.

You did not hear that from me.....
I sincerely hope this is true.  I don't think you'll see that.

Oh, Lord, I hope I'm wrong...but in my area of the woods, talk is just that--talk.

I hope VA is different.  No, I pray that VA is different.
If thingts go well in VA, talk may become more than talk in other states. THAT is why this is so important. It's the snowball at the top of the mountain.
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 6:28:24 AM EDT
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Some folks here ought to quit with the fantasy that ANTIFA is our ally, and will be fighting tyranny along side us. ANTIFA is the enemy, and aligning with them in any way ruins our credibility. Their leaders are responsible for the tyranny and if they really support the 2A, its only so they have a gun to shoot us in the back first chance they get.
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Excellent point. Hope people pay attention to this.
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 6:31:48 AM EDT
I'm wondering IF enough folks show up to truly congest the transportation system will any of the Pols be able to get to the state house??
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 6:46:52 AM EDT
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100K armed people in one place to protest a proposed law would be a fucking statement!  
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Holy Fuck. If 1/4 of that many people show up its going to be huge!!!!!!!!!
And if that number shows up, Richmond will be immobilized.
120k isn't a rally, it is an army.
100K armed people in one place to protest a proposed law would be a fucking statement!  
There hasn't been that many armed Americans in one place in the United States since the civil war.
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 6:59:28 AM EDT
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To sum it up: the Left wants us dead.

Communists never change.  They ALWAYS draw blood - it's in their nature.

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To sum it up: the Left wants us dead.

Communists never change.  They ALWAYS draw blood - it's in their nature.


Part III

Some final thoughts and observations:

Throughout my career, negotiation has been a large part of it.  I’ve done many. Some were successful, some were not.  Some were quite significant, others minor.

Over time, through repetition and trial and error, you develop an ability to sense the other party’s reception to your pitch.  It’s hard to describe for those who haven’t experienced it - it's not a tangible or teachable thing, but the combination of body language, eye and facial expression, how they sit, how they hold their hands, their tone, lots of stuff – all of these things can and will betray the words that come out of their mouth.

That said, I can tell you, with 100%, absolute certainty:

She did not want to hear one word out of my mouth.  Only out of decorum and the public nature of the meeting, did she tolerate my presence and allow herself to hear my opinion.

I sensed true and legitimate contempt towards me on her part.

The finality of the conversation dripped with condescension.

There is a very real smugness, arrogance and air of superiority that just oozes from these people.

This was the very first time I've ever done anything like this. This is the first time I've ever petitioned a politician face to face.  I didnt know what to expect.

One thing is for sure, and I don't know how to quite put this - she (and the rest of these politicians, I assume) is/ are just a different species of human being.  I've sat across from very high ranking C-level folks (and even told them things they don't want to hear, we weren't on the best of terms, etc.), and I never got that feeling.

Can't quite put my finger on what it was, but she just seemed, different.  There was no human connection, no empathy, no emotion whatsoever.  Only contempt. A hidden, seething, something.  It was quite strange really - disconcerting and very off putting.  I felt like I was dealing with a robot or an alien or something, not another living, breathing person.  There just was no... connection.

I’ll tell you this, now that I have sat in front of arguably, one of the most powerful people in the VA Legislature -There is no swaying them and they will not stop pushing this legislation.

To simply ignore the factual points I made regarding 2A sanctuaries, the percentage of VA they constituted, people taking up arms, the dire warnings, etc. and to come back with “90% of VA wants this”, “It’s the NRA/ Gun Lobby stoking fear”, “Nobody will outlaw or take your guns”.  I mean, seriously?  I just had a decidedly cogent, articulate and polished interaction with you (I won’t call it a conversation), and you're treating me like an idiot and pretending not to have heard my (valid) points?

I feel my experience today would have been similar to sitting across from Pelosi during the Obama Care passage.

I’m still going on Lobby Day, in fact, I am more eager now, than ever.

However, I think the tone will be different.

We all need to stay the course and continue to fight.

Even if they pass these abortions of bills in January, they can be pulled back prior to enactment in July.

We need EVERYONE in Richmond on 1/20.  Let them see the folly of their ways.
The Left is pushing for an American Holodomor... nothing less than the murder and dissolution of the middle class as well as anyone idologically opposed to the Left.
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 7:00:45 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 7:23:55 AM EDT
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Even the MSM would have a hard time ignoring a crowd that large but of course they'd spot a Confederate flag (which I am proud of btw) and call it a white supremist, skinhead,  neo nazi rally
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Holy Fuck. If 1/4 of that many people show up its going to be huge!!!!!!!!!
And if that number shows up, Richmond will be immobilized.
120k isn't a rally, it is an army.
100K armed people in one place to protest a proposed law would be a fucking statement!  
Even the MSM would have a hard time ignoring a crowd that large but of course they'd spot a Confederate flag (which I am proud of btw) and call it a white supremist, skinhead,  neo nazi rally
The crowd that marched in D.C. on 9/12/09 was estimated to be 600k-800k. The media did a good job of ignoring that. I remember being in that crowd watching Marine 1 fly away. He wanted to ignore us too.
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 7:24:32 AM EDT
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Exactly the same type of discussion I've had with members of or local Sheriffs department as well as our Highway Patrol members (we don't have a State Police in MT).

The day after a Federal (or State) AWB is enacted is when you need to place an "Assault Weapon" in your gun rack in your pickup truck. Dare them to take it.
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What part of blatant mass non compliance says to you "what good is having it if you can't practice with it"? I'm not talking some crap like don't turn it in. I'm talking screw the NFA you want to make me a criminal over night for nothing. Okay, do that! And watch me ignore all gun laws and out of spite make NFA crap and practice openly with it. That kind of non-compliance but on a large scale.
Exactly the same type of discussion I've had with members of or local Sheriffs department as well as our Highway Patrol members (we don't have a State Police in MT).

The day after a Federal (or State) AWB is enacted is when you need to place an "Assault Weapon" in your gun rack in your pickup truck. Dare them to take it.
I remember watching a documentary about some town in Montana and it seems the entire town's purpose is just to fuck with ATF.

Some guy with a machine shop had been arrested like three times and kept beating ATF charges.

Sheriff gave zero shits. And the shop owner's entire life seemed to be about pushing the envelope. Zero convictions though.
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 7:53:00 AM EDT
Is there any honorable reason why LEO would set up barriers at the Rattlesnake Rally ?
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 8:33:46 AM EDT
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It’s all fun and games until the flashbangs come out, then it’s still fun(but for keepsies).
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Tossing flashbangs into a heavily armed group of people armed with things that will slice iiia like it doesn't exist is a poor choice, and would probably trigger a chain of unpleasant things in VA that would last weeks or more.
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 8:39:16 AM EDT
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Is there any honorable reason why LEO would set up barriers at the Rattlesnake Rally ?
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Yes. VSP/RPD/CPD all have extensive crowd control training and SOPs. Most will include barriers (access control to the State House, blocking off other government buildings, perhaps establishing a press area, medical area, etc.)

Furthermore, I would expect some National Guard presence. There is always an element that functions as a QRF for that year and receives crowd control training. It is normal to have some NG presence for an event of this size.

It is important to remember that these guys are just there to keep everyone safe. They would be there regardless the purpose of the event. The 2A movement has seen huge support from the LE/MIL community and we need to keep it that way.
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 8:41:56 AM EDT
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There hasn't been that many armed Americans in one place in the United States since the civil war.
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Link Posted: 12/31/2019 8:46:10 AM EDT
If actually be fine with 50-100k people in the surrounding streets, and pols not feeding able to get to work.

Would make for an interesting scene when a few hundred in the streets start finding them in their cars trying to get to the building, and they have to drive slowly thru a half mile of armed guys and gals staring at them quietly.
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 8:53:25 AM EDT
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Link Posted: 12/31/2019 8:58:55 AM EDT
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I was debating that one myself. If I can make it (timing still up in the air), I will be bringing a dependable duty grade rifle. I'll leave my SHTF rifle(s) at home.

I would love to bring my fav but losing a mid level rifle won't make me cry.

As far as gear go with what ever you feel is prudent. At least carry an IFAK and a couple of reloads.

I don't have any tactical gear besides a battle belt and a battle bag. I like moving fast and light. On the upside standing for hours in full battle rattle would suck for me. I'm too old and broke for that, my knee's can't do it.

The most important thing is to show up. I'm trying to get there.

Edit: Since you have medical training you may want to lean heavy on that. You have a special skill that is very valuable that most people don't.
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Honest question guys

Should one bring there go to rifle or a cheap one?

The reason I ask this is if there is confiscation of rifles/pistols/gear, what should you bring?

Also for the VA folks, would there be any chance of a confiscation?

I was debating that one myself. If I can make it (timing still up in the air), I will be bringing a dependable duty grade rifle. I'll leave my SHTF rifle(s) at home.

I would love to bring my fav but losing a mid level rifle won't make me cry.

As far as gear go with what ever you feel is prudent. At least carry an IFAK and a couple of reloads.

I don't have any tactical gear besides a battle belt and a battle bag. I like moving fast and light. On the upside standing for hours in full battle rattle would suck for me. I'm too old and broke for that, my knee's can't do it.

The most important thing is to show up. I'm trying to get there.

Edit: Since you have medical training you may want to lean heavy on that. You have a special skill that is very valuable that most people don't.
Isn't the entire purpose of this to say you can't take my rifle?

Now we are worried about confiscation of our good guns?

But are ok if they take our 2nd tier guns?

I think once you lock and load then walk into downtown Richmond the decision to comply has already been made.
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 9:11:02 AM EDT
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No worries - I don't sense any dickishness in that question at all...

Honestly? I dunno.

Remember - I've never done anything like this before, so "I don't know what I don't know".  Never have been up close to or interacted with a pol.

I'm not sure I had any one particular expectation.  I had prepped myself and considered several potential situations, rebuttals, diversions, straight up re-direction and including reminding myself there could be an X factor that I hadn't yet considered, but to be ready for it.  I had predetermined a few different approaches, several different paths to take once underway, all depending on how things flowed, with the ultimate goal being to make succinct points, do not ramble, remain professional, don't miss anything and ultimately deliver the message.

To your point, I think my expectations on outcome encompasses a couple of different things.

I do think that I believed that I had a chance at communication, even if it were to end up as a thanks but no thanks kinda deal.  I've been stonewalled all to hell in business, but I've always made a connection and was able to communicate, even if we vehemently disagreed.  This was not the case here.  There was a glass wall between us and absolutely zero interpersonal/ human connection.  Words were spoken towards each other, but there was no "communication".  That surprised me somewhat.

I definitely did receive personal confirmation.  I expected that as well, I just wasn't certain in what form it would come.

I am satisfied with what transpired and I now know for certain where I, and the collective we, stand in their eyes.  I did what I could to the best of my ability, my conscience is clear and I am at peace with the fact that I tried to make a difference, however small.

Hope that helps answer your questions.
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I have a few question, and I'm not sure how to word it without sounding like a dick. They are honest question, without any snark to follow your answer.

Did this surprise you? Were you expecting more human from her? Did you think you had a chance at communication, or was it just a personal confirmation thing?
No worries - I don't sense any dickishness in that question at all...

Honestly? I dunno.

Remember - I've never done anything like this before, so "I don't know what I don't know".  Never have been up close to or interacted with a pol.

I'm not sure I had any one particular expectation.  I had prepped myself and considered several potential situations, rebuttals, diversions, straight up re-direction and including reminding myself there could be an X factor that I hadn't yet considered, but to be ready for it.  I had predetermined a few different approaches, several different paths to take once underway, all depending on how things flowed, with the ultimate goal being to make succinct points, do not ramble, remain professional, don't miss anything and ultimately deliver the message.

To your point, I think my expectations on outcome encompasses a couple of different things.

I do think that I believed that I had a chance at communication, even if it were to end up as a thanks but no thanks kinda deal.  I've been stonewalled all to hell in business, but I've always made a connection and was able to communicate, even if we vehemently disagreed.  This was not the case here.  There was a glass wall between us and absolutely zero interpersonal/ human connection.  Words were spoken towards each other, but there was no "communication".  That surprised me somewhat.

I definitely did receive personal confirmation.  I expected that as well, I just wasn't certain in what form it would come.

I am satisfied with what transpired and I now know for certain where I, and the collective we, stand in their eyes.  I did what I could to the best of my ability, my conscience is clear and I am at peace with the fact that I tried to make a difference, however small.

Hope that helps answer your questions.
It does. Thanks for taking that much time to answer them.
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 9:31:01 AM EDT
Speaking of the VNG . . .

I wonder how many patriots will be practically indistinguishable from them?
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 9:34:03 AM EDT
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Speaking of the VNG . . .

I wonder how many patriots will be practically indistinguishable from them?
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Careful what you wish for. Commie AG says anyone with decent equipment can be prosecuted as impersonating an officer. I'm sure he'd apply that to impersonating a guardsman.

"Your honor, I request these charges be dropped."
On what grounds?
"My shit is way better than theirs lmao. I didn't know the NG was poors."
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 9:36:41 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 9:41:36 AM EDT
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Correct, except it takes a 4/5ths majority in both chambers of the VA legislature to pass emergency legislation. Not happening. July 1 is when it gets real.
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So, correct me if I'm wrong,  but nothing they vote in takes affect until July, unless they can get a 2/3s vote to "rush" enactment?
Correct, except it takes a 4/5ths majority in both chambers of the VA legislature to pass emergency legislation. Not happening. July 1 is when it gets real.
Not to be negative, but what are the chances that the Dems can get enough votes for that if they agree to grandfathering?
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 9:45:17 AM EDT
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Not to be negative, but what are the chances that the Dems can get enough votes for that if they agree to grandfathering?
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So, correct me if I'm wrong,  but nothing they vote in takes affect until July, unless they can get a 2/3s vote to "rush" enactment?
Correct, except it takes a 4/5ths majority in both chambers of the VA legislature to pass emergency legislation. Not happening. July 1 is when it gets real.
Not to be negative, but what are the chances that the Dems can get enough votes for that if they agree to grandfathering?
if the NRA proclaims it good because it allows the NRA to claim a victory ("we got confiscation turned into merely registration and grandfathering! You can keep your guns/mags!!"), that may sway some Republicans.

To me, that's the interesting thing about NRA's sudden interest in Virginia state-level legislation.  The NRA will try to ride to the rescue and claim victory by taking a 100% shit bill and convincing enough legislators to make it a 90% shit bill, thinking Virginia gun owners will view them as the heroes for that.  It won't, it will enrage Virginia gun owners at NRA's treachery.
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 9:47:05 AM EDT
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if the NRA proclaims it good because it allows the NRA to claim a victory ("we got confiscation turned into merely registration and grandfathering! You can keep your guns/mags!!"), that may sway some Republicans.

To me, that's the interesting thing about NRA's sudden interest in Virginia state-level legislation.  The NRA will try to ride to the rescue and claim victory by taking a 100% shit bill and convincing enough legislators to make it a 90% shit bill, thinking Virginia gun owners will view them as the heroes for that.  It won't, it will enrage Virginia gun owners at NRA's treachery.
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So, correct me if I'm wrong,  but nothing they vote in takes affect until July, unless they can get a 2/3s vote to "rush" enactment?
Correct, except it takes a 4/5ths majority in both chambers of the VA legislature to pass emergency legislation. Not happening. July 1 is when it gets real.
Not to be negative, but what are the chances that the Dems can get enough votes for that if they agree to grandfathering?
if the NRA proclaims it good because it allows the NRA to claim a victory ("we got confiscation turned into merely registration and grandfathering! You can keep your guns/mags!!"), that may sway some Republicans.

To me, that's the interesting thing about NRA's sudden interest in Virginia state-level legislation.  The NRA will try to ride to the rescue and claim victory by taking a 100% shit bill and convincing enough legislators to make it a 90% shit bill, thinking Virginia gun owners will view them as the heroes for that.  It won't, it will enrage Virginia gun owners at NRA's treachery.
Thank you. I was going to post something very similar. I am uneasy (to say the least) about the NRA's involvement.
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 9:58:38 AM EDT
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Isn't the entire purpose of this to say you can't take my rifle?

Now we are worried about confiscation of our good guns?

But are ok if they take our 2nd tier guns?

I think once you lock and load then walk into downtown Richmond the decision to comply has already been made.
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Honest question guys

Should one bring there go to rifle or a cheap one?

The reason I ask this is if there is confiscation of rifles/pistols/gear, what should you bring?

Also for the VA folks, would there be any chance of a confiscation?

I was debating that one myself. If I can make it (timing still up in the air), I will be bringing a dependable duty grade rifle. I'll leave my SHTF rifle(s) at home.

I would love to bring my fav but losing a mid level rifle won't make me cry.

As far as gear go with what ever you feel is prudent. At least carry an IFAK and a couple of reloads.

I don't have any tactical gear besides a battle belt and a battle bag. I like moving fast and light. On the upside standing for hours in full battle rattle would suck for me. I'm too old and broke for that, my knee's can't do it.

The most important thing is to show up. I'm trying to get there.

Edit: Since you have medical training you may want to lean heavy on that. You have a special skill that is very valuable that most people don't.
Isn't the entire purpose of this to say you can't take my rifle?

Now we are worried about confiscation of our good guns?

But are ok if they take our 2nd tier guns?

I think once you lock and load then walk into downtown Richmond the decision to comply has already been made.
No one is confiscating anything. Now, if you start acting the fool and pointing it at people, confiscation will be the least of your worries.

Feel free to take whatever equipment you feel most comfortable with. Depending on how much other gear I have to bring, I may or may not bring a rifle. I won't be kitted up because I'd look ridiculous. (While pear is a shape, it's not the one I want to be in. New Year's resolution and all that.)

The point of having boatloads of heavily armed people there is to have a boatload of heavily armed people there. We MUST show the communists that we have the numbers, the equipment, and the resolve to make our "No gun control. Period" decision binding upon the state government. There won't be any violence at this rally. But, we must appear as though we can visit overwhelming violence on those who are considering subverting the Constitution. They back off, we pat ourselves on the back and start preparing for the next election to rid our state of these parasites.
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 10:05:30 AM EDT
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Thank you. I was going to post something very similar. I am uneasy (to say the least) about the NRA's involvement.
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So, correct me if I'm wrong,  but nothing they vote in takes affect until July, unless they can get a 2/3s vote to "rush" enactment?
Correct, except it takes a 4/5ths majority in both chambers of the VA legislature to pass emergency legislation. Not happening. July 1 is when it gets real.
Not to be negative, but what are the chances that the Dems can get enough votes for that if they agree to grandfathering?
if the NRA proclaims it good because it allows the NRA to claim a victory ("we got confiscation turned into merely registration and grandfathering! You can keep your guns/mags!!"), that may sway some Republicans.

To me, that's the interesting thing about NRA's sudden interest in Virginia state-level legislation.  The NRA will try to ride to the rescue and claim victory by taking a 100% shit bill and convincing enough legislators to make it a 90% shit bill, thinking Virginia gun owners will view them as the heroes for that.  It won't, it will enrage Virginia gun owners at NRA's treachery.
Thank you. I was going to post something very similar. I am uneasy (to say the least) about the NRA's involvement.
Same here.

Even sadder, this is all happening in the NRA's back yard, HQ being in Fairfax and all.  One would think that they'd be proactively protective on what is going on in their immediate AO.
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 10:09:46 AM EDT
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No one is confiscating anything...
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Honest question guys

Should one bring there go to rifle or a cheap one?

The reason I ask this is if there is confiscation of rifles/pistols/gear, what should you bring?

Also for the VA folks, would there be any chance of a confiscation?

I was debating that one myself. If I can make it (timing still up in the air), I will be bringing a dependable duty grade rifle. I'll leave my SHTF rifle(s) at home.

I would love to bring my fav but losing a mid level rifle won't make me cry.

As far as gear go with what ever you feel is prudent. At least carry an IFAK and a couple of reloads.

I don't have any tactical gear besides a battle belt and a battle bag. I like moving fast and light. On the upside standing for hours in full battle rattle would suck for me. I'm too old and broke for that, my knee's can't do it.

The most important thing is to show up. I'm trying to get there.

Edit: Since you have medical training you may want to lean heavy on that. You have a special skill that is very valuable that most people don't.
Isn't the entire purpose of this to say you can't take my rifle?

Now we are worried about confiscation of our good guns?

But are ok if they take our 2nd tier guns?

I think once you lock and load then walk into downtown Richmond the decision to comply has already been made.
No one is confiscating anything...
The confiscations will occur one at a time with the passage of a red flag law.
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 10:11:00 AM EDT
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Holy Fuck. If 1/4 of that many people show up its going to be huge!!!!!!!!!
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VSP now estimates 120k.

You did not hear that from me.....
Holy Fuck. If 1/4 of that many people show up its going to be huge!!!!!!!!!
Wonder how many of that is our side vs Bloomberg busing in the moms?
You know he has to be pissed that Va peasants aren't just rolling over and taking it in the ass.
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 10:11:36 AM EDT
For those of us who can't attend, will there be any live feeds or do we just wait for the MSM's version?
Link Posted: 12/31/2019 10:14:06 AM EDT
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Careful what you wish for. Commie AG says anyone with decent equipment can be prosecuted as impersonating an officer. I'm sure he'd apply that to impersonating a guardsman.

"Your honor, I request these charges be dropped."
On what grounds?
"My shit is way better than theirs lmao. I didn't know the NG was poors."
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Speaking of the VNG . . .

I wonder how many patriots will be practically indistinguishable from them?
Careful what you wish for. Commie AG says anyone with decent equipment can be prosecuted as impersonating an officer. I'm sure he'd apply that to impersonating a guardsman.

"Your honor, I request these charges be dropped."
On what grounds?
"My shit is way better than theirs lmao. I didn't know the NG was poors."
How could I be impersonating an officer when I am properly labeled?

Link Posted: 12/31/2019 10:18:31 AM EDT
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Truth, but nothing in the law against us protesting in front of Saslaw's gas station.
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Picketing or protesting in front of a person's home is a criminal misdemeanor in Virginia and will get your ass locked up.

Don't do it.
Truth, but nothing in the law against us protesting in front of Saslaw's gas station.
Or in front of the businesses that line their pockets with campaign donations...
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