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Link Posted: 11/5/2012 2:55:44 PM EDT

Because he is European.

And Europeans don't miss.

True.  .32 can do the job just fine.  Ask Gavrilo.

Thought he used a .25
Link Posted: 11/5/2012 3:02:42 PM EDT

True.  .32 can do the job just fine.  Ask Gavrilo.

Thought he used a .25

It was a .32. He hit the Archduke in the neck just above his bullet-proof silk vest.
Link Posted: 11/5/2012 4:29:01 PM EDT
Because if you are wearing a tailored suit, you need something small so it doesn't ruin the lines.

Glock 19

The Glock 19 is the most retarded shaped brick of a handgun ever devised. Carry something slim like a Hi Power or 1911.

Grip measurements:
BHP width: 1.27"
1911 width: 1.27"
Glock 17 width: 1.18"

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 11/5/2012 4:31:19 PM EDT





Because he is European.

And Europeans don't miss.

True.  .32 can do the job just fine.  Ask Gavrilo.

Thought he used a .25



Link Posted: 11/5/2012 4:33:04 PM EDT





Because if you are wearing a tailored suit, you need something small so it doesn't ruin the lines.

Glock 19

The Glock 19 is the most retarded shaped brick of a handgun ever devised. Carry something slim like a Hi Power or 1911.

Grip measurements:

BHP width: 1.27"

1911 width: 1.27"

Glock 17 width: 1.18"

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

Math is for pussies.



I reject your reality and substitute my own.
Link Posted: 11/5/2012 4:36:20 PM EDT
It's a good thing Bond wasn't Canadian because he would of carried a bag of milk.
Link Posted: 11/5/2012 4:36:54 PM EDT
In Europe, especially 30-40 years ago,  the .32 and .380ACP were considered adequate self defense cartridges.

9mm was the powerhouse.

In terms of terminal ballistics, there isn't much difference between 9mm and .380 anyway, if ball isused.
Link Posted: 11/5/2012 4:43:08 PM EDT

The Bond character was not a policemen, a soldier or an hit man.  He was a spy.  A small caliber gun always made sense to me.   I would love to know what today's spies carry.  

Most of them probably don't carry
Think about it, most spies are gathering intelligence via cover. So, they are pretending to be journalists, businessmen, fucking restaurant managers...whatever.
If a journalist gets caught carrying in the wrong place, that could be a real problem, and if he's magically released from a police station by a phone call from the US State department...well, his cover is pretty much blown at that point


Yep. Most intelligences officers are covered as State Department diplomats and protected by diplomatic immunity, and therefore have little need to carry. I suppose they'd grab the State Department's standard issue (Sig .357 IIRC) if some situation called for handguns.

Those not covered by diplomatic immunity are also unlikely to carry due to the risk of getting caught. Uncle Sam doesn't want to spend millions of dollars training you only to have you spend four years in a Zambian prison for getting busted for illegally carrying.

Obviously, the direct action teams in the CIA are probably armed similarly to Delta etc.
Link Posted: 11/5/2012 4:45:21 PM EDT
Because if you are wearing a tailored suit, you need something small so it doesn't ruin the lines.

He puts it under his pillow at night.....have you ever TRIED to sleep with a Deagle under your pillow?
Link Posted: 11/5/2012 4:46:00 PM EDT
Because if you are wearing a tailored suit, you need something small so it doesn't ruin the lines.

I'm pretty sure you could get a suit tailored to fit around your favorite carry piece.
Link Posted: 11/5/2012 4:47:48 PM EDT
He wasn't Rambo, his primary weapon was his wits.

I'd say his secondary was his dick.
Link Posted: 11/5/2012 4:51:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/5/2012 4:55:53 PM EDT
As a spy, if you have to draw your weapon your cover has been blown before you drew it.  Hopefully, using it quickly and quietly will get you through or at least aid your escape.  Being that a spy is usually quite physically close to the person who 'made' him, a .32acp will suffice for the necessary 'wet work.'  

I would expect that 007 would carry something more substantial if he had to go from undercover to tactical operations.

Bond carried the .380 version. Better but not by much.
Link Posted: 11/5/2012 4:59:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/5/2012 5:06:33 PM EDT
Efette British upper crust snobbery and tradition.

Grunts and the bottom feeders carry and use heavy, ugly, and brutish weapons.

Gentlemen need something that speaks of sophistication, and utility be damned.

John Wayne=.45 Colt
Dirty Harry=S&W 29

Nancy boy Bond?


That is the semi-semiautomatic 455 James, and while proper for potting savages on the Veldt, has no place in a genteel environment.
Have you so little couth as to suggest such a thing?

I believe the officer corps were composed of some upper crusty, snobbish types. They carried manly guns though. Webleys and Adams sidearms have a certain appealing charm in their design while being quite effective. The Webley-Fosbery in .455 for example. A semi-automatic revolver. Whoa. Sherlock Holmes carried a Adams Mk II and a Webley Metrpolitan Police.



The last one isn't a Webley, it's a Belgian copy, and it's not an MP, it's a bulldog.

This is an MP:

Damn, says it right there in the url. I really like the look of the Bulldog. How did you determine it was a Belgian copy? The Belgians- they make good guns.....

Link Posted: 11/5/2012 5:10:38 PM EDT
7.65 mill is NOT a .380
Link Posted: 11/5/2012 5:13:54 PM EDT
.32 is considered powerful by European standards
Link Posted: 11/5/2012 5:19:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/5/2012 5:33:23 PM EDT
Bond had different handguns for the mission...

A Gyrojet, in You Only Live Twice
A S&W 29, in Live and Let Die.

Q made sure he was well armed.

Bond films have been a favorite of mine for over 40 years.
Link Posted: 11/5/2012 5:38:26 PM EDT
Because if you are wearing a tailored suit, you need something small so it doesn't ruin the lines.

I'm pretty sure you could get a suit tailored to fit around your favorite carry piece.

He's a movie character. The script writers can conceal anything.
Link Posted: 11/5/2012 5:40:41 PM EDT

If it was legal here not only would I love to carry this pistol but I'd wear a tuxedo every damn day for the rest of my life

So much for you Brits having good taste
Link Posted: 11/5/2012 6:21:40 PM EDT
It's small and easily concealable yet has a good number of decent size rounds for it's size. Also it doesn't give any clues to who he is. A German gun popular with lots of people and available on both sides of the Iron Curtain doesn't necessarily point to a British intel agent. I read an article on how a major metro police dept had purchased PPK's for their undercover cops for the same reasons. They wanted something that could be easily concealed and still be substantial enough to get the job done and most important didn't seem like a cop gun if it was discovered.

The Bond character was not a policemen, a soldier or an hit man.  He was a spy.  A small caliber gun always made sense to me.   I would love to know what today's spies carry.  

The answer is a 9mm Glock.

Link Posted: 11/5/2012 8:38:16 PM EDT








Efette British upper crust snobbery and tradition.

Grunts and the bottom feeders carry and use heavy, ugly, and brutish weapons.

Gentlemen need something that speaks of sophistication, and utility be damned.

John Wayne=.45 Colt

Dirty Harry=S&W 29

Nancy boy Bond?


That is the semi-semiautomatic 455 James, and while proper for potting savages on the Veldt, has no place in a genteel environment.

Have you so little couth as to suggest such a thing?

I believe the officer corps were composed of some upper crusty, snobbish types. They carried manly guns though. Webleys and Adams sidearms have a certain appealing charm in their design while being quite effective. The Webley-Fosbery in .455 for example. A semi-automatic revolver. Whoa. Sherlock Holmes carried a Adams Mk II and a Webley Metrpolitan Police.



The last one isn't a Webley, it's a Belgian copy, and it's not an MP, it's a bulldog.

This is an MP:


Damn, says it right there in the url. I really like the look of the Bulldog. How did you determine it was a Belgian copy? The Belgians- they make good guns.....

No exposed sear behind the trigger, no Webley stamping, frame wrong shape.

Compare your picture:


With a real one:



That's my Belgian copy above my RIC (the 5-shot model of an MP):


I like your collection.
Link Posted: 11/5/2012 9:20:52 PM EDT

< It's just a cool little gun.  But I'm biased.
Link Posted: 11/5/2012 9:36:42 PM EDT

Efette British upper crust snobbery and tradition.

Grunts and the bottom feeders carry and use heavy, ugly, and brutish weapons.

Gentlemen need something that speaks of sophistication, and utility be damned.

John Wayne=.45 Colt
Dirty Harry=S&W 29

Nancy boy Bond?


That is the semi-semiautomatic 455 James, and while proper for potting savages on the Veldt, has no place in a genteel environment.
Have you so little couth as to suggest such a thing?

I believe the officer corps were composed of some upper crusty, snobbish types. They carried manly guns though. Webleys and Adams sidearms have a certain appealing charm in their design while being quite effective. The Webley-Fosbery in .455 for example. A semi-automatic revolver. Whoa. Sherlock Holmes carried a Adams Mk II and a Webley Metrpolitan Police.



The last one isn't a Webley, it's a Belgian copy, and it's not an MP, it's a bulldog.

This is an MP:

Damn, says it right there in the url. I really like the look of the Bulldog. How did you determine it was a Belgian copy? The Belgians- they make good guns.....

No exposed sear behind the trigger, no Webley stamping, frame wrong shape.

Compare your picture:

With a real one:

That's my Belgian copy above my RIC (the 5-shot model of an MP):

I like your collection.

That is a nice collection. I'm jealous.

Link Posted: 11/5/2012 9:39:19 PM EDT



Because he is an pussified English character protrayed by anti-gun faggots in films made by Hollywood pieces of socialist shit.
Gay Perry in "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang" was twice the man Bond is.

You have no idea how wrong you are. A character created by a real WWII British Commando, based on a composite of real WWII commandos. He was more of an assassin than anything. Maybe those guys who really killed people understood what was needed for different jobs.

As an aside one of the worst things Jeff Cooper ever did for the gun carrying public was convince us we needed to carry service firearms for concealed carry.
I didnt just fall off the turnipwagon. I am familiar with Ian Fleming, I just cant stand Bond films and their sophomoric sense of manly adventure. Gadgets, gizmos, stupid chicks and bizarre villains were kick-ass when I was 12. I am also particulalry put off by the fact that every actor who has made a name for himself glorifying the franchise's shitty brand of violence is also an outspoken anti-gun asshole (just not anti-gun enough to refuse to use it in film for £millions.)
There are plenty of real stories about the SAS in North Africa and with the Maquis in France to fill volumes, this stuff is just a comic book extension of boyish fantasy with a cheeky English twist. Not my thing.

Link Posted: 11/5/2012 10:06:42 PM EDT
People keep saying Bond is a spy. I have yet to see a Bond film in which he does any actually spying. It's mainly racing sports cars and blowing stuff up, whilst telling everyone he meets his real name.

Define "spy" in your mind.

He surreptitiously "penetrates" organizations (and women, but I digress), to obtain information sought by his government, and does so quite frequently.  He also goes far beyond that, but the former is central to what he does.

I have always thought of Bond as more of a detective than a spy. He is always working to solve a mystery or a problem. Spys dont go around telling people who they are.
Link Posted: 11/5/2012 10:10:10 PM EDT
The Glock 19 is the most retarded shaped brick of a handgun ever devised. Carry something slim like a Hi Power or 1911.

The Glock's grip is the same width as a 1911 with standard grips (1.18"), and its slide is only 0.10" wider (0.90" Vs. 1.00")

The 1911 and P-35 are rusty boat anchors compared to the compact Glock.
Link Posted: 11/5/2012 10:33:14 PM EDT
 Keep drinkin' the kool-aid.

If Bond needed to step up in caliber and gun and still needed a slim single stack the Sig P6 would be a good fit.  Glocks are too.... below Bond for him to use.  That would be like Bond hopping in to a Camero instead of a Jag, Aston Martin, BMW, or other such top notch sports car.
Link Posted: 11/6/2012 12:18:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/6/2012 12:41:34 AM EDT
A lot of threads in GD turn into a Glock sales pitch
Link Posted: 11/6/2012 12:43:30 AM EDT
Glocks are too.... below Bond for him to use.

The Glock has everything over the P225, it's not even debatable.

I'd bet my entire collection that the real life equivalent of Bond carries a Glock 19/23.
Link Posted: 11/6/2012 12:54:39 AM EDT
I sort of like the PPK. Probably will pick one up sometime.  The PPS is nice in 9mm as well.  And you can go .40 in the PPS if you like.

Link Posted: 11/6/2012 1:07:28 AM EDT

Because if you are wearing a tailored suit, you need something small so it doesn't ruin the lines.

Glock 19

Bond better not fucking EVER carry a Glock.


That's Mrs. Bond.
Link Posted: 11/6/2012 6:00:59 AM EDT
Glocks are too.... below Bond for him to use.

The Glock has everything over the P225, it's not even debatable.

I'd bet my entire collection that the real life equivalent of Bond carries a Glock 19/23.

The CIA buys glock 19s by the crate.
Link Posted: 11/6/2012 6:04:40 AM EDT
This thread is lame....makes me want to switch from a G26 to something like a PPK/S just to say I can do it.
Link Posted: 11/6/2012 6:23:17 AM EDT
A lot of threads in GD turn into a Glock sales pitch

It's easy to do.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 11/6/2012 6:58:16 AM EDT




Because if you are wearing a tailored suit, you need something small so it doesn't ruin the lines.

I'm pretty sure you could get a suit tailored to fit around your favorite carry piece.

He's a movie character. The script writers can conceal anything.

Good point. I love how in ST: TNG people whip out their phasars from I don't want to know where. No reason Bond can't carry a Desert Eagle right past customs.

Link Posted: 11/6/2012 6:59:30 AM EDT
Bond doesn't really need a powerful handgun to shoot Europeans anyway. They're much skinnier than Americans.
Link Posted: 11/6/2012 7:22:34 AM EDT

Because if you are wearing a tailored suit, you need something small so it doesn't ruin the lines.

I'm pretty sure you could get a suit tailored to fit around your favorite carry piece.

He's a movie character. The script writers can conceal anything.

Good point. I love how in ST: TNG people whip out their phasars from I don't want to know where. No reason Bond can't carry a Desert Eagle right past customs.

if it was the TSA, he could probably drive a tank right past them
Link Posted: 11/6/2012 1:50:08 PM EDT
As a spy, if you have to draw your weapon your cover has been blown before you drew it.  Hopefully, using it quickly and quietly will get you through or at least aid your escape.  Being that a spy is usually quite physically close to the person who 'made' him, a .32acp will suffice for the necessary 'wet work.'  

I would expect that 007 would carry something more substantial if he had to go from undercover to tactical operations.

Bond carried the .380 version. Better but not by much.

No, Bond carried the PPK in 7.65 (.32 ACP).

Watch the video of Bond being issued his pistol someone posted earlier and they mention the caliber. Long Mountain Outfitters sold two of the prop guns used in the Sean Connery and Roger Moore bond movies and they have (or had, I haven't looked recently) pictures of them on their website. They were both WWII German PPK's in 7.65.

In the new movie they mention his new pistol is coded to his palm print and that it is a PPK/S in "9mm short" (.380 ACP). As far as I know that's the first time he's carried a PPK/S instead of a PPK.

Link Posted: 11/6/2012 2:57:41 PM EDT




As a spy, if you have to draw your weapon your cover has been blown before you drew it.  Hopefully, using it quickly and quietly will get you through or at least aid your escape.  Being that a spy is usually quite physically close to the person who 'made' him, a .32acp will suffice for the necessary 'wet work.'  

I would expect that 007 would carry something more substantial if he had to go from undercover to tactical operations.

Bond carried the .380 version. Better but not by much.

No, Bond carried the PPK in 7.65 (.32 ACP).

Watch the video of Bond being issued his pistol someone posted earlier and they mention the caliber. Long Mountain Outfitters sold two of the prop guns used in the Sean Connery and Roger Moore bond movies and they have (or had, I haven't looked recently) pictures of them on their website. They were both WWII German PPK's in 7.65.

In the new movie they mention his new pistol is coded to his palm print and that it is a PPK/S in "9mm short" (.380 ACP). As far as I know that's the first time he's carried a PPK/S instead of a PPK.

Yes.  Walther PPK in 7.65

Link Posted: 11/6/2012 2:59:53 PM EDT
As a spy, if you have to draw your weapon your cover has been blown before you drew it.  Hopefully, using it quickly and quietly will get you through or at least aid your escape.  Being that a spy is usually quite physically close to the person who 'made' him, a .32acp will suffice for the necessary 'wet work.'  

I would expect that 007 would carry something more substantial if he had to go from undercover to tactical operations.

Bond carried the .380 version. Better but not by much.

No, Bond carried the PPK in 7.65 (.32 ACP).

Watch the video of Bond being issued his pistol someone posted earlier and they mention the caliber. Long Mountain Outfitters sold two of the prop guns used in the Sean Connery and Roger Moore bond movies and they have (or had, I haven't looked recently) pictures of them on their website. They were both WWII German PPK's in 7.65.

In the new movie they mention his new pistol is coded to his palm print and that it is a PPK/S in "9mm short" (.380 ACP). As far as I know that's the first time he's carried a PPK/S instead of a PPK.

I stand corrected, here I was pissed because my PPK is .32 and not .380 it was all I could afford at the time. Mine is a Manhurin Manufacture de Machines du Haut-Rhin from the late 50s. Sooo, mine is of the right caliber and right time period. It is worth it to pay close attention to detail. I am so ashamed.

But also happy at the same time.
Link Posted: 11/6/2012 7:49:33 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/6/2012 8:12:18 PM EDT
This thread is lame....makes me want to switch from a G26 to something like a PPK/S just to say I can do it.

Prepare to be underwhelmed.
Link Posted: 11/12/2012 5:37:59 PM EDT

he started with wimpier
Link Posted: 11/12/2012 5:40:49 PM EDT

Because if you are wearing a tailored suit, you need something small so it doesn't ruin the lines.

Glock 19

The Glock 19 is the most retarded shaped brick of a handgun ever devised. Carry something slim like a Hi Power or 1911.

Grip measurements:
BHP width: 1.27"
1911 width: 1.27"
Glock 17 width: 1.18"
unable to find a 1911 that thick

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

Math is for pussies.  


I reject your reality and substitute my own.

Link Posted: 11/12/2012 5:44:51 PM EDT
The Glock 19 is the most retarded shaped brick of a handgun ever devised. Carry something slim like a Hi Power or 1911.

The Glock's grip is the same width as a 1911 with standard grips (1.18"), and its slide is only 0.10" wider (0.90" Vs. 1.00")

The 1911 and P-35 are rusty boat anchors compared to the compact Glock.

so the frame of the 1911 is not that big.  and I've never found a 19 or 17 that measures smaller at the handle than a 1911, or that has less than an oppressife slide width
Link Posted: 11/12/2012 5:46:05 PM EDT
 Keep drinkin' the kool-aid.

If Bond needed to step up in caliber and gun and still needed a slim single stack the Sig P6 would be a good fit.  Glocks are too.... below Bond for him to use.  That would be like Bond hopping in to a Camero instead of a Jag, Aston Martin, BMW, or other such top notch sports car.

Or lowering himself to learn the spelling of Camaro
Link Posted: 11/12/2012 6:03:29 PM EDT
I think some Israeli assassins used a Beretta Model 70 in .22
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