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Link Posted: 2/17/2013 1:04:55 PM EDT
I will never own a house with a HOA.

Damn right.

The HOA neighborhoods around me are ran by a bunch of snobby motherfuckers.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 1:07:27 PM EDT
Gated community with an onsite security crew that does a vehicle patrol through the heighborhood equals more peace of mind for the wife.  The monthly fee isn't significant and I don't plan to build an obscene tree fort in the front yard, so why not live in a HOA neighborhood?
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 1:10:14 PM EDT
I will never own a house with a HOA.

Damn right.

The HOA neighborhoods around me are ran by a bunch of snobby motherfuckers.

Guys in this thread say, "Well my HOA leaved me alone so it's OK."  Great, but there's no telling who will run the HOA tomorrow in 6 months.  Some pencil dick WILL get elected and the HOA will become power-hungry.  The fact remains that a HOA can fuck with you even if they don't currently do it.  That's the real problem.

I wonder if non-HOA homes will become like pre-ban magazines someday.  Worth way more and everyone moaning that they didn't buy them.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 1:19:56 PM EDT


I don't plan to build an obscene tree fort in the front yard, so why not live in a HOA neighborhood?

You see, this is why I could never live in an HOA. Where else would I build my obscene tree fort?

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 1:25:53 PM EDT
I never have to mow the lawn or shovel snow, all of the houses in the enclave are very nice and well maintained, and there is not a single example of "that house".  You know, the one that needs paint, has a weedy yard, and a car or two dripping oil on the driveway.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 1:30:08 PM EDT
I will never own a house with a HOA.

Damn right.

The HOA neighborhoods around me are ran by a bunch of snobby motherfuckers.

Don't know why, in Texas they are generally not even the really affluent homes.  Po people imitating the Jones.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 1:56:43 PM EDT


I don't plan to build an obscene tree fort in the front yard, so why not live in a HOA neighborhood?

You see, this is why I could never live in an HOA. Where else would I build my obscene tree fort?  

and where else am I going to do car repairs if not in my driveway?
The most common unreasonable restrictions HOAs place on you are the ones I could not live with.  

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:01:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:01:43 PM EDT


I don't plan to build an obscene tree fort in the front yard, so why not live in a HOA neighborhood?

You see, this is why I could never live in an HOA. Where else would I build my obscene tree fort?  

and where else am I going to do car repairs if not in my driveway?

The most common unreasonable restrictions HOAs place on you are the ones I could not live with.  

Let's see, no trucks over 3/4 ton, no boats in driveways, approval for staining fence, no satellite dishes visible from road, approval for landscaping, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.  That was just the beginning.  So many little brokedicks, so little time.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:03:47 PM EDT
Keeps property values up. So some assclown across the street doesn't have cars on cinder blocks in his driveway or paints his house purple.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:12:17 PM EDT

Guys in this thread say, "Well my HOA leaved me alone so it's OK."  Great, but there's no telling who will run the HOA tomorrow in 6 months.  Some pencil dick WILL get elected and the HOA will become power-hungry.  The fact remains that a HOA can fuck with you even if they don't currently do it.  That's the real problem.
I wonder if non-HOA homes will become like pre-ban magazines someday.  Worth way more and everyone moaning that they didn't buy them.

Ten years ago, I had ONE negative encounter with the HOA (they entered my property, opened the gate, and started tramping around in my back yard... without even ringing the doorbell first.  My Rottweiler nearly ate the whole lot of them).  I was less-than-pleasant when I went into the back yard (restraining my dog the entire time) and pointed out that they'd just done a VERY f*cking stupid thing, and exactly WTF did they think they were doing?    )  They left post-haste and never returned.  I still chuckle at the bulging, wide-eyed looks directed at the large, black, slavering beast I was restraining...
That bunch got voted off the HOA board in <1 year, and we've had a much more reasonable group ever since.  None of us would tolerate Gladys Kravitz wanna-bes.
Nobody likes HOA nazis... even people who understand and appreciate what an HOA does.

I dealt with something similar.  
The problem with this conversation is:
A) Honda posed the question to make it look like he was smarter and more freedom loving than anyone in an HOA.  Meh, his threads are usually good, but this one started on the short bus
B) Half the people in this thread are so socially awkward that HOAs were designed to keep them out.  They are mad.
C)  The decent people here who don't like HOAs look at the absolute worst and point a finger exclaiming that ALL HOAs are evil because this one my cousin dealt with was bad.
If I remember correctly, Honda lives in an area of Dallas that is covered with wealthy HOAs between his area and mine.  The proximity to Turtle Creek and SMU helps both our property values and neither of us is part of an HOA (I have a condo association, an even worse cancer to some).
There seem to be a lot of judgemental people really irked at being judged here.  
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:19:04 PM EDT
Didn't read the thread

My real estate professor always told me it was to preserve home prices. This seems to be very true.
Look around, who really gives a fuck about 'liberty' anymore?

As long as they perceive their investment is being taken care of, everything else to hell.

I don't agree at all BTW
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:21:09 PM EDT
Wasn't Treyvon Martin murdered in a HOA neighborhood?

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:23:47 PM EDT

The problem with this conversation is:

A) Honda posed the question to make it look like he was smarter and more freedom loving than anyone in an HOA.  Meh, his threads are usually good, but this one started on the short bus

B) Half the people in this thread are so socially awkward that HOAs were designed to keep them out.  They are mad.

C)  The decent people here who don't like HOAs look at the absolute worst and point a finger exclaiming that ALL HOAs are evil because this one my cousin dealt with was bad.

If I remember correctly, Honda lives in an area of Dallas that is covered with wealthy HOAs between his area and mine.  The proximity to Turtle Creek and SMU helps both our property values and neither of us is part of an HOA (I have a condo association, an even worse cancer to some).

There seem to be a lot of judgemental people really irked at being judged here.  


My experiences were real, not second hand, and was right up the road in Richardson.  I live exactly where you do, well perimeter trash area.  We do not have cars on blocks, unkempt yards or any of that crap.  I am not aware of very many mandatory Nazi HOA's in Dallas or PC's.  Our housing values are better than the burbs w/o the paint police.

HOA's in Texas are a real problem, and do have the legal right to foreclose.  I was lucky that I had balls to stand up and fight those pricks.   The problem, like so many others mentioned is that when the board changes, rules change, and therein the problems start.  

Now back to studying.  Did I mention I hate HOA's?
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:25:49 PM EDT
I draft CC&R's in my practice and it is amazing how restrictive my clients want to make their projects. I would never live under the rules I write.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:29:52 PM EDT
Same reason they vote for Obama they don't want to be bothered to think thinks through, it's easier to just give up some freedom for some perceived security
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:31:02 PM EDT


I don't plan to build an obscene tree fort in the front yard, so why not live in a HOA neighborhood?

You see, this is why I could never live in an HOA. Where else would I build my obscene tree fort?  

and where else am I going to do car repairs if not in my driveway?

The most common unreasonable restrictions HOAs place on you are the ones I could not live with.  

Let's see, no trucks over 3/4 ton, no boats in driveways, approval for staining fence, no satellite dishes visible from road, approval for landscaping, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.  That was just the beginning.  So many little brokedicks, so little time.

Not ALL HOA's are that way! Why is it that everything thinks every HOA is either a Nazi death camp or will soon become one? We have motorhomes in driveways, boats parked alongside houses, hell even airplanes tied down in side yards! :-) Yet our neighborhood is neat, clean, pretty drama free (even from the HOA), and we all get together twice a year for a nice fly-in and party.

I think an HOA without the "community" built in is destined for disaster. If it is just an extension of an already close-knit neighborhood (as many have stated here theirs are), then it is nothing more than a reflection of the community.

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:36:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:40:28 PM EDT
Same reason they vote for Obama they don't want to be bothered to think thinks through, it's easier to just give up some freedom for some perceived security

Lol. Not really the same reason at all.

All of this "An Appeal to Heaven" stuff about HOA's and lost "Liberty" is really kinda funny.

If you don't want to live in an HOA, don't. It's not like the government is forcing you to.

I, for one, don't have any problem with a group of private citizens mutually agreeing upon a set of guidelines to ensure that the neighborhood they live in maintains a certain standard, whatever that may be.

I've lived in HOA neighborhoods, and non-HOA neighborhoods. Never really had problems with either. YMMV.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:50:28 PM EDT
, not paint their house neon purple...


Nobody's telling me what color I can't paint MY fucking house.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:57:22 PM EDT
Same reason they vote for Obama they don't want to be bothered to think thinks through, it's easier to just give up some freedom for some perceived security

Lol. Not really the same reason at all.

All of this "An Appeal to Heaven" stuff about HOA's and lost "Liberty" is really kinda funny.

If you don't want to live in an HOA, don't. It's not like the government is forcing you to.

I, for one, don't have any problem with a group of private citizens mutually agreeing upon a set of guidelines to ensure that the neighborhood they live in maintains a certain standard, whatever that may be.

I've lived in HOA neighborhoods, and non-HOA neighborhoods. Never really had problems with either. YMMV.


Complaining about HOAs is like complaining about tithing at church.  If you don't like it, don't do it.  It's not mandatory.

As another poster pointed out, HOAs wouldn't have started in the first place if people had any sense of self-respect or pride in ownership.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:00:51 PM EDT


The problem with this conversation is:

A) Honda posed the question to make it look like he was smarter and more freedom loving than anyone in an HOA.  Meh, his threads are usually good, but this one started on the short bus

B) Half the people in this thread are so socially awkward that HOAs were designed to keep them out.  They are mad.

C)  The decent people here who don't like HOAs look at the absolute worst and point a finger exclaiming that ALL HOAs are evil because this one my cousin dealt with was bad.

If I remember correctly, Honda lives in an area of Dallas that is covered with wealthy HOAs between his area and mine.  The proximity to Turtle Creek and SMU helps both our property values and neither of us is part of an HOA (I have a condo association, an even worse cancer to some).

There seem to be a lot of judgemental people really irked at being judged here.  


My experiences were real, not second hand, and was right up the road in Richardson.  I live exactly where you do, well perimeter trash area.  We do not have cars on blocks, unkempt yards or any of that crap.  I am not aware of very many mandatory Nazi HOA's in Dallas or PC's.  Our housing values are better than the burbs w/o the paint police.

HOA's in Texas are a real problem, and do have the legal right to foreclose.  I was lucky that I had balls to stand up and fight those pricks.   The problem, like so many others mentioned is that when the board changes, rules change, and therein the problems start.  

Now back to studying.  Did I mention I hate HOA's?

Like hell they are.  

Your value in the burbs stays within the average for suburbs.  They always have a slightly higher average than the city due to newer construction and existing houses dragging down the market inside the city.  That doesn't equate to actual higher value neighborhood to neighborhood.  You just have a slight statistical edge because everything on the other side of 75 counts with mine.  Same with any city.

I'm genuinely sorry you had a bad experience.  You also chose to sign on the dotted line and no one kept you from running for the HOA board yourself.  

The foreclosure thing is needed.  Period.  It's the only real recourse when dealing with someone who is out to try to prove a point vs be the neighbor he or she signed up to be.  

Hyperbole aside, we all hate to have some crazy boss, wife, lover, or HOA President telling us what to do.  Every single person in this thread agrees to that.  But to claim it's totally out of your control isn't totally honest.

Study on sir.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:03:38 PM EDT


Keeps property values up. So some assclown across the street doesn't have cars on cinder blocks in his driveway or paints his house purple.

So what if he does?  His stuff. His choice.  You and I should have no say over what he does with it unless it is a physical threat.

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:05:18 PM EDT
I pay $44 a month for my HOA. They pay for water and cable. They also have a club house and pool. So I feel like we get a good deal. So far they are pretty nice other then cars cant be parked on the street at night.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:11:09 PM EDT



Keeps property values up. So some assclown across the street doesn't have cars on cinder blocks in his driveway or paints his house purple.

So what if he does.  His stuff. His choice.  You and I should have no say over what he does with it unless it is a physical threat.


Your rights begin where mine end.

Not a complicated concept and one that is really at the heart of Libertarianism.  

What you just propose is a bastardized interpretation.

Physical threat isn't the only way you can infringe on my rights.  How about loud music at 3 in the morning?  Barking dogs?  Shooting off his porch?  Destroying the local value and driving up insurance costs?  You could very much destroy my ability to work and pay my mortgage through selfish actions.  Somewhere between the parties and burning tires in your yard, I'd say you very much infringe on my rights as a homeowner.  

HOAs are simply a measure to ensure that most of the rights of the COMMUNITY aren't abused by an individual who volunteered to be a part of said community.  

Why is it every person who hates HOAs seems to be the most controlling type of individual?  
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:20:15 PM EDT


Keeps property values up. So some assclown across the street doesn't have cars on cinder blocks in his driveway or paints his house purple.

So what if he does.  His stuff. His choice.  You and I should have no say over what he does with it unless it is a physical threat.


Your rights begin where mine end.

Not a complicated concept and one that is really at the heart of Libertarianism.  

What you just propose is a bastardized interpretation.

Physical threat isn't the only way you can infringe on my rights.  How about loud music at 3 in the morning?  Barking dogs?  Shooting off his porch?  Destroying the local value and driving up insurance costs?  You could very much destroy my ability to work and pay my mortgage through selfish actions.  Somewhere between the parties and burning tires in your yard, I'd say you very much infringe on my rights as a homeowner.  

HOAs are simply a measure to ensure that most of the rights of the COMMUNITY aren't abused by an individual who volunteered to be a part of said community.  

Why is it every person who hates HOAs seems to be the most controlling type of individual?  
physical threat call the police and covered by local laws.

Annoyances covered by local laws. Ask them to stop.  Call the police.

Hazard of living near other people.  Inherent in the environment.  Freedom isn't always pretty.  

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:20:26 PM EDT


Keeps property values up. So some assclown across the street doesn't have cars on cinder blocks in his driveway or paints his house purple.

So what if he does.  His stuff. His choice.  You and I should have no say over what he does with it unless it is a physical threat.

Your rights begin where mine end.

Not a complicated concept and one that is really at the heart of Libertarianism.  

What you just propose is a bastardized interpretation.

Physical threat isn't the only way you can infringe on my rights.  How about loud music at 3 in the morning?  Barking dogs?  Shooting off his porch?  Destroying the local value and driving up insurance costs?  You could very much destroy my ability to work and pay my mortgage through selfish actions.  Somewhere between the parties and burning tires in your yard, I'd say you very much infringe on my rights as a homeowner.  

HOAs are simply a measure to ensure that most of the rights of the COMMUNITY aren't abused by an individual who volunteered to be a part of said community.  

Why is it every person who hates HOAs seems to be the most controlling type of individual?  


Good post.

Like I said before, my wife and I don't live in a neighborhood with an HOA.  And we really don't need one.  But there are neighborhoods in this town that would definitely benefit from it.

I agree in principle with the "my property, my rules" view.  But it seems like a lot of HOA opponents just want free reign to antagonize their neighbors by living and acting like third worlders.  I would be opposed to actual laws controlling what colors people can paint their homes or what type of flowers they can plant, but I have no problem with people voluntarily entering into a binding agreement to keep their homes at a certain level of tidiness.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:29:39 PM EDT
I fucking hate the though of HOA's but as a multiple homeowner I find it even more disgusting to have my property value decline because some inbreed cousin fucking asshat wants to use an old toilet as a planter right next to the washing machine in his front yard

if someone wants to live like that then there are areas that would welcome them.

there is no lose of liberty just standards for maintaining your property at least in the ones I deal with.

if you live in an HOA and let people who dont live in the community control the board and they fuck with you and your neighbors its up to you to get with your neighbors and fix it
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:30:39 PM EDT


Keeps property values up. So some assclown across the street doesn't have cars on cinder blocks in his driveway or paints his house purple.

So what if he does.  His stuff. His choice.  You and I should have no say over what he does with it unless it is a physical threat.


Your rights begin where mine end.

Not a complicated concept and one that is really at the heart of Libertarianism.  

What you just propose is a bastardized interpretation.

Physical threat isn't the only way you can infringe on my rights.  How about loud music at 3 in the morning?  Barking dogs?  Shooting off his porch?  Destroying the local value and driving up insurance costs?  You could very much destroy my ability to work and pay my mortgage through selfish actions.  Somewhere between the parties and burning tires in your yard, I'd say you very much infringe on my rights as a homeowner.  

HOAs are simply a measure to ensure that most of the rights of the COMMUNITY aren't abused by an individual who volunteered to be a part of said community.  

Why is it every person who hates HOAs seems to be the most controlling type of individual?  
physical threat call the police and covered by local laws.

Annoyances covered by local laws. Ask them to stop.  Call the police.

Hazard of living near other people.  Inherent in the environment.  Freedom isn't always pretty.  


You seem to sincerely have a problem with how other like minded people want to live their lives.

I've seen that before.  

Your advice is to treat the entire city as an HOA and use the police to enforce it...

I'm not going to convince you that you are the problem in this equation.  The truth is, you should be supporting HOAs for all the issues you brought up.  A smaller community CHOOSES to set it's own rules above and beyond that of the larger community.  That should be their choice and they should be FREE TO CHOOSE.

You are the one who wants to remove choice from the equation.  Not those who volunteer to live in HOAs.

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:32:04 PM EDT


The problem with this conversation is:

A) Honda posed the question to make it look like he was smarter and more freedom loving than anyone in an HOA.  Meh, his threads are usually good, but this one started on the short bus

B) Half the people in this thread are so socially awkward that HOAs were designed to keep them out.  They are mad.

C)  The decent people here who don't like HOAs look at the absolute worst and point a finger exclaiming that ALL HOAs are evil because this one my cousin dealt with was bad.

If I remember correctly, Honda lives in an area of Dallas that is covered with wealthy HOAs between his area and mine.  The proximity to Turtle Creek and SMU helps both our property values and neither of us is part of an HOA (I have a condo association, an even worse cancer to some).

There seem to be a lot of judgemental people really irked at being judged here.  


My experiences were real, not second hand, and was right up the road in Richardson.  I live exactly where you do, well perimeter trash area.  We do not have cars on blocks, unkempt yards or any of that crap.  I am not aware of very many mandatory Nazi HOA's in Dallas or PC's.  Our housing values are better than the burbs w/o the paint police.

HOA's in Texas are a real problem, and do have the legal right to foreclose.  I was lucky that I had balls to stand up and fight those pricks.   The problem, like so many others mentioned is that when the board changes, rules change, and therein the problems start.  

Now back to studying.  Did I mention I hate HOA's?

Like hell they are.  

Your value in the burbs stays within the average for suburbs.  They always have a slightly higher average than the city due to newer construction and existing houses dragging down the market inside the city.  That doesn't equate to actual higher value neighborhood to neighborhood.  You just have a slight statistical edge because everything on the other side of 75 counts with mine.  Same with any city.

I'm genuinely sorry you had a bad experience.  You also chose to sign on the dotted line and no one kept you from running for the HOA board yourself.  

The foreclosure thing is needed.  Period.  It's the only real recourse when dealing with someone who is out to try to prove a point vs be the neighbor he or she signed up to be.  

Hyperbole aside, we all hate to have some crazy boss, wife, lover, or HOA President telling us what to do.  Every single person in this thread agrees to that.  But to claim it's totally out of your control isn't totally honest.

Study on sir.


Statistical analysis is simple for DFW.  Take homes say above 300K, houses in Dallas in will appreciate faster than those outside the loop.  Simple, the location of inside the loop is more in demand, which is the real premise of real estate value.  So the arguement/statement that HOA homes protect values/appreciate is BS.  Only actual demand can do that, and when the home with 15 extended member families invade your neighborhood, see how long that HOA "protects" value.

As a side note, I did run for the board, missed by 3 votes.  I am much prouder of my attempt to almost disband that POS organization, I was so close.  TA call to RPD also assisted with one of their Explorer officers who threatened to write me a ticket for expired inspection.    Then the City Attorney explained the Board could be held liable for one of their members acting in a law enforcement capacity, i.e. impersonating.

The good news, most of the orgs are not well financed, as I started to cost them attorney's fees, they found I was more than willing to spend and cost them money they did not have.  This is what caught the attention of the members, as their cash reserves were down to 11K.  It was quietly decided, that they would cease and desist their harassment.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:41:54 PM EDT






Keeps property values up. So some assclown across the street doesn't have cars on cinder blocks in his driveway or paints his house purple.

So what if he does.  His stuff. His choice.  You and I should have no say over what he does with it unless it is a physical threat.


Your rights begin where mine end.

Not a complicated concept and one that is really at the heart of Libertarianism.  

What you just propose is a bastardized interpretation.

Physical threat isn't the only way you can infringe on my rights.  How about loud music at 3 in the morning?  Barking dogs?  Shooting off his porch?  Destroying the local value and driving up insurance costs?  You could very much destroy my ability to work and pay my mortgage through selfish actions.  Somewhere between the parties and burning tires in your yard, I'd say you very much infringe on my rights as a homeowner.  

HOAs are simply a measure to ensure that most of the rights of the COMMUNITY aren't abused by an individual who volunteered to be a part of said community.  

Why is it every person who hates HOAs seems to be the most controlling type of individual?  

physical threat call the police and covered by local laws.

Annoyances covered by local laws. Ask them to stop.  Call the police.

Hazard of living near other people.  Inherent in the environment.  Freedom isn't always pretty.  


You seem to sincerely have a problem with how other like minded people want to live their lives.

I've seen that before.  

Your advice is to treat the entire city as an HOA and use the police to enforce it...

I'm not going to convince you that you are the problem in this equation.  The truth is, you should be supporting HOAs for all the issues you brought up.  A smaller community CHOOSES to set it's own rules above and beyond that of the larger community.  That should be their choice and they should be FREE TO CHOOSE.

You are the one who wants to remove choice from the equation.  Not those who volunteer to live in HOAs.


Not hardly.  City ordinances already exist for everything an HOA would legitimately do.  HOAs except in 2 states... are forced upon the house purchaser.  Out side of cities people live farther apart and so city ordinances and HOAs would not be needed.

But IF HOAs were truly voluntary then I wouldn't have a problem with them but they aren't.  I have the same problem with unions.  

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:44:07 PM EDT
Unfortunately, around where I am it's difficult to find an area that isn't in an HOA.  I still rent because I enjoy the convenience and maintenance-free lifestyle of it.

HOA's have brainwashed people into believing that, without them, everybody would have broken down cars on their lawns up on blocks and everybody's front yard would be overgrown with weeds and poison ivy.  This is of course nonsense.  I grew up in areas where HOA's were non-existent and we had no such problems.

Any middle income area will generally have residents who aren't ghetto/white trash and care about the upkeep of their homes and property.  Besides, local municipality laws often cover basic upkeep so HOA's are often times redundant.  
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:50:50 PM EDT




Statistical analysis is simple for DFW.  Take homes say above 300K, houses in Dallas in will appreciate faster than those outside the loop.  Simple, the location of inside the loop is more in demand, which is the real premise of real estate value.  So the arguement/statement that HOA homes protect values/appreciate is BS.  Only actual demand can do that, and when the home with 15 extended member families invade your neighborhood, see how long that HOA "protects" value.

As a side note, I did run for the board, missed by 3 votes.  I am much prouder of my attempt to almost disband that POS organization, I was so close.  TA call to RPD also assisted with one of their Explorer officers who threatened to write me a ticket for expired inspection.    Then the City Attorney explained the Board could be held liable for one of their members acting in a law enforcement capacity, i.e. impersonating.

The good news, most of the orgs are not well financed, as I started to cost them attorney's fees, they found I was more than willing to spend and cost them money they did not have.  This is what caught the attention of the members, as their cash reserves were down to 11K.  It was quietly decided, that they would cease and desist their harassment.

Homes inside the loop do appreciate, but new construction adds value to your neck of the woods.  It still doesn't address the problem of the aggregate bringing down the value of houses inside the loop.  Gentrification is enough to show why that's true and HOAs can be VERY handy in that situation.  

Sorry, you lost your vote.    I'd have voted for you at this point... probably.

I've never said HOAs are perfect and that ALL of them are good.  We can probably pull one example of someone hating an HOA from any given HOA.  Whether that person was a problem or the HOA is is where you and I might disagree.  

I have an HOA horror story as well.  In College Station, we had a nasty older lady and her yippie dog end up in a position of power.  She started in on me and it came down to me being very honest with her about what I thought.  After she started breathing again, I told her that under no uncertain terms, that I was following the HOA guidelines and if she wanted to put a lien on my house she was more than welcome too.  I'd paint is burnt orange and tie her up in court until she died.  I have the money and the time.

My horror story doesn't mean ALL HOA's are bad.  Neither does yours.  I just tend to like HOAs when they are formed with like minded people.  It's a small form of local community government that is accessible to every homeowner.

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:52:28 PM EDT
Unfortunately, around where I am it's difficult to find an area that isn't in an HOA.  I still rent because I enjoy the convenience and maintenance-free lifestyle of it.

HOA's have brainwashed people into believing that, without them, everybody would have broken down cars on their lawns up on blocks and everybody's front yard would be overgrown with weeds and poison ivy.  This is of course nonsense.  I grew up in areas where HOA's were non-existent and we had no such problems.

Any middle income area will generally have residents who aren't ghetto/white trash and care about the upkeep of their homes and property.  Besides, local municipality laws often cover basic upkeep so HOA's are often times redundant.  

I haven't been brainwashed into believing that all neighborhoods would be shit without HOAs.  My neighborhood doesn't have an HOA and is pretty nice.

But I do know that HOAs discourage third worldism, where people in other neighborhoods would just have to tolerate scum.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:54:43 PM EDT


EDIT:  Timberrrrrrrrr......

Not hardly.  City ordinances already exist for everything an HOA would legitimately do.  HOAs except in 2 states... are forced upon the house purchaser.  Out side of cities people live farther apart and so city ordinances and HOAs would not be needed.

But IF HOAs were truly voluntary then I wouldn't have a problem with them but they aren't.  I have the same problem with unions.  


Maybe your problem is in viewing all HOA's as homogenous.  

They aren't.  

If you want to live in a city, you will usually deal with one.  Which one, is a matter of choice.  That's the point you and I just can't come to the middle on.  I still see it as a choice of local communities.  Even when they are so numerous as to seem the norm.  

Oddly enough, I think you and I could sit down and create a GREAT HOA in about 2 hours.  After that, just like any local government, it becomes up to the populace to maintain it.  

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 4:02:16 PM EDT




I can't fathom it.  Why would ANYONE pay a monthly fee and WILLINGLY give up their liberty?

Because I am tired of living in fucking slums.  I hate having to drive past yards with cars on blocks, overgrown weeds and bushes, and grass that aint been cut in 5 months.  I want to live in a nice up kept neighborhood.  The people that live here are assholes; but their homes and yards are neat and clean.

My liberty and freedom are not infringed.  My HOA started some BS with me when I first moved in, I eventually told them to get fucked.  No issues since.

I don't live in an HOA neighborhood.

There are no overgrown weeds.

No overgrown bushes.

No lawns that haven't been cut in 5 months.

No cars on blocks.

And our property value is rising.

Me too.  Can't figure it out?  Oh wait, I bought a house where low income slobs can't afford to live.

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 4:02:30 PM EDT
If one of you HOA assholes moved in next to me, I'd build a castle out of beer cans and hot glue right next to the line.   I even have an old buick I can part out and decorate with.  

Living in town is for suckers.  
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 4:06:28 PM EDT

Maybe your problem is in viewing all HOA's as homogenous.  

They aren't.  

If you want to live in a city, you will usually deal with one.  Which one, is a matter of choice.  That's the point you and I just can't come to the middle on.  I still see it as a choice of local communities.  Even when they are so numerous as to seem the norm.  

Oddly enough, I think you and I could sit down and create a GREAT HOA in about 2 hours.  After that, just like any local government, it becomes up to the populace to maintain it.  

I guarantee we could, just like the guy with airplanes and boats.  Specialized community Lifestyle work incredibly well HOA's (Airplanes, waterskiing/wakeboarding/).  I love my new neighborhood, established families, with nothing to prove, older folks, and everyone stays out of everyone's business.  I have no problem with people wanting to live in HOA's, what is odd, is the alleged freedom lovers that we have here on AR15 suck up the lifestyle of asking to change your landscaping.  More baffling than anything.  

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 4:13:33 PM EDT

Maybe your problem is in viewing all HOA's as homogenous.  
They aren't.  
If you want to live in a city, you will usually deal with one.  Which one, is a matter of choice.  That's the point you and I just can't come to the middle on.  I still see it as a choice of local communities.  Even when they are so numerous as to seem the norm.  
Oddly enough, I think you and I could sit down and create a GREAT HOA in about 2 hours.  After that, just like any local government, it becomes up to the populace to maintain it.  


I guarantee we could, just like the guy with airplanes and boats.  Specialized community Lifestyle work incredibly well HOA's (Airplanes, waterskiing/wakeboarding/).  I love my new neighborhood, established families, with nothing to prove, older folks, and everyone stays out of everyone's business.  I have no problem with people wanting to live in HOA's, what is odd, is the alleged freedom lovers that we have here on AR15 suck up the lifestyle of asking to change your landscaping.  More baffling than anything.  

EDIT:  I have found myself being a hypocrite for all the right reasons before.  When I got momentum behind it, it becomes harder to stop.  I think a lot of HOA hate is like that.  I really wasn't calling anyone here a hypocrite.  This is probably the best conversation I've had about HOAs here.
I wasn't even thinking of sailing or flying communities.  That's a great point.  I've dealt with both and found them to be some of the most welcoming people I've met as long as I shared their hobby.  
I do feel bad for guys or gals here who find the perfect house, the perfect commute, and the perfect price in a community that is anathema for them.  I'd hate the situation as well.  
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 4:13:45 PM EDT
11.5 acres, surrounded by a creek on one side and state highway on other.  I am my own HOA president, Vice President, secretary and treasurer.

No chance if a future neighbor within 400 feet of my house.

I barely like myself, but the neighborhood won't go to hell.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 4:59:00 PM EDT
I take pride in my yard and the upkeep of my home.  I prefer that my neighbors do as well, since them not doing so will adversely affect the value of my home, and in some cases, the enjoyability of where I live, and in drastic cases, our health.  When I first move into a home, I can see who the neighbors are and the condition of the homes, yards, etc.  However, if/when they sell their home, who knows what type of people will move in and their habits with regard to yard and home upkeep and general cleanliness.

It's worth enough to me to pay a little more each month to ensure that everyone who wants to move into this community agrees to live and abide by certain basic rules.

I don't want this next to me, and I will pay a bit more each month to ensure I don't ever have to live next to it:

Some day, I hope to be able to afford 100 acres so that I won't care what my neighbors do with their house or property, but until then, it matters significantly what they do with their home and property, so an HOA works for us.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 5:02:06 PM EDT
I can't fathom it.  Why would ANYONE pay a monthly fee and WILLINGLY give up their liberty?

Because I am tired of living in fucking slums.  I hate having to drive past yards with cars on blocks, overgrown weeds and bushes, and grass that aint been cut in 5 months.  I want to live in a nice up kept neighborhood.  The people that live here are assholes; but their homes and yards are neat and clean.

My liberty and freedom are not infringed.  My HOA started some BS with me when I first moved in, I eventually told them to get fucked.  No issues since.

I don't live in an HOA neighborhood.

There are no overgrown weeds.

No overgrown bushes.

No lawns that haven't been cut in 5 months.

No cars on blocks.

And our property value is rising.

That's great.  You're lucky that you have good neighbors who value that.  What happens when your neighbor sells his house and the new people who move in don't share those same values?  The HOA sets a baseline that everyone agrees to; that's all.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 5:05:36 PM EDT
They don't know any better. Experience will teach them eventually.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 5:07:21 PM EDT
I can't fathom it.  Why would ANYONE pay a monthly fee and WILLINGLY give up their liberty?

Because I am tired of living in fucking slums.  I hate having to drive past yards with cars on blocks, overgrown weeds and bushes, and grass that aint been cut in 5 months.  I want to live in a nice up kept neighborhood.  The people that live here are assholes; but their homes and yards are neat and clean.

My liberty and freedom are not infringed.  My HOA started some BS with me when I first moved in, I eventually told them to get fucked.  No issues since.

I don't live in an HOA neighborhood.

There are no overgrown weeds.

No overgrown bushes.

No lawns that haven't been cut in 5 months.

No cars on blocks.

And our property value is rising.

That's great.  You're lucky that you have good neighbors who value that.  What happens when your neighbor sells his house and the new people who move in don't share those same values?  The HOA sets a baseline that everyone agrees to; that's all.

Live in a neighborhood that brokedicks can't afford, the odds go down the more houses cost.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 5:14:14 PM EDT

Guys in this thread say, "Well my HOA leaved me alone so it's OK."  Great, but there's no telling who will run the HOA tomorrow in 6 months.  Some pencil dick WILL get elected and the HOA will become power-hungry.  The fact remains that a HOA can fuck with you even if they don't currently do it.  That's the real problem.

I wonder if non-HOA homes will become like pre-ban magazines someday.  Worth way more and everyone moaning that they didn't buy them.

Ten years ago, I had ONE negative encounter with the HOA (they entered my property, opened the gate, and started tramping around in my back yard... without even ringing the doorbell first.  My Rottweiler nearly ate the whole lot of them).  I was less-than-pleasant when I went into the back yard (restraining my dog the entire time) and pointed out that they'd just done a VERY f*cking stupid thing, and exactly WTF did they think they were doing?    )  They left post-haste and never returned.  I still chuckle at the bulging, wide-eyed looks directed at the large, black, slavering beast I was restraining...

That bunch got voted off the HOA board in <1 year, and we've had a much more reasonable group ever since.  None of us would tolerate Gladys Kravitz wanna-bes.

Nobody likes HOA nazis... even people who understand and appreciate what an HOA does.

Agreed, I had a similar experience in my last house where the HOA was run by three old bitties that was in everyone's business. Next year my neighbor and I got elected to the board and stopped that shit cold, trouble was we both were stuck on the board because most everyone liked us being there and no one else wanted to pitch in. When the wife and I bought another place a few years ago we read the covenants of the homes we had narrowed down on, the one we bought only had rules covering the front 'common' area. With only 16 houses its quite and this year I joined our new board as "member at large" but the other three guys are cool as hell and are live and let live types, since two of the three are older guys I don't foresee a problem but I plan on staying engaged none the less.

Some of you guys need to get your panties out of a twist.  

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 5:14:24 PM EDT
My HOA has been good - I pay a once a year fee of $290, and that covers some of the maintenance for the area, as well as trash pickup and some social stuff they put on.  The houses in the neighborhood are all very nice, well kept, and I never hear from any of the hoa people.  One of the biggest bonuses is a house cannot be rented out which definitely keeps the 7 families under one roof scenario from occurring.

No complaints from me, I realize they vary and some can suck a lot.  Do your homework, read the covenants ahead of time, and be a bit flexible if you must.  Mine has been good.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 5:16:20 PM EDT
I can't fathom it.  Why would ANYONE pay a monthly fee and WILLINGLY give up their liberty?

It was/is our first home after 20 years of barracks and apartment living and we were woefully ignorant at the time. We made a decision to get the hell out even if it meant giving up our relatively new 4/2 for a trailer on a half acre, but then the market turned to utter shit and we are still 50K underwater

Posted from from a home where I curse my HOA weekly.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 5:29:01 PM EDT
I take pride in my yard and the upkeep of my home.  I prefer that my neighbors do as well, since them not doing so will adversely affect the value of my home, and in some cases, the enjoyability of where I live, and in drastic cases, our health.  When I first move into a home, I can see who the neighbors are and the condition of the homes, yards, etc.  However, if/when they sell their home, who knows what type of people will move in and their habits with regard to yard and home upkeep and general cleanliness.

It's worth enough to me to pay a little more each month to ensure that everyone who wants to move into this community agrees to live and abide by certain basic rules.

I don't want this next to me, and I will pay a bit more each month to ensure I don't ever have to live next to it:








Some day, I hope to be able to afford 100 acres so that I won't care what my neighbors do with their house or property, but until then, it matters significantly what they do with their home and property, so an HOA works for us.

Why is it that all the people on here that are for HOA's always argue the fact of trash?

I have lived in town a few different time and have never seen this kind of stuff. I wont argue that its not out there because I have seen it but not everybody outside of a HOA area lives like this.
There are millions of people who do respect their property.
Now that I said that, I will say that I do work on my vehicle in my driveway because I do not have a garage and I do have my boat parked in my driveway also. I use it almost every weekend and some weekday evenings.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 5:42:42 PM EDT
I live in a non HOA area because I choose not to.  5 + acres and I can barely see my neighbor, and only then when when the leaves fall.  If I want to shoot off my deck I do, if I want to build something I can, no asking permission.  And I mow my yard, trim the hedges etc....

To me livening we're you can see your neighbor is to close, my neighbors property is none of my business.  I love the country and plan on staying in it.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 5:47:43 PM EDT
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