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Link Posted: 2/17/2013 5:56:33 PM EDT
Love my HOA....Worth every penny!
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 5:58:38 PM EDT
It ain't too bad, $75 annually to pay for maintenance on the common grounds.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 6:45:58 PM EDT
Would you live next to this? Yeah, me neither. Not all HOA's are filled with nazis, and not all HOA's are self-enforcing. If you live in a modern subdivision, you are likely bound to a specific set of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. Often these are as restrictive as HOA rules and sometimes can carry the weight of law. HOA's also sometimes provide services for its community, such as common landscaping, rec centers, pools, etc. People find value in these things, and that is why they live there.

There are bad HOA's out there, and the onus is on you to find out if they are or not. If you don't like 'em, don't live there.


That looks like what happens when the HOA won't let you put a dumpster in front of the house when the hoarder dies.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 6:51:38 PM EDT
I'm tempted.

The neighbor to the right of me painted their house pink - Pepto Bismal pink - before they died. Now the pizza guy can find the house easy - I just say I live one home to the left of the pink house on the street. They never miss it.

No way.  According to the anti-HOA guys, that stuff NEVER happens.  So you must not be telling the truth.  
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 7:27:16 PM EDT
I dont see why anyone would want to live in a neighborhood with so many other people in the first place regardless of whether it has an HOA or not. Just buy some land so nobody is close by, no hoa and you can make your own rules.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 7:33:50 PM EDT
Keeps property values up. So some assclown across the street doesn't have cars on cinder blocks in his driveway or paints his house purple.

No HOA for me. I came home the other day and my neighbor a few houses down the street had a car frame up on blocks in his driveway...It was a Lamborghini really didn't fit in with the neighborhood.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 7:36:11 PM EDT
Keeps property values up. So some assclown across the street doesn't have cars on cinder blocks in his driveway or paints his house purple.

No HOA for me. I came home the other day and my neighbor a few houses down the street had a car frame up on blocks in his driveway...It was a Lamborghini really didn't fit in with the neighborhood.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 7:59:21 PM EDT
Torn on the issue, to be honest.

Where I live now is no HOA, and the neighborhood I live in is kind of shitty.  We have a rental house next to us, they don't do shit to their house or property to keep it nice, previous renters had a couple noisy dogs, loud music on occasion, would idle their cars on the street when we wanted to get to our house, their driveway is full of derelict hoopties, etc.  My sister used to live in a condo association where they had lots of issues with the board pres, some asshat bought his kid a drum set, stuff like that.

Now they live in a decent non-HOA subdivision, have a few trashy folks but they live on the end of the cul-de-sac and they like it.

But I see a post like this:

These are the houses next to mine.  The whole neighborhood is similarly laid out.  

This is a generally a quiet place, safe, good for small children (see avatar) and easy to get along with people, because we are basically similar in our needs and requirements for what a home and neighborhood provides.  


and I think "That looks like a really nice place to live.  "

So I wouldn't mind an HOA if it meant no Mexicans with dogs and assholes tossing their trash in our yard as they walk by.

Granted, I'm not OK with some HOAs saying you can't fly Old Glory on your property, but when you live in a neighborhood with an apartment complex across the street that had a couple fires and a dead body, and a meth lab on the corner, HOAs seem pretty tempting.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 8:11:40 PM EDT
When I was looking to buy if the listing said HOA I went elsewhere.   Friend of mine lives in an HOA community.  They do make stern requests to keep up the properties but wome still do not comply.  Then there are those that walk through the neighborhood knowing they are all senior citizens and take advantage.  They had 5 golf carts stolen one month.  Then there is the non responding PD.  Friend scared off a guy trying to break into his truck.  Called the PD and they NEVER showed.  I know that is not part of the HOA but still would not pay to live in that community.  I will stay out in the country.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 8:17:10 PM EDT
, not paint their house neon purple...


Nobody's telling me what color I can't paint MY fucking house.

oooh a tough guy.

i bet you still pay your rent to the State .  Or does no one charge you rent for YOUR fucking house.?
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 8:44:15 PM EDT
I can't fathom it.  Why would ANYONE pay a monthly fee and WILLINGLY give up their liberty?

"If you don't agree with me I'll make a post on the interwebs and call you a moron"

Though you apparently enjoy having liberty, you are very concerned with the way other people exercise theirs.

Perhaps you should realize that not all people think the same way, or are in situations where they can enjoy living in a nice non-HOA neighborhood like you do, and arrive at their decision after weighing all of their options.

I'm just curious why people give up liberty voluntarily.

Simple as that.

Still waiting for an explanation that makes sense.  The only one that comes close is if there are literally no homes/neighborhoods within a reasonable driving distance that AREN'T HOA neighborhoods.

No you aren't. It took you all of a dozen posts before you called someone a moron who did try and offer you an explanation.

Again, perhaps they don't make sense to you but to other individuals it does.  Not everyone is in the same situation you are.  Not being able to understand that nor realize that an HOA is a sometimes an appropriate decision is pretty small minded.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 9:51:21 PM EDT
So your neighbor has to mow their lawn every month or so, not leave cars in their front yard, not paint their house neon purple...

Some people like to protect their property value.  

I was waiting for this answer.

And Bren Franklin had something to say about these kinds of morons.

What, pray tell, did Bren say?
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 4:03:27 AM EDT

Not hardly.  City ordinances already exist for everything an HOA would legitimately do.  HOAs except in 2 states... are forced upon the house purchaser.  Out side of cities people live farther apart and so city ordinances and HOAs would not be needed.

But IF HOAs were truly voluntary then I wouldn't have a problem with them but they aren't.  I have the same problem with unions.  

LOL so we are going to take already overburdened (usually) and underfunded (often) police force and have them play HOA cop because you have a gripe against people banding together voluntarily in a like-minded community?

Wow...just wow.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 4:10:15 AM EDT
I dont see why anyone would want to live in a neighborhood with so many other people in the first place regardless of whether it has an HOA or not. Just buy some land so nobody is close by, no hoa and you can make your own rules.

Can I ask what you do? Just curious as you, and so many others, seem to think that "moving to the country" is the solution. It does NOT work for everyone, heck just for starters there are often not enough jobs. Keep telling them to come to the country and soon you have a, gasp, city!

Just seems that people look at THEIR life and say "yup it is all peaches and cream here, how can you jack-holes live differently than me?"

Link Posted: 2/18/2013 4:17:19 AM EDT
Wasn't Treyvon Martin murdered in a HOA neighborhood?

No. Self defense is not murder.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 4:21:11 AM EDT
Love my HOA....Worth every penny!

Exactly. If people want to paint their houses bright pink and make their yard look like a junkyard,  have at it..but dont bring my property value down. HOAs protect me.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 4:22:22 AM EDT

Some day, I hope to be able to afford 100 acres so that I won't care what my neighbors do with their house or property, but until then, it matters significantly what they do with their home and property, so an HOA works for us.

Translation-I want to pry into other peoples' lives and control what they can do.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 4:25:53 AM EDT

Some day, I hope to be able to afford 100 acres so that I won't care what my neighbors do with their house or property, but until then, it matters significantly what they do with their home and property, so an HOA works for us.

Translation-I want to pry into other peoples' lives and control what they can do.

Herp derp.

How are people, consciously electing to buy into subdivisions with HOA's "to pry into other peoples' lives and control what they can do."?
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 4:34:51 AM EDT

Ours is pretty nice.

Less than $200/year. In an area with lots of white trash, its worth it to keep neighbors from decorating their yards with broken washing machines and feral dogs.


In my area, without a HOA, potential neighbors might be tempted to pull in a few trailers so the whole family could live on their shared 1/2 acre. I looked at a property 8 months ago and that is exactly what happened. The property driveway was about a mile long, and was flanked by trailers and RVs that were set up for long term parking. Pity, the house at the end of the driveway was nice, but the view from the front door was shit.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 4:37:33 AM EDT
Where we live has a HOA/restrictive covenants. I didn't want to ever live with an HOA but there were a number of factors that lead me to go against my better judgement.

1) The covenants are fairly basic. No livestock in yard, no rusting cars in yard, lots have to be at least 1 acre, no trailer homes or double-wides, can't run a business out of your home, etc. These are needed to keep the trash from gunking up the place. There are no "your grass must be this type" or "Mrs Cravits has to approve your shingles" crap.

2) Because of our daughters age, and she being an only child, we wanted her to have easier access to play with other kids. A sub-division accomplishes this. However, we live in a very rural county with a grand total of 4 sub-divsions and all have covenants/HOA one one type or another. Our is both the nicest sub-division and coincidentally the least restrictive covenants.

3) My preference was to buy land. We are. however, financially at a point were we could swing 5 to maybe 10 acres with a crappy house, not the 100's that I want. Since it was buy a little land with a so-so house, or buy a smaller piece of land (2 acres) and get a better house we went that route. See also item 2.

4) Right now the HOA is a loosey-goosy group of people mostly interested in making sure the power bills for the street-lights stay are paid. Should that change, or a self-appointed Hitler gets involved I'll deal with that as needed.

5) Big fee for the year? $50

So yea, it's not my preference, and could always go the wrong way, but for now I can hold my nose and tolerate it.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 4:48:18 AM EDT
When I looked at houses in Colorado  a week ago, the only one that was in disrepair was one that had no HOA. I could overlook the house itself (since it was within my power to improve it) but the closest neighbor.... I'm not sure what they were doing over there but I didn't want it to be the view from my deck.

Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:00:11 AM EDT
I dont see why anyone would want to live in a neighborhood with so many other people in the first place regardless of whether it has an HOA or not. Just buy some land so nobody is close by, no hoa and you can make your own rules.

Can I ask what you do? Just curious as you, and so many others, seem to think that "moving to the country" is the solution. It does NOT work for everyone, heck just for starters there are often not enough jobs. Keep telling them to come to the country and soon you have a, gasp, city!

Just seems that people look at THEIR life and say "yup it is all peaches and cream here, how can you jack-holes live differently than me?"

That's the rub.  People think on this board that a)moving is the answer to everything in a bad house/neighborhood situation and b) the ultimate solution is to live in the country

If I didn't have a home based job, I'd have to commute, and for me it would mean taking a bus or train.  The buses and trains reach only so far, for starters.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:03:49 AM EDT
I dont see why anyone would want to live in a neighborhood with so many other people in the first place regardless of whether it has an HOA or not. Just buy some land so nobody is close by, no hoa and you can make your own rules.

Can I ask what you do? Just curious as you, and so many others, seem to think that "moving to the country" is the solution. It does NOT work for everyone, heck just for starters there are often not enough jobs. Keep telling them to come to the country and soon you have a, gasp, city!

Just seems that people look at THEIR life and say "yup it is all peaches and cream here, how can you jack-holes live differently than me?"

I have 2 homes, one in an HOA and the other with a little better than 100 acres around it. My neighbors in the HOA neighborhood are loud mexicans with 10 dogs in their backyard which looks like the amazon jungle, on the other side there is a younger couple that parties outside until 5 am every weekend like they are the only ones living there. And no im not a rich guy and don't make lots of money, I just don't piss my money away on the things that many others do. Plus I rent out  some of my farmland which pays the expenses of owning the property.  
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:06:55 AM EDT
Mine is not too bad. They don't bitch about stupid stuff and they seem to keep on top of people that let their property start to slide.

No giving up liberties here. But I've never had the desire to turn my front yard into a Turkish Bazaar either. Bottom line is some people who live in the City need to be out in the sticks by themselves.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:09:51 AM EDT
We live on our own land, that is surrounded by a 55+ HOA....some of them think that their rules apply to us....nope, see the 6' fence....stay on your side
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:10:15 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:22:18 AM EDT


So I wouldn't mind an HOA if it meant no Mexicans...

Sig Line MaterialTM

Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:23:58 AM EDT
HOA? Hell no.  I am looking at counties with little to no building codes and public utility requirements, so I am way in the other direction from an HOA.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:25:03 AM EDT
So how many folks that bought in an HOA to keep their property value were reimbursed for the loss they took since 2008 by said HOA?  To many sheep think a house is an investment. An investment gives a constant return. In other words, if you had no job, would your house pay for it's self, or would you lose it? The love of money (property value) is the root of all evil.

I'll keep my purple Jesus and pink Flamingo's, as I value freedom more. Feel free to stay in your HOA and your property values. I'll stick with my neighbors.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:31:31 AM EDT
We just moved into a place with an HOA and we love it, for $220 a month they cover water/sewage, lawn/snow removal, a clubhouse with a pool and a gym, trash removal, insurance (other than personal property), and all exterior upkeep. My friend has lived in this neighborhood fir 5 years and never had a problem with the association.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:33:13 AM EDT
I like knowing that my next door neighbor isn't going to erect a twelve foot purple Virgin Mary.

Sounds like a Viagra ad. LOL

Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:53:43 AM EDT
So your neighbor has to mow their lawn every month or so, not leave cars in their front yard, not paint their house neon purple...

Some people like to protect their property value.  

I worked very hard for my money. My home is the biggest investment of my life.
I'll be damned if some low-life scumbag who has no respect for himself OR his property lowers the value of mine.
I don't want to look at your shit after dealing with it all day at work.
If you don't care, fine. I don't have a problem with it.

It's a free Country.
You live where you want.
I'll live where I want.

Now, why is that so difficult for you anti-HOA people to understand?
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:58:46 AM EDT
If you don't want to look at your neighbor's purple house, you should probably put up a fence.

The whole "But mah PROPERTY values!" argument is a load of crap.   You don't have a right to "value" in your property.   Value is in the mind of buyer and seller.

If your neighbor wants to sell his house to a "trashy" family, are you going to tell him it's your RIGHT to forbid the sale because of how it might affect your property's value?

Pure nonsense.

If you want a say on what goes on next door... then BUY next door.

That might work in sugar-plum-bumpkin-land, but in the REAL world it's pure bullshit.

I don't want to tell anybody what to do.
I just don't choose to live next door to a low-life.

Link Posted: 2/18/2013 6:00:21 AM EDT
HOAs may as well be called the illegal immigrant full employment act.

In my yard sale travels on Saturday mornings in the NOVA area there is a full mechanized division of illegals doing yards in the HOA hoods. I guess the .gov weenies there are too wore out spending our tax money to do their own yards.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 6:01:54 AM EDT

Some day, I hope to be able to afford 100 acres so that I won't care what my neighbors do with their house or property, but until then, it matters significantly what they do with their home and property, so an HOA works for us.

Translation-I want to pry into other peoples' lives and control what they can do.

How so?  People willingly choose to move there with an HOA.  If you don't like it, don't move to an HOA neighborhood.  Your comment is .
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 6:04:00 AM EDT
I can't fathom it.  Why would ANYONE pay a monthly fee and WILLINGLY give up their liberty?

because when you are new to the homeowner thing, and have lived in apartments w/ asshole neighbors previously, it actually sounds like a good idea.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 6:05:51 AM EDT


So I wouldn't mind an HOA if it meant no Mexicans...

Sig Line MaterialTM

Now if he'd said the Irish he'd be onto something....
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 6:07:35 AM EDT
So how many folks that bought in an HOA to keep their property value were reimbursed for the loss they took since 2008 by said HOA?  To many sheep think a house is an investment. An investment gives a constant return. In other words, if you had no job, would your house pay for it's self, or would you lose it? The love of money (property value) is the root of all evil.

I'll keep my purple Jesus and pink Flamingo's, as I value freedom more. Feel free to stay in your HOA and your property values. I'll stick with my neighbors.

Huh?  I do believe that you want to re-check what you deem the definition of "investment".  Are stocks an "Investment"?  Is your 401K an "investment"?  By your definition; no.  Their value fluctuates.  The same goes for a house.  It has ebbs and flows.

The real definition of investment is "A thing that is worth buying because it may be profitable or useful in the future."  Yeah, that includes houses.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 6:10:04 AM EDT
So your neighbor has to mow their lawn every month or so, not leave cars in their front yard, not paint their house neon purple...

Some people like to protect their property value.  

I was waiting for this answer.

And Bren Franklin had something to say about these kinds of morons.

What exactly did Bren have to say about people who volunteer to enter into a contract with like minded individuals to set certain standards for their community?

Freedom includes freedom of association. You don't have the right to get butt hurt and force people to change.

I do not like HOAs, so I choose not to live under one. I also am grown up enough to accept that some folks like them and that is their right to choose.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 6:17:47 AM EDT
So your neighbor has to mow their lawn every month or so, not leave cars in their front yard, not paint their house neon purple...

Some people like to protect their property value.  

I was waiting for this answer.

And Bren Franklin had something to say about these kinds of morons.

What exactly did Bren have to say about people who volunteer to enter into a contract with like minded individuals to set certain standards for their community?

Freedom includes freedom of association. You don't have the right to get butt hurt and force people to change.

I do not like HOAs, so I choose not to live under one. I also am grown up enough to accept that some folks like them and that is their right to choose.

Amen.  Although I think HOAs are stupid, you are free to go join one and I am free to call you a dumbass for it.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 6:19:35 AM EDT
Indian Hammock
"gated  community is composed of approximately 3500 acres with a possible 299 home sites - all 2-5 to 5 acres"
Yea, we are just packed in there.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 6:26:33 AM EDT
Indian Hammock
"gated  community is composed of approximately 3500 acres with a possible 299 home sites - all 2-5 to 5 acres"
Yea, we are just packed in there.

I like how a huge chunk of the anti-HOA brigade thinks that everyone who lives in a HOA community simply can't afford to "live free" on acreage.

Link Posted: 2/18/2013 6:28:59 AM EDT
I don't understand it either. My property, my rules.

This is why

Link Posted: 2/18/2013 7:05:03 AM EDT
I wonder how many people referring to those in an HOA as "dumb" have mortgages or financed their vehicle(s)...    oh the irony.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 7:06:30 AM EDT
Indian Hammock
"gated  community is composed of approximately 3500 acres with a possible 299 home sites - all 2-5 to 5 acres"
Yea, we are just packed in there.

I like how a huge chunk of the anti-HOA brigade thinks that everyone who lives in a HOA community simply can't afford to "live free" on acreage.

I think it is because the most common HOA scenario comes from lower middle class suburban neighborhoods.  My parents lived in an area like that, and the HOA was a nightmare.  Nosy housewives with nothing to do all day were the inspectors, driving around citing people for sun faded paint jobs that were less than a year old and randomly requiring exterior 'updates' at great cost to everybody.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 7:10:04 AM EDT
Mine is a 25$ annual fee that is voluntary. It just pays for the lighting of the sign, lawn maintenance, and things of that nature. They don't really restrict much and just enforce city codes that already exist for everyone anyway (such as building permits, etc.)

A friend of mine was going to be kicked out of his own house for not meeting a minimum number of shrubs in his yard. Fuck that. Some of them go too far overboard.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 7:12:20 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 7:12:59 AM EDT






I can't fathom it.  Why would ANYONE pay a monthly fee and WILLINGLY give up their liberty?

Because I am tired of living in fucking slums.  I hate having to drive past yards with cars on blocks, overgrown weeds and bushes, and grass that aint been cut in 5 months.  I want to live in a nice up kept neighborhood.  The people that live here are assholes; but their homes and yards are neat and clean.

My liberty and freedom are not infringed.  My HOA started some BS with me when I first moved in, I eventually told them to get fucked.  No issues since.

I don't live in an HOA neighborhood.

There are no overgrown weeds.

No overgrown bushes.

No lawns that haven't been cut in 5 months.

No cars on blocks.

And our property value is rising.

That's great.  You're lucky that you have good neighbors who value that.  What happens when your neighbor sells his house and the new people who move in don't share those same values?  The HOA sets a baseline that everyone agrees to; that's all.

Live in a neighborhood that brokedicks can't afford, the odds go down the more houses cost.

We have some high end section 8 housing in FL.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 7:15:18 AM EDT
My sister lives in an HOA, she is a sheep though
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 7:22:28 AM EDT
My mom and dad moved into a HOA neighborhood because mom liked a new house in that addition a lot.
After a few years all kinds of hell broke loose because the board wasn't enforcing the covenants equally across the board.
Some people just flagrantly ignored them and weren't bothered. Others actually had lawsuits filed against them.
Then they jumped my dad. He cut a tree down and was going to replant it in the fall when the drought had eased up.
Right after he cut it down in early June, they sent him a letter telling him it had to be replaced immediately. He started calling up the board members but they didn't respond.
He then paid each and every one of them a visit telling them they were idiots thinking that trees planted in the heat of summer, in the middle of a drought, would survive.
And then he jumped them in the annual meeting.
One of them told him if he didn't like it he could join the board. Dad then simply asked him if he would nominate him for the HOA chairman's position. The guy shut up immediately.
HOAs are only as good as the people in the neighborhood. If a**holes are elected, then it will be a sh*tty board.

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