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Link Posted: 6/11/2013 9:14:44 PM EDT
Papi, capitalism isn't about "fair", it's about survival of the fittest. Microsoft wrangles some pretty stellar deals. Works out pretty well for their fan base.

As for your wiki link... okay. Every product has issues, but there's not much denying play station games seem to get the worst of the snags.

Buy a PS4. You're going to no matter what my opinion on the matter is.


A true gamer would be more concern about everyone having the same opportunity. I have a 360, and all i play is my 360. I still dont agree that we get stuff first. I know money talks and bs walks. But as gamers we should stand united, not as we are now.

What snags do PS games get? I really dont understand your point there.

Yes i am going to buy a PS4, anyone that buys the next xbox is just going along with the crow. As we like to call them in the gun community the sheeple.

So anyone who buys an Xbox is a sheeple? Oh good lord
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 9:15:16 PM EDT
There's an ingredient y'all are forgetting with this DRM discussion...


Big deal to me...

I like being able to go to redbox and pick up a game to play with friends.

I also like being able to subscribe to GameFly and check out all of the titles I missed.

I also borrow and trade games with friends.

I buy the big titles, though.

I also typically sell them and buy something else once I get tired of them. I don't buy all of the DLC. $60 is enough. Screw paying an extra $15 for 5 maps or whatever...
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 9:17:59 PM EDT
Papi, capitalism isn't about "fair", it's about survival of the fittest. Microsoft wrangles some pretty stellar deals. Works out pretty well for their fan base.

As for your wiki link... okay. Every product has issues, but there's not much denying play station games seem to get the worst of the snags.

Buy a PS4. You're going to no matter what my opinion on the matter is.


A true gamer would be more concern about everyone having the same opportunity. I have a 360, and all i play is my 360. I still dont agree that we get stuff first. I know money talks and bs walks. But as gamers we should stand united, not as we are now.

What snags do PS games get? I really dont understand your point there.

Yes i am going to buy a PS4, anyone that buys the next xbox is just going along with the crow. As we like to call them in the gun community the sheeple.

I'm not aware of any PS game snags.

Sony has some great exclusives.

Microsoft has some great exclusives.

Sony's console has more powerful hardware.
Sony doesn't require internet connection and they don't block used game sales.

I would be happy with either console, but Sony gets my money this time around.

I happily bought both consoles last time, but I mainly played Xbox and PC. Most of my friends had Xbox last gen... They're all going with PS4 this gen.
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 9:22:58 PM EDT
There are rivalries in everything. Colt vs LWRC, Mac vs PC, Subway vs Quizznos.

It's kind of fun. Who doesn't like a little chest beating?

It will be interesting to see how MS handles things from here. There are some kinks they will need to iron out. There always are with any new product.
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 9:24:57 PM EDT
Papi, capitalism isn't about "fair", it's about survival of the fittest. Microsoft wrangles some pretty stellar deals. Works out pretty well for their fan base.

As for your wiki link... okay. Every product has issues, but there's not much denying play station games seem to get the worst of the snags.

Buy a PS4. You're going to no matter what my opinion on the matter is.

What are these snags? I'm not going to replace my 360 with a Xbox1, and I am thinking about getting a PS4 a year or so after they come out. What are these snags that I should be worried about?
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 9:29:05 PM EDT
Papi, capitalism isn't about "fair", it's about survival of the fittest. Microsoft wrangles some pretty stellar deals. Works out pretty well for their fan base.

As for your wiki link... okay. Every product has issues, but there's not much denying play station games seem to get the worst of the snags.

Buy a PS4. You're going to no matter what my opinion on the matter is.

What are these snags? I'm not going to replace my 360 with a Xbox1, and I am thinking about getting a PS4 a year or so after they come out. What are these snags that I should be worried about?

Assassins Creed, Call of Duty, Skyrim... my PS3 friends ran into some of the strangest game glitches I have ever seen. I think Skyrim especially was a little glitchy at first for all of us, but playstations seemed to get the worst of it.
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 9:33:56 PM EDT
Papi, capitalism isn't about "fair", it's about survival of the fittest. Microsoft wrangles some pretty stellar deals. Works out pretty well for their fan base.

As for your wiki link... okay. Every product has issues, but there's not much denying play station games seem to get the worst of the snags.

Buy a PS4. You're going to no matter what my opinion on the matter is.


A true gamer would be more concern about everyone having the same opportunity. I have a 360, and all i play is my 360. I still dont agree that we get stuff first. I know money talks and bs walks. But as gamers we should stand united, not as we are now.

What snags do PS games get? I really dont understand your point there.

Yes i am going to buy a PS4, anyone that buys the next xbox is just going along with the crow. As we like to call them in the gun community the sheeple.

So anyone who buys an Xbox is a sheeple? Oh good lord

Well MS says that you can only trade a game once, and used games a fee will have to paid.

The kinect must be connected to the system all the time, even if you disable it. Still required to be plugged in.

$100 more for the xbox.

I said sheeple, because that's what it looks like to me. There's almost nothing positive out of what MS is doing the next gen a a true gamer. Sure they have a few exclusive tittles. But even after all the BS they want to do, some people will still purchase their system and will defend MS.

So yes, i believe people who purchase the Xbox One are sheeple. AKA going along with the flow, AKA will conform to a system put in place for them, AKA bandwagon effect.

Link Posted: 6/11/2013 9:37:39 PM EDT
Papi, capitalism isn't about "fair", it's about survival of the fittest. Microsoft wrangles some pretty stellar deals. Works out pretty well for their fan base.

As for your wiki link... okay. Every product has issues, but there's not much denying play station games seem to get the worst of the snags.

Buy a PS4. You're going to no matter what my opinion on the matter is.

What are these snags? I'm not going to replace my 360 with a Xbox1, and I am thinking about getting a PS4 a year or so after they come out. What are these snags that I should be worried about?

Assassins Creed, Call of Duty, Skyrim... my PS3 friends ran into some of the strangest game glitches I have ever seen. I think Skyrim especially was a little glitchy at first for all of us, but playstations seemed to get the worst of it.

I remember the Assassins Creed deal; that was a problem with the DRM that was put into the game by the publisher. That type of thing will become far more common with Microsoft's new DRM plan.

I'm not hooked up to live, so some of these problems I may not be seeing. My disc of Skyrim is running unpatched. There are bugs, but none of them seem to be game breaking. Was the PS version really that much worse that it became unplayable? Or did it just have a few more quirks?

What is the CoD issue?
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 10:14:02 PM EDT
Papi, capitalism isn't about "fair", it's about survival of the fittest. Microsoft wrangles some pretty stellar deals. Works out pretty well for their fan base.

As for your wiki link... okay. Every product has issues, but there's not much denying play station games seem to get the worst of the snags.

Buy a PS4. You're going to no matter what my opinion on the matter is.

What are these snags? I'm not going to replace my 360 with a Xbox1, and I am thinking about getting a PS4 a year or so after they come out. What are these snags that I should be worried about?

Assassins Creed, Call of Duty, Skyrim... my PS3 friends ran into some of the strangest game glitches I have ever seen. I think Skyrim especially was a little glitchy at first for all of us, but playstations seemed to get the worst of it.

I remember the Assassins Creed deal; that was a problem with the DRM that was put into the game by the publisher. That type of thing will become far more common with Microsoft's new DRM plan.

I'm not hooked up to live, so some of these problems I may not be seeing. My disc of Skyrim is running unpatched. There are bugs, but none of them seem to be game breaking. Was the PS version really that much worse that it became unplayable? Or did it just have a few more quirks?

What is the CoD issue?

Skyrim did have a weird PS3 issue.

I can't remember what it was... Something about memory maxing out and the game freezing? I can't remember.

Skyrim is best on PC anyways.

It was awful on Xbox, too. (Compared to PC)
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 2:42:54 AM EDT
"Fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity; it’s called Xbox 360,” Don Mattrick

<---Former M$ fanboy
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 4:29:35 AM EDT
I am a former Microsoft Fanboy, well current until the new systems come out. I owned an original XBOX and a 360, never had a PS2 or PS3.  I understand Microsoft is a business out to make money, but the things they are doing are pissing me off and as a consumer I choose to spend my money elsewhere.  I will actually be getting a PS3 soon and will not be getting any of the new consoles upon launch.  I will continue to monitor them both and see what progresses.  If I had to pick between XBOX1 and PS4 today, it would be PS4 without a doubt.
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 4:45:46 AM EDT
"Fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity; it’s called Xbox 360,” Don Mattrick

Read that article acouple minutes ago... wow.

Microsoft is actively trying their hardest to make sure they bomb.
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 4:59:39 AM EDT
It friggin kills me because I am such a big Halo fan. But fuck Microsoft on this. They fucked up so bad that even this hardcore MS and Halo fan is going to PS4.
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 5:34:35 AM EDT
There's an ingredient y'all are forgetting with this DRM discussion...


It'll be interesting to see how that is handled.  With the new DRM scheme allowing Microsoft to tie games to player's accounts, I honestly wouldn't be surprised of if Microsoft came up with their own rental scheme direct from Xbox Live.  They certainly would have the ability to do so with this new scheme.

Link Posted: 6/12/2013 8:27:27 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 10:16:23 AM EDT


"Fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity; it’s called Xbox 360,” Don Mattrick

Read that article acouple minutes ago... wow.
Microsoft is actively trying their hardest to make sure they bomb.

Part of why they've already won, but the "fans" don't know it yet.


SNE is going to hurt badly for the first 2 years due to the increase in sales.

MSFT will benefit from lower console sales.

That's 24 months of exclusives to MSFT and a shred to the ps4 that aren't also PC games.

The Yen is climbing against the dollar today.  That can KILL SNE before this even starts and hurts them badly when the dollar regains ground if it happens on year 2-6 of the new cycle. EDIT:  Japan is doing massive QE and is very volatile right now.

MSFT has a system in place that will prove profitable with even less subscribers.

SNE has a loss leader model based around older gaming paradigms.

MSFT is going to a digital model like Steam and iTunes.  The user base had a similarly pissy reaction to both of those at the time.  Both are now loved and profitable.  Had itunes existed in a market space where there were only 3 music players and 1 was out of reach for many audiophiles, it would own the music trade today.

It boils down to this.  MSFT has a winning model that has been proven to destroy the older retail model SNE is pushing.  MSFT already won.  They won when SNE decided to pander because they already bleed money from their games division like a dying pig.  The emotional (and holy shit some of you put 13 year old girls to shame) fans of SNE right now don't LOVE Sony.  They hate MSFT.  That's important.

You don't build a fanbase on hate.  How many folks did MSFT lose for good over the 98% failure rate of the original 360?  Many of those gamers went to SNE and NTDOY, but they didn't stay.  

Sony however, lost a large margin of gamers (as registered by their gamertags) after being hacked repeatedly and losing credit card numbers.

People are right.  The console war is over before it began.  MSFT won.  It's itunes vs CDs.

If you own a brick and mortar store selling used games, get out now.  Right now gamers still have trouble identifying the difference between what they WANT and the world they live in.

But... I'd never buy a stock based on consumers hating it.  Walmart generates a lot of hate and it makes a tidy profit.  I hold positions in SNE and MSFT.  The only reason I have SNE is many investors will throw money at the wall in the short term and Loeb is trying to get Hirai to spin off the profitable divisions of Sony.  Guess what?  The games division is a dog with fleas to that company.  

I'm buying both and will continue to use Steam (despite it having the same model as the new Xone )


Link Posted: 6/12/2013 10:24:23 AM EDT
SNE has a loss leader model based around older gaming paradigms.

You don't think XBox ONE will cost more than $499 to produce? I'd be surprised.

Walmart generates a lot of hate and it makes a tidy profit.

Well said.
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 10:26:08 AM EDT
Papi, capitalism isn't about "fair", it's about survival of the fittest. Microsoft wrangles some pretty stellar deals. Works out pretty well for their fan base.

As for your wiki link... okay. Every product has issues, but there's not much denying play station games seem to get the worst of the snags.

Buy a PS4. You're going to no matter what my opinion on the matter is.

What are these snags? I'm not going to replace my 360 with a Xbox1, and I am thinking about getting a PS4 a year or so after they come out. What are these snags that I should be worried about?

Assassins Creed, Call of Duty, Skyrim... my PS3 friends ran into some of the strangest game glitches I have ever seen. I think Skyrim especially was a little glitchy at first for all of us, but playstations seemed to get the worst of it.

I remember the Assassins Creed deal; that was a problem with the DRM that was put into the game by the publisher. That type of thing will become far more common with Microsoft's new DRM plan.

I'm not hooked up to live, so some of these problems I may not be seeing. My disc of Skyrim is running unpatched. There are bugs, but none of them seem to be game breaking. Was the PS version really that much worse that it became unplayable? Or did it just have a few more quirks?

What is the CoD issue?

Skyrim did have a weird PS3 issue.

I can't remember what it was... Something about memory maxing out and the game freezing? I can't remember.

Skyrim is best on PC anyways.

It was awful on Xbox, too. (Compared to PC)

To many large save files would make it freeze, 360 version was only marginally less buggy.. seems to be a trend for Bethesda games always a bit buggy no matter what platform. Agreed PC is the proper way to play it though, so many great mods.

Don't recall any COD issues but BlOps was the last COD game I've bought.
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 10:27:42 AM EDT





Papi, capitalism isn't about "fair", it's about survival of the fittest. Microsoft wrangles some pretty stellar deals. Works out pretty well for their fan base.

As for your wiki link... okay. Every product has issues, but there's not much denying play station games seem to get the worst of the snags.

Buy a PS4. You're going to no matter what my opinion on the matter is.


A true gamer would be more concern about everyone having the same opportunity. I have a 360, and all i play is my 360. I still dont agree that we get stuff first. I know money talks and bs walks. But as gamers we should stand united, not as we are now.

What snags do PS games get? I really dont understand your point there.

Yes i am going to buy a PS4, anyone that buys the next xbox is just going along with the crow. As we like to call them in the gun community the sheeple.

So anyone who buys an Xbox is a sheeple? Oh good lord

Well MS says that you can only trade a game once, and used games a fee will have to paid.

The kinect must be connected to the system all the time, even if you disable it. Still required to be plugged in.

$100 more for the xbox.

I said sheeple, because that's what it looks like to me. There's almost nothing positive out of what MS is doing the next gen a a true gamer. Sure they have a few exclusive tittles. But even after all the BS they want to do, some people will still purchase their system and will defend MS.

So yes, i believe people who purchase the Xbox One are sheeple. AKA going along with the flow, AKA will conform to a system put in place for them, AKA bandwagon effect.
The kinect is awesome, I don't see why people have such an issue with it. They haven't worked out the used games thing completely, but MS won't take a cut on traded in games  .I have the internet.  I am amazed at all these people who post dozens of times a day on ARFCOM who keep talking about how they have problems connecting to the internet for weeks at a time.  Sony did do better on the price though.  


I think both consoles look great, and I don't judge people for buying what they want.

Edited to clarify my thoughts

Link Posted: 6/12/2013 10:28:16 AM EDT
Papi, capitalism isn't about "fair", it's about survival of the fittest. Microsoft wrangles some pretty stellar deals. Works out pretty well for their fan base.

As for your wiki link... okay. Every product has issues, but there's not much denying play station games seem to get the worst of the snags.

Buy a PS4. You're going to no matter what my opinion on the matter is.


A true gamer would be more concern about everyone having the same opportunity. I have a 360, and all i play is my 360. I still dont agree that we get stuff first. I know money talks and bs walks. But as gamers we should stand united, not as we are now.

What snags do PS games get? I really dont understand your point there.

Yes i am going to buy a PS4, anyone that buys the next xbox is just going along with the crow. As we like to call them in the gun community the sheeple.

So anyone who buys an Xbox is a sheeple? Oh good lord

And you also voted for Obama.


Link Posted: 6/12/2013 10:33:08 AM EDT


SNE has a loss leader model based around older gaming paradigms.

You don't think XBox ONE will cost more than $499 to produce? I'd be surprised.

Walmart generates a lot of hate and it makes a tidy profit.

Well said.

I do as well sir.


I was making the point that if they sell less consoles in the first 2 years (during the loss leader phase) and pick up steam later, it works to their advantage.

EDIT:  MSFT will also make a healthy revenue off the games for the 360 and the Xone.  SNE will not.  No matter how healthy the used game market is for them, they aren't getting anything from that stream and don't have enough developed in house to support a stream through microtransactions.

If SNE sells the mainstay during the loss leader phase and loses steam during the end of the cycle, it's game over.  

Link Posted: 6/12/2013 10:42:17 AM EDT

And you also voted for Obama.


I'm going to tie you down and burn you with cigarettes. And you'll like it.
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 11:42:05 AM EDT

And you also voted for Obama.


I'm going to tie you down and burn you with cigarettes. And you'll like it.

Don't tease me like that!
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 12:00:06 PM EDT
The unedited clip.

Link Posted: 6/12/2013 1:05:47 PM EDT
There are great points regarding the nature of people to whine and bitch but in the end still wind up going with the system.

I generally agree that microsoft probably wont be hurt by any of the decisions they make.

But when you have the microsoft types acting the way they are, there exists a group of us that wont buy their new crap even if they were the last gaming option on earth.

Being told that the "other option for offline play" is to use the xbox 360 is just one more infuriating pouring of salt in the wounds.   It is not just that these people are being assholes but they are being deliberately smug.

With the exception of the battlefield series i do my damnedest to try to avoid buying anything from EA.

Now i am likely to add microsoft to that list of gaming related items to avoid.   Simply put i dont like being told how to game or being told what i must endure before being able to game.
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 1:49:14 PM EDT


There are great points regarding the nature of people to whine and bitch but in the end still wind up going with the system.

I generally agree that microsoft probably wont be hurt by any of the decisions they make.

But when you have the microsoft types acting the way they are, there exists a group of us that wont buy their new crap even if they were the last gaming option on earth.

Being told that the "other option for offline play" is to use the xbox 360 is just one more infuriating pouring of salt in the wounds.   It is not just that these people are being assholes but they are being deliberately smug.

With the exception of the battlefield series i do my damnedest to try to avoid buying anything from EA.

Now i am likely to add microsoft to that list of gaming related items to avoid.   Simply put i dont like being told how to game or being told what i must endure before being able to game.
So what must you endure before being able to game?  Being connected to the internet?  

Link Posted: 6/12/2013 1:53:10 PM EDT

There are great points regarding the nature of people to whine and bitch but in the end still wind up going with the system.

I generally agree that microsoft probably wont be hurt by any of the decisions they make.

But when you have the microsoft types acting the way they are, there exists a group of us that wont buy their new crap even if they were the last gaming option on earth.

Being told that the "other option for offline play" is to use the xbox 360 is just one more infuriating pouring of salt in the wounds.   It is not just that these people are being assholes but they are being deliberately smug.

With the exception of the battlefield series i do my damnedest to try to avoid buying anything from EA.

Now i am likely to add microsoft to that list of gaming related items to avoid.   Simply put i dont like being told how to game or being told what i must endure before being able to game.
So what must you endure before being able to game?  Being connected to the internet?  


Here's what kills me...

When you install an app on your phone, it asks for permission to access your contacts, to modify the contents of your SD card, among other things.

And we just click ok, and this app runs all the time, with full access to our most private information...

And that's not a big deal, but being connected to the internet - which we are all the time, anyway... is huge deal.
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 1:59:42 PM EDT
Sony said THEY won't put any limits on sharing games, trading, buying used and so on, but they can't control what the developer does or wants. This is how PC games are so wtf is the big deal?

Oh and you need to sign on once every 24 hours to update, the guberment must be trying to track you!!!!. What about your smart phone that has no removable battery that you "think" is off with front camera and microphone? Get real.

It is Microsoft's product, they have the right to design and implement it how they see fit. Stop fucking crying about it.

As for me, the Xbox one has already been ordered. Suck on that

Link Posted: 6/12/2013 2:03:45 PM EDT




There are great points regarding the nature of people to whine and bitch but in the end still wind up going with the system.

I generally agree that microsoft probably wont be hurt by any of the decisions they make.

But when you have the microsoft types acting the way they are, there exists a group of us that wont buy their new crap even if they were the last gaming option on earth.

Being told that the "other option for offline play" is to use the xbox 360 is just one more infuriating pouring of salt in the wounds.   It is not just that these people are being assholes but they are being deliberately smug.

With the exception of the battlefield series i do my damnedest to try to avoid buying anything from EA.

Now i am likely to add microsoft to that list of gaming related items to avoid.   Simply put i dont like being told how to game or being told what i must endure before being able to game.
So what must you endure before being able to game?  Being connected to the internet?  


Here's what kills me...

When you install an app on your phone, it asks for permission to access your contacts, to modify the contents of your SD card, among other things.

And we just click ok, and this app runs all the time, with full access to our most private information...

And that's not a big deal, but being connected to the internet - which we are all the time, anyway... is huge deal.
I've already seen the "The NSA is going to use the kinect to monitor our homes and report illegal AR15s to the Obama administration" theory on this site, and you're right, there are a ton of ways we give permission to any number of data devices to gather our personal details without even thinking about it.  With everyone carrying phones, and their potential to be remotely activated and monitored (as the FBI has already proven it is capable of doing), why aren't people concerned about that?  The government doesn't need the kinect or microsoft to spy on us.  

Link Posted: 6/12/2013 2:10:42 PM EDT

There are great points regarding the nature of people to whine and bitch but in the end still wind up going with the system.

I generally agree that microsoft probably wont be hurt by any of the decisions they make.

But when you have the microsoft types acting the way they are, there exists a group of us that wont buy their new crap even if they were the last gaming option on earth.

Being told that the "other option for offline play" is to use the xbox 360 is just one more infuriating pouring of salt in the wounds.   It is not just that these people are being assholes but they are being deliberately smug.

With the exception of the battlefield series i do my damnedest to try to avoid buying anything from EA.

Now i am likely to add microsoft to that list of gaming related items to avoid.   Simply put i dont like being told how to game or being told what i must endure before being able to game.
So what must you endure before being able to game?  Being connected to the internet?  


The online part is a component.   The biggest issue is the trading issue.   I have loaned and been loaned multiple titles and this isnt a simple single trade, more like a chain letter mass string of loaning.

I also do not care for the bloated center of the world social media crap and media super center.   I dont use facebook, dont post the daily bowel movement on youtube, and dont use netflix.

The xbox is evolving away from what i need it for and a bunch of smug asshole microsoft execs with a legion of fan boys wont sell me on it.
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 2:14:41 PM EDT
/edit double tap

And as for all those who mock this issue, que the Futurama take my money gif.

I am not calling you idiots for buying it.   Do whatever the fuck you want.

For all the reasons you are buying it i dont care.   Why do you care so much as to why i am not buying it?  

Link Posted: 6/12/2013 2:22:58 PM EDT


The online part is a component.   The biggest issue is the trading issue.   I have loaned and been loaned multiple titles and this isnt a simple single trade, more like a chain letter mass string of loaning. This is done for, that is the whole point. The game manufacturers don't receive any money by having one guy buy a game and then loan it around to 10 friends who all take their turns. You can't do that with PC games, why expect to be able to get free games on consoles anymore? It is done with, dieing, will be gone, is just a matter of time before it is universal. I don't see that as a problem.

I also do not care for the bloated center of the world social media crap and media super center.   I dont use facebook, dont post the daily bowel movement on youtube, and dont use netflix. If you are an exclusive solo player, offline, never multiplayer, you are right. This is not targeted to you. You are not the product consumer. You need to just move on. No point in being angry because a product is made that doesn't care about you, or even wants you as a customer. Vegetarians don't complain about how they have to buy something other than a burger king burger because they have meat in it. It isn't targeted to them, not meant to be sold to them. Move on.

The xbox is evolving away from what i need it for and a bunch of smug asshole microsoft execs with a legion of fan boys wont sell me on it. The issue isn't the xbox evolving, it is that you aren't. As I covered above, digital downloads, online streaming, drm, all of this is the new norm. It is the standard. The fact that it doesn't suit your needs is not a negative of the product, it is just simply that you are not accepting of the new standard. Which is fine. Stick with your old platform, just like people stuck with their old vcrs when dvds come out. Just like people who stuck with toaster ovens even after the microwave came out. But eventually you either have to accept the new standard or just stick with your relics.


Link Posted: 6/12/2013 2:25:56 PM EDT


The online part is a component.   The biggest issue is the trading issue.   I have loaned and been loaned multiple titles and this isnt a simple single trade, more like a chain letter mass string of loaning. This is done for, that is the whole point. The game manufacturers don't receive any money by having one guy buy a game and then loan it around to 10 friends who all take their turns. You can't do that with PC games, why expect to be able to get free games on consoles anymore? It is done with, dieing, will be gone, is just a matter of time before it is universal. I don't see that as a problem.

I also do not care for the bloated center of the world social media crap and media super center.   I dont use facebook, dont post the daily bowel movement on youtube, and dont use netflix. If you are an exclusive solo player, offline, never multiplayer, you are right. This is not targeted to you. You are not the product consumer. You need to just move on. No point in being angry because a product is made that doesn't care about you, or even wants you as a customer. Vegetarians don't complain about how they have to buy something other than a burger king burger because they have meat in it. It isn't targeted to them, not meant to be sold to them. Move on.

The xbox is evolving away from what i need it for and a bunch of smug asshole microsoft execs with a legion of fan boys wont sell me on it. The issue isn't the xbox evolving, it is that you aren't. As I covered above, digital downloads, online streaming, drm, all of this is the new norm. It is the standard. The fact that it doesn't suit your needs is not a negative of the product, it is just simply that you are not accepting of the new standard. Which is fine. Stick with your old platform, just like people stuck with their old vcrs when dvds come out. Just like people who stuck with toaster ovens even after the microwave came out. But eventually you either have to accept the new standard or just stick with your relics.


There are intelligent lifeforms in GD
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 2:39:44 PM EDT


The online part is a component.   The biggest issue is the trading issue.   I have loaned and been loaned multiple titles and this isnt a simple single trade, more like a chain letter mass string of loaning. This is done for, that is the whole point. The game manufacturers don't receive any money by having one guy buy a game and then loan it around to 10 friends who all take their turns. You can't do that with PC games, why expect to be able to get free games on consoles anymore? It is done with, dieing, will be gone, is just a matter of time before it is universal. I don't see that as a problem.

I also do not care for the bloated center of the world social media crap and media super center.   I dont use facebook, dont post the daily bowel movement on youtube, and dont use netflix. If you are an exclusive solo player, offline, never multiplayer, you are right. This is not targeted to you. You are not the product consumer. You need to just move on. No point in being angry because a product is made that doesn't care about you, or even wants you as a customer. Vegetarians don't complain about how they have to buy something other than a burger king burger because they have meat in it. It isn't targeted to them, not meant to be sold to them. Move on.

The xbox is evolving away from what i need it for and a bunch of smug asshole microsoft execs with a legion of fan boys wont sell me on it. The issue isn't the xbox evolving, it is that you aren't. As I covered above, digital downloads, online streaming, drm, all of this is the new norm. It is the standard. The fact that it doesn't suit your needs is not a negative of the product, it is just simply that you are not accepting of the new standard. Which is fine. Stick with your old platform, just like people stuck with their old vcrs when dvds come out. Just like people who stuck with toaster ovens even after the microwave came out. But eventually you either have to accept the new standard or just stick with your relics.


And yet again, because there are so many stupid threads about this topic, it is the reason behind why i am looking at the ps4.

Thanks for the reply where you at least seem to comprehend the issue and not simply be a mocking schmuck like so many others

I have been eyeballs deep into pc gaming up until bf2 began to get a bit stale around 2007.

Obviously that statement denotes that i am no stranger to multiplayer games.

I have played them on pc and on xbox 360.   However i have gone months without playing multiplayer and having an exclusively single player hermit lifestyle as well.

Part of the issue is i choose when to be online.

The game trading, online, kinnect, i am a relic to a gaming culture of yesteryear i guess.

I got a job, house, life that turned me from pc gamer to casual gamer and that is when the transition to console gaming occurred.   There was truly a component to console gaming that made it EASY.    With some of those console advantages being removed, with a pc style licensing being adopted, what is the point i might as well go back to pc gaming.

As it stands the ps4 looks like it will be more of a traditional gaming console so that appeals to me.

Does that make a bit more sense?    I went from pc gaming to console gaming knowing what compromises i was making in addition to what advantages i was gaining.
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 2:40:23 PM EDT
Double tap again
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 2:47:38 PM EDT



The online part is a component.   The biggest issue is the trading issue.   I have loaned and been loaned multiple titles and this isnt a simple single trade, more like a chain letter mass string of loaning. This is done for, that is the whole point. The game manufacturers don't receive any money by having one guy buy a game and then loan it around to 10 friends who all take their turns. You can't do that with PC games, why expect to be able to get free games on consoles anymore? It is done with, dieing, will be gone, is just a matter of time before it is universal. I don't see that as a problem.

I also do not care for the bloated center of the world social media crap and media super center.   I dont use facebook, dont post the daily bowel movement on youtube, and dont use netflix. If you are an exclusive solo player, offline, never multiplayer, you are right. This is not targeted to you. You are not the product consumer. You need to just move on. No point in being angry because a product is made that doesn't care about you, or even wants you as a customer. Vegetarians don't complain about how they have to buy something other than a burger king burger because they have meat in it. It isn't targeted to them, not meant to be sold to them. Move on.

The xbox is evolving away from what i need it for and a bunch of smug asshole microsoft execs with a legion of fan boys wont sell me on it. The issue isn't the xbox evolving, it is that you aren't. As I covered above, digital downloads, online streaming, drm, all of this is the new norm. It is the standard. The fact that it doesn't suit your needs is not a negative of the product, it is just simply that you are not accepting of the new standard. Which is fine. Stick with your old platform, just like people stuck with their old vcrs when dvds come out. Just like people who stuck with toaster ovens even after the microwave came out. But eventually you either have to accept the new standard or just stick with your relics.


And yet again, because there are so many stupid threads about this topic, it is the reason behind why i am looking at the ps4.

Thanks for the reply where you at least seem to comprehend the issue and not simply be a mocking schmuck like so many others
I have been eyeballs deep into pc gaming up until bf2 began to get a bit stale around 2007.

I got a job, house, life that turned me from pc gamer to casual gamer and that is when the transition to console gaming occurred.   There was truly a component to console gaming that made it EASY.    With some of those console advantages being removed, with a pc style licensing being adopted, what is the point i might as well go back to pc gaming.

As it stands the ps4 looks like it will be more of a traditional gaming console so that appeals to me.

Does that make a bit more sense?    I went from pc gaming to console gaming knowing what compromises i was making in addition to what advantages i was gaining.

Absolutely makes sense.


There is certainly an advantage to the simplicity of pressing a power button and playing a game instantly, and I will always keep me NES for some of that simple reminiscing

In the end it just comes down to what is acceptable to the consumer and what isn't. There is no need for rage over any of it.

People are losing their minds over requiring internet. Meanwhile my current xbox has been connected to the internet with my auto log in live account since day one. There is 0 change for me.

Meanwhile I do think a number of people are jumping over to the PS rather rashly without knowing much of anything. Playstation came out and said THEY would be do nothing for DRM, however in that same breath they said it will be up to the game publishers. So who knows what that will end up being. The game maker can simply make it so the game is tied to your account themselves. Ends up being the same thing as the X1. No loaning of a game.

Edit: In my mind I have no doubts we will see third party DRM control on the PS4. A game publisher releasing for both the PS4 and X1. X1 has locked to an account, forces people to buy their own copies, more money is made. Why would they then release the same game for the PS4, free game trading/loaning/reselling allowed, they make substantially less...

Link Posted: 6/12/2013 3:03:55 PM EDT
You have a good point.

Sony will play the card well.

Speak out against drm but leave the door open to publishers to do it.   Proper lessons learned from our current politicians.

I am not fond of sony in and of itself, others have noted that irony that people cheer SNE but sneer Sony.

It all remains to be seen.   Truth is if i can get GTA5 on the 360, and it is good, it will entertain me for months.

By then either microsoft may redeem themselves, i will jump into ps4, or i will become a pc gamer again.
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 3:05:34 PM EDT


You have a good point.

Sony will play the card well.

Speak out against drm but leave the door open to publishers to do it.   Proper lessons learned from our current politicians.

I am not fond of sony in and of itself, others have noted that irony that people cheer SNE but sneer Sony.

It all remains to be seen.   Truth is if i can get GTA5 on the 360, and it is good, it will entertain me for months.

By then either microsoft may redeem themselves, i will jump into ps4, or i will become a pc gamer again.

I'm just gonna wait a year and hear from people of both systems on what they think of it before I buy it. People who want to order it now are crazy. I want to make sure neither one has bugs. lol

Link Posted: 6/12/2013 3:37:02 PM EDT
Edit: In my mind I have no doubts we will see third party DRM control on the PS4. A game publisher releasing for both the PS4 and X1. X1 has locked to an account, forces people to buy their own copies, more money is made. Why would they then release the same game for the PS4, free game trading/loaning/reselling allowed, they make substantially less...[/div]  [/div]

I can see them doing this for games designed for online play. Similar to titles that are currently out, you would need to register a sn online to set up a profile.

btw; i share your opinion with going ps4 on this next gen of consoles. I have always had and currently do have a pc gaming rig for FPS and strategy games. Most PC titles can be download for less than $20 six months after the launch date, something i do not expect out of the xbox one.

i have no product allegiance, i just choose the best product at any given product cycle (excluding the jag ).
for reference;
nes->genesis,snes,pc->jaguar,ps1,pc->ps2,pc->xbox360, pc
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 3:38:29 PM EDT



The online part is a component.   The biggest issue is the trading issue.   I have loaned and been loaned multiple titles and this isnt a simple single trade, more like a chain letter mass string of loaning. This is done for, that is the whole point. The game manufacturers don't receive any money by having one guy buy a game and then loan it around to 10 friends who all take their turns. You can't do that with PC games, why expect to be able to get free games on consoles anymore? It is done with, dieing, will be gone, is just a matter of time before it is universal. I don't see that as a problem.

I also do not care for the bloated center of the world social media crap and media super center.   I dont use facebook, dont post the daily bowel movement on youtube, and dont use netflix. If you are an exclusive solo player, offline, never multiplayer, you are right. This is not targeted to you. You are not the product consumer. You need to just move on. No point in being angry because a product is made that doesn't care about you, or even wants you as a customer. Vegetarians don't complain about how they have to buy something other than a burger king burger because they have meat in it. It isn't targeted to them, not meant to be sold to them. Move on.

The xbox is evolving away from what i need it for and a bunch of smug asshole microsoft execs with a legion of fan boys wont sell me on it. The issue isn't the xbox evolving, it is that you aren't. As I covered above, digital downloads, online streaming, drm, all of this is the new norm. It is the standard. The fact that it doesn't suit your needs is not a negative of the product, it is just simply that you are not accepting of the new standard. Which is fine. Stick with your old platform, just like people stuck with their old vcrs when dvds come out. Just like people who stuck with toaster ovens even after the microwave came out. But eventually you either have to accept the new standard or just stick with your relics.


And yet again, because there are so many stupid threads about this topic, it is the reason behind why i am looking at the ps4.

Thanks for the reply where you at least seem to comprehend the issue and not simply be a mocking schmuck like so many others

I have been eyeballs deep into pc gaming up until bf2 began to get a bit stale around 2007.

I got a job, house, life that turned me from pc gamer to casual gamer and that is when the transition to console gaming occurred.   There was truly a component to console gaming that made it EASY.    With some of those console advantages being removed, with a pc style licensing being adopted, what is the point i might as well go back to pc gaming.

As it stands the ps4 looks like it will be more of a traditional gaming console so that appeals to me.

Does that make a bit more sense?    I went from pc gaming to console gaming knowing what compromises i was making in addition to what advantages i was gaining.

Absolutely makes sense.  

There is certainly an advantage to the simplicity of pressing a power button and playing a game instantly, and I will always keep me NES for some of that simple reminiscing

In the end it just comes down to what is acceptable to the consumer and what isn't. There is no need for rage over any of it.

People are losing their minds over requiring internet. Meanwhile my current xbox has been connected to the internet with my auto log in live account since day one. There is 0 change for me.

Meanwhile I do think a number of people are jumping over to the PS rather rashly without knowing much of anything. Playstation came out and said THEY would be do nothing for DRM, however in that same breath they said it will be up to the game publishers. So who knows what that will end up being. The game maker can simply make it so the game is tied to your account themselves. Ends up being the same thing as the X1. No loaning of a game.

Edit: In my mind I have no doubts we will see third party DRM control on the PS4. A game publisher releasing for both the PS4 and X1. X1 has locked to an account, forces people to buy their own copies, more money is made. Why would they then release the same game for the PS4, free game trading/loaning/reselling allowed, they make substantially less...

Sony said that ALL disc based games can be traded, sold, and shared.

I think the recent article is in polygon.

Sony's system is the same as the ps3's. You may see codes for online games and shit, but you can still play your single player games offline.

And ALL of the Sony games have been confirmed drm and serial code free.

As for digital media.
You keep saying it's a huge advantage for Microsoft to implement the system.

Sony already has the infrastructure required for digital distribution. They're doing it with ps+ right now.

They're just keeping disc based media as an option and refusing to implement draconian drm.

Why is it a bad thing for consumers to he presented with different options?

I want to rent games. Sony's platform allows that.

I don't care if the future is digital.

People keep saying "it's just like steam".

Fuck, no its not. Steam has competition! If disc based media and used games disappea, tthere is literally zero reason to ever lower game prices. Xbox Live is a closed system with zero competition. You won't see sales or promotions like steam.

The only thing they have in common is that they're digital distribution channels.
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 3:42:21 PM EDT
If disc based media and used games disappea, tthere is literally zero reason to ever lower game prices.

I disagree.

Link Posted: 6/12/2013 3:51:54 PM EDT
If disc based media and used games disappea, tthere is literally zero reason to ever lower game prices.

I disagree.

Sure, they'll lower them.

But there won't be outside influences on the pricing. They won't have competition from used games or other distribution channels.

They will keep milking your for $60 until they figure they can make more money by dropping the price a whopping $10.

It's not going to be awesome.
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 3:53:56 PM EDT
Sony shall never cross the threshold of my home.

I'm all for the new Xbox. I'm pretty excited for it.

Why is that? Is there some line of logic you are using? Or is it just because you like MS over Sony?

Playstations seem to be the glitchtastic wonders of the gaming world, for one.

Secondly, Miscrosoft gets almost all the good deals and priority on things. Playstation owners are always waiting for the DLC to come out for their games. I like being first.

Third, I do love Microsoft. They really have their shit together and I like the way they run things. And I don't particularly care if the new Kinect is going to be on 'all the time'. If Bill Gates wants to watch me and the SO hump like bunnies on our sofa, that's fine... I just hope he realizes there's much better looking people out there.

If were talking about me, sure, but not you.
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 4:01:15 PM EDT
If disc based media and used games disappea, tthere is literally zero reason to ever lower game prices.

I disagree.

Sure, they'll lower them.

But there won't be outside influences on the pricing. They won't have competition from used games or other distribution channels.

They will keep milking your for $60 until they figure they can make more money by dropping the price a whopping $10.

It's not going to be awesome.

How is that any different than the current market? its 60 for the 6-9 months drops to 40 for about a year and either goes to 20 as a best seller or hits the bargain bin. The thing is you will probably see more dynamic pricing with digital ala Amazon. The amount of info Sony or Microsoft has for each one its service users is probably nothing short of unbelievable, add in Amazon type algorithms and you will be buying halo 2 at 2 AM for $6.50 and think you made out like a bandit.
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 4:06:23 PM EDT
If disc based media and used games disappea, tthere is literally zero reason to ever lower game prices.

I disagree.

Sure, they'll lower them.

But there won't be outside influences on the pricing. They won't have competition from used games or other distribution channels.

They will keep milking your for $60 until they figure they can make more money by dropping the price a whopping $10.

It's not going to be awesome.

How is that any different than the current market? its 60 for the 6-9 months drops to 40 for about a year and either goes to 20 as a best seller or hits the bargain bin. The thing is you will probably see more dynamic pricing with digital ala Amazon. The amount of info Sony or Microsoft has for each one its service users is probably nothing short of unbelievable, add in Amazon type algorithms and you will be buying halo 2 at 2 AM for $6.50 and think you made out like a bandit.

Have you looked at the prices for old content on 360?

It's a lot cheaper to go buy a used copy from eBay.

It will stay that way on the xbone.
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 6:14:17 PM EDT



There are great points regarding the nature of people to whine and bitch but in the end still wind up going with the system.

I generally agree that microsoft probably wont be hurt by any of the decisions they make.

But when you have the microsoft types acting the way they are, there exists a group of us that wont buy their new crap even if they were the last gaming option on earth.

Being told that the "other option for offline play" is to use the xbox 360 is just one more infuriating pouring of salt in the wounds.   It is not just that these people are being assholes but they are being deliberately smug.

With the exception of the battlefield series i do my damnedest to try to avoid buying anything from EA.

Now i am likely to add microsoft to that list of gaming related items to avoid.   Simply put i dont like being told how to game or being told what i must endure before being able to game.
So what must you endure before being able to game?  Being connected to the internet?  


The online part is a component.   The biggest issue is the trading issue.   I have loaned and been loaned multiple titles and this isnt a simple single trade, more like a chain letter mass string of loaning.

I also do not care for the bloated center of the world social media crap and media super center.   I dont use facebook, dont post the daily bowel movement on youtube, and dont use netflix.

The xbox is evolving away from what i need it for and a bunch of smug asshole microsoft execs with a legion of fan boys wont sell me on it.
Then why get a Sony PS4?  It will have facebook, youtube, netflix, etc.

You can loan games on the Xbox One.  Granted it's not as straight forward as the PS4, but it won't be a difficult process.  

Again, the Xbox One isn't targeted for everyone.  If you have no interest in it, than that's it.  But to say that you have to endure hardships inflicted upon you before you can play a game on it is false.

ETA: And to clarify, I'm not mocking anyone who wants to buy the PS4.    

Link Posted: 6/12/2013 7:04:18 PM EDT
Two words - Fuck Microsoft.
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 7:08:44 PM EDT
I'll probably build a PC.... or start exercising again. But either way, not buying the XBOX or PS4.
Link Posted: 6/12/2013 7:10:26 PM EDT
Since I've NEVER connected my xbox 360 to the network, it is very probable that I will never get an xbox one.  

Link Posted: 6/12/2013 8:01:15 PM EDT
I've been an Xbox guy ever since I phased out my N64, but there's too much nope in the Xbone.

I don't have the funds to build a PC, and I'm not sure that I can live with the PS controller. I've always hated it.

Fuck this sucks.
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