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Link Posted: 9/8/2022 9:24:55 PM EDT
Is this incel stuff?
Link Posted: 9/8/2022 9:27:22 PM EDT
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Didn’t GD do this exact article already?

One of those independent printshops that do the short arched vertical banners could make me a custom order with:

single, never vaxxed, never unemployed, and >$87000/yr.

Obviously that won’t all fit onto one banner, and would be impractical indoors.

But two would be easily attached to my hiking pack for an ersatz winged Hussar!

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SABATON - Winged Hussars (Official Lyric Video)

Link Posted: 9/8/2022 9:31:21 PM EDT
"They prefer men who are emotionally available, who are good communicators, and who share their values."

Funny way to say "the tall good looking guy who makes 200k+ a year" lol

Link Posted: 9/8/2022 9:32:45 PM EDT
Actually everything else I have read indicates that there is a glut of women in the usa which far outnumbers available men.  A lot of women are lamenting that they are in so much competition with other women to find a good man.

If men are lonely that means they are not trying very hard to find a woman.  Mostly likely a lot of younger men are too fixated on their phones and gaming and not spending time trying to find a date.  

Link Posted: 9/8/2022 9:34:13 PM EDT
I live in a 55+ community and single/widowed women probably outnumber the men here, 8:1. If something were to happen to my wife, God forbid, female companionship would be the least of my problems.
Link Posted: 9/8/2022 9:34:39 PM EDT
Something for a lonely man...
Link Posted: 9/8/2022 9:35:21 PM EDT
So I've heard this bit a lot:

I hear recurring dating themes from women between the ages of 25 and 45: They prefer men who are emotionally available, who are good communicators, and who share their values.
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but the problem is, they're not ATTRACTED to men like that. They aren't the Chads and Tyrones they want to fuck.

I HAVE heard horror from the other side, too. I can't remember what YouTube channel it was on, but someone read a comment from a Reddit thread. A guy said he had some spare time, so he whipped up a profile on OKCupid, I think, as a woman. He was shocked at how many really horrible looking men there are on the site. The YouTuber going over it was female, and said that in her experience, that was pretty true, however there were a good amount of guys that just had really shitty pictures. If they had GOOD pictures, they'd probably do better.

Anyway, it IS a shitshow. I've poked around on OKCupid... The American women on it are mostly overweight if not obese. It's maybe 1 in 10 to 20 that will be fit. I've seen a lot of women that would be absolutely cuties if they lost 20 or 30lb. Some that would be great if they spent as much time in the gym as they do on their makeup, hair and outfits.

It's a shitshow.

"They prefer men who are emotionally available, who are good communicators, and who share their values."

Funny way to say "the tall good looking guy who makes 200k+ a year" lol

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Yeah, this.

So I heard some stats about this bit...

Only 14% of men in the US are 6' or taller. When you add a minimum 6 figure salary, that goes down to (IIRC) 1.7%.  Less than 2% of men.

It has to get way smaller when you rule out guys who are too young, too old, married, overweight, etc, etc.  

Link Posted: 9/8/2022 9:38:29 PM EDT
I disagree somewhat, most just DGAF about a serious relationship leading to marriage leading to divorce and the loss of their equity. I know  a lot of guys, single, divorced, dating when they want, doing what they want and when they want. They have friends they go do stuff with, can focus on their career more if they want and if they take a bit of care on themselves, they can find some gal on some site without that much of a problem.

They know way to many friends that have lost everything in a relationship and have had to start over financially or have years of payments ahead of them.

The ones that are lonely, well, the percentage of the opposite sex that is in the same boat is probably equal.

Most of what I said in the first paragraph can apply to the females also.

I do think as people age, ''what if'' tends to be thought about a bit more but there are no guarantees that the ''what if'' would have ever gone as anticipated.

Society has both the opportunity to meet people as never before and to be isolated as never before also because you can do so much without ever meeting a person face to face.

Sometimes marriage can be the loneliest time in a mans life. Being alone doesn't mean you have to be lonely and being with someone who you are incompatible with doesn't mean you are fulfilled.
Link Posted: 9/8/2022 9:39:59 PM EDT
Nigeria has some wimmenz .
Link Posted: 9/8/2022 9:42:40 PM EDT
Pretty bold assumption there at the end that "relationship" = "emotional support" for men.

Seems to be plenty of guys in long term relationships that feel like a walking ATM or live-in handyman.
Link Posted: 9/8/2022 9:43:01 PM EDT
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Actually everything else I have read indicates that there is a glut of women in the usa which far outnumbers available men.  A lot of women are lamenting that they are in so much competition with other women to find a good man.

If men are lonely that means they are not trying very hard to find a woman.  Mostly likely a lot of younger men are too fixated on their phones and gaming and not spending time trying to find a date.  

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So... that comes down to a large portion of women competing for a very small portion of men. On Tinder, the stats were something like "men swipe right (meaning they like) on 60% of women. Women swipe right on 4% of men"

Women control access to sex.

Men control access to relationships.

TBH, if I were in that top few percent of men, I'm not sure I'd want to settle down. If I had hot women throwing pussy at me all the time, if I could "get the milk without buying the cow"...

I heard another story from a guy. He has a good friend who is one of those top tier guys - athletic, good looking, great job, outgoing , etc. The guy had over 20,000 matches on Tinder in a year or so. He says Tinder gave him some kind of "gold" account, with all kinds of benefits, just to try to keep him on the platform.

Link Posted: 9/8/2022 9:48:06 PM EDT
Because they're GAY!
Link Posted: 9/8/2022 9:48:51 PM EDT

   Relationship Standards. With so many options, it's not surprising that women are increasingly selective. I do a live TikTok show (@abetterloveproject) and speak with hundreds of audience members every week; I hear recurring dating themes from women between the ages of 25 and 45: They prefer men who are emotionally available, who are good communicators, and who share their values.
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Women have always been selective, by their nature
Women tend to have 1 ancestor, men, 2 or none.
Vagina is never worth zero.
But women don't have the same exactly level of up (and down) movement men can do in the dating market.

Women IMHO on AVERAGE are better communicators, at the top levels, very well represented.
Let me just say, they can't seem to translate that to romance though
VERY few women have any game at all.

Or as Patrice O'Neal would say, "LIKE, YOU DON'T HAVE TO TALK YOUR WAY INTO DICK.

But, there's a problem here: "and who share their values."

IIRC it was Christina Hoff Sommers who said that one of the predictors being a Social Justice Warrior is being a woman.
They're more likely on average to believe the modern leftie ideas (the cultural rot stuff).
Young single women, that cluster of fertile women are often duped by this crap.

SO many of them today, values wise expect a husband who does ALL the old traditional husband things, and expects fucking zero in return.
I would say that's the biggest problem from my standpoint. I left swipe tons of pretty girls.
There were a few dozen girls over the years that, if I saw they'd make a bad mother/wife, (or they were crazy), I'd go.
No matter how pretty they were.
I wouldn't stick it in the crazy, I can't run that fast away from a wreck
If I thought this thing makes it to 30,000 feet after take off and will promptly run out of fuel? No sense in climbing aboard.
Not when the ejector seat is tethered to my bank account, and she gets a much bigger parachute.

   Skills Deficits. For men, this means a relationship skills gap that, if not addressed, will likely lead to fewer dating opportunities and longer periods of being single. There's less patience for poor communication skills today. The problem for men is that emotional connection is the lifeblood of healthy, long-term love and it requires all the skills that families still are not consistently teaching young boys.

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"We're not teaching them to CommunicateTM enough."
I don't think that's quite all it is.
If women selected solely on that, my English teachers in highschool would have basically abducted me and I would likely have been placed in some arranged marriage.

As we talk about the rise of lonely, single men,

The suicide rate gap between the sexes:

Anti depressant use:
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The women are lonely too.
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Link Posted: 9/8/2022 9:50:46 PM EDT
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More single men and women from what I've been seeing. People are super unhappy all over. The feminist movement has killed relationships between men and women. Everyone just get a cat or dog I guess, ha
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With the way things are right now, I'd rather have the dog.
Link Posted: 9/8/2022 9:52:23 PM EDT
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I could only be so lucky as to be single and lonely again.

What would I even do with all that extra time and money?  Who would want to have a house to themselves with the extra cash and free time to go shooting with their buddies every week and then go four wheeling and/or drinking every weekend?

I mean, I love my wife and kids.  Sorry, must be tourette's.
Link Posted: 9/8/2022 9:52:33 PM EDT
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I love being alone.  

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I'm single and in my mid 30's, I wouldn't consider myself lonely. I can surround myself with people at any time. Just because some people can't handle the concept of being by themselves doesn't mean that we're all doomed.


I love being alone.  

Me too. Late 40s
Link Posted: 9/8/2022 9:52:35 PM EDT
I used to feel like a lot of you guys and do agree that most women are a mess, along with most men. I met my wife when I was 30 and the only advice I can really give is that IF (not when) you do find the right one it will be immediately obvious. I'm not going to say there's someone out there for everyone because I have honestly only ever met one that was for me.

You don't necessarily have to know what you're looking for but you definitely have to know what you're not looking for.

Link Posted: 9/8/2022 9:54:04 PM EDT
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Follows a hypothesis that I have that not very many people are actually relationship material. Lives have become too easy with survivability too high. Most who would have otherwise have been killed off long before they were able to reproduce have survived long enough to realize they are biologically compelled to go through the motions. But they’re not suitable, and others sense that. And so they end up alone and miserable and lonely.
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It's true.
Link Posted: 9/8/2022 9:54:05 PM EDT
Blah blah blah....
When happiness is being single tis folly to be married.
Link Posted: 9/8/2022 10:01:21 PM EDT
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So I've heard this bit a lot:

but the problem is, they're not ATTRACTED to men like that. They aren't the Chads and Tyrones they want to fuck.

I HAVE heard horror from the other side, too. I can't remember what YouTube channel it was on, but someone read a comment from a Reddit thread. A guy said he had some spare time, so he whipped up a profile on OKCupid, I think, as a woman. He was shocked at how many really horrible looking men there are on the site. The YouTuber going over it was female, and said that in her experience, that was pretty true, however there were a good amount of guys that just had really shitty pictures. If they had GOOD pictures, they'd probably do better.

Anyway, it IS a shitshow. I've poked around on OKCupid... The American women on it are mostly overweight if not obese. It's maybe 1 in 10 to 20 that will be fit. I've seen a lot of women that would be absolutely cuties if they lost 20 or 30lb. Some that would be great if they spent as much time in the gym as they do on their makeup, hair and outfits.

It's a shitshow.

Yeah, this.

So I heard some stats about this bit...

Only 14% of men in the US are 6' or taller. When you add a minimum 6 figure salary, that goes down to (IIRC) 1.7%.  Less than 2% of men.

It has to get way smaller when you rule out guys who are too young, too old, married, overweight, etc, etc.  

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When I go on the online dating apps it really does feel that the overwhelming majority of women are obese.

overwhelming majority. . . .
Link Posted: 9/8/2022 10:03:41 PM EDT
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Prefer men emotionally available and share their values?

If you want an emotional tampon who shares your feminist values to “validate my feelings” then go date a chic. Not a man.
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I would think they want a dude who is jacked, 6’5” and makes $400k a year
Link Posted: 9/8/2022 10:03:44 PM EDT
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It's true.
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cowboy up
Link Posted: 9/8/2022 10:04:29 PM EDT
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Be honest, she’s still down in the crawl space, yeah?
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Nah, she found some other poor bastard.
Link Posted: 9/8/2022 10:05:19 PM EDT
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I would think they want a dude who is jacked, 6’5” and makes $400k a year
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I think what they fail to mention is the prerequisite is a dude that's jacked, 6'5", makes 400k but also emotionally available and a good communicator lol
Link Posted: 9/8/2022 10:06:49 PM EDT
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I would think they want a dude who is jacked, 6'5" and makes $400k a year
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i got a new kid at work who's 6'6" and 153-lbs and makes $100k/yr.

looks like he's dying.

what does he win for being 6'6" and 153-lbs?
Link Posted: 9/8/2022 10:07:05 PM EDT
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When I go on the online dating apps it really does feel that the overwhelming majority of women are obese.

overwhelming majority. . . .
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Link Posted: 9/8/2022 10:07:36 PM EDT
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I used to feel like a lot of you guys and do agree that most women are a mess, along with most men. I met my wife when I was 30 and the only advice I can really give is that IF (not when) you do find the right one it will be immediately obvious. I'm not going to say there's someone out there for everyone because I have honestly only ever met one that was for me.

You don't necessarily have to know what you're looking for but you definitely have to know what you're not looking for.

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U2 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (Official Music Video)

Link Posted: 9/8/2022 10:08:39 PM EDT

TextWallGuyTM comin' in hot
Link Posted: 9/8/2022 10:09:08 PM EDT
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I thought it was 10/90

Pareto distribution.
Link Posted: 9/8/2022 10:09:23 PM EDT
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I thought it was 10/90

Black Pill
Link Posted: 9/8/2022 10:09:44 PM EDT
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So I've heard this bit a lot:

but the problem is, they're not ATTRACTED to men like that. They aren't the Chads and Tyrones they want to fuck.

I HAVE heard horror from the other side, too. I can't remember what YouTube channel it was on, but someone read a comment from a Reddit thread. A guy said he had some spare time, so he whipped up a profile on OKCupid, I think, as a woman. He was shocked at how many really horrible looking men there are on the site. The YouTuber going over it was female, and said that in her experience, that was pretty true, however there were a good amount of guys that just had really shitty pictures. If they had GOOD pictures, they'd probably do better.

Anyway, it IS a shitshow. I've poked around on OKCupid... The American women on it are mostly overweight if not obese. It's maybe 1 in 10 to 20 that will be fit. I've seen a lot of women that would be absolutely cuties if they lost 20 or 30lb. Some that would be great if they spent as much time in the gym as they do on their makeup, hair and outfits.

It's a shitshow.

Yeah, this.

So I heard some stats about this bit...

Only 14% of men in the US are 6' or taller. When you add a minimum 6 figure salary, that goes down to (IIRC) 1.7%.  Less than 2% of men.

It has to get way smaller when you rule out guys who are too young, too old, married, overweight, etc, etc.  

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i'm in that 1.7% and 50% of my male coworkers are as well.

we're a bunch of fucking degenerates.
Link Posted: 9/8/2022 10:10:09 PM EDT
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Is this incel stuff?
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if you want it to be, yeah
Link Posted: 9/8/2022 10:10:46 PM EDT
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Black Pill
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Link Posted: 9/8/2022 10:11:27 PM EDT
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I think what they fail to mention is the prerequisite is a dude that's jacked, 6'5", makes 400k but also emotionally available and a good communicator lol
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Link Posted: 9/8/2022 10:19:10 PM EDT
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It will usher in the utopia. No more anger (except the AI sexbots- which could be really bad!!!)
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i hope to live long enough to witness the sexbot revolution.
Link Posted: 9/8/2022 10:20:27 PM EDT
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All a bunch of bullshit. The problem is that our society has pussified men. Women still want manly men. It's an instinctive desire and can't be changed by shifting cultural norms. They want a good provider. They want a good defender. They want good genetic material for their pups. Be those things and you won't need to pursue a mate. They will pursue you.
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Absolutely true. Because women make well thought-out decisions to rule their lives by.  And what is best for them. Every time.

Link Posted: 9/8/2022 10:21:44 PM EDT
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Absolutely true. Because women make well thought-out decisions to rule their lives by.  And what is best for them. Every time.

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Link Posted: 9/8/2022 10:22:43 PM EDT
Lonely until they see what "togetherness" is like.  Then they get a dog and live happily ever after.
Link Posted: 9/8/2022 10:23:26 PM EDT
I think this is just the beginning of a new cycle of how things work.

Men have realized that marrying young will mean a high chance of a woman robbing you blind to go play the field when they get bored middle age.   The logical conclusion is that if you can't find a really good woman just stay single and build wealth.    Marry a younger hotter woman later in life and protect your wealth with a prenup.   Work case scenario is you get stuck with child support if she fucks you over but you can afford it at that point because she has no claim to your home or investments.  This will inevitably reduce the chances of divorce because if she walks away it will be pretty much empty handed.   Young women like older men. It's easier to attract women when you are financially well off.  Imo this is the natural outcome of divorce and family courts destroying men.

For older women that fuck around they are gonna find themselves alone because nobody wants them and older men don't need them

Link Posted: 9/8/2022 10:27:13 PM EDT
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TextWallGuyTM comin' in hot
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"The Shitlord-8A Avenger textcannon fires ~3,900 words per minute.
The linked words actually have a TM every 7 words too, to pierce the armor of modern cultural rot.

Supposedly if it fires long enough, the man will stall.

Actually the funny part is, they didn't put a textcannon on a man, they built a man around a text-cannon "
Link Posted: 9/8/2022 10:28:03 PM EDT
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I think this is just the beginning of a new cycle of how things work.

Men have realized that marrying young will mean a high chance of a woman robbing you blind to go play the field when they get bored middle age.   The logical conclusion is that if you can't find a really good woman just stay single and build wealth.    Marry a younger hotter woman later in life and protect your wealth with a prenup.   Work case scenario is you get stuck with child support if she fucks you over but you can afford it at that point because she has no claim to your home or investments.  This will inevitably reduce the chances of divorce because if she walks away it will be pretty much empty handed.   Young women like older men. It's easier to attract women when you are financially well off.  Imo this is the natural outcome of divorce and family courts destroying men.

For older women that fuck around they are gonna find themselves alone because nobody wants them and older men don't need them

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As the sodomite Devin Scamuels would say:

Winter is coming.
Link Posted: 9/8/2022 10:30:53 PM EDT
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"The Shitlord-8A Avenger textcannon fires ~3,900 words per minute.
The linked words actually have a TM every 7 words too, to pierce the armor of modern cultural rot.

Supposedly if it fires long enough, the man will stall.

Actually the funny part is, they didn't put a textcannon on a man, they built a man around a text-cannon "
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TextWallGuyTM comin' in hot



"The Shitlord-8A Avenger textcannon fires ~3,900 words per minute.
The linked words actually have a TM every 7 words too, to pierce the armor of modern cultural rot.

Supposedly if it fires long enough, the man will stall.

Actually the funny part is, they didn't put a textcannon on a man, they built a man around a text-cannon "
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Link Posted: 9/8/2022 10:33:08 PM EDT
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Women control access to sex. = InCels

Men control access to relationships. = InSings

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Use the relationship as leverage boys.
Link Posted: 9/8/2022 10:33:35 PM EDT
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Sometimes marriage can be the loneliest time in a mans life. Being alone doesn't mean you have to be lonely and being with someone who you are incompatible with doesn't mean you are fulfilled.
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Link Posted: 9/8/2022 10:34:14 PM EDT
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Actually everything else I have read indicates that there is a glut of women in the usa which far outnumbers available men.  A lot of women are lamenting that they are in so much competition with other women to find a good man.

If men are lonely that means they are not trying very hard to find a woman.  Mostly likely a lot of younger men are too fixated on their phones and gaming and not spending time trying to find a date.  

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That's the problem, to them a "good man" is top 20% material.  The rest are unsuitable.
Link Posted: 9/8/2022 10:34:30 PM EDT
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I got so lucky finding a good one and tricking her to into loving me.
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Same. Mine’s a saint to put up with my cynical ass.
Link Posted: 9/8/2022 10:35:13 PM EDT
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Who wants to keep a girlfriend?

I thought the whole point was to blow them off while dating other women. Rinse and repeat with a newer model.
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Never date a woman over 25.

Link Posted: 9/8/2022 10:35:47 PM EDT
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That's the problem, to them a "good man" is top 20% material.  The rest are unsuitable.
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merica is rapidly going back to harems and warlords.

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Link Posted: 9/8/2022 10:37:54 PM EDT
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I got so lucky finding a good one and tricking her to into loving me.
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I got the better end of the deal for sure.
Link Posted: 9/8/2022 10:41:15 PM EDT
Gen-X latch key kids laugh at the author of this pseudo intellectual article.
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