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Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:18:31 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By xd341:
They build barriers or "dolphins" around the piers to prevent the ships from being able to hit them.  But even modern bridges won't take a hit from 100k tons of ship.  The barriers just absorb the hit first.

That span design is essentially self supporting trusses so when one side fails the entire span is out of balances and fails.  It's a self supporting box basically just floating on the piers.
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That bridge is at least 60 years old, without the design upgrades that the Sunshine Skyway bridge got.
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:18:31 AM EDT
[Last Edit: GlockZen] [#2]
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Originally Posted By Antero:
This is horrific.
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Originally Posted By Antero:
This is horrific.

This is the one recurring vivid nightmare that I have since childhood.  very sad.

Originally Posted By PanelVanHalen:

No kidding.  Some may remember the Sunshine Skyway bridge disaster down in Tampa Bay, late 80s I guess.  I wasn't there for it, but rode across the replacement span at night before the original was taken down, and it scared the shit out of me seeing the end where it broke off, in the dark it was like a horror movie scene.  I get sweaty palms driving across large bridges all the time.

Holyshit, now I recall the source of my nightmares. I was 5 yeas old, when this happened.
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:18:37 AM EDT
Any word on if there are survivors in the water?( or pulled out of the water)
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:18:44 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Vne] [#4]
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Originally Posted By GeneralDisaray:

Tell me youve never piloted a boat without telling me you never piloted a boat. Next time there is a 3-5 mph wind outside, take a sheet and go hold it up like a sail. Now imaging that sheet is roughly 900' long and lets say 80' high. I can easily push a 10,000 lb boat in the water while standing on the dock. Theres little to no friction to counter act the force.

It doest take much wind. Also those same eyes you speak of in your post would be able to see the 2 power failures it had leading up to it. But go on describe more about terrorism. They must have used radios to command everyone to cut lights on the ship so they can fool all the infidels into thinking it was an accident.

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Originally Posted By GeneralDisaray:
Originally Posted By greenranger:
Originally Posted By Vne:
Sure doesn't look like there's much wind on the water. Looks as smooth as can be.

You gonna believe your own lying eyes? Lol

Tell me youve never piloted a boat without telling me you never piloted a boat. Next time there is a 3-5 mph wind outside, take a sheet and go hold it up like a sail. Now imaging that sheet is roughly 900' long and lets say 80' high. I can easily push a 10,000 lb boat in the water while standing on the dock. Theres little to no friction to counter act the force.

It doest take much wind. Also those same eyes you speak of in your post would be able to see the 2 power failures it had leading up to it. But go on describe more about terrorism. They must have used radios to command everyone to cut lights on the ship so they can fool all the infidels into thinking it was an accident.

Apparently this happened shortly before 2am last night. Metar/taf for BWI says the wind from approximately midnight to 5am was 0 knots.

Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:20:12 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By xd341:

That is a horrifying thought.  Dropping 200 feet, into water cold enough to paralyze you, cars already bent and smashed, doors won't open, upside down...then try to save your child...

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You forgot pitch dark as well.
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:20:40 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By aztrooper:
Sorry, but you can see it turn, as it passes the small pilings protecting the pier.  This definitely seems intentional, unless the power failure somehow made the ship turn.  You can see all the lights go out, then after a few moments, the emergency lighting come on.  Pilot running the ship?
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Winds and currents are real.
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:21:48 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Hoji:
Any word on if there are survivors in the water?( or pulled out of the water)
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I read that they rescued two survivors so far.
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:22:58 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By The_Like_Button:

When you're that tall and long, yes.

Shit my old Albermarle would get blown around like crazy if I put my sidewalls up on the cockpit like I had a full sail.
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Gotcha. I've never run anything bigger than a 21' cc.
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:23:06 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:23:11 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Thunder900:

That bridge is at least 60 years old, without the design upgrades that the Sunshine Skyway bridge got.
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The new bridge will have several layer of crash mitigation. Can’t prevent the bridge from collapsing 100%, but it would have a much better change of not giving way completely.
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:23:16 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Hoji:
Any word on if there are survivors in the water?( or pulled out of the water)
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Last I heard they pulled 2 out.
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:23:22 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By derwood67:
I thought the left were the experts at making things fit a narrative, but the level of tin-foil hat wearing keyboard commandos here who seem to REALLY WANT this to be terrorism is pretty disgusting.
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This website has shown me how many people on the “right” lack critical thinking skills and have extreme levels of delusion.
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:24:10 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Vne:

Breaking News: ships captain is Conrad Aska Jr.
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Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:25:01 AM EDT
I've gotta say, it was probably the best drive in to work this morning. I used to take the Baltimore beltway but switched up my route just before COVID.
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:25:14 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By TheWhiteHorse:

If I pour sugar in your gas tank one night and you start driving your car the next morning and it dies and causes an accident and you say engine failure is at fault…. Do you have the complete picture?  

You be smarter.

I’m not saying it’s terrorism… but if you want to chip away at a nations economy, this is a damn good way to do it.
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No, you.

Sugar in the gas tank doesn’tdo what you think it does. That was debunked long ago.
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:25:22 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By fadedsun:
New phobia unlocked.

How cold is the water there for anyone in the area?

Those poor folks
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Cold.  I am near Richmond and it got down in the 30s last night.
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:25:37 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By SavedByTheBlood:

This website has shown me how many people on the “right” lack critical thinking skills and have extreme levels of delusion.
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Originally Posted By SavedByTheBlood:
Originally Posted By derwood67:
I thought the left were the experts at making things fit a narrative, but the level of tin-foil hat wearing keyboard commandos here who seem to REALLY WANT this to be terrorism is pretty disgusting.

This website has shown me how many people on the “right” lack critical thinking skills and have extreme levels of delusion.

To be fair it's pretty much the same on all the comments on other sites that I seen about this.
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:26:39 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By VTD:
3 knots of wind will push a cargo ship that much?
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3 knots of wind allready push small rifle cartridges arround, now think a thousand time slower and a gazillion times larger.
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:26:54 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Thunder900:

That bridge is at least 60 years old, without the design upgrades that the Sunshine Skyway bridge got.
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Built in 1972 I think.
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:27:57 AM EDT
[Last Edit: medicmandan] [#20]
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:28:08 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Baq:

3 knots of wind allready push small rifle cartridges arround, now think a thousand time slower and a gazillion times larger.
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Asked and answered.

Thanks professor.
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:28:45 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By TheWhiteHorse:

Yes, but what caused it? Yeah,  something might have blown up or lost power, but why? There is no possible way they can rule anything out…
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Originally Posted By TheWhiteHorse:
Originally Posted By GeneralDisaray:
Originally Posted By TheWhiteHorse:
Originally Posted By Anonymoose1:
Originally Posted By gpoman:
Baltimore Co. Fire Chief said no signs of terrorism or an intentional act.

Would they really come out this early and say if it were?

There is absolutely no possible way for them to know anything.


Pretty easy for them to know the ship had a major issue or even an explosion as reported LOL which all signs are pointing to that. Power dropping out, anchor down, and very likely an immediate distress call.

Jesus this place not everything is a major calculated terrorist act or conspiracy. Maybe hunter biden caused it.

Yes, but what caused it? Yeah,  something might have blown up or lost power, but why? There is no possible way they can rule anything out…

Are you new to the English language?

“No signs of terrorism” ≠ “we have concluded that it was definitely not terrorism”

It means so far there is no evidence that points towards terrorism.
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:29:42 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By HourOfAngle:

Built in 1972 I think.
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Originally Posted By HourOfAngle:
Originally Posted By Thunder900:

That bridge is at least 60 years old, without the design upgrades that the Sunshine Skyway bridge got.

Built in 1972 I think.

The FSK bridge opened in 1977.
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:30:04 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:30:29 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:31:37 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Jimmmy1111:
I use that bridge every day now my ride from work is fucked now
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Glad you weren’t on it bro.
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:31:39 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Combat_Diver:
Congress and Biden will just send more money to Ukraine and Israel.
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A solid lock on the stupid and inappropriate post of the day prize.

Good job.

Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:32:05 AM EDT
Everyone goes apeshit about Boeing’s issues but there’s no way a twenty year old freighter that is bathed in salt water, operated by third world crew and maintained by the lowest bidder could ever have a mechanical failure? I guarantee these things are held together by bubble gum and baling wire.

How about fatigue? How long was the crew awake? How long was the harbor pilot awake? Did the crew understand the pilot’s commands? Lots of moving parts.

Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:32:25 AM EDT

Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:32:31 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By bagofcrabs65:

Wind terrorism
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Originally Posted By bagofcrabs65:
Originally Posted By GeneralDisaray:

JFC its wind guys. Wind. On a ship that large it is effectively a sail boat.

Wind terrorism

A good narrative for climate change agenda
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:33:53 AM EDT
March 26 (Reuters) - The container ship that crashed into a Baltimore bridge on Tuesday "lost propulsion" as it was leaving port, and crew on board notified Maryland officials they had lost control of the vessel, ABC News reported, citing an unclassified U.S. intelligence report.

"The vessel notified MD Department of Transportation (MDOT) that they had lost control of the vessel and an collision with the bridge was possible," ABC quoted the report by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency as saying. "The vessel struck the bridge causing a complete collapse." (Reporting by Rami Ayyub; Editing by Doina Chiacu)
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Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:34:14 AM EDT
A few quick comments:

This will have a measurable effect on the inflation rate as I-95 traffic will be affected for years. Port capacity is also tight on both coasts and losing Baltimore won’t help. This is not just a local event.

The bridge might have been shut down moments before the crash. There are signs and warning lights on both ends which can partially close the bridge when there are high winds.

Rebuilding in Maryland is expensive since there is a 50 percent corruption tax on all public works.

The bridge was built on the approximate site of the British fleet’s anchorage on the night of September 13, 1814.

Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:34:28 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Fleece-Johnson:


Not a very robust design.

Maybe the new bridge will better signage and more caution tape to keep this from happening.
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At the time the bridge was built, the largest cargo ship in the world displaced ~40,000 tons.

MV Dali is three times that size.

Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:34:34 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By bikertrash:

No, you.

Sugar in the gas tank doesn’tdo what you think it does. That was debunked long ago.
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Originally Posted By bikertrash:
Originally Posted By TheWhiteHorse:

If I pour sugar in your gas tank one night and you start driving your car the next morning and it dies and causes an accident and you say engine failure is at fault…. Do you have the complete picture?  

You be smarter.

I’m not saying it’s terrorism… but if you want to chip away at a nations economy, this is a damn good way to do it.

No, you.

Sugar in the gas tank doesn’tdo what you think it does. That was debunked long ago.

You know what I mean, but go ahead and be obtuse.
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:35:25 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By apexcrusade:
Vax status?
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You think this funny?
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:35:40 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Fleece-Johnson:


Not a very robust design.
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Robust enough to last 50 years........

Until a ship ran into it.  Safe to say it would have lasted a lot longer otherwise.
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:35:45 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By GunLvrPHD:
A few quick comments:

This will have a measurable effect on the inflation rate as I-95 traffic will be affected for years. Port capacity is also tight on both coasts and losing Baltimore won’t help. This is not just a local event.

The bridge might have been shut down moments before the crash. There are signs and warning lights on both ends which can partially close the bridge when there are high winds.

Rebuilding in Maryland is expensive since there is a 50 percent corruption tax on all public works.

The bridge was built on the approximate site of the British fleet’s anchorage on the night of September 13, 1814.

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No doubts.

Didn't know that, interesting
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:37:13 AM EDT
That sucks bro. Imagine being a young buck chasing some Tail at 3:00 a.m. And paying with your life for it
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:37:31 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By bikertrash:

No, you.

Sugar in the gas tank doesn’tdo what you think it does. That was debunked long ago.
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Originally Posted By bikertrash:
Originally Posted By TheWhiteHorse:

If I pour sugar in your gas tank one night and you start driving your car the next morning and it dies and causes an accident and you say engine failure is at fault…. Do you have the complete picture?  

You be smarter.

I’m not saying it’s terrorism… but if you want to chip away at a nations economy, this is a damn good way to do it.

No, you.

Sugar in the gas tank doesn’tdo what you think it does. That was debunked long ago.

It was a hypothetical example.

You’re being ignorant if you think a forensic investigation isn’t needed just because it’s on video. The NTSB does extremely detailed investigations. They may not be fast, but when it’s done, it’ll be incredibly thorough.
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:38:06 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By boolzi:

Pretty cold as you scramble to get your infant out of the car seat.
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Originally Posted By boolzi:
Originally Posted By fadedsun:
New phobia unlocked.

How cold is the water there for anyone in the area?

Those poor folks

Pretty cold as you scramble to get your infant out of the car seat.

You and your child get to die together.
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:38:13 AM EDT
- The port anchor was down. I couldn't see if the starboard one was as well. The port anchor chain trails aft, indicating that is was dropped while moving. When a ship is transiting like that the anchors are ready to be dropped in case of loss of propulsion or steering. They don't rely on power to drop them. It looks like they tried to slow or turn the ship with the anchor(s). It's a desperation move that can only slow things down a little at those distances, but it indicates effort.

- The smoke from the stack could mean a few things. Hard reverse, engine failure, fire.

- The fender arrangement for that bridge sucks. Square ends perpendicular to vessel traffic, too small. No chance that they could deflect an impact. A properly designed fender system is torpedo shaped which at least has a hope of deflecting a bow away from the critical structure. Sadly, most bridges have poor fender systems.

Time will tell. The crew and pilots are alive, so the truth will come out soon. Terrorism speculation will prove to be unfounded.
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:38:22 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By JasonK94Z:
Harbor pilots were probably DEI hires. Incompetent idiots.
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You know not what you speak. I know 2 of them, ones my neighbor. Zero chance given the process they go thru. Internship is like 3-5 years long then the dinner and a black marble decide your fate. Fail and your gone or start your internship all over again.
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:38:35 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By BFskinner:

It may be the perspective of the video but it looks like the stern is kicking out to the left as the ship nears the support to get a straighter hit on the support.
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That's what I saw, turned hard to starboard twice.
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:38:39 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By NoEffects6:

I read that they rescued two survivors so far.
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Originally Posted By NoEffects6:
Originally Posted By Hoji:
Any word on if there are survivors in the water?( or pulled out of the water)

I read that they rescued two survivors so far.

I’ll go out on a limb and say that’s all they find.

Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:39:11 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By greenranger:

You gonna believe your own lying eyes? Lol
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Originally Posted By greenranger:
Originally Posted By Vne:
Sure doesn't look like there's much wind on the water. Looks as smooth as can be.

You gonna believe your own lying eyes? Lol

I saw a report on MSM tis morning that wind was 5mph at the time of the accident. No mention of direction.

Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:40:08 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By WhiskersTheCat:
This is going to have pretty severe secondary economic effects.
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Biden has an excuse now inflation and he will throw in Trump in there as well
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:40:32 AM EDT
Do we know the depth of the water there
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:40:59 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Thunder900:

That bridge is at least 60 years old, without the design upgrades that the Sunshine Skyway bridge got.
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The skyway didn't get upgrades, it got rebuilt.

There wasn't anything wrong with this bridge or design. It got hit by a massive ship.  The new one will have protection, but no bridge without protection, would be built to survive such a hit.  It's not practical.
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:40:59 AM EDT
Yall are never getting a call from CSI. nerds
Link Posted: 3/26/2024 8:41:08 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By AA717driver:
Everyone goes apeshit about Boeing’s issues but there’s no way a twenty year old freighter that is bathed in salt water, operated by third world crew and maintained by the lowest bidder could ever have a mechanical failure? I guarantee these things are held together by bubble gum and baling wire.

How about fatigue? How long was the crew awake? How long was the harbor pilot awake? Did the crew understand the pilot’s commands? Lots of moving parts.

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How many container ships go into and out of US ports just like this one everyday?  Hundreds, right?  Yet this happens very rarely.  So rarely, all of us are kind of shocked by the whole thing.  

That something empirically shown to be this rare, is happening now, at a time of rising international and domestic tensions, is what's making people suspect an intentional act vs just another example of shit falling apart lately.
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