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Link Posted: 1/9/2018 10:09:48 AM EDT
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Build the wall first. Send the illegals back. Let them apply for legal immigration like millions before them.  No tradeoffs. No shortcut deals.
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Link Posted: 1/9/2018 10:10:04 AM EDT
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Yes. Let them stay to build the wall.
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Have them build it from the southern side
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 10:10:19 AM EDT
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What would the point of building the wall be if you let a million illegals stay?
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To keep millions more from coming in.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 10:10:38 AM EDT
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I never heard during the campaign that we had to grant amnesty to a few million people in order to build the wall
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I have to agree.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 10:11:57 AM EDT
Wall must be 100% complete before any DACA discussion. The wall has been funded in the past yet all that money and it was not completed.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 10:12:47 AM EDT
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Yes, but wall first. It is probably the only way yo get the wall built

Imagine the left refuses to approve the wall. Trump can tweet that the left
does not want DACA to stay in effect. the left would be standing in the spotlight
with no where to go but to approve the wall.
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It won’t matter.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 10:12:59 AM EDT
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I have to agree.
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I never heard during the campaign that we had to grant amnesty to a few million people in order to build the wall
I have to agree.
make deals now to get it done

then make more deals later to get the DACA's out
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 10:13:52 AM EDT
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2-3% we can manage

The other 97% will sink this nation. They have to go back.

Don't get me wrong I'd prefer to push them all into the sea at bayonet point.
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They are of breeding age, they'll have 3-4 kids each and they all will vote democrat and most will end up on social services.
2-3% we can manage

The other 97% will sink this nation. They have to go back.

Don't get me wrong I'd prefer to push them all into the sea at bayonet point.
You really think the other 97% are going back?  Even if we allow DACA?

Link Posted: 1/9/2018 10:14:54 AM EDT
You cannot reason with the democrats. Everything they do is bad.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 10:29:38 AM EDT
Apparently the WH, Republicans, and Dems are meeting today to discuss a deal for DACA to pass a spending bill and get the Wall built. Would granting legal status to 800k illegals be the downfall of Trump? Should republicans be dealing with Dems after voters handed Repubs all the power?
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Being a realist, I'm fine with this.   Those people who want to go through the process of becoming Americans, start paying taxes and working on the books, following our laws.  By all means welcome to America.

The people who thumb their nose at or laws, and want to be anything other than Americans?  You have to go back.

If that's the deal we make yup get the wall built, that's more than fine by me.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 10:31:34 AM EDT
The wall will never happen if DACA happens first.

Required steps, in order:

1. Pop quiz - citizenship test, in English. Fail = deport. Pass =DACA temporary continuation.
2. Verify ID, background checks. That shit was rubber stamped the first time, so it needs to be done for real. Any problems with ID, criminal background, or not being productive =deport.
3. Deport their illegal parents.
4. Build wall.
5. Legal status as permanent non-citizen resident. They can then work on citizenship like any legal immigrant. Anyone who does not get citizenship within 10 years loses resident status and is deported.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 10:31:35 AM EDT
If that's what it takes for the wall to actually be funded and built sure.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 10:36:12 AM EDT
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Sure, with a few conditions;

- They can never collect public assistance
- They can't have a criminal record or gang affiliations
- They must be fluent in English
- No chain migration, bringing in more family members, or allowing the rest of their families to stay
- Their legal permanent residence status can never be turned into citizenship
- They don't get their legal permanent resident status until construction of the wall is complete, until then they are fair game for arrest & deportation
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Link Posted: 1/9/2018 10:38:13 AM EDT
Build the damn wall.
No DACA or whatever bullshit barry wanted and install air cannons to launch anchor babies over the wall.

I don’t ever want to hear...

Press 1 for English again.

Fuck you if you don’t want to be an American .
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 10:40:05 AM EDT
Ann Coulter is all over this. Anchor baby army will stay, and wall will be delayed into oblivion. Sadly, Trump will probably go along with it.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 10:42:05 AM EDT
Yes, anything to get the wall built.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 10:48:34 AM EDT
Deport them all build a wall
Reboot Ellis Island
You don't get in unless we need your skill set, you are disease free,have a spotless criminal record and have Zero links to any terrorist group or individual
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 10:48:39 AM EDT
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People like you still live in NH
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Few and far between my friend.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 10:49:40 AM EDT
First post does not nail it.

Send them back and build the wall. If you want to come to this country come here legally.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 10:52:59 AM EDT
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Sure, with a few conditions;

- They can never collect public assistance
- They can't have a criminal record or gang affiliations
- They must be fluent in English
- No chain migration, bringing in more family members, or allowing the rest of their families to stay
- Their legal permanent residence status can never be turned into citizenship
- They don't get their legal permanent resident status until construction of the wall is complete, until then they are fair game for arrest & deportation
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The problem is the DACA illegals will have 1,000,000 or more kids that are US "citizens" and they would qualify for government assistance. It's not really solving anything. The end result is their kids being a another generation of democrats on the government tit.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 10:53:17 AM EDT
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Sure, with a few conditions;

- They can never collect public assistance
- They can't have a criminal record or gang affiliations
- They must be fluent in English
- No chain migration, bringing in more family members, or allowing the rest of their families to stay
- Their legal permanent residence status can never be turned into citizenship
- They don't get their legal permanent resident status until construction of the wall is complete, until then they are fair game for arrest & deportation
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This is a plan.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 10:53:53 AM EDT
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Build the wall with Mexico’s money.

Just like we were told.
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Tax remittances that go to Mexico.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 10:54:35 AM EDT
They're looking for some sort of compromise.  I don't have a prob with that as long as they're not just caving.

In my opinion we should give amnesty to those DACA who are producing - gainfully employed or first responders.

If you're a criminal, gtfo.

If you're unemployed, gtfo.

If you're in college and are in good standing academically and plan to get a job and become an American citizen, you should be on a probationary period.

Drop out, gtfo.

Graduate but don't get a job, gtfo.

If you're a juvenile, you have to gtfo with your criminal parents.

Is that so hard???

ETA:  DACA reform has to go hand in hand with building the wall or come after the wall.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 10:58:02 AM EDT
It would be the Reagan amnesty all over again.

The Democrats and GOPe will double cross every chance they get.

No deals.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 11:01:56 AM EDT
No. The only thing illegals are good for is voting democrat.

Send them back and keep enforcing the border without the wall.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 11:05:01 AM EDT
No. Dream on the other side of the wall.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 11:06:24 AM EDT
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1.  Build the wall and secure the border.

2.  End chain migration.

3.  End the immigration lottery.

4.  Consider DACA if strict limits are put in place.  10 year Visa program and if you violate any conditions you have to leave.  I'm thinking the same requirements on form 4473, domestic abuse, felony, dishonorable discharge, etc... you have to go home.  Parents that brought the kids in move to the end of the line.  The family must also demonstrate that it is not dependent on the state, no welfare, no free college.
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I'd be happy with this.

NEVER citizenship for DACA illegals.

Parents need to go home, and, since they broke the law, they would be ineligible for future entry, period.

By ending chain immigration, I mean NO migration for any relative, though relatives could apply on their own merit.

Also would like to see the three year permanent resident period prior to eligibility for application for citizenship extended to 10 years, with the provision that any conviction leads to deportation.

I'd like to see birthright citizenship go, but that would require a Constitutional amendment.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 11:08:19 AM EDT
The only “deal” on DACA that I could support involves

- Building the Wall
- Ending chain migration
- Ending visa lottery
- Ending anchor babies
- Full enforcement of e-verify
- Deportation of every other illegal immigrant.
- And finally, no citizenship for DACA-qualified people. Ever. You can’t apply for it, you can’t marry into it. Sole exception is military service. Sure you can stick around, but you won’t ever be a citizen.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 11:08:50 AM EDT
Here's the deal.  Extent DACA temporary legal status until the wall is built, then deportation.  The wall keeps them from coming back.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 11:10:00 AM EDT
The dreamers who build the wall with hard labor can stay.  Others must leave.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 11:13:34 AM EDT
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Send them back, they don't have squatters rights.

I don't give a rat's ass that many of them spent time growing up here.  Many can't speak English, most don't want to assimilate, and very few are literate or literate in English.  The argument that they're valedictorians and doctors/engineers/skilled artisans is laughable.
If they actually had any of those skills in any numbers to matter - Mexico and other Hispanic countries would be asking to have them sent back to improve their mother countries.
Their mother countries don't want them back - and there's no reason on earth why that means that WE are obligated to take them.
And we're damned sure in no way obligated to enable them to bring in anyone/everyone they share a DNA string with to start siphoning welfare and SSI from Americans who paid into the system and into the wallets of incoming retirees and medical basket cases needing to deprive us of the benefits.

You make sure American veterans are ALL given access to housing, medical care and able to earn the ability to feed themselves by their own labor, and cared for/about with the dignity they earned, and we can START to discuss letting some of the actually skilled DACA to apply.  Until then, lets discuss what they owe us for the social benefits they absorbed from us under false pretenses by breaking our laws and lowering OUR standard of living.
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Yep. While I truly do sympathize with the situation they are in, we must have laws and priorities. See to our own first, at each and every level.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 11:14:23 AM EDT
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Build the wall first. Send the illegals back. Let them apply for legal immigration like millions before them.  No tradeoffs. No shortcut deals.
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this is the correct answer

illegal, is illegal

these shitheads are making a mockery of all those who have, and will follow the law
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 11:14:52 AM EDT
As CiC classify all illegals in country as hostile enemy forces. Pull all military assets from overseas to repel invasion. Citizens found giving aid (employment, sanctuary, etc...) to the enemy can be rounded up to be tried for treason.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 11:16:32 AM EDT
make all these daca folks build the wall, then apply for citizenship, time in on the wall would egual points toward becoming a citizen
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 11:17:46 AM EDT
Worth it sign it
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 11:19:06 AM EDT
I heard a good idea yesterday from someone on I believe on David Webb’s show where you would give them a choice leave or get amnesty but they would have a felony placed on their record so they could not vote

Me personally I would not concede anything to the Democrats as there is nothing they want that is not a detriment to the American people and or the country absolutely nothing.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 11:19:18 AM EDT
Fix the leak first, then address the standing useless water.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 11:23:12 AM EDT
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It would be the Reagan amnesty all over again.

The Democrats and GOPe will double cross every chance they get.

No deals.
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Yup but instead of resulting in just CA turning blue forever, we lose the country. There is a reason the dems wants this, they know Hispanics overwhelming vote for the left. You think if the majority of them vote for the right they would want them here? For the children my ass, they are importing voters plain and simple.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 11:24:57 AM EDT
No to amnesty for the wall. The Republicans will have bought the Democrats near 3/4 million votes for the next election.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 11:25:17 AM EDT
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Yes. Let them stay to build the wall.
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Let them stay with permanent residency but not as citizenship. Deport them if they break any laws.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 11:27:41 AM EDT
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The wall will never happen if DACA happens first.

Required steps, in order:

1. Pop quiz - citizenship test, in English. Fail = deport. Pass =DACA temporary continuation.
2. Verify ID, background checks. That shit was rubber stamped the first time, so it needs to be done for real. Any problems with ID, criminal background, or not being productive =deport.
3. Deport their illegal parents.
4. Build wall.
5. Legal status as permanent non-citizen resident. They can then work on citizenship like any legal immigrant. Anyone who does not get citizenship within 10 years loses resident status and is deported.
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This, this right here.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 11:28:40 AM EDT
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Sure, with a few conditions;

- They can never collect public assistance
- They can't have a criminal record or gang affiliations
- They must be fluent in English
- No chain migration, bringing in more family members, or allowing the rest of their families to stay
- Their legal permanent residence status can never be turned into citizenship
- They don't get their legal permanent resident status until construction of the wall is complete, until then they are fair game for arrest & deportation
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Well said. I'll take that deal under those terms. Don't get me wrong I'd rather throw their entitled ass's out but we need some Democrats to jump on board and DACA is the biggest carrot/stick we have.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 11:30:25 AM EDT
Deportation doesn't work with a porous border.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 11:32:22 AM EDT
Apparently the WH, Republicans, and Dems are meeting today to discuss a deal for DACA to pass a spending bill and get the Wall built. Would granting legal status to 800k illegals be the downfall of Trump? Should republicans be dealing with Dems after voters handed Repubs all the power?
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We may have to make a deal.

I don't "support" it in any way.

We wouldn't have made a deal with invading Soviets to let them stay and breed and become citizens because they were dreamers for the soviet state and "human beings." We would have killed them. An invasion of mexicans should be no different.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 11:35:14 AM EDT
No.  The wall is more symbolic than effective, and DACA + chain migration is what Dem's are counting on for future voters as more people leave their shitty party.

Better solution is to have actual merit based immigration policy that is rigorously enforced.

Alternatively - if you're set on a wall, negotiate DACA amnesty with the condition that chain migration is abolished entirely in exchange for the wall.  Make the dems live up to their rhetoric on "dreamers" while you have your cake and eat it too
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 11:37:41 AM EDT
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It would be the Reagan amnesty all over again.

The Democrats and GOPe will double cross every chance they get.

No deals.
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I agree. How can you deal with any entity (democrats) that doesn't respect and outright ignores current immigration laws? Not to mention actively commits treason any chance they get.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 11:40:05 AM EDT
Might as well work a deal.

I actually don’t see the wall being built at all, but you never know.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 11:40:47 AM EDT
Just build the wall and have Mexico pay for the majority of it.
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 11:41:18 AM EDT
Nope, I want both

A wall AND they have to go back

Rule of law
Link Posted: 1/9/2018 11:42:52 AM EDT
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No, the wall is fucking stupid.
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Seriously?  We have no security on our southern border.  Millions of people smuggle themselves, drugs, guns and other shit across the border.  They are creating a huge drain on our economy; through overloaded schools, emergency rooms, social services, and so on.  In addition, they send billions a year out of the country to their relatives.  Imagine what that money could do for our economy.
Pretty much every other country in the world has control over it's borders, including Mexico- they have a wall on their southern border.  The majority of illegal immigrants don't assimilate at all, they stay in their own neighborhoods, and we help them stay a drain on our society by sending state employees out to explain to them how to maximize their welfare benefits.  The position is called "Welfare Outreach Specialist" by the way.
So hell yes, we need to regain control over our southern border.  Wall, ok fine.  Hundred yard minefield with machine gun towers, ok fine.  Laser beams along the border, step into one and die, fine.
But by whatever means, we need to control our border and control our immigrants to control our future.

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