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Link Posted: 9/13/2022 9:36:02 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By m35ben:
Good he got caught
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Originally Posted By m35ben:
Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:

Good he got caught

Objective #1 is extracting all possible information on where his fellow criminals are.
Link Posted: 9/13/2022 9:40:25 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Ryan_Scott:

It’s called the biological threat reduction program. I’m unsure which agency it falls under.
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Originally Posted By Ryan_Scott:
Originally Posted By unreformed66:
Originally Posted By Ryan_Scott:

The US has a program to fund laboratories in the former Soviet Union to ensure that their staff are gainfully employed and they have sufficient funding to maintain safety standards. That’s not been controversial before. Labs are common and necessary anywhere humans or livestock live…

Could you point me towards a place that I can find information about that program? I'd love to be able to use it to shut some people up.

It’s called the biological threat reduction program. I’m unsure which agency it falls under.

Thank you. I'll have a look and see what I can find.
Link Posted: 9/13/2022 9:47:12 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Capta:

It might be gratifying to respond in kind, but the right thing to do is try him under Ukrainian law and sentence him.  Show everyone the difference between monsters and men.
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Originally Posted By Capta:
Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:


It might be gratifying to respond in kind, but the right thing to do is try him under Ukrainian law and sentence him.  Show everyone the difference between monsters and men.

I believe that is the correct way to do it as well.
Link Posted: 9/13/2022 9:48:49 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By TheLurker:
Hmmmm.... When you're cannibalising your strategic nuke forces for cannon fodder, things definitely aren't going well.
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Originally Posted By TheLurker:
Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:

Hmmmm.... When you're cannibalising your strategic nuke forces for cannon fodder, things definitely aren't going well.
I read somewhere a while back that Russia puts their best and brightest on missile systems.  If that's true, they really are at the last resort for infantry.
Link Posted: 9/13/2022 9:53:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/13/2022 9:56:05 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By absael:
I read somewhere a while back that Russia puts their best and brightest on missile systems.  If that's true, they really are at the last resort for infantry.
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Originally Posted By absael:
Originally Posted By TheLurker:
Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:

Hmmmm.... When you're cannibalising your strategic nuke forces for cannon fodder, things definitely aren't going well.
I read somewhere a while back that Russia puts their best and brightest on missile systems.  If that's true, they really are at the last resort for infantry.

Those were either captured WW2 Germans or trained by such
Link Posted: 9/13/2022 9:58:14 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By j_hooker:

Good for Ukraine not falling for that shit
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Originally Posted By j_hooker:
Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:
Better context.

Good for Ukraine not falling for that shit

No doubt, they will just re-generate their forces over time

They can't be trusted
Link Posted: 9/13/2022 9:58:16 PM EDT
When I was training at Center for Domestic Preparedness in Annsiton, there were USDA inspectors there learning about all the viral and biological threats to agriculture, and how to handle it safely. After the Fall of the Soviet Union, we learned that they had either a virus or bacteria for every single plant and animal we raise and depend on for food. So its a very big concern. My frame was NBC warfare and hospital operations in a high threat enviroment, etc, etc.
Link Posted: 9/13/2022 9:59:38 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Capta:

Objective #1 is extracting all possible information on where his fellow criminals are.
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Originally Posted By Capta:
Originally Posted By m35ben:
Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:

Good he got caught

Objective #1 is extracting all possible information on where his fellow criminals are.

Link Posted: 9/13/2022 10:04:17 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Birddog15:
Am I remembering correctly that we ARE sending them ATACMS?  

I think I read that a few pages ago, but now can't find it.

If not, they need lots of those yesterday.  Once they push as far as they can before they need to rest and consolidate, a whole bunch of new territory is going to be in range.  If they get what they need, this could be the beginning of the end for Russia and Putin.  We need to help Ukraine end them ASAP.

I know I've said it before but Russia has been a cancer on the earth for 100 years.  Imagine a world with no Marx and Lenin ever having been born.  So many of the attacks against our country's strengths have been rooted in Russia.  

I am old enough to remember people being laughed at for saying that some the anti war movement against Viet Nam in the US was orchestrated and paid for by Russia. They were called crazy conspiracy theorists for seeing an evil commie hiding in every shadow.  After the wall fell it was revealed that they had infiltrated and encouraged the anti war movement.  

Hell, even Critical Race Theory has roots from scholars that were tied to communism and were kicked out of Nazi Germany.  Thank Charles Lindberg and other fans of communism for helping them get settled here.  Much of the post modernist theory that is so popular with the left now has roots in communism.

Pick any attack against the basic western ideals of individual liberty, democracy, capitalism, free speech, free religion, etc., and you will often find Russian influence or ideology behind those attacks.  The only other philosophy that deserves just a small mention for damage done to mankind is religious fundamentalism.

Folks who attack western civilization (otherwise known as the modern world) for its history colonialism, slavery, sexism, and racism are morons.  Those horrors didn't exist because of the ideals of western civilization, they existed in spite of, and in contradiction to, the ideals of western civ.  We just took way too long to live up to our ideals, but we did eventually get there.  

Fuck me this shit pisses me off when I get rolling.  

END Russia now!  This is the best chance the world has had since this cancer was created.

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This man gets it, Russia has basically been a global nest of evil spilling out into the world.
Link Posted: 9/13/2022 10:05:55 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Tiberius:

Since they publicized it, then he should stand trial for war crimes and murder. At this point extrajudicial justice hurts Ukraine politically and on the PR front. If you want to do that, no pictures or recordings or public announcements. Just do it then dump what’s left in a cesspit.
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Originally Posted By Tiberius:
Originally Posted By CenterMass762:
Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:


I've argued against mistreatment and torturing of POWs multiple times in this very thread, a few months back.

With that said, I could easily be persuaded to agree in this case.

Since they publicized it, then he should stand trial for war crimes and murder. At this point extrajudicial justice hurts Ukraine politically and on the PR front. If you want to do that, no pictures or recordings or public announcements. Just do it then dump what’s left in a cesspit.

2 questions and a comment:

- the original quote says “prisoners;” so he tortured multiple Ukrainians?? WTF

- anyone know whatever happened to the poor Ukrainian prisoner in that video?  I would imagine he probably bled out from the torture.

- I wish I’d never watched the video.  not that it matters, but technically it was an emasculation torture, not castration.
Link Posted: 9/13/2022 10:07:41 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By MelGibsonEnthusiast:

It'll likely consist of more artillery shells, HIMARS ammo, vehicles, and AT weapons, hopefully along with some other surprises for the Russians.
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Originally Posted By MelGibsonEnthusiast:

It'll likely consist of more artillery shells, HIMARS ammo, vehicles, and AT weapons, hopefully along with some other surprises for the Russians.

Send ATACMS, I mean we are replacing those anyways with the PSM. And 4-6 more Himars. Older ones, as long as they are capable of launching guided rockets.

More m777s, replacement parts, m109s.

I can't wait to see what is in the toy box for them.

Originally Posted By Brok3n:

Fuck that Russian ruse, I hope Ukraine keeps pounding them!


If it means they go back to original treaty lines and Russia goes back to their borders and the LPR/DPR surrender or are abandoned and Ukraine deals with them as they see fit, yes.

Link Posted: 9/13/2022 10:16:24 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By fadedsun:

Send ATACMS, I mean we are replacing those anyways with the PSM. And 4-6 more Himars. Older ones, as long as they are capable of launching guided rockets.

More m777s, replacement parts, m109s.

I can't wait to see what is in the toy box for them.

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Originally Posted By fadedsun:
Originally Posted By MelGibsonEnthusiast:

It'll likely consist of more artillery shells, HIMARS ammo, vehicles, and AT weapons, hopefully along with some other surprises for the Russians.

Send ATACMS, I mean we are replacing those anyways with the PSM. And 4-6 more Himars. Older ones, as long as they are capable of launching guided rockets.

More m777s, replacement parts, m109s.

I can't wait to see what is in the toy box for them.

Agreed, I'd love to see ATACMS, more HIMARS, more M777s and M109s, etc. However, going off of the last few aid packages, I don't think we'll see that stuff in this ~600 million aid package. Like I said, I'm guessing it'll probably be more artillery shells, HIMARS ammo, vehicles, etc.
Link Posted: 9/13/2022 10:19:11 PM EDT

A video appeared in Russian public pages with two shots from the “DPR”, who are now in the Kherson region and are about to desert from the army.
Link Posted: 9/13/2022 10:26:20 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:

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Why are they blaming the Army, instead of the FSB? These goals are political - capture a nation with a working infrastructure so they don't have to pay anything to rebuild it. The military did not plan this invasion, the FSB and the Kremlin did (I know that includes a few MoD Putin puppets). The people need to know how they were mislead by the FSB.
Link Posted: 9/13/2022 10:26:48 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By MouseBoy:
Those were either captured WW2 Germans or trained by such
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Originally Posted By MouseBoy:
Originally Posted By absael:
Originally Posted By TheLurker:
Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:

Hmmmm.... When you're cannibalising your strategic nuke forces for cannon fodder, things definitely aren't going well.
I read somewhere a while back that Russia puts their best and brightest on missile systems.  If that's true, they really are at the last resort for infantry.
Those were either captured WW2 Germans or trained by such
I'm talking about the operators.
Link Posted: 9/13/2022 10:31:06 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Lieh-tzu:

Why are they blaming the Army, instead of the FSB? These goals are political - capture a nation with a working infrastructure so they don't have to pay anything to rebuild it. The military did not plan this invasion, the FSB and the Kremlin did (I know that includes a few MoD Putin puppets). The people need to know how they were mislead by the FSB.
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Originally Posted By Lieh-tzu:
Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:


Why are they blaming the Army, instead of the FSB? These goals are political - capture a nation with a working infrastructure so they don't have to pay anything to rebuild it. The military did not plan this invasion, the FSB and the Kremlin did (I know that includes a few MoD Putin puppets). The people need to know how they were mislead by the FSB.

There's been a lot of speculation that there's a rift developing between the Army and the FSB, and I find myself inclined to believe that's highly probable. The Army can't be too happy that the FSB largely orchestrated a disaster that's resulted in them most likely taking well over 100,000 casualties.
Link Posted: 9/13/2022 10:40:53 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By MelGibsonEnthusiast:

There's been a lot of speculation that there's a rift developing between the Army and the FSB, and I find myself inclined to believe that's highly probable. The Army can't be too happy that the FSB largely orchestrated a disaster that's resulted in them most likely taking well over 100,000 casualties.
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I wouldnt even say they are K:W is 1:3 because Russian wounded die way more than they should.  Probably about 1:2 so 150ish thousand casualties?
Link Posted: 9/13/2022 10:42:43 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By m35ben:
So far its rather interesting

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Great interview, solid dude.

How did the Russians fuck up the AK-12?  He said the Russkies ditch them for 74's whenever possible.
Link Posted: 9/13/2022 10:48:50 PM EDT

Over the past day, the Ukrainian military in the Southern direction destroyed 121 Russian invaders, a significant amount of equipment, and also hit four ammunition depots and three control points.

This information was made public by the "South" Operational Command, reports Ukrinform.

"The situation in the operational zone is tense and dynamic in development, controlled by the Defense Forces. The enemy continues combat operations on the previously established defense lines, yielding and giving preference to remote operations. "During the day of the battle, the enemy continued shelling the contact line and nearby settlements with civilians," the message reads.

Enemy aircraft made 18 strikes on the positions of the Ukrainian defenders.

Aviation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine hit the positions of the invaders nine times. Anti-aircraft missile units destroyed an enemy Su-24M bomber and a Mi-8 helicopter in the Davydov Brod area.

"Our missile and artillery units performed more than 430 fire missions during the combat day. Three areas of concentration of enemy forces and assets in Milovo and Dudchany, three control points in Urozhany and Kherson were hit. Attempted repair work on the Kakhovsky bridge was once again corrected by fire, it is impassable. The pontoon crossing in Darivka has been damaged, its further use is excluded," the Ukrainian military said.

The confirmed losses of the enemy are: 121 soldiers, five tanks , nine other armored vehicles, three howitzers "Msta-B", two self-propelled artillery "Gvozdika", two air defense systems "Pantsir S1", a command and staff vehicle, a radio electronic warfare station and four warehouses with ammunition.

"The ship group of the enemy in the Black Sea has been increased to 16 units, including four surface and one underwater missile carrier of the Caliber type." The total equipment is 36 missiles," added the "South" OK.

As reported, the Armed Forces of Ukraine from February 24 to September 13 eliminated about 53,300 Russian soldiers.

Link Posted: 9/13/2022 10:49:50 PM EDT
I thought interesting insight...

Is This a Turning Point in the Ukraine War? | The Agenda
Link Posted: 9/13/2022 10:56:00 PM EDT
[Last Edit: CharlieR] [#22]
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Originally Posted By CenterMass762:

Would it make me a bad person if my answer isn't a hard no?

I could see being okay doing that under certain circumstances. Torturing them, however, would be a hard no from me no matter who's giving the order.
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Originally Posted By CenterMass762:
Originally Posted By Jack67:
Originally Posted By CenterMass762:

I've argued against mistreatment and torturing of POWs multiple times in this very thread, a few months back.

With that said, I could easily be persuaded to agree in this case.

Here’s a datapoint on how the American officer pool feels about torturing/killing prisoners.  Pretty much 50/50 on it from this example.

-Several years ago (over a decade) I was interviewed by a USN O-6 for a slot.  He interviewed quite a few candidates across all branches and a few civilians, was not USN specific.
- After the interview was done and the evaluation fixed, he posed a hypothetical.  If ordered by a USMC BG in your chain of command, would you kill a prisoner who was a high-value enemy intelligence operative?  The reason is that you are about to be overrun and you can not evacuate him w/you.
- I was aghast and said no.  He asked why, I reiterated the same points as mentioned here for the most part.

Afterwards, I asked him what his pool-wide results were across candidates and a few years.  He said it was very much 50-50.

Would it make me a bad person if my answer isn't a hard no?

I could see being okay doing that under certain circumstances. Torturing them, however, would be a hard no from me no matter who's giving the order.

I am not saying its right, but I could pull four books off my bookshelves that describe precisely those events taking place, and I can tell you the names of the people who did it.

A retired COL described being with the 82nd, he had about a squad, they had a squad of SS prisoners, and they had to exfiltrate through the woods at night or be overrun.    If they took them along they'd get jumped.  They didnt take the chance.
The more you study of history the more you realize its grey.   And the more leaders get attached to their men, the more things they are willing to do to keep their people alive.  A similar vignette in the 2ID. Another in the 101st. Makes you wonder, hm?

That's not a hypothetical, that's what actually happens.  I suppose that COL had to ask himself if he took the SS along and one of his men died as a result, could he face the family of the man he lost?

At the end of the day, the job has the potential to be impossible.  People have breaking points. Physical, moral, mental.  In the last modern wars we were rarely in positions that people found themselves in those positions.
Link Posted: 9/13/2022 10:58:16 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By absael:
I'm talking about the operators.
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Originally Posted By absael:
Originally Posted By MouseBoy:
Originally Posted By absael:
Originally Posted By TheLurker:
Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:

Hmmmm.... When you're cannibalising your strategic nuke forces for cannon fodder, things definitely aren't going well.
I read somewhere a while back that Russia puts their best and brightest on missile systems.  If that's true, they really are at the last resort for infantry.
Those were either captured WW2 Germans or trained by such
I'm talking about the operators.

I think you're right. It can't bode well to openly and deliberately run down the capability of your nuclear deterrent (which is the only bluff Russia has left that hasn't yet turned out to be an absolute joke) to provide cannon fodder for a failed invasion.
Link Posted: 9/13/2022 11:14:05 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By 1Andy2:

Their country is frozen by mass hysteria.   They literally cannot recognize reality as it is kicking them in the nuts.  

Even now, they're more concerned with coming up with excuses for failure than solutions for success.   Most of them appear to have learned NOTHING from all of this.   Despite incurring a hefty bill for their education at 50k dead sons, husbands, fathers, and brothers.  And climbing.

What lesson have they learned?   "We should hit all of the 'hohols' power plants and transformers!"

Russian culture is fucking cancer.   80 years of communism ruined anything good about their culture, irrevocably.  The only possible reformers have fled the country to start new lives elsewhere and took with them any chance of making Russia better.

We talk about a coup to "fix" Russia... fix it with what?   They only have more of the same to replace it with.   You can't make a government less corrupt than the sum of its constituent members.
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Only the younger generation that got a taste of temporary freedom in the 90s can save Russia. The older ones who grew up in the Soviet times continue to wax poetic as to how much better it used to be. They did not care for democracy when they had it because that meant getting off your ass and thinking for yourself, not having the state set everything for you.
Link Posted: 9/13/2022 11:22:10 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By CharlieR:

I am not saying its right, but I could pull four books off my bookshelves that describe precisely those events taking place, and I can tell you the names of the people who did it.

A retired COL described being with the 82nd, he had about a squad, they had a squad of SS prisoners, and they had to exfiltrate through the woods at night or be overrun.    If they took them along they'd get jumped.  They didnt take the chance.
The more you study of history the more you realize its grey.   And the more leaders get attached to their men, the more things they are willing to do to keep their people alive.  A similar vignette in the 2ID. Another in the 101st. Makes you wonder, hm?

That's not a hypothetical, that's what actually happens.  I suppose that COL had to ask himself if he took the SS along and one of his men died as a result, could he face the family of the man he lost?

At the end of the day, the job has the potential to be impossible.  People have breaking points. Physical, moral, mental.  In the last modern wars we were rarely in positions that people found themselves in those positions.
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God, Country, Corp.  Enemy fits into none of my priorities.  Easy decision.  For me anyway.
Link Posted: 9/13/2022 11:22:56 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By lorazepam:

True. I would rather shut off the water and power .
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Originally Posted By lorazepam:
Originally Posted By trapsh00ter99:
Land invasion of Crimea will be extremely difficult. Crimea is more or less an island. There are two land sections that connect mainland Ukraine to Crimea. One is 4.5 miles wide and one is .5 miles wide and 80 miles long. There is also one short bridge over the Chongar Strait.

It's going to take tons of PGM and a lot of time to prep Crimea for an invasion. And tons of casualties.

True. I would rather shut off the water and power .
Turn off water and power and increase the SOF insurgency
Link Posted: 9/13/2022 11:25:30 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Jack67] [#27]
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Originally Posted By Cypher15:

I wouldnt even say they are K:W is 1:3 because Russian wounded die way more than they should.  Probably about 1:2 so 150ish thousand casualties?
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I think it’s much higher.  240k total casualties (kia + wounded)

The wounded who aren’t killed outright or die of wounds soon, linger and die elsewhere - aid and field hospitals, or in rear-area hospitals.  So Ukr has no idea about that.  If you are running under the assumption (fair I believe) that  more are dying than we see, you should assume there are many more KIA dying elsewhere than being counted, and fewer wounded.  

I would do something like take the field KIA figure, add 25% to that to get post-triage added deaths.  Then reduce that number from a 1:3 battlefield overall number. I’d use 1:3, which is our number from the Korean War.  I would, given everything, assume that Russian sanitary care standards are about equal to ours 60 years ago.  That would be still be 240k  total casualties, 60K:180K at the point of the spear.  So I’d say if you have, say, 60k known battlefield casualties, assume 180k wounded, That’s consistent with an artillery-heavy engagement like Korea, this war, WWII.  But I’d assume something like 75k total dead and about 165k wounded to account for poor post cas-evac care out of the total 240k battlefield casualties (kia + wounded).

My formula for estimating total casualties in this would be:

KIA + wounded =
(Ukr reported KIA x 1.25) + (Ukr reported KIA x 2.75)

Link Posted: 9/13/2022 11:26:42 PM EDT

Link Posted: 9/13/2022 11:32:10 PM EDT
I don't have time to read every page, so apologies if this was already posted.


Am I right in thinking this is going to be close to the condition of a LOT of Russian artillery tubes for the weeks to come?
Link Posted: 9/13/2022 11:33:22 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By TheLurker:
I think you're right. It can't bode well to openly and deliberately run down the capability of your nuclear deterrent (which is the only bluff Russia has left that hasn't yet turned out to be an absolute joke) to provide cannon fodder for a failed invasion.
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An ongoing question has been about the state of the Russian nuclear arsenal - the US spends ~$60B/yr maintaining its 3750 nuclear weapons.

Even with purchasing power parity adjustments, that would consume over half of Russia's entire defense budget, plus Russia has more warheads (5000) to maintain, and a known and notable problem with graft, theft and corruption within its manpower and equipment procurement processes.

Not to say all of their bombs will fizzle (produce lower than expected yields) or outright fail, just that some, reportedly fairly large, percentage of their delivery vehicles will malfunction if not produced within the past 10-15 years, and of those that function, some number will probably not perform to expectations.

It would be too much to hope that they've hollowed out their forces so completely that none of them will work, so they retain a potent nuclear deterrence force, but just how much of a force it is remains to seen or at least speculated upon.
Link Posted: 9/13/2022 11:34:27 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Cypher15:

I wouldnt even say they are K:W is 1:3 because Russian wounded die way more than they should.  Probably about 1:2 so 150ish thousand casualties?
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I had a similar conversation this afternoon and said I would with 1:2 in this situation (which makes  150K).
Link Posted: 9/13/2022 11:36:24 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By j_hooker:

Good for Ukraine not falling for that shit
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Originally Posted By j_hooker:
Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:
Better context.

Good for Ukraine not falling for that shit

No, they should totally talk. It would be so worth it to take the trouble to set up a high-level official meeting and start throwing terms out like, first, return ALL people abducted to Russia, provide free gas & oil to Ukraine for 25 years, and surrender all nuclear weapons. They say they want to talk? You bet, let's talk!
Link Posted: 9/13/2022 11:40:35 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Lieh-tzu:
I don't have time to read every page, so apologies if this was already posted.


Am I right in thinking this is going to be close to the condition of a LOT of Russian artillery tubes for the weeks to come?
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I wonder how long it would take for Watervliet to crank out some barrels if they had the specs (and they probably already do).
Link Posted: 9/13/2022 11:45:53 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Circuits:

An ongoing question has been about the state of the Russian nuclear arsenal - the US spends ~$60B/yr maintaining its 3750 nuclear weapons.

Even with purchasing power parity adjustments, that would consume over half of Russia's entire defense budget, plus Russia has more warheads (5000) to maintain, and a known and notable problem with graft, theft and corruption within its manpower and equipment procurement processes.

Not to say all of their bombs will fizzle (produce lower than expected yields) or outright fail, just that some, reportedly fairly large, percentage of their delivery vehicles will malfunction if not produced within the past 10-15 years, and of those that function, some number will probably not perform to expectations.

It would be too much to hope that they've hollowed out their forces so completely that none of them will work, so they retain a potent nuclear deterrence force, but just how much of a force it is remains to seen or at least speculated upon.
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It gets even worse when you add in the question of delivery.   How many of their ICBMs will work when called upon?  How many of the unknown percentage of functional warheads are being carried by functional missiles?

All of which, in my uneducated opinion, adds up to a US ballistic missile defense system that may be far more up to the challenge than alot of people give it credit for.

The Russians sure seemed to think it was credible from all the bitching about it they did in the Bush years.
Link Posted: 9/13/2022 11:46:18 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Circuits:

An ongoing question has been about the state of the Russian nuclear arsenal - the US spends ~$60B/yr maintaining its 3750 nuclear weapons.

Even with purchasing power parity adjustments, that would consume over half of Russia's entire defense budget, plus Russia has more warheads (5000) to maintain, and a known and notable problem with graft, theft and corruption within its manpower and equipment procurement processes.

Not to say all of their bombs will fizzle (produce lower than expected yields) or outright fail, just that some, reportedly fairly large, percentage of their delivery vehicles will malfunction if not produced within the past 10-15 years, and of those that function, some number will probably not perform to expectations.

It would be too much to hope that they've hollowed out their forces so completely that none of them will work, so they retain a potent nuclear deterrence force, but just how much of a force it is remains to seen or at least speculated upon.
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Originally Posted By Circuits:
Originally Posted By TheLurker:
I think you're right. It can't bode well to openly and deliberately run down the capability of your nuclear deterrent (which is the only bluff Russia has left that hasn't yet turned out to be an absolute joke) to provide cannon fodder for a failed invasion.

An ongoing question has been about the state of the Russian nuclear arsenal - the US spends ~$60B/yr maintaining its 3750 nuclear weapons.

Even with purchasing power parity adjustments, that would consume over half of Russia's entire defense budget, plus Russia has more warheads (5000) to maintain, and a known and notable problem with graft, theft and corruption within its manpower and equipment procurement processes.

Not to say all of their bombs will fizzle (produce lower than expected yields) or outright fail, just that some, reportedly fairly large, percentage of their delivery vehicles will malfunction if not produced within the past 10-15 years, and of those that function, some number will probably not perform to expectations.

It would be too much to hope that they've hollowed out their forces so completely that none of them will work, so they retain a potent nuclear deterrence force, but just how much of a force it is remains to seen or at least speculated upon.

Only 1-2% of their nuclear weapons need to work and reach their targets to be absolutely devastating to the world in unimaginable ways.
Link Posted: 9/13/2022 11:47:04 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Lieh-tzu:
I don't have time to read every page, so apologies if this was already posted.


Am I right in thinking this is going to be close to the condition of a LOT of Russian artillery tubes for the weeks to come?
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There was a report a week or so ago that the Russians are pulling WWII era 122mm howitzers out of the back corner of the depots to replace their 155mm's partly because of a 155mm ammo shortage, partly because the 155 barrels are burned out (and since then a bunch of 155's were captured or killed by counterbattery).  I guess burst barrels should become less common for a time, but they're giving up a third of the range and half the shell weight.  Rate of fire is similar, so they're taking a big hit to firepower (and to survivability due to the reduced range) by downgrading caliber.
Link Posted: 9/13/2022 11:58:15 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By sq40:

Only 1-2% of their nuclear weapons need to work and reach their targets to be absolutely devastating to the world in unimaginable ways.
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1.474 deployed strategic warheads. 1% of that is 15. Can they promise to get California?
Link Posted: 9/14/2022 12:01:01 AM EDT
[Last Edit: 1Andy2] [#38]
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Originally Posted By sq40:

Only 1-2% of their nuclear weapons need to work and reach their targets to be absolutely devastating to the world in unimaginable ways.
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For all we know, fewer than that are functional.

We need to keep working on missile defense.

Every single one of the "Its hopeless, the Russians will just overwhelm whatever we come up with" smarty pants assholes from the 80s needs to be punched right in the mouth.
Link Posted: 9/14/2022 12:04:13 AM EDT

Foreign Legion in Kharkiv. Posted before but bears repeating.

Link Posted: 9/14/2022 12:05:18 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Mal_means_bad:

Great interview, solid dude.

How did the Russians fuck up the AK-12?  He said the Russkies ditch them for 74's whenever possible.
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Originally Posted By Mal_means_bad:
Originally Posted By m35ben:
So far its rather interesting


Great interview, solid dude.

How did the Russians fuck up the AK-12?  He said the Russkies ditch them for 74's whenever possible.

That isn't the first time I've heard that either. When this kicked off everyone wanted the AK-12. It was a status symbol and used by the "best" units. Once it started getting trigger time that sentiment sure seems to have changed quickly.

Link Posted: 9/14/2022 12:11:16 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By dillydilly:
Only the younger generation that got a taste of temporary freedom in the 90s can save Russia. The older ones who grew up in the Soviet times continue to wax poetic as to how much better it used to be. They did not care for democracy when they had it because that meant getting off your ass and thinking for yourself, not having the state set everything for you.
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That was my lesson from my time in Russia in the 90s. Some were fired up about the possibilities of the world that lay in front of them. For most, though, any decision made on their own involved a level of stress that would not affect a typical American much at all.

I remember drinking beer after work one afternoon in Samara and saying to a coworker, an American, something like, "If we taught these guys how to play backyard touch football, it wouldn't work because when they got into the huddle no one would have the confidence to say, "Sergei go long, everybody else block." But I did LIKE them all. They were good folks.

A quarter of a century later, I coach high school softball. I make it a point to tell my players, "If you can make it, TAKE THE NEXT BASE! don't wait on a coach to yell "Go." You know what you can do and what you can't!" And every time I say that (seriously)  I think about those Russians. I don't want my girls to grow up to be "Russians."
Link Posted: 9/14/2022 12:31:55 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Flogger23m] [#42]
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Originally Posted By Zam18th:

That isn't the first time I've heard that either. When this kicked off everyone wanted the AK-12. It was a status symbol and used by the "best" units. Once it started getting trigger time that sentiment sure seems to have changed quickly.

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Originally Posted By Zam18th:
Originally Posted By Mal_means_bad:
Originally Posted By m35ben:
So far its rather interesting


Great interview, solid dude.

How did the Russians fuck up the AK-12?  He said the Russkies ditch them for 74's whenever possible.

That isn't the first time I've heard that either. When this kicked off everyone wanted the AK-12. It was a status symbol and used by the "best" units. Once it started getting trigger time that sentiment sure seems to have changed quickly.

There are a number of videos on it on Youtube. Essentially it is just an AK-74 with crappy Tapco style plastic on it. Except it might be even worse because the hand guard flexes without needing to heat up. The Zenitco stuff looked much better, as do American made accessories. And then there is something about the safety selector being easier to push out of battery than essentially all other AKs, which makes it even worse than an old AK-74.

Essentially it does nothing that slapping on some good accessories onto an old AK won't do better. And if you really want a modern AK, Galil ACE Is probably where it is at.
Link Posted: 9/14/2022 12:35:49 AM EDT

Link Posted: 9/14/2022 12:49:22 AM EDT

Link Posted: 9/14/2022 1:14:30 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Capta] [#45]

ASMR Cigar Smoking & Relaxation
Link Posted: 9/14/2022 1:17:46 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Flogger23m:

There are a number of videos on it on Youtube. Essentially it is just an AK-74 with crappy Tapco style plastic on it. Except it might be even worse because the hand guard flexes without needing to heat up. The Zenitco stuff looked much better, as do American made accessories. And then there is something about the safety selector being easier to push out of battery than essentially all other AKs, which makes it even worse than an old AK-74.

Essentially it does nothing that slapping on some good accessories onto an old AK won't do better. And if you really want a modern AK, Galil ACE Is probably where it is at.
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Ive always thought that the AK-12 was a Russian Tapco fucked AK and that it provided nothing better than what's available on the open market.

Never understood the appeal.
Link Posted: 9/14/2022 1:40:02 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Zam18th:

That isn't the first time I've heard that either. When this kicked off everyone wanted the AK-12. It was a status symbol and used by the "best" units. Once it started getting trigger time that sentiment sure seems to have changed quickly.

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Originally Posted By Zam18th:
Originally Posted By Mal_means_bad:
Originally Posted By m35ben:
So far its rather interesting


Great interview, solid dude.

How did the Russians fuck up the AK-12?  He said the Russkies ditch them for 74's whenever possible.

That isn't the first time I've heard that either. When this kicked off everyone wanted the AK-12. It was a status symbol and used by the "best" units. Once it started getting trigger time that sentiment sure seems to have changed quickly.

The AK-12 was a misguided attempt to keep the AK competitive, without spending the time and money to develop a new weapon, and going through the organizational pain of ditching the AK system.
The heart of the problem is that the modern combat rifle NEEDS things that the AK doesn't do well - optics, accessories, NV, and adaptability.  Yes, you can get all that on an AK but it will weight 13-14 pounds and still not do everything as well as an AR.
A full boat AR will weight 8-9 pounds, and be more accurate, more adaptable, and more ergonomic.
Link Posted: 9/14/2022 2:11:36 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By HLS30:

Ive always thought that the AK-12 was a Russian Tapco fucked AK and that it provided nothing better than what's available on the open market.

Never understood the appeal.
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Originally Posted By HLS30:
Originally Posted By Flogger23m:

There are a number of videos on it on Youtube. Essentially it is just an AK-74 with crappy Tapco style plastic on it. Except it might be even worse because the hand guard flexes without needing to heat up. The Zenitco stuff looked much better, as do American made accessories. And then there is something about the safety selector being easier to push out of battery than essentially all other AKs, which makes it even worse than an old AK-74.

Essentially it does nothing that slapping on some good accessories onto an old AK won't do better. And if you really want a modern AK, Galil ACE Is probably where it is at.

Ive always thought that the AK-12 was a Russian Tapco fucked AK and that it provided nothing better than what's available on the open market.

Never understood the appeal.

People just want the enemies gun. That is the appeal.

There is some differences with the barrel I believe, but probably nothing noteworthy. Simply put Russia is attached to the AK and didn't seem to want to build something from scratch. They didn't have the money to buy high end stuff, so they ended up buying low end trash parts and decided to give it a new name.

It has become clear Russia was so poorly funded. Not that a rifle makes much of a difference, but it is just another example of how ill equipped Russia was.
Link Posted: 9/14/2022 2:12:41 AM EDT
Georgia proposes to hold a referendum and ask if Georgians want war with Russia

"The leadership of Georgia can organize a nationwide referendum and ask the question: do the Georgians want a war with Russia.

Giorgi Kobakhidze, chairman of the party, made such a statement at a briefing in the office of the ruling Georgian Dream party.

“Let the people say whether they want to open a second front in Georgia against Russia,” Mr. Kobakhidze emphasized.

He promised that the authorities “will act as the people say.”

The politician expressed hope that the Georgian people “will bring clarity, whether he agrees with the statements of Ukrainian politicians about the need to involve Georgia in the war or with the position of the authorities of his country.”"

Link Posted: 9/14/2022 2:18:59 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Capta] [#50]
"The Russians came, they killed my brother and my sister-in-law," says 58-year-old Mykola.  Russian soldiers wanted to use his brother's home as a base, but after he refused, they gunned the house down, killing the couple.


Program of imprisonment and torture emerging:


Article claims Putin aide and Ukraine agreed on a compromise to avoid war - Ukraine promised not to join NATO.  Putin rejected the deal in favor of all-out invasion fo4 a land grab.


One story of deportation:

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