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Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:32:00 AM EDT
There is a reason for certain cultural norms and traditions that go back 100's if not 1000's of years.

Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:32:01 AM EDT
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Crackhead liberals.
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lol, who voted that OP is wrong?

Crackhead liberals.

Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:37:41 AM EDT
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lol, who voted that OP is wrong?
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They're around, and usually easy to spot.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:39:11 AM EDT
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There is a reason for certain cultural norms and traditions that go back 100's if not 1000's of years.
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Ignore this at your own peril.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:40:19 AM EDT
Boomer here, of course OP is right.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:43:49 AM EDT
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Which allowed the gov more reign in what they were teaching kids.
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Most of the social changes of the last 50 years have been overwhelmingly negative for our society.


Women being forced from the household and not raising their kids is one of them.

Which allowed the gov more reign in what they were teaching kids.

Ayup. The number one thing the public education system teaches is conformity.

As a side note. I know we disagree about T$, but I’ve noticed we seem to have way more in common than not. Cheers.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:48:29 AM EDT
The one income breadwinner family has only been true for about a decade of our country's existence. Before the 1960s poverty was a way of life and after, two incomes to make it was the way of life.

If we had kept the one income breadwinner life, jobs would still be outsourced and you'd have to support a wife and family on 55k a year non-existant factory job.

Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:52:12 AM EDT
OP isn't 100% right, but he's not 100% wrong, either.  He's more right than wrong.  Women are nurturers.  It's in their genetics.  It doesn't mean that they can't also work outside the home - in the days of our ancestors, did women just sit around while men did everything?  Or did they also help sow, reap, milk, gather, and herd?   In my mind, if it fits a particular family dynamic to have the man be the "stay-at-home dad" while the woman goes out and is the breadwinner, then so be it - in that family.

The largest contributor to the decline of the United States was ushering in the Welfare State.  It removed personal responsibility from people's lives.  Before welfare, you had to work or starve.  Or beg, or otherwise rely on charity or the kindness of strangers.  With the advent of all the myriad assistance programs taxpayers are responsible for now, you don't have to work.  You can be a lazy piece of shit and you get food, and housing, you get your bills paid for, you get a free cell phone - you have almost every luxury that a hardworking taxpayer has.  All you have to do is work up a little off-the-books side hustle like slinging dope and you're actually WEALTHIER in terms of real-world resources than a guy working hard for laborer's wages.  With the added benefits that you make your own hours, you don't have a boss telling you what to do all the time, you can't get fired, and your earnings are only limited by your individual drive for success.

Phase out welfare, slowly - say over the next 20 years - and after all the riots, the inner city gang wars, and the famine, you'll see America turn into a shining beacon of freedom again.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:52:40 AM EDT
School and society should heavily support " home maker " as a career choice, it should be a degree in college, where they turn out smart, savy, inteloigent women as adept at baking cookies and cleaning as they are at making clothings and doing the homes accounting.  home maker should be upheld as a honorable profession and praised as high as any other profession.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 12:02:26 PM EDT
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School and society should heavily support " home maker " as a career choice, it should be a degree in college, where they turn out smart, savy, inteloigent women as adept at baking cookies and cleaning as they are at making clothings and doing the homes accounting.  home maker should be upheld as a honorable profession and praised as high as any other profession.
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Trade school cert, rather than college degree, but yes.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 12:03:13 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 12:08:02 PM EDT
Women were generally much happier before they were conned into becoming tax slaves.  Several honest older first wave feminists have admitted they were essentially acting as lying propagandists and that they were wrong in “you can have it all” approach.  Looking at decades of surveys on women’s satisfaction, use of antidepressants by sex, and Nordic countries where women are socially free to choose roles (as well as many highly educated corporate women who bail on their careers when they marry up) it’s apparent that traditional roles still carry high value among those women with the intelligence, resources, and social support system to allow for personal choice for individual, optimal outcomes.  Sadly, a lot of experiential learners don’t figure this out until their mating options are declining and their economic trajectory is set on a highly constrained flight path.  

The impact on children and their emotional development under feminist delusions is where the social impacts are greatest.  A successful generation teaches their children to raise a successful generation.  The heuristic has to be impactful in replication two generations deep.  Few subcultures are able to maintain this under current social, legal, and opportunity cost diversions.  Adherence to tradition is a key factor.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 12:08:33 PM EDT
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Most of the social changes of the last 50 years have been overwhelmingly negative for our society.
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It’s been a bit longer than that I’d think. FDR was supposed to be the one to usher in full blown communism in America. But it didn’t stick very well at that time. So they’ve used that foothold to slow boil the frog ever since.

It’s been a siege warfare against America for a long time. On the plus side folks are starting to pull their head out of the sand and see it for what it is.

Problem is. We need to regain control of educational and gov institutions. Not to mention financial institutions. The education and gov will be much easier to take back. The financial not so much.

We will have to build a new financial system as the one we currently have has been owned by communist bankers (money changers) since the biblical eras
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 12:08:52 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 12:15:34 PM EDT
I've dated career women with and without kids, you're painting with a big ass brush.
The moms were good moms, seems like the good ones aren't being considered, just the shitty ones.
No pie, no vote.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 12:18:40 PM EDT
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In all seriousness that’s partly true.

Mainly because you can’t make decisions for a country based on feelings. Numbers and facts must make the brunt of your decision with emotion a small part, and women tend to vote purely on emotion from my experiences. Which results in the total opposite of a good decision when it comes to a business / country.

You might LOVE your brother for example, and want to give him a job and know he is terrible at math,, and you need a accountant for your business. Emotion based decision making hires the brother, and wrecks the business, while fact based first emotion last results in you feeling bad for your brother, but you know hiring him is a terrible business choice.

You get the idea.

Moms demand action is a good example, in their desire to save a kids life from a gun or drunk driver promote marxism they would happily strip you of every freedom you have, and still not save anyone… but feel good about wrecking freedom because  at least “ we did “ something !
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It started going down hill when we let them vote

In all seriousness that’s partly true.

Mainly because you can’t make decisions for a country based on feelings. Numbers and facts must make the brunt of your decision with emotion a small part, and women tend to vote purely on emotion from my experiences. Which results in the total opposite of a good decision when it comes to a business / country.

You might LOVE your brother for example, and want to give him a job and know he is terrible at math,, and you need a accountant for your business. Emotion based decision making hires the brother, and wrecks the business, while fact based first emotion last results in you feeling bad for your brother, but you know hiring him is a terrible business choice.

You get the idea.

Moms demand action is a good example, in their desire to save a kids life from a gun or drunk driver promote marxism they would happily strip you of every freedom you have, and still not save anyone… but feel good about wrecking freedom because  at least “ we did “ something !

FIFY, added their real mission
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 12:30:11 PM EDT
Being the only people in our families that follow traditional gender roles and *gasp* make sacrifices so mom can stay at home and actually raise our kid, we are definitely the odd ones out. I can't imagine sending my little one out every day to be with strangers.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 12:37:15 PM EDT
I have no problem with my wife making a fuck-ton of money.

I would also have no problem with my wife wanting to be a stay at home mom.

I don't really care what anyone else's woman does.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 1:25:39 PM EDT
If "we" had any brains... The wommenz would all be working and the men would be at home playing with guns, wrenching on their old cars and drinkin' beer while arguing about beans/no beans in chillie all the live long day...

All that letting women enter the workforce did was halve the cost of labour.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 1:37:56 PM EDT
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I don't know... the 450k she brought in last year was pretty nice...
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 You better be keeping the house clean and making her a sammich whenever she wants one then.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 1:46:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 1:49:38 PM EDT
Society was better when based on traditional Judeo-Christian values.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 1:52:21 PM EDT
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 You better be keeping the house clean and making her a sammich whenever she wants one then.
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I don't know... the 450k she brought in last year was pretty nice...

 You better be keeping the house clean and making her a sammich whenever she wants one then.

I do my best.

It's actually a logical division of labor, IMO. Lots of women today are doctors (MDs), lawyers, CEOs, etc. that are kick ass in their field, and yeah, it's gonna kinda consume their time. And this is coming from someone whose Mom never worked an outside job in her life.


I mean I work full time too. She just works a lot harder and longer hours and makes over double what I make.

I do do most of the cooking mostly because I'm the better cook and have more time; and I do the basic straightening up. And she pays for the house keepers to do the deeper cleaning. She buys most of the staple grocery items, and I buy the booze and meat. We each buy and maintain our own cars and take care of their insurance and property tax costs individually. When we go out we take turns paying. And take turns paying for vacations that we take together.

We never really sat down and hammered this out... it just sort of evolved this way.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 1:56:59 PM EDT
Gen Xer here and I agree with OP.

Public shame and decency along with fear of God is what keeps society in line. I'm not even religious and I can see that many people need the fear of fire and damnation along with the sting of being ostracized for deviant and criminal behavior to behave in public.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 1:58:20 PM EDT
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My wife became a stay at home mom when Covid began because we didn't have a choice.

She has worked her whole life so it was difficult for her.  And it has cost us 3 - 4k per month of income.

We as a family are so much better off.  She's happier, kids happier, I'm happier.  Even though I've given up all of my hobbies and luxuries.
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This is the way. We took a 50% pay cut and I would never consider any other way.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 1:58:45 PM EDT
Society was better when there were simply less people, too.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 1:59:19 PM EDT
Title says it all.  

Every since we started straying away from the man working while the woman took care of the home and children , men aspiring to be great because women would not date dead beats, women aspiring to be great home makers because no man would marry a worthless woman , children not held to standards and loss of individual responsibility, and social shaming, as well as straying from religion it’s all allowed society to go to shit, and allowed every aspect of our world to devolve into shit.  Social shaming was a good thing, I see daily news blurbs about some happening, some political scandle and one of which would have a politician resigning in shame due to public outrage 30 years ago, today people shrug and mutter, “ well, he could always be worse, like a child molester or something,”. It’s sickening the shit we allow to stand these days, angry pitch fork toting mobs should have tarred and feathered every politician in the USA 20 years ago, much less today.

It’s also 100% the fault of democrats / liberals / communists, which are all the same thing, enemies of freedom.

The ONLY GOOD NEWS IS……Good times made weak men, those weak men created these and coming hard times and hard times will push people back to more traditional roles for survival, as well as back into religion as well. Which will create good times once again.

I hope to live to see the next wave of good times, I damn sure lived thru the good times as a kid of the 80’s and 90s. Unfortunately we passed “ good times “ a little while ago. You can argue your personally living good times right now, because your personally doing great, which is wonderful, but society is rotting around you , infecting the people, businesses, society and government around you, and that rott will wreck you too eventually. The “ good times “  probably ended around 2000 , probably sooner and it’s been a steady slide downhill since then, and now it’s at at fast roll and gaining speed and obvious to anyone paying attention that the current “ thing “ is totally not working and the USA , and the American way of life is taking on water and listing to port badly.


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So, what do you suggest?

Prepping or something?

Link Posted: 12/10/2021 2:00:26 PM EDT
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The one income breadwinner family has only been true for about a decade of our country's existence. Before the 1960s poverty was a way of life and after, two incomes to make it was the way of life.

If we had kept the one income breadwinner life, jobs would still be outsourced and you'd have to support a wife and family on 55k a year non-existant factory job.

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Not really, it was still the man working either on the family farm, or a local job and the wife working at home on the farm / home. Not a lot of out of the home jobs for women back in the day.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 2:00:56 PM EDT
Post the same poll to a leftist website.  LOL.  We are indeed at the point of no reconciliation.  That said, I agree with OP all the way.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 2:02:29 PM EDT
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Most of the social changes of the last 50 years have been overwhelmingly negative for our society.
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Its hard to argue against this point.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 2:03:05 PM EDT
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While I agree to an extent, I think the shift also occurred concurrently with losing faith in God, as a country. I couldn't say which has had a greater effect.
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Money, and the pursuit of such, became our god around the same time.  Hummm...
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 2:03:35 PM EDT
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OP isn't 100% right, but he's not 100% wrong, either.  He's more right than wrong.  Women are nurturers.  It's in their genetics.  It doesn't mean that they can't also work outside the home - in the days of our ancestors, did women just sit around while men did everything?  Or did they also help sow, reap, milk, gather, and herd?   In my mind, if it fits a particular family dynamic to have the man be the "stay-at-home dad" while the woman goes out and is the breadwinner, then so be it - in that family.

The largest contributor to the decline of the United States was ushering in the Welfare State.  It removed personal responsibility from people's lives.  Before welfare, you had to work or starve.  Or beg, or otherwise rely on charity or the kindness of strangers.  With the advent of all the myriad assistance programs taxpayers are responsible for now, you don't have to work.  You can be a lazy piece of shit and you get food, and housing, you get your bills paid for, you get a free cell phone - you have almost every luxury that a hardworking taxpayer has.  All you have to do is work up a little off-the-books side hustle like slinging dope and you're actually WEALTHIER in terms of real-world resources than a guy working hard for laborer's wages.  With the added benefits that you make your own hours, you don't have a boss telling you what to do all the time, you can't get fired, and your earnings are only limited by your individual drive for success.

Phase out welfare, slowly - say over the next 20 years - and after all the riots, the inner city gang wars, and the famine, you'll see America turn into a shining beacon of freedom again.
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Welfare will stop no matter what as eventually we will wake up one day to fat happy USA run into the ditch and basically be Russia circa 1990s where it’s impossible to keep the military operational and gov workers paid, much less have money to  finance welfare payments and the excess dumb shit they do today.

I Hope people enjoy the milk and honey and soft living they are enjoying now cause when the bill comes due it’s going to be fucking BRUTAL .

We survived the Great Depression because people were used to hardship, had strong work ethics and huge % had farms n gardens, today we have little of any of that and people won’t cope well at all.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 2:07:31 PM EDT
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Men and women can and should do as they wish and what they feel is right for them and their families.

The real issue is American Monetary/Fiscal policy and Economic policy that gutted the ability for the majority to live a two-cars/single family home middle class lifestyle on just one job/income.
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That is hardly the real issue.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 2:07:45 PM EDT
WW2 brought women out of the home and put them to work in traditionally men's roles, and they kicked ass at it.  They found great pride in stepping up...they helped win the war.  The expectation that they just step down and return to their former lives was never going to happen.  They were empowered to compete in the world and it's progressed ever since.  We'll never go back to that system, there is no putting that horse back in the barn.

Link Posted: 12/10/2021 2:12:33 PM EDT
Without a time machine, there's no way back to how things were.
Adapt. Don't adapt. Conform. Imo, those are the three choices in modernity.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 2:15:15 PM EDT
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WW2 brought women out of the home and put them to work in traditionally men's roles, and they kicked ass at it.  They found great pride in stepping up...they helped win the war.  The expectation that they just step down and return to their former lives was never going to happen.  They were empowered to compete in the world and it's progressed ever since.  We'll never go back to that system, there is no putting that horse back in the barn.

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Not to mention the degree of independence it offered wherein a woman no longer had to put up with bad male behavior as a condition of survival. She didn’t have to get or stay married to a cheater, a drunk, a gambler, an abuser, a rapist, or someone who treated her like shit simply to keep a roof over her head and food in her mouth.

Many men have resented that over the years, but they weren’t addressing it while women were still beholden to a marriage certificate for survival. And while not all men were like that, there was no recourse or escape for a woman married to a man who was. Women aren’t particularly interested in returning to that.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 2:15:26 PM EDT
In general I agree, although I would never want to force women into that lifestyle if they just didn't want it. There is a reason that gender roles are very similar the globe over, and have been for most of our existence. They are a part of our evolution as a species.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 2:27:31 PM EDT
Remo Williams (1985) Chiun is based

Link Posted: 12/10/2021 2:34:11 PM EDT
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Welfare will stop no matter what as eventually we will wake up one day to fat happy USA run into the ditch and basically be Russia circa 1990s where it’s impossible to keep the military operational and gov workers paid, much less have money to  finance welfare payments and the excess dumb shit they do today.

I Hope people enjoy the milk and honey and soft living they are enjoying now cause when the bill comes due it’s going to be fucking BRUTAL .

We survived the Great Depression because people were used to hardship, had strong work ethics and huge % had farms n gardens, today we have little of any of that and people won’t cope well at all.
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Welfare will stop no matter what as eventually we will wake up one day to fat happy USA run into the ditch and basically be Russia circa 1990s where it’s impossible to keep the military operational and gov workers paid, much less have money to  finance welfare payments and the excess dumb shit they do today.

I Hope people enjoy the milk and honey and soft living they are enjoying now cause when the bill comes due it’s going to be fucking BRUTAL .

We survived the Great Depression because people were used to hardship, had strong work ethics and huge % had farms n gardens, today we have little of any of that and people won’t cope well at all.

This statistic illustrates the size of the urban and rural population of the United States from 1960 to 2020. In 2020, there were approximately 57.23 million people living in rural areas in the United States, compared to about 272.91 million people living in urban areas.
What do you suppose will happen when 273 million cityfolk start to starve?  It'll be like "I AM Legend" - the Will Smith version, not the Ernest Borgnine or Charlton Heston ones.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 2:41:14 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 2:53:43 PM EDT
Social shaming isn't only alive and well, it's cranked up to 11.  It's just used in the opposite manner that I am sure you mean.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 2:56:37 PM EDT
Quality of life over standard of living.

Reject consumerism.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 3:09:04 PM EDT
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It's actually a logical division of labor, IMO. Lots of women today are doctors (MDs), lawyers, CEOs, etc. that are kick ass in their field, and yeah, it's gonna kinda consume their time. And this is coming from someone whose Mom never worked an outside job in her life.
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I don't know... the 450k she brought in last year was pretty nice...

 You better be keeping the house clean and making her a sammich whenever she wants one then.
It's actually a logical division of labor, IMO. Lots of women today are doctors (MDs), lawyers, CEOs, etc. that are kick ass in their field, and yeah, it's gonna kinda consume their time. And this is coming from someone whose Mom never worked an outside job in her life.

 I know. That was the reason for the at the end of the sentence.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 3:11:51 PM EDT
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I’m ok with them getting a BA in Secretary’ing and Cooking.
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Women should not be allowed any higher education - high school should be the cut off! They should not be allowed to drive either.

(sarcasm for those not fully awake yet)

I’m ok with them getting a BA in Secretary’ing and Cooking.

Well wouldn't that depend on what their husband thinks it's best for them?
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 3:14:42 PM EDT
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WW2 brought women out of the home and put them to work in traditionally men's roles, and they kicked ass at it.  They found great pride in stepping up...they helped win the war.  The expectation that they just step down and return to their former lives was never going to happen.  They were empowered to compete in the world and it's progressed ever since.  We'll never go back to that system, there is no putting that horse back in the barn.

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Understood. Also understand however, that our society is doomed because of that.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 3:16:08 PM EDT
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Not to mention the degree of independence it offered wherein a woman no longer had to put up with bad male behavior as a condition of survival. She didn’t have to get or stay married to a cheater, a drunk, a gambler, an abuser, a rapist, or someone who treated her like shit simply to keep a roof over her head and food in her mouth.

Many men have resented that over the years, but they weren’t addressing it while women were still beholden to a marriage certificate for survival. And while not all men were like that, there was no recourse or escape for a woman married to a man who was. Women aren’t particularly interested in returning to that.
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WW2 brought women out of the home and put them to work in traditionally men's roles, and they kicked ass at it.  They found great pride in stepping up...they helped win the war.  The expectation that they just step down and return to their former lives was never going to happen.  They were empowered to compete in the world and it's progressed ever since.  We'll never go back to that system, there is no putting that horse back in the barn.

Not to mention the degree of independence it offered wherein a woman no longer had to put up with bad male behavior as a condition of survival. She didn’t have to get or stay married to a cheater, a drunk, a gambler, an abuser, a rapist, or someone who treated her like shit simply to keep a roof over her head and food in her mouth.

Many men have resented that over the years, but they weren’t addressing it while women were still beholden to a marriage certificate for survival. And while not all men were like that, there was no recourse or escape for a woman married to a man who was. Women aren’t particularly interested in returning to that.

And more and more people are losing interest in old-order marriage, especially men.
Ladies are strong and independent now, they no longer need marriage for access to resources and men no longer need marriage for access to sex.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 3:17:18 PM EDT
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And more and more people are losing interest in old-order marriage, especially men.
Ladies are strong and independent now, they no longer need marriage for access to resources and men no longer need marriage for access to sex.
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WW2 brought women out of the home and put them to work in traditionally men's roles, and they kicked ass at it.  They found great pride in stepping up...they helped win the war.  The expectation that they just step down and return to their former lives was never going to happen.  They were empowered to compete in the world and it's progressed ever since.  We'll never go back to that system, there is no putting that horse back in the barn.

Not to mention the degree of independence it offered wherein a woman no longer had to put up with bad male behavior as a condition of survival. She didn’t have to get or stay married to a cheater, a drunk, a gambler, an abuser, a rapist, or someone who treated her like shit simply to keep a roof over her head and food in her mouth.

Many men have resented that over the years, but they weren’t addressing it while women were still beholden to a marriage certificate for survival. And while not all men were like that, there was no recourse or escape for a woman married to a man who was. Women aren’t particularly interested in returning to that.

And more and more people are losing interest in old-order marriage, especially men.
Ladies are strong and independent now, they no longer need marriage for access to resources and men no longer need marriage for access to sex.

This is good.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 3:20:56 PM EDT
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While I agree to an extent, I think the shift also occurred concurrently with losing faith in God, as a country. I couldn't say which has had a greater effect.
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The rejection of Christianity is what led to the reject of traditional male and female roles.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 3:21:48 PM EDT
I wasn't alive then, and most that were alive were very young so it's looking at the past through rose tinted glasses.

I'm currently loving the world I'm living in.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 3:22:14 PM EDT
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The rejection of Christianity is what led to the reject of traditional male and female roles.
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While I agree to an extent, I think the shift also occurred concurrently with losing faith in God, as a country. I couldn't say which has had a greater effect.
The rejection of Christianity is what led to the reject of traditional male and female roles.

And that is why no other religion in history has ever had male and female pairs!
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