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Link Posted: 9/23/2019 12:20:19 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Chairborne:
This is a bubba meets Jules Verne test article, not a serious rocket.
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Originally Posted By Chairborne:
Originally Posted By trapsh00ter99:
Originally Posted By Neotopiaman:
new Raptor engines showing up now...


^This right here ladies and gents is the best/most advanced rocket engine ever made. 4 million horsepower of American made sexiness... Russian ORSC engines can suck a fat dick.

Design looks like it has gotten much cleaner looking and lighter. Much less sensors attached.
Where's the clean room, clean suits, and white gloves??
This is a bubba meets Jules Verne test article, not a serious rocket.
More serious than what Boeing is doing...
Link Posted: 9/23/2019 12:30:29 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Bye_Felicia:
More serious than what Boeing is doing...
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Originally Posted By Bye_Felicia:
Originally Posted By Chairborne:
Originally Posted By trapsh00ter99:
Originally Posted By Neotopiaman:
new Raptor engines showing up now...


^This right here ladies and gents is the best/most advanced rocket engine ever made. 4 million horsepower of American made sexiness... Russian ORSC engines can suck a fat dick.

Design looks like it has gotten much cleaner looking and lighter. Much less sensors attached.
Where's the clean room, clean suits, and white gloves??
This is a bubba meets Jules Verne test article, not a serious rocket.
More serious than what Boeing is doing...
Just so I’m clear, I love SpaceX and detest goloboeing.
Link Posted: 9/23/2019 8:14:47 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Chairborne:
Just so I’m clear, I love SpaceX and detest goloboeing.
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Originally Posted By Chairborne:
Originally Posted By Bye_Felicia:
Originally Posted By Chairborne:
Originally Posted By trapsh00ter99:
Originally Posted By Neotopiaman:
new Raptor engines showing up now...


^This right here ladies and gents is the best/most advanced rocket engine ever made. 4 million horsepower of American made sexiness... Russian ORSC engines can suck a fat dick.

Design looks like it has gotten much cleaner looking and lighter. Much less sensors attached.
Where's the clean room, clean suits, and white gloves??
This is a bubba meets Jules Verne test article, not a serious rocket.
More serious than what Boeing is doing...
Just so I’m clear, I love SpaceX and detest goloboeing.
Link Posted: 9/23/2019 8:29:56 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By wtfboombrb:
Hasn't NASA already figured out the best location for launching space flights is on Florida's Atlantic coast? Why isn't Musk over there?
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I wondered about that until I looked at the maps.
That location is actually farther south than any part of the Florida mainland. And SpaceX wants to remain in the CONUS, because ITAR and other reasons.

Closer to the equator give free velocity.
Link Posted: 9/23/2019 6:17:14 PM EDT
Some pics from today:

More wings:

Video of Starship hardware:

Link Posted: 9/23/2019 6:26:05 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By webtaz99:
I wondered about that until I looked at the maps.
That location is actually farther south than any part of the Florida mainland. And SpaceX wants to remain in the CONUS, because ITAR and other reasons.

Closer to the equator give free velocity.
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When it comes to geostationary, most of the delta-V gains from being close to the equator actually come from a smaller inclination change burn. Getting from around 200km x 35,786km x 28deg (what would be typical of a florida launch) to geostationary requires about 1,830m/s, getting to geostationary from a kourou launch (~5deg inclination) requires 1,500m/s, about 320m/s less. The higher rotational speed saves about 50m/s from Florida to Kourou.

Boca Chica would only get about 5m/s of rotational boost vs Cape Canaveral, but the required dV to geostationary would drop from 1,830m/s to 1,780m/s. This should boost Starship's geostationary capability (without refuel) from ~20 tonnes to ~25 tonnes though.
Link Posted: 9/23/2019 6:29:12 PM EDT
SpaceX getting into the flying grain silo business.  
Link Posted: 9/23/2019 6:33:35 PM EDT
slight thread jack
Where is SpaceX with a manned Dragon flight and where is Boeing with... with... uhhh whatever it is they're doing?

Amazing SpaceX was given less .gov money for that and still beating Boeing
Link Posted: 9/23/2019 6:33:54 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Neotopiaman] [#9]
Here are some best guesses on how the Mk.1 prototype should turn out:

Far left is most likely IMHO. These aren't wings, they're like large moving airbrakes (Brakerons?) that will allow control as it falls.

Interesting factoid: While this is an upper stage, fully loaded with fuel and a payload this will weigh almost as much as a Falcon Heavy (1,300-1,350 tonnes vs 1,450 tonnes).

Final Rocket should have a liftoff mass of ~5,000 tonnes with booster; for comparison Saturn V was around 3,000 tonnes.
Link Posted: 9/23/2019 6:40:02 PM EDT
Totally amazed at what has happened over the past few days. They are really hammering on this.
Link Posted: 9/23/2019 6:40:17 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Dapzel:
slight thread jack
Where is SpaceX with a manned Dragon flight and where is Boeing with... with... uhhh whatever it is they're doing?

Amazing SpaceX was given less .gov money for that and still beating Boeing
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One of them went asplody on a test stand in May(?), they're targeting end of the year for crewed flight IIRC. I think there's an Arfcom Crew Dragon thread somewhere...
Link Posted: 9/23/2019 6:44:24 PM EDT
[Last Edit: theskuh] [#12]
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Originally Posted By Neotopiaman:

One of them went asplody on a test stand in May(?), they're targeting end of the year for crewed flight IIRC. I think there's an Arfcom Crew Dragon thread somewhere...
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the abort test is next up before the end of the year. Then the manned trip to the iss early next year. They wanted to do it this year but not sure thats happening.
Link Posted: 9/23/2019 11:17:51 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Neotopiaman:

One of them went asplody on a test stand in May(?), they're targeting end of the year for crewed flight IIRC. I think there's an Arfcom Crew Dragon thread somewhere...
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SpaceX Crew Dragon thread
Link Posted: 9/23/2019 11:19:15 PM EDT
[Last Edit: AmericanPeople] [#14]
SpaceX’s Starship Mk1 rocket already has three Raptors installed, says Elon Musk

"In a few late-night tweets, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk offered a rare view inside the company’s Boca Chica Starship fabrication building and revealed that technicians had already installed all three Raptor engines on Starship Mk1.

SpaceX is in the midst of a frenetic few weeks of activity as technicians and engineers – some likely flown in from Florida – work around the clock to ready Starship Mk1 for its first flight tests. Musk is also scheduled to present an official update on Starship’s latest design on September 28th and likely wants to have a complete Starship (or nearly so) as an imposing backdrop for the media event."

Link Posted: 9/23/2019 11:42:49 PM EDT
Thanks guys...I remember the malfunction during one of the test..watched Scott Manleys explanation on why it happened
Back to the thread man I can't believe Musk is launch a grain silo
What a time to be alive. I wasn't around for Apollo beginnings but enjoying what SpaceX is doing
Link Posted: 9/23/2019 11:56:14 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Neotopiaman:
When it comes to geostationary, most of the delta-V gains from being close to the equator actually come from a smaller inclination change burn. Getting from around 200km x 35,786km x 28deg (what would be typical of a florida launch) to geostationary requires about 1,830m/s, getting to geostationary from a kourou launch (~5deg inclination) requires 1,500m/s, about 320m/s less. The higher rotational speed saves about 50m/s from Florida to Kourou.

Boca Chica would only get about 5m/s of rotational boost vs Cape Canaveral, but the required dV to geostationary would drop from 1,830m/s to 1,780m/s. This should boost Starship's geostationary capability (without refuel) from ~20 tonnes to ~25 tonnes though.
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Originally Posted By Neotopiaman:
Originally Posted By webtaz99:
I wondered about that until I looked at the maps.
That location is actually farther south than any part of the Florida mainland. And SpaceX wants to remain in the CONUS, because ITAR and other reasons.

Closer to the equator give free velocity.
When it comes to geostationary, most of the delta-V gains from being close to the equator actually come from a smaller inclination change burn. Getting from around 200km x 35,786km x 28deg (what would be typical of a florida launch) to geostationary requires about 1,830m/s, getting to geostationary from a kourou launch (~5deg inclination) requires 1,500m/s, about 320m/s less. The higher rotational speed saves about 50m/s from Florida to Kourou.

Boca Chica would only get about 5m/s of rotational boost vs Cape Canaveral, but the required dV to geostationary would drop from 1,830m/s to 1,780m/s. This should boost Starship's geostationary capability (without refuel) from ~20 tonnes to ~25 tonnes though.
and more importantly its not controlled by nasa.
Link Posted: 9/24/2019 12:53:28 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By DrJester:
SpaceX getting into the flying grain silo business.  
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Elon did Tweet (paraphrased)Told you a grain silo could fly'!
Link Posted: 9/24/2019 2:17:53 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Dapzel:
Thanks guys...I remember the malfunction during one of the test..watched Scott Manleys explanation on why it happened
Back to the thread man I can't believe Musk is launch a grain silo
What a time to be alive. I wasn't around for Apollo beginnings but enjoying what SpaceX is doing
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It's stainless steel...That is obviously a dairy silo.  Have some respect.
Link Posted: 9/24/2019 2:24:53 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/24/2019 6:50:39 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/24/2019 7:09:54 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By AJE:
Maybe I missed it in this thread...  is this prototype doing hover tests like the little one or flying much higher?
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There will be one or two low hover tests (under 500 meters), then they are going to stretch its legs.
One flight will be high enough to simulate a reentry.
Link Posted: 9/24/2019 7:57:42 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Keekleberrys:

im not a big fan of eminent domain but if ever a case was to be made for it, it is something like this. massive unrivaled launch capability, after letting the russians be our taxi service for the last decade.
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Starship will completely change the game when it comes to space. It's really hard to convey how much of a game changer it really is. At under $100/kg you could launch the weight of a Virginia class sub into space  for under a billion dollars.

Hell, a militarized version of it would obsolete huge swaths of current military equipment and tactics. For the cost of an F35 you could buy a platform that could lob 150 tonnes of tungsten rods anywhere on earth in under an hour... Or deploy a hundred troops anywhere on earth in an hour... Or deploy a satellite constellation that could actively track every piece of military hardware on earth simultaneously.
Link Posted: 9/24/2019 8:16:07 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Neotopiaman:

Starship will completely change the game when it comes to space. It's really hard to convey how much of a game changer it really is. At under $100/kg you could launch the weight of a Virginia class sub into space  for under a billion dollars.

Hell, a militarized version of it would obsolete huge swaths of current military equipment and tactics. For the cost of an F35 you could buy a platform that could lob 150 tonnes of tungsten rods anywhere on earth in under an hour... Or deploy a hundred troops anywhere on earth in an hour... Or deploy a satellite constellation that could actively track every piece of military hardware on earth simultaneously.
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Or star link satellites could be dual purpose.
Link Posted: 9/24/2019 9:29:32 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By webtaz99:
There will be one or two low hover tests (under 500 meters), then they are going to stretch its legs.
One flight will be high enough to simulate a reentry.
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Originally Posted By webtaz99:
Originally Posted By AJE:
Maybe I missed it in this thread...  is this prototype doing hover tests like the little one or flying much higher?
There will be one or two low hover tests (under 500 meters), then they are going to stretch its legs.
One flight will be high enough to simulate a reentry.
The two being built now are orbital prototypes
Link Posted: 9/24/2019 11:04:43 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By iwouldntknow:
Or star link satellites could be dual purpose.
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Originally Posted By iwouldntknow:
Originally Posted By Neotopiaman:

Starship will completely change the game when it comes to space. It's really hard to convey how much of a game changer it really is. At under $100/kg you could launch the weight of a Virginia class sub into space  for under a billion dollars.

Hell, a militarized version of it would obsolete huge swaths of current military equipment and tactics. For the cost of an F35 you could buy a platform that could lob 150 tonnes of tungsten rods anywhere on earth in under an hour... Or deploy a hundred troops anywhere on earth in an hour... Or deploy a satellite constellation that could actively track every piece of military hardware on earth simultaneously.
Or star link satellites could be dual purpose.
Can I have Space Marines for Christmas!?

NK, China, and Russia are going to throw shit fits when we park satellites with payloads of whatever we please in their skies.
Link Posted: 9/24/2019 11:11:33 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/24/2019 11:27:41 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By AR4U:
It's stainless steel...That is obviously a dairy silo.  Have some respect.
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My bad
Link Posted: 9/24/2019 1:46:23 PM EDT
New Details Revealed About SpaceX's Stainless Steel Starship as Prototype Nears Completion
Link Posted: 9/24/2019 1:58:40 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By wtfboombrb:

Can I have Space Marines for Christmas!?

NK, China, and Russia are going to throw shit fits when we park satellites with payloads of whatever we please in their skies.
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We already have.
Link Posted: 9/24/2019 2:03:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/24/2019 6:47:54 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Bye_Felicia:

More serious than what Boeing is doing...
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Meanwhile, in oldspace: Lockheed just got a new cost-plus contract for Orion.... $900 million per capsule.


Link Posted: 9/24/2019 7:06:37 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Neotopiaman:

Meanwhile, in oldspace: Lockheed just got a new cost-plus contract for Orion.... $900 million per capsule.


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 a $900 million capsule sitting on top of a $2 billion rocket.
Link Posted: 9/25/2019 7:59:45 AM EDT
Musk is supposed to have a briefing on this system on 28 September.  Live streamed.
Link Posted: 9/25/2019 5:24:23 PM EDT
[Last Edit: theskuh] [#34]
Hopefully stacking it today. Lots of lifting and moving going on. Presentation i believe in the tent with starship backdrop.

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 9/25/2019 5:28:46 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Pavelow16478:
 a $900 million capsule sitting on top of a $2 billion rocket.
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Originally Posted By Pavelow16478:
Originally Posted By Neotopiaman:

Meanwhile, in oldspace: Lockheed just got a new cost-plus contract for Orion.... $900 million per capsule.


 a $900 million capsule sitting on top of a $2 billion rocket.
To be fair, it actually says: "NASA will pay $900 million for the first three Orion capsules under this order and $633 million for the final three. For comparison, NASA's marginal cost for the Apollo Command and Service Module, in inflation-adjusted dollars, was $463 million."
Link Posted: 9/25/2019 5:33:37 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Chokey] [#36]
Live! 24/7 SpaceX Boca Chica Complex
Link Posted: 9/25/2019 10:52:52 PM EDT
[Last Edit: DCV_117] [#37]

Link Posted: 9/25/2019 10:54:31 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Chokey] [#38]
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take off the "?s-20" on the tweet links
Link Posted: 9/25/2019 10:55:55 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Chokey:
take off the "?s-20" on the tweet links
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Originally Posted By Chokey:
take off the "?s-20" on the tweet links
Fixed, thanks.
Link Posted: 9/25/2019 10:57:33 PM EDT
Notice all the holes in the panels in the second pic, I guess those are for heat tile installation because they abandoned the idea of transpiration cooling?
Link Posted: 9/26/2019 12:24:23 AM EDT
Why does Starship only have 2 rear fins?!
Link Posted: 9/26/2019 12:32:44 PM EDT

Detailed picture of a Raptor engine
Link Posted: 9/26/2019 12:41:44 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By majorcollins:

Detailed picture of a Raptor engine
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That’s incredibly compact for the power it makes!
Link Posted: 9/26/2019 12:48:12 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By majorcollins:

Detailed picture of a Raptor engine
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Guy on the left is duct taping something.

Rental man lifts, welders mounted on F250's, office Winnebago.  I love it.
Link Posted: 9/26/2019 12:50:21 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Mal_means_bad:
Guy on the left is duct taping something.

Rental man lifts, welders mounted on F250's, office Winnebago.  I love it.
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Originally Posted By Mal_means_bad:
Originally Posted By majorcollins:

Detailed picture of a Raptor engine
Guy on the left is duct taping something.

Rental man lifts, welders mounted on F250's, office Winnebago.  I love it.
Not duct tape, speed tape. This is aerospace we’re talking about.
Link Posted: 9/26/2019 1:05:01 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Chairborne:
Not duct tape, speed tape. This is aerospace we’re talking about.
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Originally Posted By Chairborne:
Originally Posted By Mal_means_bad:
Originally Posted By majorcollins:

Detailed picture of a Raptor engine
Guy on the left is duct taping something.

Rental man lifts, welders mounted on F250's, office Winnebago.  I love it.
Not duct tape, speed tape. This is aerospace we’re talking about.
Super speed tape. 100mph isn't enough. It's more like 20,000mph tape
Link Posted: 9/26/2019 1:08:48 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By majorcollins:

Detailed picture of a Raptor engine
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Those castings
Link Posted: 9/26/2019 1:09:32 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By majorcollins:
Super speed tape. 100mph isn't enough. It's more like 20,000mph tape
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Originally Posted By majorcollins:
Originally Posted By Chairborne:
Originally Posted By Mal_means_bad:
Originally Posted By majorcollins:

Detailed picture of a Raptor engine
Guy on the left is duct taping something.

Rental man lifts, welders mounted on F250's, office Winnebago.  I love it.
Not duct tape, speed tape. This is aerospace we’re talking about.
Super speed tape. 100mph isn't enough. It's more like 20,000mph tape
Probably just securing a test or control lead so it doesn’t get crushed during install. Aero forces under the faired area are relatively unimportant. I’ve seen speed tape hold up to supersonic speeds just fine.
Link Posted: 9/26/2019 2:34:04 PM EDT
Not race tape, space tape!
I too am impressed with size vs. output.
Uber engineering and materials used.
Link Posted: 9/26/2019 4:14:06 PM EDT

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