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Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:45:52 AM EDT
its at night, you are on your own property, you see multiple intruders breaking into your property you are armed..... and you can't tell the intruders ages, and you really don't care at this point, they are a threat-

I will go with this, especially at 4am.

BTW, 17yo is physically a young adult. They may not have the wisdom of mature adults, but does it really matter when they are a threat? You can only see the shape of a grown adult in low light.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:45:59 AM EDT



I say again:

Shooting someone who you don't absolutely need to shoot is a fucking stupid idea.

I don't know if this girl needed to be shot or not...but you know what? Even if she did need it, being responsible for putting a bullet in a 17 year old girl's head fucking sucks even if it was a perfectly legit shoot. There are, I'm sure, some people who would be able to do that and never have a moment's trouble with having done so, but the majority of people who see a young woman with her head half blown off will not have the same nonchalant reaction.

It's one thing if you have to do it to preserve your life or the life of a loved one.

It's quite another when it was "git owf mah layand!!!" bullshit that you weren't forced into.

It sucks that she and her accomplices put those two men in the position to have to make that decision.
This right here

Play stupid games...................

B&E at 4am WTF you think is going to happen

I feel bad for the caretaker and his partner, for now they have to live with the fallout

I also feel bad for the girl, she should have made better choices though

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:52:05 AM EDT
That is the first news story I have ever read that said the words: "small caliber rifle".  

The author should win the fricken Pulitzer. I'm cereal.

You just know it was a rifle chambered in .22 Long Rifle.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:52:18 AM EDT
Have to love Arfcom hypocrisy. If this was a black kid there would be no suggestion that she must have fallen in with the wrong crowd or that somehow this was a tragedy. No prayers would be sent for her or her family. She would be viewed as nothing more than the criminal she was.

Erm, pretty sure that most of the posts in this thread tended towards the "Eh, don't hang out with criminals/be a criminal and you won't get shot in the head" angle.

Not sure if that's what you wanted to read though.

Agree with Spade.  She was probably the lookout.  And not a good one.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:55:21 AM EDT
I understand the fact that you shouldn't hang out with idiots because they are going to get you in trouble.

I also know that when I was a kid, I did stupid stuff. We would TP my other friends houses, do burnouts in our cars down the street, just do stupid kid stuff.....kids do stupid stuff.

Are you guys trying to say that just because she was at the scene of a possible home invasion.....she deserved to be shot in the back of the head??  

Did she deserve to be arrested?  Maybe.  Was she stupid for hanging out with some boys that where up to no good?  YES.  Did she deserve to be shot in the back of the head and have her life taken?  NO!  

According to all the "warriors" on the here, god forbid you make a mistake, cause then you deserve to be executed! She made a bad choice to be in the wrong place with the wrong people. Doesnt mean she needed to be shot. All theses hardcore killers on here would be a ball of piss and tears for the rest of there lives if they had been the one to shoot first and ask questions later and realized they just shot a unarmed 17 year old girl.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:55:39 AM EDT






I dont know the law in AL but the shooter may hang because she was not breaking in but only tresspassing on the dock.

There's no doubt this is a bad shoot.


how do you figure? where where the 4 theives? what posture where they in when shot at? breaking in fleeing etc? the article was not clear. you may be right i just dont know.

yeah I just had to re-read the article. I thought the caretakers fired at the kids as they were running away. That isn't clear just yet (they could have still been in the house etc..), so I guess it's still open for debate.


So there is doubt.  

Yes, yes there is. Let's go back to talking about white women.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:55:47 AM EDT
TPing houses, doing burnouts, and sneaking out late at night to have a beer or some tail...these are not violent felonies.  Kicking someone's door in and forcibly entering a house is a completely different level of crime, and one that rightfully carries with it the danger of being met with lethal force.

From all of the indicators available, it looks like a legal shoot.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:56:17 AM EDT

Have to love Arfcom hypocrisy. If this was a black kid there would be no suggestion that she must have fallen in with the wrong crowd or that somehow this was a tragedy. No prayers would be sent for her or her family. She would be viewed as nothing more than the criminal she was.


Are you guys reading a different thread than the rest of us?

Maybe they're just reading what they want to.

Like, they're insane and the words just appear to them like they want on the screen. To them this probably reads either "EXECUTE THE HOMEOWNER FOR KILLING A WHITE GIRL" or "THE CAT IS PURPLE SMOKE IT HARD." either or.

yea.. i want some of that.

Stay away from the Purple Cat!

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:58:31 AM EDT
Well, I don't think teenagers breaking into an unoccupied fish camp cabin deserve to be shot in the head by people who are

a) not the property owners

b) not in fear for their lives (they approached the scene from afar).

Maybe I'm just soft on crime.  I had my house broken into a year ago.  Lots of stuff stolen.

It was just stuff.  I replaced it.  No need to go killing people over it.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:59:07 AM EDT
After reviewing AL's use of force laws, I am surprised by how weak the property protection laws appear..  


Section 13A-3-25 - Use of force in defense of premises.
(a) A person in lawful possession or control of premises, as defined in Section 13A-3-20, or a person who is licensed or privileged to be thereon, may use physical force upon another person when and to the extent that he reasonably believes it necessary to prevent or terminate what he reasonably believes to be the commission or attempted commission of a criminal trespass by the other person in or upon such premises.

(b) A person may use deadly physical force under the circumstances set forth in subsection (a) of this section only:

(1) In defense of a person, as provided in Section 13A-3-23; or

(2) When he reasonably believes it necessary to prevent the commission of arson in the first or second degree by the trespasser.

Section 13A-3-26 - Use of force in defense of property other than premises.
A person is justified in using physical force, other than deadly physical force, upon another person when and to the extent that he reasonably believes it to be necessary to prevent or terminate the commission or attempted commission by the other person of theft or criminal mischief with respect to property other than premises as defined in section 13A-3-20.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 7:01:38 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 7:04:30 AM EDT
"toward the back of the head."  Why are so many of you guys assuming that she was running away.  She may have actually been facing the guys in the cabin and turned her head when the trigger was pulled.

Impeach Obama for the Good of the Children.

Most people attain their forensic analysis knowledge from Law and Order.  Back of the head = execution Shot in the back = running away.  

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 7:10:00 AM EDT
I understand the fact that you shouldn't hang out with idiots because they are going to get you in trouble.

I also know that when I was a kid, I did stupid stuff. We would TP my other friends houses, do burnouts in our cars down the street, just do stupid kid stuff.....kids do stupid stuff.

Are you guys trying to say that just because she was at the scene of a possible home invasion.....she deserved to be shot in the back of the head??  

Did she deserve to be arrested?  Maybe.  Was she stupid for hanging out with some boys that where up to no good?  YES.  Did she deserve to be shot in the back of the head and have her life taken?  NO!  

According to all the "warriors" on the here, god forbid you make a mistake, cause then you deserve to be executed! She made a bad choice to be in the wrong place with the wrong people. Doesnt mean she needed to be shot. All theses hardcore killers on here would be a ball of piss and tears for the rest of there lives if they had been the one to shoot first and ask questions later and realized they just shot a unarmed 17 year old girl.

who said executed? I dont see any one saying that or reports that she was executed. However B&E at 4AM is dangerous and can end up in you getting shot the fuck up. by commiting these acts you must accept responsibility for them. sucks to be her.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 7:12:11 AM EDT
"toward the back of the head."  Why are so many of you guys assuming that she was running away.  She may have actually been facing the guys in the cabin and turned her head when the trigger was pulled.

Impeach Obama for the Good of the Children.

Most people attain their forensic analysis knowledge from Law and Order. Back of the head = execution Shot in the back = running away.  

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 7:12:40 AM EDT

BAY MINETTE, Alabama — A former Baldwin County High School standout volleyball player — shot on a remote Delta island at the scene of an alleged break-in gone wrong — was described by her mother Monday as struggling for life while her family waited for results from the latest CT scans..............

Good shoot?

Assume it is.

The shooter is about to rack up some substantial legal bills.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 7:13:14 AM EDT
Well, I don't think teenagers breaking into an unoccupied fish camp cabin deserve to be shot in the head by people who are

a) not the property owners

b) not in fear for their lives (they approached the scene from afar).

Maybe I'm just soft on crime.  I had my house broken into a year ago.  Lots of stuff stolen.

It was just stuff.  I replaced it.  No need to go killing people over it.

and again your assuming shit. I dont know the status of the burglars or the shooter when the shot happened. stop assuming shit.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 7:13:36 AM EDT
I honestly can not think of anything in my neighbors house worth me shooting at people trying to get in there, if I know my neighbors and their girls are not home.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 7:15:17 AM EDT
I understand the fact that you shouldn't hang out with idiots because they are going to get you in trouble.

I also know that when I was a kid, I did stupid stuff. We would TP my other friends houses, do burnouts in our cars down the street, just do stupid kid stuff.....kids do stupid stuff.

Are you guys trying to say that just because she was at the scene of a possible home invasion.....she deserved to be shot in the back of the head??  

Did she deserve to be arrested?  Maybe.  Was she stupid for hanging out with some boys that where up to no good?  YES.  Did she deserve to be shot in the back of the head and have her life taken?  NO!  

According to all the "warriors" on the here, god forbid you make a mistake, cause then you deserve to be executed! She made a bad choice to be in the wrong place with the wrong people. Doesnt mean she needed to be shot. All theses hardcore killers on here would be a ball of piss and tears for the rest of there lives if they had been the one to shoot first and ask questions later and realized they just shot a unarmed 17 year old girl.

Kids do stupid stuff, and sometimes they do fatally stupid stuff. I think it's a shame when any kid dies this young. To me this is falls in with suicide, car accidents, drug overdoses, drunk stunts you name it, just a flat out shame.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 7:17:17 AM EDT
shot on a remote Delta island at the scene of an alleged break-in gone wrong

Unless he was the homeowner or a relative (the victim) then I'd say it went very, very right.

Even if she lives it wont' be bad. Drooling on herself and being wheeled around for the rest of her days will serve as a good example for why the criminal lifestyle is bad.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 7:19:19 AM EDT
well I must have been raised a nerd.  I never broke into anyones property nor did I ever take stuff that did not belong to me, or start fights with random people.  yes I was in the yard by the time the streetlights were on.

At 17yo?

You are an ass if you think that being out late makes one a thief.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 7:19:28 AM EDT
Oh sure, that case is exactly like the Trayvon case

They're both 17. I think that is where the similarities end.


Both played stupid games and won stupid prizes...

Only one looked like Obama's son...
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 7:20:00 AM EDT
tag for home

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 7:20:03 AM EDT
I don't know to call this good shoot or bad shoot, not enough info.

I'm leaning towards it will be ruled a legal shoot and if the girl dies then other three can be charged with murder.

between brain dead on life support indefinately and death, death maybe the kinder fate

Brain dead is dead as far as the state is concerned and we don't leave dead people on life support......
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 7:24:32 AM EDT
well I must have been raised a nerd.  I never broke into anyones property nor did I ever take stuff that did not belong to me, or start fights with random people.  yes I was in the yard by the time the streetlights were on.

At 17yo?

You are an ass if you think that being out late makes one a thief.

Being out late and kicking in doors makes one a thief. The way sme of you defend stupid acts of the young make me wonder what type of shit did you get into as a teen. I sure as hell didn't steal, or commit violent crimes, I drank, smoked and tried to get laid.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 7:33:55 AM EDT
well I must have been raised a nerd.  I never broke into anyones property nor did I ever take stuff that did not belong to me, or start fights with random people.  yes I was in the yard by the time the streetlights were on.

At 17yo?

You are an ass if you think that being out late makes one a thief.

this part makes people thieves
He never said being out late makes one a thief.

Just to add it, this part makes people burglars
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 7:33:55 AM EDT
well I must have been raised a nerd.  I never broke into anyones property nor did I ever take stuff that did not belong to me, or start fights with random people.  yes I was in the yard by the time the streetlights were on.

At 17yo?

You are an ass if you think that being out late makes one a thief.

Being out late and kicking in doors makes one a thief. The way sme of you defend stupid acts of the young make me wonder what type of shit did you get into as a teen. I sure as hell didn't steal, or commit violent crimes, I drank, smoked and tried to get laid.

You stated that "I was in the yard by the time the streetlights were on", which is to imply that young people only go out at night to kick in doors and burgle homes. That makes you an ass.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 7:39:48 AM EDT
Would implying that people only go to nightclubs to hook-up make someone an ass?  
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 7:48:37 AM EDT
what a waste of some puntang.

the world need examples.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 7:49:18 AM EDT
Oh well,  
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 7:49:46 AM EDT
If you go out at 4am burgling houses bad things happen.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 7:52:24 AM EDT
Good people that do bad things with the wrong crowd have ceased being "good people".
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 7:53:10 AM EDT
well I must have been raised a nerd.  I never broke into anyones property nor did I ever take stuff that did not belong to me, or start fights with random people.  yes I was in the yard by the time the streetlights were on.

At 17yo?

You are an ass if you think that being out late makes one a thief.

Being out late and kicking in doors makes one a thief. The way sme of you defend stupid acts of the young make me wonder what type of shit did you get into as a teen. I sure as hell didn't steal, or commit violent crimes, I drank, smoked and tried to get laid.

You stated that "I was in the yard by the time the streetlights were on", which is to imply that young people only go out at night to kick in doors and burgle homes. That makes you an ass.

I said that did I? I very well may be an ass, but this isn't why. And if you think that comment makes someone an ass, your sense of asshattery needs recalibrated. Been there, done that and yes, re is very little that teens do after dark that isn't some form of trouble, we just tolerate much of it as normal youth activities.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 7:53:15 AM EDT
I honestly can not think of anything in my neighbors house worth me shooting at people trying to get in there, if I know my neighbors and their girls are not home.

I dont think there is posession in my own home that i would shoot someone over. Even if the law allowed it i would not. things are just things and nothing i have is worth the legal bills i would assume if i shot someone.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 7:54:04 AM EDT
I've got an idea.....Don't trespass and facilitate theft at 4 in the morning and you won't get shot.  While tragic a teen got shot she made her bed.  Kids these days have no respect for other peoples property.  I bet the boys that attempted the break in won't be doing that again.  The girl was probably acting as a look out for the other three mouth breathers.  Maybe I have become jaded about stuff like this but I could give two fucks less what happens to these stupid kids.  Fuck them, just leaves more air for the rest of us to breathe.  

And if the DA in that area was smart, they would charge those boys with murder is that girl dies.  If they wouldn't have been committing a crime, the girl would not have gotten shot.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 7:54:28 AM EDT
If you go out at 4am burgling houses bad things happen.

Don't burgle houses at 4AM, get Direct TV.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 7:54:29 AM EDT
I don't know to call this good shoot or bad shoot, not enough info.

I'm leaning towards it will be ruled a legal shoot and if the girl dies then other three can be charged with murder.

between brain dead on life support indefinately and death, death maybe the kinder fate

Brain dead is dead as far as the state is concerned and we don't leave dead people on life support......

cough terry shivo cough cough
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 7:55:49 AM EDT
I don't know to call this good shoot or bad shoot, not enough info.

I'm leaning towards it will be ruled a legal shoot and if the girl dies then other three can be charged with murder.

between brain dead on life support indefinately and death, death maybe the kinder fate

Brain dead is dead as far as the state is concerned and we don't leave dead people on life support......

cough terry shivo cough cough

Terry shivo wasn't brain dead.  There is a difference between permanent vegetative state and brain death. I'm a critical care doctor, I know what does and doesn't constitute brain death as I make that determination far too frequently
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 7:56:12 AM EDT



I understand the fact that you shouldn't hang out with idiots because they are going to get you in trouble.

I also know that when I was a kid, I did stupid stuff. We would TP my other friends houses, do burnouts in our cars down the street, just do stupid kid stuff.....kids do stupid stuff.

Are you guys trying to say that just because she was at the scene of a possible home invasion.....she deserved to be shot in the back of the head??  

Did she deserve to be arrested?  Maybe.  Was she stupid for hanging out with some boys that where up to no good?  YES.  Did she deserve to be shot in the back of the head and have her life taken?  NO!  

According to all the "warriors" on the here, god forbid you make a mistake, cause then you deserve to be executed! She made a bad choice to be in the wrong place with the wrong people. Doesnt mean she needed to be shot. All theses hardcore killers on here would be a ball of piss and tears for the rest of there lives if they had been the one to shoot first and ask questions later and realized they just shot a unarmed 17 year old girl.
I was 17 years old out riding at 2 am with 3 buddies smoking pot, listening to music and drinking beer when the driver and our other friend said lets go rob a store for more money for pot and more beer, steve and I were in the back seat we were 8 miles from home and it was 6 degrees with 40 mile per hour winds when the driver stopped for a red light we bailed and walked home in the cold. the other 2 robbed the store got caught and went to jail.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 7:59:10 AM EDT
Better shoot than the Martin case.  There was a crime being committed in this case at least.  So, in AL, if the girl dies will the three boys she was with get charged with murder?
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:00:55 AM EDT
You guys are a trip.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:01:46 AM EDT



BAY MINETTE, Alabama — A former Baldwin County High School standout volleyball player — shot on a remote Delta island at the scene of an alleged break-in gone wrong — was described by her mother Monday as struggling for life while her family waited for results from the latest CT scans.

Terri Lewis said she was hoping that the third test would show 17-year-old Summer Moody has a "fighting chance" at survival.

Moody was shot in the head at about 4 a.m. Sunday on Gravine Island in the Mobile-Tensaw River Delta, according to the Baldwin County Sheriff’s Office.

Press-Register reporters on Monday observed what appeared to be blood and police evidence markings on a wooden private pier leading to one of two camps built on pilings on Gravine basin, carved out of Gravine Island’s heart.


Good shoot?

Call me a liberal (I'm not clearly) but I have no problem with this statement:

"I just believe that life is precious," Chapman said, "and the taking of
a life should never be done without great consideration as to the

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:01:50 AM EDT
"Small caliber rifle"=AR? Also what led to pulling the trigger? 2 against 3 isn't the worst odds, especially if you have a rifle. A rifle would be out in the open not concealed, so did the boys attack armed men or where they on the run?

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

Article says it's legal to use force to defend property.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:03:05 AM EDT
Better shoot than the Martin case.  There was a crime being committed in this case at least.  So, in AL, if the girl dies will the three boys she was with get charged with murder?

So... the attack on Zimmerman wasn't a crime?

Did the fairy fucking godmother break his nose and split his head open?

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:03:28 AM EDT


Better shoot than the Martin case.  There was a crime being committed in this case at least.  So, in AL, if the girl dies will the three boys she was with get charged with murder?

Beating someone's head into the pavement is a crime.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:03:58 AM EDT
I don't know to call this good shoot or bad shoot, not enough info.

I'm leaning towards it will be ruled a legal shoot and if the girl dies then other three can be charged with murder.

between brain dead on life support indefinately and death, death maybe the kinder fate

Brain dead is dead as far as the state is concerned and we don't leave dead people on life support......

cough terry shivo cough cough

Terry shivo wasn't brain dead.  There is a difference between permanent vegetative state and brain death. I'm a critical care doctor, I know what does and doesn't constitute brain death as I make that determination far too frequently

sorry for my butchery of medical lingo.... you know what im saying.  I should have said if the choices where "being in a perminant vegitative state or dead"

my bad

But in your profession i am sure you can agree there are worse things than death which was the point i was attempting to make.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:15:51 AM EDT
sorry for my butchery of medical lingo.... you know what im saying.  I should have said if the choices where "being in a perminant vegitative state or dead"

my bad

But in your profession i am sure you can agree there are worse things than death which was the point i was attempting to make.

My wife know and my living will states I'm not be left alive like that. So yeah, there are things worse than death.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:16:32 AM EDT


I dont know the law in AL but the shooter may hang because she was not breaking in but only tresspassing on the dock.

There's no doubt this is a bad shoot.

how do you figure? where where the 4 theives? what posture where they in when shot at? breaking in fleeing etc? the article was not clear. you may be right i just dont know.

yeah I just had to re-read the article. I thought the caretakers fired at the kids as they were running away. That isn't clear just yet (they could have still been in the house etc..), so I guess it's still open for debate.

Could have been an attempted "warning shot" that accidentally collected the look-out's noggin.

Ask Carl Rowin about those.....
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:18:22 AM EDT
Quoted: very little that teens do after dark that isn't some form of trouble, we just tolerate much of it as normal youth activities.

Instead of going out and getting in trouble, I stayed up late doing homework.  This may have contributed to growing up to be a productive citizen and not getting shot in the head.  I probably didn't appreciate it enough at the time, but I think I now see the wisdom in keeping your children under control.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:18:48 AM EDT

Better shoot than the Martin case.  There was a crime being committed in this case at least.  So, in AL, if the girl dies will the three boys she was with get charged with murder?

Beating someone's head into the pavement is a crime.

Meh. Not taking your bait.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:19:48 AM EDT
I understand the fact that you shouldn't hang out with idiots because they are going to get you in trouble.

I also know that when I was a kid, I did stupid stuff. We would TP my other friends houses, do burnouts in our cars down the street, just do stupid kid stuff.....kids do stupid stuff.

Are you guys trying to say that just because she was at the scene of a possible home invasion.....she deserved to be shot in the back of the head??  

Did she deserve to be arrested?  Maybe.  Was she stupid for hanging out with some boys that where up to no good?  YES.  Did she deserve to be shot in the back of the head and have her life taken?  NO!  

Yes, she did.  A home invasion is not a TP job or a smoky burnout.  TP jobs or burnouts are rarely the precursor to rape, robbery, and murder.  Home invasions often are.  Don't kick down my door, I won't burn powder on you - that simple.

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