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Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:48:23 AM EDT
I don't see the problem.  These aren't "beat" cops.  The cops in my town look like "regular" cops.  The SWAT team doesn't, they have a different mission.  

In my world and how I interact with "the man," motorcycle cops scare me.  

Smart man.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:48:28 AM EDT
I know I'll get slapped for this but......

I started this gig 30 years ago, and yes,-we did dress like those guys from Texas, and this was in central Nevada.
No, we did not wear body armor, because it was to expensive, and no, we did not carry handheld radios, because they were to expensive.
I had a JeepWagoner with lights, siren and was a piece of crap. The radio sometimes worked, depending on where you were in the county.

My rifle at the time was an M-1 Garand. And it was issued. I had a choice, an 03-A3 or the Garand.
We did carry wheelguns, and I still have mine, but the Glock 40 I now carry is lighter, holds more, (gasp) dreaded hollow-point ammunition. (Which we were not allowed to carry when I started)
The uniforms were wrangler levis types, and tan shirts, and were expensive as hell at the time when you only made $398.00 a paycheck with a family to feed and other expenses.
The only issue item was the rifle, shotgun, and the car.

These days with the cargo pants, (god, what is the world coming too!), and now the cargo shirts with hidden pockets, what next?

As for the armor and the weapons. It's the changing of the times. Just as the military adapted to changes in their environment, we have adapted in ours.
In the late 80's, I switched to a Steyr-Aug. That was the Cats-ass weapon at the time. The Garand went away back to the armory.
I actually bought my own armor, at $1200.00, because by my 5th year into it, (1989) I had 4 friends who were shot down in the line of duty.

Now––yes, I have a plate carrier, and yes I have an up to date ACH helmet, and yes, I carry a very modern assault rifle with a military light with IR capability and yes, I have modern night vision as well. And I even have a commo setup that's wired to my radios and I wear under my helmet. And the dreaded black uniform, nope, I have green BDU's because I hate black clothes.
Do I wear this stuff all the time, hell no. Do I train with it, ––-all the time. Do I like to "frighten the public". Not a chance.

You know why I have this stuff?
The current body count of friends lost is 17, with others shot up.
Because in the end, if I have to go to an active shooter, or a bank robbery, or a domestic where some clown has a Remington 700 hunting rifle, or AK-47, SKS, etc, etc, I want to be able to protect myself or someone else that the whack-job is trying to kill.

The end result guys/gals, is this. I am going home at the end of the day, unless it is just "my day".
But, I am gonna protect myself and those around me, and those that want to call me a "jack-booted thug, you go ahead, I know different.

My job is still Serve and Protect and always will be––-

Ok, so what's changed?  How do you explain the fact that less protective equipment was needed to do the job back in the days when TRUE assault weapons were less restricted and easier to come by?

I mean, AK's and Stoner rifles have been around since the 40's/50's and are just as lethal today as they were back then.  And yet, no police in ninja gear were required.  Not to mention the fact that back in the day every farm boy came up knowing how to handle a high powered rifle.  The threat was always there.

So what's the real excuse for the ninja gear?  IMO, machine guns certainly haven't gotten any easier to come by these days.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:49:02 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:50:16 AM EDT


First: Because it would Vastly improve the public's view and remove much of the US and Them mentality.

Wrong and wrong.

The us vs them mentality was at is height in the 'good old days'.

The public likes to feel safe. They feel more safe when we have badass toys.

Don't speak for ALL of us "public" now.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:50:46 AM EDT



I'd like to see what the general accepted definition of "militarization" is here on ARF.


It all starts with those cargo pockets.

Then they want those "spray-n-pray" assault weapons.

Next thing you know, they're marching people into internment camps.

Only makes sense to stop it at the "pockets" stage.

Meh. Internment camps aren't that bad. You only get beat on Sundays.

Not that we have plans or anything.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:51:28 AM EDT




First: Because it would Vastly improve the public's view and remove much of the US and Them mentality.

Wrong and wrong.

The us vs them mentality was at is height in the 'good old days'.

The public likes to feel safe. They feel more safe when we have badass toys.


Don't speak for ALL of us "public" now.

How about 'most sheep'?
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:51:35 AM EDT
We need only go to the 'post your gear' thread here to see that many members are a lot better equipped then what my agency issues me.  We need to take that stuff away from non-LEO's as well.  It is scary.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:51:41 AM EDT

I don't think I've ever seen a coperator in the wild except on dress up days, I mean SRT/ERT/SWAT training days.  (Heh, coperator.  Nice.)

Besides what's the big deal with equipping a guy for the task at hand?  

You own a plate carrier, pants with cargo pockets and an AR OP?

Do these guys? And I bet they could handle their shit.

Somehow these guys look more menacing than the ninjaclowns in your original post.

My thought as well.  I can almost see and hear one of them gnawing on toothpick and asking "Is there problem here . . . Boy?"


Sounds like my hometown in Alabama 35 years ago.

We haven't changed much.

Nope we haven't.
Hell I still wear a metal badge pinned to a hot ass polyester shirt.
The same shirt that cost what 3 5.11 embroided shirts cost.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:51:56 AM EDT
you pick up that can!
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:52:19 AM EDT
1 riot, 1 Ranger.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:52:32 AM EDT
You know, this sort of BS thread might get more serious traction if a goodly amount of GD didn't wear plate carriers to carbine courses.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:53:00 AM EDT
Dang fangled new rifles. Why do you need that dang fangled mauser actioned piece of junk when you can use the 30-30 lever action it gets it done just the same!

Times change gramps.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:53:56 AM EDT
Many now multitude.
What are you a 13 year old girl?
I nominate you for the Drama Queen of the year award.

Again you know what was being referenced and you get all OMG they're threatening to knock my teeth out!!!


I know what was being referenced in the origional post:  How officers appear the effect that has on how the citizenry views you.
I know what the response was to the origional post:  Reminders of how the officers behaved back then.

As for the nomination, go ahead I'll even write my bio for the award ceremony.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:54:08 AM EDT


First: Because it would Vastly improve the public's view and remove much of the US and Them mentality.

Wrong and wrong.

The us vs them mentality was at is height in the 'good old days'.

The public likes to feel safe. They feel more safe when we have badass toys.

So dressing up a Police Office as a Military Member makes People feel safer?

Remember I am talking about the uniform.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:54:11 AM EDT
You think that it wouldn't have?   Maybe you need reading comprehension. It is not a false dichotomy. It is the truth.

Quit trying to be intellectual and show us all how smart you think you are.

I have never once had the position that in the past you would get tuned up by the officers.

The false dichotomy is saying that if we either have to accept police departments becoming more militarized or civil rights violations.

I would then agree. In my original post I put that it is sometimes overused, to that I agree. Not every copper should dress like that everyday. But, you would agree that to some of GD, NO cops should have access to this type of equipment EVER; which is bullshit too.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:54:15 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:54:27 AM EDT

I don't think I've ever seen a coperator in the wild except on dress up days, I mean SRT/ERT/SWAT training days.  (Heh, coperator.  Nice.)

Besides what's the big deal with equipping a guy for the task at hand?  

You own a plate carrier, pants with cargo pockets and an AR OP?

Do these guys? And I bet they could handle their shit.

Somehow these guys look more menacing than the ninjaclowns in your original post.

My thought as well.  I can almost see and hear one of them gnawing on toothpick and asking "Is there problem here . . . Boy?"


Sounds like my hometown in Alabama 35 years ago.

We haven't changed much.

Nope we haven't.
Hell I still wear a metal badge pinned to a hot ass polyester shirt.
The same shirt that cost what 3 5.11 embroided shirts cost.

I wish Alabama would get some white shirts or something cooler for the cops.
My hometown still wears what you describe. At least last time I was home.
When I visit my other hometown in PR, the cops wear thin light colored shirts.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:55:19 AM EDT


First: Because it would Vastly improve the public's view and remove much of the US and Them mentality.

Second: Did I ever say They should not have effective equipment?

The Officers I have seen around here wear a vest under their shirt so what

does it batter if it is a Mil type shirt or a Peace office looking shirt?.

As far as weapons which one has more "stopping power" 12 Ga Slug or .223

As far as rifles swap out the Black plastic and put on Wood or wood grain Plastic.

(remember Public Perception, after all a police officer is a PUBLIC Servant)
So what kind of furniture is on your AR?

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:56:17 AM EDT
Nope we haven't.
Hell I still wear a metal badge pinned to a hot ass polyester shirt.
The same shirt that cost what 3 5.11 embroided shirts cost.

Eh.  Well marked polo shirts actually make nice, professional looking, uniforms.

So just what do you guys keep in your cargo pockets that would be lost if you went with non-pocketed pants?
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:57:56 AM EDT
Nope we haven't.
Hell I still wear a metal badge pinned to a hot ass polyester shirt.
The same shirt that cost what 3 5.11 embroided shirts cost.

Eh.  Well marked polo shirts actually make nice, professional looking, uniforms.

So just what do you guys keep in your cargo pockets that would be lost if you went with non-pocketed pants?

Why the hell lose the pockets? What is this fascination with dress pants?

You have a tank, you should know how convenient they are.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:57:57 AM EDT

An officer should look like a PEACE officer not like a member of a Military division.

The real issue is some play dress and forget they are Public Servants.

First sentence: Why? Because you say so? Fuck that.

Second: You do realize that killing badguys quickly and effectively is part of a police officer's responsibility and that activity is part of serving the public right? Yes, they have a whole myriad of other tasks that don't involve force. But when that force is needed it should be delivered quickly, effectively and without remorse.

Giving them the tools to do that only makes sense.

First: Because it would Vastly improve the public's view and remove much of the US and Them mentality.

Second: Did I ever say They should not have effective equipment?
The Officers I have seen around here wear a vest under their shirt so what
does it batter if it is a Mil type shirt or a Peace office looking shirt?.

As far as weapons which one has more "stopping power" 12 Ga Slug or .223
As far as rifles swap out the Black plastic and put on Wood or wood grain Plastic.
(remember Public Perception, after all a police officer is a PUBLIC Servant)

How does an old-school uniform improve the public's view? What is the public's view of the police? Do you have any sort of data to support your argument other that it is what would make YOU comfortable?

That you believe in silliness as "stopping power" tells me that you really don't grasp the differences between a shotgun and a carbine.

That you think wood is more friendly than plastic tells me you are completely out in left field. Let me guess, weapon mounted lights are bad too?

You must be a chief of police somewhere.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:58:06 AM EDT
I don't see the problem.  These aren't "beat" cops.  The cops in my town look like "regular" cops.  The SWAT team doesn't, they have a different mission.  

In my world and how I interact with "the man," motorcycle cops scare me.  

Smart man.

If you get pulled over by a cop on a motorcycle... you're getting a summons.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:59:00 AM EDT
If my dad wanted a full Kevlar kit from his department, he could get it. If my dad wanted night vision from his department, he could get it. If he wanted an AR, all he has to do is sign on the dotted line.

But he's only given 50 rounds of ammunition a year to qualify with and carry.

Somehow I think priorities are getting screwed up.

Yep. It's a shame that training isn't as high of priority as gear.

In a perfect, non-GD retardfest world, they would have both.

Given the OP's initial post, I think a pertinent question would be why are departments spending all of their money on paramilitary gear and not on training when training has a greater impact on any given situation than gear?

The obvious answer is that departments have a love affair with "tacticoolness". So while the officer may have better gear, the public impression of police is that that they are well equipped morons, because they lack even a basic level of training.

Before you flame me for being a hater, let me say that my dad and other guys in his department feel the same way - but they'd never say it publically.

Choosing gear over training will be a losing game for law enforcement. Going this route will make every department look like my county sheriffs department, where every deputy is issued a FA M 16 as a trunk gun, but the department won't spend the money for drug testing those deputies. Obvious results are obvious.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:59:44 AM EDT

I'd like to see what the general accepted definition of "militarization" is here on ARF.

It all starts with those cargo pockets.

Then they want those "spray-n-pray" assault weapons.

Next thing you know, they're marching people into internment camps.

Only makes sense to stop it at the "pockets" stage.

I've seen the train cars and plastic coffins!
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:59:46 AM EDT
Well, I have cargo pants...BUT, they have an internal pocket so all you can barely see is a zipper. They look like class As if you don't look to close. They are not scary...I promise.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:59:56 AM EDT
So what's the real excuse for the ninja gear?

That is exists and is available for a reasonable cost?

Please tell us about the kick-ass night vision equipment and Kevlar used by LEO's back in the 1930s.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 7:00:22 AM EDT




First: Because it would Vastly improve the public's view and remove much of the US and Them mentality.

Wrong and wrong.

The us vs them mentality was at is height in the 'good old days'.

The public likes to feel safe. They feel more safe when we have badass toys.


So dressing up a Police Office as a Military Member makes People feel safer?

Remember I am talking about the uniform.

Oh. I wouldn't know. Police officers around here don't wear military uniforms.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 7:00:25 AM EDT

I'd like to see what the general accepted definition of "militarization" is here on ARF.

It all starts with those cargo pockets.

Then they want those "spray-n-pray" assault weapons.

Next thing you know, they're marching people into internment camps.

Only makes sense to stop it at the "pockets" stage.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 7:00:50 AM EDT

An officer should look like a PEACE officer not like a member of a Military division.

The real issue is some play dress and forget they are Public Servants.

First sentence: Why? Because you say so? Fuck that.

Second: You do realize that killing badguys quickly and effectively is part of a police officer's responsibility and that activity is part of serving the public right? Yes, they have a whole myriad of other tasks that don't involve force. But when that force is needed it should be delivered quickly, effectively and without remorse.

Giving them the tools to do that only makes sense.

First: Because it would Vastly improve the public's view and remove much of the US and Them mentality.

Second: Did I ever say They should not have effective equipment?
The Officers I have seen around here wear a vest under their shirt so what
does it batter if it is a Mil type shirt or a Peace office looking shirt?.

As far as weapons which one has more "stopping power" 12 Ga Slug or .223
As far as rifles swap out the Black plastic and put on Wood or wood grain Plastic.
(remember Public Perception, after all a police officer is a PUBLIC Servant)

How does an old-school uniform improve the public's view? What is the public's view of the police? Do you have any sort of data to support your argument other that it is what would make YOU comfortable?

That you believe in silliness as "stopping power" tells me that you really don't grasp the differences between a shotgun and a carbine.

That you think wood is more friendly than plastic tells me you are completely out in left field. Let me guess, weapon mounted lights are bad too?

You must be a chief of police somewhere.

That is one hell of a stupid post, which is saying something in this shameful, cop bashing thread.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 7:01:00 AM EDT

An officer should look like a PEACE officer not like a member of a Military division.

The real issue is some play dress and forget they are Public Servants.

First sentence: Why? Because you say so? Fuck that.

Second: You do realize that killing badguys quickly and effectively is part of a police officer's responsibility and that activity is part of serving the public right? Yes, they have a whole myriad of other tasks that don't involve force. But when that force is needed it should be delivered quickly, effectively and without remorse.

Giving them the tools to do that only makes sense.

First: Because it would Vastly improve the public's view and remove much of the US and Them mentality.

Second: Did I ever say They should not have effective equipment?
The Officers I have seen around here wear a vest under their shirt so what
does it batter if it is a Mil type shirt or a Peace office looking shirt?.

As far as weapons which one has more "stopping power" 12 Ga Slug or .223
As far as rifles swap out the Black plastic and put on Wood or wood grain Plastic.
(remember Public Perception, after all a police officer is a PUBLIC Servant)

How does an old-school uniform improve the public's view? What is the public's view of the police? Do you have any sort of data to support your argument other that it is what would make YOU comfortable?

That you believe in silliness as "stopping power" tells me that you really don't grasp the differences between a shotgun and a carbine.

That you think wood is more friendly than plastic tells me you are completely out in left field. Let me guess, weapon mounted lights are bad too?

You must be a chief of police somewhere.

I say we immediately go with wood panels for the cars too––––it will make us more approachable.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 7:01:27 AM EDT



Nope we haven't.

Hell I still wear a metal badge pinned to a hot ass polyester shirt.

The same shirt that cost what 3 5.11 embroided shirts cost.

Eh.  Well marked polo shirts actually make nice, professional looking, uniforms.

So just what do you guys keep in your cargo pockets that would be lost if you went with non-pocketed pants?

Well, my front pockets aren't accessible in uniform, and keeping my dip can and wallet in my back pocket kills my back.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 7:01:37 AM EDT
Remember I am talking about nonsense

Much better.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 7:01:58 AM EDT




I'd like to see what the general accepted definition of "militarization" is here on ARF.


It all starts with those cargo pockets.

Then they want those "spray-n-pray" assault weapons.

Next thing you know, they're marching people into internment camps.

Only makes sense to stop it at the "pockets" stage.

I've seen the train cars and plastic coffins!

How've you been man? Haven't seen you around.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 7:02:08 AM EDT


First: Because it would Vastly improve the public's view and remove much of the US and Them mentality.

Second: Did I ever say They should not have effective equipment?
The Officers I have seen around here wear a vest under their shirt so what
does it batter if it is a Mil type shirt or a Peace office looking shirt?.

As far as weapons which one has more "stopping power" 12 Ga Slug or .223
As far as rifles swap out the Black plastic and put on Wood or wood grain Plastic.
(remember Public Perception, after all a police officer is a PUBLIC Servant)

So what kind of furniture is on your AR?

Ask yourself this question

Which rifle looks scarier to Joe Q Public an all Black rifle, or one with wood Furniture?

If I was going to walk down the road to the range with a rifle which
one would tend to get someone to freak out over me carrying it?

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 7:02:32 AM EDT
If my dad wanted a full Kevlar kit from his department, he could get it. If my dad wanted night vision from his department, he could get it. If he wanted an AR, all he has to do is sign on the dotted line.

But he's only given 50 rounds of ammunition a year to qualify with and carry.

Somehow I think priorities are getting screwed up.

Yep. It's a shame that training isn't as high of priority as gear.

In a perfect, non-GD retardfest world, they would have both.

Given the OP's initial post, I think a pertinent question would be why are departments spending all of their money on paramilitary gear and not on training when training has a greater impact on any given situation than gear?

The obvious answer is that departments have a love affair with "tacticoolness". So while the officer may have better gear, the public impression of police is that that they are well equipped morons, because they lack even a basic level of training.

Before you flame me for being a hater, let me say that my dad and other guys in his department feel the same way - but they'd never say it publically.

Choosing gear over training will be a losing game for law enforcement. Going this route will make every department look like my county sheriffs department, where every deputy is issued a FA M 16 as a trunk gun, but the department won't spend the money for drug testing those deputies. Obvious results are obvious.

How do you know they get less training and more gear? You get that info from the scary JBT internet pictures you've seen?

Departments around here get very good training.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 7:02:47 AM EDT
Nope we haven't.
Hell I still wear a metal badge pinned to a hot ass polyester shirt.
The same shirt that cost what 3 5.11 embroided shirts cost.

Eh.  Well marked polo shirts actually make nice, professional looking, uniforms.

So just what do you guys keep in your cargo pockets that would be lost if you went with non-pocketed pants?

At last!  Someone finally admits that it is th epockets they have a problem with.

Maybe we should sew the pockets shut?  Would that help some?

(Mind you, we are still traditional wool/poly dress pants with cotton/poly powder blue shirts down here.)
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 7:03:53 AM EDT
Many now multitude.
What are you a 13 year old girl?
I nominate you for the Drama Queen of the year award.

Again you know what was being referenced and you get all OMG they're threatening to knock my teeth out!!!


I know what was being referenced in the origional post:  How officers appear the effect that has on how the citizenry views you.
I know what the response was to the origional post:  Reminders of how the officers behaved back then.

As for the nomination, go ahead I'll even write my bio for the award ceremony.

Your a shoe in. I'm designing a trophy as we speak.
Please keep your exceptance speach short and sweet (under 250 words).
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 7:04:15 AM EDT
While I definitely agree that times change, I think that something needs to be done to remind many police officers at large that THEY are CIVILIANS, too, and that laws apply to THEM, too.

Some seem to have forgotten that little detail...
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 7:05:04 AM EDT

An officer should look like a PEACE officer not like a member of a Military division.

The real issue is some play dress and forget they are Public Servants.

First sentence: Why? Because you say so? Fuck that. Let me guess....you are against facial hair too?

Second: You do realize that killing badguys quickly and effectively is part of a police officer's responsibility and that activity is part of serving the public right? Yes, they have a whole myriad of other tasks that don't involve force. But when that force is needed it should be delivered quickly, effectively and without remorse.

Giving them the tools to do that only makes sense.

You have zero duty or authority to kill badguys.  If they die by your hand during your duty to stop a threat, subdue and arrest, or defending yourself, that's a lawful side effect of your deadly force authorization.

It is not your job to KILL bad guys.

Pretend swagger is what that is.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 7:05:04 AM EDT
I say we immediately go with wood panels for the cars too––––it will make us more approachable.

Perhaps play a little Jan & Dean from speakers too?

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 7:05:14 AM EDT
Many police officers have died because of people who think like you.

This.  Events of the last few decades have shown that police have to be ready to respond to virtually anything.  Beslan, Mumbai, Columbine, VT, the list goes on.

BEslan, not in the US, so there is no comparison.
Mumbai, not in the US, again, specious and not comparable.
Columbine, they stood around outside.


So they shouldn't change equipment and training?  Another columbine or miami or LA shootout occurs and they should respond badly and underequipped?
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 7:05:16 AM EDT
End the drug war, this will go away. But then that's the point.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 7:05:28 AM EDT



First: Because it would Vastly improve the public's view and remove much of the US and Them mentality.

Wrong and wrong.

The us vs them mentality was at is height in the 'good old days'.

The public likes to feel safe. They feel more safe when we have badass toys.

So dressing up a Police Office as a Military Member makes People feel safer?

Remember I am talking about the uniform.

Oh. I wouldn't know. Police officers around here don't wear military uniforms.


Nor the majority of ours (except for swat teams etc).

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 7:05:39 AM EDT
I say we immediately go with wood panels for the cars too––––it will make us more approachable.

Surf's up!    
ETA:  I meant to say, "Serfs Up!"  It's a hidden code for the rebellion against...  



Hang on, I'll get back to ya!

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 7:06:26 AM EDT

I don't think I've ever seen a coperator in the wild except on dress up days, I mean SRT/ERT/SWAT training days.  (Heh, coperator.  Nice.)

Besides what's the big deal with equipping a guy for the task at hand?  

You own a plate carrier, pants with cargo pockets and an AR OP?

Do these guys? And I bet they could handle their shit.

Somehow these guys look more menacing than the ninjaclowns in your original post.

My thought as well.  I can almost see and hear one of them gnawing on toothpick and asking "Is there problem here . . . Boy?"


Sounds like my hometown in Alabama 35 years ago.

We haven't changed much.

Nope we haven't.
Hell I still wear a metal badge pinned to a hot ass polyester shirt.
The same shirt that cost what 3 5.11 embroided shirts cost.

I wish Alabama would get some white shirts or something cooler for the cops.
My hometown still wears what you describe. At least last time I was home.
When I visit my other hometown in PR, the cops wear thin light colored shirts.

White shirts?
Hell I can't imagine what I'd look like by the end of shift.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 7:06:41 AM EDT
If my dad wanted a full Kevlar kit from his department, he could get it. If my dad wanted night vision from his department, he could get it. If he wanted an AR, all he has to do is sign on the dotted line.

But he's only given 50 rounds of ammunition a year to qualify with and carry.

Somehow I think priorities are getting screwed up.

Yep. It's a shame that training isn't as high of priority as gear.

In a perfect, non-GD retardfest world, they would have both.

Given the OP's initial post, I think a pertinent question would be why are departments spending all of their money on paramilitary gear and not on training when training has a greater impact on any given situation than gear?

The obvious answer is that departments have a love affair with "tacticoolness". So while the officer may have better gear, the public impression of police is that that they are well equipped morons, because they lack even a basic level of training.

Before you flame me for being a hater, let me say that my dad and other guys in his department feel the same way - but they'd never say it publically.

Choosing gear over training will be a losing game for law enforcement. Going this route will make every department look like my county sheriffs department, where every deputy is issued a FA M 16 as a trunk gun, but the department won't spend the money for drug testing those deputies. Obvious results are obvious.

How do you know they get less training and more gear? You get that info from the scary JBT internet pictures you've seen?

Departments around here get very good training.

Maybe you missed where I said I'm talking about my dads department.

Maybe you could use some training on how to read.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 7:07:02 AM EDT
Ask yourself this question

Which rifle looks scarier to Joe Q Public an all Black rifle, or one with wood Furniture?

If I was going to walk down the road to the range with a rifle which
one would tend to get someone to freak out over me carrying it?

Ask yourself this question: who cares?

Seriously. The general public knows jack and shit about policing.

Making policy around what would scare the general population is a horrible idea.

Make policy around what is most effective to accomplish the task at hand.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 7:07:12 AM EDT

An officer should look like a PEACE officer not like a member of a Military division.

The real issue is some play dress and forget they are Public Servants.

First sentence: Why? Because you say so? Fuck that. Let me guess....you are against facial hair too?

Second: You do realize that killing badguys quickly and effectively is part of a police officer's responsibility and that activity is part of serving the public right? Yes, they have a whole myriad of other tasks that don't involve force. But when that force is needed it should be delivered quickly, effectively and without remorse.

Giving them the tools to do that only makes sense.

You have zero duty or authority to kill badguys.  If they die by your hand during your duty to stop a threat, subdue and arrest, or defending yourself, that's a lawful side effect of your deadly force authorization.

It is not your job to KILL bad guys.

Pretend swagger is what that is.

I take it you don't train with many cops?
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 7:08:04 AM EDT



Oh. I wouldn't know. Police officers around here don't wear military uniforms.


Nor the majority of ours (except for swat teams etc).
Then I don't get your point.

You seem to acknowledge the lack of an issue.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 7:08:14 AM EDT
Not every police/sheriff is armored up head to toe. The guys that are all dressed up are generally security for an at risk area (you can thank 9/11 for the higher posture). If someone decides to attack those areas or go on a shooting rampage, I like the idea of having someone nearby ready to bring the hurt on the bad guys.  Otherwise it will be officer do-good with a pistol, against one,two,or three guys with rifles.

So don't blame the police...blame the fucked up world we live in.
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