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Link Posted: 2/12/2024 12:15:40 PM EDT
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Meh , I'm an unvaccinated nurse who has been on the Frontline from the start . The protocol killed as many as those that had already racked up 3 or more comorbidities.  That was year one . After that , even a good vaccine with atleast 50% efficacy would have done better in the middle of a pandemic . The people who perpetuated the pandemic were those who were vaccinated . More shots , more disease . IgG4 .

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I too, can say the same. Lots of denial in this thread by those who took the poison and now have no idea what the fuck to expect in the coming years.

Yes much denial by anti vaxxers that the clots have existed long before the vaccine came out.

While the many conspiracy theories on this topic are just laughably bad - the one spin-off one that has the most credibility: use bots and paid posters to go into right wing forums to convince the undesirables to not take the booster shot that mitigates the fatal results a non-trivial percentage of COVID infections causes in 2020/2021/2022.  Just enough to statistically kill just enough, to win more elections for the D side.  

I don't think that's actually the case... mm  mmmmostly.  But if I were evil Soros, that would be on my list of schemes I'd fund.  Really though, it's the large amount of BUY GOLD! quality site click revenue generation folks that have driven most of that - fed by those who are super clever are ARE IN THE KNOW! that feed that best.

As always, the truth is somewhere not so pure - where the shittastic "vaccine" was oversold and used as a route to control people and make STUPID MONEY; while at the same time actually did what it was actually sold to be in day 1 - which was mitigate infection effects at the time and to "flatten the curve".  It was not initially sold as a preventative "vaccine", that came quickly soon thereafter with The Flight of The Karen's; with fraudulently false performance graphics showing how AMAZINGLY effective as a vaccine it was (which it never was)..  And why yes, the vaccine does have side effects.  Like every vaccine ever since ever.  And when people are dropping dead from the target ailment, it was worth it.  When people are no longer dropping dead (i.e. 2023+): Not Worth It.  

Congrats to the PUREBLOODS of 2020/2021 - you rolled the dice and didn't die.  And now, your blood is worth not an iota more or is in any way more clean, than anyone who did take the strickingly shortlived COVID vaccination - which is completely ineffective now - unless you take boosters again now; which I guess you can do, if you want.  Might be a good idea even if you are "at risk", ... I suppose.

As to ZOMG this vaccine is going to LAST FOOOREVAARHH!  Uh huh; said by people pounding themselves with more chemicals than Dow Chemical can make in a year and sucking down their vap's.   To date, the dire predictions of 25% of the human population dropping dead from being vaccinated - have proven to be the laughable Range Character eye-rolling bullshit from the same guys you quickly realize to avoid eye-contact with at the range all along.  Pretty much ALL the dire vaccine=long-term-terrible claims have proven false.

One things for sure - the statement that: "Ignorance is due to lack of information" that was made pre-internet, has been proven quite false on a whole lot of shit - including this one.  

I guess the thing I'm impressed most with, is how forgiving people who have been demonstrably lied to and played For-The-Click$ for the last 4 years, are completely forgiving of all that, and continue to believe without hesitation that all of it's true - even though none of it's come true, and they've been played total fools; who continue to embarrass themselves on the internets promoting foolish-stupid-shit, that isn't actually coming true.   If you're feeling smug; the pro-vaccination side got played too in the "it's an amazing vaccine" overstatement;  which is true.  Difference is most of the folks on that side, still ended up getting an injection that helped them mitigate a pandemic, and are totally fine.  And are still totally fine.  Whereas all the ones I know deaded by COVID, weren't vaccinated.   And turns out - they're still dead.

It was ineffective the day they brought it out because it was a year after it already mutated multiple times and because the mrna itself made nothing but spike protein , the single most dangerous part of the virus . They gave this version for 2 straight years and more even when the Cleveland Clinic showed more shots = more infections . Exponentially more spike protein than natural immunity. Then it was shown that igG4 antibodies were ramped up.  Then it came out that the manufacturing process itself was introducing dangerous contaminants . But no , it stays in your arm ! They substituted synthetic pseudouridine in the mrna ...it doesn't break down in 48hrs !  It's not good . It's not even benign.  

So the first statement is not true, which basically leads to autodismisal of everything else as non-credible, since the first sentence is already false.  It was effective on day one; but only tepidly so.  In truth, it was about as effective as initially chartered, with a mediocre but non-trivial mitigation.  this is true, not only from the CDC data (which was some seriously "dirty" data that I don't actually blame for not trusting because yes there was a lot of false in that data too), but also from the wide body of medical professionals I personally know and polled. I actually did listen to much of what AR15.com was saying about the vaccine, and in my seeking input from people in different cities and different positions right on the front line in ER's and other places - the hard truth was the ones dying weren't the vaccinated ones - and the ones living were.  That was early on.  The vaccine did quickly become more and more useless with time.  but was it a good idea to roll the dice and take the vaccine in those first 9 months?  the answer actually is yes.   IF it was the Prizer of Moderna one.  All the other ones (ALL of them - especially international) were much less so.  The complications came mostly from the Astra Zenica ones, and from the JJ ones.

As an aside: here's the hidden story nobody anywhere acknowledges, is that US FDA actually DID know the Astra Zenica one had bad side effects, and did ban that from importation into the US.  They actually got that one right.  They got a lot wrong - they let pfizer snow them on the efficacy and side effect data.  But they got that one right.  And while Pfizer did snow them, in the end, the "vaccine" (which I will acknowledge is an incorrect nomer), DID actually help ... at first... some.  Enough to be worth it.   for most people.   Forcing 17 year old high school students to take was insane.  I'll even give creed to discussion that it was criminally insane.  I also think there are lot of people who need to be in jail in fact (looking at you Cuomo - and Dear Dr. Fauchi: I have questions.).  But at the same time - yes, I know enough medical people who saw enough of what was really happening, and then independtaly confirmed from a funeral home director, that yes - the ones dying are the unvaccinated ones.  Conspiracy theories early on to not take the vaccine, killed people. It is my opinion and I saw first hand, and got sparky on here posting on it, in that I believe it killed more people, than the US vaccine did.  I know of 2 good dudes dead right now, of COVID, who weren't vaccinated.  That said, I know a guy in the UK who took the Astra Zenica vaccine, and yes, it really did collapse his lung, and he's still recovering.  Does my statement apply to the UK... eh.. maybe not so much.

The ONLY vaccine to have taken in this shit-show, were the mRNA Pfizer and Moderna ones; IMHO.  

And yes, the lock-downs were insane. The forced vaccinations were criminal.  And frankly we killed more people with our reaction to COVID, than COVID.  Because all those "well XX deaths are up YY% since 2019" some of which are actually true - are true far more due to our societal and health reaction to the whole pandemic (drinking, health, fiscal stress, etc), than the vaccine, or even COVID.

Meh , I'm an unvaccinated nurse who has been on the Frontline from the start . The protocol killed as many as those that had already racked up 3 or more comorbidities.  That was year one . After that , even a good vaccine with atleast 50% efficacy would have done better in the middle of a pandemic . The people who perpetuated the pandemic were those who were vaccinated . More shots , more disease . IgG4 .

First off  - props for going in and doing your job, especially during that period of maximum lethality with minimal protections and amateur level recourse if infected.  I view that up the with Indiana Jones tiptoeing across the snake pit in the context of that time and collective panic.  

As to your point on vaccine and transmission - on a topic with a lot of absurdity, that's IMHO a valid question.

Recall - the original charter was to mitigate effects enough to "spread the curv3" to mitigate overwhelming medical facilities.  It actually DID achieve that chartered mission
 Then the "95% efficacy " fraudulent charts started coming out - and suddenly everyone took it to the n3xt level, and it's claimed application and purpose changed to actually being a "vaccine"  a "vaccine" means I can go to leper colony and hit on the skinny ones.  This was never a "vaccine" in the common interpretation of the word.  And the media and politicians (with help from Pfizer) sure as shit knew people heard "immunization" when they said "vaccination".  That's where this all went to shit.

So, by being "vaccinated", most people actually DID still catch it, it just wasn't as big of a deal (on a statistical average blah blah - yes uncle Bob was vaccinated and still died; and again many fucks be upon those who knowingly falsly claimed and flatly implied  95% immunizatiin bullshit.  Bit yes, it really was effect enough (at first) that aunt Mae and nephew Bill now did not also die with Uncle Bob
 That part is actually mostly true (mmmostly, in 2020-2022).

But, they still had it - to your question, did that increase COVID spread and even increase its resilience?.   It actually might.  I don't think so, as in general mitigation can mean lower concentration and lower shedding.  But I don't have enough confidence in that to make that a solid claim
 Donno - good question.

With regards to you personally being "unvaccinated" - sure you are. Your body had enough low level exposure in that setting - you absolutely improved your immunology - you just did it that way.  But then, you already knew that - ??
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 12:23:43 PM EDT
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I wonder what our resident amateur radio enthusiasts would have to say about that.
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...You have overlooked the fact that you have also been injected with nanotechnology. When they say "lipid nano particle," guess what that is? I don't believe these are clots so much as they are antennas....

I wonder what our resident amateur radio enthusiasts would have to say about that.

Not a 'ham' guy, although I do have an amateur license. Also have the highest tier commercial license the FCC awards and have been involved in the technical surveillance realm of communications.

They might be resonant.

I can't point to a specific use of nanotechnology like a patent or a physician's prescribing insert because I simply am not going to look today. However, ten seconds of searching suggests some others with medical credentials believe the ability to externally target a problem, and send diagnostic data back, as well as adjusting therapeutic release of medicine at the microscopic level is either happening now or somewhere in the near future:

It happens, for a fact, today with swallowable cameras, I've seen those. So it is simply a matter of shrinking and simplifying the tech. I have seen micro electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) that were developed for defense projects; it would be fairly straightforward to alter them into in vivo systems. Not cheap enough to mass produce, but straightforward.

The only real issue would be the energy density and the distance from the emitter being strong enough to resonate a structure inside a skinbound bag of water. Or, transmit back out. That might not even be an issue any longer with recent advances in MIMO arrays. (Currently, you have to lay the antenna on the chest of a person to data connect to their pacemaker). Or, I guess it could drop an antenna out the anal sphincter while we sleep, like Cartman had. (shrugs)

(Shrugs) I definitely cannot say no, this isn't in the realm of possibility. I can say it's about 95% not possible with the telecom backbone that is currently deployed. I don't know what I don't know, though.

To make this simpler, I know for a fact I can stand under high tension power lines and have an unconnected 18" fluorescent tube illuminate. Will it do so inside of me? If yes, and if you can then blink the powerline, you can send digital information (illuminated=1 off=0). Will it work with a tiny tube? If so, then it is possible to send at least one-way data internally. Clearly, men in suits adding a modulator to a 161kV transmission line would be noticed, and this whole thought experiment has more holes than a garbage can-sized colander, but it is why I can't be like others and say, nfw can this ever happen. The science is just moving too fast to estimate this kind of stuff anymore. At least from where I sit.
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 12:31:24 PM EDT
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They thought the Sheepdogs would get in lone first because of Fuck China

They were wrong.  Then they tried to take our jobs away.  And they were wrong there as well.

They tried their damnest but it didn't work.
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They used the same tactic to try to peel what the left viewed as "Conservative  Americans" away from Trump when they pulled their "Russia Russia Russia' shit.
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 12:37:41 PM EDT
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These threads are great for reminding me why I will continue to have job security.
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You are a shrink?    Psychiatrist?
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 12:54:43 PM EDT
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im on my 6th booster. what does that mean for me?
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My God I hope you don't carry or even own firearms for that matter . You seem to make bad decisions .
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 1:06:31 PM EDT
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Hard to argue with any of this though the trolls on this thread will try
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Anyone who still trusts these vaccines, and or the U.S. government, or the media and the information they release, after the huge amount of red flags / scary complications these vaccines are being blamed for honestly deserves what they get at this point.

I even refuse flu shots at the Va these days, because honestly after the army got caught giving Covid vaccines to troops and lied saying they were flu shots, I absolutely don’t trust the Va to try something similar. Gov run healthcare at its finest, Va especially, as killing you off benefits them financially, as it would save them hundreds of thousands at a minimum easily  in future medical costs, for each veteran they remove from their care.

Hard to argue with any of this though the trolls on this thread will try

Yep, they pushed way too hard....funny enough it was later found that kung flu was in the US late 2019....funny how the death numbers really didn't spike until the Gov got involved.  Stopped treating people and letting them die was the answer.  Then only option was Big Pharma to the rescue.   I guess the internal emails about lying to the public or hiding pertinent information isn't enough to wake people up but yet the irony of some of the statements said in this thread is true.....though should have been said while looking in the mirror.

My brother was a cyclist and highly active since college when he was on the cycling team for a power 5 college.  Was fine up until this past year, now has a hard time walking up more than 2 flights of stairs and has a ICD in his chest.  Just glad he didn't take more than the initial Fraud jab he got.  I have friends I go to local concerts with every few months.  One lady started dating a guy and he joined this past concert.  This past year he had to have open heart surgery.....to replace all 4 valves in his heart as he suddenly went down hill fast before hand.  He got jabbed, nobody previously in his family had heart issues.  All anecdotal evidence....of course Big Pharma never making the fully FDA approved version and only the EUA version doesn't matter....as they are all the same but legally distinct.  If you think you got a fully FDA approved version please show the facility they made it in as Fraud and Moneyjab said they never produced the fully FDA version but the Gov touted it as it was.  To be fully FDA approved it has was stricter rules on the facility and manufacturing process.  This would have reduced the bottom line.

I am sure the sudden rise in cancers for young people is from climate change or some other reason than taking something that was tested enough to have more people in the trials die taking the jab than the placebo......and here we are.   Jabbing the placebo group before the end of the trials should have been a red flag to 99% of the public.....the media with the power of the Gov behind them censoring people should be listed as the biggest threat to the US but don't worry as so far it is still the "white male."
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 1:08:20 PM EDT
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You are a shrink?    Psychiatrist?
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These threads are great for reminding me why I will continue to have job security.

You are a shrink?    Psychiatrist?

Might want to examine the username and avatar......then start with a different degree field....
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 1:26:25 PM EDT
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Hard to argue with any of this though the trolls on this thread will try
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Anyone who still trusts these vaccines, and or the U.S. government, or the media and the information they release, after the huge amount of red flags / scary complications these vaccines are being blamed for honestly deserves what they get at this point.

I even refuse flu shots at the Va these days, because honestly after the army got caught giving Covid vaccines to troops and lied saying they were flu shots, I absolutely don’t trust the Va to try something similar. Gov run healthcare at its finest, Va especially, as killing you off benefits them financially, as it would save them hundreds of thousands at a minimum easily  in future medical costs, for each veteran they remove from their care.

Hard to argue with any of this though the trolls on this thread will try

I would suggest it’s in your best interest to keep getting “normal” vaccines and just not get the covid vaxx if you don’t want it.  It would be a terrible shame to step on a rusty nail and die from something totally avoidable like tetanus just out of paranoia.
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 1:37:59 PM EDT
I've also heard that the ultra wealthy are rejecting organ donations from the vaccinated. There have been like 3 cases where an elite has needed an organ donation yet has suspiciously rejected non pureblood donors in favor of an additional wait.
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 1:43:06 PM EDT
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I've also heard that the ultra wealthy are rejecting organ donations from the vaccinated. There have been like 3 cases where an elite has needed an organ donation yet has suspiciously rejected non pureblood donors in favor of an additional wait.
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Which cases where those?
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 1:47:43 PM EDT
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Are there any members here that are active in the embalming trade? I'd appreciate some first hand observations.
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Link Posted: 2/12/2024 1:51:35 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 1:56:59 PM EDT
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Pfizer master race checking in.  

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Link Posted: 2/12/2024 2:03:15 PM EDT
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I ran into a friend of mine a few months ago while I was having lunch.  Asked him how he has been and he told me he was in the hospital because he almost died.  Began telling me about his situation and his episode at work and they found out he had a blood clot.  They operated on him and pulled the clot out.  He had a picture of the clot on his phone and it looked like one in OP's post.  I was amazed at how long and thick that thing looked, never seen anything like it.  He told me he should have been dead but he was one of the very few lucky ones to survive that.  I didn't ask him about taking the shot but I'm pretty sure he did.  He is only 48 years old and that clot was massive.
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Link Posted: 2/12/2024 2:07:27 PM EDT
Virology 099: What I learned in my first year of high school, and what you should have learned too, had you not been ditching class to sleep with your sister:

A virium (singular of virus) infects a cell in your body by reprogramming that cell to produce more copies of itself.
Commonly, that cell dies, either as a direct result of the viral infection, or after being targeted by your immune system and attacked.
But before it does, it releases these copies back into your body, with each looking for a new host cell to repeat the process.
This leads to an exponential growth pattern. If for each infected cell 10 virium were produced (that number used solely for purposes of example, the actual numbers would be much, much higher), that means you'd have 10 virium in the first generation, 100 virium in the next, 1000 in the third, etc.
Each of these virium are comprised of multiple parts, including - in the case of the COVID virus - a spike protien 'shell' (for lack of a better word).
It is this outward-facing element that your immune system - once it knows it's something that doesn't belong - uses to identify and target the virus, and the cells producing it.

Contrast this with an mRNA vaccine. In this case, mRNA is introduced into a relatively small number of cells, and in each cell, it resides outside of the nucleus.
It then acts similarly, but not the same, as a virus. But instead of programming the cell to produce an entire virus (which if it did would be capable of infecting other cells), it programs it to create solely the spike-protien, which has no 'life' of its own.
This 'teaches' your immune system to identify the actual virus, and primes it for action against it, should it infect you in the future.
What happens to the cells that do this? One of two things, generally. 1) Either the immune system targets them for destruction just like an infected cell - since - like a viral-infected cell, it is producing something the body doesn't want in it. Or, if it manages to survive, the mRNA, being highly unstable, becomes inactive in very short order, returning the cell to normal operation.
The 'reprogramming' instructions are not part of the cell nucleus, which means that cell division does not transfer the intructions to the next generation of cells. Once that cell is done producing spike protiens, that's it. And once all the cells that were originally affected by the vaccine (once again, a very, very, very, very small number relative to the number of cells in one's body), the vaccine is effectively 'gone'.

All this to say - if you credit the spike-protien component of the mRNA vaccines as a problem - and it might very well cause auto-immune related problems - then infection with the actual virus does exactly the same thing, only on a much larger scale, and with all the other damage that goes along with with an active infection. So if you think you can get through life never being exposed to a highly-contagious virus that is now, and has been for years now, endemic to our population... maybe being 'pure-blood' means something. But for the other 99% of the world's population, it doesn't really matter.
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 2:16:12 PM EDT
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Which cases where those?
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I've also heard that the ultra wealthy are rejecting organ donations from the vaccinated. There have been like 3 cases where an elite has needed an organ donation yet has suspiciously rejected non pureblood donors in favor of an additional wait.

Which cases where those?

More likely than not......that poster is just trolling.  Claiming shit to stir up people, they are a true believer in the jab.
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 2:23:03 PM EDT
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Quoted: Modified to see bold:
A virium (singular of virus) infects a cell in your body by reprogramming that cell to produce more copies of itself.  Commonly, that cell dies.   But before it does, it releases these copies back into your body, with each looking for a new host cell to repeat the process.  This leads to an exponential growth pattern. If for each infected cell 10 virium were produced (that number used solely for purposes of example, the actual numbers would be much, much higher), that means you'd have 10 virium in the first generation, 100 virium in the next, 1000 in the third, etc.  Each of these virium are comprised of multiple parts, including - in the case of the COVID virus - a spike protein 'shell.'  It is this outward-facing element that your immune system - once it knows it's something that doesn't belong - uses to identify and target the virus, and the cells producing it.
Contrast this with an mRNA vaccine. In this case, mRNA is introduced into a relatively small number of cells, and in each cell, it resides outside of the nucleus.  It then acts similarly, but not the same, as a virus. But instead of programming the cell to produce an entire virus, it programs it to create solely the spike-protien, which has no 'life' of its own.

This 'teaches' your immune system to identify the actual virus, and primes it for action against in should it infect you in the future.
What happens to the cells that do this? One of two things, generally. 1) Either the immune system targets them for destruction just like an infected cell - since - like a viral-infected cell, it is producing something the body doesn't want in it. Or, if it manages to survive, the mRNA, being highly unstable, becomes inactive in very short order, returning the cell to normal operation.
The 'reprogramming' instructions are not part of the cell nucleus, which means that cell division does not transfer the intructions to the next generation of cells. Once that cell is done producing spike protiens, that's it. And once all the cells that were originally affected by the vaccine (once again, a very, very, very, very small number relative to the number of cells in one's body), the vaccine is effectively 'gone'.

All this to say - if you credit the spike-protien component of the mRNA vaccines as a problem - and it might very well cause auto-immune related problems - then infection with the actual virus does exactly the same thing, only on a much larger scale, and with all the other damage that goes along with with an active infection. So if you think you can get through life never being exposed to a highly-contagious virus that is now, and has been for years now, endemic to our population... maybe being 'pure-blood' means something. But for the other 99% of the world's population, it doesn't really matter.
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What happens when the body continually produces these spikes and then the body 'learns' they are not a threat an ignores anything like it......
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 2:26:30 PM EDT
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but not the paper bag with the spray paint these jabb-pushing chuckle heads have been huffing

tell me, why are they so intent on pushing their jabb onto others? or scorning those who didn't make what is now an obvious (fatal?) mistake?

did it stop the spread?
did it protect anyone but the receiver? (if it did anything at all)

In any century before this, fauxi's head would be on a pike at the city gates
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Do you need to breathe into a paper bag or something?


but not the paper bag with the spray paint these jabb-pushing chuckle heads have been huffing

tell me, why are they so intent on pushing their jabb onto others? or scorning those who didn't make what is now an obvious (fatal?) mistake?

did it stop the spread?
did it protect anyone but the receiver? (if it did anything at all)

In any century before this, fauxi's head would be on a pike at the city gates

Where is that fucking ferret these days, anyway?
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 2:27:02 PM EDT
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What happens when the body continually produces these spikes and then the body 'learns' they are not a threat an ignores anything like it......
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Quoted: Modified to see bold:
A virium (singular of virus) infects a cell in your body by reprogramming that cell to produce more copies of itself.  Commonly, that cell dies.   But before it does, it releases these copies back into your body, with each looking for a new host cell to repeat the process.  This leads to an exponential growth pattern. If for each infected cell 10 virium were produced (that number used solely for purposes of example, the actual numbers would be much, much higher), that means you'd have 10 virium in the first generation, 100 virium in the next, 1000 in the third, etc.  Each of these virium are comprised of multiple parts, including - in the case of the COVID virus - a spike protien 'shell' (for lack of a better word).  It is this outward-facing element that your immune system - once it knows it's something that doesn't belong - uses to identify and target the virus, and the cells producing it.
Contrast this with an mRNA vaccine. In this case, mRNA is introduced into a relatively small number of cells, and in each cell, it resides outside of the nucleus.  It then acts similarly, but not the same, as a virus. But instead of programming the cell to produce an entire virus (which if it did would be capable of infecting other cells), it programs it to create solely the spike-protien, which has no 'life' of its own.

This 'teaches' your immune system to identify the actual virus, and primes it for action against in should it infect you in the future.
What happens to the cells that do this? One of two things, generally. 1) Either the immune system targets them for destruction just like an infected cell - since - like a viral-infected cell, it is producing something the body doesn't want in it. Or, if it manages to survive, the mRNA, being highly unstable, becomes inactive in very short order, returning the cell to normal operation.
The 'reprogramming' instructions are not part of the cell nucleus, which means that cell division does not transfer the intructions to the next generation of cells. Once that cell is done producing spike protiens, that's it. And once all the cells that were originally affected by the vaccine (once again, a very, very, very, very small number relative to the number of cells in one's body), the vaccine is effectively 'gone'.

All this to say - if you credit the spike-protien component of the mRNA vaccines as a problem - and it might very well cause auto-immune related problems - then infection with the actual virus does exactly the same thing, only on a much larger scale, and with all the other damage that goes along with with an active infection. So if you think you can get through life never being exposed to a highly-contagious virus that is now, and has been for years now, endemic to our population... maybe being 'pure-blood' means something. But for the other 99% of the world's population, it doesn't really matter.

What happens when the body continually produces these spikes and then the body 'learns' they are not a threat an ignores anything like it......

He explained why that wouldn't happen for very long.
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 2:28:04 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 2:30:07 PM EDT
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He explained why that wouldn't happen for very long.
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A virium (singular of virus) infects a cell in your body by reprogramming that cell to produce more copies of itself.  Commonly, that cell dies.   But before it does, it releases these copies back into your body, with each looking for a new host cell to repeat the process.  This leads to an exponential growth pattern. If for each infected cell 10 virium were produced (that number used solely for purposes of example, the actual numbers would be much, much higher), that means you'd have 10 virium in the first generation, 100 virium in the next, 1000 in the third, etc.  Each of these virium are comprised of multiple parts, including - in the case of the COVID virus - a spike protien 'shell' (for lack of a better word).  It is this outward-facing element that your immune system - once it knows it's something that doesn't belong - uses to identify and target the virus, and the cells producing it.
Contrast this with an mRNA vaccine. In this case, mRNA is introduced into a relatively small number of cells, and in each cell, it resides outside of the nucleus.  It then acts similarly, but not the same, as a virus. But instead of programming the cell to produce an entire virus (which if it did would be capable of infecting other cells), it programs it to create solely the spike-protien, which has no 'life' of its own.

This 'teaches' your immune system to identify the actual virus, and primes it for action against in should it infect you in the future.
What happens to the cells that do this? One of two things, generally. 1) Either the immune system targets them for destruction just like an infected cell - since - like a viral-infected cell, it is producing something the body doesn't want in it. Or, if it manages to survive, the mRNA, being highly unstable, becomes inactive in very short order, returning the cell to normal operation.
The 'reprogramming' instructions are not part of the cell nucleus, which means that cell division does not transfer the intructions to the next generation of cells. Once that cell is done producing spike protiens, that's it. And once all the cells that were originally affected by the vaccine (once again, a very, very, very, very small number relative to the number of cells in one's body), the vaccine is effectively 'gone'.

All this to say - if you credit the spike-protien component of the mRNA vaccines as a problem - and it might very well cause auto-immune related problems - then infection with the actual virus does exactly the same thing, only on a much larger scale, and with all the other damage that goes along with with an active infection. So if you think you can get through life never being exposed to a highly-contagious virus that is now, and has been for years now, endemic to our population... maybe being 'pure-blood' means something. But for the other 99% of the world's population, it doesn't really matter.

What happens when the body continually produces these spikes and then the body 'learns' they are not a threat an ignores anything like it......

He explained why that wouldn't happen for very long.

Just like it stays in the shoulder or something else?
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 2:35:21 PM EDT
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You are a shrink?    Psychiatrist?
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Youtube video creation consultant!
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 2:36:30 PM EDT
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What happens when the body continually produces these spikes and then the body 'learns' they are not a threat an ignores anything like it......
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A) The action of mRNA is short-lived. It's simply a very unstable molecule. We're talking days here. It does not modify the cell's DNA, which means it doesn't create new cells that have new versions of the mRNA instructions.
B) I assume you're talking about booster shots and/or recurrent infections. In either case, as far as I know, there are no mechanisms in place by which your body comes to accept things that shouldn't be there as 'normal'. But even if it did, the result in that case would obviously be little more than a lack of vaccine efficacy. These supposed clotting issues - which very well might be legit, though in no way limited to the vaccine alone - are a result of your body absolutely, positively recognizing the viruses 'clothes' - the spike protein - as a bad thing.
C) Autoimmune disorders in general have strong links to prior infections of all different kinds (viruses, bacteria, fungi). If this is what's happening with some people infected with covid19 and/or those who received a vaccine against it, it's hardly something unique. In any case it's a disfunction of your body's immune system, causing it to continue recognizing your body's cells as 'the enemy'. In a way this makes a lot of sense. For the time that a virus is active in your body (or the vaccine), your very own cells ARE THE ENEMY. It's when your immune system fails to revert back to recognizing your own cells as 'friends' that things go south.
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 2:38:56 PM EDT
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Virology 099: What I learned in my first year of high school, and what you should have learned too, had you not been ditching class to sleep with your sister:

A virium (singular of virus) infects a cell in your body by reprogramming that cell to produce more copies of itself.
Commonly, that cell dies, either as a direct result of the viral infection, or after being targeted by your immune system and attacked.
But before it does, it releases these copies back into your body, with each looking for a new host cell to repeat the process.
This leads to an exponential growth pattern. If for each infected cell 10 virium were produced (that number used solely for purposes of example, the actual numbers would be much, much higher), that means you'd have 10 virium in the first generation, 100 virium in the next, 1000 in the third, etc.
Each of these virium are comprised of multiple parts, including - in the case of the COVID virus - a spike protien 'shell' (for lack of a better word).
It is this outward-facing element that your immune system - once it knows it's something that doesn't belong - uses to identify and target the virus, and the cells producing it.

Contrast this with an mRNA vaccine. In this case, mRNA is introduced into a relatively small number of cells, and in each cell, it resides outside of the nucleus.
It then acts similarly, but not the same, as a virus. But instead of programming the cell to produce an entire virus (which if it did would be capable of infecting other cells), it programs it to create solely the spike-protien, which has no 'life' of its own.
This 'teaches' your immune system to identify the actual virus, and primes it for action against in should it infect you in the future.
What happens to the cells that do this? One of two things, generally. 1) Either the immune system targets them for destruction just like an infected cell - since - like a viral-infected cell, it is producing something the body doesn't want in it. Or, if it manages to survive, the mRNA, being highly unstable, becomes inactive in very short order, returning the cell to normal operation.
The 'reprogramming' instructions are not part of the cell nucleus, which means that cell division does not transfer the intructions to the next generation of cells. Once that cell is done producing spike protiens, that's it. And once all the cells that were originally affected by the vaccine (once again, a very, very, very, very small number relative to the number of cells in one's body), the vaccine is effectively 'gone'.

All this to say - if you credit the spike-protien component of the mRNA vaccines as a problem - and it might very well cause auto-immune related problems - then infection with the actual virus does exactly the same thing, only on a much larger scale, and with all the other damage that goes along with with an active infection. So if you think you can get through life never being exposed to a highly-contagious virus that is now, and has been for years now, endemic to our population... maybe being 'pure-blood' means something. But for the other 99% of the world's population, it doesn't really matter.
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We are living in a post-truth/post-fact world.

So, for example, if your neighbor Bob comes over and says his family got abducted by aliens, you might say “but Bob, I see your wife and children right there, across the street in your yard”.  And Bob would then say “of course you see them, because that’s what the aliens want you to see, they are exact replicas in every way, but they aren’t really my family”.  

There is no reasoning or arguing with Bob at this point.

Link Posted: 2/12/2024 2:40:11 PM EDT
Didnt believe it last time it was posted, still calling it bullshit. You guys love your echo chamber and narrative and desperately cling to anything to support it.
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 2:42:45 PM EDT
Are the self righteous covidians still defending their poison?
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 2:45:47 PM EDT
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Quoted:as far as I know, there are no mechanisms in place by which your body comes to accept things that shouldn't be there as 'normal'.
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Not to be the technically correct guy, but some forms of cancer have such mechanisms. Some viruses like EBV can as well.

Link Posted: 2/12/2024 2:45:49 PM EDT
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It was ineffective the day they brought it out because it was a year after it already mutated multiple times and because the mrna itself made nothing but spike protein , the single most dangerous part of the virus . They gave this version for 2 straight years and more even when the Cleveland Clinic showed more shots = more infections . Exponentially more spike protein than natural immunity. Then it was shown that igG4 antibodies were ramped up.  Then it came out that the manufacturing process itself was introducing dangerous contaminants . But no , it stays in your arm ! They substituted synthetic pseudouridine in the mrna ...it doesn't break down in 48hrs !  It's not good . It's not even benign.  

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Regardless of if it was effective or not, it sure was not safe on day one due to the usage of the toxic spike protein. Everything else you list is the signal that it isnt safe getting louder and louder. Our governments actively searched for those safety signals with vaccines pre covid, and reacted accordingly. With covid shots the governments are neither searching nor reacting, nor responding when the medical community or real scientists are handing them safety signals on a silver platter
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 2:48:32 PM EDT
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im on my 6th booster. what does that mean for me?
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Coffee enema. Liver flush. Bloodletting then consult a ouija board

All in that order
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 2:52:13 PM EDT
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Brother, it's time to forgive them.

Not for them but for your sake.  You have every right to be upset and hurt by their actions and words.  But now you're hurting yourself by holding on to this anger.  I see it in every post of yours about COVID.  I'd rather extinguish my pure blood status than see someone succumb to the stress and anger or hatred of those who acted like nazis.

They fell for the propaganda. Hard.  Few will admit or apologize but their actions are telling.  They're not up to date on their boosters and for good reason.  Heck, you probably inspired some of them to not get more.  Many people are far too proud of themselves to ever apologize but many more are still fooling themselves and licking up every last bit of satisfying and tasty COVID propaganda.

Take care man.
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Fuck that. People.like that will turn you in for your guns. Keep the anger. It's soothing when directed at those that earned it
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 2:53:46 PM EDT
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A) The action of mRNA is short-lived. It's simply a very unstable molecule. We're talking days here. It does not modify the cell's DNA, which means it doesn't create new cells that have new versions of the mRNA instructions.
B) I assume you're talking about booster shots and/or recurrent infections. In either case, as far as I know, there are no mechanisms in place by which your body comes to accept things that shouldn't be there as 'normal'. But even if it did, the result in that case would obviously be little more than a lack of vaccine efficacy. These supposed clotting issues - which very well might be legit, though in no way limited to the vaccine alone - are a result of your body absolutely, positively recognizing the viruses 'clothes' - the spike protein - as a bad thing.
C) Autoimmune disorders in general have strong links to prior infections of all different kinds (viruses, bacteria, fungi). If this is what's happening with some people infected with covid19 and/or those who received a vaccine against it, it's hardly something unique. In any case it's a disfunction of your body's immune system, causing it to continue recognizing your body's cells as 'the enemy'. In a way this makes a lot of sense. For the time that a virus is active in your body (or the vaccine), your very own cells ARE THE ENEMY. It's when your immune system fails to revert back to recognizing your own cells as 'friends' that things go south.
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"The most significant finding is that spike protein is found on exosomes, that is, cell-derived vesicles, for at least four months after the second injection. This surprisingly long persistence raises the prospect of sustained inflammation within and damage to organs which express the spike protein"

This is the problem with 'science.'  It is an educated guess on what is going to happen.  Feel free to name any other mRNA vaccine given to the general public and the findings before kung flu.  We are in uncharted waters.  Medical science has come a long way but basing what happened to a few test subjects (of which more died in the trials in the jab group) and thinking it was going to be the same for every other individual on the planet with different immune reactions is just a guess.  That and the varying degree of how much of the actual vaccine was in each shot given just adds to this clusterfuck.
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 2:54:30 PM EDT
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I would suggest it’s in your best interest to keep getting “normal” vaccines and just not get the covid vaxx if you don’t want it.  It would be a terrible shame to step on a rusty nail and die from something totally avoidable like tetanus just out of paranoia.
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Anyone who still trusts these vaccines, and or the U.S. government, or the media and the information they release, after the huge amount of red flags / scary complications these vaccines are being blamed for honestly deserves what they get at this point.

I even refuse flu shots at the Va these days, because honestly after the army got caught giving Covid vaccines to troops and lied saying they were flu shots, I absolutely don’t trust the Va to try something similar. Gov run healthcare at its finest, Va especially, as killing you off benefits them financially, as it would save them hundreds of thousands at a minimum easily  in future medical costs, for each veteran they remove from their care.

Hard to argue with any of this though the trolls on this thread will try

I would suggest it’s in your best interest to keep getting “normal” vaccines and just not get the covid vaxx if you don’t want it.  It would be a terrible shame to step on a rusty nail and die from something totally avoidable like tetanus just out of paranoia.

I personally agree, i expect many who are suspicious of the covid shot would do the same and its why all the trolls who blanket label people asking good questions as ANTIVAXXERS are so disingenuous .

Everyone should be given accurate information on risk vs benefit, be able to evaluate each shot independently and make their own decisions. Each individual should be free what to take and avoid based on that accurate information. We used to rely on our government to provide that information but it is clear we no longer can so we have to find other sources then evaluate they are trustworthy or not
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 2:54:47 PM EDT
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Not to be the technically correct guy, but some forms of cancer have such mechanisms. Some viruses like EBV can as well.

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Like I said - "as far as I know" - I'm not trying to come off as an expert. I just waited until college to start sleeping with my kin.
But in the context of this discussion, none of that matters.
If the body somehow learned to recognize the spike protien as a friend, the only thing it would mean in relation to the vaccine is that the vaccine would have zero efficacy.
The argument here is that the vaccine is causing damage over and above what would be seen by an actual infection. That was the belief I was attempting to debunk.
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 3:14:43 PM EDT
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"The most significant finding is that spike protein is found on exosomes, that is, cell-derived vesicles, for at least four months after the second injection. This surprisingly long persistence raises the prospect of sustained inflammation within and damage to organs which express the spike protein"

This is the problem with 'science.'  It is an educated guess on what is going to happen.  Feel free to name any other mRNA vaccine given to the general public and the findings before kung flu.  We are in uncharted waters.  Medical science has come a long way but basing what happened to a few test subjects (of which more died in the trials in the jab group) and thinking it was going to be the same for every other individual on the planet with different immune reactions is just a guess.  That and the varying degree of how much of the actual vaccine was in each shot given just adds to this clusterfuck.
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The spike-protien portion of the virus is the same regardless of whether it's part of an actual virium, or produced by your cells under direction of the vaccine.
So if you can find evidence of it persisting any given time post-vaccination, would it not make sense that it would likewise persist the same time period post-infection?
If I have 100 mice that live for 2 years on average, they're not going to start living 4 years if I double their numbers. So I fail to see how the number of spike-protien fragments has any impact.
Much of the damage done to the body during an active infection of any type is done by the immune system itself. There's no way getting around that. So yes, anything that keeps the immune system 'fighting' could potentially lead to such problems.
But again... IF THE mRNA VACCINE CAUSES THESE PROBLEMS, THEN AN INFECTION MOST DEFINITELY WILL. All it takes is the very basic understanding of how both work, which I hoped to provide above, in order to understand the why of it.

As for 'science' being an educated guess, no... that's actually only the very first step of the scientific method (creation of a hypothesis). It's everything that comes after that really matters. And that takes time.
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 3:17:19 PM EDT
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The spike-protien portion of the virus is the same regardless of whether it's part of an actual virium, or produced by your cells under direction of the vaccine.
So if you can find evidence of it persisting any given time post-vaccination, would it not make sense that it would likewise persist the same time period post-infection?
If I have 100 mice that live for 2 years on average, they're not going to start living 4 years if I double their numbers. So I fail to see how the number of spike-protien fragments has any impact.
Much of the damage done to the body during an active infection of any type is done by the immune system itself. There's no way getting around that. So yes, anything that keeps the immune system 'fighting' could potentially lead to such problems.
But again... IF THE mRNA VACCINE CAUSES THESE PROBLEMS, THEN AN INFECTION MOST DEFINITELY WILL. All it takes is the very basic understanding of how both work, which I hoped to provide above, in order to understand the why of it.

As for 'science' being an educated guess, no... that's actually only the very first step of the scientific method (creation of a hypothesis). It's everything that comes after that really matters. And that takes time.
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The study was done with people that had not gotten a covid infection.

Yes it takes time.....of which they abbreviated it beyond the acceptable limits even for an EUA 'vaccine.'
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 3:17:21 PM EDT
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If true, I say this with no malice, but I would consider finding a physician who questions the VAX and see what you can do to cleanse your system. Assuming you’re taking this seriously.
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My understanding is it's irreversible (damage from the spike protein).
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 3:24:20 PM EDT
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For people who say that covid probably causes the issue and dismiss the potential of the vaccine ; here is Australia , who vaccinated before they had a surge of covid ;

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Yeah thats a great video. Definitely calls in to question the assertion by so many on this thread that the heart issues are caused by covid instead of the shots

What also jumped out to me in the video is the frustration that governments are not just ignoring safety signals they would have taken seriously in the past, governments are suppressing the questions by helping to make asking questions about the shots taboo.
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 3:25:17 PM EDT
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I would suggest it’s in your best interest to keep getting “normal” vaccines and just not get the covid vaxx if you don’t want it.  It would be a terrible shame to step on a rusty nail and die from something totally avoidable like tetanus just out of paranoia.
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Anyone who still trusts these vaccines, and or the U.S. government, or the media and the information they release, after the huge amount of red flags / scary complications these vaccines are being blamed for honestly deserves what they get at this point.

I even refuse flu shots at the Va these days, because honestly after the army got caught giving Covid vaccines to troops and lied saying they were flu shots, I absolutely don’t trust the Va to try something similar. Gov run healthcare at its finest, Va especially, as killing you off benefits them financially, as it would save them hundreds of thousands at a minimum easily  in future medical costs, for each veteran they remove from their care.

Hard to argue with any of this though the trolls on this thread will try

I would suggest it’s in your best interest to keep getting “normal” vaccines and just not get the covid vaxx if you don’t want it.  It would be a terrible shame to step on a rusty nail and die from something totally avoidable like tetanus just out of paranoia.

Nah, buck's position is the most logical and coherent.

If folks really, truly believe that there is a persistent international conspiracy that has so deeply corrupted government and medicine in order to cripple and kill innocent people there's no reason for them to trust ANY modern medicine. They may have a family doctor or specialist they believe in but they gotta put that way of thinking behind them. There's no way of knowing whether this vast and nearly omnipotent conspiracy has their "known good" doc fooled or compromised as well. Whatever the conspiracy has over these doctors and public health officials is making them poison their own families, for God's sakes. What chance do any GD posters stand against that? Who's to say what they're doing to your insulin, or what they're actually beaming into your body during that MRI?

The consistent and courageous thing is to do your own research and not accept any medical care or drugs you don't figure out and acquire on your own. If it's all real and you really believe it you'd be a fool and a hypocrite to trust anyone but yourself.

Unless the guy in question has a yootube channel, I guess then they're legit.
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 3:27:11 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 3:35:25 PM EDT
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LOL!  What??  VAXXERS have been the very definition of Karen.
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Anti vaxers crying about vaxxers are the biggest karens...  sorry girls

LOL!  What??  VAXXERS have been the very definition of Karen.

"Biggest Karens"?  What is the guy talking about.  I never threatened to fire people who got vaxxed.  I never threatened the free travel of people who got vaxxed.  I never threatened to lock up the people who got vaxxed.  I never kept the vaxxed of my office, out of grocery stores, concerts or sporting events.  I care less what you do.  If it makes you live longer, great for you.  If it kills you sooner, too bad for you.  Not my concern.  I also do not care if you are fat or thin, but my guess is you are not at your fittest.

I am an "anti-vaxxer" and all I ever wanted was to be left alone to make my own decisions based on the science and data.  You vaxxers were demanding I do things despite the science and the data.  Did the vax keep people from catching COVID?  Did it stop the transmission?  Did it lesson the severity?  We know the answers to these questions.  But again, you do you, just don't come looking at my wallet when you have negative consequences.
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 3:35:34 PM EDT
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Is anyone still intent on pushing it on others?  

I ask because I don’t hear much about it anymore where I am, other than in GD.
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It's still required by my wife's employer...major healthcare provider and insurer that everyone here has heard of. Luckily, my wife was one of the few that was given an exemption early on.
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 3:37:29 PM EDT
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It's still required by my wife's employer...major healthcare provider and insurer that everyone here has heard of. Luckily, my wife was one of the few that was given an exemption early on.
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Is anyone still intent on pushing it on others?  

I ask because I don’t hear much about it anymore where I am, other than in GD.

It's still required by my wife's employer...major healthcare provider and insurer that everyone here has heard of. Luckily, my wife was one of the few that was given an exemption early on.

Wow, that’s crazy.  

I wonder what their reason is.
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 3:43:12 PM EDT
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Link Posted: 2/12/2024 3:43:58 PM EDT
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Wow, that’s crazy.  

I wonder what their reason is.
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It makes no sense. Ironically, they only care if you have the OG series of shots. The boosters aren't required. My wife was smart enough to submit her exemption request before HR came up with a formal process. Once that formal HR process was in place they basically denied everyone. Many people were fired.
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 3:45:28 PM EDT
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Pfizer master race checking in.  

Purebloods asks yourself this, why would they want to kill off the sheep and not the sheepdogs?

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It's not about who they kill off, as long as the elites aren't in that group.
The religion is the climate change, and they will kill whoever it takes.
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 3:51:36 PM EDT
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We all know your opinion on this. Fired an "incompetent woman", so incompetent she was later re-hired.
Actually my wife fired her for refusing to explain why she refused to get vaccinated.  My wife asked if she had a medical reason or religious conviction, and the woman never answered.  She was incompetent anyway.

Link Posted: 2/12/2024 3:59:06 PM EDT
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The study was done with people that had not gotten a covid infection.

Yes it takes time.....of which they abbreviated it beyond the acceptable limits even for an EUA 'vaccine.'
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I don't disagree the vaccines were rushed. But that wasn't exactly much of a secret.
I do feel it was an injustice for so many segments of society to have been forced to either take the vaccine or sacrifice their careers. Just as infection was a risk to my family, economic catastrophe was a risk to others.
I took it + 2 boosters to protect family members under my care who were high risk. I didn't at the time feel that the vaccine had the potential to be worse than the virus, and I still don't now.
But even if I had felt it was a bigger risk than I did, I still would have taken it - once again to protect my family - and was happy to have it available when it was.
Now that those people are passed, the virus has mutated, and we have experience treating the virus with other tools, I'm back into "wait till the tech matures" mode. No more mRNA for me at the moment.
But that doesn't mean I wouldn't consider it again if the need arose. It's an amazing tool, which is only starting to be leveraged in ways many have yet to imagine.
Everything in life is a risk. The fact that one person's risk/reward calculation is different from mine doesn't mean they're wrong. But it also doesn't mean I am either.

Link Posted: 2/12/2024 4:00:58 PM EDT
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"The most significant finding is that spike protein is found on exosomes, that is, cell-derived vesicles, for at least four months after the second injection. This surprisingly long persistence raises the prospect of sustained inflammation within and damage to organs which express the spike protein"

This is the problem with 'science.'  It is an educated guess on what is going to happen.  Feel free to name any other mRNA vaccine given to the general public and the findings before kung flu.  We are in uncharted waters.  Medical science has come a long way but basing what happened to a few test subjects (of which more died in the trials in the jab group) and thinking it was going to be the same for every other individual on the planet with different immune reactions is just a guess.  That and the varying degree of how much of the actual vaccine was in each shot given just adds to this clusterfuck.
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A) The action of mRNA is short-lived. It's simply a very unstable molecule. We're talking days here. It does not modify the cell's DNA, which means it doesn't create new cells that have new versions of the mRNA instructions.
B) I assume you're talking about booster shots and/or recurrent infections. In either case, as far as I know, there are no mechanisms in place by which your body comes to accept things that shouldn't be there as 'normal'. But even if it did, the result in that case would obviously be little more than a lack of vaccine efficacy. These supposed clotting issues - which very well might be legit, though in no way limited to the vaccine alone - are a result of your body absolutely, positively recognizing the viruses 'clothes' - the spike protein - as a bad thing.
C) Autoimmune disorders in general have strong links to prior infections of all different kinds (viruses, bacteria, fungi). If this is what's happening with some people infected with covid19 and/or those who received a vaccine against it, it's hardly something unique. In any case it's a disfunction of your body's immune system, causing it to continue recognizing your body's cells as 'the enemy'. In a way this makes a lot of sense. For the time that a virus is active in your body (or the vaccine), your very own cells ARE THE ENEMY. It's when your immune system fails to revert back to recognizing your own cells as 'friends' that things go south.

"The most significant finding is that spike protein is found on exosomes, that is, cell-derived vesicles, for at least four months after the second injection. This surprisingly long persistence raises the prospect of sustained inflammation within and damage to organs which express the spike protein"

This is the problem with 'science.'  It is an educated guess on what is going to happen.  Feel free to name any other mRNA vaccine given to the general public and the findings before kung flu.  We are in uncharted waters.  Medical science has come a long way but basing what happened to a few test subjects (of which more died in the trials in the jab group) and thinking it was going to be the same for every other individual on the planet with different immune reactions is just a guess.  That and the varying degree of how much of the actual vaccine was in each shot given just adds to this clusterfuck.

Substitution of pseudouridine in the mrna prevents the usual breakdown of the rna . The nanolipids and addition of transcription facilitators like sv40 make this a different animal altogether. The activation of IgG4 antibodies just makes it all the more interesting.

If you get exposed to covid you'll develop an immune response that will minimize exposure to future spike protein . . . The flip side is you get infected , you get mrna , you get infected , you get mrna , you get infected . ,....
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 4:05:41 PM EDT
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Embalmer checking in here, those types of clots have been there as long as I can remember.  20+yrs. of experience if that matters any.
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Anything to substantiate this claim , or just this statement itself?
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 4:06:50 PM EDT
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Substitution of pseudouridine in the mrna prevents the usual breakdown of the rna . The nanolipids and addition of transcription facilitators like sv40 make this a different animal altogether. The activation of IgG4 antibodies just makes it all the more interesting.

If you get exposed to covid you'll develop an immune response that will minimize exposure to future spike protein . . . The flip side is you get infected , you get mrna , you get infected , you get mrna , you get infected . ,....
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You're the smartest LPN formerly working at an old folks' home that I've ever known.

Or maybe you just regurgitate big words in the hopes people think you know more than you do.
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