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Link Posted: 12/12/2020 11:17:46 PM EDT
Funny, because in many ways this civil war will also be over slavery. The gift that keeps giving.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 11:18:43 PM EDT
I be a slave to the IRS.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 11:21:55 PM EDT
there may not be a Gavrilo Princip, but there will be MANY Elena and Nicolae Ceau?escu
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 11:23:47 PM EDT
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You're correct, slavery only became the mantra after the south was handling its shit.
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I thought the underling reason was northern states were trying to push the less populated southern states  around. Sorth of like right now, you have certain northern states trying to push the others around.

You're correct, slavery only became the mantra after the south was handling its shit.

No, slavery became the core issue when Lincoln saw the North losing and the British were preparing to aid the South.  He knew that British aid to the South would doom the North.

His sure method to stop this was to free the slaves, forcing the South to oppose it openly...as the Brits had just freed slaves themselves and could not support slavery.

It was a genius move and saved the North from failure.

The next war will have equally creative justification, painting deplorable as irredeemable people that had to be killed...like Nazis...oh wait...they already called you Nazi.  Funny, what happens to Nazis?

Link Posted: 12/12/2020 11:25:06 PM EDT
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Funny, because in many ways this civil war will also be over slavery. The gift that keeps giving.
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Sadly you're right.  Clown world, or maybe puppet world is becoming a more appropriate term.
I definitely don't feel like the other side is pulling their own strings when it comes to the issues.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 11:25:07 PM EDT
I feel like the history we're living through sheds a little light on the history I've read.  

The oversimplification of ...... "It was over slavery duh" is what we're living.

Years of building tensions over a multitude of issues that will undoubtedly boil over eventually.....    History may well pin it on 1 thing again, but I don't think that's the case.  If unrest broke out in the streets tomorrow,
no two people would have the exact same answer for why. The victors write the official history. We're fighting communists while they call us fascists..... In the end you vilify the other side however you need to.  

The lawlessness of our ruling class on both sides of the aisle has taken me down this path.  They treat our government as theatre & take turns stealing our livelihood & freedoms. It scares & saddens me, but  I want more for my son.  I don't doubt that many feel the way I do.

Only question left is which pin prick will be the last?

Will there be another Gavrilo Princip who can't possibly fathom the consequence of what he's done.
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Good posting. Historians love to over simplify things.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 11:26:38 PM EDT
You had way more of a heterogenous population back then and still had a civil war...

This is totally different...more like an invasion and a hostile takeover from within...70yrs in the making
where whole families have been co-opted to hate their own family members.

Luke 12:53They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”

Matthew 10:21 "Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death."

A man's enemies will be of his own household Matthew 10:36
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 11:28:13 PM EDT
I thought it was when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 11:31:19 PM EDT
When we prevail, the official cause will be to stop communists and their corruption here.

If the left would have been given the chance, they would have said to end white supremacy and save the environment.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 11:33:09 PM EDT
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Animal House is a good documentary.
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Link Posted: 12/12/2020 11:53:58 PM EDT
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I just want to be left alone.
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They just can’t.  When you are in public, they police your speech. They remove privacy in public restrooms. They shun your prayer.  You can’t say Merry Christmas to some people.  You wear your little cloth mask. You dare not joke about LGBTQs. You dare not say the wrong things about race. To defend yourself against slurs about your supposed privilege is not allowed. You must pay for people who don’t want to work. You must pay for the prisons they will put you in. If your wife leaves you, you will lose most everything and pay for decades.

Now they listen in on your conversations at home. They categorize you. Score you. Profile you.  First for advertisements, next to have credit, a job, or to simply survive.  You are watched.  You don’t matter to them, unless you try to shrug away the shame, or say the wrong thing to the wrong person.
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 12:00:01 AM EDT
I feel like the history we're living through sheds a little light on the history I've read.  

The oversimplification of ...... "It was over slavery duh" is what we're living.

Years of building tensions over a multitude of issues that will undoubtedly boil over eventually.....    History may well pin it on 1 thing again, but I don't think that's the case.  If unrest broke out in the streets tomorrow,
no two people would have the exact same answer for why. The victors write the official history. We're fighting communists while they call us fascists..... In the end you vilify the other side however you need to.  

The lawlessness of our ruling class on both sides of the aisle has taken me down this path.  They treat our government as theatre & take turns stealing our livelihood & freedoms. It scares & saddens me, but  I want more for my son.  I don't doubt that many feel the way I do.

Only question left is which pin prick will be the last?

Will there be another Gavrilo Princip who can't possibly fathom the consequence of what he's done.
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Princip was just the fall guy.  WW1 was wanted before it began.

Link Posted: 12/13/2020 12:03:29 AM EDT
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History is written by the winners.
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We were the winners of the Revolutionary war and now our history is being rewritten by the new winners.  They will in turn fall and be replaced by some other society/culture many decades or perhaps a few centuries down the road.
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 12:04:57 AM EDT
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The money men were planning World War I since at least 1908. As evidenced by the investigation of the Carnegie Foundation by Norman Dodd as part of the Reece Committee on Tax Exempt Foundations.

Skip to 24:45


The mainstream "consensus" of causes for pivotal historical events are largely lies or omit large amounts of crucial details that drastically change the reality of the state of the world.

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Never heard of this before, but it sounds entirely believable.
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 12:09:05 AM EDT
I think it's more a 3 way conflict, left vs right vs fed government
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 12:27:09 AM EDT
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I disagree....
I'm from Texas but I'm stuck in Seattle away from my family for work right now. Why might you ask?  Because open borders have made me nearly unemployable in my home state.  Wages are severely depressed and I don't Habla Espanol. Biden will exponentially
compound the problem.  So you think threatening peoples livelihood was enough reason for CW1 let me tell you the situation sounds pretty familiar for me & a bunch of guys who've had their industries outsourced & H1b'd.  The further you are from the border the less you've experienced this..... but your time is coming too if you work in any trade.

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You are being sold out by both parties and are naive to think it is just Biden. The Republicans love big business and the chamber of commerce and they all love cheap labor. The recent bill that was going to allow more H1B visas was bi partizan. Neither party cares about you and me.
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 12:30:46 AM EDT
Civil Wars start for a number of reasons.
If one were to start here (I pray not) it will be because the left thinks a stolen election gives them the mandate to force more than half the country to into submission.
They have already stated their goals, first steal an election, then confiscate the guns, then camps.
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 12:43:56 AM EDT
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They just can’t.  When you are in public, they police your speech. They remove privacy in public restrooms. They shun your prayer.  You can’t say Merry Christmas to some people.  You wear your little cloth mask. You dare not joke about LGBTQs. You dare not say the wrong things about race. To defend yourself against slurs about your supposed privilege is not allowed. You must pay for people who don’t want to work. You must pay for the prisons they will put you in. If your wife leaves you, you will lose most everything and pay for decades.

Now they listen in on your conversations at home. They categorize you. Score you. Profile you.  First for advertisements, next to have credit, a job, or to simply survive.  You are watched.  You don’t matter to them, unless you try to shrug away the shame, or say the wrong thing to the wrong person.
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I just want to be left alone.

They just can’t.  When you are in public, they police your speech. They remove privacy in public restrooms. They shun your prayer.  You can’t say Merry Christmas to some people.  You wear your little cloth mask. You dare not joke about LGBTQs. You dare not say the wrong things about race. To defend yourself against slurs about your supposed privilege is not allowed. You must pay for people who don’t want to work. You must pay for the prisons they will put you in. If your wife leaves you, you will lose most everything and pay for decades.

Now they listen in on your conversations at home. They categorize you. Score you. Profile you.  First for advertisements, next to have credit, a job, or to simply survive.  You are watched.  You don’t matter to them, unless you try to shrug away the shame, or say the wrong thing to the wrong person.

Dam if you didn't hit that nail right on the fckn head!


Link Posted: 12/13/2020 12:49:19 AM EDT
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South Carolina started it.

Gotta keep an eye on them.
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Link Posted: 12/13/2020 12:55:36 AM EDT
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Today, it's the ultra-dense cities trying to push everything that's not a city around.
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This right here. Before moving back to central Illinois I lived in Chicago and NYC. People in cities are condescending about anyone not living in one and truly believe they know more.
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 12:58:26 AM EDT
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it was about economics. once there were enough non-slave states in the union, and this was inevitable as america spread westward and territories were admitted into the union as states, it was only a matter of time until non-slave states outnumbered slaves states and slavery would be outlawed in congress, destroying the economic base of the agrarian south. so yes they were pushed into a corner and were sorely pissed off at the coming imposition that the rest of the country would impose on the south so they sought to leave before that happened.

folks on this forum are pissed mostly because they think the rest of the country is going to take their guns away. that and more government meddling in a citizens everyday life whilst imposing things lots of folks dont like. but the reality is, taking your guns away (assuming that happens and its a long shot) and a some progressive, liberal laws do not approach the level of having your entire economic basis for a region destroyed. but many folks are caught up in that black fantasy and they see the demise of trump as the sign of impending doom, which is actually pretty silly.
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It wasn't about slavery, the American revolution and civil war were about economics and representation.

The South was being tariffed heavily by the North, which was also undermining the very foundation of their economy, cheap human labor.

With the North seeking to end slavery, the south was between a rock and a hard place.

These things never end well when men are backed into a corner.

In our current situation, we're going down the same path with the Green New Deal garbage and the existential threat it poses to the fossil fuel industries and everything that depends on them. The dems basically want to impoverish everyone so they can stay in control forever, lording over the remnants of our once great civilization.

They are usupers and tyrants and the sooner we kick this thing off, the better.

it was about economics. once there were enough non-slave states in the union, and this was inevitable as america spread westward and territories were admitted into the union as states, it was only a matter of time until non-slave states outnumbered slaves states and slavery would be outlawed in congress, destroying the economic base of the agrarian south. so yes they were pushed into a corner and were sorely pissed off at the coming imposition that the rest of the country would impose on the south so they sought to leave before that happened.

folks on this forum are pissed mostly because they think the rest of the country is going to take their guns away. that and more government meddling in a citizens everyday life whilst imposing things lots of folks dont like. but the reality is, taking your guns away (assuming that happens and its a long shot) and a some progressive, liberal laws do not approach the level of having your entire economic basis for a region destroyed. but many folks are caught up in that black fantasy and they see the demise of trump as the sign of impending doom, which is actually pretty silly.

If you send me your address, I'll send you a couple dollars for a shift key.
If you need help figuring out when to use it, I'll send you a link to your nearest ESL program.
Your writing is pretty silly.
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 1:05:33 AM EDT
This is really just China taking over and getting Americans to do the hard work of destroying a country. So far any attempt at pushing back is being co-opted by those lost to dreams of the old South. Since the focus is gone soon everybody with a grudge is looking for their moment of destruction. This is bad. Real risk of the Chinese not having many to fight thanks to many many old grudges and hatreds being settled by every side imaginable. That is not a civil war situation. That is something else.
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 1:11:22 AM EDT
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This is really just China taking over and getting Americans to do the hard work of destroying a country. So far any attempt at pushing back is being co-opted by those lost to dreams of the old South. Since the focus is gone soon everybody with a grudge is looking for their moment of destruction. This is bad. Real risk of the Chinese not having many to fight thanks to many many old grudges and hatreds being settled by every side imaginable. That is not a civil war situation. That is something else.
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Are you really trying to claim that attempts to push back at China are being stopped by those with dreams of the 'old South'?
What planet do you live on?
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 1:33:02 AM EDT
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Are you really trying to claim that attempts to push back at China are being stopped by those with dreams of the 'old South'?
What planet do you live on?
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This is really just China taking over and getting Americans to do the hard work of destroying a country. So far any attempt at pushing back is being co-opted by those lost to dreams of the old South. Since the focus is gone soon everybody with a grudge is looking for their moment of destruction. This is bad. Real risk of the Chinese not having many to fight thanks to many many old grudges and hatreds being settled by every side imaginable. That is not a civil war situation. That is something else.

Are you really trying to claim that attempts to push back at China are being stopped by those with dreams of the 'old South'?
What planet do you live on?

The old south is damn near in Canada these days.

Texas Lawsuit Map

Link Posted: 12/13/2020 1:41:45 AM EDT
Explain it however you want.  Slavery is an evil that had to be eradicated.  Our country is far better off having gotten rid of it.

ETA - Ironically, the southern states were predominantly Democrat.  How people on the right today ended up defending their insurrectionist actions is befuddling.  I say make the Democrats own their heritage.  It was Republican efforts that led to the abolition of slavery and the emancipation proclamation.  Yet here we are letting Dems rewrite history and stick the right with the stigma of slavery.  It’s fucking ridiculous.
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 1:44:32 AM EDT
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It wasn't about slavery, the American revolution and civil war were about economics and representation.

The South was being tariffed heavily by the North, which was also undermining the very foundation of their economy, cheap human labor.

With the North seeking to end slavery, the south was between a rock and a hard place.

These things never end well when men are backed into a corner.

In our current situation, we're going down the same path with the Green New Deal garbage and the existential threat it poses to the fossil fuel industries and everything that depends on them. The dems basically want to impoverish everyone so they can stay in control forever, lording over the remnants of our once great civilization.

They are usurpers and tyrants and the sooner we kick this thing off, the better.
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Sorry but slavery was a massive part of it. Hell just look at the declarations from back then. They're all about how the north wants to end slavery and how the south wanted to keep owning people.
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 1:45:37 AM EDT
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I just want to be left alone.
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Welcome to the Confederacy...
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 1:48:18 AM EDT
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History is written by the winners.
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Not when it comes to the Civil War. The Confederate States were allowed to change history to put themselves in a better light.

DO a deep dive into the United Daughters of the Confederacy.
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 1:48:24 AM EDT
Explain it however you want.  Slavery is an evil that had to be eradicated.  Our country is far better off having gotten rid of it.
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Sorry but slavery was a massive part of it. Hell just look at the declarations from back then. They're all about how the north wants to end slavery and how the south wanted to keep owning people.
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Fighting a war from 160 years ago that is long over?
What is your point?
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 1:51:07 AM EDT
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Fighting a war from 160 years ago that is long over?
What is your point?
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That the United Daughters of the Confederacy got to rewrite history. Slavery and the abolishment of it is a key point in every state that had Declarations of Succession.
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 1:56:24 AM EDT
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That the United Daughters of the Confederacy got to rewrite history. Slavery and the abolishment of it is a key point in every state that had Declarations of Succession.
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Fighting a war from 160 years ago that is long over?
What is your point?

That the United Daughters of the Confederacy got to rewrite history. Slavery and the abolishment of it is a key point in every state that had Declarations of Succession.

You seem to have a hard-on about re-written history so have at it.
How was history re-written by the 'United Daughters of the Confederacy' despite the fact that I've never heard of the re-written history to date?
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 2:05:30 AM EDT
The Civil War was media driven.  For years the newspapers in the North and South had been casting aspersions in articles and editorials and editorial caricatures to sell newspapers.  Over time, because of this, a visceral hatred grew.  After a while the North *hated* the South, and the South *hated* the North.

There was nothing  between the states that had not been there before. Slavery.  States rights.  Industrialization vs agriculture.  That had been there for a long time and there was no impetus towards combat.

Until the media slowly trained us to absolutely hate hate hate each other.  Not out of malice, just a casual disregard, just to get those circulation numbers up.

Then we started shooting.

Same things going on now.
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 2:11:18 AM EDT

Not your style, message is the same, when it starts im there.
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 2:13:48 AM EDT
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The Civil War was media driven.  For years the newspapers in the North and South had been casting aspersions in articles and editorials and editorial caricatures to sell newspapers.  Over time, because of this, a visceral hatred grew.  After a while the North *hated* the South, and the South *hated* the North.

There was nothing  between the states that had not been there before. Slavery.  States rights.  Industrialization vs agriculture.  That had been there for a long time and there was no impetus towards combat.

Until the media slowly trained us to absolutely hate hate hate each other.  Not out of malice, just a casual disregard, just to get those circulation numbers up.

Then we started shooting.

Same things going on now.
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I don't doubt it was 'media driven'.
And that's no less than I think current events are 'media driven'.
When we approach the point where facts actually outweigh the 'media driven' agenda, maybe we'll be in a better position to ignore the 'media driven agenda'.
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 2:20:37 AM EDT
When people are pushed too far, a lot of fucking people die.

It literally happens all over the world today, and some people seem to have their heads so far up their asses that they think American society is above massive amounts of blood shed over this stuff today.

Things are getting real fucking close, and GD is still playing mental gymnastics over semantics and intellectual dick measuring.

In a couple weeks it is very likely large scale violence will begin. Better have your shit together and know where you stand.
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 2:39:18 AM EDT
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it was about economics. once there were enough non-slave states in the union, and this was inevitable as america spread westward and territories were admitted into the union as states, it was only a matter of time until non-slave states outnumbered slaves states and slavery would be outlawed in congress, destroying the economic base of the agrarian south. so yes they were pushed into a corner and were sorely pissed off at the coming imposition that the rest of the country would impose on the south so they sought to leave before that happened.

folks on this forum are pissed mostly because they think the rest of the country is going to take their guns away. that and more government meddling in a citizens everyday life whilst imposing things lots of folks dont like. but the reality is, taking your guns away (assuming that happens and its a long shot) and a some progressive, liberal laws do not approach the level of having your entire economic basis for a region destroyed. but many folks are caught up in that black fantasy and they see the demise of trump as the sign of impending doom, which is actually pretty silly.
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THIS!  Once in maybe every thousand or so posts on these GD threads someone comes out with something rational, solid, lucid, and clearly stated!  THANK YOU, stOnewall!

One would think that most of the folks who post on GD are old enough to have lived through a few changes of Presidential Administrations. And that they would thus realize that NO ADMINISTRATION has ever actually managed to change much in the day-to-day lives of most Americans, nor changed hardly anything in how our economy functions. Sure. Taxation shuffles around a small amount, some groups get a smidgen more or a bit less of the cash-flow and the real influence on the nation, some policies change a small amount, etc., etc., etc. NO QUANTUM LEAPS, no huge changes in anything that actually affects the vast majority of people's lives in any real way. Why should the next Administration be much different?

Regardless of who gets inaugurated and occupies the WH come Jan 2021, the country will go on. People will work, make money, buy stuff, eat, make and lose money in the markets, and carry on pretty much as they have been doing and are doing.  The Covid will become history and join the flu as something we have learned to live with, businesses will get on with business, politicians will politic.  

To paraphrase what stOnewall said above; Most ALL of whatever does get changed, enacted, passed into law will really be tiny potatoes - NOTHING near like having any part of your regional economic basis severely damaged, let alone destroyed. The hyperbolic comparisons between America 2020 and America 1861 - 65 are nothing short of black fantasm.

And PS: YES, the Libs WILL try for your guns. Specially after the past few weeks of provocative bullshit spewed by Trump and eagerly swallowed up and tossed loudly around by idiots who wave guns around while completely failing to recognize the reality that when you threaten mayhem and violence and terrify folks - as the far Right surely has done to many ordinary folks in the "center" and certainly on the Left - the NATURAL RESPONSE of those in power will be to attempt to DISARM the threatening party. Still, it's unlikely to really happen, as the SCOTUS will likely protect at least some of our gun rights under 2A.  But boy...  Some folks on the far Right have seemingly worked over-time to see that they provoke the anti-gun folks.  STOP peeing into the wind, guys!

Oh, Right. Some of you seem to think that a CW will make things all better.  Yeah. Sure it will.  THAT will, unlike any change of Administrations could, have a stupendous and hugely-negative impact on just about EVERYTHING that all of us currently enjoy in our lives.  Folks won't be making money nor spending it anymore, many won't even be eating or have a place to sit down and eat in, medicine and healthcare will return to the 19th century, if not the 17th.  The economy as you know it, whether you are an O&G man sadly impacted by huge drop in fuel demand, a farmer, a factory-worker or almost any corporate person or even most small-business types, will simply vanish.  I should think that EVERYONE here realizes that we won't be talking about whole states - or even large parts of states, let alone regions, seceding from the Union with their local civil structures and economies largely intact to form some new Confederacy.  No, friends. CW2 won't be ANYTHING like CW1. There will be no "New Confederacy". It will be bitter fights over owning parts of towns and last stands at little dreary home-steads and SHTF bunkers.  It will be murder and betrayal and horror beyond even what many vets have experienced. It will be mass starvation and death, wanton destruction of whatever folks can torch and burn.  It will, in a nutshell, be a STUPID Gotterdammerung.  

Link Posted: 12/13/2020 2:46:52 AM EDT
Do you really want the demmunists on the throne for a reset?

Because you would have to decapitate and kill the snake, first.

And they just ain't going to have it.

All those Soros-bought District Attorneys letting off domestic terrorists are salivating at the thought of throwing the whole weight of the system against Trump voters.

All those military grade equipment and vehicles the Obama and Biden regime said were "too militaristic" to use against American Citizens.

Those armed drones they said are unconstitutional executors.

The illegal use of the CIA to spy on domestic subjects.

All the above the Left has fought against and prevented state/local/federal LE from using against THEIR constituents.

Well, every single bit of it will be fair game since it would be THEIR authority being challenged.

Link Posted: 12/13/2020 2:51:15 AM EDT
The left brands their opponents with what the actually is.  For example, OP said they believe they are fighting fascism.  The irony is they are the only fascists in the equation.
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 2:51:20 AM EDT
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The Civil War was media driven.  For years the newspapers in the North and South had been casting aspersions in articles and editorials and editorial caricatures to sell newspapers.  Over time, because of this, a visceral hatred grew.  After a while the North *hated* the South, and the South *hated* the North.

There was nothing  between the states that had not been there before. Slavery.  States rights.  Industrialization vs agriculture.  That had been there for a long time and there was no impetus towards combat.

Until the media slowly trained us to absolutely hate hate hate each other.  Not out of malice, just a casual disregard, just to get those circulation numbers up.

Then we started shooting.

Same things going on now.
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Thats an interesting observation, thanks
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 2:51:41 AM EDT
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Public opinion is easily swayed by the media. I remember reading about Senator McCarthy's "witch hunt" for communists in the 50's. How it was a disgraceful period in our history etc. Looking at it today it appears Senator McCarthy may have been right all along.
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I learned the same, even that he would accuse people of being communists for wearing big Russian style hats. Hasn't Russia declassified stuff proving he was right about everyone?
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 2:59:50 AM EDT
World bankers, World trade and a huge market for cotton in the Middle East. If you get rid of the labor force from one place you need to import labor from another place. Like Ireland, or China, or Japan...or Mexico and S America.
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 3:07:52 AM EDT
Some great posts in this thread & I thank you all......
Great additions to the discussion

Except for the usual suspects that totally missed the fucking point & said in essence
 "It was about slavery duh"
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 3:08:05 AM EDT
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Welcome to the Confederacy...
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I just want to be left alone.

Welcome to the Confederacy...
Yeah, the Confederacy wanted to be left alone alright. Left alone to build a new slaveholding empire that expanded into the southwest, Mexico, the Caribbean, etc.
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 3:22:03 AM EDT
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California is a northern state?
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I thought the underling reason was northern states were trying to push the less populated southern states  around. Sorth of like right now, you have certain northern states trying to push the others around.

California is a northern state?

I think for the purposes of this conversation yes.

Also, Californian units fought against confederate units in Arizona during the CW1 So... they were a part of it. If CW2 kicks off it'll be same shit just different names.
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 3:44:43 AM EDT
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You are being sold out by both parties and are naive to think it is just Biden. The Republicans love big business and the chamber of commerce and they all love cheap labor. The recent bill that was going to allow more H1B visas was bi partizan. Neither party cares about you and me.
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Reread the OP I totally agree.  

If I were to fight for something; it wouldn't be the republican party or even Trump. Without the rule of law we have nothing. Rule of law needs to include ALL the rules... from securing our borders to jailing bad politicians from both parties.  I'd like to see people be twice as afraid of being a politician as I am of being a tax payer or NFA owner.... that some minute rule interpretation or form typo might land me in prison. If I have to be afraid so should they. Zero tolerance is good enough for our schools then I say we enact it for our leaders to lead by example. Fuck up go directly to club fed.

Link Posted: 12/13/2020 3:58:15 AM EDT
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Nothing will happen as long as the power is still on and peoples Call of Duty game still works.  That is the reality of it.
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But if beer gets cut off all bets are off.
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 4:04:33 AM EDT
Schools have been teaching what to think and not how to think. Critical thinking is fast becoming a lost art.

To attribute slavery only to the South is naive and not based in fact. Slavery existed into the 1800's in the Northern states for individuals primarily from Africa while indentured servitude existed primarily for European whites emigrating to North America. In these types of discussions no one ever seems to mention the abhorrent nature of indentured servitude.

While not defending slavery it should be noted that slavery resulted in a lifetime economic investment in its subjects while indentureship did not. With this vested lifetime investment many (if not most) African slaves were treated considerably better than their indentured European counterparts. And in many instances the indentureships did in fact become "lifetime" servitude as there were very high mortality rates. This was, due in no small part to this lack of a vested lifetime economic interest in the "property" which resulted in the harsh treatment of its subjects. It was an extremely difficult existence for most back then irrespective of race or origin.
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 5:33:04 AM EDT
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Tell that to oilfield workers in West Texas.
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It wasn't about slavery, the American revolution and civil war were about economics and representation.

The South was being tariffed heavily by the North, which was also undermining the very foundation of their economy, cheap human labor.

With the North seeking to end slavery, the south was between a rock and a hard place.

These things never end well when men are backed into a corner.

In our current situation, we're going down the same path with the Green New Deal garbage and the existential threat it poses to the fossil fuel industries and everything that depends on them. The dems basically want to impoverish everyone so they can stay in control forever, lording over the remnants of our once great civilization.

They are usupers and tyrants and the sooner we kick this thing off, the better.

it was about economics. once there were enough non-slave states in the union, and this was inevitable as america spread westward and territories were admitted into the union as states, it was only a matter of time until non-slave states outnumbered slaves states and slavery would be outlawed in congress, destroying the economic base of the agrarian south. so yes they were pushed into a corner and were sorely pissed off at the coming imposition that the rest of the country would impose on the south so they sought to leave before that happened.

folks on this forum are pissed mostly because they think the rest of the country is going to take their guns away. that and more government meddling in a citizens everyday life whilst imposing things lots of folks dont like. but the reality is, taking your guns away (assuming that happens and its a long shot) and a some progressive, liberal laws do not approach the level of having your entire economic basis for a region destroyed. but many folks are caught up in that black fantasy and they see the demise of trump as the sign of impending doom, which is actually pretty silly.

Tell that to oilfield workers in West Texas.

Or are the laborers who will lose their jobs to illegal immigrants. And the manufacturers that will lose their jobs to China. Or just the general free fall of American wages as supply of labor goes through the roof due to open borders.
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 7:56:08 AM EDT
Today's conflict is more cultural than economic.  The older half of the population is being told that everything they were taught as children is wrong.  We have more immigration but less assimilation. A country founded by God fearing men is now led by people who ignore God.  And so on.

For this reason, the future boundaries between warring groups won't be state lines like in CW1, but railroad tracks and highways.  

I truly believe there are enough explosive vapors in our atmosphere that have been accumulating for decades that the right spark will start the physical fight.  I would love to know what that spark will be, when, where, and how it happens.  But it's inevitable.
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 8:07:44 AM EDT
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Today's conflict is more cultural than economic.  The older half of the population is being told that everything they were taught as children is wrong.  We have more immigration but less assimilation. A country founded by God fearing men is now led by people who ignore God.  And so on.

For this reason, the future boundaries between warring groups won't be state lines like in CW1, but railroad tracks and highways.  

I truly believe there are enough explosive vapors in our atmosphere that have been accumulating for decades that the right spark will start the physical fight.  I would love to know what that spark will be, when, where, and how it happens.  But it's inevitable.
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Nor should they want to assimilate. America and to a lesser degree western civilization has decayed to the point that  it is the evil empire. The only thing it builds is mistrust and divide. From the family on up. Politicians will promote suffering for their own greed. It's called progress. In reality it's globalism. Erase one to bring about another.
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