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Link Posted: 2/5/2019 11:28:51 AM EDT
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Methodists and Catholics aka liberals.
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I think you mean Episcopalians and Catholics aka liberals.

The UMC is evenly divided between conservatives and liberals.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 11:32:21 AM EDT
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what is the most conservative Christian Denomination now? Methodists are all about gays and open borders now.
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Lutheran Church Missouri Synogogue
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 11:34:00 AM EDT
"I believe the Bible is very straightforward on that. While It doesn't specifically mention homosexuality,..."
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Uh, yes it does.  And it clearly states that it is an abomination to God.

I'm caught up in this currently.  We've started attending a local Methodist church, and are deciding whether to join.  The outcome of this conference will strongly influence our decision.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 11:35:47 AM EDT
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what is the most conservative Christian Denomination now? Methodists are all about gays and open borders now.
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You mean the church management and clergy.  Most parisheners are not.  I belonged to a Methodist church for a time.  When it came down from the national mucky mucks that gay marriage was not ok, half the congregation disappeared in protest.  Many of them never came back at all.

The progressives make it a point to infiltration every organization at tops levels, including voluntary boards, non profits charities.  They move in a set up a sjw agenda that usually fucks up the place and completely changes course from what the organization had originally be intended for.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 11:49:18 AM EDT
Globalists infiltrate the structures of conservative organizations, then convert/subvert  them. Boyscouts, NRA etc.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 11:50:09 AM EDT
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Paul's letter to Timothy covers this succinctly (2 Ti 4:3 ESV).

I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.
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The "myths" here is the same word used in 1 Timothy 1:3-7, and is likely a reference to that previous letter, in describing people who teach the Law for righteousness but have no idea what they're really teaching.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 11:52:14 AM EDT
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what is the most conservative Christian Denomination now? Methodists are all about gays and open borders now.
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I'd say Southern Baptist is the most conservative.  No beer/wine/dancing/buttsex allowed.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 11:56:41 AM EDT
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Typical Protestants.  Give them enough time and there won't be any churches left.. Everyone will have split off and started their own church.  Church of Mike and Church of Gwen and Church of......

ETA: And many left in disappointment because what Jesus said was too difficult to accept.
 (Real Presence)
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Catholicism is busy destroying itself with Leftism too.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 12:02:49 PM EDT
The largest Methodist church in my community got rid of a well liked preacher last year.  He was conservative, active in the community, an Ohio National Guard member (several deployments).

He was replaced with a fat dyke with electric blue hair that preaches social justice in every sermon.

She fired all the pre-school teachers and replaced them with her hand picked choices.  This is our last year associated with them.

I never liked the UMC anyways.  Too bad they are pretty much our only choice around here.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 12:03:18 PM EDT
Two weeks ago our pastor dropped a line about how we need to fight off the communist. We are Methodist. He did not dwell on it then, but I think its coming. We never talk politics at church but it sounds like its about to start.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 12:09:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 12:14:06 PM EDT
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Where does covering up massive sexual abuse and protecting offenders figure into that?
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I’m not rebuffing your sentiments all together, but the Catholic Church has been around a long time and is the single largest Christian denomination in the world. They haven’t wavered under social pressure in an official capacity regarding these sort of issues, despite the commie pope trying everything he can to shift the course. If nothing else they are consistent in a world dominated by flip flopping moral compasses.
Where does covering up massive sexual abuse and protecting offenders figure into that?
Also, massive political influence and the financial and political will and ability to literally kill dissidents and offshoots.  This history of the Catholic church gets bloody when they defend their power.  Lets all remember that they are simply the metamorphosis of the Roman Empire- not a benevolent organization.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 12:31:40 PM EDT
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Also, massive political influence and the financial and political will and ability to literally kill dissidents and offshoots.  This history of the Catholic church gets bloody when they defend their power.  Lets all remember that they are simply the metamorphosis of the Roman Empire- not a benevolent organization.
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I’m not rebuffing your sentiments all together, but the Catholic Church has been around a long time and is the single largest Christian denomination in the world. They haven’t wavered under social pressure in an official capacity regarding these sort of issues, despite the commie pope trying everything he can to shift the course. If nothing else they are consistent in a world dominated by flip flopping moral compasses.
Where does covering up massive sexual abuse and protecting offenders figure into that?
Also, massive political influence and the financial and political will and ability to literally kill dissidents and offshoots.  This history of the Catholic church gets bloody when they defend their power.  Lets all remember that they are simply the metamorphosis of the Roman Empire- not a benevolent organization.
I'm fine with a church being efficient in its defense, provided it is worth defending.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 12:41:53 PM EDT
Not surprised since the atheist category that believes in a god gene, not God nor the bible, have been growing in the christian community. However, they are not christians by any means.

They are false prophets that dismiss summarily whole sections of the bible, and replace with their own.

I play bass at a catholic church, but would love to play at other christian churches were the band is more prominent. All of the churches in our diocese don't have anything resembling a stage.  We're crammed in off to the left of the pastor.  A place for the musicians and choir is likely an after-thought when they were building these.  And, the music we play is un-challenging.

However, the other christian churches are playing songs that have been moving towards the atheist god-gene believe. I.e. individual empowerment because of your genes, and not God.

It just goes to show us that churches are quasi for-profit businesses that live or die on revenue to fund operating expenses, plus living and retirement expenses.  We don't need a church to talk to God, accept Jesus, or allow him into our lives.  We also don't need a pastor to read the bible for us.

With that said, it's nice to go to church but I don't pay for living expenses of pedophiles.  The catholic church needs a major over-haul, much like the NRA does.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 12:43:20 PM EDT
I believe in God. but not one church on this planet .  I've seen thousands of dollars every week collected for a church for decades  and not seen a dime go to help a burned out family, death in a family, flood.

Link Posted: 2/5/2019 12:47:30 PM EDT
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Lutheran Church Missouri Synogogue
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what is the most conservative Christian Denomination now? Methodists are all about gays and open borders now.
Lutheran Church Missouri Synogogue
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 12:48:03 PM EDT
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Part of the issue with the Catholic line is that a lot of Catholics think their religion is genetic and despite not going to church in decades, not believing in anything the church says, and not having any affiliation with the church at all, will still call themselves Catholic because Grandma was. They tend to be leftists.

Protestants usually have less of a problem with that.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 12:58:47 PM EDT
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what is the most conservative Christian Denomination now? Methodists are all about gays and open borders now.
Lutheran Church Missouri Synogogue
I believe he meant synod.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 1:02:13 PM EDT
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I believe in God. but not one church on this planet .  I've seen thousands of dollars every week collected for a church for decades  and not seen a dime go to help a burned out family, death in a family, flood.

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Satan believes in God.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 1:06:26 PM EDT
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I believe he meant synod.
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Link Posted: 2/5/2019 1:11:34 PM EDT
The General Assembly of the UMC has gone increasingly left in the last few years, and a recent vote on "revising" some gender language in the UMC "Book of Discipline" was barely defeated. The only two US jurisdictions to vote "no" were the Southeast and Midwest Jurisdictions, and aided by votes from the Asian and African Jurisdictions.

I have been Methodist all my life, and remember when the United Methodist Church began in 1968. I currently attend a small UMC in a small town, and have been there since 1997. The median age of our congregation is probably 60 at the least. Attendance averages 15-20 weekly. We have butted heads with our district and conference on a few issues, and several members have talked about us becoming independent if the issues warrant it. We recently had a female pastor, who thankfully was very conservative, but there were a few members who didn't care for her position, although they thought she was an okay person. We have had an ordained male minister for the last 2 years, but he is going to retire in June, so we are about to get someone new. Unofficially, we have decided that if we get a "liberal / SJW-type" pastor, then we will ask to be closed.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 1:13:20 PM EDT
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Also, massive political influence and the financial and political will and ability to literally kill dissidents and offshoots.  This history of the Catholic church gets bloody when they defend their power.  Lets all remember that they are simply the metamorphosis of the Roman Empire- not a benevolent organization.
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LOL Mormons talking about bloodshed all high and mighty
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 1:20:06 PM EDT
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No they won't

"The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has become the fourth Protestant denomination in the U.S. to allow the ordination of gay and lesbian clergy.

It follows a majority vote by the 173 presbyteries (district governing bodies) on Tuesday to change the body’s constitution in order to allow openly gay people in same-sex relationships to be ordained as ministers, elders and deacons."
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That's fucking hilarious, given your socialist, near communist Pope.
Meh, In a few years we'll be rid of him.

Will the Protestants be rid of the homosexuals?
No they won't

"The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has become the fourth Protestant denomination in the U.S. to allow the ordination of gay and lesbian clergy.

It follows a majority vote by the 173 presbyteries (district governing bodies) on Tuesday to change the body’s constitution in order to allow openly gay people in same-sex relationships to be ordained as ministers, elders and deacons."
My parents church is Presbyterian and they separated from the PCUSA in 2013 for the Evangelical Presbyterian Church.  They were required to buy back property essentially by funding mission trips for 5 years and paying a yearly fee despite be located in the same location since 1850.  The church has been there so long that the main structure was built by slaves, making the bricks on site.  The balcony, where all of the teenagers sat, was originally built for the slaves at the time.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 1:25:43 PM EDT
It always amazes me when a denomination gets overrun by people who know the by laws and rules of the organization like the backs of their hand, and use them strategically to gain control, all the while ignoring Scripture and what it warns us about things like that.  History is littered with denominations that get off the narrow path.  It's easy enough to do if you aren't always going back to what the Bible says about the church and it's leadership.

Money, attendance, power, none of it matters if you aren't holding tightly to the Scriptures.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 1:32:40 PM EDT
The Catholic Church generally moves slowly.  We are still seeing today, the effect of liberals from the late 1950's.  Our current sex scandals are firmly rooted in a church and seminary 60 years ago.  If you look at the men becoming priests today, it is easy to see a pendulum swinging the other direction.  Unlike the priests of mine youth who saw the Church as a good life and escape from poverty, unlike the generation after them that saw a seminary as a gay sex club, the new group seems to actually be religious.  As time goes and they progress, the pews will change.  Perhaps the church will not grow, but what remains will be believers.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 1:40:40 PM EDT
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I'd say Southern Baptist is the most conservative.  No beer/wine/dancing/buttsex allowed.  
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Nonsense. Baptists only preach about the evils of alcohol when they're sober.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 1:45:50 PM EDT
The Methodist church left me years ago.  They used to preach; love the sinner-hate the sin, about the wages of sin and Hell/salvation.
Now it is all love, fellowship and kumbaya.  When I stopped going, it had been years since we sang "Onward Christian Soldiers", or had a sermon that even mentioned Hell in passing.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 1:49:54 PM EDT
If they are following the teachings in the bible there would be no split or issues of division. It's because the leaders aren't doing just that is the reason they are looking at a split. Lucifer's job is to sow division and he's doing it very well here. Just one of the many reasons I don't attend a church. One can worship god without being part of a church.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 1:55:02 PM EDT
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Lutheran Church Missouri Synogogue
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what is the most conservative Christian Denomination now? Methodists are all about gays and open borders now.
Lutheran Church Missouri Synogogue
United Pentecostal Church.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 2:01:16 PM EDT
I follow Papa Nihil and Cardinal Copia!
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 2:06:22 PM EDT
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The largest Methodist church in my community got rid of a well liked preacher last year.  He was conservative, active in the community, an Ohio National Guard member (several deployments).

He was replaced with a fat dyke with electric blue hair that preaches social justice in every sermon.  
She fired all the pre-school teachers and replaced them with her hand picked choices.
 This is our last year associated with them.

I never liked the UMC anyways.  Too bad they are pretty much our only choice around here.
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LOL.  And some people wonder why church attendance is down.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 2:19:34 PM EDT
Denomination began with an emphasis on simplicity of life, modesty and the Holy Spirit.

Over 200 years tradition of this denomination apparently comes to an end.

The United Methodist Church faces the possibility of a schism because of the vote. It's inevitable that people will leave the church because of how polarizing the issue is, according to congregants, clergy and experts. It's also possible entire congregations could leave the denomination.
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Link Posted: 2/5/2019 2:21:39 PM EDT
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Ignore the scripture a little, and it's easy to find yourself ignoring it a lot, or altogether.
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...pastor Katie Lewis
Ignore the scripture a little, and it's easy to find yourself ignoring it a lot, or altogether.
I remember the part where 2 bears mauled 42 children for harassing Elijah.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 2:24:53 PM EDT
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lol no.
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Catholic church will be next. Current Pope is a fucking commie.
lol no.
I'm with this, but he's not wrong about the second part.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 2:25:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 2:26:22 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 2:28:37 PM EDT
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This is what you get when you pick and choose what to believe out of the bible.

It's not a buffet, people.
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The last prince of scripture in revelations actually says that you cannot add to or take away from these words.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 2:34:34 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 2:37:32 PM EDT
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Catholic church will be next. Current Pope is a fucking commie.
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It was predicted over 500 years ago that 112 would be the last pope. Lately he hasn't been acting very pope like has he? I'm starting to think the bible is a document that one should really pay attention to.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 2:47:24 PM EDT
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I think you mean Episcopalians and Catholics aka liberals.

The UMC is evenly divided between conservatives and liberals.
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I'm pretty sure that practicing (versus self-identifying) Catholics are majority conservative.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 2:48:33 PM EDT
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Us Catholics saw more than a few join up in the Anglican Ordinariate.

Anyway, I predict this will follow the similar pattern: The split will happen, and the SJW wing will slowly die off. The conservative wing will be smaller but stronger.

Benedict option and all that.

Also, nothing good comes from women pastors. I think we have enough data to conclude that.

ETA: On the plus side, this will probably get my buddy's wife to finally become Catholic. He went with his wife to her parents' church and was pretty sure he knew more about John Wesley's beliefs than the pastor did.
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This is what I suspect will happen as well.

I believe it is part of God’s plan to separate the wheat from the chaff.

For all the gnashing of teeth about the decline of our cultural Christianity, I’m actually kind of glad to see it. What it means is that we won’t have churches occupied by lukewarm Christians who only attend out of tradition. They will be attended by people who want to be there because they truly believe.

For good or bad, many people are anti-religion and anti-Christianity because of what they experienced. I think that this is often just a convenient excuse as those people try to avoid taking ownership of their disbelief. But at the same time, maybe what the church needs IS a massive reset so that what non-believers will see of the church is a smaller but sincere body of believers who do practice what they preach.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 2:54:04 PM EDT
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I’m not rebuffing your sentiments all together, but the Catholic Church has been around a long time and is the single largest Christian denomination in the world. They haven’t wavered under social pressure in an official capacity regarding these sort of issues, despite the commie pope trying everything he can to shift the course. If nothing else they are consistent in a world dominated by flip flopping moral compasses.
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The Catholic Church is just as full of cultural Catholics as Islam is full of cultural Muslims and Protestantism is full of cultural Christians.

Take a poll and see how many of those claiming to be Catholic take birth control, approve of some abortion, are divorced, etc.

Besides, it never was a membership size or numbers game. That type of analysis is what’s gotten us into this mess. Too much focus on membership numbers as judged by tithe amounts and asses in church pews rather than sincere belief.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 2:55:30 PM EDT
And the word for today is apostate. Let's make a sentence using the words apostate and Methodist.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 2:56:49 PM EDT
Is the new church called " Lesbatarian "?
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 3:06:19 PM EDT
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LOL.  And some people wonder why church attendance is down.  
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Yeah.  No one attends anymore except for the old people who are the stalwarts of the church and are loathe to let go, and a group of younger social justice types who enjoy her message.  Attendance is down about 60%.  I only attended a few services per year (with my grandparents) and only went to one of the SJW services, and never was a member.  I grew up in the Lutheran Church - of which there are no options in the area.  Our last Lutheran Church went tits up in the late 90's.  Even then, the Lutherans are having their own issues like this.

We only send our kids to pre-school there, pre-paid and no openings in the area for other options at this point.  I just monitor what they are teaching and we have my youngest signed up for a different pre-school for next year already.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 3:11:13 PM EDT
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Probably independent Baptist and Churches of Christ. I'm COC and our creed is "where the Bible speaks, we speak. Where the Bible is silent, we are silent". You won't get any sugar coated mesaages.
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I would agree with that and add Tridentine/Traditionalist Catholics and Orthodox.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 3:28:28 PM EDT
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I left the UMC over 30 years ago because of their support of the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, and their "missions" in El Salvador that wound up supporting the bad guys. Also got flak for my enlisting. It may have just been my congregation, but I haven't look back.

Besides, I like beer and can't sing.
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Sounds Lutheran to me.

(Lifelong LCMS Member)
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 3:33:48 PM EDT
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Not surprised since the atheist category that believes in a god gene, not God nor the bible, have been growing in the christian community. However, they are not christians by any means.

They are false prophets that dismiss summarily whole sections of the bible, and replace with their own.

I play bass at a catholic church, but would love to play at other christian churches were the band is more prominent. All of the churches in our diocese don't have anything resembling a stage.  We're crammed in off to the left of the pastor.  A place for the musicians and choir is likely an after-thought when they were building these.  And, the music we play is un-challenging.

However, the other christian churches are playing songs that have been moving towards the atheist god-gene believe. I.e. individual empowerment because of your genes, and not God.

It just goes to show us that churches are quasi for-profit businesses that live or die on revenue to fund operating expenses, plus living and retirement expenses.  We don't need a church to talk to God, accept Jesus, or allow him into our lives.  We also don't need a pastor to read the bible for us.

With that said, it's nice to go to church but I don't pay for living expenses of pedophiles.  The catholic church needs a major over-haul, much like the NRA does.
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Play bass?  Pastor?

LOL. Sounds like therein lies the problem.
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 3:54:51 PM EDT
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Ignore the scripture a little, and it's easy to find yourself ignoring it a lot, or altogether.

ETA: It's all part of cultural Marxism.  Socialism is a religious dogma, and it must disrupt and prostrate all other dogmas before it.  Only churches that teach socialism are acceptable, because to them socialism is the only acceptable thing to teach and practice.
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This is all you need to know.

/End thread.  
Link Posted: 2/5/2019 4:18:26 PM EDT
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Sounds Lutheran to me.

(Lifelong LCMS Member)
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Yep.  Of course the Baptist always beat us in softball.  Lutherans drink beer in the dug out between innings.  Baptists wait until the game is over and drink at home.
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