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Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:24:21 PM EDT
Can anyone come up with a good reason to not include females that doesn't include fear of transgenders or cooties? Half our den leaders in Cub scouts are moms.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:28:10 PM EDT
I'm an Eagle scout.  Fine with this.

You guys are comical.  Bitch all day about people that can't pull their own weight in society.  Here's program that's built around raising kids that can and do pull their weight.  Why wouldn't we want to expand that to a wider geographic?
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:28:51 PM EDT
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I can’t wait until they have a "transitioning gender" merit badge. You know it will happen.
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Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:29:01 PM EDT
Girls are icky.  We want to be a make a male dominate scouting group.

That's gay.


Heaven Forbid we have a outdoorsy social group with both males and females integrating with each other.

Eliminate the Boy Scouts. Eliminate the Girl Scouts.

Bring on The Scouts.

It sounds healthy to me.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:29:21 PM EDT
It all started going downhill in 88 when they let women be scoutmasters.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:32:05 PM EDT
I am an Eagle and went to a international scouting trip to Canada in venture crew..

Lets just say that adults cant be everywhere and if you want scouts to be about fucking this is a good step in that direction.

I won't enroll my boys now
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:34:01 PM EDT
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Goal of the progressives is this
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Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:36:27 PM EDT
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Yeah, the scout masters don't need the competition.
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Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:38:17 PM EDT
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I am an Eagle and went to a international scouting trip to Canada in venture crew..

Lets just say that adults cant be everywhere and if you want scouts to be about fucking this is a good step in that direction.

I won't enroll my boys now
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So, you're denying your sons the same pussy you chased?
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:38:55 PM EDT
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Can anyone come up with a good reason to not include females that doesn't include fear of transgenders or cooties? Half our den leaders in Cub scouts are moms.
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You want to know why....?

This is why

Masculinity is under attack as much as, if not more than the second.

Fuck this decision. My boys will finish out this year, but we won't be back next year.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:39:43 PM EDT
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I'm an Eagle scout.  Fine with this.

You guys are comical.  Bitch all day about people that can't pull their own weight in society.  Here's program that's built around raising kids boys that can and do pull their weight.  Why wouldn't we want to expand that to a wider geographic?
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Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:40:23 PM EDT
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So, you're denying your sons the same pussy you chased?
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I never said it was me slaying Canadian poon in a tent...it was one of my buddies

I hold myself to a higher standard
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:41:15 PM EDT
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Can anyone come up with a good reason to not include females that doesn't include fear of transgenders or cooties? Half our den leaders in Cub scouts are moms.
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<rabble rabble rabble> Women are whores!!! </rabble rabble rabble>
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:42:14 PM EDT
Have they announced if they will let lesbians join?
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:42:55 PM EDT
They are already a shell of what they were, even in the 90’s when I was involved. Today they caved into PC and signed their death wish.
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As an eagle myself with a son and two daughters, I disagree. I can now place all my kids in one troop and focus my volunteer time there instead of spreading it. ( or will n the next 8 years) Ihope to have the amazing experience of leading or going on a Philmont trek with all of my children at the same time.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:46:20 PM EDT
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You want to know why....?

This is why

Masculinity is under attack as much as, if not more than the second.

Fuck this decision. My boys will finish out this year, but we won't be back next year.
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I'm trying to understand the opposing views.

So how will teaching girls the same values and skills that scouts learn now emasculate the boys?

Shouldn't the fear be that we'll be teaching girls to be men?
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:46:53 PM EDT
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I can’t wait until they have a "transitioning gender" merit badge. You know it will happen.
Sorry, bullshit.  Let kids interact with each other.  Their gender identity will, for the most part, take care of itself.

Ever heard of a "Tomboy"  They tend to take care of themselves, and tend to turn into out·ra·geous·ly hot chicks that you could only dream of.

Don't be a fag, let the chicks in.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:48:51 PM EDT
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Can anyone come up with a good reason to not include females that doesn't include fear of transgenders or cooties? Half our den leaders in Cub scouts are moms.
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Something something "toxic masculinity" something something...  It has to lose it's essence to make the change.

ETA: Who knows.  Maybe girls will respond well to being taught when and how to man up, what discipline, effort, independence, and sacrifice are about just fine in their own way, but I don't see the values being taught in the identical ways, and it's enough to teach it one way at a time.   Doing both at once will require diluting it.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:49:23 PM EDT
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And how is the Scouting movement doing overseas?  I've lived abroad and never once seen a Scout (or Guide).
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The Scouting movement across the world has welcomed females for decades now, it works just fine, Welcome to 1990 America!
And how is the Scouting movement doing overseas?  I've lived abroad and never once seen a Scout (or Guide).
It sounds like it's pretty much just an urban club for boys and girls that wears neckerchiefs.  It really shouldn't be called Scouting anymore in most places where it exists.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:49:36 PM EDT
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I'm trying to understand the opposing views.

So how will teaching girls the same values and skills that scouts learn now emasculate the boys?

Shouldn't the fear be that we'll be teaching girls to be men?
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You want to know why....?

This is why

Masculinity is under attack as much as, if not more than the second.

Fuck this decision. My boys will finish out this year, but we won't be back next year.
I'm trying to understand the opposing views.

So how will teaching girls the same values and skills that scouts learn now emasculate the boys?

Shouldn't the fear be that we'll be teaching girls to be men?
You think this is the last concession that feminism will demand? You must have had your head in the sand for the last 40 years. This is simply the first step.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:50:59 PM EDT
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Something something "toxic masculinity" something something...  It has to lose it's essence to make the change.
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Can anyone come up with a good reason to not include females that doesn't include fear of transgenders or cooties? Half our den leaders in Cub scouts are moms.
Something something "toxic masculinity" something something...  It has to lose it's essence to make the change.
Maybe it has something to do with safe spaces. I think we used to make fun of people for wanting that.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:51:17 PM EDT
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Values.  Okay.  Here are the values


Scouting is a values-based program with its own code of conduct. The Scout Oath and Law help instill the values of good conduct, respect for others, and honesty. Scouts learn skills that will last a lifetime, including basic outdoor skills, first aid, citizenship skills, leadership skills, and how to get along with others. For almost a century, Scouting has instilled in young men the values and knowledge that they will need to become leaders in their communities and country.

How can we not make this available to more youth?
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Scouting is about developing boys into men, in part.  It involves activities in which there is a physical disparity between males and females as well.  Excessive female presence is also distracting and obstructive (in the case of too many women involved in the adult leadership).  It's best left to the boys.  Something similar tailored for women can be done for girls (and I think someone mentioned something like that existing as an alternative to Girl Scouts).
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:52:30 PM EDT
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Scouting is about developing boys into men, in part.  It involves activities in which there is a physical disparity between males and females as well.  Excessive female presence is also distracting and obstructive (in the case of too many women involved in the adult leadership).  It's best left to the boys.  Something similar tailored for women can be done for girls (and I think someone mentioned something like that existing as an alternative to Girl Scouts).
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Values.  Okay.  Here are the values


Scouting is a values-based program with its own code of conduct. The Scout Oath and Law help instill the values of good conduct, respect for others, and honesty. Scouts learn skills that will last a lifetime, including basic outdoor skills, first aid, citizenship skills, leadership skills, and how to get along with others. For almost a century, Scouting has instilled in young men the values and knowledge that they will need to become leaders in their communities and country.

How can we not make this available to more youth?
Scouting is about developing boys into men, in part.  It involves activities in which there is a physical disparity between males and females as well.  Excessive female presence is also distracting and obstructive (in the case of too many women involved in the adult leadership).  It's best left to the boys.  Something similar tailored for women can be done for girls (and I think someone mentioned something like that existing as an alternative to Girl Scouts).
Good thing there is no evidence of co-ed youth organizations existing successfully despite the distractions of females.

Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:54:34 PM EDT
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Scouting is about developing boys into men, in part.  It involves activities in which there is a physical disparity between males and females as well.  Excessive female presence is also distracting and obstructive (in the case of too many women involved in the adult leadership).  It's best left to the boys.  Something similar tailored for women can be done for girls (and I think someone mentioned something like that existing as an alternative to Girl Scouts).
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Values.  Okay.  Here are the values


Scouting is a values-based program with its own code of conduct. The Scout Oath and Law help instill the values of good conduct, respect for others, and honesty. Scouts learn skills that will last a lifetime, including basic outdoor skills, first aid, citizenship skills, leadership skills, and how to get along with others. For almost a century, Scouting has instilled in young men the values and knowledge that they will need to become leaders in their communities and country.

How can we not make this available to more youth?
Scouting is about developing boys into men, in part.  It involves activities in which there is a physical disparity between males and females as well.  Excessive female presence is also distracting and obstructive (in the case of too many women involved in the adult leadership).  It's best left to the boys.  Something similar tailored for women can be done for girls (and I think someone mentioned something like that existing as an alternative to Girl Scouts).
What people don't get off that this is the lefts plan to blur the lines between genders.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:55:02 PM EDT
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Can anyone come up with a good reason to not include females that doesn't include fear of transgenders or cooties? Half our den leaders in Cub scouts are moms.
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Moms being too involved has been a problem, IME.  They hold back the boys from activities because they don't think they are safe, they want it to be easier to get higher achievements through Eagle and to get merit badges, often don't want to fail the boys at boards when it's necessary, etc.  Heavy mom involvement has not been positive for Scouting.  Females can also be a distraction, can keep people behind for some outdoor activities, and it simply isn't appropriate to alter a programme tailored for turning boys into men so that it can accommodate females.  There is no reason why females cannot just have their own separate organization.  Why should we have to alter our programme, allow in immorality, feminize it, water it down, and detach it from its roots, which is what this whole push has entailed over the years (it isn't just limited to the girls in scouting issue by any means)?  The onus should be on those pushing or okay with these changes to justify them.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:56:44 PM EDT
#bsa #fuckourdaughters  

Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:59:49 PM EDT
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Can anyone come up with a good reason to not include females that doesn't include fear of transgenders or cooties? Half our den leaders in Cub scouts are moms.
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that's a problem.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 10:06:26 PM EDT
Well, at least I can say that I earned my eagle when it still might have meant something.

Whose with me on the notion that they will lower the standards?

I haven't read the whole thread but most of the time around the campfire without the leaders present the whole conversation revolved around girls, boobs, and what we wanted to do with them. As another on this page already mentioned, the woods can be a vast place for all sorts of grab ass.

Not sure why the Boy Scouts have to pick up the Girls Scouts failure on this. If they wanted something with the prestige of the rank of Eagle they had the opportunity and missed it.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 10:08:40 PM EDT
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Well, at least I can say that I earned my eagle when it still might have meant something.

Whose with me on the notion that they will lower the standards?

I haven't read the whole thread but most of the time around the campfire without the leaders present the whole conversation revolved around girls, boobs, and what we wanted to do with them. As another on this page already mentioned, the woods can be a vast place for all sorts of grab ass.

Not sure why the Boy Scouts have to pick up the Girls Scouts failure on this. If they wanted something with the prestige of the rank of Eagle they had the opportunity and missed it.
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As mentioned earlier, they already lowered the standards years ago for Eagle.  In mom-dominated troops, the standard in practice are usually lowered more broadly.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 10:08:41 PM EDT
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Can anyone come up with a good reason to not include females that doesn't include fear of transgenders or cooties? Half our den leaders in Cub scouts are moms.
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Emphasis is the bolded part. Cub scouts aren't Boy Scouts.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 10:10:15 PM EDT
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It's a damn shame, my grandson just started cub scouts. He will never see scouting as I did. He and my son will be doing a father/son cake baking & decorating as team for a pack competition. WTF ? ? When did cake baking become a Scout activity?
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As a Cub Scout in Carrollton TX circa 1971 we had a cake decorating contest along with pinewood derby.  I remember the cake contest well because I liked cake a lot.  I didn't discover the goodness of pie until a little later.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 10:16:54 PM EDT
Our... crazy idea, people who want a co-ed multi-gender fluid atheist inclusive scouting organization could start a co-ed scouting organization, call it self "The Scouts" or some such, and leave the Boy Scouts to be Boy Scouts.

The truth of the matter is, as usual, that the issue is not the issue.  The issue is revolution, and a god fearing BSA of the old cloth is an impediment to that.  Make it co-ed, transgender, atheism inclusive, etc... and you can tear it apart in terms of its resilience against Marxist (cultural or otherwise) progress.  Not all at once, but bit by bit as it has been all along.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 10:18:05 PM EDT
This thread proves the SJW cancer is in full force here. Can't you guys fuck off back to your safe spaces instead of pretending to be conservatives?

Unfortunately the left has been pretty successful at destroying the boy scouts. This was the final nail in the coffin.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 10:21:55 PM EDT
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Our... crazy idea, people who want a co-ed multi-gender fluid atheist inclusive scouting organization could start a co-ed scouting organization, call it self "The Scouts" or some such, and leave the Boy Scouts to be Boy Scouts.

The truth of the matter is, as usual, that the issue is not the issue.  The issue is revolution, and a god fearing BSA of the old cloth is an impediment to that.  Make it co-ed, transgender, atheism inclusive, etc... and you can tear it apart in terms of its resilience against Marxist (cultural or otherwise) progress.  Not all at once, but bit by bit as it has been all along.
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Basically the goal is to tear down our institutions, using feel-good things like fairness, inclusion, equality, choice, diversity, etc.  The last is ironic, because at its core diversity is the very thing the Left seeks to destroy.  Any institution that promotes Western civilization in its traditional form is an obstacle and dangerous to their ideas.  Unfortunately, their feel-good ideas have grasped the minds of many here who claim to be on the Right.  It's a truth that the Left is in the business of promoting fausse idees claires (clear but false ideas).
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 10:28:26 PM EDT
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I never said it was me slaying Canadian poon in a tent...it was one of my buddies

I hold myself to a higher standard
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everything is explained.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 10:34:52 PM EDT
just another attack on masculinity. of course the usual suspects will probably accuse me of being a crotchety old man but i've actually got the life experience to know where this goes. i can remember a time in this country when it wasn't uncommon to see men, particularly young men and boys, in touch with their masculinity. they knew that being biologically male wasn't a fucking crime and they were allowed to do what boys and men did - explore outside, engage in competitive activities where there was only 1 winner (and not 10), be loud, rowdy, and sometimes even physical, disregard authority but have enough brains to know when to follow a leader. that sort of shit. the kind of shit my brothers and i did when we were young. 

nowadays? go to a public school. observe what they teach kids now. it's fucking unnatural. boys are taught to restrain their nature, which is stupid because it only encourages deep-seated self loathing and resentment. you don't need to be a psychologist to know that.  i know more timid boys and young men than i do girls and women. why do you think it is, that everywhere you look, young guys have their girlfriends do everything for them? its because their girlfriends were raised with the same sort of independence that we used to teach boys in this country. but now only one gender really gets that spiel, and the other is taught to be a neutered, reserved, held-back weakling. look at the average young urban guy. he's a shell of what he could be. he has to pretend to be something that you and i know deep down he hates. do you think every hipster-glasses wearing, democratic voting, stupid-haircut, whole-foods frequenting coffee-shop kid likes being that way? i guarantee you plenty of them don't. but with nobody to teach them otherwise and a whole society hell-bent on brow-beating them into submission.....

my point? BSA is one of those extremely rare institutions left that teaches boys how to be boys (while also teaching them important skills) accepting girls is just another way of blurring lines between genders and obscuring what it means to be a man because nothing is more of a threat to the regressive utopia than an independent thinking, unapologetically masculine guy. and i say that as a guy who was never a scout.

i'm not saying we need to get the pitchforks but for christs sake, isn't there a girl scouts organization? what's wrong with that?
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 11:01:21 PM EDT
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My introduction to firearms (.22 rifles and black powder rifles) came through the BSA also.
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My interest in shooting came from the scouts too. I even taught shotgun merit badge at summer camp one year.
My introduction to firearms (.22 rifles and black powder rifles) came through the BSA also.
Me too.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 11:10:54 PM EDT
Preggers Merit Badge (awarded to both parties)
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 11:23:23 PM EDT
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And how is the Scouting movement doing overseas?  I've lived abroad and never once seen a Scout (or Guide).
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Just fine, why wouldn't it?
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 11:23:51 PM EDT
Be prepared. #fuckourdaughters #bsa

Link Posted: 10/11/2017 11:25:40 PM EDT
Anyone that's attended an all male basic training and followed that up with a mixed AIT knows this isn't a good idea.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 11:27:37 PM EDT
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It all started going downhill in 88 when they let women be scoutmasters.
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Women have been in scout leadership right from the start, my grandmother was during WW2 whilst my grandfather was in service.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 11:41:20 PM EDT
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I'm an Eagle scout.  Fine with this.

You guys are comical.  Bitch all day about people that can't pull their own weight in society.  Here's program that's built around raising kids that can and do pull their weight.  Why wouldn't we want to expand that to a wider geographic?
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Because people who have observed recent history and are capable of making reasonable predictions based on it are concerned that the entire organization will be rendered impotent and moot.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 11:54:41 PM EDT
I'm still confused how people think this is an attack on masculinity. Can someone explain how teaching good moral values and outdoor skills equates to boys only, and including females (who already hold many leadership roles in the organization) will somehow taint males?

Are girls only good enough for yoga pants and valley girl lingo? Do people think this is leading towards co-ed showers and men wearing lipstick? What is the real concern here?

Honestly, no one is making any arguments beyond "Girls have cooties and are icky".

I honestly think some people here think boys turn into girls purely by proximity to females. What the fuck happens when our *gasp* boys go to public schools filled with girls who have no business near our man child?

Has anyone opposed actually read into whats going on? What valid arguments can anyone make to not include females that doesn't preclude some horrendous parenting by the parents involved?
Link Posted: 10/12/2017 12:00:46 AM EDT
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If they are taking the girls, they should also take the cookie fund raiser.   It is much better than popcorn.
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Link Posted: 10/12/2017 12:02:03 AM EDT
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Actually, I doubt this will make that much difference at this point; those who are going to turn their backs on them already have and those left won't care.
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Definitely not true... I knew several hold outs who said their line in the sand was letting girls in, and staunchly insisted it would never happen.
Link Posted: 10/12/2017 12:03:34 AM EDT
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I'm an Eagle scout.  Fine with this.

You guys are comical.  Bitch all day about people that can't pull their own weight in society.  Here's program that's built around raising kids that can and do pull their weight.  Why wouldn't we want to expand that to a wider geographic?
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Because it's the Boy Scouts. There is already a girl scouts.

Is it REALLY so fucking bad to have a place for boys to be boys?

You know that boys are now going to be held to lower standards, right? They're not going to raise girls to the standards of the boys.
Link Posted: 10/12/2017 12:04:45 AM EDT
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Darn...next thing you know they will open combat arms and special forces to women...then lookout..Noone will join the military..
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Link Posted: 10/12/2017 12:07:31 AM EDT
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Girls are icky.  We want to be a make a male dominate scouting group.

That's gay.


Heaven Forbid we have a outdoorsy social group with both males and females integrating with each other.

Eliminate the Boy Scouts. Eliminate the Girl Scouts.

Bring on The Scouts.

It sounds healthy to me.
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There is.

Adventure Scouts.

No whatcha got?

ObGyn merit badge?
Link Posted: 10/12/2017 12:08:04 AM EDT
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I'm an Eagle scout.  Fine with this.

You guys are comical.  Bitch all day about people that can't pull their own weight in society.  Here's program that's built around raising kids that can and do pull their weight.  Why wouldn't we want to expand that to a wider geographic?
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I got my Eagle in 2012. The vector of the scouts has been going is the opposite of pulling your own weight.
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