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Link Posted: 1/8/2018 12:08:27 PM EDT
NOt going to happen until we find a substitute for our puny, needy, bodies.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 12:08:28 PM EDT
And you would pay for this how...?
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 12:08:28 PM EDT
Hell yeah. But from a self-preservation of the species POV. Extinction level events happen all the time. Exploding Suns. Meteors. Asteroids. Hell, maybe even malicious aliens. We need to expand our horizons. Increase the odds of the human species continuing on into perpetuity. And technology improvements are a worthwhile byproduct of the effort.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 12:09:36 PM EDT
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Wow there are so many red herring fallacies in this thread.

As much as I think exploration is good, the answer for humanity is not landing on other planets or getting to other solar systems.

We live in a fallen universe because we're sinful, and redemption from sin is not available in a "geographic cure."

Human dignity comes from the fact that we are created in the image of our Creator.
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WTF does redemption from sin have to do with getting off this dirt ball?  The comet from deep space that is going to wipe out the planet has little care for your sins, or anything else.

We are not trying to save anyone's soul for the after life.  We are trying to save the species so there will be more souls for you to save for the after life.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 12:09:39 PM EDT
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We need to be extinct so the sea level won't change.
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that's inherent patriarchal evil. If you studied feminist physics you'd know that.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 12:11:00 PM EDT
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I don’t like to make assumptions like that.

We only have a sample of ONE - which means that generalization is impossible.

We THINK we have intelligence, but we may not really even know what it means.

In the same way that some apes have rudimentary intelligence (in terms of learning simple words, commands, etc.) they CANNOT comprehend what our intelligence is like.  They are completely unable to grasp things like syntax, mathematics, etc.

By the same token, we may be simply apes to someone who has “real” intelligence, and we may be completely unable to comprehend what it is.

I mean, we’re cute and all, but there’s no actual evidence that we’re something special.  That is merely a self-serving conclusion we’ve reached because it makes us feel good about ourselves.
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Based on what are you assuming that the human mind is something special?
So far, it's the only evidence of something special.

Wouldn't you agree?
I don’t like to make assumptions like that.

We only have a sample of ONE - which means that generalization is impossible.

We THINK we have intelligence, but we may not really even know what it means.

In the same way that some apes have rudimentary intelligence (in terms of learning simple words, commands, etc.) they CANNOT comprehend what our intelligence is like.  They are completely unable to grasp things like syntax, mathematics, etc.

By the same token, we may be simply apes to someone who has “real” intelligence, and we may be completely unable to comprehend what it is.

I mean, we’re cute and all, but there’s no actual evidence that we’re something special.  That is merely a self-serving conclusion we’ve reached because it makes us feel good about ourselves.
We're really just a bunch of chimpanzees throwing shit at one another and ganging up to kill other chimpanzees.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 12:11:00 PM EDT
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The shitty part, would be to get to a new place, struggle to make it work, and then have  it be wipes out by an asteroid too.

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Really?  At least then we are not all wiped out.  At present all of humanities eggs are in one basket.  We need to change that, sooner than later.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 12:12:03 PM EDT
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Well, we have some time to figure that problem out.  But not forever.
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Unless we are able to go many times the speed of light, if it's even theoretically possible, we can't even get out of this solar system, let alone survive out there.

It took Voyager 1 35 years to reach interstellar space, and it only happened that quick because a rare alignment of the planets allowed it to slingshot it's way to a velocity of 11 Mi/s.
Well, we have some time to figure that problem out.  But not forever.
AI will save us (then kill us).
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 12:13:05 PM EDT
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AI will save us (then kill us).
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Unless we are able to go many times the speed of light, if it's even theoretically possible, we can't even get out of this solar system, let alone survive out there.

It took Voyager 1 35 years to reach interstellar space, and it only happened that quick because a rare alignment of the planets allowed it to slingshot it's way to a velocity of 11 Mi/s.
Well, we have some time to figure that problem out.  But not forever.
AI will save us (then kill us).
For our own good?
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 12:17:17 PM EDT
If there is intelligent life beyond this planet it's not too hard to believe that something, somewhere else, is far more advanced than human beings. It's in the nature of man to seek and discover, so science will continue to gather more knowledge of what's beyond our planet and further explore the cosmos as time passes. Being extraterrestial and living on another planet may not become an option before we either destroy this planet by our own hand, get hit by an asteroid, gamma ray bursts, or a supernova explosion. Then there's the possibility of aliens killing us all.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 12:18:46 PM EDT
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I think that comes back to what OP is saying: maybe we are the retards of the universe... but what if we aren't?  It'd be a damn shame to not even try, and let our uniqueness go extinct.  I agree we have something special; no other creature that we are aware of comes close to our intelligence and adaptability.  Can't fly like birds?  Invent airplanes, and even space craft that can go far higher than any bird could.  Can't run like horses?  Invent vehicles that go many times faster than even the fastest horse.  Can't swim like fish?  Invent SCUBA and submarines.  You get my point: we, uniquely of all beasts, can invent, but even more importantly, visualize, in our minds' eye, what we need to build to make all these things happen.  That is something special; an ape cannot conceive of being anything but an ape.  And, IMHO, that is worth saving.

Only governments can afford this.  Space travel, if it is to work, needs to be done on a LARGE scale; otherwise, you're just jacking off.  The Apollo program would have bankrupted any business.  If you're going to make interstellar flights, it's going to take the combined effort of the entire human race.  No one country, and certainly no one business, is going to be able to afford that.

Too, there is one glaring weakness of the capitalist system.  Don't get me wrong, I'm a devout capitalist, but by the very nature of the beast, if there is no clear profit to be made, there is no incentive for a business to take on such a monumentally expensive project.  If you had left the Apollo program up to private business, we never would have gone to the moon.  What's there?  Rocks?  How could you justify the multi-million dollar investment to your shareholders, just for a few bags of rocks and dust?
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If there's no profit to be made around it, then there's very little benefit to doing it.  In other words... why bother?  What this usually boils down to is some semblance of "national pride" and how we have to be "FIRST".  I put very little value in that.  I have enough pride in how awesome of a country we are without needing a trip to the moon to prove it to me.

And I never said anything about a single business taking it on.  Joint ventures happen all the time in business.

Government sucks and is extremely wasteful at EVERYTHING.  Why do you think space is any different?
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 12:19:43 PM EDT
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For our own good?
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Unless we are able to go many times the speed of light, if it's even theoretically possible, we can't even get out of this solar system, let alone survive out there.

It took Voyager 1 35 years to reach interstellar space, and it only happened that quick because a rare alignment of the planets allowed it to slingshot it's way to a velocity of 11 Mi/s.
Well, we have some time to figure that problem out.  But not forever.
AI will save us (then kill us).
For our own good?
For their own good. Dominant species don't take no shit from inferior species. Once they start smacking us around, they'll know it's just better to kill off the very thing that's always plotting some new way to kill them.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 12:21:58 PM EDT
We cannot go to them so why not have them come to us?

Link Posted: 1/8/2018 12:26:04 PM EDT
DW swears I'm reptilian already, I get a scratch and it scabs overnight and falls off a few days later. Her, a month or so.

Plus I'm psycho.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 12:30:19 PM EDT
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Not just religious beliefs, political ones as well; progressive liberalism, socialism, Marxism, Communism are just as much of an ebb to mankind's advancement as religious ideologies like Islam, they are not just restricting mans flow forward but pulling mankind backwards.
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It would take a fair amount of collectivism to pull off an endeavor like interstellar colonization.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 12:35:26 PM EDT
I'd had high hopes when the sci-fi show "Ascension" was coming out.  I wanted to see some decent thinking around a generational colony ship concept, and looked forward to the thought discussions that might have followed.  But alas it was a scam.

"Ascension" ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3696720/

Still a good idea.  Hopefully somebody will eventually run with it.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 12:40:51 PM EDT
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Humanity does not deserve to survive. I'm rooting for the robots to wipe us out before the end of the century, and then they can colonize space.
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If "the robots" are a creation of humanity they are at the same time an extension of humanity.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 12:51:44 PM EDT
There is a huge gap in the thread title.
We may need to spend centuries getting off this one rock and spreading across the solar system before targeting other stars.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 12:56:54 PM EDT
until we can bend space time to fix the distance issue we arent going anywhere
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 12:57:05 PM EDT
we are.

Star Shot

But I think we should focus on exploiting the vast resources in our own system before we start thinking about human flights out of the system.

There's more material wealth to be had in the asteroid belt than you or I can even imagine.  The Moon would be a wonderful place to build factories and refineries.

Mars too is a great place for factories as their waste gasses can be used to build up an atmosphere so it's thick enough for people to no longer need pressure suits.  It may never get fully Earth like... but about 100 years is all that's needed to do away with pressure suits.  Then some more warming and some choice bacteria and plants... we could get it pretty darn habitable and maintain that for a few hundred thousand years using existing technology.

There's more water on Europa than on all of Earth.

There's more methane on Titan than on all of Earth.

Venus is tough... but there is a level within it's atmosphere where it isn't too hot... still very hot... but not instant death hot... where you could have floating cities...

Lots of stuff to do in our own system... to build our civilization to the point where we could build the large ships that the long voyage between stars would need.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 1:02:46 PM EDT
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There is a huge gap in the thread title.
We may need to spend centuries getting off this one rock and spreading across the solar system before targeting other stars.
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This is why I think sending genetic material off world and into favorable trajectories may be a viable project ran adjacent with manned exploration. This would make the two largest obstacles to manned exploration - time and speed over vast distances - more like considerations.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 1:05:08 PM EDT
We need to develop near light speed propulsion, sending droids to every corner of the galaxy with a message to extraterrestrial beings that we are willing to live the lives of chattel and whores in exchange for their superior technology to advance our own race.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 1:05:36 PM EDT
Well, we've started, honestly, by studying the effects of lengthy ISS missions on the human body.  Once we can figure out how to protect permanent space stations and reproduce in space, we can begin evolving the species into a spacefaring race.  And from there, we have to learn how to do it in deep space, far from the readily available energy of a star or planet.  Getting to Mars should teach us a lot.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 1:08:46 PM EDT
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So far, it's the only evidence of something special.

Wouldn't you agree?
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Not really. Look at all the war, hunger, crime...etc.  Not really something to brag about.

Plus, the logistics of getting somewhere else (ie..another star with inhabitable planets) within one human lifetime would be almost impossible.

Our lights will go out when the sun's does, if not sooner.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 1:15:12 PM EDT
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I think that comes back to what OP is saying: maybe we are the retards of the universe... but what if we aren't?  It'd be a damn shame to not even try, and let our uniqueness go extinct.  I agree we have something special; no other creature that we are aware of comes close to our intelligence and adaptability.
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Unless WE ARE the retards, and the other races of the galaxy KNOW it. And have us in a cage for amusement in their cosmic zoo. Could be used as anecdotal evidence of various things, UFO's visiting... actually that is the zoo keepers doing upkeep on the water main for the "Andromaianian polar bears" exhibit next door and we are on top of the access hatch. The occasional abduction?... actually that is the vet checking up on the population making sure that there isn't any REALLY bad bacteria brewing that would wipe out the exhibit. BTW the exhibit is called " Bipedal lower intelligence pre warp sentient beings with violent tendencies and preference for physical copulation" Heck throw in a nice description of the things that a truly advanced race might value that we DONT have: same(not similar SAME) religion(eliminates religion wars/strife, unifies people toward a singular goal, social unrest drops greatly), we will follow our mating drive to our known detriment, violent murder(jealousy, rage, greed, ideology ect ect), sub optimal food production favoring money over people, pathetic lifespan(120 years at the MAX, and only about 80 of that "useable"), list is pretty long.

Long after we die I would imagine we might find out
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 1:24:46 PM EDT
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How very short-sighted of you.  See the post below yours: this planet will become the grave of our civilization.  And it will be that, with the cancer and virus cures you wanted so much.
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How much of my money do you want now to save us all?

Unless we figure out a way to overcome the physics problems, its a waste of time and money.  How much air food and water can we lift into orbit and what does it cost to do so?  I remember the figure of $10,000/pound.  That's from a few years back, though, and I think SpaceX has lowered it, but even if it's 90% less, we're talking about $1,000/pound.  Now we're going to lift an interstellar ship, fuel, colonists and all their necessary supplies for a trip of at least 40 trillion miles.

Let's say this interstellar ship was the size of a modern navy destroyer, roughly 500 feet long.  Google tells me that an Arleigh-Burke class ship ways 9200 tons.  Not sure if that is with crew and provisions, but lets assume so.  Let's also assume that whatever engine we're going to use for interstellar propulsion doesn't require any additional fuel.  Let's also assume that we don't need to lift any additional air and can recirculate/filter water, so we don't need any more of that either.  All we have to do to send our colony to the nearest star is lift 18,400,000 pounds into orbit for the low cost of $18 billion.  That's just the lift cost!

As a comparison, the international space station cost over $180 billion to build.  I would expect any attempt at interstellar human travel to cost trillions, given where we're at today.

We're so far from this technology wise it isn't funny.

I understand.  People are worried about the future of the planet, and there are potential ways for the entire planet to die.  My only point is that there are more immediate concerns to spend our energy on that are graver, and that we have a reasonable chance to affect.  If someone is proposing to take more of my money, I'd chose it go to those things.

Now, if someone discovers technology that makes the physics possible, I'll be much more open to the idea.  In the meantime, I'd like to spend my money on things that are important to me.  You can do the same.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 1:26:03 PM EDT
Forget religion, forget UFO's, and bigfoot.  None of that is real.   Forget all of the mythologies.  What's really amazing is the human mind.  It's worth saving.  It's worth spreading out into the unknown.  It can't die here.

Do you agree?
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Link Posted: 1/8/2018 1:30:41 PM EDT
Forget religion, forget UFO's, and bigfoot.  None of that is real.   Forget all of the mythologies.  What's really amazing is the human mind.  It's worth saving.  It's worth spreading out into the unknown.  It can't die here.

Do you agree?
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If UFOs are not real, then I cannot believe man can fly through space and become an extraterrestrial.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 1:32:20 PM EDT
“And the meek shall inherit the Earth”, the rest of us will go to space.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 1:36:41 PM EDT
Get back to me after:

-We have paid off the national debt.
-Have gotten tens of millions of entitled motherfuckers to start pulling their weight.
-Convinced one billion Muslims to settle down and leave us in peace.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 1:36:47 PM EDT
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Any thing that anyone can't identify is a UFO.  If you've identified it as aliens... it's no longer an Unidentified Flying Object.  Of course the DOD had or has a UFO investigation... Those UFOs could be enemy spy planes and military incursions.  I'd be severely disappointed by their dereliction of duty to Defend the Nation if they didn't have a UFO investigation.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 1:37:17 PM EDT
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It seems like he's changing his face everytime I turn around, I can't keep up.

What was the octopus head chick?
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This one is the avatar that I associate to @patchouli

Link Posted: 1/8/2018 1:37:36 PM EDT
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Wow there are so many red herring fallacies in this thread.

As much as I think exploration is good, the answer for humanity is not landing on other planets or getting to other solar systems.

We live in a fallen universe because we're sinful, and redemption from sin is not available in a "geographic cure."

Human dignity comes from the fact that we are created in the image of our Creator.
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Science tells us that fitness is a virtue, and error is essential to achieving it. That's beautiful. The observable universe is beautiful, humanity is triumph over adversity. To err is divine and to forgive human.

The problem with religious moderates is the metaphors are terribly maladaptive for the same reasons they don't work literally.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 1:38:04 PM EDT
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I'd board a colony ship tomorrow if I had faith that it was legit and had a reasonable chance of success.
People would have to be bred, raised in segregation, for perhaps generations, to figure out how to allow for generations of virtual, hardcore basement-dwellers' survival...if it's even possible.

In the sci-fi series "The Expanse" the Mormons were contracting construction of a generational colony ship (the "Nauvoo") until it got hijacked by terrorists.  It was intended to travel to Tau Ceti.
Probably billions of shoebox sized machines could be sent in a billion different directions for the cost and material needed to send 100 animals in one direction.

Intelligence's biggest problem--and the most important one to overcome--is its biological, and very material-dependent existence.  Getting that squared away in ones head is fundamental in thinking in the very long term.

On the other hand: if FTL turns out to be "Oh hell; it's so easy we should have seen the solution a long time ago," this animal will attend the first voyage.  I'll even wear a red shirt.
The shoebox explorer that makes other explorers is the basis of a theory called "Von Neuman principal" basically lofting 1 animal is 1 energy unit, while lofting 1000 nickel size is the same amount of energy units. The 1 animal is unable to self sustain(cant breed with just one as you need air, water, infrastructure, is basically doomed to a short lifespan) the robot machines are completely viable for decades, centuries longer, more of them so they get sent out with the orders " stay alive, replicate explore, if you find a planet with XYZ atmosphere, build a radio tower and signal us" once the micro robots get to the asteroid belt and build 1000000 trillion copies of them selves, they then start out to basically EVERY possible star in 1000000 LY at top speed, (oh yeah did I mention they wont need to have the cushy 8  g sustained limit we do, they can easily do 16000 gg's, so a 50 mile long asteroid belt mounted rail gun, mounted on a 100 mile across ultra centrifuge,   isn't actually that crazy, the AIMING would be a computer trick to be sure, but could be done)  . Think large spinning wheel with "spokes" built out of rail guns, the rail guns START the acceleration about 1/2 way down the wheel and then continue spinning it faster AND accelerating using electro magnets and pulses down the whole rest of the way, like HOLY CRAP speeds. some physics guy will be along shortly to tell me that something wont work but the idea is pretty sound I think
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 1:40:33 PM EDT
Forget religion, forget UFO's, and bigfoot.  None of that is real.   Forget all of the mythologies.  What's really amazing is the human mind.  It's worth saving.  It's worth spreading out into the unknown.  It can't die here.

Do you agree?
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Ulitmately there is no saving the human mind, particularly under the constraints you pose.  Under those constrants humans are mere matter in motion and no matter what are likely to become extinct along with any other intelligences out there at a certain entryopy point in universal cooling and ultimate evaporation.  At that point, with no intelligences to take meaning from or assign value to humans and their actions, everything humanity thought about itself and worked for will have turned out to be mere vanity.

The actions of humans will be important to humans and intelligences they encounter but ultimately it will mean nothing under your constraints as there will be nothing to assign any meaning without invoking something outside your constraints.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 1:44:00 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 1:50:47 PM EDT
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Seems like so long ago.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 1:54:35 PM EDT
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Not really. Look at all the war, hunger, crime...etc.  Not really something to brag about.

Plus, the logistics of getting somewhere else (ie..another star with inhabitable planets) within one human lifetime would be almost impossible.

Our lights will go out when the sun's does, if not sooner.
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In spite of the negatives, the human brain is a way for the universe to look at itself and ask the deepest questions. Why are we here? How did this come about? What is our destiny?

It's utterly fantastic.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 1:56:34 PM EDT
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The shoebox explorer that makes other explorers is the basis of a theory called "Von Neuman principal" basically lofting 1 animal is 1 energy unit, while lofting 1000 nickel size is the same amount of energy units. The 1 animal is unable to self sustain(cant breed with just one as you need air, water, infrastructure, is basically doomed to a short lifespan) the robot machines are completely viable for decades, centuries longer, more of them so they get sent out with the orders " stay alive, replicate explore, if you find a planet with XYZ atmosphere, build a radio tower and signal us" once the micro robots get to the asteroid belt and build 1000000 trillion copies of them selves, they then start out to basically EVERY possible star in 1000000 LY at top speed, (oh yeah did I mention they wont need to have the cushy 8  g sustained limit we do, they can easily do 16000 gg's, so a 50 mile long asteroid belt mounted rail gun, mounted on a 100 mile across ultra centrifuge,   isn't actually that crazy, the AIMING would be a computer trick to be sure, but could be done)  . Think large spinning wheel with "spokes" built out of rail guns, the rail guns START the acceleration about 1/2 way down the wheel and then continue spinning it faster AND accelerating using electro magnets and pulses down the whole rest of the way, like HOLY CRAP speeds. some physics guy will be along shortly to tell me that something wont work but the idea is pretty sound I think
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I'd board a colony ship tomorrow if I had faith that it was legit and had a reasonable chance of success.
People would have to be bred, raised in segregation, for perhaps generations, to figure out how to allow for generations of virtual, hardcore basement-dwellers' survival...if it's even possible.

In the sci-fi series "The Expanse" the Mormons were contracting construction of a generational colony ship (the "Nauvoo") until it got hijacked by terrorists.  It was intended to travel to Tau Ceti.
Probably billions of shoebox sized machines could be sent in a billion different directions for the cost and material needed to send 100 animals in one direction.

Intelligence's biggest problem--and the most important one to overcome--is its biological, and very material-dependent existence.  Getting that squared away in ones head is fundamental in thinking in the very long term.

On the other hand: if FTL turns out to be "Oh hell; it's so easy we should have seen the solution a long time ago," this animal will attend the first voyage.  I'll even wear a red shirt.
The shoebox explorer that makes other explorers is the basis of a theory called "Von Neuman principal" basically lofting 1 animal is 1 energy unit, while lofting 1000 nickel size is the same amount of energy units. The 1 animal is unable to self sustain(cant breed with just one as you need air, water, infrastructure, is basically doomed to a short lifespan) the robot machines are completely viable for decades, centuries longer, more of them so they get sent out with the orders " stay alive, replicate explore, if you find a planet with XYZ atmosphere, build a radio tower and signal us" once the micro robots get to the asteroid belt and build 1000000 trillion copies of them selves, they then start out to basically EVERY possible star in 1000000 LY at top speed, (oh yeah did I mention they wont need to have the cushy 8  g sustained limit we do, they can easily do 16000 gg's, so a 50 mile long asteroid belt mounted rail gun, mounted on a 100 mile across ultra centrifuge,   isn't actually that crazy, the AIMING would be a computer trick to be sure, but could be done)  . Think large spinning wheel with "spokes" built out of rail guns, the rail guns START the acceleration about 1/2 way down the wheel and then continue spinning it faster AND accelerating using electro magnets and pulses down the whole rest of the way, like HOLY CRAP speeds. some physics guy will be along shortly to tell me that something wont work but the idea is pretty sound I think
And I certainly think that concept has merit.  My reply which got edited out was geared towards his taking exception to an LDS Colony ship headed to another system.

By all means-- scout for candidates.  We need viable target worlds.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 1:57:08 PM EDT
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In spite of the negatives, the human brain is a way for the universe to look at itself and ask the deepest questions. Why are we here? How did this come about? What is our destiny?

It's utterly fantastic.
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Not really. Look at all the war, hunger, crime...etc.  Not really something to brag about.

Plus, the logistics of getting somewhere else (ie..another star with inhabitable planets) within one human lifetime would be almost impossible.

Our lights will go out when the sun's does, if not sooner.
In spite of the negatives, the human brain is a way for the universe to look at itself and ask the deepest questions. Why are we here? How did this come about? What is our destiny?

It's utterly fantastic.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 2:15:33 PM EDT
I need to get off this rock and to another stellar system that has a planet inhabited by lower primate-like aliens.

I need this so I can sire hybrid human/alien offspring on their planet.  Do unto other aliens as other aliens have done unto us.

These hybrids I sire will rule the Galaxy.

Or, once out there, I could do something much more awesome than that.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 2:17:11 PM EDT
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So far, it's the only evidence of something special.

Wouldn't you agree?
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no, I wouldnt
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 2:35:27 PM EDT
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We need to develop near light speed propulsion, sending droids to every corner of the galaxy with a message to extraterrestrial beings that we are willing to live the lives of chattel and whores in exchange for their superior technology to advance our own race.
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Excellent plan.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 3:16:59 PM EDT
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If "the robots" are a creation of humanity they are at the same time an extension of humanity.
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Humanity does not deserve to survive. I'm rooting for the robots to wipe us out before the end of the century, and then they can colonize space.
If "the robots" are a creation of humanity they are at the same time an extension of humanity.
But hopefully superior to us.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 6:09:33 PM EDT
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But hopefully superior to us.
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When or if we develop general artificial intellegence they will be better than us, very quickly.  But I still think we need to move in the direction of getting us off this one world.

We have the technology to make moving inside our own solar system relatively fast and cheap.  Project Orion's ship is massive, is a robust, heavily constructed spacecraft, capable of moving tremendous mass at .1C.   That's fast enough to move around our solar system fairly quick, and it's fast enough to reach some of the nearest stars in a lifetime, or two.

If we don't want to use Orion for surface to orbit, due to the atmospheric nuclear explosions, we could use the Sea Dragon system design to launch all the components to assemble in orbit,  and go form there.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 6:20:40 PM EDT
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Waste of time and money until we have a breakthrough that leads to a faster means of travel.

If you're going to tax me to research something, how about curing cancer or effective virus treatments?  Both are a more immediate threat to humans.

If a bunch of you want to spend your own time and money on this privately, knock yourself out.
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In no way, shape or form are viruses or cancer existential threats to humanity. They kill a lot of individual humans, but the probability that they will somehow lead to human extinction is zero.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 6:21:09 PM EDT
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Humanity does not deserve to survive. I'm rooting for the robots to wipe us out before the end of the century, and then they can colonize space.
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Deserves got nothing to do with it.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 6:23:39 PM EDT
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Wow there are so many red herring fallacies in this thread.

As much as I think exploration is good, the answer for humanity is not landing on other planets or getting to other solar systems.

We live in a fallen universe because we're sinful, and redemption from sin is not available in a "geographic cure."

Human dignity comes from the fact that we are created in the image of our Creator.
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While I'm not religious, and disagree with what you say here, I'm glad most of the religious folks that have posted in this thread don't seem to have a particular problem with exploration/colonization. It would be a big impediment if you did. I mean, from your perspective, it doesn't matter much either way, right? Like, Jesus can save your soul whether you are on Mars or Earth all the same, no?
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 6:24:34 PM EDT
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The shitty part, would be to get to a new place, struggle to make it work, and then have  it be wipes out by an asteroid too.

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lol, at least it would only take out a fraction of humanity, rather than ALL of us. That would be the outcome if a large enough asteroid hit the Earth.
Link Posted: 1/8/2018 6:30:02 PM EDT
Well, also the extinction of this planet is certain.
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