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Link Posted: 3/6/2018 10:36:47 PM EDT
I gave my wife a bunch of golf balls for students to throw. Better than nothing.
Link Posted: 3/6/2018 10:49:36 PM EDT
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Stack up on the door, get a few bigger students to stack up on both sides with me. Then ambush and tackle the shooter when he came in.
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This with High Schoolers...

But my wife teaches the 3rd grade and that age group can't do what older kids can.  So instead, she blocks the door and has the fire extinguisher ready to use.  She also ensures she always has scissors, a pen/pencil or letter opener where she can grab them as an improvised weapon.

The main thing is that she is mentally prepared whereas many she works with just have their heads in the sand.

She also has an alternate plan (to get the kids out the back windows) should it be necessary.
Link Posted: 3/6/2018 11:33:13 PM EDT
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1 jam the door so it cannot be opened. if necessary wedge all of the desks between the door and the wall so they cannot be pushed out of the way. even if they have to stretch across the room to doc it. This works best if doors open inward. if the doors open outward, I'd look for something I could secure to the door handle / knob and anchor to something sturdy. I'd secure, then use something to twist it. which would shorten it and put it under tension to prevent the door from opening.

2 barricade as much stuff in front of the door as possible. if you cannot prevent them from opening the door, make it difficult for them to gain further entry. Time is on your side.

3) be ready with a  plan for when they do get in anyway. table legs / desk legs / etc make decent weapons. broken glass with a handle made from tape can make a decent knife

4) can you electrify the door knob? MacGyver did it, why can't you?

5) any cleaning supplies / solvents - shit to the face and eyes can be effective. or they can be used as a torch with a lighter. people don't like being set on fire and tend to move their focus to not being on fire.

6) get the bulk of the students away from the fatal funnel that surrounds the doorway
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This... filing cabinets laid flat or whatever it takes to make a solid structural connection to the wall opposite the inwardly opening door. It wouldn't be hard to keep a 2x6 or other things about the room to form the connection. Maybe try it one day when no one is around to see if you have enough things to pull it off.
Link Posted: 3/6/2018 11:36:56 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/6/2018 11:40:11 PM EDT
In my days in ES, they used a ~7'  long pole, to open & close the windows.
Link Posted: 3/6/2018 11:46:18 PM EDT
Old Glory’s Eagle topped flagpole would make a hell of a halberd.
Link Posted: 3/6/2018 11:52:54 PM EDT
A) get out of the way of the window
B) there's lots of books and papers in a class, pile them up
C) I'm 6'5" and 330, I can probably throw a desk about forty miles an hour

If you start through the door, your getting a desk in the melon. I win
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 12:01:16 AM EDT
Door locks and getting outside the funnel will solve 95% of the problem. Seriously, and outward swing door in a metal frame is going to out last almost any shooter. Not they are bringing a Halligan.

But on the off chance they get past the door I have a couple axes, fire extinguishers, pike pools, and Halligan the students and I could use for defense... CTE programs have their benefits.
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 12:21:01 AM EDT
Personally Id just get the shittiest metal lunchbox (so no one would steal it) and put a false bottom in it. Or measure a desk drawer and cut a perfect size metal or wood piece and match the paint and wear for a false bottom drawer and keep a pistol under it, drawer locked and random files and shit in the drawer. I dont want to die at work.
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 12:32:42 AM EDT
Does the door open outward or inward?  If outward, tie as much clothing together to make a rope and tie to the handle.  Wrap one end around a post for leverage and hang on.

If inward, everything piled against the door.  Find something to jam the door (wood wedge, rubber wedge?).

Lights off.  Reduce visibility.

Windows open outward?  If safe, evacuate that way.  If windows don't open and threat is outside the door, break windows and get kids out.

Move kids away from door and have them lie on the floor to reduce exposure.  Knapsacks between them and the door.  Stay quiet.
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 12:32:55 AM EDT
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Break the leg off a table. Hide beside door.  When gunman enters, whack him over the head with all of your might like you’re trying to kill a big mudcat.

When he falls on his face, take his weapons and hold your foot on his neck. stick them in his mudhole and pull the trigger until empty.
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There. I fixed it for you.
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 12:34:16 AM EDT
Thanks for all the ideas. Several of the things mentioned I had never considered. It is frustrating being one of two people in the school that think about these things and have everyone else blow it off.
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 12:50:04 AM EDT
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I would throw students at the attacker until his arms got tired from killing them, rendering him harmless.

Then I would continue my lecture until he passed out from boredom.
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You are an educator. I doubt you are strong enough to throw many students the width of a number 2 pencil.
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 12:57:47 AM EDT
Serious question for you teachers. What is the policy for when a fire alarm is sounded? Do you confirm there is an actual fire (or test) or do you automatically file out of the room into a potential ambush?
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 12:59:06 AM EDT
big texan air gun. it has the same ft lb as a 357 magnum but it only uses air. 5 shots.

viper repeating crossbow.

although improvised weapons can be effective, they generally aren't. for example the flag pole. it's either too heavy to be a good weapon, or it's simply not tempered to be - when it bends, all of the energy will be absorbed by the bend. you won't damage a person enough to harm them. it'll leave a bruise, if at all. scissors require distance that unless you are very in shape and a very good sprinter with very favorable angles and you have a magic understanding of their location won't be viable. think about it this way, what if you were assaulting a location and they used improvised weapon on you? what would actually fear? especially at a school where anything that could become a weapon would be classified as dangerous. there really shouldn't be much available.
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 1:32:13 AM EDT
You're in a science classroom you have a ton of weapon options. Take those scalpels and tape them to the end of a mop/broom handle would make a pretty gnarly stabbing weapon.

You say you don't like the idea of using acid, you also have access to flammable chemicals, make a Molotov cocktail, keep the beaker with rag ready with a bunsen burner going for quick ignition of the rag. Once he enters light the rag and throw at his feet as he enters, have another container with a large opening ready and full of flammable liquid and as soon as you throw the cocktail douse the shooter with the liquid, he should go up quickly.
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 1:43:16 AM EDT
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Become a Chemistry Teacher.

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So you're saying that even until you fought him, you wouldn't know, and if you paid attention to your actions, you wouldn't be sure if by noticing what you did you'd changed it?

That seems like an uncertain strategy.
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 3:05:42 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 3:08:36 AM EDT
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Grab the fire extinguisher and be prepared to cover him in dust and beat his brains out with the canister.
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Came to post this.
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 3:21:58 AM EDT
I wouldn't.

Ruger LCP with a pocket clip worn in your waistband. You may have to wear longer and slightly baggier shirts than you are used to, but hot damn when that asshole comes in your classroom, put a .380 round in his head and there will be 5 million NRA members who will give you a few dollars each on a gofundme and you won't do hard time for stopping a mass shooting, if you get charged at all... unless you live in a shithole state.

Their bullshit laws fail to keep me and my kids safe, and the Government has failed at every conceivable level.  Fuck them and their laws.
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 3:54:53 AM EDT
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Its weird. I know that having a gun stowed secretly at school is the best option, but that stupid law-abiding part of me is what causes me to hesitate. I have a big enough classroom that I could hide it anywhere, and if I were to get caught with it, the principal is actually great enough that he would tell me to take it home or do a better job at hiding it.
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Willing to bet your license and time in Federal PMITA prison on that?

The pike disguised as a flagpole is a better idea.  Get the kids in the back corner of the wall adjacent to the door.  You crouch along the same wall as near as possible to the door without being visible, and when the attacker comes into your FOV gut him like a fish.  Aim for the belly beneath any vest he may be wearing, and use a violent upward thrust through intestines, stomach, heart/lungs.  Twist hard and withdraw, bringing said guts out with the pike.
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 4:06:30 AM EDT
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Every teacher should have access to a three five cell Maglite for emergencies.
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FIFY.  And D cells... you want the dark sucking ability to last through any emergency.
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 4:08:04 AM EDT
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Handful of chalk dust.  Throw it to my feet as a big cloud, then disappear into the earth.  Reappear behind my assailant, apply chokehold.  Simple.
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My wife's classroom is chalkless.  She has a white board (triggered) with a thing that looks like a magic wand (not THAT magic wand).   She could poke them in the eye.
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 4:09:23 AM EDT
I'd have a nice, subtle spear tip installed on the American flag and skewer a fucker with it.
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 4:13:01 AM EDT
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Stack the kids up against the door according to intellect. Stupid kids first and moving up the curve as we go further back.
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As the parent of a six-year-old with Asperger's, thank you. I like to be fair, he could probably talk the shooter into leaving with a wide variety of subjects.
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 4:36:10 AM EDT
A can of dog the bounty hunter bear spray with dye. Hit the fucher in the face as he comes in. Even with a mask on, the dye would cover the lenses. Then I would beat his head with a bat until it was soft under his scalp.
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 4:50:46 AM EDT
Hiding a gun (or any of the other suggestions) might help if you end up being in the .01% of schools that actually experience a shooter incident.  To take a different line: petition the school board and actively work to build community support for arming competent and willing school staff.  Getting schools off the gun-free zone list will save more children's lives than any number of assault fire extinguishers and tactical paper cutters.

Though I do think both are important, deterrence>defense.  A lot of schools/communities are talking about this right now... strike while the iron is hot.
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 5:18:43 AM EDT
not gonna happen. I always have a gun in my classroom.
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 5:36:57 AM EDT
Lock the door.

Place furniture like file cabinets against wall next to door where bullets can come through.

Build a hasty obstacle from desks and chairs that anyone entering would have to climb over, to ceiling height.

Fire extinguisher to the face.

Big bottle of half dish soap and water to slime floor at entry point, making walking impossible.

Lights off in classroom.  Strobe flashlight pointed at door.
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 5:51:56 AM EDT
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Lock the door.

Place furniture like file cabinets against wall next to door where bullets can come through.

Build a hasty obstacle from desks and chairs that anyone entering would have to climb over, to ceiling height.

Fire extinguisher to the face.

Big bottle of half dish soap and water to slime floor at entry point, making walking impossible.

Lights off in classroom.  Strobe flashlight pointed at door.
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Good plan, stage some of those items around the classroom discreetly like keeping dishsoap and a high power strobe in your drawer.  Is there already a fire extinguisher in the room?  You can use it as a shield, any hits will spray the contents in the attackers face, you can use the extinguisher to the face or the bottle to the head in ambush.
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 6:00:10 AM EDT
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not gonna happen. I always have a gun in my classroom.
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I hope you are my kids teacher.
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 6:04:40 AM EDT
barricade the door with desks chairs and tables
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 6:41:31 AM EDT
broom as thrusting weapon, ambush from below, just inside the door.

have literally been in that exact scenario, except at a nightclub shooting, not a school.  subject shot a guy in our parking lot, ~15' from our front door.  i watched him square up as though he was going to walk in the door, and i wasn't carrying that night (CC as a bartender is...tricky).  only viable weapon available was a mop.  took a knee just inside the door, and planned to drive it up into his throat from below.

dude ran off instead of coming in, which is probably why i'm still breathing instead of being a 'why you always carry' cautionary tale.

Link Posted: 3/7/2018 6:42:24 AM EDT
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barricade the door with desks chairs and tables
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in a chaotic pile to act as a tanglefoot once he gets the door open.
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 8:06:01 AM EDT
My classroom would be a PITA to defend.  It has one door that opens outward, a push-bar style with no handle on the inside, and no windows to escape through either.  Kommiefornia being communist means I can't carry concealed on campus, so the fire extinguisher would be my go-to as far as a distraction/blunt object.  Frankly, I'd tell my kids to get out and run like hell rather than cower inside.

I share my classroom with other teachers, so I can't really bring in quasi-weaponry (as much as I like the flagpole pike) or something like a decorative team baseball bat to hang on the wall.  I really like the jar full of marbles idea, but again, I share the classroom, so anything I bring will have to go with me when I leave.

I keep a AR500 steel backpack insert in my bag for protection, as well as a trauma kit.  I'm thinking of adding a 3-cell maglite for, you know, illumination purposes....
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 8:50:40 AM EDT
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my nephew said they had the discussion in class and the female teacher told him, she was going to hide and they have to fend for themselves......... fucking cunt.
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That might get those kids to go home and get their retards of parents to make the school system allow for security or the means for fighting back.
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 9:11:31 AM EDT
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If you think being in the chemistry class is your best bet... you poor souls...

My highschool had a shop Class
Metal, wood, automotive...

The amount of weapons in that room....

I'd run a Porter cable 3/4 inch hammer drill through the prick.
I'd take round stock 3/8ths, put it in a drill at an angle, to the grinder, make a razor sharp edge point, shove that in some steel tubing, that had an end cap welded on with a pressure relief valve. They may have 30. But at 100psi and that little spud gun I made to launch glue sticks, put 3/8th round stock through the wall and into the side of a steel dumpster put a hole the size of a quarter in the wall and dumpster.
Then there's belt Sanders. The table saw. Angle grinders. Circular saws. I'd probably zip tie the safety and guard and trigger and just swing it above my head by the cord and heave it shouting catch!
Could also stab em in the eye with a soldering iron...
There was a nail gun, a staple gun... duct tape the safety back bump fire nails and staples.

Christ you could get inventive quick...

I made a mace once. wood handle. Tow chain. We had a foundry. I made a round mold out of sand and poured molten metal in it and dropped the chain in after getting the end link white hot with the oxygen acetylene torch. Almost got expelled for that one

Floor jacks, take the jack handle upside their head...

Oh there were many different ways to effectively combat a school shooter in shop class...
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Good point.
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 9:31:58 AM EDT
Using OP's scenario of "locked down" as in cannot leave the classroom;

IIRC- Box-o-Truth had some empirical data that 16" of text books could stop almost any bullet (somebody verify this before putting it into practice) so putting text books, book bags, etc. between an attacker and intended victims.

Not bunching kids together in a "can't miss" zone. Spread people apart.

Blocking the door with desks, cabinets, etc.

Looking for and identifying alternate paths of escape; windows, drop ceilings, doors into other classrooms.

Designating people to be on cell phones calling 911 and reporting specifics of the attack.

Ersatz self-defense weapons such as fire-extinguishers*, table legs (as clubs). Teachers or teen girls may be carrying pepper-spray (many women do, they just don't think about at the right moment). Jocks in the room may have a baseball/softball bats with them. Cleaning chemicals (like dry-erase board cleaner) can be splashed into an attackers eyes. Never underestimate the effectiveness of a full force charge. Most of the cowards who pull this shit have no real skills, any active response may be enough to cause them to cease their attack.

I am not saying this would be easy or 100% effective but I have thought about how I would respond to an attacker in the work place (another "gun free zone").

*Dry-chemical and CO2 fire extinguishers can be absolutely effective against an attacker causing temporary blindness, breathing difficulties, confusion, smoke screen and/or as a blunt force weapon using the empty cylinder.
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 10:05:38 AM EDT
how would you do it?

What would you do to protect your students in your locked-down classroom from an armed intruder trying to get in? Assume that you are not able to use a firearm, legally or illegally, and that your solution(s) is within the realm of possibility.

Being a teacher, I am weighing the risk of keeping a pistol in my classroom secretly locked away, knowing that if there was an incident and I used it, it would cost me my job, at the very least. But it would be worth it if I protected my kids. So, I'm curious as to what other people could come up with as alternate solutions.
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You’re in Kansas? I’d bet you’d be safe. Plus, could you imagine the subsequent offers you’d get after being the hero teacher that stopped a potential mass murder?  The book deal, alone, would supplement your income.
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 10:07:45 AM EDT
Snap the flagpole in half and regulate.

Link Posted: 3/7/2018 10:07:59 AM EDT
Snap the flagpole in half and regulate.

Link Posted: 3/7/2018 10:25:09 AM EDT

You get caught with a gun on school property, you lose your job and go to jail

You get caught with a couple mortar shells in your desk, you just say they were for a science experiment or you confiscated them from a student

A couple Excalibur shells would seriously distract/disorient/discourage/fuck up a bad guy

Hell, you could even conceal them inside a small stuffed animal, if you were worried about getting in trouble.  Need to use it?  Just light the dillo's tail
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 10:27:19 AM EDT
Cardboard cutout of Batman, life-size.

No one wants to fight Batman.
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 10:27:38 AM EDT
Kill everyone else in the room, and play dead amongst their corpses.  When the shooter comes in, he’ll think he’s already shot the room up and move on.
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 10:30:10 AM EDT
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OC spray and LOTS of it
Fogg out the hallway, lock and barricade the door, push kids out the window, fog the room and haul ass.
My wife is a teacher, this is the plan I concocted for her.
I gave her several LE cans of OC fog spray
It’s hard to aim with pepper in your eyes and windpipe
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That’s a good idea.  That way all the other people in the halls trying to escape have to run through that cloud and when that spray hits their eyes they’ll all be stumbling around screaming and won’t be able to find the door.

I get confused, was this thread on how to help the shooter or defend against him?
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 10:36:47 AM EDT
I think we've had a few "what LEGAL weapons would you use for home defense if you were a convicted felon" threads...might want to look those up for additional ideas

A pen flare launcher with bear bangs is another that you could probably get away with

Tru Flare: Bear Bang Gear Review : The Expeditioners
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 10:38:33 AM EDT
The problem is and this is where schools and law makers need to change it to where teachers have the option of being armed. In the current system a teacher caught  bringing a tube of pepper spray to defend themselves and their students against things like school shooters get in more trouble then a potential mass shooter caught  bringing a gun to school.

Schools need to change their policies and work with law makers to create laws that allow teachers the option of being armed. Wether it’s a gun or pepper spray.
Link Posted: 3/7/2018 10:39:36 AM EDT
34" Louisville Slugger to the face as they come through the door should work nicely.
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