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Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:35:36 AM EDT
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@sartorius I keep hearing that weak ass excuse from everyone. My company should not be concerned about my personal health choices, what meds I take etc. I wish you would try to fire someone with HIV and see how that worked out because it was company policy. You can't have both sides. You just like this one so you agree with it, period.
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Oh, I do agree with it. Your company SHOULD be concerned about your personal health choices, if they can easily infect other people. If you want to eat Krispy Kremes all day and have a cardiac arrest, that doesn't effect the health of all the other employees. Well, except for those who were affected by you arresting and dying in the break room.

Your example of firing someone with HIV is a straw man. HIV positive patients can't spread it by coughing in the same room as everyone else. A better example would be someone with tuberculosis who refuses to take their meds. Very contagious, but treatable. They'd get fired very quickly if they didn't comply.

At any rate, I'm going to bed, to dream up some more ways to upset the ARF anti-vax family. Sleep tight and don't let the COVID bugs bite.

ETA: Interesting username, by the way. Ironic, even.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:42:47 AM EDT
I was an early adopter of the WuFlu in April 2020.  I had my doc test me for antibodies this past June, over a year later.  Test came back positive; & she couldn't tell me I didn't have the same level of immunity that the vax provides.

I consider myself vaccinated.  I have antibodies.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:42:50 AM EDT
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No, soy una hoja en el viento.
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We don't want any trouble in here. Not in any language.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:47:13 AM EDT
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Since you're using this lame excuse, I'll look forward to seeing your post when you get the FDA APPROVED shot soon. You know Pfizer and Moderna have both submitted applications for full approval, right? And it's the same shot. What are the chances of it not being approved?

Zero. It's more effective than the vast majority of drugs already approved out there.

But once approved, I'm sure most of ARF will move to another excuse to justify why they're scared, uh, I mean why they have good scientific reasons to not get the shot.

Some flat earthers are more rational than some of ARF.
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At this point it's still an experimental drug. Not approved by the FDA. But you knew that right? So you're just trolling shit.
Since you're using this lame excuse, I'll look forward to seeing your post when you get the FDA APPROVED shot soon. You know Pfizer and Moderna have both submitted applications for full approval, right? And it's the same shot. What are the chances of it not being approved?

Zero. It's more effective than the vast majority of drugs already approved out there.

But once approved, I'm sure most of ARF will move to another excuse to justify why they're scared, uh, I mean why they have good scientific reasons to not get the shot.

Some flat earthers are more rational than some of ARF.

I had Covid and it wasn’t bad, that’s my excuse.

I wouldn’t get a cold vaccine either if they had one.

I wouldn’t get a herpes vaccine if they had one.

When I get headaches I don’t take any medicine. When I got Covid I didn’t take medicine.  

I have arthritis and I refuse to take the medicine, I just live in pain.

That’s just me, as little medicine as possible. I’ll never be the guy who takes arthritis medicine and then a stool softener because the arthritis medicine constipates me and a blood pressure medicine because the stool softener raises my blood pressure and an antidepressant because the BP medicine makes me tired and sad and viagra because the anti makes my dick soft.

Y’all take all the damn medicine in the world. Flu, Carona, etc aren’t bad if you take care of yourself*.

*Taking care of yourself means you exercise and aren’t overweight and your doctor can test everything in your blood and it’s all within normal levels because you don’t eat McDonalds all the time and consider hydration a cold coke or beer.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:47:29 AM EDT
When the demented, Illegitimate fuck Joe, sends his "shot teams" to my door, they better respect the "no soliciting" sign.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:47:41 AM EDT
Not yet.  But they just sent out a "Voluntary" survey and made note to add that one of the answers can be "I would rather not answer".  I ignored the questionnaire altogether... so I will probably get pinged by HR on Monday.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:55:16 AM EDT
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Oh, I do agree with it. Your company SHOULD be concerned about your personal health choices, if they can easily infect other people. If you want to eat Krispy Kremes all day and have a cardiac arrest, that doesn't effect the health of all the other employees. Well, except for those who were affected by you arresting and dying in the break room.

Your example of firing someone with HIV is a straw man. HIV positive patients can't spread it by coughing in the same room as everyone else. A better example would be someone with tuberculosis who refuses to take their meds. Very contagious, but treatable. They'd get fired very quickly if they didn't comply.

At any rate, I'm going to bed, to dream up some more ways to upset the ARF anti-vax family. Sleep tight and don't let the COVID bugs bite.

ETA: Interesting username, by the way. Ironic, even.
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@sartorius I got the vaccine. I'm not anti vaxxer. Im anti being a clown with moral superiority and threatening peoples jobs because they wont bow down to the pressure to do something they don't want to. I want people to make their own choices not be bullied into it. If your vaccinated you shouldn't have anything to worry about right? It works so your good? Why do you need to FORCE everyone else on your side of the topic. Please don't try to talk about herd immunity because roughly 75% of the population has had it or been vaccinated. Also im quite sure theres a lot of vaccinated people getting it now, such as the three fully vaccinated congress critters from Texas. How would you know the TB patient wasn't taking their meds? Would you require daily titers for medication? Would you count their pills? Would you require to watch them take them every morning? Bottom line, you agree with it, you know deep down in your heart its right so you force your opinion on others. It is literally none of your business, you should leave people alone to do as they want, land of the free etc. If you are in charge of people you are being a petty tyrant but holding their source of income over their head. You are doing what the democrats do with everything race, gay, trans etc. You want to cancel someone because they don't agree with you and your not intelligent enough to go two layers higher and see at the end of the day it really should be their personal choice and you should not threaten them with a loss of income. Its weird that you talk as though youre in charge of people but you show no leadership. Ironic, even.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:59:14 AM EDT
No, but I'm sure it's coming. We already had to sign a new policy that states if you're not vacinated, you must wear a mask at all times.
It's probably just a CYA thing on their part, as no one is complying and no one has been challenged about it.
If the Feds step up their requirements, I know my employer will too .
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 2:07:15 AM EDT
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@sartorius I keep hearing that weak ass excuse from everyone. My company should not be concerned about my personal health choices, what meds I take etc. I wish you would try to fire someone with HIV and see how that worked out because it was company policy. You can't have both sides. You just like this one so you agree with it, period.
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That's not exactly a fair comparison. It's very difficult to get HIV from somebody, and very easy to get covid from somebody. If you only had covid in your personal time away from work, then sure, it's none of their business. But since that's not how diseases work, and since you could spread the disease to their customers and other employees it is something they should be concerned about...

That said, if your company is invading your privacy to a level at which you find untenable, you should quit.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 2:07:53 AM EDT
As a self-employed, licensed professional I can't really be "fired", but I do suspect some of my client-companies aren't letting me in because they're nuts that way and know where I stand on things.

Of course, I'd not be surprised if our commie governor/overlord (PA) tried to suspend business licenses, though. He's a megalomaniacal, hypocritical, POS, so he may very well try something like that.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 2:44:23 AM EDT
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There are hills to die on....

Not taking the vaccine is one of them.
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This hill seems to have a bunch of good folks on it.

We're gonna be fine. Eventually..
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 2:46:01 AM EDT
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@sartorius I got the vaccine. I'm not anti vaxxer. Im anti being a clown with moral superiority and threatening peoples jobs because they wont bow down to the pressure to do something they don't want to. I want people to make their own choices not be bullied into it. If your vaccinated you shouldn't have anything to worry about right? It works so your good? Why do you need to FORCE everyone else on your side of the topic. Please don't try to talk about herd immunity because roughly 75% of the population has had it or been vaccinated. Also im quite sure theres a lot of vaccinated people getting it now, such as the three fully vaccinated congress critters from Texas. How would you know the TB patient wasn't taking their meds? Would you require daily titers for medication? Would you count their pills? Would you require to watch them take them every morning? Bottom line, you agree with it, you know deep down in your heart its right so you force your opinion on others. It is literally none of your business, you should leave people alone to do as they want, land of the free etc. If you are in charge of people you are being a petty tyrant but holding their source of income over their head. You are doing what the democrats do with everything race, gay, trans etc. You want to cancel someone because they don't agree with you and your not intelligent enough to go two layers higher and see at the end of the day it really should be their personal choice and you should not threaten them with a loss of income. Its weird that you talk as though youre in charge of people but you show no leadership. Ironic, even.
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Issues like this bring out the closet tyrants.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 3:49:53 AM EDT
I live across the state line in Nevada & commute all the way to San Fransicko every week for work ONLY because the health care organization I work for pays me very well.  I’ve been doing this for the past 10 years & was planning to find different work MUCH closer to home, anyway, sometime next summer.  This past Thursday my director tells me that the city of San Fransicko now requires ALL health care personnel in the city of S.F. to receive the Wuhan vaccine or be fired on September 15th.  I am opposed, will not comply, have no possible exemption & I expect them to can me on September 15th.  I’m fairly sure they will have to pay my unemployment while I seek new work.  I have no debt, can live just fine on less income, & am already looking forward to not making the very long drive back & forth every week.

My question is this:  Is anyone else here in a similar get the Wuhan jabs or get canned situation?
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I respect your decision, and I am glad you are sticking up for yourself, but... Actually no but! ?? It's amazing to see people stick up for their rights even at the cost of their paycheck. It's downright inspiring that you're able to say "Fuck you" and walk. I've been there. Financial Independence is underrated.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 3:51:29 AM EDT
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The only people I know who have had ultimatums and coercion thrown at them are health care workers and so far none of them have caved or been fired.
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Everyone who works in the entertainment industry, live events, concerts, theatre, touring, film, TV; has to get a vaccine, and still wear a mask while at work.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 3:53:36 AM EDT
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This hill seems to have a bunch of good folks on it.

We're gonna be fine. Eventually..
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This hill seems nice. Think I'll stay her awhile.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 4:00:34 AM EDT
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As a self-employed, licensed professional I can't really be "fired", but I do suspect some of my client-companies aren't letting me in because they're nuts that way and know where I stand on things.

Of course, I'd not be surprised if our commie governor/overlord (PA) tried to suspend business licenses, though. He's a megalomaniacal, hypocritical, POS, so he may very well try something like that.
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Tom Wolf is one of the nastiest governors I've ever seen. I am genuinely surprised someone has not shot him. Seriously. He has ruined so many lives it's not funny. I will be so happy when he is gone.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 4:04:37 AM EDT

I got the vaccine already!

Fuck right the fuck off with your vaxport commie scum!
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 4:12:45 AM EDT
Forcing people to take a medication that has not even gone through the approval process is peak insanity. We have no idea what long term complications can or will arise. In before it turns out that the spike protein causes cancer over the next decade.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 4:34:41 AM EDT
Nope! Our agency has a Sheriff that is not a commie pussy!
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 4:50:00 AM EDT
Congrats on getting exactly what you wanted.   .       I hope you win a big lawsuit too.  

Incidentally, your commute was 10,000 times more dangerous than any vaccine, but you already knew that.  
Now you won’t have to worry about either.  
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 5:04:02 AM EDT
I can be fired and decertified for lying.

I will not get any of these "vaccines" that don't actually vaccinate.

So far my agency hasn't even commented on it.   So far.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 5:35:41 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 5:51:55 AM EDT
I work for 'woke' Delta Airlines, I wouldn't be surprised in the near future if they would try this.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 6:01:57 AM EDT
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I, my wife, my 3 kids, my parents in their 80's, my ex-wife, a lot of friends, neighbors, co-workers and acquaintances and others I have come into contact with have had the vaxx and so far none have died, had serious issues, no heart attacks or other problems that GD trumpets on an hourly basis.  I didn't even have any noticeable side effects from either Pfizer vaxx except a little muscle soreness on the first one.  

The mental gymnastics, along with the health risks and possible loss of employment, over the vaxx is rather surprising and astounding to me.  Especially when many of those screaming the loudest about how unsafe it is have zero problem using any narcotic substance and smoking weed that is grown, harvested, transported and handled by some of the worst and filthiest people in the world and in exceedingly unhygienic conditions.
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Imagine the cognitive dissonance required to use “weed that is handled by some of the worst and filthiest people in the world” while defending vaccines made and sold by people who created the opioid epidemic and sold pregnancy products that caused cancer.

Link Posted: 7/18/2021 6:07:19 AM EDT
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Nothing proves your point (I guess) like shaming others who don’t want something you clearly believe in, right?

Link Posted: 7/18/2021 6:16:58 AM EDT
Will California pay unemployment to a NV resident?
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 6:32:17 AM EDT
I sure hope things work out for you.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 6:40:55 AM EDT
These events are why paying your home off is a good thing.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 7:08:02 AM EDT
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Oh, I do agree with it. Your company SHOULD be concerned about your personal health choices, if they can easily infect other people. If you want to eat Krispy Kremes all day and have a cardiac arrest, that doesn't effect the health of all the other employees. Well, except for those who were affected by you arresting and dying in the break room.

Your example of firing someone with HIV is a straw man. HIV positive patients can't spread it by coughing in the same room as everyone else. A better example would be someone with tuberculosis who refuses to take their meds. Very contagious, but treatable. They'd get fired very quickly if they didn't comply.

At any rate, I'm going to bed, to dream up some more ways to upset the ARF anti-vax family. Sleep tight and don't let the COVID bugs bite.

ETA: Interesting username, by the way. Ironic, even.
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So you admit you're trolling people. How terrible. Isn't that against CoC?
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 7:21:40 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 7:40:35 AM EDT
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Issues like this bring out the closet tyrants.
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Also the superiority God complexes. (Not you btw)
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 7:54:50 AM EDT
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No, soy una hoja en el viento.


Well you got trouble!!!!!
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 8:04:54 AM EDT
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Not yet, but my brother and I will be quitting the day they announce compulsory vaccinations.
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Don’t quit. Make them fire you.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 8:05:37 AM EDT
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Don’t quit. Make them fire you.
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Not yet, but my brother and I will be quitting the day they announce compulsory vaccinations.

Don’t quit. Make them fire you.

This is the way
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 8:07:26 AM EDT
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I, my wife, my 3 kids, my parents in their 80's, my ex-wife, a lot of friends, neighbors, co-workers and acquaintances and others I have come into contact with have had the vaxx and so far none have died, had serious issues, no heart attacks or other problems that GD trumpets on an hourly basis.  I didn't even have any noticeable side effects from either Pfizer vaxx except a little muscle soreness on the first one.  

The mental gymnastics, along with the health risks and possible loss of employment, over the vaxx is rather surprising and astounding to me.  Especially when many of those screaming the loudest about how unsafe it is have zero problem using any narcotic substance and smoking weed that is grown, harvested, transported and handled by some of the worst and filthiest people in the world and in exceedingly unhygienic conditions.
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You're bitching about resistance.

There would be no resistance without the extreme force and pressure to take an experimental substance.

If you're vaccinated, WTF do you care if someone else is or not?
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 8:11:38 AM EDT
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Not as of right now. Maybe soon given the circumstances I'm in now. I was hoping to hear back from this place but after looking at my resume 5 days ago, nothing.

That works unless you catch it. When I go back I reckon I'm going to find out if I'm terminated or not now. It won't break my heart but it'll suck not having any income for a while.
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The new Delta variant and some other smaller mutations weren't around when the "vaccine" was developed. Also, the vaccine itself isn't a guarantee of anything. You can still get it.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 8:15:45 AM EDT
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I, my wife, my 3 kids, my parents in their 80's, my ex-wife, a lot of friends, neighbors, co-workers and acquaintances and others I have come into contact with have had the vaxx and so far none have died, had serious issues, no heart attacks or other problems that GD trumpets on an hourly basis.  I didn't even have any noticeable side effects from either Pfizer vaxx except a little muscle soreness on the first one.  

The mental gymnastics, along with the health risks and possible loss of employment, over the vaxx is rather surprising and astounding to me.  Especially when many of those screaming the loudest about how unsafe it is have zero problem using any narcotic substance and smoking weed that is grown, harvested, transported and handled by some of the worst and filthiest people in the world and in exceedingly unhygienic conditions.
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And that's solely THEIR call to make, same as the vaccine. This is my body, it's about the only thing I own outright, and I ALONE decide what goes in it. I've had Covid, before the vaxx, and it was like a mild cold. But anyway you put it, it's MY call, and I'll retrain out of nursing before I let anybody put that needle in me.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 8:16:38 AM EDT
I'm retired,  so I had this conversation with my boss while shaving this morning.

She told me I didn't have to get the vaccine shot if I didn't want to.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 8:16:52 AM EDT
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You're batching about resistance.

There would be no resistance without the extreme force and pressure to take an experimental substance.

If you're vaccinated, WTF do you care if someone else is or not?
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I originally said I wouldn't get it because it was un-tested, un-approved, etc, and enough time still has not passed for ME to personally be comfortable taking something like that. I do appreciate the comparison with vaccines for diseases like polio, as if that were new too when I was given it as a child.

The more time goes on, however... the over-the-top nature of the insistence that we get vaccinated, and the polarization of society into "vaccinated" and "un-vaccinated," with the latter being seen as a lesser group of people, really brings out my "fuck you" attitude toward anyone that has the air of moral superiority because they got the jab.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 8:19:04 AM EDT
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That’s fucked up.

She should look for another job, and a labor attorney.
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I have a relative who is pregnant and doesn't want to take the vaccine during the pregnancy.  Her work is threatening to fire her if she doesn't get it.

That’s fucked up.

She should look for another job, and a labor attorney.

Why? Nothing to be scared of. She needs to trust the science. Vaxx has been tested,  right?
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 8:21:19 AM EDT
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Do not get the jab. Everyday someone new posted about severe adverse effects. The liberals are crying all over Reddit about the shots fucking them up.

Don't do it.
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I bet for them it's a badge of honor to get severe effects
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 8:21:27 AM EDT
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The govt got to experiment on me once on the desert floor with the Anthrax vaccine.  I'm not taking the govt juice this time.
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Same here and 30 years later the .gov/VA is finally admitting all that shit they gave us fucked some people up, myself included.

My doctor was pushing me to get vaccinated because of the Delta variant and I explained why I would never willingly take the vaccine. He said "well, I guess there's nothing I can say to change your mind then..."
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 8:21:44 AM EDT
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Since you're using this lame excuse, I'll look forward to seeing your post when you get the FDA APPROVED shot soon. You know Pfizer and Moderna have both submitted applications for full approval, right? And it's the same shot. What are the chances of it not being approved?

Zero. It's more effective than the vast majority of drugs already approved out there.

But once approved, I'm sure most of ARF will move to another excuse to justify why they're scared, uh, I mean why they have good scientific reasons to not get the shot.

Some flat earthers are more rational than some of ARF.
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At this point it's still an experimental drug. Not approved by the FDA. But you knew that right? So you're just trolling shit.
Since you're using this lame excuse, I'll look forward to seeing your post when you get the FDA APPROVED shot soon. You know Pfizer and Moderna have both submitted applications for full approval, right? And it's the same shot. What are the chances of it not being approved?

Zero. It's more effective than the vast majority of drugs already approved out there.

But once approved, I'm sure most of ARF will move to another excuse to justify why they're scared, uh, I mean why they have good scientific reasons to not get the shot.

Some flat earthers are more rational than some of ARF.

LOL. They are protected from repercussions.

Why wouldn't they apply? There is no downside for them.

Yep, you've cornered the market on logic.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 8:26:07 AM EDT
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I know some people that will make use of those forms.

Thank you.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 8:42:14 AM EDT
Good for you OP.     I know personally know several people who have not done well.  One stroked and one possibly has pre dementia all of a sudden.   Both in their 60's and excellent health prior to the "jab".
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 8:44:52 AM EDT
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The hospital my wife works for isn't forcing the issue. They have a hard enough time filling shifts with nursing staff as it is.
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Same at the one I work for in Memphis.

OP, If you want to move let me know and I’ll send you a link.
I don’t live in Memphis, I live in much safer MS where cost of living is cheap.  Commute would be 30 minutes.  We do own a pediatric facility and have one hospital in MS.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 8:46:25 AM EDT
My body My choice.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 8:48:10 AM EDT
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Why? Nothing to be scared of. She needs to trust the science. Vaxx has been tested,  right?
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I have a relative who is pregnant and doesn't want to take the vaccine during the pregnancy.  Her work is threatening to fire her if she doesn't get it.

That’s fucked up.

She should look for another job, and a labor attorney.

Why? Nothing to be scared of. She needs to trust the science. Vaxx has been tested,  right?

One, nobody should be forced to do anything against their will.  

Two, the vaccines have been tested on a limited basis, and used on widespread basis. Aside from heart inflammation in males under 20, miscarriage seems to be another side effect that is prevalent enough to warrant caution.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 8:48:45 AM EDT
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Just order some of the cards and fill them out.
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Tell me more about this.
I work for myself, but I'm contemplating running a river up in Canada in September if they open the place up. I'm guessing a "vaccine" card might come in handy.
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