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Link Posted: 6/11/2013 5:24:14 PM EDT
[Last Edit: RAIDERBOB] [#1]
Growing up in the early 80’s there was a big abandoned two story house about four miles away from my neighborhood. I always hung out with the same four or five kids back then and the rumor we heard was that in the 40’s and 50’s an old man lived there who would abduct children and take them to that house to torture and kill them.

We didn’t go out there too often (we had a dump and a swimming/fishing hole in the other direction) but when we did we’d always dare each other to go inside. My parents caught us near there once and screamed at us to never to go in there. They were really upset and said that while we couldn’t see it from the outside, a fire had damaged most of the house and that it could fall down at any time. They told me to stay away or I’d get the belt like never before.

So the next day we went back to the house and I finally got tired of the dares from my friends and went inside. I remembered being told about the fire but aside from the place being empty and dirty there didn’t seem to be any damage. It was very big inside and all of the floors and walls were covered in a dark shade of wood . I walked around the first floor starting in the vestibule and moved through the living room on my left. I went through the kitchen, dining room and what looked like a study and found myself back at the front door. Things started to feel really creepy.

I walked out the front door and my friends all called me a chicken. They reminded me that the dare was to go through all of the house and I hadn’t spent a long enough time inside.

I turned around and found myself back in the vestibule looking at the staircase leading up to the second floor. I took a deep breath and started to climb. I’d made it just about halfway up the stairs when to my left, part of the ceiling above the living room fell with a tremendous crash. My friends were all screaming outside because of the noise, I ran down the steps and was heading for the front door when something caught my eye. In the ruble left by the falling ceiling I saw what looked to be twenty or so partially burnt Christmas presents tied with bows. Walking over to the area I saw children’s toys in the packages, the most memorable being a doll with half its face just melted away. I looked up through the hole in the ceiling and a saw an old metal Christmas tree that was also burnt.

I stood in that living room in kind of a trance, I don’t know if I was having a vision or what but I could see in my mind exactly what had happened there years ago; there was a scrawny old man with white scraggily hair decorating the upstairs room for Christmas, laughing and giggling like a school girl, while tears flowed down the faces of the three children gagged and bound to chairs around him. A spark shot from the electrical outlet near the window that ignited the drapes,  which set the tinsel and fake snow on the window ablaze. The old man ran to put out the fire, as he beat at the flames he became entangled in the tinsel and caught fire himself. He ran around spreading the fire throughout the room. The children screamed as they burned, but when their bindings fell away, all three children ran at the old man and tackled him to the floor.  

I came back to my senses when another part of the ceiling collapsed almost on top of me. I ran out the door and about a mile down the road until I stopped. My friends caught up with me and asked what had happened. I told them and we were all determined to find out if my vision was real. We did our best to find anything out about it, I even asked my parents and took a beating for just talking about the house. We never could get any information out of anyone regarding that house or what really happened there.
Link Posted: 6/16/2013 1:21:11 PM EDT
I don't have many stories, but there are a couple that stand out. Only one that I would really call creepy and, honestly, I really don't want to tell that one. The others aren't creepy, just strange.

First of all, one related to my grand dad who died in 2006. He worked as an engineer on towboats for most of his life. He was very fond of the last boat he was chief on before retirement.

When we had grand dads funeral, the route to the cemetery took us by the river. Sure enough, as the funeral procession passed by a particularly scenic overlook of the river, we look up to see a boat pushing a tow. As you might be guessing, it wasn't just any boat. We would've recognized grand dads old boat anywhere. I suppose it would be easy to chalk it up to happenstance, but I often like to think his old boat had come by to see him off on his last journey.

Secondly, I have had two out of body experiences. These did NOT occur while I was asleep and can't be attributed to dreams. The first one occurred when I was about 6 years old. It was during the middle of the day at Lambert Field in St Louis. We had taken my aunt to the airport and I remember we were running through the terminal because we were late. I distinctly remember my point of view shifting as if I was floating disembodied about ten feet in front of our group. I retained normal control of my body and mind, despite the weird POV. About two years later, this happened again at a doctors office. My POV shifted to where I was looking at myself through the open door of the exam room. Again, I retained complete control of my mind and body. Not really a creepy experience per se, but definitely unusual. I have no way to explain it.
Link Posted: 6/16/2013 4:09:17 PM EDT
Originally Posted By southernrebel:
DAMNIT i am sitting in a house in the woods nothing on but the computer reading this shit and the room i am in is next to the kitchen and as i am reading the "grandpa" story the fucking ice machine dumps!!!!!!!

Excuse me while i change my boxers.....

Link Posted: 6/16/2013 4:43:45 PM EDT
[Last Edit: TrainedFoe] [#4]
Originally Posted By LuvBUSHmaster:
The Russian "buzzer" creeps me the fuck out. To know that it's an open mic in the middle of no where just broadcasting a buzz...ugh, freaky shit.


I agree... I envision an abandoned pripyat and in some deep dark long forgotten bunker,and that is playing into the intercom,

Link Posted: 6/24/2013 2:01:09 AM EDT
Originally Posted By RAIDERBOB:
Growing up in the early 80’s there was a big abandoned two story house about four miles away from my neighborhood. I always hung out with the same four or five kids back then and the rumor we heard was that in the 40’s and 50’s an old man lived there who would abduct children and take them to that house to torture and kill them.

We didn’t go out there too often (we had a dump and a swimming/fishing hole in the other direction) but when we did we’d always dare each other to go inside. My parents caught us near there once and screamed at us to never to go in there. They were really upset and said that while we couldn’t see it from the outside, a fire had damaged most of the house and that it could fall down at any time. They told me to stay away or I’d get the belt like never before.

So the next day we went back to the house and I finally got tired of the dares from my friends and went inside. I remembered being told about the fire but aside from the place being empty and dirty there didn’t seem to be any damage. It was very big inside and all of the floors and walls were covered in a dark shade of wood . I walked around the first floor starting in the vestibule and moved through the living room on my left. I went through the kitchen, dining room and what looked like a study and found myself back at the front door. Things started to feel really creepy.

I walked out the front door and my friends all called me a chicken. They reminded me that the dare was to go through all of the house and I hadn’t spent a long enough time inside.

I turned around and found myself back in the vestibule looking at the staircase leading up to the second floor. I took a deep breath and started to climb. I’d made it just about halfway up the stairs when to my left, part of the ceiling above the living room fell with a tremendous crash. My friends were all screaming outside because of the noise, I ran down the steps and was heading for the front door when something caught my eye. In the ruble left by the falling ceiling I saw what looked to be twenty or so partially burnt Christmas presents tied with bows. Walking over to the area I saw children’s toys in the packages, the most memorable being a doll with half its face just melted away. I looked up through the hole in the ceiling and a saw an old metal Christmas tree that was also burnt.

I stood in that living room in kind of a trance, I don’t know if I was having a vision or what but I could see in my mind exactly what had happened there years ago; there was a scrawny old man with white scraggily hair decorating the upstairs room for Christmas, laughing and giggling like a school girl, while tears flowed down the faces of the three children gagged and bound to chairs around him. A spark shot from the electrical outlet near the window that ignited the drapes,  which set the tinsel and fake snow on the window ablaze. The old man ran to put out the fire, as he beat at the flames he became entangled in the tinsel and caught fire himself. He ran around spreading the fire throughout the room. The children screamed as they burned, but when their bindings fell away, all three children ran at the old man and tackled him to the floor.  

I came back to my senses when another part of the ceiling collapsed almost on top of me. I ran out the door and about a mile down the road until I stopped. My friends caught up with me and asked what had happened. I told them and we were all determined to find out if my vision was real. We did our best to find anything out about it, I even asked my parents and took a beating for just talking about the house. We never could get any information out of anyone regarding that house or what really happened there.


and also this thread needed a bump
Link Posted: 6/24/2013 3:51:18 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Th0r:

Link Posted: 6/24/2013 1:13:11 PM EDT
Originally Posted By TrainedFoe:
Originally Posted By LuvBUSHmaster:
The Russian "buzzer" creeps me the fuck out. To know that it's an open mic in the middle of no where just broadcasting a buzz...ugh, freaky shit.


I agree... I envision an abandoned pripyat and in some deep dark long forgotten bunker,and that is playing into the intercom,

It has been playing that buzz since '87? It has to have a power supply and the radio itself must have needed maintenance over the years. Even if it was interference on a radio you think someone would have noticed in the 26 years it has been broadcasting.
Link Posted: 6/24/2013 1:49:26 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Azygos] [#8]
I apologize if this is a repost in this thread but couldn't find it in a quick search. Here is one version of the ongoing creepy neighbor I had as a youth:

It would not surprise me in the least to learn that I lived next to a serial killer and exchanged Christmas cards with him.

Growing up, we had a scary reclusive neighbor. He allegedly burned the 3 houses surrounding mine (both neighbors and the one across the street). 1 was ruled electrical, but he was the first on scene to help and observe in the middle of the night. The other 2 were arson, but no suspect was ever found.  One of those involved stacking firewood in the house, pillaging the wife's underwear drawer, dousing the place with accelerant, and torching it.

This neighbor lived alone in a small house on a large, heavily wooded plot of land with a barn in back. He had many trees that were around the 100' tall mark and dense ground cover that made his place look like someone dropped a 5 acre forest in the middle of Idaho farmland.

He would disappear for weeks at a time, and return with his car or truck painted a different color every time. He lurked around the neighborhood, mostly at night. There were irrigation ditches running behind all the houses, so a person could travel far unseen. One time I saw his face in my bathroom window, and all the kids in the neighborhood had similar stories.  Camping out by the drainage canal was always good for a scare when you heard footsteps in the dark. Our little sweet female Samoyed only growled one time, and that was at someone hiding in our yard.

He was occasionally spotted wearing drag at the grocery store, though I never witnessed that myself. My father caught someone trying to break into his house, and from that point on it was almost like we were under his "protection." He'd actually show up at our door each Christmas after that with boxes of chocolates and some books; we always made sure to have a card & basket for him.

His house was raided by local and federal LE after he shot a kid for plinking at bullfrogs in the public canal. The kid survived; it was bird shot; family didn't press charges. My father was good friends with several members of the LE community and got an AAR. There was apparently nothing overtly incriminating found, however: his place had some booby traps, mirrors on the ceilings, and cameras on tripods. Enlarged photographs of area houses/neighborhoods covered the walls, and the bookshelves had stacks of books on the occult and a copy of "How to Fake Your Own Death." One of my neighbors heard him digging or working on what sounded like heavy metal or concrete in the middle of the night in a wooded corner of the yard.

He died under very suspicious circumstances. He had some equally creepy friends (bad, bad guys), who somehow managed to get him to leave his estate to them. Shortly thereafter, he was found dead at their place, in the nude. Death was ruled natural.  

We neighborhood kids saw it as our duty to explore his abandoned property. Now that our little light trespassing is far enough in the past, I'll relate a few interesting finds:

The barn in his yard had stairs leading to the top floor, accessed by a trap door. The room was completely empty, save for a wooden rocking chair in the middle. The walls were completely covered with floral wallpaper, including the windows. There was a cellar to the barn, but we didn't have time to check it out.

The smell of decay often came from his property; not surprising since he had many domestic animals/wildlife living there. There was a truck camper that smelled particularly awful. It was locked, and we could see trash bags inside. One of my friends went back later by himself and actually [ahem] gained access to the camper. He poked one of the bags with a screwdriver and was rewarded with a gush of putrefied biomatter. We mentioned it to an adult, who told us it was probably just his dead dog.

His house had been pretty much cleaned out by his newfound heirs. There were a few leftover books on the shelves, and a key with the cryptic notation "underground vault." The basement was unfinished; cinder block walls with a hallway and 2 rooms along one side. Each room was also unfinished; plain concrete walls and a concrete floor, with a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling by a cord. There was a bare wire mattress/spring frame up against the wall in one room. I kid you not, it looked like something you'd see in the movies.

Right about the time our intrepid group of 4 heavily armed explorers explored the tiny basement, we ALL heard footsteps walking across the living room directly overhead. We bolted up the stairs, out the back door behind the kitchen, and probably stopped running about half a mile down the road.

Within a month, the entire wooded lot was burned in an unexplained fire. The buildings and trees were leveled. The new owners of the property performed some development.  One ofmthose was allowing a road to be built over the area that our collective imagination had determined that his underground vault was.

My father went to his viewing and confirmed that it was him. I actually went to his brief and almost empty funeral service as a kind of closure. Is it any wonder that I used to sleep with a light on, worried every night that someone was going to break into the house and set it on fire? Rough way to feel as a child, but it's nothing compared to the stresses some kids have to endure.
Link Posted: 6/24/2013 5:31:02 PM EDT
Originally Posted By pepperbelly:
Originally Posted By TrainedFoe:
Originally Posted By LuvBUSHmaster:
The Russian "buzzer" creeps me the fuck out. To know that it's an open mic in the middle of no where just broadcasting a buzz...ugh, freaky shit.


I agree... I envision an abandoned pripyat and in some deep dark long forgotten bunker,and that is playing into the intercom,

It has been playing that buzz since '87? It has to have a power supply and the radio itself must have needed maintenance over the years. Even if it was interference on a radio you think someone would have noticed in the 26 years it has been broadcasting.

Sounds like a navigation beacon to me.There are several kinds; I used to be hypnotized by the LORAN beacons in the HF region. They sounded just like aircraft engines to me.
Link Posted: 6/24/2013 8:49:02 PM EDT
Originally Posted By sleepdr:
I apologize if this is a repost in this thread but couldn't find it in a quick search. Here is one version of the ongoing creepy neighbor I had as a youth:

It would not surprise me in the least to learn that I lived next to a serial killer and exchanged Christmas cards with him.

Growing up, we had a scary reclusive neighbor. He allegedly burned the 3 houses surrounding mine (both neighbors and the one across the street). 1 was ruled electrical, but he was the first on scene to help and observe in the middle of the night. The other 2 were arson, but no suspect was ever found.  One of those involved stacking firewood in the house, pillaging the wife's underwear drawer, dousing the place with accelerant, and torching it.

This neighbor lived alone in a small house on a large, heavily wooded plot of land with a barn in back. He had many trees that were around the 100' tall mark and dense ground cover that made his place look like someone dropped a 5 acre forest in the middle of Idaho farmland.

He would disappear for weeks at a time, and return with his car or truck painted a different color every time. He lurked around the neighborhood, mostly at night. There were irrigation ditches running behind all the houses, so a person could travel far unseen. One time I saw his face in my bathroom window, and all the kids in the neighborhood had similar stories.  Camping out by the drainage canal was always good for a scare when you heard footsteps in the dark. Our little sweet female Samoyed only growled one time, and that was at someone hiding in our yard.

He was occasionally spotted wearing drag at the grocery store, though I never witnessed that myself. My father caught someone trying to break into his house, and from that point on it was almost like we were under his "protection." He'd actually show up at our door each Christmas after that with boxes of chocolates and some books; we always made sure to have a card & basket for him.

His house was raided by local and federal LE after he shot a kid for plinking at bullfrogs in the public canal. The kid survived; it was bird shot; family didn't press charges. My father was good friends with several members of the LE community and got an AAR. There was apparently nothing overtly incriminating found, however: his place had some booby traps, mirrors on the ceilings, and cameras on tripods. Enlarged photographs of area houses/neighborhoods covered the walls, and the bookshelves had stacks of books on the occult and a copy of "How to Fake Your Own Death." One of my neighbors heard him digging or working on what sounded like heavy metal or concrete in the middle of the night in a wooded corner of the yard.

He died under very suspicious circumstances. He had some equally creepy friends (bad, bad guys), who somehow managed to get him to leave his estate to them. Shortly thereafter, he was found dead at their place, in the nude. Death was ruled natural.  

We neighborhood kids saw it as our duty to explore his abandoned property. Now that our little light trespassing is far enough in the past, I'll relate a few interesting finds:

The barn in his yard had stairs leading to the top floor, accessed by a trap door. The room was completely empty, save for a wooden rocking chair in the middle. The walls were completely covered with floral wallpaper, including the windows. There was a cellar to the barn, but we didn't have time to check it out.

The smell of decay often came from his property; not surprising since he had many domestic animals/wildlife living there. There was a truck camper that smelled particularly awful. It was locked, and we could see trash bags inside. One of my friends went back later by himself and actually [ahem] gained access to the camper. He poked one of the bags with a screwdriver and was rewarded with a gush of putrefied biomatter. We mentioned it to an adult, who told us it was probably just his dead dog.

His house had been pretty much cleaned out by his newfound heirs. There were a few leftover books on the shelves, and a key with the cryptic notation "underground vault." The basement was unfinished; cinder block walls with a hallway and 2 rooms along one side. Each room was also unfinished; plain concrete walls and a concrete floor, with a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling by a cord. There was a bare wire mattress/spring frame up against the wall in one room. I kid you not, it looked like something you'd see in the movies.

Right about the time our intrepid group of 4 heavily armed explorers explored the tiny basement, we ALL heard footsteps walking across the living room directly overhead. We bolted up the stairs, out the back door behind the kitchen, and probably stopped running about half a mile down the road.

Within a month, the entire wooded lot was burned in an unexplained fire. The buildings and trees were leveled. The new owners of the property performed some development.  One ofmthose was allowing a road to be built over the area that our collective imagination had determined that his underground vault was.

My father went to his viewing and confirmed that it was him. I actually went to his brief and almost empty funeral service as a kind of closure. Is it any wonder that I used to sleep with a light on, worried every night that someone was going to break into the house and set it on fire? Rough way to feel as a child, but it's nothing compared to the stresses some kids have to endure.

One could only imagine what he got away with.

Were his buddies known ex-cons or did they set off your spidey sense??

Link Posted: 6/25/2013 1:23:56 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Azygos] [#11]
Originally Posted By victor71:

One could only imagine what he got away with.

Were his buddies known ex-cons or did they set off your spidey sense??

I don't know if his buddies had criminal records, but that's because i haven't looked into it. IIRC, the kid my age had a few run-ins with the law.  We always knew to stay far away from them. My family owned a pice of land thy wanted. First they asked for it, then claimed it was theirs, then began breaking into my grandparents' home. Then the threats of fire and other worse things began to arrive..

My invalid grandparents gift-deeded them a decent chunk of land just to get the harassment and threats to stop.

Link Posted: 7/3/2013 12:10:06 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/3/2013 2:47:19 AM EDT
once again as always this thread delivers
Link Posted: 7/9/2013 10:42:02 PM EDT

Originally Posted By Beamy:

once again as always this thread delivers

Here's hoping it continues to deliver, perhaps with more from M1Ed.

40 pages = epic status, IMNSHO.

Link Posted: 7/12/2013 1:37:55 AM EDT
Originally Posted By sleepdr:
I apologize if this is a repost in this thread but couldn't find it in a quick search. Here is one version of the ongoing creepy neighbor I had as a youth:

It would not surprise me in the least to learn that I lived next to a serial killer and exchanged Christmas cards with him.

Growing up, we had a scary reclusive neighbor. He allegedly burned the 3 houses surrounding mine (both neighbors and the one across the street). 1 was ruled electrical, but he was the first on scene to help and observe in the middle of the night. The other 2 were arson, but no suspect was ever found.  One of those involved stacking firewood in the house, pillaging the wife's underwear drawer, dousing the place with accelerant, and torching it.

This neighbor lived alone in a small house on a large, heavily wooded plot of land with a barn in back. He had many trees that were around the 100' tall mark and dense ground cover that made his place look like someone dropped a 5 acre forest in the middle of Idaho farmland.

He would disappear for weeks at a time, and return with his car or truck painted a different color every time. He lurked around the neighborhood, mostly at night. There were irrigation ditches running behind all the houses, so a person could travel far unseen. One time I saw his face in my bathroom window, and all the kids in the neighborhood had similar stories.  Camping out by the drainage canal was always good for a scare when you heard footsteps in the dark. Our little sweet female Samoyed only growled one time, and that was at someone hiding in our yard.

He was occasionally spotted wearing drag at the grocery store, though I never witnessed that myself. My father caught someone trying to break into his house, and from that point on it was almost like we were under his "protection." He'd actually show up at our door each Christmas after that with boxes of chocolates and some books; we always made sure to have a card & basket for him.

His house was raided by local and federal LE after he shot a kid for plinking at bullfrogs in the public canal. The kid survived; it was bird shot; family didn't press charges. My father was good friends with several members of the LE community and got an AAR. There was apparently nothing overtly incriminating found, however: his place had some booby traps, mirrors on the ceilings, and cameras on tripods. Enlarged photographs of area houses/neighborhoods covered the walls, and the bookshelves had stacks of books on the occult and a copy of "How to Fake Your Own Death." One of my neighbors heard him digging or working on what sounded like heavy metal or concrete in the middle of the night in a wooded corner of the yard.

He died under very suspicious circumstances. He had some equally creepy friends (bad, bad guys), who somehow managed to get him to leave his estate to them. Shortly thereafter, he was found dead at their place, in the nude. Death was ruled natural.  

We neighborhood kids saw it as our duty to explore his abandoned property. Now that our little light trespassing is far enough in the past, I'll relate a few interesting finds:

The barn in his yard had stairs leading to the top floor, accessed by a trap door. The room was completely empty, save for a wooden rocking chair in the middle. The walls were completely covered with floral wallpaper, including the windows. There was a cellar to the barn, but we didn't have time to check it out.

The smell of decay often came from his property; not surprising since he had many domestic animals/wildlife living there. There was a truck camper that smelled particularly awful. It was locked, and we could see trash bags inside. One of my friends went back later by himself and actually [ahem] gained access to the camper. He poked one of the bags with a screwdriver and was rewarded with a gush of putrefied biomatter. We mentioned it to an adult, who told us it was probably just his dead dog.

His house had been pretty much cleaned out by his newfound heirs. There were a few leftover books on the shelves, and a key with the cryptic notation "underground vault." The basement was unfinished; cinder block walls with a hallway and 2 rooms along one side. Each room was also unfinished; plain concrete walls and a concrete floor, with a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling by a cord. There was a bare wire mattress/spring frame up against the wall in one room. I kid you not, it looked like something you'd see in the movies.

Right about the time our intrepid group of 4 heavily armed explorers explored the tiny basement, we ALL heard footsteps walking across the living room directly overhead. We bolted up the stairs, out the back door behind the kitchen, and probably stopped running about half a mile down the road.

Within a month, the entire wooded lot was burned in an unexplained fire. The buildings and trees were leveled. The new owners of the property performed some development.  One ofmthose was allowing a road to be built over the area that our collective imagination had determined that his underground vault was.

My father went to his viewing and confirmed that it was him. I actually went to his brief and almost empty funeral service as a kind of closure. Is it any wonder that I used to sleep with a light on, worried every night that someone was going to break into the house and set it on fire? Rough way to feel as a child, but it's nothing compared to the stresses some kids have to endure.

That is seriously messed up.
Link Posted: 7/12/2013 2:03:04 AM EDT

Originally Posted By FrankSymptoms:

Originally Posted By pepperbelly:

Originally Posted By TrainedFoe:

Originally Posted By LuvBUSHmaster:

The Russian "buzzer" creeps me the fuck out. To know that it's an open mic in the middle of no where just broadcasting a buzz...ugh, freaky shit.



I agree... I envision an abandoned pripyat and in some deep dark long forgotten bunker,and that is playing into the intercom,

It has been playing that buzz since '87? It has to have a power supply and the radio itself must have needed maintenance over the years. Even if it was interference on a radio you think someone would have noticed in the 26 years it has been broadcasting.

Sounds like a navigation beacon to me.There are several kinds; I used to be hypnotized by the LORAN beacons in the HF region. They sounded just like aircraft engines to me.

Not to derail the thread, but there are lots of numbers stations.  The Buzzer is probably the most well known of them.  They are probably used by various intelligence communities, but some have hypothesized that they are dead-hand switches. That they've been set up to trigger....something.  

Persephone is one of the more creepy ones.

Link Posted: 7/13/2013 1:38:17 AM EDT
I was driving home from work the other day and I got stopped at a red light behind an SUV that had the most interesting vanity plate I have ever seen.


I was, like, .

Wonder if he was a priest, or it was just a nickname perhaps?

Anyway, BTT for more stories.
Link Posted: 7/13/2013 5:22:40 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Qweevox:

Originally Posted By FrankSymptoms:
Originally Posted By pepperbelly:
Originally Posted By TrainedFoe:
Originally Posted By LuvBUSHmaster:
The Russian "buzzer" creeps me the fuck out. To know that it's an open mic in the middle of no where just broadcasting a buzz...ugh, freaky shit.


I agree... I envision an abandoned pripyat and in some deep dark long forgotten bunker,and that is playing into the intercom,

It has been playing that buzz since '87? It has to have a power supply and the radio itself must have needed maintenance over the years. Even if it was interference on a radio you think someone would have noticed in the 26 years it has been broadcasting.

Sounds like a navigation beacon to me.There are several kinds; I used to be hypnotized by the LORAN beacons in the HF region. They sounded just like aircraft engines to me.

Not to derail the thread, but there are lots of numbers stations.  The Buzzer is probably the most well known of them.  They are probably used by various intelligence communities, but some have hypothesized that they are dead-hand switches. That they've been set up to trigger....something.  

Persephone is one of the more creepy ones.

Thanks for the heart attack. I tried to play the embedded version and got a YT error so I clicked on the link and watched part of it on YT and immediately closed out since it's late...lol. Then I forgot to close out this window and about 10 minutes later, I randomly start hearing that video's audio playing while I was about to fall asleep while this file uploads and damn near shat myself. Of course the video actually still has the error sign but the audio started playing.

Why couldn't it have played immediately instead of waiting until I forgot about it?
Link Posted: 7/13/2013 6:51:11 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Beamy:
why do I always end up reading this thread between midnight and 0400

great so much for sleep for a little while

Link Posted: 7/14/2013 6:22:35 PM EDT
Originally Posted By demolitio:
Originally Posted By Qweevox:

Originally Posted By FrankSymptoms:
Originally Posted By pepperbelly:
Originally Posted By TrainedFoe:
Originally Posted By LuvBUSHmaster:
The Russian "buzzer" creeps me the fuck out. To know that it's an open mic in the middle of no where just broadcasting a buzz...ugh, freaky shit.


I agree... I envision an abandoned pripyat and in some deep dark long forgotten bunker,and that is playing into the intercom,

It has been playing that buzz since '87? It has to have a power supply and the radio itself must have needed maintenance over the years. Even if it was interference on a radio you think someone would have noticed in the 26 years it has been broadcasting.

Sounds like a navigation beacon to me.There are several kinds; I used to be hypnotized by the LORAN beacons in the HF region. They sounded just like aircraft engines to me.

Not to derail the thread, but there are lots of numbers stations.  The Buzzer is probably the most well known of them.  They are probably used by various intelligence communities, but some have hypothesized that they are dead-hand switches. That they've been set up to trigger....something.  

Persephone is one of the more creepy ones.

Thanks for the heart attack. I tried to play the embedded version and got a YT error so I clicked on the link and watched part of it on YT and immediately closed out since it's late...lol. Then I forgot to close out this window and about 10 minutes later, I randomly start hearing that video's audio playing while I was about to fall asleep while this file uploads and damn near shat myself. Of course the video actually still has the error sign but the audio started playing.

Why couldn't it have played immediately instead of waiting until I forgot about it?

Link Posted: 7/16/2013 12:22:40 AM EDT
From the skinwalker thread.  https://cdn.anonfiles.com/1339610286949.pdf
Link Posted: 7/16/2013 10:30:09 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Captain_Morgan:
From the skinwalker thread.  https://cdn.anonfiles.com/1339610286949.pdf

Link Posted: 7/16/2013 5:36:28 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Captain_Morgan:
From the skinwalker thread.  https://cdn.anonfiles.com/1339610286949.pdf

I love this one, from that thread.  First read it a couple years ago, but it still gives me the heeby jeebies:

Originally Posted By CWDraco:

I will re-post my story. I didn't call this thing a "chupacabra", an old Mexican fruit stand worker, field worker called it that after I told him my jeep was chased by a man in the area. he also told me they refused to work late in the area fields because they are not safe at night...they will work other fields in Oxnard and Ventura...but not Camarillo/Point Mugu area.

Just to better describe what my "skin walker" looked like. It was a man. about, 6 foot tall, red eyes, long wavy hair and thick straight haired beard short, but not clean cut, very muscular, pants (like jeans), no shirt..didn't notice the feet. the screams were like a crazy man screaming in anger...can't really describe that...it was loud and pissed off...lol

A buddy and I were driving home late from Point Mugu NWS, taking the back roads to the town of Camarillo.

There is a fork in the road with a mountain in the middle. Just before the mountain and fork there is a old bridge. As we are going over the bridge my buddy points up, (we are in a open top Jeep) about 50 feet up the side of the mountain is a shirtless guy climbing up. We can clearing see him in my brights, long hair and all. I have to slow down for the left fork turn, which is directly under the mountain side.

As I turn, the climber jumps off the mountain side screaming like a madman, he hits the back side of the jeep, but falls out and hits the road. I hit the brakes. I turn around and see him jump up and screaming like some werewolf insane madman, red eyes, hairy and differently not out of shape...he had seen some time in a gym.....I hit the gas and took off.

The "guy" is now chasing after us...(think of the part in Jurassic Park were the T-Rex is chasing the jeep). My buddy is yelling "Holy Fuck...Holy Fuck this guys crazy". I am doing close to 25-30MPH..and the guy is keeping up with me and is next to me grabbing at my seat. My buddy is out of his seat punching the guy..or at least trying to.

At about 45mph the guy can't keep up. We start to laugh and say we should have just stopped and kicked his ass. Then thought he was on PCP or something so we were probably better off not to mess with him, and neither of us wanted to get bitten by a werewolf on PCP.... The red eyes must have been reflections from the brake lights...We both clearly saw those eyes.

About that time, my buddy, points to the fields next to us..on our left....there is the guy running the same direction as we are going. We laugh and I look at the speedometer...55MPH. Wow that's fucking insane I say. Then it hits me....he is running across the field to reach the 90 degree turn before we do...he will get there first and that corner is very tight.

I tell my buddy what I think he's doing. I have taken that turn at 30 in my Nova and lost the back end. I have no idea how fast I can do it in the Jeep. There are no side roads, houses..nothing but a fields.

"Dude, we fight him..stop the fucking car and lets do this"
"Man I really don't want to kill someone...get it. That mother fucker is crazy"
"fuck man, the turn is coming up..we got no weapons, the tire iron is locked behind the spare..we are in Dress Blues uniforms."
"fuck it man, punch it and hope we get there first"

I had the jeep up to 75MPH, then I had to brake hard and I took the turn at 35MPH, the guy was maybe 30 feet behind us...he then just ran back into the field.

We both saw those same red eyes again....

We pulled into the Parking lot of the ventura sheriffs sub-station in Camarillo. We looked at each other and said...no way they are going to believe us.

Couple years later I pulled over at the fruit stand in the same area. I asked the guy if they ever picked strawberries at night..and told him a shorten story about a guy who chased my car. He looked at me without any emotion and said, "You are lucky the chupacabra didn't get you...those red eyes are a bad thing..we do not work these fields at night." I never told the guy about the red eyes....

Link Posted: 7/16/2013 5:49:58 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Qweevox] [#24]

Originally Posted By NY_Shooter:
Originally Posted By Captain_Morgan:

From the skinwalker thread.  https://cdn.anonfiles.com/1339610286949.pdf

I love this one, from that thread.  First read it a couple years ago, but it still gives me the heeby jeebies:
Originally Posted By CWDraco:
I will re-post my story. I didn't call this thing a "chupacabra", an old Mexican fruit stand worker, field worker called it that after I told him my jeep was chased by a man in the area. he also told me they refused to work late in the area fields because they are not safe at night...they will work other fields in Oxnard and Ventura...but not Camarillo/Point Mugu area.
Just to better describe what my "skin walker" looked like. It was a man. about, 6 foot tall, red eyes, long wavy hair and thick straight haired beard short, but not clean cut, very muscular, pants (like jeans), no shirt..didn't notice the feet. the screams were like a crazy man screaming in anger...can't really describe that...it was loud and pissed off...lol
A buddy and I were driving home late from Point Mugu NWS, taking the back roads to the town of Camarillo.
There is a fork in the road with a mountain in the middle. Just before the mountain and fork there is a old bridge. As we are going over the bridge my buddy points up, (we are in a open top Jeep) about 50 feet up the side of the mountain is a shirtless guy climbing up. We can clearing see him in my brights, long hair and all. I have to slow down for the left fork turn, which is directly under the mountain side.
As I turn, the climber jumps off the mountain side screaming like a madman, he hits the back side of the jeep, but falls out and hits the road. I hit the brakes. I turn around and see him jump up and screaming like some werewolf insane madman, red eyes, hairy and differently not out of shape...he had seen some time in a gym.....I hit the gas and took off.
The "guy" is now chasing after us...(think of the part in Jurassic Park were the T-Rex is chasing the jeep). My buddy is yelling "Holy Fuck...Holy Fuck this guys crazy". I am doing close to 25-30MPH..and the guy is keeping up with me and is next to me grabbing at my seat. My buddy is out of his seat punching the guy..or at least trying to.
At about 45mph the guy can't keep up. We start to laugh and say we should have just stopped and kicked his ass. Then thought he was on PCP or something so we were probably better off not to mess with him, and neither of us wanted to get bitten by a werewolf on PCP.... The red eyes must have been reflections from the brake lights...We both clearly saw those eyes.
About that time, my buddy, points to the fields next to us..on our left....there is the guy running the same direction as we are going. We laugh and I look at the speedometer...55MPH. Wow that's fucking insane I say. Then it hits me....he is running across the field to reach the 90 degree turn before we do...he will get there first and that corner is very tight.
I tell my buddy what I think he's doing. I have taken that turn at 30 in my Nova and lost the back end. I have no idea how fast I can do it in the Jeep. There are no side roads, houses..nothing but a fields.
"Dude, we fight him..stop the fucking car and lets do this"

"Man I really don't want to kill someone...get it. That mother fucker is crazy"

"fuck man, the turn is coming up..we got no weapons, the tire iron is locked behind the spare..we are in Dress Blues uniforms."

"fuck it man, punch it and hope we get there first"
I had the jeep up to 75MPH, then I had to brake hard and I took the turn at 35MPH, the guy was maybe 30 feet behind us...he then just ran back into the field.
We both saw those same red eyes again....
We pulled into the Parking lot of the ventura sheriffs sub-station in Camarillo. We looked at each other and said...no way they are going to believe us.
Couple years later I pulled over at the fruit stand in the same area. I asked the guy if they ever picked strawberries at night..and told him a shorten story about a guy who chased my car. He looked at me without any emotion and said, "You are lucky the chupacabra didn't get you...those red eyes are a bad thing..we do not work these fields at night." I never told the guy about the red eyes....

That is a creepy story.  Someone has a pretty good imagination.  But they made one mistake which makes their tall tale fall apart, there is absolutely no way any sane person would laughingly suggest stopping and fighting a shirtless man, with glowing red eyes, that can jump off a 50 foot cliffs, hit a moving jeep, fall out, get up, and then run 55 mph....

not even as a joke.  

Link Posted: 7/16/2013 6:00:07 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Qweevox:

Originally Posted By NY_Shooter:
Originally Posted By Captain_Morgan:
From the skinwalker thread.  https://cdn.anonfiles.com/1339610286949.pdf

I love this one, from that thread.  First read it a couple years ago, but it still gives me the heeby jeebies:

Originally Posted By CWDraco:

I will re-post my story. I didn't call this thing a "chupacabra", an old Mexican fruit stand worker, field worker called it that after I told him my jeep was chased by a man in the area. he also told me they refused to work late in the area fields because they are not safe at night...they will work other fields in Oxnard and Ventura...but not Camarillo/Point Mugu area.

Just to better describe what my "skin walker" looked like. It was a man. about, 6 foot tall, red eyes, long wavy hair and thick straight haired beard short, but not clean cut, very muscular, pants (like jeans), no shirt..didn't notice the feet. the screams were like a crazy man screaming in anger...can't really describe that...it was loud and pissed off...lol

A buddy and I were driving home late from Point Mugu NWS, taking the back roads to the town of Camarillo.

There is a fork in the road with a mountain in the middle. Just before the mountain and fork there is a old bridge. As we are going over the bridge my buddy points up, (we are in a open top Jeep) about 50 feet up the side of the mountain is a shirtless guy climbing up. We can clearing see him in my brights, long hair and all. I have to slow down for the left fork turn, which is directly under the mountain side.

As I turn, the climber jumps off the mountain side screaming like a madman, he hits the back side of the jeep, but falls out and hits the road. I hit the brakes. I turn around and see him jump up and screaming like some werewolf insane madman, red eyes, hairy and differently not out of shape...he had seen some time in a gym.....I hit the gas and took off.

The "guy" is now chasing after us...(think of the part in Jurassic Park were the T-Rex is chasing the jeep). My buddy is yelling "Holy Fuck...Holy Fuck this guys crazy". I am doing close to 25-30MPH..and the guy is keeping up with me and is next to me grabbing at my seat. My buddy is out of his seat punching the guy..or at least trying to.

At about 45mph the guy can't keep up. We start to laugh and say we should have just stopped and kicked his ass. Then thought he was on PCP or something so we were probably better off not to mess with him, and neither of us wanted to get bitten by a werewolf on PCP.... The red eyes must have been reflections from the brake lights...We both clearly saw those eyes.

About that time, my buddy, points to the fields next to us..on our left....there is the guy running the same direction as we are going. We laugh and I look at the speedometer...55MPH. Wow that's fucking insane I say. Then it hits me....he is running across the field to reach the 90 degree turn before we do...he will get there first and that corner is very tight.

I tell my buddy what I think he's doing. I have taken that turn at 30 in my Nova and lost the back end. I have no idea how fast I can do it in the Jeep. There are no side roads, houses..nothing but a fields.

"Dude, we fight him..stop the fucking car and lets do this"
"Man I really don't want to kill someone...get it. That mother fucker is crazy"
"fuck man, the turn is coming up..we got no weapons, the tire iron is locked behind the spare..we are in Dress Blues uniforms."
"fuck it man, punch it and hope we get there first"

I had the jeep up to 75MPH, then I had to brake hard and I took the turn at 35MPH, the guy was maybe 30 feet behind us...he then just ran back into the field.

We both saw those same red eyes again....

We pulled into the Parking lot of the ventura sheriffs sub-station in Camarillo. We looked at each other and said...no way they are going to believe us.

Couple years later I pulled over at the fruit stand in the same area. I asked the guy if they ever picked strawberries at night..and told him a shorten story about a guy who chased my car. He looked at me without any emotion and said, "You are lucky the chupacabra didn't get you...those red eyes are a bad thing..we do not work these fields at night." I never told the guy about the red eyes....

That is a creepy story.  Someone has a pretty good imagination.  But they made one mistake which makes their tall tale fall apart, there is absolutely no way any sane person would laughingly suggest stopping and fighting a shirtless man, with glowing red eyes, that can jump off a 50 foot cliffs, hit a moving jeep, fall out, get up, and then run 55 mph....

not even as a joke.  

Come on, man!!

I love stories like that, even if deep down, I don't truly believe them.

Link Posted: 7/16/2013 6:01:57 PM EDT
It's back!!!!!!! I'm not going to sleep tonight. These are too much fun
Link Posted: 7/16/2013 11:50:04 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Qweevox:

Not to derail the thread, but there are lots of numbers stations. The Buzzer is probably the most well known of them.

Another one is "The Fapper."

Okay, just kidding.  That was just a way to get another night time BTT for a great thread.

Link Posted: 7/17/2013 12:04:31 AM EDT

Secondly, I have had two out of body experiences. These did NOT occur while I was asleep and can't be attributed to dreams. The first one occurred when I was about 6 years old. It was during the middle of the day at Lambert Field in St Louis. We had taken my aunt to the airport and I remember we were running through the terminal because we were late. I distinctly remember my point of view shifting as if I was floating disembodied about ten feet in front of our group. I retained normal control of my body and mind, despite the weird POV. About two years later, this happened again at a doctors office. My POV shifted to where I was looking at myself through the open door of the exam room. Again, I retained complete control of my mind and body. Not really a creepy experience per se, but definitely unusual. I have no way to explain it.[/quote]

This happened to me 15 years ago shortly after my mother died on my fathers big surprise 50th birthday party.   Scary part was it happened as I was jay walking with my brother and sister after the party right before we got in the car.   I can't explain it either.  
Link Posted: 7/17/2013 1:14:09 AM EDT
Originally Posted By sleepdr:
He died under very suspicious circumstances. He had some equally creepy friends (bad, bad guys), who somehow managed to get him to leave his estate to them. Shortly thereafter, he was found dead at their place, in the nude. Death was ruled natural.  

We neighborhood kids saw it as our duty to explore his abandoned property. Now that our little light trespassing is far enough in the past, I'll relate a few interesting finds:

The barn in his yard had stairs leading to the top floor, accessed by a trap door. The room was completely empty, save for a wooden rocking chair in the middle. The walls were completely covered with floral wallpaper, including the windows. There was a cellar to the barn, but we didn't have time to check it out.

The smell of decay often came from his property; not surprising since he had many domestic animals/wildlife living there. There was a truck camper that smelled particularly awful. It was locked, and we could see trash bags inside. One of my friends went back later by himself and actually [ahem] gained access to the camper. He poked one of the bags with a screwdriver and was rewarded with a gush of putrefied biomatter. We mentioned it to an adult, who told us it was probably just his dead dog.

His house had been pretty much cleaned out by his newfound heirs. There were a few leftover books on the shelves, and a key with the cryptic notation "underground vault." The basement was unfinished; cinder block walls with a hallway and 2 rooms along one side. Each room was also unfinished; plain concrete walls and a concrete floor, with a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling by a cord. There was a bare wire mattress/spring frame up against the wall in one room. I kid you not, it looked like something you'd see in the movies.

Dude!  Your neighbor was Dennis Hopper?!  Find any ears?  

Link Posted: 7/17/2013 12:01:31 PM EDT
Gonna bring the thread back with a story from last Wednesday. I have a nearly 2 year old son and one of our favorite games is peekaboo/ hide and seek around the couch and love seat. I duck behind and pop up and he runs around trying to catch me. Well I'm at work and my wife calls. She says Noah is playing the game with someone that she can't see. Also after laughing at it he creepily holds his hand next to his face pointing at it and says "youuuuuuuu" followed by more laughing. WTF...
Link Posted: 7/17/2013 12:39:10 PM EDT
When I was 8 my grandpa passed away. I was at my grandma's house at the time and locked myself in a bedroom there. I remember just crying and crying in the dark as I was really close to him (tearing up just writing this). At some point I opened my eyes and the room lit up with a bright flash. I shot up and couldn't understand how that happened. I told my dad about it after it happened. I figured it was some kind of sign from my grandpa. Well, about 2 years ago while watching Ghost Hunters the same thing happened on the show and they caught it on camera. I think it was Grant who said when that happens it is a sign from a pure spirit. I immediately went to my dads and told him the story. He had chills from head to toe.
Link Posted: 7/17/2013 2:23:52 PM EDT
Originally Posted By NY_Shooter:
Originally Posted By Captain_Morgan:
From the skinwalker thread.  https://cdn.anonfiles.com/1339610286949.pdf

I love this one, from that thread.  First read it a couple years ago, but it still gives me the heeby jeebies:

Originally Posted By CWDraco:

I will re-post my story. I didn't call this thing a "chupacabra", an old Mexican fruit stand worker, field worker called it that after I told him my jeep was chased by a man in the area. he also told me they refused to work late in the area fields because they are not safe at night...they will work other fields in Oxnard and Ventura...but not Camarillo/Point Mugu area.

Just to better describe what my "skin walker" looked like. It was a man. about, 6 foot tall, red eyes, long wavy hair and thick straight haired beard short, but not clean cut, very muscular, pants (like jeans), no shirt..didn't notice the feet. the screams were like a crazy man screaming in anger...can't really describe that...it was loud and pissed off...lol

A buddy and I were driving home late from Point Mugu NWS, taking the back roads to the town of Camarillo.

There is a fork in the road with a mountain in the middle. Just before the mountain and fork there is a old bridge. As we are going over the bridge my buddy points up, (we are in a open top Jeep) about 50 feet up the side of the mountain is a shirtless guy climbing up. We can clearing see him in my brights, long hair and all. I have to slow down for the left fork turn, which is directly under the mountain side.

As I turn, the climber jumps off the mountain side screaming like a madman, he hits the back side of the jeep, but falls out and hits the road. I hit the brakes. I turn around and see him jump up and screaming like some werewolf insane madman, red eyes, hairy and differently not out of shape...he had seen some time in a gym.....I hit the gas and took off.

The "guy" is now chasing after us...(think of the part in Jurassic Park were the T-Rex is chasing the jeep). My buddy is yelling "Holy Fuck...Holy Fuck this guys crazy". I am doing close to 25-30MPH..and the guy is keeping up with me and is next to me grabbing at my seat. My buddy is out of his seat punching the guy..or at least trying to.

At about 45mph the guy can't keep up. We start to laugh and say we should have just stopped and kicked his ass. Then thought he was on PCP or something so we were probably better off not to mess with him, and neither of us wanted to get bitten by a werewolf on PCP.... The red eyes must have been reflections from the brake lights...We both clearly saw those eyes.

About that time, my buddy, points to the fields next to us..on our left....there is the guy running the same direction as we are going. We laugh and I look at the speedometer...55MPH. Wow that's fucking insane I say. Then it hits me....he is running across the field to reach the 90 degree turn before we do...he will get there first and that corner is very tight.

I tell my buddy what I think he's doing. I have taken that turn at 30 in my Nova and lost the back end. I have no idea how fast I can do it in the Jeep. There are no side roads, houses..nothing but a fields.

"Dude, we fight him..stop the fucking car and lets do this"
"Man I really don't want to kill someone...get it. That mother fucker is crazy"
"fuck man, the turn is coming up..we got no weapons, the tire iron is locked behind the spare..we are in Dress Blues uniforms."
"fuck it man, punch it and hope we get there first"

I had the jeep up to 75MPH, then I had to brake hard and I took the turn at 35MPH, the guy was maybe 30 feet behind us...he then just ran back into the field.

We both saw those same red eyes again....

We pulled into the Parking lot of the ventura sheriffs sub-station in Camarillo. We looked at each other and said...no way they are going to believe us.

Couple years later I pulled over at the fruit stand in the same area. I asked the guy if they ever picked strawberries at night..and told him a shorten story about a guy who chased my car. He looked at me without any emotion and said, "You are lucky the chupacabra didn't get you...those red eyes are a bad thing..we do not work these fields at night." I never told the guy about the red eyes....

Link Posted: 7/17/2013 10:32:52 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Qweevox:

Not to derail the thread, but there are lots of numbers stations.  The Buzzer is probably the most well known of them.  They are probably used by various intelligence communities, but some have hypothesized that they are dead-hand switches. That they've been set up to trigger....something.  

Persephone is one of the more creepy ones.

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Originally Posted By Qweevox:

Originally Posted By FrankSymptoms:

Originally Posted By pepperbelly:

Originally Posted By TrainedFoe:

Originally Posted By LuvBUSHmaster:

The Russian "buzzer" creeps me the fuck out. To know that it's an open mic in the middle of no where just broadcasting a buzz...ugh, freaky shit.



I agree... I envision an abandoned pripyat and in some deep dark long forgotten bunker,and that is playing into the intercom,

It has been playing that buzz since '87? It has to have a power supply and the radio itself must have needed maintenance over the years. Even if it was interference on a radio you think someone would have noticed in the 26 years it has been broadcasting.

Sounds like a navigation beacon to me.There are several kinds; I used to be hypnotized by the LORAN beacons in the HF region. They sounded just like aircraft engines to me.

Not to derail the thread, but there are lots of numbers stations.  The Buzzer is probably the most well known of them.  They are probably used by various intelligence communities, but some have hypothesized that they are dead-hand switches. That they've been set up to trigger....something.  

Persephone is one of the more creepy ones.

In the west it was called Dead Hand, the supposed Russian codename is Perimetr. It's a nuclear dead man switch, the Ruskies wanted to make sure that if all leadership was killed in a first strike their missiles would still launch.

Link Posted: 7/18/2013 1:43:10 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Stoney0102:
Gonna bring the thread back with a story from last Wednesday. I have a nearly 2 year old son and one of our favorite games is peekaboo/ hide and seek around the couch and love seat. I duck behind and pop up and he runs around trying to catch me. Well I'm at work and my wife calls. She says Noah is playing the game with someone that she can't see. Also after laughing at it he creepily holds his hand next to his face pointing at it and says "youuuuuuuu" followed by more laughing. WTF...
View Quote

My maternal grandmother passed away about ten years ago now.

She was known, in my family, by a distinctive nickname.

My brother and sister in law reported that about a year ago, my two year old nephew was standing in their living room one night, and he kept pointing to one part of the living room and making faces like he could
see someone standing there.

However, there was no one standing there.  He was pointing at thin air.

Suddenly the boy turned and smiled at his parents, still pointing, and said my late grandmother's nickname.

He had never heard it spoken prior to this.

My brother said he almost fell out of his chair.

Creepy shit!
Link Posted: 7/18/2013 4:27:29 AM EDT
Discussion ForumsJump to Quoted PostQuote History
Originally Posted By FrankSymptoms:
Originally Posted By NY_Shooter:
Originally Posted By Captain_Morgan:
From the skinwalker thread.  https://cdn.anonfiles.com/1339610286949.pdf

I love this one, from that thread.  First read it a couple years ago, but it still gives me the heeby jeebies:

Originally Posted By CWDraco:

I will re-post my story. I didn't call this thing a "chupacabra", an old Mexican fruit stand worker, field worker called it that after I told him my jeep was chased by a man in the area. he also told me they refused to work late in the area fields because they are not safe at night...they will work other fields in Oxnard and Ventura...but not Camarillo/Point Mugu area.

Just to better describe what my "skin walker" looked like. It was a man. about, 6 foot tall, red eyes, long wavy hair and thick straight haired beard short, but not clean cut, very muscular, pants (like jeans), no shirt..didn't notice the feet. the screams were like a crazy man screaming in anger...can't really describe that...it was loud and pissed off...lol

A buddy and I were driving home late from Point Mugu NWS, taking the back roads to the town of Camarillo.

There is a fork in the road with a mountain in the middle. Just before the mountain and fork there is a old bridge. As we are going over the bridge my buddy points up, (we are in a open top Jeep) about 50 feet up the side of the mountain is a shirtless guy climbing up. We can clearing see him in my brights, long hair and all. I have to slow down for the left fork turn, which is directly under the mountain side.

As I turn, the climber jumps off the mountain side screaming like a madman, he hits the back side of the jeep, but falls out and hits the road. I hit the brakes. I turn around and see him jump up and screaming like some werewolf insane madman, red eyes, hairy and differently not out of shape...he had seen some time in a gym.....I hit the gas and took off.

The "guy" is now chasing after us...(think of the part in Jurassic Park were the T-Rex is chasing the jeep). My buddy is yelling "Holy Fuck...Holy Fuck this guys crazy". I am doing close to 25-30MPH..and the guy is keeping up with me and is next to me grabbing at my seat. My buddy is out of his seat punching the guy..or at least trying to.

At about 45mph the guy can't keep up. We start to laugh and say we should have just stopped and kicked his ass. Then thought he was on PCP or something so we were probably better off not to mess with him, and neither of us wanted to get bitten by a werewolf on PCP.... The red eyes must have been reflections from the brake lights...We both clearly saw those eyes.

About that time, my buddy, points to the fields next to us..on our left....there is the guy running the same direction as we are going. We laugh and I look at the speedometer...55MPH. Wow that's fucking insane I say. Then it hits me....he is running across the field to reach the 90 degree turn before we do...he will get there first and that corner is very tight.

I tell my buddy what I think he's doing. I have taken that turn at 30 in my Nova and lost the back end. I have no idea how fast I can do it in the Jeep. There are no side roads, houses..nothing but a fields.

"Dude, we fight him..stop the fucking car and lets do this"
"Man I really don't want to kill someone...get it. That mother fucker is crazy"
"fuck man, the turn is coming up..we got no weapons, the tire iron is locked behind the spare..we are in Dress Blues uniforms."
"fuck it man, punch it and hope we get there first"

I had the jeep up to 75MPH, then I had to brake hard and I took the turn at 35MPH, the guy was maybe 30 feet behind us...he then just ran back into the field.

We both saw those same red eyes again....

We pulled into the Parking lot of the ventura sheriffs sub-station in Camarillo. We looked at each other and said...no way they are going to believe us.

Couple years later I pulled over at the fruit stand in the same area. I asked the guy if they ever picked strawberries at night..and told him a shorten story about a guy who chased my car. He looked at me without any emotion and said, "You are lucky the chupacabra didn't get you...those red eyes are a bad thing..we do not work these fields at night." I never told the guy about the red eyes....


I'm not a fan of the file name for that picture.

Link Posted: 7/18/2013 4:47:07 AM EDT
[Last Edit: waterglass] [#36]
A few years back, I was setting on a creek bank, rustleing leaves to get the squirrels moveing and i looked down at my gloved hand and there was about a 3" scorpion setting on the back of my hand. I shook it off and it scurried away.

Once I was in an old shed looking for an axe, I picked  up the axe, and I swear I saw what looked like the legs of a huge spider on the wrapped around it firther down the handle. I am not talking about a wolf spider, I mean something with legs that were hairy and half the diameter of a pencil. I dropped the axe and looked for the spider but I never found it.

As a young boy I used to walk to a lake  four or five miles from my house thought the woods and set on a spillway pipe and fish around the outflow. the pool it formed was surrounded by huge lime stone boulders. I would always put my fish on a stringer and let it hang down into the water below the pipe. Once I looked down and the fish I had caught were being swarmed by water moccasins. When I tried to pull them up I realized the rocks beside the pipe were also swarming with the snakes and my fish smacked into them and they got pissed. Real pissed. There were two or three in the water and four or fize in the rocks and they were all mad.

I got up and run for it, and luckily I wasnt bit. But I will bever forget seeing a bunch of snakes strikeing andsnapping at the air towards me.
Link Posted: 7/18/2013 1:14:09 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By NY_Shooter:

I'm not a fan of the file name for that picture.

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Originally Posted By NY_Shooter:
Originally Posted By FrankSymptoms:
Originally Posted By NY_Shooter:
Originally Posted By Captain_Morgan:
From the skinwalker thread.  https://cdn.anonfiles.com/1339610286949.pdf

I love this one, from that thread.  First read it a couple years ago, but it still gives me the heeby jeebies:

Originally Posted By CWDraco:

I will re-post my story. I didn't call this thing a "chupacabra", an old Mexican fruit stand worker, field worker called it that after I told him my jeep was chased by a man in the area. he also told me they refused to work late in the area fields because they are not safe at night...they will work other fields in Oxnard and Ventura...but not Camarillo/Point Mugu area.

Just to better describe what my "skin walker" looked like. It was a man. about, 6 foot tall, red eyes, long wavy hair and thick straight haired beard short, but not clean cut, very muscular, pants (like jeans), no shirt..didn't notice the feet. the screams were like a crazy man screaming in anger...can't really describe that...it was loud and pissed off...lol

A buddy and I were driving home late from Point Mugu NWS, taking the back roads to the town of Camarillo.

There is a fork in the road with a mountain in the middle. Just before the mountain and fork there is a old bridge. As we are going over the bridge my buddy points up, (we are in a open top Jeep) about 50 feet up the side of the mountain is a shirtless guy climbing up. We can clearing see him in my brights, long hair and all. I have to slow down for the left fork turn, which is directly under the mountain side.

As I turn, the climber jumps off the mountain side screaming like a madman, he hits the back side of the jeep, but falls out and hits the road. I hit the brakes. I turn around and see him jump up and screaming like some werewolf insane madman, red eyes, hairy and differently not out of shape...he had seen some time in a gym.....I hit the gas and took off.

The "guy" is now chasing after us...(think of the part in Jurassic Park were the T-Rex is chasing the jeep). My buddy is yelling "Holy Fuck...Holy Fuck this guys crazy". I am doing close to 25-30MPH..and the guy is keeping up with me and is next to me grabbing at my seat. My buddy is out of his seat punching the guy..or at least trying to.

At about 45mph the guy can't keep up. We start to laugh and say we should have just stopped and kicked his ass. Then thought he was on PCP or something so we were probably better off not to mess with him, and neither of us wanted to get bitten by a werewolf on PCP.... The red eyes must have been reflections from the brake lights...We both clearly saw those eyes.

About that time, my buddy, points to the fields next to us..on our left....there is the guy running the same direction as we are going. We laugh and I look at the speedometer...55MPH. Wow that's fucking insane I say. Then it hits me....he is running across the field to reach the 90 degree turn before we do...he will get there first and that corner is very tight.

I tell my buddy what I think he's doing. I have taken that turn at 30 in my Nova and lost the back end. I have no idea how fast I can do it in the Jeep. There are no side roads, houses..nothing but a fields.

"Dude, we fight him..stop the fucking car and lets do this"
"Man I really don't want to kill someone...get it. That mother fucker is crazy"
"fuck man, the turn is coming up..we got no weapons, the tire iron is locked behind the spare..we are in Dress Blues uniforms."
"fuck it man, punch it and hope we get there first"

I had the jeep up to 75MPH, then I had to brake hard and I took the turn at 35MPH, the guy was maybe 30 feet behind us...he then just ran back into the field.

We both saw those same red eyes again....

We pulled into the Parking lot of the ventura sheriffs sub-station in Camarillo. We looked at each other and said...no way they are going to believe us.

Couple years later I pulled over at the fruit stand in the same area. I asked the guy if they ever picked strawberries at night..and told him a shorten story about a guy who chased my car. He looked at me without any emotion and said, "You are lucky the chupacabra didn't get you...those red eyes are a bad thing..we do not work these fields at night." I never told the guy about the red eyes....


I'm not a fan of the file name for that picture.

Don't you check under your bed every night?

I do.
Link Posted: 7/19/2013 11:19:46 PM EDT
[Last Edit: WildBoar] [#38]

Almost forgot about this until it was mentioned tonight with old friends.

When I was younger we used to have bb guns wars and would scout out locations that would be good. WEll back then they were building the Sawgrass Expresssway right next to the everglades and on one side you had thick vegetation and on the other, the glades (sawgrass for miles). Often this would be a training excercise as well so we could practice our patrolling and stuff for the bb gun wars. (yes we all went 11B when we were older lol)

Well after patrolling and reconning the location we decided to get a patrol base going and call it a night. It was right where the woods ended and a 100 yd wide prarie before th water. There we found a raised area in the woodline that was about 6 feet high, 15 feet across and fairly steep so I climbed it and noticed that it dipped back down into a bowl shape that was full of leaves and resembled a huge nest. At first we thought it might be a gator nest but it was winter and gators dont make nests in pits and are usuallyt right next to the water.

Anyway after we made baby gator yelps (sounds of a distressed baby gator) just in case, we deemed it safe and checked it out. The leaves were thick and deep adn were pretty comfy so we all (3) layed down and started to chill. Well we werent in long and evidently not alone. We were all on one side of it and heard a wierd sound. It was deep and you could feel it. Whatever it was had huge lungs. At first it resembled the bellow of a bull but it was long and ended with what I can only describe as a nasal exhale at the begining and end. Like a closed mouth groan or bellow Fmmmmmfh! Hard to describe but it was defiintely close and you could feel it in your own chest and through the leaves. We all were like WTF is that? Is that in here?

Again it does it but it was a few of the sounds, like Fmmmmmmfh Fmmmmmfh Fmmmmfh.  Similar to a  closed mouth sinister laugh ( heh heh hehh type) ending with the nostrils but very deep and powerful. What was worse is it was most definitely at the bottom of the pit under all the leaves. Mere feet away from us.

We freaked the F out and scrambled to get out and in a way it was like an ant lion pit. It was actually a bit of a bitch to get out of.

As we scrambled to get out you can hear the leaves moving an SEE them moving , something big was definitely under there and waking up this time making a goaning sound. F that.  Once we were out of the pit we ran like mofos through the woods back to the truck and never looked back.

We have no idea what it was but scared the shit out of us and we still mention it to this day (literally). My buddy jokes and says, dude remember the minotaur nest? Or at times we tell everyone how we pissed off a sleeping Skunkape lol. We laugh now but back then we did all we could to keep from crappign our pants on that run back to the truck.


Link Posted: 7/20/2013 12:09:34 AM EDT

the house that we live in now is two stories. The stairwell empties into the living room and runs against the back wall.. At the base of the stairs is a floor standing light that shines on that wall. That's usually the only light on in the living room.

Usually I'm up late at night after everyone in my house goes to bed. One night on the couch I saw a saw a shadow move across the lower part of the wall and floor opposite the light i turned around and found nothing or no one that could possibly cast that shadow.

I was on some pretty strong pain medication at the time so I wrote it off as the meds fucking with me. Two nights later I saw it again. Same shadow, same time, same place, same movement. Again wrote it off as the meds.

A month or two later my wife was down stairs with me when it happened. She called my oldest sons name, thinking that it was him coming down stairs. Wasn't him.

There was no way he could have casted that shadow even if it was him..

My wife and I experimented with ways to throw a shadow on the other wall, could not do it without jumping off the middle of the stairs, can't do that because the ceiling is not high enough downstairs. Can't toss something in front of the light because it blocks all the light, not the shadow we saw. The only way it seems possible is if you could walk right in front of the light off the middle set of steps and NOT go down the steps.

To this day we don't know what it is and still see it from time to time.  
Link Posted: 7/20/2013 1:57:59 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By WildBoar:

... and heard a weird sound. It was deep and you could feel it. Whatever it was had huge lungs. At first it resembled the bellow of a bull but it was long and ended with what I can only describe as a nasal exhale at the beginning and end. Like a closed mouth groan or bellow Fmmmmmfh! Hard to describe but it was definitely close and you could feel it in your own chest and through the leaves...

... Again it does it but it was a few of the sounds, like Fmmmmmmfh Fmmmmmfh Fmmmmfh.  Similar to a  closed mouth sinister laugh ( heh heh hehh type) ending with the nostrils but very deep and powerful...
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Sounds like maybe a bear or a swamp panther.

Ever before heard a big cat like a cougar, panther or puma?  

It is usually a moan/groan, then a roar, then a trailing groan.  Most people who have never heard a real big cat's roar don't know about the beginning and end parts - movies, etc just use the middle.

Link Posted: 7/20/2013 3:31:17 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By FrankSymptoms:
Don't you check under your bed every night?

I do.
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I sleep during the day.  So I assume I'm safe.

Link Posted: 7/20/2013 12:43:44 PM EDT

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Originally Posted By kar98k:
Sounds like maybe a bear or a swamp panther.

Ever before heard a big cat like a cougar, panther or puma?  

It is usually a moan/groan, then a roar, then a trailing groan.  Most people who have never heard a real big cat's roar don't know about the beginning and end parts - movies, etc just use the middle.

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Originally Posted By kar98k:

Originally Posted By WildBoar:

... and heard a weird sound. It was deep and you could feel it. Whatever it was had huge lungs. At first it resembled the bellow of a bull but it was long and ended with what I can only describe as a nasal exhale at the beginning and end. Like a closed mouth groan or bellow Fmmmmmfh! Hard to describe but it was definitely close and you could feel it in your own chest and through the leaves...

... Again it does it but it was a few of the sounds, like Fmmmmmmfh Fmmmmmfh Fmmmmfh.  Similar to a  closed mouth sinister laugh ( heh heh hehh type) ending with the nostrils but very deep and powerful...

Sounds like maybe a bear or a swamp panther.

Ever before heard a big cat like a cougar, panther or puma?  

It is usually a moan/groan, then a roar, then a trailing groan.  Most people who have never heard a real big cat's roar don't know about the beginning and end parts - movies, etc just use the middle.

I have heard Panthers moan and groan (they were caged ones). It didnt sound liek that at all but then again animals can make sounds that are uncommon. No bears here though.


Now that you mention big cats, its even scarier to think about. Trapped in a depression with a grumpy panther , holy crap.
Link Posted: 7/21/2013 5:59:06 AM EDT
I've debated sharing it because it sounds too stupid to be real, but I swear on all that I hold dear it happened exactly like I'm telling you.

This happened the other night while my wife was asleep.

I was doing some work and finishing up payroll for my staff at around 2:30 am. Our daughter hasn't been well so I tend to stay up all night to keep an eye on her. I have insomnia anyway. I've had insomnia since I was a baby.

Anyway, my wife screamed the most blood curdling scream I have ever heard in my life. I grabbed my gun and ran into the bedroom. She was sound asleep, curled up in her favorite position, and sleeping so deeply I had to shake her several times to wake her. When she rolls to face me I see that her nose is bloody and so is a spot high on her forehead.

Then I realize that the window is open and the mini blind is stuck out the bottom. Folks, that window is a good twenty + feet in the air and the only way to access it is with a ladder. I yank the blinds up and the window is open about three inches and the screen is still in place. You have to release the screens from the INSIDE of the house, but they're on perfectly. We don't open the windows. Ever. We have central air and that particular window hasn't been opened since our house was painted five years ago.

But the window was open.

My wife leaped out of bed and said, "Oh God, that's how it got in the house in my dream."

I'm shaking at that point. So, she tells me she had a dream that a demon/alien looking thing was using surgical objects on her eyes, nose, and ears. Like I said, she had a bloody nose and blood on her forehead.

I don't know what the hell happened. I checked her hands, thinking she may have scratched herself or something, but there was no blood on her hands or fingers, plus she gets squared nails at the salon with no sharp edges. The window was painted shut so I'm not sure how she could have opened it and if she had, surely I would have heard it. Nothing has happened since then. She keeps a lamp on all night now, though.
Link Posted: 7/21/2013 6:35:49 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By iteotwawki:
I've debated sharing it because it sounds too stupid to be real, but I swear on all that I hold dear it happened exactly like I'm telling you.

This happened the other night while my wife was asleep.

I was doing some work and finishing up payroll for my staff at around 2:30 am. Our daughter hasn't been well so I tend to stay up all night to keep an eye on her. I have insomnia anyway. I've had insomnia since I was a baby.

Anyway, my wife screamed the most blood curdling scream I have ever heard in my life. I grabbed my gun and ran into the bedroom. She was sound asleep, curled up in her favorite position, and sleeping so deeply I had to shake her several times to wake her. When she rolls to face me I see that her nose is bloody and so is a spot high on her forehead.

Then I realize that the window is open and the mini blind is stuck out the bottom. Folks, that window is a good twenty + feet in the air and the only way to access it is with a ladder. I yank the blinds up and the window is open about three inches and the screen is still in place. You have to release the screens from the INSIDE of the house, but they're on perfectly. We don't open the windows. Ever. We have central air and that particular window hasn't been opened since our house was painted five years ago.

But the window was open.

My wife leaped out of bed and said, "Oh God, that's how it got in the house in my dream."

I'm shaking at that point. So, she tells me she had a dream that a demon/alien looking thing was using surgical objects on her eyes, nose, and ears. Like I said, she had a bloody nose and blood on her forehead.

I don't know what the hell happened. I checked her hands, thinking she may have scratched herself or something, but there was no blood on her hands or fingers, plus she gets squared nails at the salon with no sharp edges. The window was painted shut so I'm not sure how she could have opened it and if she had, surely I would have heard it. Nothing has happened since then. She keeps a lamp on all night now, though.
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What.  The.  Fuck.

That is pretty disturbing.

Link Posted: 7/21/2013 6:37:28 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By iteotwawki:
I've debated sharing it because it sounds too stupid to be real, but I swear on all that I hold dear it happened exactly like I'm telling you.

This happened the other night while my wife was asleep.

I was doing some work and finishing up payroll for my staff at around 2:30 am. Our daughter hasn't been well so I tend to stay up all night to keep an eye on her. I have insomnia anyway. I've had insomnia since I was a baby.

Anyway, my wife screamed the most blood curdling scream I have ever heard in my life. I grabbed my gun and ran into the bedroom. She was sound asleep, curled up in her favorite position, and sleeping so deeply I had to shake her several times to wake her. When she rolls to face me I see that her nose is bloody and so is a spot high on her forehead.

Then I realize that the window is open and the mini blind is stuck out the bottom. Folks, that window is a good twenty + feet in the air and the only way to access it is with a ladder. I yank the blinds up and the window is open about three inches and the screen is still in place. You have to release the screens from the INSIDE of the house, but they're on perfectly. We don't open the windows. Ever. We have central air and that particular window hasn't been opened since our house was painted five years ago.

But the window was open.

My wife leaped out of bed and said, "Oh God, that's how it got in the house in my dream."

I'm shaking at that point. So, she tells me she had a dream that a demon/alien looking thing was using surgical objects on her eyes, nose, and ears. Like I said, she had a bloody nose and blood on her forehead.

I don't know what the hell happened. I checked her hands, thinking she may have scratched herself or something, but there was no blood on her hands or fingers, plus she gets squared nails at the salon with no sharp edges. The window was painted shut so I'm not sure how she could have opened it and if she had, surely I would have heard it. Nothing has happened since then. She keeps a lamp on all night now, though.
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What. The. Fuck.
Link Posted: 7/21/2013 6:43:15 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By iteotwawki:
I've debated sharing it because it sounds too stupid to be real, but I swear on all that I hold dear it happened exactly like I'm telling you.

This happened the other night while my wife was asleep.

I was doing some work and finishing up payroll for my staff at around 2:30 am. Our daughter hasn't been well so I tend to stay up all night to keep an eye on her. I have insomnia anyway. I've had insomnia since I was a baby.

Anyway, my wife screamed the most blood curdling scream I have ever heard in my life. I grabbed my gun and ran into the bedroom. She was sound asleep, curled up in her favorite position, and sleeping so deeply I had to shake her several times to wake her. When she rolls to face me I see that her nose is bloody and so is a spot high on her forehead.

Then I realize that the window is open and the mini blind is stuck out the bottom. Folks, that window is a good twenty + feet in the air and the only way to access it is with a ladder. I yank the blinds up and the window is open about three inches and the screen is still in place. You have to release the screens from the INSIDE of the house, but they're on perfectly. We don't open the windows. Ever. We have central air and that particular window hasn't been opened since our house was painted five years ago.

But the window was open.

My wife leaped out of bed and said, "Oh God, that's how it got in the house in my dream."

I'm shaking at that point. So, she tells me she had a dream that a demon/alien looking thing was using surgical objects on her eyes, nose, and ears. Like I said, she had a bloody nose and blood on her forehead.

I don't know what the hell happened. I checked her hands, thinking she may have scratched herself or something, but there was no blood on her hands or fingers, plus she gets squared nails at the salon with no sharp edges. The window was painted shut so I'm not sure how she could have opened it and if she had, surely I would have heard it. Nothing has happened since then. She keeps a lamp on all night now, though.
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Dude, damn. How can you defend against this? Damn dude, my thoughts are with you, that sucks.
Link Posted: 7/21/2013 7:30:19 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By iteotwawki:
I've debated sharing it because it sounds too stupid to be real, but I swear on all that I hold dear it happened exactly like I'm telling you.

This happened the other night while my wife was asleep.

I was doing some work and finishing up payroll for my staff at around 2:30 am. Our daughter hasn't been well so I tend to stay up all night to keep an eye on her. I have insomnia anyway. I've had insomnia since I was a baby.

Anyway, my wife screamed the most blood curdling scream I have ever heard in my life. I grabbed my gun and ran into the bedroom. She was sound asleep, curled up in her favorite position, and sleeping so deeply I had to shake her several times to wake her. When she rolls to face me I see that her nose is bloody and so is a spot high on her forehead.

Then I realize that the window is open and the mini blind is stuck out the bottom. Folks, that window is a good twenty + feet in the air and the only way to access it is with a ladder. I yank the blinds up and the window is open about three inches and the screen is still in place. You have to release the screens from the INSIDE of the house, but they're on perfectly. We don't open the windows. Ever. We have central air and that particular window hasn't been opened since our house was painted five years ago.

But the window was open.

My wife leaped out of bed and said, "Oh God, that's how it got in the house in my dream."

I'm shaking at that point. So, she tells me she had a dream that a demon/alien looking thing was using surgical objects on her eyes, nose, and ears. Like I said, she had a bloody nose and blood on her forehead.

I don't know what the hell happened. I checked her hands, thinking she may have scratched herself or something, but there was no blood on her hands or fingers, plus she gets squared nails at the salon with no sharp edges. The window was painted shut so I'm not sure how she could have opened it and if she had, surely I would have heard it. Nothing has happened since then. She keeps a lamp on all night now, though.
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Pics of said window from inside the house and outside?
Link Posted: 7/21/2013 9:37:38 AM EDT
I will get a picture of the window later on today. There's nothing much to photograph, though, if I'm being honest. It's just a regular old window. I will get shots from outside and inside, though. Actually, it may be tomorrow because it's raining.

I don't know how to defend against something that I can't see or even understand. Neither of us can figure out what the hell happened that night. We've talked it to death. I've opened the window once since I shut it that night and it was hard as hell to open and it made a loud racket. It was a loud enough racket that my wife came upstairs from the garage sale she was having to see what I was doing. Like I said, I know for a fact that was the first time it had been opened in the five years since we had the house painted. I SHOULD have heard it open that night and didn't. I have since purchased wood that I've wedged into the top of all the windows so they can't be opened from the outside.

But even that feels stupid because the screen was on the window that night. For someone to have opened that window from the outside they would have needed to remove the screen. The screens here latch on the inside of the window. There's no damage to the screen that I could see. Plus the window was locked until that night. It's a regular lock as well.

No other incidents have occurred.

I have had a recurring nightmare since that happened and it's very vivid and always the same. In it, I'm in bed closest to that window (which is my usual spot) and I'm reading my Kindle. I hear something scraping at the window and for some reason I won't even turn my head and look. It's just this oppressive and terrifying feeling that if I turn my head and look I'll see something so evil it will destroy me. That's the feeling I get in the dream. My dream-self is convinced that merely turning my head that way will result in death. I've never had a dream like that before and I'm chalking it up to whatever my wife and I experienced that night. That's all it can be.
Link Posted: 7/21/2013 2:01:26 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Captain_Morgan] [#49]
My God, man, that is some scary shit.  Something involving my wife or son would frighten me the most.

I have since purchased wood that I've wedged into the top of all the windows so they can't be opened from the outside.

But even that feels stupid because the screen was on the window that night. For someone to have opened that window from the outside they would have needed to remove the screen. The screens here latch on the inside of the window.
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So what you're saying is...it was already inside.

Link Posted: 7/21/2013 2:16:01 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Captain_Morgan:
My God, man, that is some scary shit.  Something involving my wife or son would frighten me the most.  

So what you're saying is...it was already inside.
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Originally Posted By Captain_Morgan:
My God, man, that is some scary shit.  Something involving my wife or son would frighten me the most.  

I have since purchased wood that I've wedged into the top of all the windows so they can't be opened from the outside.

But even that feels stupid because the screen was on the window that night. For someone to have opened that window from the outside they would have needed to remove the screen. The screens here latch on the inside of the window.

So what you're saying is...it was already inside.

Or that "it" isn't subject to physical barriers. (?)
The opened window was probably unnecessary, but employed to further terrify or confuse.
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