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Link Posted: 6/1/2023 11:04:10 PM EDT
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There sure are a lot of cameras on the ceiling in that library. I guess only one side wants to have complete control of any information. That is the issue in a nutshell.
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How about this cop who trespassed him out of a library, and then said "If this were twenty years ago he'd be leaving here without any teeth. If this were twenty years ago, he'd be dead"? LIA got this after he FOIA'd the bodycam footage. Thank goodness he is exposing these terrible officers.


There sure are a lot of cameras on the ceiling in that library. I guess only one side wants to have complete control of any information. That is the issue in a nutshell.

Sounds familiar...

Only the government should have cameras, it’s for your privacy.

Only the government should have guns, it’s for your safety.
Link Posted: 6/1/2023 11:07:51 PM EDT
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If published (paid) by a news agency, yes. Some random with a YouTube channel, no
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This is a special kind of stupid...

Link Posted: 6/1/2023 11:14:54 PM EDT
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I do.

YouTube is entertainment, not journalism. Even if you start out as a serious journalist, the moment you become a talking head spouting opinion you are not longer a journalist. You’re a pundit or entertainer that stomped all over your journalism degree.
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Even if employed by CNN they are no longer journalists if they do opinion and entertainment instead of news.
Which of those two does documenting government employees interacting with citizens fall under?
You sure draw a hard fucking line in the sand on this.

I do.

YouTube is entertainment, not journalism. Even if you start out as a serious journalist, the moment you become a talking head spouting opinion you are not longer a journalist. You’re a pundit or entertainer that stomped all over your journalism degree.

If you ever start to wonder why the American public is turning against your profession, look in a mirror for the answer.
Link Posted: 6/1/2023 11:18:37 PM EDT
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There sure are a lot of cameras on the ceiling in that library. I guess only one side wants to have complete control of any information. That is the issue in a nutshell.
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How about this cop who trespassed him out of a library, and then said "If this were twenty years ago he'd be leaving here without any teeth. If this were twenty years ago, he'd be dead"? LIA got this after he FOIA'd the bodycam footage. Thank goodness he is exposing these terrible officers.


There sure are a lot of cameras on the ceiling in that library. I guess only one side wants to have complete control of any information. That is the issue in a nutshell.

The cops are wearing body cameras. However for some reason it is ok for them to record in the library, but not for lia to record.
Link Posted: 6/1/2023 11:24:40 PM EDT
Mainstream "journalism"


This guy is the real journalist the rest are propagandists
Link Posted: 6/1/2023 11:50:49 PM EDT
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I guess only one side wants to have complete control of any information.
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sounds like COVID in a nutshell
Link Posted: 6/1/2023 11:52:36 PM EDT
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Mainstream "journalism"


This guy is the real journalist the rest are propagandists
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Yeah, that really needs to be repeated. Fake News is a reality that we always suspected, but never realized just how overwhelmingly huge it was until the last approx 15 years. The internet completely exposed the lie.
Link Posted: 6/1/2023 11:53:11 PM EDT
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If you ever start to wonder why the American public is turning against your profession, look in a mirror for the answer.
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Even if employed by CNN they are no longer journalists if they do opinion and entertainment instead of news.
Which of those two does documenting government employees interacting with citizens fall under?
You sure draw a hard fucking line in the sand on this.

I do.

YouTube is entertainment, not journalism. Even if you start out as a serious journalist, the moment you become a talking head spouting opinion you are not longer a journalist. You’re a pundit or entertainer that stomped all over your journalism degree.

If you ever start to wonder why the American public is turning against your profession, look in a mirror for the answer.

The public is turning against retired small business owners and investors?
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 12:06:02 AM EDT
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fun video - local news channel
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Rebel HQ is The Young Turks affiliated so I avoid their videos like the plague.
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 12:55:32 AM EDT
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This is a special kind of stupid...

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You should read some of his other posts. I don't believe a single thing he posts.
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 1:03:24 AM EDT
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Just enjoying the boot lickers ACABoutting themselves. I bet they think they're the "Adults in charge" and everyone else is a child as well.
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Fixed it for you
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 1:05:47 AM EDT
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He's getting paid. He provoked the cops into trespassing him to up the settlement.
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Good, he's a fucking piece of shit. All Fruaditors are scum.
He's getting paid. He provoked the cops into trespassing him to up the settlement.

You’re both right!
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 1:07:46 AM EDT
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Fixed it for you
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Just enjoying the boot lickers ACABoutting themselves. I bet they think they're the "Adults in charge" and everyone else is a child as well.

Fixed it for you

ACAB is saying that those particular officers who violated the law and his rights are bad.  
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 1:09:21 AM EDT
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You’re both right!
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Good, he's a fucking piece of shit. All Fruaditors are scum.
He's getting paid. He provoked the cops into trespassing him to up the settlement.

You’re both right!

I know.  How dare he walk in a few feet into the public area of a police department and expect not to be illegally assaulted for exercising his rights.

If only the individual officers were the ones paying the inevitable settlement because we know their brothers aren't going to arrest them for assault.  
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 1:12:48 AM EDT
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You have a SIGN?  Does your sign overrule the Supreme Court?  Can I make a sign that supersedes the Supreme Court?
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Other citizens conducting private business with the police have the right to privacy and confidentiality. He walked in and began recording what appeared to be a non police officer speaking with a police officer. My former department had signs posted in the lobbies advising auditors of this fact. If they refused to stop recording other people conducting this personal business, they would be removed or subject to arrest. Other than that, film the lobby all day long.

You have a SIGN?  Does your sign overrule the Supreme Court?  Can I make a sign that supersedes the Supreme Court?
Yes his badass sign is rule of law... Now go pickup a can you lowly citizen...Do NOT disrespect his authority!
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 1:33:27 AM EDT
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What's more shocking, police departments have invited him to speak in class for their police so they understand the how why, where , when..both parties said it was a big help...
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 8:14:32 AM EDT
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What's more shocking, police departments have invited him to speak in class for their police so they understand the how why, where , when..both parties said it was a big help...
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What's more shocking, police departments have invited him to speak in class for their police so they understand the how why, where , when..both parties said it was a big help...

That seems counterproductive if his goal is to get more bad interactions on video for views and lawsuits.
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 8:35:30 AM EDT
Sean walks the walk.

His work exposes tyrants with big egos and small pee pees.

Link Posted: 6/2/2023 8:49:43 AM EDT
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I saw one where an auditor (Amagansset Press - who I do not like to watch; he's kind of obnoxious at times) asked a police officer which government agency do you go to for a "press credential" after the officer demanded to see his (which they always do in these videos).
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You can point to the first amendment for that. it is specifically a right of the people (individuals). The Bill of Rights was passed as an interlocking package of amendments and the tenth sets a hierarchy of rights of individuals over powers and authority granted to governments.

The corporate press has tried mightily to hijack the right to a free press (the right of individuals to publish their thoughts and writings) even to the point of suppressing individual writings in their attempt to control the narrative. There are a number of posts in this thread that illustrate their success in pushing thos narrative.
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 8:56:43 AM EDT
I'm surprised (well not that surprised) at how many people don't know that "the press" in the 1st Amend referrers to "the printing press," ie. the means of distributing information. There was a big shit show around the time of the founding where the crown was restricting who was allowed to own/operate printing presses in order to control what information was spread. The 1st Amend was a direct response to that
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 8:57:49 AM EDT
I love the posters who think first amendment auditors are shitheads.  Well if you don't support the first then fuck the second amendment as well then.  You should be supportive of anyone who makes sure the .gov respects ALL of our rights.  The .gov trying and stopping filming in public buildings thing is such bullshit when .gov literally are filming everyone that is around and in their buildings and police officers are filming with their bodycams.  If the .gov can film you then we can film them.
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 8:58:51 AM EDT
well that may be the case in NY CITY....but he wasnt IN NY CITY
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 9:14:40 AM EDT
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I think you spelled retard wrong
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Why? Because he will hold people accountable and you wont?
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 9:26:58 AM EDT
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well that may be the case in NY CITY....but he wasnt IN NY CITY
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He was at the 75th Precinct, which is in BROOKLYN, which is one of the five boroughs which make up NYC.

I don't know what you're good at, but it's clearly not geography.
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 9:27:36 AM EDT


Link Posted: 6/2/2023 9:28:50 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 10:54:33 AM EDT
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Katz v. US
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That case deals with government wiretapping of a public phonebooth and has extremely questionable application.  Really has nothing to do with this; in fact, that case references cases that more directly apply such as the following:

"What a person knowingly exposes to the public, even in his own home or office, is not a subject of Fourth Amendment protection. See Lewis v. United States, 385 U. S. 206, 385 U. S. 210; United States v. Lee, 274 U. S. 559, 274 U. S. 563. But what he seeks to preserve as private, even in an area accessible to the public, may be constitutionally protected."

e.g. perhaps people reporting crimes may be protected from silly auditors doing audits for Youtube clicks.
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 10:57:37 AM EDT
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I love the posters who think first amendment auditors are shitheads.  Well if you don't support the first then fuck the second amendment as well then.  You should be supportive of anyone who makes sure the .gov respects ALL of our rights.  The .gov trying and stopping filming in public buildings thing is such bullshit when .gov literally are filming everyone that is around and in their buildings and police officers are filming with their bodycams.  If the .gov can film you then we can film them.
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No one cares what you think if that's the extent of your logical reasoning.  I think people that stand up for themselves are great and should be applauded.  That doesn't take an "auditor" going around for entertainment and clicks.
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 11:06:59 AM EDT
This is more than just the one video.
Long Island Audit was arrested for violating the same "policy", those charges were dropped.
Never Before Seen NYPD Arrest Video! District Attorney Declines To Prosecute! Lawsuit Incoming!

Former Brooklyn Prosecutor Breaks Down Unlawful Arrest Case & Dismissal | Incoming Federal Lawsuit!
Former Brooklyn Prosecutor Breaks Down Unlawful Arrest Case & Dismissal | Incoming Federal Lawsuit!

Then he tried to file a complaint:
NYPD Thugs Threaten To Arrest Journalist Filing a Complaint! We The People Will NOT Let This Stand!
NYPD Thugs Threaten To Arrest Journalist Filing a Complaint! We The People Will NOT Let This Stand!

This was followed up by a protest where the police closed the precinct and put up fences
When Will The NYPD Stop Violating Our Rights & Remove Their Unconstitutional Policy!
When Will The NYPD Stop Violating Our Rights & Remove Their Unconstitutional Policy!
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 11:34:10 AM EDT
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No one cares what you think if that's the extent of your logical reasoning.  I think people that stand up for themselves are great and should be applauded.  That doesn't take an "auditor" going around for entertainment and clicks.
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I love the posters who think first amendment auditors are shitheads.  Well if you don't support the first then fuck the second amendment as well then.  You should be supportive of anyone who makes sure the .gov respects ALL of our rights.  The .gov trying and stopping filming in public buildings thing is such bullshit when .gov literally are filming everyone that is around and in their buildings and police officers are filming with their bodycams.  If the .gov can film you then we can film them.

No one cares what you think if that's the extent of your logical reasoning.  I think people that stand up for themselves are great and should be applauded.  That doesn't take an "auditor" going around for entertainment and clicks.

Clearly it does because the NYPD keeps enforcing illegal policies.  The man is willing to go to jail to stand up for your rights, yet he's painted as the bad guy rather than the people breaking multiple laws in the video.  
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 11:37:23 AM EDT
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Clearly it does because the NYPD keeps enforcing illegal policies.  The man is willing to go to jail to stand up for your rights, yet he's painted as the bad guy rather than the people breaking multiple laws in the video.  
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He isn't standing up for my rights - he's making click-bait Youtube videos for his own personal profit.  Standing up for my rights wouldn't require posting the videos to Youtube.

Sorry only one of us is capable of seeing it - I won't insult you by calling what he's doing blatantly obvious.
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 11:45:58 AM EDT
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Journalist my ass
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1st Amendment much?
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 11:49:06 AM EDT
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Freedom of the Press isn't just for CNN
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Link Posted: 6/2/2023 11:49:21 AM EDT
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Journalist my ass
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Ya...the gestoppo was totally "justified" in "protecting and serving".....

Link Posted: 6/2/2023 11:50:01 AM EDT
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How was lia an asshole?
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When assholes collide

How was lia an asshole?

Because Boomers love cops no matter how bad they are.
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 11:56:24 AM EDT
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Because Boomers love cops no matter how bad they are.
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Most reasonable people want the cops doing actual police work that benefits their communities because they're paying taxes for exactly that. They don't expect people (cops) making average wages to be lawyers and don't want to pay the type of person that could be a cop and a lawyer the salary that would be required for that.

If these auditors were people that were interacting with the police indirectly and exposing what some of us might see as police overreach or corruption such as that other Youtuber - Whistlin' Diesel - some of us would support them.

...but actually these auditors are simply timewasters that are getting anti-cop ACAB commies to watch their videos for click revenue. How many additional officers should John-Q public fund so that Mr. Auditor can make a stream of click-revenue videos for your consumption?
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 11:57:21 AM EDT
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He isn't standing up for my rights - he's making click-bait Youtube videos for his own personal profit.  Standing up for my rights wouldn't require posting the videos to Youtube.

Sorry only one of us is capable of seeing it - I won't insult you by calling what he's doing blatantly obvious.
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Every other professional journalist in the country makes money at it, but when this guy does it, it's wrong?  Lol - that's retardelated.
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 11:58:50 AM EDT
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He isn't standing up for my rights - he's making click-bait Youtube videos for his own personal profit.
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He isn't standing up for my rights - he's making click-bait Youtube videos for his own personal profit.

Why cant it be both? 

Standing up for my rights wouldn't require posting the videos to Youtube.

What better way is there to literally show police violating rights than by video, broadcast to millions?

Sorry only one of us is capable of seeing it - I won't insult you by calling what he's doing blatantly obvious.

The only one who cant see is you, and its your ego putting blinders on you.

Link Posted: 6/2/2023 12:00:45 PM EDT
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Most reasonable people want the cops doing actual police work that benefits their communities because they're paying taxes for exactly that. They don't expect people (cops) making average wages to be lawyers and don't want to pay the type of person that could be a cop and a lawyer the salary that would be required for that.

If these auditors were people that were interacting with the police indirectly and exposing what some of us might see as police overreach or corruption such as that other Youtuber - Whistlin' Diesel - some of us would support them.

...but actually these auditors are simply timewasters that are getting anti-cop ACAB commies to watch their videos for click revenue. How many additional officers should John-Q public fund so that Mr. Auditor can make a stream of click-revenue videos for your consumption?
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We demand and expect "the police" to know the laws they are enforcing.  If they dont, or worse yet, wont, summer is here and snowcones need to be made.
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 12:00:57 PM EDT
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Every other professional journalist in the country makes money at it, but when this guy does it, it's wrong?  Lol - that's retardelated.
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Every other journalist makes money doing what? Wasting the time of salaried public employees?  Na...that's not what most of them make money doing.  In fact, typically if it involves public employees they do investigations of corruption.  Let me know when there's a line of people upset about policies about filming in buildings they never go in for filming purposes.

Link Posted: 6/2/2023 12:02:30 PM EDT
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Quoted:  Nobody really believes this guy is doing anything to "preserve" or "restore" our rights, do they?

Why did he never tell us what law he was referencing?  why didn't he link the law in the show notes?  

He claims the law was written "specifically to undermine the NYPD's policy on filming inside the precincts", yet he doesn't provide any documentation. If this was truly the case, he should file a lawsuit.
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I generally believe 1st Amendment Auditors are doing far more to preserve our rights than ARFCOM posters who denounce them.
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 12:02:44 PM EDT
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We demand and expect "the police" to know the laws they are enforcing.  If they dont, or worse yet, wont, summer is here and snowcones need to be made.
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No we don't.  In fact, if we demanded that then every officer would require a law degree and years of experience. Most departments require a 2-year associates and a few months in an academy.

...but hey - feel free to make up whatever silly nonsense you want.
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 12:03:16 PM EDT
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I generally believe 1st Amendment Auditors are doing far more to preserve our rights than ARFCOM posters who denounce them.
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Both can be doing nothing.
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 12:10:49 PM EDT
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He isn't standing up for my rights - he's making click-bait Youtube videos for his own personal profit.  Standing up for my rights wouldn't require posting the videos to Youtube.

Sorry only one of us is capable of seeing it - I won't insult you by calling what he's doing blatantly obvious.
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Clearly it does because the NYPD keeps enforcing illegal policies.  The man is willing to go to jail to stand up for your rights, yet he's painted as the bad guy rather than the people breaking multiple laws in the video.  

He isn't standing up for my rights - he's making click-bait Youtube videos for his own personal profit.  Standing up for my rights wouldn't require posting the videos to Youtube.

Sorry only one of us is capable of seeing it - I won't insult you by calling what he's doing blatantly obvious.

When he is invited to police departments to give training on the matter and doesn't put a video out for it what's his motive?
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 12:11:48 PM EDT
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Most reasonable people want the cops doing actual police work that benefits their communities because they're paying taxes for exactly that. They don't expect people (cops) making average wages to be lawyers and don't want to pay the type of person that could be a cop and a lawyer the salary that would be required for that.

If these auditors were people that were interacting with the police indirectly and exposing what some of us might see as police overreach or corruption such as that other Youtuber - Whistlin' Diesel - some of us would support them.

...but actually these auditors are simply timewasters that are getting anti-cop ACAB commies to watch their videos for click revenue. How many additional officers should John-Q public fund so that Mr. Auditor can make a stream of click-revenue videos for your consumption?
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Did you watch this video?
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 12:13:43 PM EDT
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No we don't.  In fact, if we demanded that then every officer would require a law degree and years of experience. Most departments require a 2-year associates and a few months in an academy.

...but hey - feel free to make up whatever silly nonsense you want.
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We demand and expect "the police" to know the laws they are enforcing.  If they dont, or worse yet, wont, summer is here and snowcones need to be made.

No we don't.  In fact, if we demanded that then every officer would require a law degree and years of experience. Most departments require a 2-year associates and a few months in an academy.

...but hey - feel free to make up whatever silly nonsense you want.

They sure thought they were enforcing something, to the point that they assaulted Sean when they first made contact with him.
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 12:29:54 PM EDT
Given these videos, it is pretty obvious that one should be recording themselves simply for their own safety.

Given the tactics and response of the officers who have a camera on themselves as well as ceiling mounted, it prevents footage from being "lost" making it one persons word against another.

The glaringly obvious fact that a policy doesn't trump an actual law really shows how unfit for the job many are.

Keep these videos coming.
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 12:32:08 PM EDT
Punitive damages against the individual officers is the way...
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 12:33:34 PM EDT
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Most reasonable people want the cops doing actual police work that benefits their communities because they're paying taxes for exactly that. They don't expect people (cops) making average wages to be lawyers and don't want to pay the type of person that could be a cop and a lawyer the salary that would be required for that.

If these auditors were people that were interacting with the police indirectly and exposing what some of us might see as police overreach or corruption such as that other Youtuber - Whistlin' Diesel - some of us would support them.

...but actually these auditors are simply timewasters that are getting anti-cop ACAB commies to watch their videos for click revenue. How many additional officers should John-Q public fund so that Mr. Auditor can make a stream of click-revenue videos for your consumption?
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I think it is ABSOLUTELY reasonable to expect the person arresting someone to be able to correctly articulate what they are arresting someone for. If the law is so complicated that the person tasked with enforcing the law does not understand it, then it is unreasonable to expect the public to understand or follow it.

Link Posted: 6/2/2023 12:37:21 PM EDT
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No we don't.  In fact, if we demanded that then every officer would require a law degree and years of experience. Most departments require a 2-year associates and a few months in an academy.

...but hey - feel free to make up whatever silly nonsense you want.
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Do we demand every citizen have a law degree? What happens to citizens who don't follow the law?

I work in a highly regulated industry; should all my employees have law degrees?
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